Crim Aug-19-19

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Section 32.

Jurisdiction of Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit
Trial Courts in criminal cases. – Except in cases falling within the exclusive original jurisdiction of
Regional Trial Courts and of the Sandiganbayan, the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial
Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts shall exercise:

(1) Exclusive original jurisdiction over all violations of city or municipal ordinances committed
within their respective territorial jurisdiction; and

(2) Exclusive original jurisdiction over all offenses punishable with imprisonment not
exceeding six (6) years irrespective of the amount of fine, and regardless of other imposable
accessory or other penalties, including the civil liability arising from such offenses or
predicated thereon, irrespective of kind, nature, value, or amount thereof: Provided,
however, That in offenses involving damage to property through criminal negligence they
shall have exclusive original jurisdiction thereof. (as amended by R.A, No. 7691)

Pursuant to Section 36 of the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980 (B.P Blg.

129) and to achieve an expeditious and inexpensive determination of the cases
referred to herein, the Court Resolved to promulgate the following Revised Rule on
Summary Procedure:

Section 1. Scope. — This rule shall govern the summary procedure in the
Metropolitan Trial Courts, the Municipal Trial Courts in Cities, the Municipal Trial
Courts, and the Municipal Circuit Trial Courts in the following cases falling within
their jurisdiction:

B. Criminal Cases

(1) Violations of traffic laws, rules and regulations;

(2) Violations of the rental law;
(3) Violations of municipal or city ordinances
(4) All other criminal cases where the penalty prescribed by law for the offense
charged is imprisonment not exceeding six months, or a fine not exceeding
(P1,000.00), or both, irrespective of other imposable penalties, accessory or
otherwise, or of the civil liability arising therefrom: Provided, however, that in
offenses involving damage to property through criminal negligence, this Rule shall
govern where the imposable fine does not exceed ten thousand pesos

This Rule shall not apply to a civil case where the plaintiffs cause of action is
pleaded in the same complaint with another cause of action subject to the ordinary
procedure; nor to a criminal case where the offense charged is necessarily related
to another criminal case subject to the ordinary procedure.

Section 20. Jurisdiction in criminal cases. – Regional Trial Courts shall exercise exclusive original
jurisdiction in all criminal cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction of any court, tribunal or body,
except those now falling under the exclusive and concurrent jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan which
shall hereafter be exclusively taken cognizance of by the latter.
Section 5. Jurisdiction of Family Courts. - The Family Courts shall have exclusive original
jurisdiction to hear and decide the following cases:

a) Criminal cases where one or more of the accused is below eighteen (18) years of age but
not less than nine (9) years of age but not less than nine (9) years of age or where one or
more of the victims is a minor at the time of the commission of the offense: Provided, That if
the minor is found guilty, the court shall promulgate sentence and ascertain any civil liability
which the accused may have incurred.

The sentence, however, shall be suspended without need of application pursuant to

Ptesidential Decree No. 603, otherwise known as the "Child and Youth Welfare Code";

b) Petitions for guardianship, custody of children, habeas corpus in relation to the latter;

c) Petitions for adoption of children and the revocation thereof;

d) Complaints for annulment of marriage, declaration of nullity of marriage and those relating
to marital status and property relations of husband and wife or those living together under
different status and agreements, and petitions for dissolution of conjugal partnership of

e) Petitions for support and/or acknowledgment;

f) Summary judicial proceedings brought under the provisions of Executive Order No. 209,
otherwise known as the "Family Code of the Philippines";

g) Petitions for declaration of status of children as abandoned, dependent o neglected

children, petitions for voluntary or involuntary commitment of children; the suspension,
termination, or restoration of parental authority and other cases cognizable under
Presidential Decree No. 603, Executive Order No. 56, (Series of 1986), and other related

h) Petitions for the constitution of the family home;

i) Cases against minors cognizable under the Dangerous Drugs Act, as amended;

j) Violations of Republic Act No. 7610, otherwise known as the "Special Protection of
Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act," as amended by Republic
Act No. 7658; and

k) Cases of domestic violence against:

1) Women - which are acts of gender based violence that results, or are likely to
result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women; and other
forms of physical abuse such as battering or threats and coercion which violate a
woman's personhood, integrity and freedom movement; and

2) Children - which include the commission of all forms of abuse, neglect, cruelty,
exploitation, violence, and discrimination and all other conditions prejudicial to their

If an act constitutes a criminal offense, the accused or batterer shall be subject to criminal
proceedings and the corresponding penalties.

If any question involving any of the above matters should arise as an incident in any case pending in
the regular courts, said incident shall be determined in that court.
Section 4. Section 4 of the same decree is hereby further amended to read as follows:

"a. Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the Anti-graft and
Corrupt Practices Act, Republic Act No. 1379, and Chapter II, Section 2, Title VII, Book II of
the Revised Penal Code, where one or more of the accused are officials occupying the
following positions in the government whether in a permanent, acting or interim capacity, at
the time of the commission of the offense:

"(1) Officials of the executive branch occupying the positions of regional director and
higher, otherwise classified as Grade '27' and higher, of the Compensation and
Position Classification Act of 1989 (Republic Act No. 6758), specifically including:

"(a) Provincial governors, vice-governors, members of the sangguniang

panlalawigan and provincial treasurers, assessors, engineers and other
provincial department heads;

"(b) City mayors, vice-mayors, members of the sangguniang panlungsod, city

treasurers, assessors engineers and other city department heads;

"(c) Officials of the diplomatic service occupying the position of consul and

"(d) Philippine army and air force colonels, naval captains, and all officers of
higher rank;

"(e) Officers of the Philippine National Police while occupying the position of
provincial director and those holding the rank of senior superintendent or

"(f) City and provincial prosecutors and their assistants, and officials and
prosecutors in the Office of the Ombudsman and special prosecutor;

"(g) Presidents, directors or trustees, or managers of government-owned or -

controlled corporations, state universities or educational institutions or

"(2) Members of Congress and officials thereof classified as Grade'27'and up under

the Compensation and Position Classification Act of 1989;

"(3) Members of the judiciary without prejudice to the provisions of the Constitution;

"(4) Chairmen and members of Constitutional Commissions, without prejudice to the

provisions of the Constitution; and

"(5) All other national and local officials classified as Grade'27'and higher under the
Compensation and Position Classification Act of 1989.

"b. Other offenses orfelonies whether simple or complexed with other crimes committed by
the public officials and employees mentioned in subsection a of this section in relation to
their office.

"c. Civil and criminal cases filed pursuant to and in connection with Executive Order Nos. 1,
2, 14 and 14-A, issued in 1986.

"In cases where none of the accused are occupying positions corresponding to salary grade
'27' or higher, as prescribed in the said Republic Act No. 6758, or military or PNP officers
mentioned above, exclusive original jurisdiction thereof shall be vested in the proper regional
trial court, metropolitan trial court, municipal trial court and municipal circuit trial court ' as the
case may be, pursuant to their respective jurisdiction as provided in Batas Pambansa Blg.
129, as amended.
"The Sandiganbayan shall exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction over final judgments,
resolutions or orders or regional trial courts whether in the exercise of their own original
jurisdiction orof their appellate jurisdiction as herein provided.

"The Sandiganbayan shall have exclusive original jurisdiction over petitions for the issuance
of the writs of mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus, injunctions, and other
ancillary writs and processes in aid of its appellate jurisdiction and over petitions of similar
nature, including quo warranto, arising or that may arise in cases filed or which may be filed
under Executive Order Nos. 1,2,14 and 14-A, issued in 1986: Provided, That the jurisdiction
over these petitions shall not be exclusive of the Supreme Court.

The procedure prescribed in Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, as well as the implementing rules
that the Supreme Court has promulgated and may hereafter promulgate, relative to
appeals/petitions for review to the Court of Appeals, shall apply to appeals and petitions for
review filed with the Sandiganbayan. In all cases elevated to the Sandiganbayan and from
the Sandiganbayan to the Supreme Court, the Office of the Ombudsman, through its special
prosecutor, shall represent the People of the Philippines, except in cases filed pursuant to
Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A, issued in 1986.

"In case private individuals are charged as co-principals, accomplices or accessories with
the public officers or employees, including those employed in govemment-owned or
controlled corporations, they shall be tried jointly with said public officers and employees in
the proper courts which shall exercise exclusive jurisdiction over them.

"Any provisions of law or Rules of Court to the contrary notwithstanding, the criminal action
and the corresponding civil action for the recovery of civil liability shall at all times be
simultaneously instituted with, and jointly determined in, the same proceeding by the
Sandiganbayan or the appropriate courts, the filing of the criminal action being deemed to
necessarily carry with it the filing of the civil action, and no right to reserve the filing of such
civil action separately from the criminal action shall be recognized: Provided, however, That
where the civil action had therefore been filed separately but judgment therein has not yet
been rendered, and the criminal case is hereafter filed with the Sandiganbayan or the
appropriate court, said civil action shall be transferred to the Sandiganbayan or the
appropriate court, as the case may be, for consolidation and joint determination with the
criminal action, otherwise the separate civil action shall be deemed abandoned."
Section 7. Section 7 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 7. Jurisdiction. - The CTA shall exercise:

"a. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal, as herein provided:

"1. Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in cases involving

disputed assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or other
charges, penalties in relation thereto, or other matters arising under the
National Internal Revenue or other laws administered by the Bureau of
Internal Revenue;

"2. Inaction by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in cases involving

disputed assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or other
charges, penalties in relations thereto, or other matters arising under the
National Internal Revenue Code or other laws administered by the Bureau of
Internal Revenue, where the National Internal Revenue Code provides a
specific period of action, in which case the inaction shall be deemed a denial;

"3. Decisions, orders or resolutions of the Regional Trial Courts in local tax
cases originally decided or resolved by them in the exercise of their original
or appellate jurisdiction;

"4. Decisions of the Commissioner of Customs in cases involving liability for

customs duties, fees or other money charges, seizure, detention or release of
property affected, fines, forfeitures or other penalties in relation thereto, or
other matters arising under the Customs Law or other laws administered by
the Bureau of Customs;

"5. Decisions of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals in the exercise of

its appellate jurisdiction over cases involving the assessment and taxation of
real property originally decided by the provincial or city board of assessment

"6. Decisions of the Secretary of Finance on customs cases elevated to him

automatically for review from decisions of the Commissioner of Customs
which are adverse to the Government under Section 2315 of the Tariff and
Customs Code;

"7. Decisions of the Secretary of Trade and Industry, in the case of

nonagricultural product, commodity or article, and the Secretary of
Agriculture in the case of agricultural product, commodity or article, involving
dumping and countervailing duties under Section 301 and 302, respectively,
of the Tariff and Customs Code, and safeguard measures under Republic Act
No. 8800, where either party may appeal the decision to impose or not to
impose said duties.

"b. Jurisdiction over cases involving criminal offenses as herein provided:

"1. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all criminal offenses arising from
violations of the National Internal Revenue Code or Tariff and Customs Code
and other laws administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue or the
Bureau of Customs: Provided, however, That offenses or felonies mentioned
in this paragraph where the principal amount o taxes and fees, exclusive of
charges and penalties, claimed is less than One million pesos
(P1,000,000.00) or where there is no specified amount claimed shall be tried
by the regular Courts and the jurisdiction of the CTA shall be appellate. Any
provision of law or the Rules of Court to the contrary notwithstanding, the
criminal action and the corresponding civil action for the recovery of civil
liability for taxes and penalties shall at all times be simultaneously instituted
with, and jointly determined in the same proceeding by the CTA, the filing of
the criminal action being deemed to necessarily carry with it the filing of the
civil action, and no right to reserve the filling of such civil action separately
from the criminal action will be recognized.

"2. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction in criminal offenses:

"a. Over appeals from the judgments, resolutions or orders of the

Regional Trial Courts in tax cases originally decided by them, in their
respected territorial jurisdiction.

"b. Over petitions for review of the judgments, resolutions or orders of

the Regional Trial Courts in the exercise of their appellate jurisdiction
over tax cases originally decided by the Metropolitan Trial Courts,
Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts in their
respective jurisdiction.

"c. Jurisdiction over tax collection cases as herein provided:

"1. Exclusive original jurisdiction in tax collection cases

involving final and executory assessments for taxes, fees,
charges and penalties: Provided, however, That collection
cases where the principal amount of taxes and fees,
exclusive of charges and penalties, claimed is less than One
million pesos (P1,000,000.00) shall be tried by the proper
Municipal Trial Court, Metropolitan Trial Court and Regional
Trial Court.

"2. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction in tax collection cases:

"a. Over appeals from the judgments, resolutions or

orders of the Regional Trial Courts in tax collection
cases originally decided by them, in their respective
territorial jurisdiction.

"b. Over petitions for review of the judgments,

resolutions or orders of the Regional Trial Courts in
the Exercise of their appellate jurisdiction over tax
collection cases originally decided by the Metropolitan
Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts, in their respective jurisdiction."

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