Review Brewing and Brewing Research: Past, Present and Future

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Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture J Sci Food Agric 80:1371±1378 (online: 2000)

Brewing and brewing research: past, present
and future
CW Bamforth*
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA

Abstract: Whilst remaining largely traditional in approach, malting and brewing have become highly
ef®cient processes through a substantial understanding of their underpinning science. Technological
change in the industry is driven by four criteria: cost reduction, quality enhancement, maintenance of
safety and wholesomeness and opportunity for enhanced sales. Whilst there are some opportunities for
cost reductions by savings on raw materials, the major cost components in brewing involve production
and packaging. Hence the focus is on energy reduction, maximising vessel utilisation and use of
automated control strategies. There is scope in the future for production of beer by novel approaches,
involving downstream establishment of quality parameters, though this is likely to be resisted. Quality
of beer embraces both package and product. The shift towards enhanced use of non-returnable green
or clear glass has focused attention on eliminating undesirable lightstruck characters from the product
as well as the use of oxygen-scavenging crown corks to minimise the development of stale characters
due to carbonyl-containing substances. There is an increased understanding of how to control the
various species that primarily determine the ¯avour of fresh beer, including sulphur-containing
substances, esters, higher alcohols, vicinal diketones and the bitter resin and oil fractions from hops.
The achievement of stable foam on beer is dependent on the presence of foam-stabilising components,
principally amphipathic polypeptides, but is determined by the physical behaviour of bubbles, notably
the phenomenon of disproportionation. Malt and beer are at risk over a range of safety issues, but all
can be avoided through attention to raw material selection and processing conditions. Moderate
consumption of beer is now considered to be potentially bene®cial.
# 2000 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: beer; cost; quality; safety and wholesomeness; tax; raw materials; adjuncts; hops; a-acids; essential
oils; package; nitrogen; foam; polypeptide; colour; melanoidin; haze; stabilisation; ¯avour; oxygen; genetic
modi®cation; environment; malting; brewing

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF BREWING SCIENCE progressing through diverse other eminent names such
Although the brewing of beer has a history extending as Brown, Winge, Lindgren and Preece, most (but not
back some 800 decades,1 it is only in the past 150 years all) of the essential aspects of beer brewing have been
that the underlying science has been substantially scienti®cally explained. Table 1 summarises the key
unravelled. In this period, developments made within features of the malting and brewing processes, and
a brewing platform have had broad signi®cance. The highlights some key underpinning science and tech-
pure yeast culture technique of Hansen was a forerunner nology.
to all subsequent applications of isolated strains in The overall shape of the malting and brewing
technology. Clari®cation by whirlpools was ®rst applied processes has remained essentially unaltered far
on a large scale in breweries. And it was scientists within a beyond those 150 years. The bene®t of the improved
brewing company (Carlsberg) that gave the world the scienti®c understanding has been greatly enhanced
concept of pH (Sorensen) and the standard method for ef®ciency and control of production.
measuring N in foodstuffs (Kjeldahl). Pasteur, too, Newcomers to the industry are astonished to
carried out a substantial part of his pioneering work in discover processes taking many weeks and even
breweries. The reader is referred to works by Ander- months, when they believe they can see very real ways
son2,3 for the history of brewing science. in which the route can be modi®ed for acceleration.
Actually, malting and brewing are considerably faster
now than they were just half-a-century ago, but this
THE MODERN BREWING INDUSTRY has not been due to a revolution in processing, rather
Beginning largely (but not entirely) with Pasteur, and an evolution. For example, Pollock and his colleagues4

* Correspondence to: CW Bamforth, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
(Received 7 January 2000; accepted 24 February 2000)

# 2000 Society of Chemical Industry. J Sci Food Agric 0022±5142/2000/$17.50 1371

CW Bamforth

Table 1. Science and technology underpinning malting and brewing

Stage Events Underpinning science and technology (see also text) Refs
Barley breeding Development of barleys suitable for maltingÐdisease Classic breeding 72
resistance, good agronomics, high extractable material,
few processing problems, etc
Barley evaluation schemes administered by brewers 73
Malting barley cultivation, Growing of spring and winter malting varieties with restricted Low N = high starch for a given kernel size
harvesting and storage N fertiliser usage
Drying of barley if required Consideration of low-proanthocyanidin barleys for beers of 74
enhanced colloidal stability
Malting SteepingÐwater added, interspersed by air rests, to raise Synthesis of hormones (including gibberellins and abscisic 75, 76
water content of embryo and endosperm; up to 48 h at acid) by embryo; hydration of `substrate' (starchy
14±18 °C endosperm)
GerminationÐcontrolled sprouting (`modi®cation') of Synthesis of enzymes by aleurone and migration into starchy
grainÐtypically 4±5 days at 16±20 °C endosperm; sequential degradation of cell walls (chie¯y b-
glucan and arabinoxylan), some protein, small starch
granules and pitting of large granules
Solubilisation of b-glucan by solubilases (?) and endo-b- 77, 78
degradation of arabinoxylans by arabinofuranosidase and 79, 80
partial hydrolysis of proteins by endo-proteinases and 81, 82
development and limited action of a-amylase; 83
splitting of b-amylase from protein Z; 84
synthesis of bound and free limit dextrinase, and activation of 85
KilningÐheating of grain through increasing temperature Enzyme survival greater with low-temperature start to kilning
regime (<24 h at 50±220 °C) for desired properties: enzyme and lower ®nal `curing' temperature. Lability of enzymes
survival, removal of moisture for stabilisation, removal of endo-b-glucanase, limit dextrinase, lipoxygenase> endo-
`raw' ¯avours, development of `malty' ¯avours and colour peptidase > b-amylase, lipase > solubilase > a-amylase,
peroxidase. Increased heating of malts of increased
modi®cation (ie higher sugar and amino acid levels) gives
increasingly complex ¯avours and colours via Maillard
Malt storage 3±4 weeks ambient storage, otherwise wort separation Unknown, but may relate to development of cross-links 86
problems later between proteins through oxidation in mashes of unstored
malt; during storage, decline of lipoxygenase, which
catalyses cross-linking
Milling and mashing Extraction of milled malt at temperatures between 40 and Enzymolysis continued; gelatinisation of starch at >62 °C 87
75 °C (1±2 h)
Continued b-glucanolysis favoured at low temperatures
Also possibly further proteolysis
Starch degradation greatly facilitated by gelatinization
Use of heat-stable b-glucanase from Bacillus or fungi 88
comprises main use of exogenous enzymes in high-malt
mashes; use of glucoamylase to promote fermentability (light
Use of adjuncts Solid adjuncts used in brewhouse, taking advantage of malt Cereals with higher starch gelatinisation temperatures than for 87
enzymes (liquid sugars are products of acid and enzyme barley need precooking before combining with main mash
action and used in boil)
Wort separation Recovery of wort from spent grains (<2 h) Collection of wort according to Darcy's lawÐpressure 89
differentials, wort viscosity, bed depth, particle sizes in bed
amongst the relevant factors
Shift towards use of membranes (mash ®lter) as opposed to 90
grains bed (lauter tun) as ®lter medium
Shipping of spent grains to animal feed the only sizable outlet 91
for this by-product
Boiling and trub separation 1±2 h at 100 °C, before removal of insolubles (trub) and To sterilise, extract hops (isomerisation of a-acids and
cooling extraction and volatilisation of oils), drive off unwanted
volatiles from sweet wort, concentrate wort, kill all residual
enzymes, precipitate out unwanted protein-polyphenol
Much interest in energy-saving opportunities, eg replacing 92, 93
boiling by agitation boiling at reduced pressures
Hop breeding and cultivation Development of cultivars with desired levels of bitterness Opportunities for dwarf varieties of hops, which grow lower on 94
precursors (a-acids) and aroma properties (essential the trellis and facilitate cultivation.
oils), together with good agronomic properties (eg
Growing in hop gardens Diversity of hop preparations in which bitterness or aroma are 13
extracted for downstream addition
Fermentation Wort aerated/oxygenated (yeast uses O2 for sterol Fermentation of glucose, maltose, sucrose, maltotriose to 95
synthesis), pitched with yeast and fermented for 3±14 ethanol; enzymic production of various ¯avoursome
days at 6±25 °C compounds (alcohols, esters, fatty acids, sulphur-containing
compounds, etc)
Synthesis and removal of diacetyl as an offshoot of amino acid
Cold conditioning and ÿ1 °C for 3 days, then ®ltration Precipitation, settling and removal of solids
Kieselguhr ®ltration modelled 96
Cross-¯ow as an alternative not yet economically viable 97
Packaging Filling of beer into kegs, bottles or cans Canning now as fast as 2000 cans per minute 98

1372 J Sci Food Agric 80:1371±1378 (online: 2000)

Brewing and brewing research

highlighted the signi®cance of water sensitivity in was levied on the speci®c gravity of wort prior to
barley kernels, showing that adding water in inter- fermentation. This very much focused brewers' atten-
rupted steeps rather than as a single continuous tion on maximising the yield of beer from wort, eg
submerging enables target moistures to be achieved avoiding excessive yeast growth, recovering waste
more rapidly, allowing more even subsequent germi- beer, etc, and could frequently be disadvantageous to
nation. And so malting takes half as long now as it did quality. Now, as for most other countries, duty in the
in 1950. Studies on vicinal diketones5 have established UK is levied on the ®nal product, and the process
how the undesirable offshoot of yeast metabolism, stream per se is much less valuable. In principle at least
diacetyl with its intense butterscotch character, can be this is advantageous for quality. In Japan there is
removed within days or even hours.6 And the advent of presently a category of products called `sparkling malt
a range of stabilisation procedures7 has allowed (but drinks' that attract a substantially low rate of duty, but
not obliged) brewers to store beer for very short the grist must contain no more than 250 g kgÿ1 malt.8
periods instead of months before packaging. Only products in which >660 g kgÿ1 of the grist is malt
Beer is a foodstuff and, as such, the techniques used can be called beers. Major brewers recognised this
in producing it are sensitive to public opinion. Forces `opportunity' presented by the tax laws and developed
advocating change must be tempered by consideration excellent products that have carved a niche for
of impact on the consumer, real or apparent. There are themselves in the Japanese market.
`sensitive' production issues (eg origin of the alcohol, The contribution of raw materials to the overall cost
potential use of genetically modi®ed organisms, effects dimension is relatively modest. Although it clearly
on the environment) and insensitive matters (eg makes sense to minimise the bill for these materials
whether a yeast is free in suspension in the fermenter (maximised alcohol per unit of inputted carbon), it is
or immobilised; whether beer is carbonated `naturally' essential that this should not be at the risk of
(ie by the action of yeast metabolism) or by the introducing additional processing costs or of jeopar-
injection of clean CO2 downstream). dising quality. The vast majority of beers worldwide
feature malted barley (or malted wheat in the case of
the Weissbiers) as the principal source of fermentable
DRIVING FORCES extract. However, many brewers do use adjuncts,
Four forces drive technological change in the brewing either (i) as a cheaper source of sugar, or (ii) because
industry: good malt is unavailable, or even forbidden, as is the
. cost savings; case for imports into Nigeria, or (iii) to adjust the
. quality enhancement; characteristics of a beer (eg introduce a ¯avour,
. safety and wholesomeness (including legislative enhance foam capability, increase or reduce colour).
pressures); Hops are a particularly minor cost, yet they are a
. enhanced sales opportunities. major contributor to the quality of beer. They afford
bitterness,9 aroma,10 enhanced foam potential11 and
antimicrobial bene®ts.12 Notwithstanding the relative
Cost cheapness of hops, there has been a substantial shift in
Fig 1 illustrates the principal cost components of beer the opportunities available to the brewer for the
production. These ®gures will differ substantially introduction of hop character. Although the world's
between countries, most notably in the rates of excise biggest brewer retains its traditional approach to
tax. Mostly this latter parameter does not drive hopping using the native cones, others employ pellets
technology, though this is not exclusively so. Before or extracts in the brewhouse, or extracts to modify the
1993, for instance, excise duty in the United Kingdom ®nished beer.13 The greatly enhanced ef®ciency of
using hops in this way, together with breeding work to
enhance the levels of bitterness precursors (a-acids),
has led directly to a decrease in the demand for acreage
of hops, despite the growth of beer volumes world-
wide. There are as yet no sizable alternative markets
for hops, although there are indications that they may
be a valuable source of factors with a potential bene®t
on the diet.14
Clearly the cost of production, especially packaging,
far outweighs that of raw materials. This has driven
brewers to enhance pro®tability through enhanced
automation (thereby enabling demanning15), en-
hanced utilisation of vessels (eg high-gravity brewing
in which wort is fermented at a high strength and the
increased alcohol outputs are diluted to the required
Figure 1. Cost components of beer production (estimates for US) (pack sales strength16) and exploring diverse opportunities
mat, packaging materials). to reduce expenditure on energy, especially in the very

J Sci Food Agric 80:1371±1378 (online: 2000) 1373

CW Bamforth

demanding wort boiling stage and in refrigeration the `widget' as a foam nucleation device in beers of
downstream. relatively low carbonation.25
Of profound signi®cance, however, is the cost of Increasingly, brewers have been readdressing the
sales (marketing, advertising, distribution, etc). Beer prospects for packaging beer in plastic containers.
features in a highly competitive marketplace, not only Recent improvements in the oxygen barrier properties
between beer brands but in competition with other of the polymers concerned,26 when allied to opportu-
types of beverage. As one market research company nities presented in terms of lightweighting, extension
describes the situation: it's competition for `share of of sales opportunity (eg sports stadiums) and safety,
throat'.17 Beer is a relatively low-value commodity, are likely soon to make this the packaging medium of
with tight sales margins in the more competitive choice, even for premium products.
markets. There is a paramount signi®cance of brand-
ing, with the world's most powerful brands under-
pinned by enormous advertising spends (over $2.50
The stability of beer foam is inherently dependent on
per barrel) that totally outweigh the expenditure on
the presence of foam-stabilising materials (notably
technical R&D (no more than 20 cents per barrel).
amphipathic polypeptides from malt,27 bitter com-
Premium brands offer a proposition of real quality and
pounds,11 of which the more hydrophobic reduced
traditional values, and their producers emphasise that
iso-a-acids are especially useful28) and the absence of
they adopt a caring role (eg time-honoured processes,
foamnegative (lipophilic) materials.28 It has been
premium raw materials).
realised, however, that enhancement of foam quality
is more productively achieved by attention to the
physics of the phenomenon. Smaller bubbles give
Probably a more productive stage than cost on which
more stable foams and, furthermore, homogeneous
brewers can compete is that of quality delivery. Within
collections of small bubbles are preferable because this
the powerful platform of branding, a beer must deliver
avoids disproportionation (whereby gas passes from
genuine quality: both the package and the liquid
high pressure in small bubbles to low pressure in
therein, the latter being judged on its foam, colour,
bigger bubbles with the resultant coarsening of foam
clarity and ¯avour.
and reduction in bubble numbers).29 N2 affords
smaller bubbles.30 Tap design for dispense of beer
from keg is critical in respect of foam character, but as
The balance of primary package types (draught, bottle,
yet there appears to have been no consideration of the
can) varies between countries.1 However, there have
impact that different con®gurations of bottle neck or
been substantial developments in each medium over
can openings might have on bubble size distribution.
the past couple of decades.
Even for beers dispensed with optimal bubble sizes,
In draught beer there have been moves such as
however, traces of lipid or detergent introduced into
tamper-proof (or, at least, tamper-evident) spears to
the beer will quickly destroy the head. There is
ward off adulteration and malicious contamination of
promise that lipid-binding proteins native to wheat31
the product.18 There is also a sizable use of nitrogen
and barley32 could be employed to rapidly protect
gas to supplement carbon dioxide in the interests of
against foam destabilisation in beer, a job only partially
enhanced foam quality.19
ful®lled for some beers presently by propylene glycol
In bottles there have been developments of `light-
weighting' and use of scavenging crown corks to
protect against the adventitious diffusion of oxygen
into the product, with attendant staling.20 Increas- Colour
ingly, bottles are of the non-returnable type, thereby The colour of beer is largely due to melanoidin
avoiding problems due to scuf®ng of glass caused by products arising in Maillard reactions during the
repeated passage down sorting and ®lling lines, heating stages of malting and brewing. There is some
although procedures have been developed to repair colour contribution from oxidation of the polyphenols
such scuf®ng.21 There has been a sizable marketing- that originate in the outer layers of barley and in hops.
driven shift towards use of green or ¯int (clear) glass, Although caramels are sometimes used to `trim' the
despite the rapid development in such packages of an colour of beer, there is an increasing desire to impart
off-¯avour generally referred to as `skunky', which is colour from grist materials, for example by using
due to the formation of 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol speciality malts that have received relatively intense
from the breakdown of the bitter iso-a-acids.22 One kilning.34 Extracts of such malts have been extracted
solution to this quandary is to bitter beer with pre- and separated by ultra®ltration to give high-molecular-
isomerised bitter compounds that have been chemi- weight colourful fractions devoid of ¯avour and low-
cally reduced to prevent this reaction from occur- molecular-weight ¯avoursome components that are
ring.13,23 colourless.35 These could be used downstream, along-
The main developments in cans have involved metal side bitter and aroma extracts of hops, to extend
savings by narrowing the neck of the container.24 In product ranges from a single fermentation stream.36
the UK and Ireland there has also been the advent of Increasing consideration of opportunities for making

1374 J Sci Food Agric 80:1371±1378 (online: 2000)

Brewing and brewing research

beers of subtly different hues has led brewers to the pathway that takes pyruvate to valine in yeast: an
embrace tristimulus for measurement of beer colour.37 intermediate in this route, a-acetolactate, leaks from
the cell and oxidatively decarboxylates in the ferment-
Clarity ing beer to produce diacetyl. Yeast slowly reassimilates
Beer can turn hazy for diverse reasons,7 but knowledge the diacetyl and reduces it to acetoin. Recently two
of the causes and appreciation of strategies to deal with novel procedures have been developed to accelerate
haze precursors mean that this should seldom be a this process. In one the bacterial enzyme acetolactate
problem now or in the future. Increasingly, though, decarboxylase is added to the fermentation, where it
beer is being shipped over prolonged distances, with converts acetolactate directly to acetoin.53 In the
the attendant agitation proving capable of triggering second, freshly fermented beer is heated to 90 °C for
particle formation, presumably via generation of a few minutes to break down acetolactate, prior to the
nucleation sites by foaming.38 Beers can be stabilised beer being passed through a column of yeast im-
using a range of treatments, eg polyvinylpolypyrroli- mobilised on DEAE-cellulose.54 In this column the
done39 and silica hydrogels40 to remove the poly- yeast reduces the diacetyl formed in the heating stage.
phenol and protein components of haze respectively. These are two examples of the willingness of some
Such treatments should be applied in proportion to the brewers to accelerate their processing in order to
rigours that a beer must endure (lengthy transporta- maximise brewery capacity. Other companies stead-
tion, inclement storage conditions, desired shelf-life). fastly restrict themselves to traditional approaches.
Global brands may well be brewed under licence at The ¯avour of beer deteriorates from the moment it
breweries closer to sales markets in order to aid shelf- is packaged, through the development of carbonyl
life, but also because the shipping of a product which is compounds via the oxidation of components that may
>900 g water kgÿ1 over large distances is illogical. include unsaturated fatty acids, higher alcohols and
the iso-a-acids.55 Therefore packaged beer must
Flavour contain the lowest possible levels of dissolved oxygen
The ¯avour of beer is complex and represents a and, ideally, the beer should be transported and stored
balance of characters introduced from malt (eg cold to delay staling reactions.56 Although anti-
Maillard reaction products41 and some sulphur-con- oxidants, notably sulphur dioxide,57 can be extremely
taining compounds, notably dimethyl sulphide42), ef®cacious, there is reluctance by a great many brewers
hops (bitter9 and aroma10 compounds) and yeast to employ them, preferring to adopt an entirely
(esters,43 higher alcohols,44 other sulphur-containing `natural' approach.
substances45 and carboxylic acids46). Brewers aim to
achieve the correct balance of ¯avour constituents by Safety and wholesomeness
careful regulation of raw material inputs and proces- This reluctance is one example of the role assumed by
sing conditions.47 Desirable compounds will be most brewers of `caring producers'. Furthermore, they
undesirable if present in excess, and undesirable may be restricted by legislation, such as the require-
compounds might not be a problem if present below ment in the USA that levels of SO2 in beer of over
the ¯avour threshold.48 The situation is complex, 10 ppm must be declared on the label.
however, and different compounds individually pre- Periodically, `scares' appear in the brewing industry,
sent below detectable levels may react with the palate such as nitrosamines,58 ochratoxins59 and chloropro-
cumulatively to register an impact.49 Conversely, one panols.60 In all cases the industry and its suppliers
compound may mask the perceived character of a respond rapidly and responsibly, ensuring that beer
second one, even one with an entirely different retains its proper position as a wholesome beverage,
chemical make-up.50 Furthermore, we need to con- one which is relatively resistant to microbial spoilage61
sider even more complex issues like the mouthfeel and which has a composition generally favourable to
(texture) of beer51 and the `drinkability' of a product, health when consumed responsibly and in modera-
neither of which is well understood. Regarding tion.62 Alcohol per se is now understood to have
mouthfeel, one of the few certainties is that nitrogen bene®cial impacts on the body,63 and other positive
`smoothes' the palate of beer, the problem being that it factors emerge from the malt.
also suppresses detectability of the aroma notes from In recent years, brewing companies have been
hops.52 The term drinkability means different things curious about the possible opportunities that geneti-
to different people. The present author considers it to cally modi®ed barley64 or yeast65 might offer. The
represent the extent to which, on one hand, a customer world's ®rst genetically modi®ed brewing yeast was
is satiated by a beer and, on the other, the extent to cleared through government agencies for commercial
which he/she is disposed to drinking a further glass of exploitation in 1994.66 So far it remains in the yeast
the same product. There is essentially no sound collection, and is likely to remain there until there is a
published scienti®c research on this topic. clearer picture of how public opinion will judge use of
One category of substances deemed especially organisms such as this in the beer-making process and
undesirable is the vicinal diketones, notably diacetyl, until the brewer is clearly able to identify the bene®ts
which afford a butterscotch or toffee/candy-type that will be presented to the consumer by adopting
character to beer.5 Diacetyl is a natural offshoot of such materials.

J Sci Food Agric 80:1371±1378 (online: 2000) 1375

CW Bamforth

premium products, though perhaps not low-cost

alcoholic beverages not labelled as `beer'71 (Fig 2).
Considering the limits on `share of throat' (see earlier),
it is apparent that any shift towards these possibly
`ersatz' products is to risk pro®t/volume ratios. Various
brewers already position their products as `refreshingly
expensive', in the manner of ®ne wines.

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