2013 Long Term Pavement - FHWA

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Long-Term Pavement

Performance Pavement Loading

User Guide (LTPP PLUG)

Research, Development, and Technology

Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101-2296

This guide addresses the selection and use of axle loading defaults for Mechanistic-Empirical
Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) applications. The defaults were developed based on weigh-
in-motion (WIM) data from the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Special Pavement
Study (SPS) Transportation Pooled Fund Study (TPF). The guide consists of two parts. The first
part provides guidelines for selecting and using LTPP SPS TPF axle loading defaults with the
MEPDG and DARWin-ME software. These defaults provide a source of axle loading
information for pavement analysis for locations where site-specific axle load spectra are not
available. The second part of the guide provides practical guidelines that States and LTPP can
use to generate additional MEPDG traffic loading defaults based on their own WIM data or for
specific analysis purposes. In addition, this guide contains an operator’s manual that supports the
use of the LTPP PLUG software. This software helps users select site-specific or default axle
loading conditions from its traffic loading library and produces axle load distribution input files
for use with the MEPDG or DARWin-ME software. The software can be used to store, view, and
group multiple normalized axle load spectra (NALS) and to develop MEPDG inputs and defaults
using agency-provided data.

Jorge E. Pagán-Ortiz
Director, Office of Infrastructure
Research and Development

This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation
in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use
of the information contained in this document.

The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or

manufacturers’ names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the
objective of the document.

Quality Assurance Statement

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve
Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards
and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its
information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to
ensure continuous quality improvement.
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Long-Term Pavement Performance Pavement Loading User October 2013
Guide (LTPP PLUG) 6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.
O.I. Selezneva and M. Hallenbeck
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
7184 Troy Hill Drive, Suite N 11. Contract or Grant No.
Elkridge, Maryland 21075-7056 DTFH61-02-C-00138
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Office of Infrastructure Research and Development Guide
Federal Highway Administration
6300 Georgetown Pike 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
McLean, Virginia 22101-2296
15. Supplementary Notes
Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR): Larry Wiser, HRDI LTPP Data Analysis Contract
16. Abstract
This guide addresses the selection and use of axle loading defaults for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design
Guide (MEPDG) applications. The defaults were developed based on weigh-in-motion (WIM) data from the Long-
Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Special Pavement Study (SPS) Transportation Pooled Fund Study (TPF). The
guide consists of two parts. The first part provides guidelines for selecting and using LTPP SPS TPF axle loading
defaults with the MEPDG and DARWin-ME software. These defaults provide a source of axle loading information
for pavement analysis for locations where site-specific axle load spectra are not available. The second part of the
guide provides practical guidelines that States and LTPP can use to generate additional MEPDG traffic loading
defaults based on their own WIM data or for specific analysis purposes. In addition, this guide contains an
operator’s manual that supports the use of the LTPP PLUG software. This software helps users select site-specific
or default axle loading conditions from its traffic loading library and produces axle load distribution input files for
use with the MEPDG or DARWin-ME software. The software can be used to store, view, and group multiple
normalized axle load spectra (NALS) and to develop MEPDG inputs and defaults using agency-provided data.
17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement
Long-term performance, Transportation Pooled Fund No restrictions. This document is available to the public
Study, Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design through the National Technical Information Service,
Guide, weigh-in-motion, load spectra Springfield, VA 22161.
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified 98
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized

INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1 
BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 1 
PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THIS GUIDE........................................................................... 2 
ORGANIZATION OF THE GUIDE ...................................................................................... 2 
SITES ................................................................................................................................... 4 
Overview of Traffic Loading Defaults Based on SPS TPF WIM Data .................................. 5 
Global Axle Loading Defaults Based on LTPP SPS TPF Sites (Tier 1) ................................ 5 
Axle Load Spectra Defaults Representing Alternative Loading Conditions (Tier 2) ............. 6 
Characteristics and Recommended Use of Tier 2 NALS Clusters ....................................... 10 
Description of APC Defaults ................................................................................................ 25 
Description of Wheelbase and Axle Spacing Defaults ......................................................... 25 
Description of Default Axle Spacings for Multi-Axle Groups ............................................. 27 
Knowledge of Local Traffic Loading Conditions ................................................................. 27 
Determination of the Dominant Truck Classes ..................................................................... 28 
Applying What the Analyst Has Learned About Truck Loads ............................................. 29 
MEPDG Sensitivity Test....................................................................................................... 31 
Limitations of Loading Cluster NALS Defaults ................................................................... 32 
MEPDG TRAFFIC INPUTS BEYOND AXLE LOAD SPECTRA .................................... 32 
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 33 
SITES ................................................................................................................................. 36 
Data Selection Criteria for Development of Site-Specific Representative NALS................ 37 
Procedure for Development of RANALS Estimates ............................................................ 39 
DEVELOPMENT OF GLOBAL NALS DEFAULTS (TIER 1) ........................................ 39 
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 39 
Procedure for Development of Global NALS Defaults (Tier 1) ........................................... 40 
ALTERNATIVE AXLE LOADING CONDITIONS (TIER 2) .................................... 40 
Methodology for Grouping WIM Sites With Similar Loading Conditions .......................... 40 
Procedure for Development of NALS Defaults Representing Different Loading
Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 41 
AXLE-PER-CLASS COEFFICIENTS ........................................................................... 46 
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 46 
Procedure to Develop Site-Specific and Default APC Coefficients ..................................... 47 
Average Axle Spacing and Wheelbase for JPCP Model ...................................................... 47 

Procedure to Compute Average Axle Spacing and Wheelbase ............................................ 48 
Procedure to Compute Axle Spacing for Multi-Axle Groups .............................................. 49 
USE OF AXLE LOADING DEFAULTS WITH DARWIN-ME ....................................... 49 
APPENDIX A. LTPP PLUG SOFTWARE OPERATOR’S MANUAL................................ 51 
PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY ..................................................................................... 51 
STARTING THE APPLICATION ....................................................................................... 51 
Microsoft® Access Reference Libraries ............................................................................... 51 
FUNCTIONALITY DESCRIPTION .................................................................................... 52 
Select Actions from the Main Menu ..................................................................................... 52 
Import Traffic Summaries to LTPP PLUG Database ........................................................... 54 
Select NALS Source for MEPDG Use ................................................................................. 56 
Select Site-Specific NALS for MEPDG Use ........................................................................ 57 
Select Default NALS for MEPDG Use—Manual Selection ................................................ 59 
Select Default NALS for MEPDG Use—Assisted, Interactive NALS Assignment ............ 61 
Select User-Defined NALS for MEPDG Use ....................................................................... 63 
Generate MEPDG NALS Input Files.................................................................................... 65 
View, Group, and Combine NALS from Multiple WIM Sites ............................................. 65 
Compute and Record User-Defined NALS for Groups of Sites ........................................... 67 
APPENDIX B: LTPP PLUG DATABASE DATA DICTIONARY ....................................... 71 
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 89 


Figure 1. Equation. Computation of RPPIF statistics ................................................................... 42 

Figure 2. Screen capture. Selection of necessary library references............................................. 52 
Figure 3. Screen capture. Main menu for selecting different actions ........................................... 53 
Figure 4. Screen capture. Data import form for importing traffic data summaries ...................... 55 
Figure 5. Screen capture. Select NALS source form for selecting loading inputs for MEPDG
use ........................................................................................................................................... 56 
Figure 6. Screen capture. Review and generation of MEPDG input files for site-specific
NALS ...................................................................................................................................... 58 
Figure 7. Screen capture. Review of site-specific NALS ............................................................. 59 
Figure 8. Screen capture. Manual selection and generation of MEPDG input files using
default NALS .......................................................................................................................... 60 
Figure 9. Screen capture. Review of manually selected default NALS........................................ 61 
Figure 10. Screen capture. Assisted, interactive assignment of default NALS ............................ 62 
Figure 11. Screen capture. Review of user-defined NALS .......................................................... 64 
Figure 12. Screen capture. View, group, and combine NALS from multiple WIM sites............. 66 
Figure 13. Screen capture. Compute and record user-defined NALS. ......................................... 68 


Table 1. Summary of NALS cluster groups representing different loading conditions by

vehicle class and axle type ........................................................................................................ 9 
Table 2. Summary of axle loading categories by weight for different axle types ........................ 10 
Table 3. Description of alternative Class 4 axle loading conditions............................................. 11 
Table 4. Description of alternative Class 5 axle loading conditions............................................. 12 
Table 5. Description of alternative Class 6 axle loading conditions............................................. 13 
Table 6. Description of alternative Class 7 axle loading conditions............................................. 15 
Table 7. Description of alternative Class 8 axle loading conditions............................................. 17 
Table 8. Description of alternative Class 9 axle loading conditions............................................. 18 
Table 9. Description of alternative Class 10 axle loading conditions........................................... 20 
Table 10. Description of alternative Class 11 axle loading conditions......................................... 21 
Table 11. Description of alternative Class 12 axle loading conditions......................................... 22 
Table 12. Description of alternative Class 13 axle loading conditions......................................... 23 
Table 13. Global default APC based on 26 SPS TPF sites ........................................................... 25 
Table 14. Distribution of axle spacing on tractor units for FHWA classes 8 through 13 ............. 26 
Table 15. Distribution of axle spacing by vehicle class using sample of SPS TPF WIM data .... 27 
Table 16. Average axle spacing for multi-axle groups ................................................................. 27 
Table 17. Example of computing dominant truck classes ............................................................ 29 
Table 18. Pavement performance impact factors, Wij ................................................................... 43 
Table 19. Example of traffic design conditions for each vehicle class ......................................... 44 
Table 20. Difference in RPPIF per axle likely to cause change in pavement performance ......... 46 
Table 21. Field names and descriptions for ALF_DEFAULT_ALS ............................................ 73 
Table 22. Field names and descriptions for ALF_Gen_Axle_Group ........................................... 73 
Table 23. Field names and descriptions for DEFAULT_AxlesPerTruck ..................................... 73 
Table 24. Field names and descriptions for DEFAULT_NALS................................................... 73 
Table 25. Field names and descriptions for LTPP_CODES ......................................................... 75 
Table 26. Field names and descriptions for PLUG_LEF_FOR_ESAL ........................................ 76 
Table 27. Field names and descriptions for PLUG_W_FACTORS_FOR_RPPIF....................... 77 
Table 28. Field names and descriptions for SITE_SPECIFIC_AxlesPerTruck ........................... 80 
Table 29. Field names and descriptions for SITE_SPECIFIC_NALS ......................................... 80 
Table 30. Field names and descriptions for SITE_SPECIFIC_NVCD ........................................ 82 
Table 31. Field names and descriptions for USER_DEFINED_NALS ....................................... 82 
Table 32. Field names and descriptions for XMLGen_AxleLoadDistribution ............................ 85 
Table 33. Field names and descriptions for XMLGen_AxleLoadMain_Template ...................... 85 
Table 34. Field names and descriptions for
XMLGen_DEFAULT_NALS_By_Loading_Cluster ............................................................. 85 

AADTT Average Annual Daily Truck Traffic
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
APC Axle-per-Truck Coefficient
ASTM ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials)
AVC Automated Vehicle Classification
DOW Day-of-the-Week
ESAL Equivalent Single-Axle Load
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
GPS General Pavement Studies
I Interstate
JPCP Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement
LTPP Long-Term Pavement Performance
MEPDG Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide
MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization
NALS Normalized Axle Load Spectra
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
PLUG Pavement Loading User Guide
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RANALS Representative Annual Normalized Axle Load Spectra
RPPIF Relative Pavement Performance Impact Factor
RV Recreational Vehicle
SHRP Strategic Highway Research Program
SPS Specific Pavement Studies
TPF Transportation Pooled-Fund (study)
TWRG Truck Weight Road Group
WIM Weigh-in-Motion



Many State highway agencies are evaluating and implementing the American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement
Design Guide (MEPDG) and the DARWin-ME software.(1) The main MEPDG traffic inputs are
normalized axle load spectra (NALS), a percentile truck classification volume distribution, truck
volumes, and truck growth rates. In most earlier pavement design and analysis methodologies,
the effect of traffic loads was accounted for in the design by using the AASHTO equivalency
factors to compute the number of equivalent single-axle loads (ESAL).(2) Instead of using the
computed ESAL values, the MEPDG and DARWin-ME software use the load spectra that can be
used directly to estimate truck statistics.

NALS are percentile distributions of axle type counts by load range. Individual NALS are
computed for each axle type and truck class. The axle types included in the MEPDG design
procedure are single, tandem, tridem, and quad, and the truck classes are vehicle classes 4
through 13 from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) classification scheme.(3) The
MEPDG uses NALS representative of a “typical day of the month.” For roads that do not show
significant seasonal variations in percentages of heavy and light loads, the same NALS are used
for all calendar months.

Of all MEPDG traffic loading inputs, NALS are the most challenging owing to the high cost and
considerable time to collect an adequate quantity of accurate axle load data. Therefore, the
majority of pavement designs and analyses using the MEPDG and DARWin-ME software do not
use site-specific NALS. Instead, most analyses rely on regional, agency-wide, or national NALS
traffic loading defaults, combined with site-specific truck volume counts. It is important that
these default NALS tables be as representative as possible of the actual truck traffic loading
characteristics at the project site.

The original default traffic datasets for the MEPDG were developed during National Cooperative
Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 1-37A using Long-Term Pavement Performance
(LTPP) traffic data available in 1998.(4) At that time, these data represented the best available
and most comprehensive national set of weigh-in-motion (WIM) and automated vehicle
classification (AVC) data. However, some concerns existed regarding the lack of documented
quality of the data that were used to determine the truck traffic default values—specifically, the
NALS values for each axle type within each class of trucks. Just as important, many agency
personnel also questioned the quality and adequate quantity of their own State’s truck traffic
data. Consequently, a new set of default NALS has been produced for use with the MEPDG and
DARWin-ME software. In addition, detailed instructions have been developed to help States
create NALS tables that reflect the unique truck types and trucking patterns in their State.

To develop the improved default tables, LTPP undertook a Specific Pavement Studies (SPS)
Transportation Pooled-Fund (TPF) study that focused on installation of highly reliable, well-
calibrated, permanent WIM systems, and collection of axle loading data using a uniform vehicle
classification scheme and rigorous quality control procedures. One outcome of that ongoing
effort is the production of research-quality traffic data (classification and weight), primarily to

support LTPP analysis projects. The SPS TPF study has generated high-quality traffic loading
information for 26 LTPP SPS sites located in 23 different States that represent moderate- and
high-volume rural principal arterial interstate and non-interstate highways. These data also allow
the update of the original MEPDG axle loading defaults. The SPS TPF data and their use as
default NALS tables are described in Part I of this guide.


This guide addresses two issues critical for MEPDG use:

 How to select LTPP axle loading defaults (Part I).

 How to develop axle loading defaults (Part II).

This guide primarily focuses on NALS, but it also addresses other defaults computed from WIM
data, including axle spacing, wheelbase, and axles-per-truck defaults.

This guide is designed for analysts working with LTPP pavement performance data. It is
designed specifically to aid in the selection of the default axle loading inputs computed using the
SPS TPF data and application of those defaults to LTPP sites that do not have reliable site-
specific axle loading data, when such data are required for use in pavement design analysis.

This guide also can be used outside of LTPP research and analysis. For example, the new SPS
TPF based axle loading defaults can be used for any MEPDG-based pavement analysis when the
pavement sites do not have reliable site-specific axle loading data. Agencies can also use this
guide to help develop their own NALS defaults for use with the MEPDG and the DARWin-ME


As noted above, Part I of this guide provides guidance on selecting LTPP axle loading defaults
for MEPDG use. Part II provides guidance on developing additional axle loading default tables
for MEPDG use. Appendix A contains an operator’s manual for an accompanying software
application and database application CD, and appendix B contains the data dictionary for the
LTPP Pavement Loading User Guide (PLUG) database application. The LTPP PLUG database
application can also be requested through the LTPP Customer Support Service Center at:

E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: (202) 493-3035
Fax: (202) 493-3161



Many factors can affect the truck loading patterns on a roadway (e.g., the vehicle types observed,
the axle configurations on those vehicles, and the axle weights carried). These different patterns
result in the application of very different load spectra on those pavements. Among the most
important factors affecting the traffic load applied to any given pavement are:

 State’s truck size, weight, and permitting laws.

 Degree to which those laws are enforced, both in general and on specific roads.

 Commodities carried on specific roads.

 Distances between origins and destinations served by truck traffic using that roadway
(local service versus long haul operations).

To account for the wide variation in traffic loading patterns, the best traffic data to use for
pavement analysis are data collected with well-calibrated equipment on road segments directly
leading to or from the site in question. Unfortunately, accurate truck and axle weight data are
difficult and expensive to collect. In addition, rough pavement increases the dynamic motion
(bouncing) of trucks, making it nearly impossible for WIM scales to collect accurate data on
these roads. Thus, site-specific truck weight data frequently are not available for pavement
analysis. When this situation occurs, the pavement analyst must use truck characteristic data
(load spectra) collected elsewhere.

As a general guide, a pavement analyst should use data from one specific WIM scale when:

 The load spectra data from that scale have been collected at a site that serves the same
traffic stream that is operating over the pavement for which load spectra are desired. For
example, this may be the case if the scale is located upstream or downstream of the
pavement analysis site on the same road and no major change in truck traffic occurs on
that road between the scale and the pavement analysis site.

 The scale is located on a road known to carry trucks with unique characteristics that are
also present on the road for which load spectra data are needed. For example, this
situation may occur if the scale is present on a coal hauling route in the same State as the
pavement design site, which is also located on a road used for hauling coal.

Selecting one specific WIM site from another location generally is not encouraged unless the
pavement analyst is confident that the trucking patterns at the data collection site match those of
the analysis site, even when the scale is on the same road as the pavement analysis site. Loading
patterns frequently change from one segment of road to another. For example, Interstate (I)-405
in the Seattle metropolitan region has a very different loading pattern south of the interchange
with I-90 than it has north of that interchange. South of the I-90 interchange, I-405 carries a mix
of urban delivery trucks and trucks serving the long haul movements that use I-90 to reach the

Port of Seattle and the large warehouse district located in the southern part of the metropolitan
area. North of I-90, the vast majority of trucks are urban delivery trucks.

If a single scale is not an obvious choice to provide load spectra data, the next option is to select
a default load spectrum that represents the average of the loading patterns observed on a group of
similar roads within the same State as the pavement analysis site. Part II of this guide describes
how to develop these State-specific defaults. The advantage of selecting data that represent a
group of sites is that the effects of any unusual condition that may exist at any one site is
minimized by the lack of that unusual condition at the other sites in the group. Group averages
are thus likely to be more representative of the loading patterns at other locations around the
State. Selecting load spectra data collected only from the same State as the pavement to be
analyzed also improves the accuracy of the default load spectra because it ensures that the trucks
for which data are being collected follow the same truck size and weight laws.

Unfortunately, some States do not have strong truck weighing programs or have yet to produce
default load spectra in formats that are available to users of the MEPDG and DARWin-ME
software. For example, some States have had considerable difficulty maintaining WIM scale
calibration and do not trust much of the truck load data they have collected.

When a State does not have reliable load spectra data, or the pavement analyst does not have
access to a specific State’s load spectra data (which may be the case with many LTPP analyses),
the best option is to use default load spectra developed at the national level.

Using the high-quality data available from the SPS TPF study, the LTPP program has developed
national-level load spectra defaults. These defaults were developed to represent a variety of
alternative loading conditions observed in the national data sample. This variety helps pavement
analysts select appropriate load spectra for their work, and it allows them to test the sensitivity of
their analyses by re-running MEPDG analyses using different (e.g., lighter or heavier) default
load spectra to determine the degree to which changes in load spectra affect their specific
pavement analysis outcome.

When using national-level defaults, analysts are encouraged to perform at least a few MEPDG
sensitivity tests simply because load spectra developed at the national level cannot adequately
account for the differences in trucking patterns that result from State-specific size and weight
laws. Neither can national defaults account for trucking patterns unique to specific roads or
regions within a State. At a minimum, MEPDG sensitivity tests provide pavement analysts with
insight into the reliability of their analysis results, given the uncertainties inherent in the traffic
inputs used to generate those results.


The LTPP program worked with 22 States to install and operate 26 WIM scales under a set of
rigorous quality control (QC) procedures, with frequent equipment calibration, testing, and
validation. The result is a wealth of reliable traffic loading data that has been used to develop
defaults for use with the MEPDG and DARWin-ME software instead of the initial set of defaults
created as part of the NCHRP 1-37A study.

Overview of Traffic Loading Defaults Based on SPS TPF WIM Data

NALS are the primary traffic loading defaults produced with the SPS TPF data. Other defaults
produced are axle-per-truck coefficients (APC) and other axle spacing and wheelbase parameters
used by the MEPDG software.

Two tiers of NALS defaults were developed based on SPS TPF WIM data, as described in the
following sections:

 Tier 1—global defaults based on all applicable SPS TPF data. These defaults were
computed by averaging the NALS produced for each of the 26 SPS TPF sites. Default
global NALS are computed for each vehicle class and axle type.

 Tier 2—supplemental defaults that represent different loading conditions (e.g., conditions
heavier or lighter than the global default) observed in the SPS TPF.

In addition to NALS, this guide contains one set of default APCs based on SPS TPF sites.
Representative axle spacing and wheelbase values were also computed based on data from all
SPS TPF sites and included in this guide.

All defaults are included in the LTPP PLUG database application and can be viewed in graphical
or tabular form. These defaults can be used to develop MEPDG or DARWin-ME files using the
LTPP PLUG database application.

Global Axle Loading Defaults Based on LTPP SPS TPF Sites (Tier 1)

Global NALS defaults were computed based on a simple averaging of the representative annual
NALS (RANALS) for the 26 SPS TPF sites. This computation was done separately for each
vehicle class and axle type.

Compared with the original MEPDG NALS defaults developed under the NCHRP 1-37A
project, the SPS TPF NALS defaults have fewer very light and fewer very heavy loads. This is
most likely because the new defaults were collected with more consistently calibrated WIM
equipment. The better calibration of the WIM scales used to collect the SPS TPF data means that
fewer very light loads (caused by under-calibrated scales “observing” very light loads) and fewer
very heavy loads (caused by over-calibrated scales “observing” very heavy loads) are contained
in the LTPP SPS TPF database. Because the SPS TPF-based NALS have smaller percentages of
overloads, pavement life predicted using these global defaults is likely to be longer than
predicted using the old global defaults.1 However, these differences are not likely to be
significant for many designs because the new global defaults also have a higher percentage of
legally loaded heavy axles.

“Overload,” as used here, means axles that exceed the legal Federal limit. The axles may or may not exceed the
legal limit for the State in question or for the load being moved.

Axle Load Spectra Defaults Representing Alternative Loading Conditions (Tier 2)

Tier 2 defaults are supplemental defaults that represent different loading conditions (e.g.,
conditions heavier or lighter than the global default) observed in the SPS TPF study. Each of the
Tier 2 NALS represents a different loading condition. Part II of this guide describes the
methodology to develop these alternative NALS groups so that States can follow similar
procedures to develop additional, State-specific, axle loading defaults for the trucks operating on
their roads. For analysts who do not have access to State-specific NALS, national defaults are

Analysis of the loading conditions observed in the LTPP SPS TPF study revealed that truck
loading characteristics (axle weights) can vary considerably from location to location. Therefore,
it was determined that default NALS should be developed that allowed users of the MEPDG and
DARWin-ME software to select from alternative default loading conditions for their analyses to
account for those observed differences in traffic loading per vehicle. For example, alternative
loading conditions (Tier 2 NALS) can be required when one set of sites experiences a high
percentage of trucks in a specific vehicle class that are fully legally loaded while another set of
sites exhibits a high percentage of that same vehicle class that is unloaded. A third NALS might
be needed to represent sites that experience a much higher than normal percentage of trucks
carrying loads that exceed Federal legal limits.

Alternative NALS also may be needed to account for differences in State truck size and weight
laws. Differences in State laws can result in trucks of similar FHWA classifications having very
different axle configurations and loading conditions for axles of a similar type. For example,
many western States use flexible permitting rules to allow multi-trailer trucks to carry additional
gross vehicle weight. These trucks are often found in FHWA Class 13. States that allow these
additional weights have trucks with both different axle configurations and different axle weight
patterns for FHWA Class 13 than States that do not routinely permit these kinds of loads.

Table 1 summarizes the Tier 2 default NALS that have been developed from the SPS TPF
datasets. The first two columns in the table allow the user to select the specific FHWA vehicle
class and type of axle of interest. For example, FHWA vehicle Class 4, axle type 1, is the row for
single axles on buses. On the far right of table 1 is the number of Tier 2 NALS, or different
groups of loading patterns, that have been developed for each class of vehicle and type of axle. If
only one NALS is present, it means that, from a pavement design perspective, little difference
was found in the axle load spectra observed at the 26 sites in the LTPP SFS TPF data, and all
pavement analyses can use a single NALS for that type of axle for that class of vehicles.

The third column of table 1 indicates how frequently axles of each specific type appear on U.S.
primary roads. This information is based on the data present in the LTPP database. This column
is provided to give users an idea of whether specific kinds of trucks are commonly found on
roads for which the MEPDG is likely to be used. (Note that individual roads may have truck
volumes that are different than those commonly found in the LTPP database.)

The fourth column in table 1 provides two pieces of information. First, it describes the NALS
group that contains the largest number of SPS TPF sites. It is recommended that this group be
used as the default Tier 2 NALS if no other information is available about loads carried by that

class of vehicle. If the analyst has information about loads, he or she may use that information to
choose a different NALS for that type of axle and vehicle classification. Second, the term used in
the fourth column of the table (e.g., Moderate or Light) describes the relative weight (or
pavement damaging potential) of the average axle in that group relative to other axles. Table 2
provides a quantitative definition of this descriptive loading condition, as well as full and
abbreviated names of alternative NALS.

As an example of how to read this fourth column of table 1, the default NALS for Class 5 single
axles is Very Light. Thus, the average Class 5 single axle is lighter and causes much less damage
than the average default axle for either Class 4 or Class 6 single axles. The default single axles
for both Class 4 and Class 6 trucks are considered moderate in weight/damage potential.

The next five columns in table 1, labeled “NALS Clusters Observed in Multiple States
(Recommended for National Use),” describe the characteristics of the various NALS groups
identified in the review of SPS TPF data. They use the same relative description of axle weight/
pavement damaging potential as is used in column 4 and in table 2. For example, the symbol
“M” in the “Moderate” column indicates that a group of SPS TPF sites was found to have NALS
similar to each other for that class of vehicle and type of axle, and the default NALS developed
based on site-specific NALS included in this group is of moderate weight/damage potential.

The next five columns, labeled “NALS Clusters in a Single State (Recommended for Use in That
State on Roads with Similar Truck Traffic),” describe the relative weight/damage potential of the
“special case” or outlier conditions identified in the SPS TPF dataset. Also included in these five
columns is an abbreviated name of the State where the WIM site was located that produced the
outlier described. For example, Class 6 single axle has two light outlier sites, one in Washington
and one in Ohio. Possible reasons for the existence of these special-case NALS include:

 Specific commodity hauls and State/local trucking regulations are present that cause
unusual truck types and loads unique to that location (or State) to dominate the loading
characteristics of a given vehicle class at the site.

 Differences in the vehicle classification algorithm implemented on some State-installed

SPS TPF WIM sites can cause some vehicles to be classified differently in the State-
supplied data than would be the case in the LTPP classification algorithm. These
differences in vehicle classification outcome can cause differences in the load spectra for
those affected classes at those sites.

 The road containing the SPS TPF WIM site may serve commodity movements that result
in a larger than usual percentage of trucks operating under special permits and thus have
axles weighing more than at other sites.

 Trucking regulations often differ from one State to another. Axle weight limits adopted
by one State can be different from Federal limits, resulting in unusual axle weights for
roads in that State that do not carry much interstate traffic.

 Truck fleet characteristics can also differ from one State to another as a result of
differences in trucking regulations. States may actively encourage specific truck

categories and actively discourage others. Consequently, States with unusual truck types
can exhibit unusual loading conditions for the FHWA categories that contain those
specific truck types. For example, a few western States allow triple trailer trucks. These
trucks are classified as Class 13, and their presence generally increases the number of
single axles found on Class 13 trucks and changes the load distribution of Class 13 single

The following example illustrates how to read table 1. For Class 6 tandem axles, the review of
SPS TPF data resulted in the formation of three NALS. Two of these NALS are formed based on
groups of sites. One of these two groups has moderate weight tandem axles. This group
contained the greatest number of SPS TPF sites and is thus the default NALS initially
recommended for Class 6 tandem axles. A second identified group of SPS TPF sites produced
NALS for heavy axles. This NALS is also considered reasonably common on roads throughout
the nation. In addition to these two fairly common groups, one SPS TPF site was an outlier. That
site, observed in Florida, exhibited very heavy Class 6 tandem axles. This result would indicate
that it is possible to have very heavy Class 6 tandem axles but that such a condition is considered
unusual. This NALS should be used only if the analyst has specific knowledge that such a
loading condition is likely to occur at the analysis site.

NALS for each cluster group shown in table 1 are available in the LTPP PLUG database.

Table 1. Summary of NALS cluster groups representing different loading conditions by vehicle class and axle type
Frequency of NALS Clusters Observed in Multiple NALS Clusters Observed in a Single State (Recommended for Total
Vehicle Class States (Recommended for National Use) Use in That State on Roads with Similar Truck Traffic) NALS
FHWA (by Volume) on Default NALS Very Very Very Clusters
Vehicle Axle U.S. Primary Category by Light Light Moderate Heavy Heavy Light Moderate Very Heavy by
Class Type Road System Loading Condition (VL) (L) (M) (H) (VH) (VL) Light (L) (M) Heavy (H) (VH) Weight
1 Moderate M 1
4 Moderate
2 Very Heavy H VH1, VH2 3
1 Very Light VL L (FL) 2
5 Frequent
2 Very Light VL 1
L (WA)
6 1 Low or Moderate Moderate M L (OH) 3
2 Moderate M H VH (FL) 3
1 Heavy M H VL (WA) M (OH) 4
(FL1), VH (FL2),
7 Low
2 Heavy M VH VL (WA) M (OH) H (OH) VH (TN) 7
3 Very Heavy VH1, VH2 VH (TN) 3
4 Very Heavy VH 1
1 Light L H (FL) 2
8 Moderate
2 Light L L (AZ)2 VH (FL) 3
1 Light L 1
9 Most Frequent
2 Moderate or Heavy M H1, H2 M (FL) VH (AZ)1 5
1 Light L 1
2 Very Heavy M VH VH (AZ) 3
10 Low
3 Heavy H VH L (ME) M (MN) 4
4 Heavy H 1
11 1 Low Moderate L M H (AZ) 3
12 1 Low Light L VL(LA) M (ME) 4
2 Light L 1
1 Moderate M H M (OH)2 VH (OH) 4
2 Very Heavy H VH1,VH2 3
13 Low
3 Very Heavy H VH1,VH2 H (OH) 4
4 Very Heavy H VH H (OH)** 3
NALS has very heavy overloads
NALS identified as outlier based on classification issue (high percentage of very light weight axles)
FL = Florida, WA =Washington (State), OH = Ohio, DE = Delaware, TN = Tennessee. AZ = Arizona, ME = Maine, MN = Minnesota, NM = New Mexico,
LA = Louisiana

Table 2. Summary of axle loading categories by weight for different axle types
Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of
Axle Category Average RPPIF Single Axles Tandem Axles Tridem Axles Quad Axles
by Weight per Cluster >= 15 kip >=26 kip >=39 kip >=54 kip
Very Light (VL) <0.05 <3 0 N/A N/A
Light (L) 0.05–0.15 <10 <10 N/A N/A
Moderate (M) 0.15–0.30 10–30 10–30 N/A N/A
Heavy (H) 0.30–0.50 >30 30-50 <50 <30
Very Heavy (VH) >0.50 n/a >50 >50 >30
RPPIF = Relative Pavement Performance Impact Factor (described in Part II of this guide)
N/A = not applicable

NALS Clusters for Class 9 Tandems

Although for many vehicle classes and axle types there is one clearly defined default loading
condition for many vehicle classes and axle types (i.e., the majority of SPS TPF sites have a
common axle loading distribution), no one loading condition dominated the Class 9 tandem data.
The loading condition of Class 9 tandems varied among the SPS TPF sites, ranging from
moderately loaded conditions (less than 30 percent of tandem axles were more than 26 kips) to
very heavily loaded (up to 70 percent of tandem axles were more than 26 kips). All of these
conditions can be found routinely on U.S. roads.

A sensitivity analysis using the MEPDG procedures indicated that pavement design outcomes
are very sensitive to the selection of the Class 9 tandem NALS, primarily because this is the most
frequently observed truck carrying heavy loads on U.S. primary roads. Also, the majority of the
load on these trucks is carried on their two sets of tandem axles. Hence, the number and weight
of Class 9 trucks using a road typically has a major impact on pavement design.

No one loading condition dominated the Class 9 tandem-axle NALS in the SPS TPF dataset;
therefore, instead of one default loading condition, all three NALS cluster groups developed for
Class 9 tandems (one moderate and two heavy) are recommended as potential defaults.

If no site-specific loading information is available, the moderate (M) loading condition is

recommended for roads serving predominately urban delivery trucking movements, where a
large percentage of trucks are empty (returning to their distribution centers) or partially full after
having made one or more stops. Alternatively, the heavy #1 (H1) loading condition is
recommended for roads where long haul trucking or heavy directional hauls overlap with urban
delivery movements. The heavy #2 (H2) loading condition is recommended for rural roads where
almost all Class 9 truck traffic is fully loaded long haul traffic and few heavy trucks are expected
to be operating in a partially full or empty condition.

Characteristics and Recommended Use of Tier 2 NALS Clusters

To help characterize the NALS representing default and alternative axle loading conditions so
that pavement analysts can more easily choose between alternative loading conditions, several
statistical parameters were computed for each Tier 2 default NALS cluster, including Relative
Pavement Performance Impact Factor (RPPIF) values and percentage of heavy axles (i.e., the

percentage of axles that are at or above 75 percent of the Federal legal weight limit). In addition,
text descriptions were developed of alternative NALS axle loading conditions for each vehicle
class and axle type and recommendations for their use. This information is presented in the
following subsections.

Vehicle Class 4: Buses (Table 3)

There are multiple styles of buses, ranging from over-the-road coaches (e.g., Greyhound buses),
to two- and three-axle urban transit buses, to recreational vehicles (RV) that have been
constructed using bus frames and bodies (e.g., tour buses used by many traveling bands). Buses
commonly have one steering axle and either a single rear drive axle or a tandem rear axle.

Because none of the SPS TPF WIM scales observed large numbers of urban transit buses, which
can have very heavy single axles, a large portion of the observed single axles were steering axles.
As a result, all of the observed sites had similar single-axle loading patterns and were grouped
into one national NALS, with a moderate loading condition. On the other hand, three different
tandem-axle loading conditions were identified. Tandem axles on buses are generally at least
moderately loaded because they tend to carry the weight of the bus engine. As the number of
passengers carried increases, the axle weight increases further, often approaching or exceeding
the Federal axle limits. Lighter tandem axles generally are observed when the buses are lightly
loaded with passengers, as is often the case when the “buses” are RVs rather than over-the-road
motor coaches. Table 3 describes the alternative Class 4 axle loading conditions.

Table 3. Description of alternative Class 4 axle loading conditions

Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy Recommende
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description d Use
Only one national NALS exists for single axles on For use on all
buses. It shows a relatively normal distribution of roads
4 1 M(T) 0.20 14 moderately heavily loaded axles with the majority of
the load distribution occurring between 10,000 and
16,000 lb.
This NALS has a large percentage (greater than For use on
65 percent) of tandem axles that weigh less than roads where a
28,000 lb and a third of the axles weighing less than moderate
H 0.42 46 22,000 lb. These lighter axles may be caused by the percentage of
site observing a mix of RVs built on bus chassis buses are “bus
mixed with heavier, more conventional over-the- style” RVs
road motor coaches.
This NALS is recommended as the default. Most of For use on
tandem axles are heavy (approximately 70 percent rural roads
4 2 are greater than 26,000 lb), but relatively few (less where RV
VH1(T) 0.56 68
than 2 percent) exceed the Federal legal limit. traffic is
Therefore, these sites likely have a lower percentage modest
of RV traffic mixed with the over-the-road coaches.
This NALS contains almost exclusively heavy For use on
tandem axles. Less than 16 percent of tandem axles roads carrying
weigh less than 26,000 lb. heavily loaded
VH2 0.69 85
transit buses
and over-the-
road coaches

Vehicle Class 5: Two-Axle, Six-Tire Single Unit Vehicles (Table 4)
Class 5 consists of smaller two-axle trucks. This class includes large pick-up trucks (those with
dual wheels on their rear axle), as well as urban delivery vehicles, such as panel trucks and
smaller tow trucks. By definition, when these vehicles pull trailers, they become Class 8 trucks.
(This is unlike conventional Class 3 pick-ups, which remain in Class 3, even when they are
pulling small trailers.) However, some classification algorithms do classify Class 5 trucks pulling
trailers as Class 5. This results in some TPF sites observing tandem axles in Class 5.

In the SPS TPF dataset, all but one condition for both single and tandem axles are grouped into
just one NALS group for each type of axle. There is one special case. In that case, a Florida site
was observed at which much heavier single axles were observed than at all other sites. This was
because two-axle farm vehicles transport very heavy loads on this road (when compared with
normal Class 5 axle loads). Table 4 describes the alternative Class 5 axle loading conditions.

Table 4. Description of alternative Class 5 axle loading conditions

Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on all roads
VL(T) 0.04 3 It is appropriate for all roads that are not subject
to unusual loading conditions.
This special case is caused by a permitted farm- A special case where a
to-market haul that causes an unusually heavy large percentage of
5 1
loading condition for Class 5 trucks. It was large pick-ups and
0.13 8 found only at one Florida site. other two-axle trucks
carry unusually heavy
loads for two axle
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on all roads
These axles are generally found on small
5 2 VL(T) 0.00 0
trailers pulled by small trucks and are invariably

Vehicle Class 6: Three-Axle Single Unit Vehicles (Table 5)

Class 6 trucks are frequently smaller natural resource haulers (e.g., sand trucks, small dump
trucks) and heavier urban delivery vehicles, such as trucks delivering cases of soft drinks. For
these trucks, the weight on the front axle is primarily from the engine, not the load carried, and
thus these axles are rarely either unloaded or very heavily loaded. The Class 6 classification also
includes tractors operating without trailers. The presence of large numbers of these vehicles in
the traffic stream can result in large numbers of lightly loaded tandem axles. Finally, many heavy
(Class 7) single unit vehicles are equipped with “lift axles” (i.e., axles which, when not needed,
can be lifted off the ground). Thus, trucks that are Class 7 vehicles when full (and all of their
axles are on the ground to support the load) are often classified as Class 6 trucks when they are
empty because only two of their load axles are touching the pavement. This often increases the
number of lightly loaded Class 6 trucks recorded, increasing the percentage of lightly loaded
tandem axles at many sites. Table 5 describes the alternative Class 6 axle loading conditions.

Table 5. Description of alternative Class 6 axle loading conditions
Vehicle Axle NALS
RPPIF Heavy Description Recommended Use
Class Type Cluster
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 For use on all roads
default. The vast majority of roads fall
into this loading group. Most single axles
6 1 M(T) 0.17 10 are steering axles. The weight on the
steering axle is primarily from the engine
not the load carried. Few axles weighing
more than 14,000 lb are observed.
The vehicle classification scheme used For use on some
by Ohio can classify some vehicles Ohio roads
pulling trailers as Class 6. These light
6 1 0.10 3 trailers produce much lighter single-axle
load spectra than are commonly found
elsewhere, with many axles weighing
less than 6,000 lb.
Washington’s WIM data produced load For use on
6 1 0.08 3 spectra with an unusual percentage Washington State
(greater than 20 percent) of light axles. roads
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 For use on most
default. This NALS represents roadways roads, especially
where up to 50 percent of Class 6 trucks where more than
are operating empty or lightly loaded 40 percent of Class 6
(approximately 40 percent of tandem trucks are operating
6 2 M(T) 0.24 20
axles weigh less than 12,000 lb, and empty
approximately 50 percent of tandem
axles weigh less than 16,000 lb). The vast
majority of roads fall into this default
loading group.
This NALS represents roadways where For use on roads with
less than 30 percent of Class 6 trucks are strong directional
operating empty. A commensurately hauls where Class 6
larger percentage of trucks are carrying trucks carry heavy
6 2 H 0.43 30 full loads. This is a good NALS to select roads
for roads with a strong directional haul
that uses Class 6 trucks (e.g., a farm to
market road where this direction is the
loaded direction of the haul).
Data at one Florida site showed a large For use on roads
percentage of very heavily loaded Class 6 experiencing high
SP tandem axles. This site had 5 percent of overloading
6 2 0.63 36
VH(FL) its tandem-axle loads greater than conditions with Class
40,000 lb, which is highly unusual for 6 trucks
Class 6.

Vehicle Class 7: Four-or-More Axle Single Unit Vehicles(Table 6)

Class 7 consists of very large single unit trucks. These trucks are most commonly used for
hauling heavy natural resources. They are often very large dump trucks. In the Midwest, they are
often used to carry coal. The most common configuration is a single steering axle and a tridem
axle that carries the majority of the load. Less common configurations use a quad axle instead of
a tridem axle, or a tridem with an extended lift axle (observed as a single), or even a quintuple

axle. A larger percentage of these vehicles use lift axles. These axles are usually lowered (used to
carry load) when the vehicle is carrying a load, and raised (so that they do not touch the
pavement) when the vehicle is empty. As a result, relatively few empty Class 7 trucks are
observed at scales. When empty, these trucks are most commonly configured as Class 6 vehicles.
The use and configuration of Class 7 trucks varies considerably across the nation based on State-
specific size and weight regulations. Both the axle configurations and axle weights are quite
variable. Class 7 trucks, along with Class 13 trucks, are possibly the most diverse categories
within FHWA’s vehicle classification scheme. In addition, the Class 7 truck is uncommon in
some States but quite common in others. Tandems are reasonably rare axles on Class 7 trucks.
Only 17 of 26 sites observed enough tandems on Class 7 vehicles to construct a site-specific
NALS. Table 6 describes the alternative Class 7 axle loading conditions.

Table 6. Description of alternative Class 7 axle loading conditions
Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
This group of NALS contains few axles (less than For use on roads
10 percent) that weigh less than 10,000 lb. The where dirt and other
majority of single axles at sites belonging to this heavy natural
7 1 M 0.26 26 group weigh between 11,000 and 18,000 lb, with resources are typically
a mean axle weight of about 13,000 lb. carried by Class 10
trucks not Class 7
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on roads
This NALS contains few lightly loaded axles. The where five-axle and
majority of single axles that fall in this group larger Class 7 trucks
weigh between 13,000 and 22,000 lb, with a mean are routinely found or
7 1 H(T) 0.41 52
axle weight of about 18,000 lb. This default group where state laws
contains axles that are slightly heavier than the routinely permit very
alternative moderate (M) group. heavy single unit
The Washington SPS TPF site observed a larger For use on roads in
number of light single axles on Class 7 vehicles Washington State
7 1 0.04 4 (approximately 70 percent weighing less than
6,000 lb). This may be the result of a limitation in
the Washington vehicle classification algorithm.
One of the two Ohio SPS TPF sites observed a For use on roads in
larger number of light single axles on Class 7 Ohio, where large
vehicles. (More than 40 percent weigh less than percentages of non-
SP 7,000 lb.) This may be the result of a limitation in Class 7 vehicles may
7 1 0.18 18
M(OH) the Ohio vehicle classification algorithm. The be classified as Class
large percentage of light axles was somewhat 7 trucks
offset by 35 percent of the axles being heavier
than 14,000 lb.
Tandems are reasonably rare axles on Class 7 For use on roads
trucks. For this NALS, more than 50 percent of serving the “light”
7 2 M 0.24 22 quad axles weigh less than 12,000 lb. direction (backhaul)
of a directional
natural resource haul
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on roads
Tandems are reasonably rare axles on Class 7 where Class 7 trucks
trucks. The default has a low percentage of use tandem axles and
tandem axles supporting little weight but also for directional,
does not have a concentration of any specific axle resource hauls
7 2 VH(T) 0.85 64
weight. Less than 10 percent of these axles carry
less than 12,000 lb, and while more than 40
percent of tandem axles weigh more than
30,000 lb, less than 15 percent weigh more than
40,000 lb.
Ohio has two special-case Class 7 NALS. This For use in Ohio,
specific special case is the heavier of the two where heavy loads are
SP special Ohio cases. It has more than 15 percent of observed
7 2 0.41 28
H(OH) axles with little or no load (weighing less than
6,000 lb) and 35 percent of its axles weighing
between 20,000 and 36,000 lb.

Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
Ohio has two special case Class 7 NALS. This For use in Ohio,
specific special case has 45 percent of its axles where few very heavy
SP weighing between 16,000 and 26,000 lb. Less loads are observed
7 2 0.29 16
M(OH) than 10 percent of axles weigh more than
32,000 lb. More than 15 percent of axles carry
little or no load (weighing less than 6,000 lb).
The Delaware TPF is very heavy. Very few For use in Delaware
SP unloaded axles were observed. More than half the
7 2 2.42 81
VH(DE) tandem axles observed weigh more than
40,000 lb.
This Florida NALS is very heavy. Less than For use in Florida,
SP 10 percent of axles weigh less than 40,000 lb. and only where heavy
7 2 3.48 100
VH(FL1) overloads of Class 7
trucks are expected
This Florida NALS is very heavy. More than For use in Florida
SP 50 percent of the observed Class 7 tandem axles only where extreme
7 2 6.11 98
VH(FL2) weigh more than 48,000 lb. overloads of Class 7
trucks are expected
This Tennessee NALS is very heavy. More than For use on roads in
SP 85 percent of the observed Class 7 tandem axles Tennessee where
7 2 9.94 91
VH(TN) weigh more than 50,000 lb. tandem axles are
heavily overloaded
This Washington NALS is very light. More than For use only where a
SP 60 percent of its tandem axles weigh less than high percentages of
7 2 0.03 3
VL(WA) 12,000 lb. Class 7 trucks are not
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on roads
The default NALS has most axles weighing where tridem axles
7 3 VH1(T) 0.65 55
between 30,000 and 54,000 lb. are routinely fully
This tridem NALS should be used where Class 7 For use on roads
tridem axles are primarily loaded well over the where tridem axles
7 3 VH2 1.55 96
Federal legal limit. The median axle weight for are heavily
this NALS is roughly 54,000 lb. overloaded
This special case NALS has extremely heavy For use on roads in
SP tridem axles. The median axle weight is just under Tennessee where
7 3 2.25 98
VH(TN) 60,000 lb. tridem axles are
heavily overloaded
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on all roads
The SPS TPF data showed only a few sites that
7 4 VH(T) 0.78 31
contain quad axles in Class 7. Thus, only one
NALS is provided for quad axles.

Vehicle Class 8: Four-or-Less Axle, Single Trailer Vehicles (Table 7)

Class 8 consists of smaller two-unit trucks. Common configurations include two-axle tractors
pulling a semitrailer with a tandem axle, or a three-axle tractor pulling a semitrailer with a single
trailer axle, or a dual axle truck pulling a two-axle trailer. The trailer can consist of two single
axles, or it can be a semitrailer with one tandem axle. These trucks tend to be lightly loaded
because heavier tractors are needed to pull heavy loads, and the trailers pulled by most dual axle

trucks tend to be light-duty configurations. Table 7 describes the alternative Class 8 axle loading

Table 7. Description of alternative Class 8 axle loading conditions

Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. The For use on all roads
SPS TPF data found only one group NALS and one
outlier for Class 8 single axles. This NALS is
dominated by loads associated with the steering axle
8 1 L (T) 0.11 9
weight of two- and three-axle tractors, with the vast
majority of single-axle weights in the range of
8,000 to 14,000 lb. Generally, less than 20 percent of
axles are heavier than 13,000 lb.
One Florida site had a very different NALS for Class For use on Florida
SP 8 single axles. It showed more than 25 percent of roads serving farms
8 1 0.34 31
H (FL) single axles weighing more than 17,000 lb. where overloaded
axles are common
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. The For use on all roads
default NALS has the vast majority of Class 8
8 2 L (T) 0.10 5
tandem axles weighing less than 24,000 lb, and
almost no illegal tandem axles.
One special case was observed in Arizona. This site For use on roads in
had more than 40 percent of tandem axles weighing Arizona where a
8 2 0.09 6 less than 6,000 lb. The rest of the distribution high percentage of
L (AZ)
resembled the typical NALS. unloaded axles is
The Florida special case captured a farm-to-market For use on Florida
movement where trucks pulling tandem-axle trailers roads serving farms
8 2 VH 1.09 56
were very heavily loaded. More than 50 percent of where overloaded
tandem axles weighed more than 34,000 lb. axles are common

Vehicle Class 9: Five-Axle, Single Trailer Vehicles (Table 8)

Class 9 is by far the most common truck in use in the United States and, as such, dominates the
vast majority of pavement loading computations. Although a number of configurations can be
found, the most common Class 9 truck is the “classic” three-axle tractor pulling a tandem-axle
equipped semitrailer. Infrequently, the semitrailer can use “split tandems,” which, depending on
the distance between those axles, can be classified as either two single axles or one tandem. In
addition, the common European configuration of a two-axle tractor pulling a tridem-equipped
semitrailer can be observed occasionally in the United States. Finally, some full trucks pulling
full trailers are correctly classified as Class 9 trucks.

Because so many Class 9 trucks have single-tandem, tandem-axle configurations, the axle
weights for single axles are dominated by the steering axle weight of the truck tractor. Because
the steering axle on even a fully loaded truck does not approach the legal load limit for single
axles, the axle damaging characteristics of the single axles at all of the SPS TPF sites are similar.
Thus, only a single-axle NALS group exists.

Unlike the single axles, considerable variety exists in the tandem-axle loads carried by Class 9
trucks. This variety is driven in part by the wide variety of loads carried by these trucks, as well
as by their use in both urban delivery modes (where some trailers are full, some are partially full
after completing one of several deliveries, and others are empty as the trucks return to their
terminals after completing a delivery) and long haul transport (where the vast majority of trucks
are fully loaded). But even in long haul travel, a “fully loaded” truck may not approach the legal
limit because many commodities (e.g., computer parts) are bulky but not heavy.

Consequently, three different loading conditions are considered “typical” or commonly found.
Any one of them can be found in any U.S. State. These three loading conditions differ primarily
in the percentage of heavy (fully loaded) axles that were observed. When selecting from among
these three conditions, the primary consideration is the percentage of tandem axles that are
lightly loaded (weigh less than 20,000 lb) and the percentage that are heavily loaded (weigh
more than 30,000 lb). Table 8 describes the alternative Class 9 axle loading conditions.

Table 8. Description of alternative Class 9 axle loading conditions

Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
This NALS is recommended as the Tier 2 default. All roads
Only one Class 9 single-axle NALS was observed
9 1 L(T) 0.14 9 because the majority of Class 9 trucks have only one
single axle (the steering axle) and its load is only
modestly affected by the load carried by the truck.
This NALS represents the loading condition For use in urban
frequently observed at SPS TPF sites. This loading areas and on other
condition has more lightly loaded tandem axles roads where 70
9 2 M 0.30 31 (axles between 12,000 and 16,000 lb) than heavily percent or more of
loaded axles (30,000 and 34,000 lb). In this NALS, trucks are not fully
40 percent of axles carry loads greater than loaded
20,000 lb.
This loading condition NALS has more loaded axles For use on
(between 30,000 and 34,000 lb) than unloaded axles highways that serve
(between 12,000 and 16,000 lb). This is a balanced a mix of urban
9 2 H1(T) 0.38 39
distribution with similar total percentages of light delivery and long
and heavy loads. In this NALS, 55 percent of axles haul truck
carry loads greater than 20,000 lb. movements
This heavy loading NALS is representative of roads For use on rural
where a sizeable majority of tandem axles are highways that serve
9 2 H2 0.48 49 heavily loaded. It is commonly found on rural significant long
highways that serve significant long haul truck haul truck
movements. movements
This NALS contains very few loaded axles with no For use on roads in
defined loaded peak of distribution. It also does not Florida with little
9 2 0.27 22 have a high concentration of axle weights near the long haul or
conventional unloaded axle weights of 10,000 to “through
16,000 lb. movement” traffic
This NALS is a special very heavy case that contains For use on roads
SP 70 percent of axles with weights greater than with almost all
9 2 0.68 70
VH(AZ) 26,000 lb. tandem axles fully

Vehicle Class 10: Six-or-More Axle, Single Trailer Vehicles (Table 9)
Class 10 consists of a variety of heavy truck configurations. These trucks have two basic styles: a
three-axle tractor pulling a semitrailer with three or more axles, and large trucks pulling full
trailers. The first configuration is commonly used by trucks carrying, for example, heavy
shipping containers. The second configuration is common in States that allow longer trucking
configurations. For example, in many western States, the most common truck for delivering
gasoline to gas stations is a four-axle tank truck pulling a three- or four-axle tank trailer. In some
States, Class 10 trucks are also the primary vehicles used for hauling heavy natural resources. In
these instances, a common Class 10 vehicle is a four-axle dump truck pulling a large three- or
four-axle “pup trailer” on a long steel beam. In some States, the primary resource haulers are
Class 7 trucks, whereas in other States, this job is mostly performed by Class 10 vehicles.
Generally, a State uses one or the other of these truck styles for this task. Thus, a State that
commonly uses Class 10 trucks for natural resource hauling will tend to have few very large
Class 7 trucks, and vice versa. Table 9 describes the alternative Class 10 axle loading conditions.

Table 9. Description of alternative Class 10 axle loading conditions
Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
Only one NALS was observed because single For use on all roads
axles are mostly used on Class 10 vehicles as the
10 1 L(T) 0.12 4 steering axle of the tractor. Thus, single-axle
loads are driven by common steering axle
loading patterns.
This NALS pattern for tandems is dominated by For use on roads where
unloaded axles. In this NALS, more than the Class 10 trucks are
10 2 M 0.18 15
80 percent of tandem axles weigh less than primarily unloaded
20,000 lb.
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on roads with an
It has slightly more loaded axles (weighing even mix of heavy and
26,000 to 34,000 lb) than unloaded or lightly light Class 10 trucks
10 2 VH(T) 0.52 45
axles (12,000 to 20,000 lb). It also includes
about 5 percent of axles exceeding the Federal
legal limit.
This special case NALS did not fit either pattern. For use on roads with
Although it has more unloaded axles than the high levels of
SP default NALS, it also has more than 12 percent overloaded Class 10
10 2 1.04 38
VH(AZ) of its axles weighing more than the Federal legal tandem axles
limit, which results in the very heavy loading
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on roads with a
It contains a significant number of both loaded mix of fully and lightly
and unloaded tridem axles. More than 40 percent loaded Class 10 tridem
10 3 H(T) 0.35 23
of axles weigh less than 21,000 lb. However, axles
more than 30 percent of the axles weigh between
33,000 and 48,000 lb.
This alternative to the default NALS has a lower For use on roads with a
percentage of lightly loaded axles, and a much mix of loaded and
greater percentage of heavy axles. Less than unloaded tridem axles,
10 3 VH 0.56 43 22 percent of axles weigh less than 21,000 lb, where a significant
and more than 50 percent of axles are heavier portion of the axles
than 36,000 lb, with more than 10 percent exceed the Federal
heavier than 48,000 lb. weight limit
This special case is for a Maine site that has a For use on Maine roads
very high percentage of light axles, and a low where almost all tridem
10 3 0.09 5 weight for loaded axles. Almost 75 percent of axles are unloaded or
axles weigh less than 15,000 lb, and less than lightly loaded
5 percent of axles weigh more than 39,000 lb.
This special case in Minnesota also reflects a For use on Minnesota
very high percentage of lightly loaded axles, but roads with a high
SP with a larger percentage of heavy axles. Fifty-six percentage of unloaded
10 3 0.18 9
M(MN) percent of axles weigh less than 15,000 lb, with tridem axles
another 25 percent of axles weighing between
27,000 and 48,000 lb.
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on roads with a
It contains both a significant number of loaded mix of heavy and lightly
10 4 H(T) 0.46 7
and unloaded quad axles but less than 5 percent loaded Class 10 quad
of axles weigh more than 57,000 lb. axles

Vehicle Class 11: Five-or-Less Axle, Multi-Trailer Vehicles (Table 10)
Class 11 trucks are multi-trailer trucks mostly intended for carrying light, bulky cargo. For
example, they are good choices for carrying large quantities of mixed packages and other light
but high-volume cargo. The vast majority of trucks in this classification consist of a two-axle
tractor pulling a smaller (28-ft) single-axle semitrailer and a small two-axle trailer. Because the
drive axle of the tractor and the load-bearing axles on the trailers are all single axles, this
configuration is one of the heavy truck configurations for which changes in truck loading
characteristics (i.e., the commodities being hauled and whether the truck is loaded or not) have a
significant effect on the single-axle loading pattern observed for single axles. Consequently,
three different single-axle NALS patterns were developed for this class of trucks. Table 10
describes the alternative Class 11 axle loading conditions.

Table 10. Description of alternative Class 11 axle loading conditions

Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on all roads
The default NALS has relatively few very light
axles. Less than 15 percent of axles weigh less
11 1 M(T) 0.19 18
than 8,000 lb. It differs from the primary
alternative NALS group in that 35 percent of the
axles in this group weigh more than 14,000 lb.
This alternative NALS is lighter than the default. For use when a high
Only 10 percent of axles in this group are heavier percentage of Class 11
11 1 L 0.08 5
than 14,000 lb, while 35 percent are lighter than trucks are running
8,000 lb. empty
This special case represents a very heavy loading For use when nearly all
condition observed in Arizona. Two peaks are Class 10 trucks are
observed in the load spectra, one represents the fully loaded, such as
SP steering axles of these trucks with weights near roads used exclusively
11 1 0.38 53
H(AZ) 10,000 lb, and the other represents the loaded by long haul trucks,
single axles with weights ranging between observed in Arizona
16,000 and 22,000 lb. More than 45 percent of all
axles weigh more than 16,000 lb.

Vehicle Class 12: Six-Axle, Multi-Trailer Vehicles (Table 11)

Class 12 trucks are long multi-trailer trucks. They typically have one set of tandem axles and
four single axles, one of which is the steering axle. The most common Class 12 truck
configuration is a three-axle tractor pulling a single-axle semitrailer and a full trailer with two
single axles. Less common configurations include a two-axle tractor pulling either a two-axle
semitrailer and two-axle full trailer, or a two-axle tractor pulling a single-axle semitrailer and a
three-axle full trailer. These vehicles carry a wide variety of commodities and can exhibit a
variety of loading conditions. One NALS group was identified for single axles, but three special-
case outliers were also noted in the SPS TPF dataset. Only one tandem-axle NALS group was
identified. Table 11 describes the alternative Class 12 axle loading conditions.

Table 11. Description of alternative Class 12 axle loading conditions
Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on all roads
The default NALS for Class 12 single axles has an
almost normal distribution. There are very few very
12 1 M(T) 0.12 7 light axles (weights less than 6,000 lb), and very
few heavy axles (weights greater than 18,000 lb).
The majority of axles weigh between 10,000 and
16,000 lb.
This special case differs from the default NALS For use on all roads
because more than 20 percent of its axles are where at least 20
SP heavier than 16,000 lb, compared with 5 percent in percent of Class 12
12 1 0.25 25
M(ME) the default NALS. It represents a site where Class trucks are carrying
12 trucks are carrying heavier loads than typically heavy commodity
found elsewhere in the country. loads
This special case represents a very light loading For use on roads
condition. Two peaks are present in the loading where almost all
SP VL spectra; the larger peak represents unloaded single Class 12 trucks are
12 1 0.04 3
(LA) axles, weighing about 7,000 to 8,000 lb. The operating empty
smaller peak represents the steering axle of the
tractor, weighing about 10,000 to 12,000 lb.
This special case from New Mexico represents a For use on roads in
very light axle loading condition. Less than 4 New Mexico, where
SP VL percent of axles weigh more than 12,000 lb. The almost all Class 12
12 1 0.03 1
(NM) light single axles in this NALS form a single-peak trucks are observed
distribution between 7,000 and 11,000 lb rather to be operating
than having two peaks. empty
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. For use on all roads
12 2 L(T) 0.14 2 Only one NALS was observed for Class 12 tandem

Vehicle Class 13: Seven-or-More Axle, Multi-Trailer Vehicles (Table 12)

Class 13 is the classification that contains multi-trailer trucks specifically designed for carrying
heavy loads. This classification of vehicles contains a wide variety of both truck configurations
and axle configurations. They are common in some States but fairly rare in others. In Canada,
one specific configuration (the “Canadian B Train”) was designed to meet Canada’s long haul
trucking needs. In return for specific safety improvements (the use of a “B-style” connection
between the first and second trailer) and the use of a tridem axle supporting the back of the first
trailer and front of the second trailer, the Canadian B Train is permitted to carry additional load
and therefore is extremely common in Canada and is also found in many northern States.

In addition, the adjustment of many State-specific truck size and weight laws to meet the needs
of local heavy industry has resulted in classification of State-specific truck configurations as
Class 13. For example, some western States have allowed the use of triple-trailer trucks. The
result is considerable diversity in the number and weight of different types of axles on Class 13
trucks. Table 12 describes the alternative Class 13 axle loading conditions.

Table 12. Description of alternative Class 13 axle loading conditions
Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. The For use on all roads,
default NALS for Class 13 single axles has the especially where
rough shape of a triangle with the peak between fewer Class 13
13 1 M(T) 0.18 11
12,000 and 13,000 lb. This default NALS has very trucks use single
few unloaded and very few heavily loaded single axles to carry heavy
axles. trailer loads
This alternative NALS is similar to the default For use on all roads
distribution, but has fewer lightly loaded axles where single axles
(fewer axles between 9,000 and 12,000 lb) and more on Class 13 trailers
13 1 H 0.32 29
axles greater than 15,000 lb. This NALS has are routinely
30 percent of axles exceeding 16,000 lb with more carrying heavy loads
than 10 percent exceeding 18,000 lb.
This special case comes from Ohio. It differs from For use in Ohio,
the default in three areas. First, it has a very high where both
percentage of very light single axles (more than classification issues
35 percent weigh less than 5,000 lb). Second, it has place many very
SP almost 20 percent of loads weighing more than light axles in Class
13 1 0.21 21
M(OH) 17,000 lb compared with less than 9 percent for the 13, and where a high
default, and third, it has more than 7 percent of axles percentage of
weighing more than the Federal legal limit. overloads are
observed on Class 13
This special case comes from Ohio. This NALS has For use in Ohio,
SP a high percentage of heavy and overloaded axles. where many single
13 1 0.55 48
VH(OH) More than 20 percent of axles in this NALS exceed axles exceed the
18,000 lb. Federal legal limit
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. The For use on all roads,
default NALS has very few light axles. There are with a balance of
two peaks in the axle load distribution. One centers moderate and
13 2 VH1(T) 0.87 54
on 22,000 to 24,000 lb and the other centers on heavily loaded axles
34,000 to 36,000 lb. Roughly 25 percent of tandem
axles exceed the Federal legal limit of 34,000 lb.
This alternative NALS has axles that are not as For use on roads
heavy as found in the default NALS. In this loading where the majority
13 2 H 0.49 37 pattern, about 17 percent of axles weigh less than of Class 13 trucks
12,000 lb. Only 12 percent of the observed axles are not fully loaded
exceed the Federal legal limit.
This alternative NALS differs from the default For use on roads
primarily in that it has a much higher percentage of where loads Class 13
13 2 VH2 1.46 58 very heavy axles. More than 40 percent of all axles loads routinely
observed exceed the 34,000 lb Federal limit. exceed the Federal
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. The For use on roads
default NALS contains very few light tridem axles. where a large
13 3 VH1(T) 1.12 76 Fifty percent of the axles in this NALS exceed percentage of Class
48,000 lb. 13 tridem axles are
very heavily loaded

Vehicle Axle NALS Heavy
Class Type Cluster RPPIF Axles Description Recommended Use
This alternative NALS is lighter than the default For use on all roads
NALS but it still represents a reasonably heavy where most tridem
loading condition. Twenty percent of the axles are axles are fully loaded
13 3 H 0.47 28
lightly loaded (weigh less than 21,000 lb). The peak but where overloads
of the loaded distribution is between 36,000 and are not routine
39,000 lb. Only 5 percent of axles exceed 48,000 lb.
This alternative NALS is even heavier than the For use on roads
default NALS. It contains very few lightly loaded where overloaded
13 3 VH2 1.76 86
tridem axles. More than 60 percent of the observed tridem axles are very
axles exceed 48,000 lb. common
This special case from Ohio has a very large For use only on
percentage of very light axles (24 percent weighing roads in Ohio, where
less than 15,000 lb). Another 36 percent weigh less some tridem axles
13 3 0.44 24 than 36,000 lb. However, the NALS also has exceed 70,000 lb
11 percent of axles weighing more than 50,000 lb,
and 1 percent of axles that weigh more than
70,000 lb.
This special case is also from Ohio. It has a large For use only in Ohio,
percentage of light axles. Only 6 percent are lighter on roads where few
SP than 15,000 lb, but 20 percent are less than tridem axles exceed
13 3 0.50 31
H(OH2) 18,000 lb. Seventy percent of these axles are heavier 57,000 lb
than 30,000 lb, but only 18 percent exceed
42,000 lb.
This NALS is recommended as a Tier 2 default. The For use on all roads
default NALS for Class 13 quad axles is reasonably where Class 13 quad
flat with no loads in the range between 12,000 and axles are routinely
72,000 lb having less than 2.5 percent of the axles or very heavy
13 4 VH(T) 0.83 39
more than 9 percent of the axles. A small peak exists
between 18,000 and 21,000 lb, and a second small
peak occurs between 60,000 and 63,000 lb. Thirty-
five percent of axles weigh more than 57,000 lb.
This alternative NALS is lighter than the default For use on all roads
NALS, but it is still fairly heavy. It contains a higher where only a modest
13 4 H 0.43 14 percentage of lighter quad axles (a peak value near percentage of quad
12 percent) and many fewer very heavy axles (less axles are very
than 12 percent of axles weigh more than 57,000 lb). heavily loaded
The special case site in Ohio has a very large For use only in Ohio,
SP fraction (43 percent) of very light axles. These very where vehicles with
13 4 0.46 21
H(OH) light axles are offset by the fact that 16 percent of very light quad axles
axles weigh more than 69,000 lb. are being observed

Description of APC Defaults

APC defaults were computed for each vehicle class and axle type based on data from the 26 SPS
TPF sites. Averaging the APC values computed for all SPS TPF sites resulted in one set of
global default values, shown in table 13.

Table 13. Global default APC based on 26 SPS TPF sites

Class Single Tandem Tridem Quad
4 1.43 0.57 0.00 0.00
5 2.16 0.02 0.00 0.00
6 1.02 0.99 0.00 0.00
7 1.26 0.20 0.63 0.15
8 2.62 0.49 0.00 0.00
9 1.27 1.86 0.00 0.00
10 1.09 1.15 0.79 0.05
11 4.99 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 3.99 1.00 0.00 0.00
13 1.59 1.26 0.69 0.31

The APC global defaults computed from the LTPP SPS TPF data were compared with the
defaults developed in the NCHRP1-37A study.(4) Although some differences were found
(especially in classes 11 and 13), these differences were relatively small. The small changes do
not result in any significant difference in the required layer thickness or predicted distress for
either flexible or rigid pavements. If States have State-specific APC statistics, these should be
used in place of the global defaults; otherwise, the global defaults are the best available statistics
for use in the MEPDG and DARWin-ME software.

Description of Wheelbase and Axle Spacing Defaults

SPS TPF data were used to investigate the distribution of axle spacing (wheelbase) of the tractor
unit of tractor-semitrailer combination trucks for FHWA vehicle classes 8 and above. These
statistics can be used to define the categories of “short,” “medium,” and “long” axle spacing that
are used in the analysis of jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) slab cracking.

Because 15 ft is the most frequently used joint spacing for JPCP design, the following
percentages of axles in the short, medium, and long categories should be used as defaults in the
MEPDG and DARWin-ME software for 15-ft joint spacing:

 Short (<= 12 ft): 4.3 percent.

 Medium (>12 and <=15 ft): 16.2 percent.
 Long (>=15 feet): 79.5 percent.

If a different joint spacing is used, the values presented in table 14 can be used to compute the
correct percentage of short, medium, and long axles for that desired joint spacing.

Table 14. Distribution of axle spacing on tractor units for FHWA classes 8 through 13
Percentage of Axle Spacings
Axle Spacing (ft) on the Tractor Unit
<=7 0.0
>7 and <=8 0.0
>8 and <=9 0.0
>9 and <=10 0.1
>10 and <=11 0.7
>11 and <=12 3.5
>12 and <=13 7.8
>13 and <=14 5.4
>14 and <=15 3.0
>15 and <=16 8.1
>16 and <=17 12.9
>17 and <=18 32.9
>18 and <=19 9.8
>19 and <=20 7.3
>20 and <=21 6.9
>21 and <=22 0.9
>22 and <=23 0.3
>23 and <=24 0.2
>24 0.2

In addition, the MEPDG states that if other vehicles in the traffic stream have the axle spacings
in the range of the short, medium, and long spacings defined above, the frequency of those
vehicles could be added to the axle spacing distribution of truck tractors. For example, if
10 percent of truck traffic is multiple trailers (Class 11 and above) that have the trailer-to-trailer
axle spacings in the “short” range, 10 percent should be added to the percentage of truck tractors
that have “short” axles. Thus, the sum of the percentages of trucks in the short, medium, and
long categories will be greater than 100. Table 15 shows the results of the analysis of the axle
spacing distribution for units other than tractors for vehicle classes 4 through 13 based on the
SPS TPF data. These results provide additional insights regarding the vehicle classes that are
likely to have axle spacings that could contribute to the development of top-down cracking in

Table 15. Distribution of axle spacing by vehicle class using sample of SPS TPF WIM data
Axle Spacing Percentage of Axle Spacing by Class
(ft) Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 Class 12 Class 13
<=8 37 13 49 66 25 47 62 0 20 50
>8 and <=9 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 6 4
>9 and <=10 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 17 11 5
>10 and <=11 0 2 0 3 1 3 1 3 3 3
>11 and <=12 0 12 1 11 2 1 1 2 5 3
>12 and <=13 0 7 2 9 8 1 2 12 2 3
>13 and <=14 0 21 3 3 8 1 2 7 0 2
>14 and <=15 0 12 3 2 4 1 1 2 0 2
>15 and <=16 0 4 6 1 2 2 2 2 2 3
>16 and <=17 0 3 6 0 2 4 2 2 3 3
>17 and <=18 0 4 9 0 4 9 3 4 6 3
>18 and <=19 0 3 6 1 4 3 4 2 2 5
>19 and <=20 0 3 5 0 4 2 2 1 5 4
>20 and <=21 0 4 6 0 6 2 1 6 13 2
>21 and <=22 0 5 2 0 5 0 1 24 8 2
>22 and <=23 1 3 1 0 3 0 0 15 12 1
>23 and <=24 20 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
>24 42 2 0 0 16 25 15 0 0 5

Description of Default Axle Spacings for Multi-Axle Groups

SPS TPF axle spacing data were used to compute the average axle spacing for tandem, tridem,
and quad axle groups. These averages were then compared with current MEPDG defaults. The
results are presented in table 16.

Table 16. Average axle spacing for multi-axle groups

Axle Spacing (inches)
Source Tandem Tridem Quad
NCHRP 1-37A 51.6 49.2 49.2
LTPP SPS TPF 49.0 50.8 51.8

As table 16 shows, the values are very close. SPS TPF-based averages are slightly lower for
tandem axles and higher for tridem and quad axles compared with the current MEPDG default

The values based on SPS TPF WIM sites reported in table 16 are recommended for use as the
new MEPDG defaults because these values are obtained from accurately calibrated WIM sites.


Knowledge of Local Traffic Loading Conditions

Before an analyst chooses among the alternative NALS defaults, it is recommended that every
effort be made to understand the expected traffic-loading pattern at the site for which default

NALS selections are being made. For example, analysts who work at a State department of
transportation can talk to the staff in the department’s freight office, individuals involved in
collecting truck data, and individuals in the department’s maintenance office who actively work
on that roadway. Another source of commodity information is Metropolitan Planning
Organizations (MPO). Personnel from these agencies often can provide a reasonable description
of the truck traffic using a specific road that can be used to identify the most appropriate NALS
tables to apply. Topics to discuss include the following:

 Dominant commodities carried by trucks and the types of trucks used.

 Presence of specific directional hauls that may cause one direction of a roadway to be
loaded heavily and the other to be lightly loaded.

 Routine axle weight of tridem and quad axles of classs 7, 10, and 13 trucks in the State.

 Percentage of through trucks versus local delivery trucks.

 Truck sizes and weight laws of different States (which can result in different truck body/
configurations for the same FHWA truck class).

 Presence and effectiveness of weight enforcement activities.

 Number of roadway lanes.

This information should be used to establish a descriptive understanding of the traffic loading
conditions for at least the dominant heavy vehicle classes observed at the site (“dominant” is
defined at the end of this subsection). The intent is to learn whether the trucks producing the
majority of traffic load at this site are loaded, unloaded, or an even mix of these two conditions.
This will help determine whether they are of “typical” or usual” weight, or whether they are
heavier or lighter than typical, which in turn helps the analyst choose between the Tier 2 default
NALS options. Table 3 through table 12 can help the analyst select specific Tier 2 default NALS
based on this information. The guidance from these tables is also built into the LTPP PLUG
Interactive Traffic Library Database. In addition to defaults created using SPS TPF data, State
agencies may choose to put their own default NALS into the PLUG Library Database, including
their own information for tables 3 through 12.

Determination of the Dominant Truck Classes

In the selection of NALS defaults, the most care should be applied in selecting the appropriate
default for the dominant truck class. The dominant trucks for a given site are those that apply the
largest percentage of the total traffic load at that site. (That is, the truck classes that are expected
to cause a large amount of the expected pavement damage.) “Dominant” is a function of both the
volume of a class of trucks and the expected pavement damage each truck causes. Dominant
trucks generally are heavy trucks, and they generally contribute a high percentage of the total
truck volume.

The LTPP PLUG software provides several methods to determine dominant truck classes. One
such method is described below. Table 17 demonstrates how to estimate the percentage of total
load (or load-related damage) carried by each truck class for determining the most dominant
truck classes at a site. This table uses RPPIF per truck values as a simplified measure of the
expected amount of damage caused by each truck. It is not meant to be used for direct damage or
distress prediction but rather to rate the relative importance of loads from the perspective of their
potential to cause damage to the pavement. These values are shown in the third column of the
table. Analysts may replace the values in this column with their own statistics for “damage per
truck.” For example, they can insert conventional ESAL/truck values.

Table 17 is an example of how to compute dominant trick classes. To use a table like table 17,
determine the percentage of truck traffic for FHWA vehicles in classes 4 through 13 that uses the
pavement sections being analyzed. Place these values in the second column of the table. Multiply
the value in the second column by the value in the third column and place this value in the fourth
column. This is a measure of the relative damage each class of trucks will apply at this site. In
the fifth column, convert the value in the fourth column to a percentage of that total traffic load
by dividing each value in the fourth column by the total of the fourth column. The “dominant
truck class” is the class of trucks that has the highest percentage of the estimated load. In the
example shown in table 17, Class 9 is the dominant truck class because no other class of trucks
produces more than 12 percent of the total estimated load. All classes that provide more than
25 percent of the traffic load should be considered dominant classes.

To use a table like table 17 effectively, and to perform a good pavement analysis, the analyst
should have access to site-specific truck volume data. These data can be collected at almost any
pavement analysis section in the United States at a cost that is small relative to their importance
in the pavement analysis process. (The vast majority of LTPP test sections have valid, accurate
vehicle classification count data.)

Table 17. Example of computing dominant truck classes

Load Applied by
Truck Class
(Percentage of Percentage of Total
Percentage of Truck Traffic times Load Applied by
Vehicle Class Truck Traffic RPPIF/Truck RPPIF/Truck) Class
4 5 0.60 0.0302 5.9
5 40 0.08 0.0317 6.2
6 6 0.50 0.0303 5.9
7 2 0.53 0.0107 2.1
8 4 0.34 0.0138 2.7
9 36 0.93 0.3339 65.2
10 1 0.53 0.0053 1.0
11 3 0.67 0.0200 3.9
12 1 0.46 0.0046 0.9
13 2 1.58 0.0316 6.2

Applying What the Analyst Has Learned About Truck Loads

The questions that the analyst asks those in the traffic data collection, freight mobility, and
maintenance groups are intended to give him or her an understanding of where unloaded, loaded,
and over-loaded trucks are operating. Because different kinds of trucks carry different kinds of
commodities, loaded, unloaded, and overloaded conditions may vary considerably among types
of trucks on a single road. For example, on one road, long haul Class 9 tractor-semitrailers may
be operating fully loaded, but rarely overloaded, because they routinely pass port of entry
enforcement stations at the State borders. At the same time, natural resource haulers on that same
road may frequently be operating in an overloaded condition because their trips are a shorter
distance and that distance does not include passing a weight enforcement site.

Insight into the commodities carried on the road helps determine whether loaded trucks are
expected to be near the Federal legal limit. Some commodities, such as general household goods
or computer parts, tend to be light. These goods “fill up” a truck or container (bulk out), but the
“full” truck’s axles do not reach the Federal legal limit. (For example, most consumer packages
have large amounts of packaging to protect the contents. This makes the packages large but
relatively light, filling up the trailer box but not heavily loading the truck’s axles.) Other
commodities can be quite heavy. For example, frozen food shipped from eastern Washington to
the Port of Seattle in containers are very heavy loads. Little packaging is needed and the foods
are tightly packed, resulting in very dense containers, and thus heavy axle loads.

If it is known that the pavement analysis section is on a road that carries heavy natural resource
loads—and this direction of traffic is the direction that carries the loaded natural resource
trucks—then the analyst should select a heavy NALS for the class of trucks used to carry heavy
natural resources in that State. If, on the other hand, the side of the road that contains the analysis
segment carries the unloaded trucks returning to pick up more natural resources, the analyst
should select one of the lighter Class 6 or Class 10 NALS and a moderate Class 7 and/or
Class 10 NALS.

Another key question for the analyst to learn about natural resource hauls is what kind of trucks
most commonly carry natural resources on that road and what kinds of axle loads are present. In
some parts of the country, Class 7 is the primary natural resource hauler. In other parts of the
country, Class 10 trucks fulfill this role. In either case, it is also important to understand the
common axle weights that these trucks exhibit when loaded. In some parts of the country, these
trucks are renowned for having overloaded axles. In other parts of the country, these loads are
maintained near the legal limits owing to tight enforcement and specific truck size and weight
regulations. The Tier 2 NALS provide a number of different loading conditions for these trucks
and discussing likely loading conditions for them with knowledgeable State traffic data
personnel increases the accuracy of the NALS selected for these trucks and axle types.

Most trucks hauling natural resources do not travel very long distances. (Natural resources are
generally shipped by rail for long distance hauls.) However, many truck classes do operate in
long haul, urban delivery, and single-day return modes of operation. These kinds of operating
patterns affect how often a truck is observed as being loaded, partially loaded, or empty.

Trucks that operate over very long distances (more than 1 day’s travel) tend to operate loaded
during the vast majority of time. The longer the distances traveled, the more likely the truck is
full (although its axles may still be well below legal Federal axle load limits if it is carrying
bulky cargo) because the economics of trucking are such that the cost of finding a return load is
lower than the cost of traveling a long distance empty. However, if a roundtrip can be made in

1 day, the likelihood that such the truck is full in one direction and empty in the other increases
considerably. This is simply because the labor cost of waiting for a return load can be high
relative to the cost of driving back to base. Similarly, in urban areas, delivery trips that start and
end at a terminal are commonly full at the start of the trip, partially loaded during the middle of a
trip, and empty by the end of the trip.

When considering these operating conditions together, and looking at the loading patterns for
truck classes 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13 (but usually not Class 10), it becomes clear why it is important
to understand the percentage of through trips versus local delivery trips made. Each of these
truck classes is commonly used for both local delivery and long haul trips. The greater the
percentage of local delivery (and single-day return) movements occurring on a road, the higher
the percentage of light axles should be in the selected NALS. On the other hand, the greater the
percentage of through traffic, the smaller the percentage of lightly loaded axles. These conditions
reach their extreme on roads like I-10 near the New Mexico/Arizona border. Because there are
few local destinations in this area, almost all truck traffic on I-10 is loaded.

Finally, the size and weight laws in place in the State, and the degree to which those laws are
enforced on that road, are useful information for the analyst. In some cases, States routinely
allow additional axle loads on specific styles of trucks to meet the needs of important State-
specific industries. Similarly, there are some commodity movements that are renowned for being
overloaded (e.g., some coal movements have this reputation). When these conditions are known
to exist, the analyst can select Tier 2 NALS that feature larger percentages of axles that exceed
the Federal axle weight limits.

Selection of NALS
Once an analyst understands the basic truck volumes at a site and has obtained the available
knowledge on the truck loading conditions, especially for the dominant truck classes, table 3
through table 12 could be used to identify NALS best representing identified loading conditions.
To facilitate the selection of Tier 2 NALS, information from these tables has been included in the
LTPP PLUG database and software application. Details are provided in the appendices of this

For vehicle classes where no loading conditions are identified because of lack of knowledge or
because these classes carry a low percentage of the total volume, it is recommended that analysts
use the SPS TPF NALS defaults (either Tier 1 or Tier 2).

MEPDG Sensitivity Test

When NALS defaults are used, and if time and resources permit, the analyst is strongly
encouraged to run at least some sensitivity tests of the MEPDG analysis outputs, especially if
very limited knowledge of loading conditions exists. The minimum recommended sensitivity
tests include two runs. Both are performed by keeping all inputs the same except the NALS. The
first test substitutes a heavier Tier 2 NALS than the initial default NALS for the dominant trucks
in the design. The second test substitutes a lighter Tier 2 NALS for the dominant trucks classes
using the site.

The sensitivity test is intended to simply increase and decrease the total load applied to
determine whether the MEPDG outputs for a particular design change significantly based on
changing traffic load. If they do, then the analyst can decide how conservative a design to build,
given the uncertainty in the traffic loading.

Limitations of Loading Cluster NALS Defaults

The Tier 1 and Tier 2 defaults are useful estimates when site-specific information is not
available. However, because they were developed from only 26 WIM sites in 23 States, and all
of those sites are LTPP test sites (which means they tend to be on larger roads), they are not truly
representative of all the locations at which traffic loading estimates are needed. The small
number of SPS TPF WIM sites also limits the geographic scope of the weight data. These
estimates may not be representative of specific roads in specific States where loading conditions
are dominated by State regulations or specific commodity movements that differ from national
norms. When State- or site-specific trucking movements dominate the use of a road, those
roadways may experience loading conditions that are different than those observed in the SPS
TPF data. Consequently, when analysts believe that these State-specific conditions are present,
they are encouraged to (1) work with their State to develop State-specific NALS defaults, (2) talk
to their State’s traffic data collection personnel to gain more insight into which loading patterns
to apply, and (3) perform sensitivity tests of the MEPDG outputs using a variety of different


The estimation of traffic load requires a number of factors in addition to the NALS, including:

 Truck volumes distributions for classes 4 through 13.

 Expected rate of truck traffic growth for future pavement performance prediction (or
back-casted traffic for analysis of historical pavement performance data).

 Distribution of truck traffic by time of day.

 Distribution of truck traffic by month of the year.

 Distribution of truck traffic by lane and by direction.

States are encouraged to develop their own defaults or site-specific values for these statistics.

Although truck volumes will change with the national economy, State economic growth will
likely have an even greater impact on truck traffic on most roads. Truck volume time of day
distributions are easily collected as part of site-specific truck volume counts. Truck travel
distributions are important in States where truck travel varies by season and are especially
important where seasonal environmental changes significantly affect material properties. (That
is, it is especially important to understand how truck volume patterns change during the year in
States with significant freeze-thaw conditions.) All of these data are available to some degree in
the LTPP traffic database, but additional information on these factors should also be available
through State sources.


Although the SPS TPF data provide an improved set of traffic loading defaults compared with
the original MEPDG defaults because they were collected with better calibrated WIM
equipment, the SPS TPF data, by necessity, represent national conditions. Unfortunately, many
truck characteristics differ markedly from State to State. Consequently, if a State operates well-
calibrated WIM scales, summarizing the data obtained from those scales can provide default
truck characteristic data that are more accurate for designs in that State than if national defaults
are used. Therefore, States are encouraged to develop and apply their own NALS and other truck
characteristics when their WIM data have been carefully checked for quality assurance (QA) and
found to be accurate.

Analysis of WIM data from the LTPP program indicates that axle loading distributions vary
among different axle types, different truck types (vehicle classes), and different roadways.
Differences in axle load spectra between different axle types can, in part, be attributed to a
variety of factors related to different truck configurations, including differences in:

 Axle configuration.

 The legal axle load limits that apply to single, tandem, tridem, and quad axles.

 Truck body structure needed to carry different commodities (e.g., flatbeds versus tanks
versus basic cargo boxes).

 Vehicle length and the number of units (single unit versus multiple units) pulled by the
truck’s power unit.

 The purpose of an axle (steering or load-carrying axle).

Even for the same vehicle class and axle type, axle weights vary based on local conditions for
reasons such as:

 Differences in truck size and weight laws between States.

 Presence and effectiveness of weight enforcement activities.

 Dominant commodities carried by specific classes of trucks on each road (e.g., a standard
five-axle tractor semitrailer weighs much more when carrying a full load of wood chips
than it does carrying a full load of computer parts shipped with large amounts of

 Number of roadway lanes (outer lanes typically are loaded more heavily than inner lanes
on multilane roads).

In addition, the percentage of trucks carrying full or partial loads versus those returning empty to
a terminal is a function of the type of trucking movement, the type of commodity hauled, and the

location of the road segment being analyzed. Factors that can significantly affect the percentage
of loaded trucks observed include:

 Percentage of long haul trucking movements occurring versus the percentage of local
delivery movements.

 Proximity of the roadway to urban areas (roads in or near urban areas are more likely to
see partial or empty loads).

 Nature of the commodities hauled on the road (e.g., most trucks carrying natural
resources operate loaded in one direction and empty in the other).

 Lane of traffic monitored (heavier trucks are more frequently in the outside lanes).

Local site conditions are more likely to have a significant effect on load spectra for locations that
have a high percentage of local traffic and a low percentage of through traffic (i.e., traffic that is
generated from far away, especially when that through traffic must cross State boundaries).


The key to successful development of NALS defaults is an understanding of differences in

loading conditions within the road network for which defaults are being developed. This guide
emphasizes the need to identify different trucking patterns and collect data on those patterns to
develop an understanding of the NALS associated with those patterns. State agency personnel
need to work with their freight community to accomplish this task. Once loading conditions are
identified, the number of WIM sites that should be used to develop a default NALS could be
determined based on observed variability in loading data.

This guide does not prescribe the number of WIM sites that should be used to develop a default
NALS. This information can be found in the FHWA’s Traffic Monitoring Guide and NCHRP
Reports 538, Traffic Data Collection, Analysis, and Forecasting for Mechanistic Pavement
Design, and 509, Equipment for Traffic Load Data.(3,5,6) In general, it is advisable to use all
available WIM sites in development of the defaults, provided that these sites have data that
satisfy the data selection criteria described in the following section.

At the same time, to keep this data analysis task manageable, those developing and applying the
default NALS should focus on the truck and loading patterns that will significantly affect the
outcome of the pavement analysis—in other words, the dominant vehicle classes. For example, if
one type of truck carries a highly variable load (axles on these trucks can be very heavy or not
too heavy), but only 1 of 1,000,000 trucks is of that truck type, then it is not necessary to spend
much time or effort understanding when and where this specific truck type occurs, or what it
weighs when it is observed. On the other hand, if 9 of 10 heavy trucks are of a specific type in a
given State, understanding the differences in load carried by these trucks, and being able to
correctly select the loading condition occurring on specific road segments, is very important.
Alternatively, if a specific truck type never carries heavy weights, it is not important to
understand the variation in that type of truck’s weights, even if the percentage of variation is
large. (That is, the analyst does care whether truck axles vary from 2,000 to 4,000 lb, even

though that is a 100-percent variation, because neither of these axles will cause significant
pavement damage.) In both the case of the “rare truck type” and the case of the “very light truck
type,” significant amounts of variability are acceptable simply because the effects of that
variability will have little effect on the pavement analysis.

For the majority of the LTPP sites (and the majority of U.S. primary roads), Class 9 is the
dominant heavy vehicle type and is responsible for a very high percentage of the traffic load
applied to pavements. Therefore, when developing and applying NALS, a special effort should
be made to identify different loading conditions for Class 9 vehicles. While Class 5 vehicles are
frequently dominant in terms of truck volume, they normally are not heavy enough to make a
significant contribution to total traffic loading and thus may be excluded from determination of
the dominant heavy vehicle classes (unless local knowledge exists of heavier-than-usual Class 5
vehicles at the site).

Finally, it is advised that when NALS are developed, they should be accompanied by descriptive
information about the loading conditions to help users correctly identify the NALS that should be
applied for any given analysis. In this guide, these descriptions begin with the identification of
the “typical” loading condition. This represents the most commonly observed loading condition.
This designation serves as a useful starting point in selecting a NALS. Alternative NALS are
then defined as lighter or heavier than the default, meaning that trucks exhibiting these
alternative patterns will cause less or more pavement damage than trucks exhibiting the pattern
most commonly observed. These designations are meant to help analysts select the appropriate
NALS and understand whether the NALS they are using will provide a particularly conservative

It is also recommended to use all available loading information (both quantitative and
qualitative) when assigning the available default loading conditions to specific pavement
analysis sections.


Two types of NALS defaults are frequently used with MEPDG applications. Each of these types
of defaults should be computed at the State level whenever possible:

 Tier 1, or global, defaults representing statewide or nationwide default loading


 Tier 2, or alternate, defaults representing specific loading conditions. These defaults are
developed from, and assigned to, groups of roads that have common loading conditions
for specific truck class–truck weight road groups.

As described in Part I, Tier 1 NALS defaults are used for sites that have no information
regarding expected traffic loading patterns on a specific pavement analysis segment. These
defaults represent an average traffic loading condition observed at all sites used in the
development of the default. The benefit of Tier 2 defaults is that they provide multiple choices
for selecting traffic loading conditions for different truck classes and axle types. Appropriate

selection of these defaults requires some knowledge about the expected traffic loading condition
at the pavement design site.

In some cases, Tier 2 roads can be grouped and/or identified based on regional trucking patterns
that affect the nature of truck loads carried on those roads. For example, a “regional pattern”
might be based primarily on the commodity routinely carried on the road (coal, cut trees, specific
agricultural products), or “regional” may simply refer to roads that are or are not in proximity to
large metropolitan areas (rural versus urban). Some truck weight road groups and regional
designations may only apply to specific classes of trucks. For example, the “coal region” in a
midwestern State may only apply to Class 7 and Class 10 trucks, because other truck classes
(e.g., Class 9) may not be involved in the specific commodity movements identified by the group
or regional designation. This also means that more than one “truck weight group” may need to be
applied for any given pavement analysis to reflect the different loading patterns applied by
different classes of trucks.

In addition, the availability of Tier 2 defaults allows easy testing of the sensitivity of the
pavement analysis outcomes to differences in NALS inputs. That is, the user can perform two
different runs, one using the selected NALS and one using a heavier NALS. The differences in
the analysis outcomes provide the analyst with considerable insight into the consequences of
using different NALS for pavement design.

The development of MEPDG traffic-loading defaults starts with the selection of WIM sites that
satisfy specific data selection criteria, followed by the development of representative NALS for
each of the sites with data that meet those criteria. Then, NALS from selected individual sites (or
all the sites, in the case of global defaults) are averaged to compute Tier 1 default NALS or
grouped in clusters with similar loading characteristics and averaged for each cluster group.
Based on this approach, the methodology for development of the MEPDG traffic loading
defaults includes the following sequence of tasks:

1. QA testing of available WIM data and selection of sites.

2. Development of site-specific representative NALS for all selected WIM sites.

3. Development of one set of global defaults using data for all selected WIM sites (Tier 1).

4. Development of supplemental sets of NALS using subsets of data for sites with similar
loading conditions (Tier 2).

Guidelines to accomplish these tasks are described in the following sections.


MEPDG NALS are produced by vehicle class and axle type for a typical day of a month. Each
NALS represents the expected frequency with which an axle within each specified load range
will be encountered for that vehicle type and class of axle.

Because seasonal changes in axle load frequency distributions are not uniform across different
States and are likely to be observed only on the roads that carry a large percentage of seasonally

affected loads, national default NALS values are developed to represent axle load frequency
distributions for a typical day of the year. These distributions are called “representative annual
normalized axle load spectra,” or RANALS. If truck loads change seasonally owing to truck
volume changes, monthly adjustment coefficients are used to adjust truck volumes between
different months. If a State has a group of roads subject to seasonal changes in load distribution
frequencies, default NALS should be developed to represent each month or season in the year.

Data Selection Criteria for Development of Site-Specific Representative NALS

These guidelines address WIM data requirements to develop representative site-specific NALS
for computation of the default NALS. To take full advantage of the available WIM data, the data
selection criteria focus on maximizing the use of available data without compromising the
quality of MEPDG defaults. WIM data selection criteria address the following data selection

 Data availability: maximized use of available data that satisfy data quality criterion.

 Data quality: identification and utilization of reliable, high-quality axle loading data.

 Data reasonableness: identification of data that are not only accurate but also represent
typical/expected conditions for a given site or a group of sites that have similar traffic-
loading patterns.

The following conservative minimum data availability criteria were identified to remove any
potential day-of-the-week (DOW) and monthly bias from the computation of RANALS for
individual WIM sites:

 Availability of at least 1 of each 7 DOW per month to avoid potential DOW bias. Days
do not need to be consecutive.

 Availability of at least 1 of each 12 calendar months to avoid potential seasonal bias.

Months do not need to be consecutive or from the same calendar year.

These minimums were developed through a number of statistical analyses designed to evaluate
the reliability of computed NALS using different data quality and availability scenarios.

When more than 7 DOWs per month or more than 12 calendar months of acceptable quality data
are available, all available data for that site should be used in the computation of site-specific
RANALS. If less than these minimums are present, the lack of data may create bias in the
RANALS such that they underestimate the effects of loading patterns missing from the data. For
example, if no data are present from the spring months owing to equipment failure, and loads are
lighter in the spring months than during the rest of the year owing to spring thaw load
restrictions, the RANALS will overestimate the average loading condition. Similarly, in urban
areas, weekend loads may be heavier than weekday loads as the percentage of through traffic to
local traffic increases.

The following acceptable data quality criteria were identified for RANALS to be used in the
LTPP project:

 Data should be from a WIM site conforming to ASTM (ASTM International, formerly
American Society for Testing and Materials) 1318 specification for Type I WIM system
accuracy and performance requirements specified in the LTPP SPS Field Operation

 Selected data must pass quality review using LTPP QC procedures for the SPS TPF study
and be identified as Level E data in the LTPP database.(9)

States developing NALS default tables for their own use are encouraged to follow these same
data quality standards but are not expected to follow LTPP reporting requirements. It is also
advisable to limit the maximum acceptable bias in axle weight measurements to less than
5 percent to avoid significant differences in MEPDG outcomes owing to bias in axle weight data.

In addition to the basic quality of the data and the number of days for which data are available at
each site, data from specific sites should be evaluated for reasonableness for inclusion in default
NALS used to represent the traffic load expected to occur on other roads in a State. In some
circumstances, data may be valid but (1) are atypical because of atypical conditions that occurred
at a site (for example, a 6-month-long, temporary load restriction imposed during bridge
construction downstream of the data collection site); (2) truck volumes for a particular vehicle
class are so low, given a specific truck class distribution at the site, that data are not sufficient to
produce a representative axle load spectrum for some vehicle classes; or (3) the loading pattern
observed at a site is significantly different from other sites owing to unique truck traffic
generators in the vicinity of the site.

In the first two conditions, data for vehicle classes affected by the loading restriction are not
suitable for use in default RANALS. In the first case, the data are not representative of “normally
observed” loading conditions. In the second case, the very low frequency of vehicles makes the
values in the RANALS unstable statistically. When averaged with other RANALS, these few
axles have too much impact on the NALS for any group in which they are placed. For example,
if only four axles are measured at a site and two fall into one load range in the NALS, that load
range contains 50 percent of all axles in the RANALS for that site. When averaged with any
other set of RANALS, the 50-percent value badly biases the computation of the average
percentage of axles that fall into that load range.

In the third case, the RANALS should not be included in a load group with data from other sites.
Instead, it should be treated as a “special case.” This means that a “special case” description of
why it is unique should be developed for that condition so that it can be used in pavement
analysis when other pavements also experience that condition.

All of these data would be useful for site-specific MEPDG analysis but should not be used for
creation of generalized defaults, which are designed to represent typical traffic loading
conditions for sites without site-specific axle load spectra.

Procedure for Development of RANALS Estimates

The following procedure describes the steps for developing RANALS using daily axle load
spectra stored in a format consistent with LTPP LTAS DD_AX tables:

1. Identify all sites for which the available data meet the selection criteria of having data for at
least 7 DOWs, for each calendar month, and at least 12 calendar months. These data must
have passed the LTPP SPS TPF QC checks for data and performance of the WIM equipment.
They must also pass the data reasonableness checks described in the LTPP report MEPDG
Traffic Loading Defaults Derived from LTPP Transportation Pooled Fund Study.(10)

2. Extract daily axle load spectra from the LTPP LTAS DD_AX tables for all years and months
from all sites that were identified in the previous step, where the resulting data are expressed
as daily axle load counts by weight bin.

3. For each site, compute axle load spectra representing the typical day of the month for each
month, by year, axle type, and vehicle class (classes 4 through 13). The daily axle load
spectra should be averaged first by DOW and then across DOWs to produce an unbiased
monthly axle load spectra (as representative loading for a day of the month for a given year)
for each vehicle class, axle type, month, and year.

4. For each site, year, month, axle type, and vehicle class, normalize the axle load spectra
representing the typical day of the month to obtain monthly NALS.

5. For each site, axle type, vehicle class, and calendar month (January through December),
compute average monthly NALS (as representative loading for a day of the month) by
averaging data across all available years. This will result in 12 representative monthly NALS
for each calendar month, axle type, and vehicle class for each site.

6. For each site, axle type, and vehicle class, average the 12 monthly NALS. This will result in
one RANALS representing the typical day of the year for each axle type and vehicle class for
each site.

Each set of RANALS includes a normalized axle load spectrum for each vehicle class (for
classes 4 through 13) and each axle type (single, tandem, tridem, and quad as applicable)
representing the expected axle loading distribution for a typical day of the year for that site.



The purpose of the global NALS defaults is to serve as input to the MEPDG when very little or
no information about existing or expected future traffic loading patterns is available for a design
site. Global NALS defaults follow the exact format of the original MEPDG defaults and can be
implemented easily. These defaults are based on averaging RANALS from all the WIM sites that
have sufficient data.

Procedure for Development of Global NALS Defaults (Tier 1)

This procedure is based on averaging RANALS from the WIM sites that have sufficient data. To
avoid biasing NALS as a result of unstable load spectra distributions caused by very low axle
counts (which are considered insufficient to define a load spectra frequency distribution for a
given class and axle), if a site has fewer than 100 axles and/or an APC of less than 0.01, that site
should not be included in the computation of global NALS defaults for that vehicle class and
axle type.

The computational steps and data availability criteria are presented below:

1. Obtain RANALS for all sites that satisfy the data selection criteria presented in this guide.

2. For each vehicle class and axle type, exclude from further computations RANALS that are
based on very low axle counts, using the following criteria:

 RANALS that are based on very low axle counts (fewer than 100 axles and/or axles per
class less than 0.01).

 RANALS representing highly unusual or unique loading conditions that are not likely to
be encountered on road classes where global defaults will be used.

3. For each vehicle class and axle type, average the available RANALS.

4. Save the results in a table format provided in the LTPP PLUG database (see appendix B).



This section provides guidelines for States to use their own WIM data to develop NALS
representing different loading conditions within the State for use with the MEPDG and
DARWin-ME software. NALS representing different loading conditions within the State’s road
network provide flexibility to MEPDG users in the selection of axle loading defaults so that they
can more accurately describe their local loading conditions.

Tier 2 NALS are designed to be used independently to specify different truck loading conditions
by class and axle type. For example, a pavement designer may select a “heavy” axle load
spectrum for Class 9 vehicles but a “light” load spectrum for Class 6 vehicles because those
loading conditions are appropriate for the truck traffic using the roadway they are designing.

Methodology for Grouping WIM Sites With Similar Loading Conditions

To create Tier 2 NALS, the site-specific RANALS should be grouped in clusters based on
similarities in the axle loading conditions. For each cluster, alternative default NALS should be
computed for each vehicle class and axle type in such a way that there is a high probability that
the use of these alternative NALS will result in a significant differences in the expected
pavement life or design thickness predictions.

The grouping of site-specific NALS into Tier 2 defaults should be done separately for each class
and axle type. That is, just because tandem axles for Class 9 trucks from sites 1 and 2 are shown
to belong to the same Tier 2 NALS does not mean that tandem axles for Class 10 trucks from
those same two sites should also be placed together in a default NALS.

The recommended way to create Tier 2 NALS is to use the hierarchical clustering technique,
available in most statistical software packages, to group RANALS from State WIM sites that
have similar pavement damaging potential. Step-by-step instructions are given below. The
methodology and detailed analysis behind this procedure are presented in chapters 8 through 10
of the LTPP report, MEPDG Traffic Loading Defaults Derived from LTPP Transportation
Pooled Fund Study. (10)

Procedure for Development of NALS Defaults Representing Different Loading Conditions

The procedures described below are based on the methodology described in the LTPP report,
MEPDG Traffic Loading Defaults Derived from LTPP Transportation Pooled Fund Study.(10)
Other mechanisms to group load spectra into “similar” groups are also possible. The steps
required to create Tier 2 NALS are as follows:

1. Ensure that the WIM data used to compute State-specific defaults come from data collection
equipment that is calibrated and functioning properly.

2. Develop RANALS for each site.

3. Using the RANALS, compute an RPPIF summary statistic associated with each load
spectrum that takes into account both the pavement damage potential of different axle load
weights and the frequency of the application of those loads (i.e., the fraction of loads of a
given magnitude in the axle load spectra).

4. Determine the importance of each vehicle class and axle type based on the frequency with
which specific classes of vehicles are observed and the loading characteristics of those
vehicles (i.e., identify types of trucks that cause heavy damage to the pavement because of
their weight and volume).

5. Determine the sensitivity of the MEPDG to the variation inherent in the truck fleets observed
by the agency, given the pavement design philosophy of the agency, and establish maximum
RPPIF differences for cluster analysis.

6. Perform a cluster analysis of the RPPIFs (by vehicle class and type of axle) using the output
of the sensitivity of the MEPDG as a guide for determining when to stop the clustering

The first two steps above were discussed as part of constructing the Tier 1 default NALS. Each
of the remaining steps is described below.

Step 3: Compute RPPIF Statistics Using RANALS
The RPPIF summary statistics were used in the creation of the new national default NALS based
on SPS TPF data. The intent of the RPPIF is to allow simple summary comparisons of the size of
different loading conditions by providing a single statistic associated with each load spectrum.
RPPIF is computed by taking into account both the pavement damage potential of different axle
load weights and the frequency of the application of those loads (i.e., the fraction of loads of a
given magnitude in the axle load spectra). It is computed using the W-factors shown in table 18.
These factors provide a generic measure of the relative pavement damaging potential caused by
axles of specific weights and configurations, as determined through MEPDG analysis in the
report, MEPDG Traffic Loading Defaults Derived from LTPP Transportation Pooled Fund

The RPPIF statistic is used to identify axle loading conditions within each vehicle class and axle
type that are likely to produce significantly different MEPDG outcomes. States wishing to group
“similar” RANALS using other criteria are welcome to do so.

To compute the RPPIF statistics, use the equation shown in figure 1. Start with the RANALS
computed for each vehicle class and axle type. For each of those RANALS, multiply the load
frequency corresponding to each load bin in those load spectra by the corresponding W-factor
from table 18. Sum these values across all load bins (i = 1 to n) for that load spectra.
RPPIFjk =  (Fijk * Wij)
Figure 1. Equation. Computation of RPPIF statistics


RPPIFjk = relative pavement performance impact factor for axle type j and vehicle class k
i = load bin
j = the type of axle
k = the class of vehicle
Wij = the impact factor for load range i, for axle type j from table 18
Fijk = the fraction of axles in load range i, for axle type j, and vehicle class k

Table 18. Pavement performance impact factors, Wij
Single Axle Tandem Axle Tridem Axle Quad Axle
Load Load Range Weight Load Range Weight Load Range Weight Load Range Weight
Bin (lb) Factor (lb) Factor (lb) Factor (lb) Factor
BIN_01 0–2,999 0.00 0–5,999 0.00 0–11,999 0.00 0–11,999 0.00
BIN_02 3,000–3,999 0.00 6,000–7999 0.00 9,000–11,999 0.00 9,000–11,999 0.00
BIN_03 4,000–4,999 0.00 8,000–9999 0.00 12,000–14,999 0.00 12,000–14,999 0.00
BIN_04 5,000–5,999 0.00 10,000–11,999 0.00 15,000–17,999 0.04 15,000–17999 0.00
BIN_05 6,000–6,999 0.00 12,000–13,999 0.01 18,000–20,999 0.09 18,000–20,999 0.02
BIN_06 7,000–7,999 0.00 14,000–15,999 0.04 21,000–23,999 0.15 21,000–23,999 0.05
BIN_07 8,000–8,999 0.02 16,000–17,999 0.08 24,000–26,999 0.21 24,000–26,999 0.09
BIN_08 9,000–9,999 0.04 18,000–19,999 0.14 27,000–29,999 0.28 27,000–29,999 0.14
BIN_09 10,000–10,999 0.08 20,000–21,999 0.22 30,000–32,999 0.35 30,000–32,999 0.20
BIN_10 11,000–11,999 0.12 22,000–23,999 0.30 33,000–35,999 0.43 33,000–35,999 0.27
BIN_11 12,000–12,999 0.18 24,000–25,999 0.40 36,000–38,999 0.53 36,000–38,999 0.34
BIN_12 13,000–13,999 0.24 26,000–27,999 0.51 39,000–41,999 0.64 39,000–41,999 0.42
BIN_13 14,000–14,999 0.31 28,000–2,9999 0.62 42,000–44,999 0.76 42,000–44,999 0.52
BIN_14 15,000–15,999 0.40 3,0000–31,999 0.75 45,000–47,999 0.92 45,000–47,999 0.62
BIN_15 16,000–16,999 0.49 32,000–33,999 0.89 48,000–50,999 1.10 48,000–50,999 0.73
BIN_16 17,000–17,999 0.59 34,000–35,999 1.04 51,000–53,999 1.32 51,000–53,999 0.85
BIN_17 18,000–18,999 0.71 36,000–37,999 1.21 54,000–56,999 1.58 54,000–56,999 0.99
BIN_18 19,000–19,999 0.85 38,000–39,999 1.40 57,000–59,999 1.90 57,000–59,999 1.14
BIN_19 20,000–20,999 1.01 4,0000–41,999 1.63 60,000–62,999 2.27 60,000–62,999 1.30
BIN_20 21,000–21,999 1.19 42,000–43,999 1.90 63,000–65,999 2.71 63,000–65,999 1.47
BIN_21 22,000–22,999 1.41 44,000–45,999 2.23 66,000–68,999 3.22 66,000–68,999 1.66
BIN_22 23,000–23,999 1.67 46,000–47,999 2.63 69,000–71,999 3.82 69,000–71,999 1.87
BIN_23 24,000–24,999 1.99 48,000–49,999 3.13 72,000–74,999 4.51 72,000–74,999 2.10
BIN_24 25,000–25,999 2.38 50,000–51,999 3.74 75,000–77,999 5.30 75,000–77,999 2.35
BIN_25 26,000–26,999 2.85 52,000–53,999 4.49 78,000–80,999 6.20 78,000–80,999 2.63
BIN_26 27,000–27,999 3.43 54,000–55,999 5.42 81,000–83,999 7.22 81,000–83,999 2.93
BIN_27 28,000–28,999 4.12 56,000–57,999 6.56 84,000–86,999 8.37 84,000–86,999 3.26
BIN_28 29,000–29,999 4.96 58,000–5,9999 7.95 87,000–89,999 9.66 87,000–89,999 3.62
BIN_29 30,000–30,999 5.97 60,000–61,999 9.64 90,000–92,999 11.09 90,000–92,999 4.02
BIN_30 31,000–31,999 7.18 62,000–63,999 11.67 93,000–95,999 12.68 93,000–95,999 4.46
BIN_31 32,000–32,999 8.62 64,000–65,999 14.11 96,000–98,999 14.44 96,000–98,999 4.94
BIN_32 33,000–33,999 10.33 66,000–67,999 17.00 99,000–101,999 16.37 99,000–101,999 5.47
BIN_33 34,000–34,999 12.35 68,000–69,999 20.43 102,000–104,999 18.48 102,000–104,999 6.06
BIN_34 35,000–35,999 14.72 7,0000–71,999 24.47 105,000–107,999 20.78 105,000–107,999 6.71
BIN_35 36,000–36,999 17.48 72,000–73,999 29.19 108,000–110,999 23.28 108,000–110,999 7.42
BIN_36 37,000–37,999 20.70 74,000–75,999 34.68 111,000–113,999 25.98 111,000–113,999 8.20
BIN_37 38,000–38,999 24.41 76,000–77,999 41.04 114,000–116,999 28.90 114,000–116,999 9.06
BIN_38 ≥ 39,000 28.70 ≥ 78,000 48.37 ≥ 117,000 32.03 ≥ 117,000 10.01

Step 4: Determine the Importance of Specific Vehicle Classes and Axle Types
If the criteria used for the creation of the national Tier 2 NALS are acceptable (see step 6),
simply skip to step 6 and use the criteria presented in table 20, along with State-specific
RANALS, to develop State-specific Tier 2 NALS. If State-specific traffic attributes and design
criteria/performance models are to be used, then steps 4 and 5 must be followed to develop a
State-specific criteria table that replaces table 20 in step 6.

Because of their complexity, this guide only summarizes steps 4 and 5. They are discussed in
greater detail in chapter 9 of the LTPP report, MEPDG Traffic Loading Defaults Derived from
LTPP Transportation Pooled Fund Study.(10)

In step 4, a State determines the truck volumes to test the sensitivity of the MEPDG pavement
designs to State-specific loading conditions. The Tier 2 national defaults described in Part I of
this guide are based on the truck volume patterns observed in the LTPP traffic database. As a
result, they may or may not be representative of the kinds of trucks traveling on a given State’s
roads. For example, roads in the western States often have a much higher percentage of multi-
trailer truck travel than roads in most eastern States. Consequently, the use of national averages
tends to overestimate multi-trailer truck travel and importance to pavement performance in
eastern States and underestimate their importance in western States. Similarly, in portions of
some midwestern States (e.g., Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky), very heavy, multi-axle single-
unit trucks (i.e., four, five, and six+ axle, single-unit trucks) are commonly found on roads that
serve natural resource extraction industries (e.g., coal). The largest of these trucks is rarely found
in many other States.

The primary purpose of step 4 is to determine the upper bounds of the volume of trucks
occurring and the maximum percentage of all truck traffic that occurs in that class. These two
factors are used to set up tests of the sensitivity of the MEPDG’s outputs to different observed
loading conditions for that class of trucks.

To obtain the maximum observed truck volumes per lane and the maximum observed truck
percentages by class of truck, the agency should examine the data in its own historical traffic
database. The intent is to find those traffic conditions that maximize the impact of each vehicle
class on pavement design. That is, under what truck volume and vehicle class distribution
conditions does a given vehicle class represent the largest percentage of the total truck load on
roads found in the State? Identified maximum truck volume conditions (relative to other truck
volumes) can then be used to determine how sensitive the MEPDG outcomes are to the possible
changes in load observed in that class. Table 19 shows an example of the outcome of this data
analysis task. The highlighted percentage values and average annual daily truck traffic (AADTT)
values can then be taken into the MEPDG sensitivity tests.

Table 19. Example of traffic design conditions for each vehicle class
Vehicle Class Distribution for Vehicle Class (percent)
Class Site Number AADTT 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
4 1 5,560 50.5 3.8 0.0 14.9 21.4 0.1 0.3 2.2 6.6 0.0
5 2 1,560 6.4 75.3 14.9 0.0 0.7 2.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 3 450 1.5 19.2 53.6 9.3 7.1 5.5 1.3 0.5 0.0 2.0
7 4 1,210 2.9 27.1 17.0 10.6 8.0 32.6 1.0 0.8 0.1 0.0
8 5 610 15.0 22.1 7.9 5.9 38.4 5.9 2.3 0.3 0.2 2.1
9 6 3,040 0.3 4.8 1.6 0.1 2.3 85.7 0.5 3.1 1.3 0.2
10 7 1,890 4.5 8.8 5.2 3.3 1.1 14.3 28.9 0.0 0.6 33.2
11 8 1,860 1.1 45.0 9.6 0.7 6.6 24.3 0.0 12.3 0.1 0.2
12 9 1,220 2.7 25.9 6.1 0.8 3.7 33.0 4.9 0.6 7.8 14.6
13 7 1,890 4.5 8.8 5.2 3.3 1.1 14.3 28.9 0.0 0.6 33.2
Note: The boldface percentage values and average annual daily truck traffic (AADTT) values can be
used in the MEPDG sensitivity tests.

Step 5: Determine MEPDG Sensitivity

This task uses the RANALS obtained in step 2 and the traffic volume data developed in step 4 to
test the sensitivity of the selected MEPDG designs to the loading conditions present in the State.
States implementing this step should identify a set of typical pavement designs and pavement
distress modes frequently observed in the State, determine pavement performance criteria for
MEPDG design, and use locally calibrated pavement design models.

To test MEPDG sensitivity to a single class of trucks at a time, all traffic loading conditions
other than the axle load spectra for the class being studied should be held constant for a selected
pavement design. For each class of trucks being tested, the truck traffic volume and vehicle class
distribution parameters should represent the case when the test truck class contributes the largest
percentage of total load, compared with other vehicle classes, observed in that State (using the
AADTT and the percentage shown in the State-specific version of table 19).

Different MEPDG runs are then performed for the class of vehicles being examined, with all
inputs held constant, except that different RANALS are used as inputs. The RANALS developed
in step 2 for that vehicle class are selected from the State’s WIM data to represent the range of
axle weight conditions those trucks are observed to carry in that State.

The output from the MEPDG is then used to determine the degree to which differences in
observed axle loads for each vehicle class can change pavement analysis outcomes. When two
RANALS for a given vehicle class produce “significantly different” pavement analysis results,
the RPPIF values that represent those two RANALS can be compared. The difference in the
RPPIF values between those two RANALS can be used to establish criteria for determining
when two RANALS should be kept as part of two different Tier 2 NALS clusters. That is, if two
RANALS produce significantly different pavement analysis outcomes, they are not “similar,”
and they should not be combined into the same group for computation of default NALS. The
difference in their RPPIF values then becomes a measure that can be used to determine the size
of required boundaries between Tier 2 NALS clusters.

Each State may select its own definition of “significantly different” MEPDG outcome. For
example, a change in asphalt concrete or portland cement concrete thickness of ½ inch could be
used as one measure of “significantly different.” So when differences in load spectra do not
produce a change in thickness equal to or greater than ½ inch, those load spectra are determined
to be “similar.” Another measure of significance could be a difference in predicted pavement
service life greater than 20 percent.

By summarizing the RPPIF differences that resulted in significant differences in MEPDG

outcomes for each class of truck, it is possible to produce a table such as table 20, shown in
step 6 below. This table is then used as the criterion for when to stop the clustering process that
produces Tier 2 NALS.

Step 6: Perform Cluster Analysis

The final step in the development of agency-specific default load spectra is the actual clustering
of “similar” load spectra into a limited number of groups. This is best done with a statistical
program such as SPSS, SAS, or similar programs.

The clustering of agency-supplied RPPIFs (computed in step 3 above for each site, vehicle class,
and axle type) is controlled by the sensitivity of the pavement design process to traffic loadings.

If State-specific sensitivity tests have been performed, use those results to control the clustering
process. If no State-specific tests have been performed, use the values in table 20.

Table 20. Difference in RPPIF per axle likely to cause change in pavement performance
Frequency of Truck Axle Type
(percent of total truck Truck Type
Class volume) by Weight Single Tandem Tridem Quad
7, 10, 13 Infrequent (<35) Heavy >0.55 0.41 0.49 0.8
6, 8, 11, 12 Moderate to Infrequent (<50) Moderate 0.25 0.23 N/A N/A
9, 4 Frequent to Moderate (>50) Heavy >0.13 0.09 N/A N/A
5 Frequent (>75) Light >0.09 N/A N/A N/A
N/A = not applicable

In the clustering process, the difference between the mean RPPIF for two nearest-neighbor
clusters should not exceed the values in table 20. Thus, the cluster process should be stopped one
step prior to the step when that distance is exceeded.

Once all clusters are identified, RANALS for the sites that belong to the same cluster should be
averaged to compute default NALS representing that cluster group. This should be done for each
vehicle class and axle type. For each computed average NALS, RPPIF and percentage heavy
statistics should be computed and compared with the values in table 2 or a similar table defined
by the agency. Based on these statistics, a name and/or code should be assigned to the NALS
cluster, similar to the names/codes included in the first column of table 2. If more than one
cluster is identified for the same loading category, then sequential codes should be assigned to
these NALS. For example, if two NALS clusters for Class 9 tandems fall within the “heavy” (H)
loading category, cluster codes H1 and H2 should be used. H1 should be used for the lighter of
the two NALS and H2 for the heavier. A cluster that has a majority of sites for a given vehicle
class and axle type should be selected as the default or “typical” cluster, and the letter code (T)
should be added to the cluster code, for example, H1(T). All computed NALS should be saved to
the database. Appendix B provides a data dictionary to facilitate appending State-defined Tier 2
NALS to the LTPP PLUG database.




The MEPDG requires users to specify the number of axles per truck type as a part of traffic
inputs for pavement design and analysis. These values are used in the computation of total axle
loading. These numbers are also called APC coefficients. The MEPDG procedure uses APC as a
multiplier in the process of converting NALS to projected axle load spectra for use in pavement

APC values are required for each vehicle class and axle type. If a specific axle type is not used
for a given vehicle class, then a zero value is entered as the APC for that axle type. One set of
APCs is used per pavement design, representing the typical number of axles observed for each
axle type for each vehicle class.

APCs are computed for each vehicle class and axle type by dividing axle load counts by vehicle
volumes collected for the same periods of time and the same vehicle class. Because the MEPDG
requires only one set of APCs per design, these values are computed based on the annual axle
count and vehicle volume estimates.

Procedure to Develop Site-Specific and Default APC Coefficients

The following approach is recommended to compute a default set of APCs using the daily axle
weight and vehicle volume data stored in database tables that are consistent with the LTAS
DD_AX and DD_WT_CT tables:

1. Extract daily vehicle and axle count summaries from the LTPP LTAS DD_AX and
DD_WT_CT tables for each site for the years and months that satisfy the data selection
criteria of having data during at least 7 DOWs for each calendar month and at least
12 calendar months per site that pass the LTPP SPS TPF QC checks for data and WIM

2. Compute site-specific APC for each site (MEPDG Level 1 inputs) using the following

a. Develop a list of all matching dates in the DD_AX and DD_WT_CT tables.
b. For all matching dates, compute the total daily axle counts by class and axle type by
summing axle counts reported in individual load bins. If no axle counts are found for a
given axle type, vehicle class, year, month, and day while a non-zero volume is computed
for the matching vehicle class, year, month, and day, enter 0 for the total axle counts for
this axle type, vehicle class, month, and year.
c. For all matching dates in DD_AX and DD_WT_CT tables, compute the total daily
vehicle volumes by vehicle class for each month and year.
d. For each day, month, and year that had non-zero total vehicle class volume, divide the
total axle counts by the total vehicle volumes for each axle type and vehicle class. This
step results in an APC for each axle type and vehicle class by day, month, and year.
e. For each axle type and vehicle class, average the computed daily APC over all available
days. This step results in site-specific APC for each axle type and vehicle class for a
given site (MEPDG Level 1 inputs for individual site).

3. To compute a default APC based on all sites, average the site-specific APCs among all sites
for each axle type and vehicle class. This step results in a global default APC for each axle
type and vehicle class (MEPDG Level 3 input).


Average Axle Spacing and Wheelbase for JPCP Model

Average axle spacing or wheelbase information is used for MEPDG applications involving the
top-down slab cracking failure mode in JPCP. For this failure mode, the critical loading is caused
by a combination of axles that place axle loads close to both ends of the same slab (in the
direction of travel) at the same time. For JPCP designs with 15-ft-long slabs, axle spacings of
between 12 and 15 ft would result in the axle loading positions most critical to development of

top-down slab cracking. For JPCP with 20-ft joint spacings, the most critical axle spacings would
be between 17 and 20 ft.

The current MEPDG top-down slab cracking model assumes that the majority of axle spacings
that could induce top-down slab cracking are attributed to the wheelbase of the tractor (power)
units in tractor-semitrailer combination trucks (FHWA classes 8 through 13). To account for
these axles and axle spacings, the MEPDG directly considers the wheelbase of the tractor unit in
the form of three inputs: the percentages of tractor units with short, medium, and long
wheelbases. The MEPDG states that the percentage of trucks in each of these three categories
should be based on the axle spacing distribution (or wheelbase) of truck tractors in Class 8 and
above. The MEPDG recommends the following three-axle spacings or “tractor” wheelbase
categories for analysis:

 Short—12 ft.
 Medium—15 ft.
 Long—18 ft.

By default, the MEPDG software assumes an even distribution of short, medium, and long axle
spacing occurrences: 33, 33, and 34 percent, respectively.

Axle spacing can be estimated based on a sample of per-vehicle records obtained for each of the
LTPP WIM sites. One month of data for each WIM site is considered sufficient, unless it is a low
truck volume site. This sample size is considered to be representative based on an evaluation of
the consistency of the axle spacing measurements through the year.

Procedure to Compute Average Axle Spacing and Wheelbase

1. Extract axle spacing values from per-vehicle records by vehicle class for all the sites.

2. Filter records corresponding to the first axle spacing for classes 8 and above.

3. Determine ranges for short, medium, and long axle spacing relative to JPCP joint spacing
values used by the agency, or use the MEPDG values of 12, 15, and 18 ft.

4. Compute percentages of the first axle spacing for classes 8 and above for each of the three
categories referenced in step 3.

In addition, the MEPDG states that if other vehicles in the traffic stream have axle spacings in
the range of the short, medium, and long spacing defined above, the frequency of those vehicles
could be added to the axle spacing distribution of truck tractors. For example, if 10 percent of
truck traffic is multiple trailers (Class 11 and above) that have trailer-to-trailer axle spacings in
the “short” range, 10 percent should be added to the percentage of truck tractors with “short”
axles. Thus, the sum of the percentages of trucks in the short, medium, and long categories can
be greater than 100. “Short” spacing should not include multi-axle groups such as tandem,
tridem, and quad in the computation.

Procedure to Compute Axle Spacing for Multi-Axle Groups

Axle spacing for multi-axle groups is the distance between the two consecutive axles of a
tandem, tridem, or quad. Default axle spacing values can be computed based on averaging the
values extracted from per-vehicle records for all the sites, using the following procedure:

1. Extract axle spacing values from per-vehicle records for all sites.

2. Filter records that have axle spacings of less than 8 ft for vehicle classes 4 through 13.

3. Review filtered records and identify multi-axle groups as follows:

a. Mark two consecutive spacings of less than 8 ft each per record as tridem axles.
b. Mark three consecutive spacing less than 8 ft each per record as quad axles.
c. If there is only one spacing less than 8 ft in sequence per record, mark it as tandem axle.

4. Compute average axle spacing values among axles marked as tandem, tridem, and quad

For tridem and quad axles, compute average axle-to-axle spacing.


Currently, the DARWin-ME software contains the NALS defaults developed under NCHRP
Project 1-37A. If the user wants to use NALS defaults generated based on SPS TPF data, there
are four ways to enter these data into the Axle Distribution table in the DARWin-ME project file:

 Enter data manually.

 Import default NALS file in MEPDG (*.alf) format.
 Import default NALS file in an XML format.

The LTPP PLUG software provides the options of generating an axle load file in both the
MEPDG (*.alf) format and the DARWin-ME XML formats for any of the default or site-specific
NALS included in the LTPP PLUG database. Generated *.alf or XML files could be stored in a
user-specified directory and uploaded in DARWin-ME using the data import option. *.alf files
work with both NCHRP 1-37A and DARWin-ME software products.



This manual and accompanying software program were developed to aid users in estimating
traffic loading inputs for MEPDG applications for sites with insufficient site-specific traffic
loading data.

This application is beneficial for developing MEPDG Level 2 or 3 traffic loading inputs for
LTPP sites that have site-specific vehicle classification and/or truck volume data but no axle load
information (or if the accuracy of the loading information is questionable owing to limited data
availability or traffic monitoring equipment type). Traffic loading inputs are developed by
selecting or computing NALS for each vehicle class and axle type based on available LTPP
NALS defaults or site-specific NALS for SPS TPF WIM sites. Once default or surrogate NALS
are established for a given LTPP site, the software develops a NALS input file for use with the
DARWin-ME software (*.alf or *.xml file).

The LTPP PLUG database and software also can be used to develop MEPDG levels 2 and 3
traffic loading inputs and NALS defaults using agency-specific NALS (site-specific and/or
defaults) or a combination of agency-specific data and LTPP-based loading defaults. The
software includes a data import function for this purpose. The LTPP PLUG data dictionary is
provided in appendix B to facilitate the integration of agency-specific axle load distributions and
vehicle classification data.


This application is embedded in a Microsoft® Access database file and can run on any computer
on which Access is installed. No LTPP PLUG software installation is required.

Start the application by opening the LTPP PLUG database file, LTPP_PLUG.mdb. Based on the
user’s computer and Microsoft® Access security settings, the user may need to ensure that
macros/content is enabled in the application. This is accomplished by clicking the “Options…”
frame located on the security warning ribbon and clicking the “Enable this content” radio button.

Microsoft® Access Reference Libraries

This application was developed using Microsoft® Access 2007. If the user is using this
application with a different version of Access, references to some of the Microsoft® libraries
used in this application could be lost, and these libraries will be marked as “Missing.” In these
circumstances, the user should add and activate the necessary reference libraries. To accomplish
this task, open the VBA code window by pressing Alt+F11 and choosing “References” from the
Tools menu. This will display the form showing all available reference libraries. The user should
make sure that the three reference libraries shown with the checkmarks in figure 2 are available
and selected.

Figure 2. Screen capture. Selection of necessary library references


Select Actions from the Main Menu

When the user starts LTPP PLUG database application, the main menu, shown in figure 3,

Figure 3. Screen capture. Main menu for selecting different actions

This menu offers three action options:

 ACTION #1: Import traffic summaries to LTPP PLUG database.

 ACTION #2: Select site-specific or default NALS for MEPDG use.
 ACTION #3: View, group, and combine NALS from multiple WIM sites.

ACTION #1 provides means for uploading LTPP or user-supplied data to the following tables in
the LTPP PLUG database:

 DEFAULT_NALS—This table contains default NALS.

 SITE_SPECIFIC_NALS—This table contains representative site-specific NALS.

 DEFAULT_AxlesPerTruck—This table contains default axles per truck factors.

 SITE_SPECIFIC_AxlesPerTruck—This table contains representative site-specific axles

per truck factors.

 SITE_SPECIFIC_NVCD—This table contains normalized site-specific vehicle class

distributions (classes 4 through 13).

 PLUG_W_FACTORS_FOR_RPPIF—This table contains the W-factors for computation
of the RPPIF statistic (MEPDG-based damaging potential).

See appendix B for table formats.

ACTION #2 provides means for selecting site-specific or default NALS and development of
MEPDG load distribution input files:

 Site-specific NALS—Representative site-specific NALS uploaded to the


 Tier 1 default NALS—Global default NALS computed by averaging NALS for 26 LTPP
SPS TPF sites.

 Tier 2 default NALS—Alternate default NALS that represent different loading

conditions. Tier 2 NALS can be selected using manual or computer-assisted processes.

 User-defined NALS—NALS based on computations using user-selected, site-specific


ACTION #3 provides means for reviewing load spectra from multiple WIM sites and grouping
of the sites based on similarities in loading characteristics or based on manual user selections.
Grouped load spectra can be used to compute new NALS, such as NALS for user-defined truck
weight road groups (TWRG). These NALS can be added to the USER_DEFINED_NALS table
in the PLUG database and/or saved as DARWin-ME and/or NCHRP 1-37A MEPDG load
distribution input files.

To select ACTION #1, ACTION #2, or ACTION #3, click the radio button next to the desired
action on the main menu and then click the “Select” button.

Import Traffic Summaries to LTPP PLUG Database

To import traffic summaries to the LTPP PLUG database, select ACTION #1 on the main menu
and click the “Select” button (see figure 3). This action displays a data import form, shown in
figure 4.

Figure 4. Screen capture. Data import form for importing traffic data summaries

The current version of the PLUG database requires user-supplied data in the Microsoft® Access
database tables. The database table format is described in appendix B. A blank database with
preset table formats is available for download along with the LTPP PLUG software application
from the LTPP Customer Support Service Center (e-mail: [email protected], telephone:
(202) 493-3035, or fax: (202) 493-3161.).

To import data:

1. Use the radio buttons at the top of the form to specify the source of traffic data: LTPP or
user-supplied data.

2. Use the check boxes in the middle of the form to select the tables (data summaries) that will
be uploaded to the LTPP PLUG database:

 DEFAULT_NALS—This table contains default NALS based on user-supplied or LTPP


 DEFAULT_AxlesPerTruck—This table contains default axles per truck factors based on

user-supplied or LTPP data.

 SITE_SPECIFIC_NALS—This table contains representative site-specific NALS based

on user-supplied or LTPP data.

 SITE_SPECIFIC_AxlesPerTruck—This table contains representative site-specific axles
per truck factors based on user-supplied or LTPP data.

 SITE_SPECIFIC_NVCD—This table contains normalized site-specific vehicle class

distributions (classes 4 through 13) for sites with and without WIM data.

 PLUG_W_FACTORS_FOR_RPPIF—This table contains damage factors for

computation of the RPPIF statistic (MEPDG-based damaging potential). Users may
supply their own damage factors.

3. Click the “Import” button at the bottom of the screen to import data.

To close the form, click the “Close” button at the bottom of the screen.

Select NALS Source for MEPDG Use

To select the source of NALS for MEPDG use, select ACTION #2 on the main menu and click
the “Select” button (see figure 3). This action displays the form shown in figure 5.

Figure 5. Screen capture. Select NALS source form for selecting loading inputs for

The LTPP PLUG provides three types of NALS for development of MEPDG axle loading
distribution inputs:

 OPTION #1: Site-Specific NALS.

 OPTION #2: Default NALS.
 OPTION #3: User-Defined NALS.

Option #1 provides a graphical review and facilitates development of MEPDG axle loading input
files using NALS computed for LTPP SPS TPF sites or any other NALS uploaded to the
SITE_SPECIFIC_NALS table of the LTPP PLUG database. This option is recommended if the
pavement analyst has determined that identified site-specific NALS are the best for the specific
pavement design or analysis needs (see the LTPP PLUG report for guidance).

Option #2 provides a graphical review and facilitates development of MEPDG axle loading input
files using the Tier 1 global or Tier 2 default NALS based on LTPP data or any other default
NALS uploaded by the user to the DEFAULT_NALS table. Tier 1 NALS are recommended
where no site-specific information is available regarding truck loading conditions at the site in
question. It assigns a loading condition computed as the average of the 26 SPS TPF NALS.
Tier 2 NALS allow the user to apply knowledge about traffic loading at the site in question.
Tier 2 NALS also are recommended for setting up sensitivity analyses through the selection of
NALS representing different loading conditions (e.g., light versus heavy). If the Tier 2 option is
selected, the user has two additional options: choosing all NALS manually or using the assisted
interactive NALS assignment option that uses a decision tree algorithm to make NALS
selections based on user responses.

Option #3 provides a graphical review and facilitates development of MEPDG axle loading input
files based on NALS included in the USER_DEFINED_NALS table, such as NALS representing
different TWRGs. These NALS are the results of computations based on user-selected site-
specific NALS.

To select the desired the NALS option, click the appropriate radio button and then click the
“Select” button.

Use the “Back” and “Close” buttons at the bottom of the screen to go back to the previous form
or to close the form, respectively.

Select Site-Specific NALS for MEPDG Use

After selecting the site-specific NALS source from the options shown in figure 5, the user should
click the “Select” button. This action displays the form shown in figure 6. This screen allows the
user to view the NALS for each type of axle for each class of truck for a selected site (from the
SITE_SPECIFIC_NALS table) to compare site-specific data with the defaults and to generate
site-specific MEPDG axle load distribution files.

Figure 6. Screen capture. Review and generation of MEPDG input files for site-specific

A list of the sites for which NALS are available is displayed on the left side of the screen. To
select a site, click its site ID in the list. Use scroll bars to see all available sites. To filter sites for
a specific State, select from the “Select State” drop-down box displayed above the list.

To the right of the site ID list is another list showing all available vehicle classes and axle types.
Click a radio button in the “Plot” column to display a NALS plot for the corresponding vehicle
class and axle type. One NALS may be selected/displayed at a time.

To generate a MEPDG NALS input file, select the desired file format (*.alf and/or *.xml) at the
bottom of the screen and click the “Generate” button. The MEPDG NALS input file(s) is saved
to a user-specified directory.

For the example shown in figure 7, Class 9 tandem axles have been selected for a non-LTPP site
uploaded by the user to the SITE_SPECIFIC_NALS table. This NALS is displayed as a pink
line. In addition, for comparison purposes, the user could display either Tier 1 default NALS
(national average) or Tier 2 default NALS (“typical” default) for that type of axle and class of
truck by selecting the appropriate radio buttons at the bottom of the form. The comparison NALS
is displayed in blue. A text description of the NALS is provided in the box below the NALS plot.

Figure 7. Screen capture. Review of site-specific NALS

Select Default NALS for MEPDG Use—Manual Selection

If the Manual Selection option was selected (see figure 5), a screen displays like that shown in
figure 8. This screen allows the user to select the default NALS for each type of axle for each
class of truck. The same default type can be selected for all vehicle classes and axle types, or
different defaults can be assigned to different vehicle classes and axle types.

Figure 8. Screen capture. Manual selection and generation of MEPDG input files using
default NALS

To apply the same default selection to all vehicle classes and axle types, choose the desired
default type from the “Select default type” drop-down box.

To apply a different default to a selected vehicle class and axle type, use the “Select default by
class and axle” table shown on the left side of the screen. Identify the row with the desired
vehicle class and axle type and use the drop-down box in the “Default Name” column to make a
different default selection.

To view NALS for the selected vehicle class and axle type, click the radio button for the
appropriate “Plot.” (For example, in figure 8, Class 9 tandem axles have been selected.)

To compare the selected default with either Tier 1 or Tier 2 default NALS for that type of axle
and class of truck, click the appropriate radio buttons at the bottom of the form. These two
default options provide means for comparing the manually selected alternative NALS with the
default NALS.

A text description of the NALS is provided in the box displayed below the NALS plot.

To generate a MEPDG NALS input file, select the desired file format (*.alf and/or *.xml) at the
bottom left and click the “Generate” button. The MEPDG NALS input file(s) is saved to a user-
specified directory.

To compare all of the available alternative Tier 2 default NALS against the Tier 1 national
average defaults, click the drop-down list for the desired class of trucks and type of axle in the
“Default Name” column. These manual selections must be made for each class of vehicles and
type of axles. The intent of this selection process is to allow the user to apply known information
about the site loading conditions to select the NALS alternative that best describes these
conditions. The user should step through each class of trucks and type of axles, comparing the
alternative Tier 2 NALS against the Tier 1 default.

For example, the user can compare the selected and default NALS to determine which is heavier.
Figure 9 shows that the selected Tier 2 heavy (H2) NALS has a much higher percentage of heavy
axles than the Tier 1 NALS. Thus, the Tier 2 heavy (H2) NALS for Class 7 tridem axles will
cause the MEPDG software to predict more pavement damage than the Tier 1 global default.

Figure 9. Screen capture. Review of manually selected default NALS

Select Default NALS for MEPDG Use—Assisted, Interactive NALS Assignment

If the user chooses the Assisted, Interactive NALS Assignment option (see figure 5), the
software displays a screen that looks like that shown in figure 10. At the top of this screen, the
user should identify the LTPP test site for which the NALS selection will apply. This could be
any LTPP site that has truck volume by class information or any other site with truck volume by

class information added to the LTPP PLUG database table SITE_SPECIFIC_NVCD. The site ID
is formed by using the numerical State Code ID and Strategic Highway Research Program
(SHRP) ID, which together uniquely identify an LTPP site. The optional “State Filter” drop-
down box at the top of the form allows the user to narrow the selection to a specific State. If no
State name is selected, all sites available in the LTPP traffic database are displayed.

Figure 10. Screen capture. Assisted, interactive assignment of default NALS

For each of the identified dominant truck classes, the user is asked whether 50 percent or more of
these trucks are empty or almost empty. If the user answers “Yes,” then the load spectrum best
describing this loading condition is selected from the list of available defaults. If the user
answers “No,” then a list of options with check boxes displays to help better define the expected
loading condition. The following options are provided:

 High percentage of loads in the dominant class close to the Federal legal weight limit.

 High percentage of loads in the dominant class above the Federal legal weight limit due
to permitted loads or illegal activity.

 None of the above.

The first two options provide means to determine a likely shape of a heavy loading distribution
that helps identify heavy NALS defaults. One or both of these options could be selected. If the
user selects the “None of the above” option, a Tier 2 default “typical” distribution is used for the
dominant vehicle class.

If the user has no knowledge of the loading condition and specifies the “Don’t know” option on
the form, a drop-down list displays to provide different road use options for the user to select.
The number and type of entries in this list depends on the vehicle class. Each default has
assigned road use recommendations in the LTPP PLUG database DEFAULT_NALS table. This
list could be updated when new default NALS are added to the database or new road uses are
identified for the LTPP Tier 2 NALS.

This input screen is designed to accommodate up to two dominant classes. If the user wishes to
identify additional heavily loaded vehicle classes, this can be done by selecting those additional
classes at the bottom of the screen.

When all questions have been answered and appropriate selections made on the form, click the
“Next” button at the bottom of the screen. This displays a screen similar to the one shown in
figure 8, except, unlike the manual selection of Tier 2 NALS, not all vehicle class and axle types
are set to the “typical” (default) Tier 2 NALS conditions. Instead, the data entered for the
dominant truck classes have been used to select specific Tier 2 NALS defaults. Also, vehicle
classes and axle types that are likely to have a significant effect on pavement damage for the
selected site will be colored black in the table displaying all available vehicle classes and axle

The user may now review and change any or all of the cluster assignments for each class of
vehicle and type of axle. Thus, even if this NALS selection option is used, the user may still
manually apply information previously learned about trucking patterns at the test site. This
screen also may be used to select other NALS to test the sensitivity of MEPDG outputs to
different loading conditions.

Select User-Defined NALS for MEPDG Use

This option facilitates the review of NALS computed using ACTION #3 (View, group, and
combine NALS from multiple WIM sites) provided in the LTPP PLUG software. Once user-
defined NALS have been added to the LTPP PLUG database by executing ACTION #3, these
NALS can be viewed by selecting “user-defined” as the NALS source from the options shown in
figure 5 and clicking the “Select” button on that form. Clicking the “Select” button displays the
form shown in figure 11.

Figure 11. Screen capture. Review of user-defined NALS

This screen allows the user to view the NALS for each type of axle for each class of truck for a
user-defined NALS, such as NALS computed for TWRGs (from the LTPP PLUG
USER_DEFINED_NALS table), to compare user-defined NALS with the defaults, and to
generate site-specific MEPDG axle load distribution files. The same user-defined NALS type
can be selected for all vehicle classes and axle types, or different user-defined NALS types can
be assigned to different vehicle classes and axle types.

To apply the same user-defined NALS type to all vehicle classes and axle types, select the
desired user-defined NALS type from the “Select user-defined NALS” drop-down box in the top
left corner of the screen.

To apply a different user-defined NALS type to a selected vehicle class and axle type, use the
table shown on the left side of the screen. Identify the row with the desired vehicle class and axle
type and click the appropriate drop-down box in the “User-Defined” column.

To view user-defined NALS for the selected vehicle class and axle type, click the appropriate
“Plot” button on the left of the screen.

To compare the selected user-defined NALS with either Tier 1 or Tier 2 default NALS for that
type of axle and class of truck, select the appropriate radio button at the bottom of the form.
These two default options provide means for comparing user-defined NALS to the default
A text description of the NALS is provided in the box displayed below the NALS plot.

To generate a MEPDG NALS input file, select the desired file format (*.alf and/or *.xml) and
click the “Generate” button. The MEPDG NALS input file(s) is saved to a user-specified

Generate MEPDG NALS Input Files

Functionality to generate the MEPDG NALS input file is provided for each “Select NALS for
MEPDG Use” option. The button to generate MEPDG NALS input files is located at the bottom
left corner of the “Review NALS and Generate Input Files” form presented in figure 9. MEPDG
axle load spectra files are developed automatically by a software routine using two of the file
formats supported by DARWin-ME: *.alf and *.xml. Files are saved to a user-specified
directory. To execute this function, select the file format and click the “Generate” button. The
NALS selection displayed in the table located above the “Generate” button will be used in the
development of the MEPDG NALS input file.

View, Group, and Combine NALS from Multiple WIM Sites

To view, group, and combine NALS from multiple WIM sites, select ACTION #3 on the main
menu and click the “Select” button (see figure 3). This action displays the data import form
shown in figure 12.

Figure 12. Screen capture. View, group, and combine NALS from multiple WIM sites

A list of the sites for which NALS are available is displayed on the left side of the screen. To
filter sites for a specific State, select from the “Select State” drop-down box displayed above the
site list. To select the sites for comparison and viewing of NALS, select the site IDs displayed in
the list. Hold the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple sites. Use scroll bars to see all available sites.
Click the “Select” button under the site ID list to apply the selection.

To the right of the site ID list is a list of all available vehicle classes and axle types. Click a radio
button in the “Plot” column to display a NALS plot for the corresponding vehicle class and axle
type. One class and axle combination may be selected at a time.

If site selection has been changed, click the “Plot” button at the bottom of the table to refresh the
plot for the selected class and axle.

The site IDs for the selected sites display in a table located under the axle load spectra plot. Site
IDs display in different columns depending on the percentages of heavy axles or the damaging
potential of the axle load spectrum. Use this information to group sites with similar loading
conditions. To change the method for grouping load spectra, click the radio buttons displayed
above the table to specify the statistical parameter used for grouping: “% of Heavy Loads” or
“Damage Potential (RPPIF).”

Vehicle classes and axle types that are likely to have a significant effect on pavement damage for
the selected site(s) are colored black; purple indicates that the selected class-axle combination is
likely to have a significant effect for some but not all of the selected sites. This determination is
made based on vehicle class distributions and axle load spectra for the selected sites.

In addition to site-specific load spectra, default load spectra can be displayed using the radio
buttons at the bottom of the screen.

To narrow down site selection or plot only a few sites at a time, hold the Shift or Ctrl key to
highlight site IDs in the table below the load spectra plot and click the “Re-plot for highlighted
sites” button.

To record average NALS for sites displayed in the table below the load spectra plot, and to
generate MEPDG load distribution files, click the “Record/Compute NALS” button at the
bottom of the screen.

Compute and Record User-Defined NALS for Groups of Sites

This function facilitates development of user-defined NALS by vehicle class and axle type. This
is accomplished by grouping sites with similar loading conditions, or based on manual selection
of site IDs, and computing average NALS for each group of sites. Groupings are performed for
the sites selected by the user on the “View, group, and combine NALS from multiple WIM sites”
screen (see figure 12). Click the “Record/Compute NALS” button on that form to display a form
containing the selected sites, as shown in figure 13.

Figure 13. Screen capture. Compute and record user-defined NALS.

This form shows instructions for four steps and a table at the bottom of the form populated with
the site IDs selected on the previous screen. The site IDs are placed in different columns of the
table based on axle loading conditions observed for the selected vehicle class and axle type.

The LTPP PLUG provides multiple options for computation of average NALS for the selected
group of sites. Step 1 on the form asks the user to select whether site selection for computation of
average NALS should apply to:

 Selected vehicle class and axle type only.

 Selected vehicle class, all axle types.
 All vehicle classes and axle types.

It is recommended that the loading conditions observed for the dominant vehicle class are used
as the basis for grouping of sites, at least to develop alternative NALS for that vehicle class. For
the light vehicle classes and axle types that do not contribute much to the total loading, all sites
may be combined to compute an average NALS. In some circumstances, where several heavy
vehicle types are well represented on the road or loading conditions observed for different

vehicle classes are different (for example, for a road with moderate Class 9 trucks and very
heavy Class 7 trucks), it is recommended that NALS alternatives are computed based on
grouping of sites for individual vehicle classes and axle types.

Step 2 offers the following options for grouping the sites for computation of the average NALS
for each group:

 By combining NALS for the sites highlighted in the table.

 By combining NALS for all the sites displayed in the table.
 For each loading condition specified in the table header.

To change the selection of sites for grouping, highlight the desired site IDs in the table by
clicking them. Use Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple sites.

Step 3 asks the user to select the output format from the following options:

 Database table (USER_DEFINED_NALS).

 MEPDG *.alf file.
 DARWin-ME *.xml file.

In step 4, the user is asked to provide several characteristics for the average NALS being
computed based on user selection, including:

 Label to use in the LTPP PLUG database USER_DEFINED_NALS table or in *.alf and
*.xml file names to identify computed NALS.

 Description of the computed NALS (what loading condition or group of roads this NALS

 Recommended road use (for which roads this new NALS is recommended).

After steps 1 through 4 have been completed, click the “Generate NALS” button to compute and
save the new user-defined NALS. If NALS have been written to the USER_DEFINED_NALS
table of the LTPP PLUG database, use Option #3 of the “Select NALS Source for MEPDG Use”
form (see figure 5) to view the computed NALS.

Click the “Close” button to close the form.


This appendix provides a data dictionary containing field names and descriptions for the tables
included in the LTPP PLUG database. This information can aid in understanding the data in the
database tables and to facilitate uploading of the additional information (LTPP updates or State-
specific information) to the database tables.

Listed below are brief descriptions of the tables present in the database:

 ALF_DEFAULT_ALS and ALF_Gen_Axle_Group—These tables are used internally by

the LTPP PLUG software to generate *.alf files. Table 21 and table 22 contain the field
names and descriptions.

 DEFAULT_AxlesPerTruck—This table contains default APCs based on all applicable

SPS TPF data. Table 23 contains the field names and descriptions.

 DEFAULT_NALS—This table contains Tier 1 or Tier 2 NALS defaults, based on all

applicable SPS TPF data or user-defined defaults. Table 24 contains the field names and

 LTPP_CODES—This table, imported from the LTPP LTAS database, contains numeric
codes and names for all the States and Provinces in the United States and Canada. Table
25 contains the field names and descriptions.

 PLUG_LEF_FOR_ESAL—This table contains load equivalency factors by axle type and

is used for Percentage of Total Load (ESAL) computations. Table 26 contains the field
names and descriptions.

 PLUG_W_FACTORS_FOR_RPPIF—This table contains W-factors by axle type and is

used for Percentage of Total Load (RPPIF) computations. Table 27 contains the field
names and descriptions.

 SITE_SPECIFIC_AxlesPerTruck—This table contains APCs for each site. Table 28

contains the field names and descriptions.

 SITE_SPECIFIC_NALS—This table contains representative annual NALS for each SPS

TPF or user-supplied site. Table 29 contains the field names and descriptions.

 SITE_SPECIFIC_NVCD—This table contains the normalized vehicle class distribution

for the most recent year for all SPS and GPS sites or user-supplied sites. Table 30
contains the field names and descriptions.

 USER_DEFINED_NALS—This table contains user-defined NALS based on the

computation performed under Action 3 of the LTPP PLUG software (multiple sites
selection and computation of NALS). Table 31 contains the field names and descriptions.

 XMLGen_AxleLoadDistribution, XMLGen_AxleLoadMain_Template, and
XMLGen_DEFAULT_NALS_By_Loading_Cluster—These tables are used internally by
the LTPP PLUG software to generate DARWin-ME *.xml files. Table 32 through table
34 contain the field names and descriptions.

Table 21. Field names and descriptions for ALF_DEFAULT_ALS
Field Name Data Type Description
Month NUMBER(2,0) Code specifying the month in text format (January–December)
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
Veh_Class NUMBER(2,0) grouped
Sum_Axles NUMBER(3,0) A constant value of 100 populated in each record for ALF file generation
Axle_Group NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which these percentages of axles apply

Table 22. Field names and descriptions for ALF_Gen_Axle_Group

Field Name Data Type Description
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
Veh_Class NUMBER(2,0) grouped
Axle_Group NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which these percentages of axles apply

Table 23. Field names and descriptions for DEFAULT_AxlesPerTruck

Field Name Data Type Description
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
classNumber NUMBER(2,0) grouped
Type of axle for which the values in the field “truckAxleConfig”
numberAxle NUMBER(1,0) apply
truckAxleConfig NUMBER(2,2) Number of this type of axle for a vehicle in this class

Table 24. Field names and descriptions for DEFAULT_NALS

Field Name Data Type Description
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
VEH_CLASS NUMBER(2,0) grouped
AXLE_GROUP NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which these percentages of axles apply
NALS_CLUSTERS VARCHAR2(255) Text field indicating the type of NALS cluster
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 0–2,999 lb for single
axles; 0–5,999 lb for tandem axles; 0–11,999 lb for tridem and quad
MEPDG_LG01 NUMBER(3,14) axles.
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 3,000–3,999 lb for
single axles; 6,000–7,999 lb for tandem axles; 12,000–14,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG02 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles.
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 4,000–4,999 lb for
single axles; 8,000–9,999 lb for tandem axles; 15,000–17,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG03 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 5,000–5,999 lb for
single axles; 10,000–11,999 lb for tandem axles; 18,000–20,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG04 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 6,000–6,999 lb for
single axles; 12,000–13,999 lb for tandem axles; 21,000–23,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG05 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 7,000–7,999 lb for
single axles; 14,000–15,999 lb for tandem axles; 24,000–26,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG06 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 8,000–8,999 lb for
single axles; 16,000–17,999 lb for tandem axles; 27,000–29,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG07 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 9,000–9,999 lb for
single axles; 18,000–19,999 lb for tandem axles; 30,000–32,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG08 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 10,000–10,999 lb for
single axles; 20,000–21,999 lb for tandem axles; 33,000–35,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG09 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 11,000–11,999 lb for
single axles; 22,000–23,999 lb for tandem axles; 36,000–38,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG10 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 12,000–12,999 lb for
single axles; 24,000–25,999 lb for tandem axles; 39,000–41,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG11 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 13,000–13,999 lb for
single axles; 26,000–27,999 lb for tandem axles; 42,000–44,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG12 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 14,000–14,999 lb for
single axles; 28,000–29,999 lb for tandem axles; 45,000–47,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG13 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 15,000–15,999 lb for
single axles; 30,000–31,999 lb for tandem axles; 48,000–50,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG14 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 16,000–16,999 lb for
single axles; 32,000–33,999 lb for tandem axles; 51,000–53,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG15 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 17,000–17,999 lb for
single axles; 34,000–35,999 lb for tandem axles; 54,000–56,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG16 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 18,000–18,999 lb for
single axles; 36,000–37,999 lb for tandem axles; 57,000–59,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG17 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 19,000–19,999 lb for
single axles; 38,000–39,999 lb for tandem axles; 60,000–62,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG18 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 20,000–20,999 lb for
single axles; 40,000–41,999 lb for tandem axles; 63,000–65,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG19 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 21000–21999 lb for
single axles; 42,000–43,999 lb for tandem axles; 66,000–68,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG20 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 22,000–22,999 lb for
single axles; 44,000–45,999 lb for tandem axles; 69,000–71,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG21 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 23,000–23,999 lb for
single axles; 46,000–47,999 lb for tandem axles; 72,000–74,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG22 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 24,000–24,999 lb for
single axles; 48,000–49,999 lb for tandem axles; 75,000–77,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG23 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 25,000–25,999 lb for
single axles; 50,000–51,999 lb for tandem axles; 78,000–80,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG2,4 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 26,000–26,999 lb for
single axles; 52,000–53,999 lb for tandem axles; 81,000–83,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG25 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 27,000–27,999 lb for
single axles; 54,000–55,999 lb for tandem axles; 84,000–86,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG26 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 28,000–28,999 lb for
single axles; 56,000–57,999 lb for tandem axles; 87,000–89,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG27 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 29,000–29,999 lb for
single axles; 58,000–59,999 lb for tandem axles; 90000–92,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG28 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 30,000–30,999 lb for
single axles; 60,000–61,999 lb for tandem axles; 93,000–95,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG29 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 31,000–31,999 lb for
single axles; 62,000–63,999 lb for tandem axles; 96,000–98,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG30 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 32,000–32,999 lb for
single axles; 64,000–65,999 lb for tandem axles; 99,000–101,999 lb
MEPDG_LG31 NUMBER(3,14) for tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 33,000–33,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG32 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 66,000–67,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 34,000–34,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG33 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 68,000–69,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 35,000–35,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG34 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 70,000–71,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 36,000–36,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG35 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 72,000–73,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 37,000–37,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG36 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 74,000–75,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 38,000–38,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG37 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 76,000–77,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 39,000–39,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG38 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 78,000–79,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 40,000–40,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG39 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 80,000–81,999 lb for tandem axles
Description VARCHAR2(255) Text description for NALS_CLUSTERS field
Recommended_Road Text description indicating the recommended road usage for the
_Usage VARCHAR2(255) selected cluster

Table 25. Field names and descriptions for LTPP_CODES

Field Name Data Type Description
CODETYPE VARCHAR2(40) Name assigned to a set of codes for a field in another table
CODE NUMBER(2,0) Unique text value whose meaning is defined in CODES.DETAIL
DETAIL VARCHAR2(200) Textual description defining the meaning of the code
Additional code needed to uniquely define the meaning of a code. For
example, both State and county code are needed to uniquely identify a
ADDL_CODETYPE VARCHAR2(20) Codetype of the code entered in the ADDL_CODE field

Table 26. Field names and descriptions for PLUG_LEF_FOR_ESAL
Field Name Data Type Description
PAVEMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(255) Code indicating pavement type
AXLE_TYPE NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which these values apply
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 0.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 1.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 3.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 4.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 5.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 6.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 7.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 8.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 9.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 10.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 11.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 12.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 13.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 14.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 15.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 16.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 17.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 18.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 19.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 20.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 21.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 22.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 23.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 24.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 25.5 times

Field Name Data Type Description
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 26.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 27.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 28.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 29.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 30.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 31.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 32.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 33.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 34.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 35.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 36.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 37.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 38.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 39.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 40.5 times
LEF for axles in bin with mid-point weight equal to 41.5 times
Value of the increment for a bin for the axle type as loaded. 1,000 for
single axles; 2,000 for tandem axles; 3,000 for tridem axles; 3,000 or
4,000 for quad axles, depending on the software version used to load

Table 27. Field names and descriptions for PLUG_W_FACTORS_FOR_RPPIF

Field Name Data Type Description
Axle_Type NUMBER(1, 0) Type of axle for which these W-factors apply
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin 0–999 lb for
single axles; 0–1,999 lb for tandem axles; 0–2,999 lb for tridem and
AX_CT_01 NUMBER(2,20) quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin 1,000–1,999
lb for single axles; 2,000–3,999 lb for tandem axles; 3,000–5,999 lb for
AX_CT_02 NUMBER(2,20) tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
2,000–2,999 lb for single axles; 4,000–5,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_03 NUMBER(2,20) 6,000–8,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
3,000–3,999 lb for single axles; 6,000–7,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_04 NUMBER(2,20) 9,000–11,999 lb for tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
4,000–4,999 lb for single axles; 8,000–9,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_05 NUMBER(2,20) 12,000–14,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
5,000–5,999 lb for single axles; 10,000–11,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_06 NUMBER(2,20) 15,000–17,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
6,000–6,999 lb for single axles; 12,000–13,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_07 NUMBER(2,20) 18,000–20,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
7,000–7,999 lb for single axles; 14,000–15,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_08 NUMBER(2,20) 21,000–23,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin 8,000–8,999
lb for single axles; 16,000–17,999 lb for tandem axles; 24,000–26,999
AX_CT_09 NUMBER(2,20) lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
9,000–9,999 lb for single axles; 18,000–19,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_10 NUMBER(2,20) 27,000–29,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
10,000–10,999 lb for single axles; 20,000–21,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_11 NUMBER(2,20) 30,000–32,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
11,000–11,999 lb for single axles; 22,000–23,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_12 NUMBER(2,20) 33,000–35,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
12,000–12,999 lb for single axles; 24,000–25,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_13 NUMBER(2,20) 36,000–38,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
13,000–13,999 lb for single axles; 26,000–27,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_14 NUMBER(2,20) 39,000–41,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
14,000–14,999 lb for single axles; 28,000–29,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_15 NUMBER(2,20) 42,000–44,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
15,000–15,999 lb for single axles; 30,000–31,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_16 NUMBER(2,20) 45,000–47,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
16,000–16,999 lb for single axles; 32,000–33,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_17 NUMBER(2,20) 48,000–50,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
17,000–17,999 lb for single axles; 34,000–35,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_18 NUMBER(2,20) 51,000–53,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
18,000–18,999 lb for single axles; 36,000–37,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_19 NUMBER(2,20) 54,000–56,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
19,000–19,999 lb for single axles; 38,000–39,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_20 NUMBER(2,20) 57,000–59,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
20000–20999 lb for single axles; 40,000–41,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_21 NUMBER(2,20) 60,000–62,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
21,000–21,999 lb for single axles; 42,000–43,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_22 NUMBER(2,20) 63,000–65,999 lb for tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
22000–22999 lb for single axles; 44,000–45,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_23 NUMBER(2,20) 66,000–68,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
23,000–23,999 lb for single axles; 46,000–47,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_24 NUMBER(2,20) 69,000–71,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
24,000–24,999 lb for single axles; 48,000–49,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_25 NUMBER(2,20) 72,000–74,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
25,000–25,999 lb for single axles; 50,000–51,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_26 NUMBER(2,20) 75,000–77,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
26,000–26,999 lb for single axles; 52,000–53,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_27 NUMBER(2,20) 78,000–80,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
27,000–27,999 lb for single axles; 54,000–55,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_28 NUMBER(2,20) 81,000–83,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
28,000–28,999 lb for single axles; 56,000–57,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_29 NUMBER(2,20) 84,000–86,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
29,000–29,999 lb for single axles; 58,000–59,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_30 NUMBER(2,20) 87,000–89,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
30,000–30,999 lb for single axles; 60,000–61,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_31 NUMBER(2,20) 90,000–92,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
31,000–31,999 lb for single axles; 62,000–63,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_32 NUMBER(2,20) 93,000–95,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
32,000–32,999 lb for single axles; 64,000–65,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_33 NUMBER(2,20) 96,000–98,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
33,000–33,999 lb for single axles; 66,000–67,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_34 NUMBER(2,20) 99,000–101,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
34,000–34,999 lb for single axles; 68,000–69,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_35 NUMBER(2,20) 102,000–104,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
35,000–35,999 lb for single axles; 70,000–71,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_36 NUMBER(2,20) 105,000–107,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
36,000–36,999 lb for single axles; 72,000–73,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_37 NUMBER(2,20) 108,000–110,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
37,000–37,999 lb for single axles; 74,000–75,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_38 NUMBER(2,20) 111,000–113,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
38,000–38,999 lb for single axles; 76,000–77,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_39 NUMBER(2,20) 114,000–116,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
W-factors for axles whose weight falls in the lowest bin
39,000–39,999 lb for single axles; 78,000–79,999 lb for tandem axles;
AX_CT_40 NUMBER(2,20) 117,000–119,999 lb for tridem and quad axles

Table 28. Field names and descriptions for SITE_SPECIFIC_AxlesPerTruck
Field Name Data Type Description
Numerical code for State or Province. U.S. codes are consistent with
STATE_CODE NUMBER(2,0) Federal Information Processing Standards
Test section identification number assigned by LTPP program. Must
SHRP_ID VARCHAR2(255) be combined with STATE_CODE to be unique
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
classNumber NUMBER(2,0) grouped
Type of axle for which the values in the field “truckAxleConfig”
numberAxle NUMBER(1,0) apply
truckAxleConfig NUMBER(1,2) Number of this type of axle for a vehicle in this class

Table 29. Field names and descriptions for SITE_SPECIFIC_NALS

Field Name Data Type Description
Numerical code for State or Province. U.S. codes are consistent with
STATE_CODE NUMBER(2,0) Federal Information Processing Standards
Test section identification number assigned by LTPP program. Must
SHRP_ID VARCHAR2(255) be combined with STATE_CODE to be unique
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
VEH_CLASS NUMBER(2,0) grouped
AXLE_GROUP NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which these percentages of axles apply
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 0–2,999 lb for single
axles; 0–5,999 lb for tandem axles; 0–11,999 lb for tridem and quad
MEPDG_LG01 NUMBER(3,14) axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 3,000–3,999 lb for
single axles; 6,000–7,999 lb for tandem axles; 12,000–14,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG02 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 4,000–4,999 lb for
single axles; 8,000–9,999 lb for tandem axles; 15,000–17,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG03 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 5,000–5,999 lb for
single axles; 10,000–11,999 lb for tandem axles; 18,000–20,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG04 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 6,000–6,999 lb for
single axles; 12,000–13,999 lb for tandem axles; 21,000–23,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG05 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 7,000–7,999 lb for
single axles; 14,000–15,999 lb for tandem axles; 24,000–26,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG06 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 8,000–8,999 lb for
single axles; 16,000–17,999 lb for tandem axles; 27,000–2,9999 lb for
MEPDG_LG07 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 9,000–9,999 lb for
single axles; 18,000–19,999 lb for tandem axles; 30,000–32,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG08 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 10,000–10,999 lb for
single axles; 20,000–21,999 lb for tandem axles; 33,000–35,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG09 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 11,000–11,999 lb for
single axles; 22,000–23,999 lb for tandem axles; 36,000–38,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG10 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 12,000–12,999 lb for
single axles; 24,000–25,999 lb for tandem axles; 39,000–41,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG11 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 13,000–13,999 lb for
single axles; 26,000–27,999 lb for tandem axles; 42,000–44,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG12 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 14,000–14,999 lb for
single axles; 28,000–29,999 lb for tandem axles; 45,000–47,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG13 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 15,000–15,999 lb for
single axles; 30,000–31,999 lb for tandem axles; 48,000–50,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG14 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 16,000–16,999 lb for
single axles; 32,000–33,999 lb for tandem axles; 51,000–53,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG15 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 17,000–17,999 lb for
single axles; 34,000–35,999 lb for tandem axles; 54,000–56,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG16 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 18,000–18,999 lb for
single axles; 36,000–37,999 lb for tandem axles; 57,000–5,9999 lb for
MEPDG_LG17 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 19,000–1,9999 lb for
single axles; 38,000–39,999 lb for tandem axles; 60,000–62,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG18 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 20,000–20,999 lb for
single axles; 4,0000–41,999 lb for tandem axles; 63,000–65,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG19 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 21,000–21,999 lb for
single axles; 42,000–43,999 lb for tandem axles; 66,000–68,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG20 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 22,000–22,999 lb for
single axles; 44,000–45,999 lb for tandem axles; 69,000–71,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG21 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 23,000–23,999 lb for
single axles; 46,000–47,999 lb for tandem axles; 72,000–74,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG22 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 24,000–24,999 lb for
single axles; 48,000–49,999 lb for tandem axles; 75,000–77,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG23 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 25,000–25,999 lb for
single axles; 50,000–51,999 lb for tandem axles; 78,000–80,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG24 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 26,000–26,999 lb for
single axles; 52,000–53,999 lb for tandem axles; 81,000–83,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG25 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 27,000–27,999 lb for
single axles; 54,000–55,999 lb for tandem axles; 84,000–86,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG26 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 28,000–28,999 lb for
single axles; 56,000–57,999 lb for tandem axles; 87,000–89,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG27 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 29,000–29,999 lb for
single axles; 58,000–59,999 lb for tandem axles; 90,000–92,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG28 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 30,000–30,999 lb for
single axles; 60,000–61,999 lb for tandem axles; 93,000–95,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG29 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 31,000–31,999 lb for
single axles; 62,000–63,999 lb for tandem axles; 96,000–98,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG30 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 32,000–32,999 lb for
single axles; 64,000–65,999 lb for tandem axles; 99,000–101,999 lb
MEPDG_LG31 NUMBER(3,14) for tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 33,000–33,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG32 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 66,000–67,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 34,000–34,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG33 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 68,000–69,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 35,000–35,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG34 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 70,000–71,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 36,000–36,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG35 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 72,000–73,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 37,000–37,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG36 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 74,000–75,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 38,000–38,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG37 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 76,000–77,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 39,000–39,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG38 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 78,000–79,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 40,000–40,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG39 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 80,000–81,999 lb for tandem axles

Table 30. Field names and descriptions for SITE_SPECIFIC_NVCD

Field Name Data Type Description
Numerical code for State or Province. U.S. codes are consistent with
STATE_CODE NUMBER(2,0) Federal Information Processing Standards
Test section identification number assigned by LTPP program. Must
SHRP_ID VARCHAR2(255) be combined with STATE_CODE to be unique
YEAR NUMBER(4,0) Year for which values apply
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
Pct_Trucks_Class NUMBER(3,2) Percentage of the truck population represented by this class

Table 31. Field names and descriptions for USER_DEFINED_NALS

Field Name Data Type Description
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
VEH_CLASS NUMBER(2,0) grouped
AXLE_GROUP NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which these percentages of axles apply
NALS_CLUSTERS VARCHAR2(255) Text field indicating the type of NALS cluster
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 0–2,999 lb for single
axles; 0–5,999 lb for tandem axles; 0–11,999 lb for tridem and quad
MEPDG_LG01 NUMBER(3,14) axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 3,000–3,999 lb for
single axles; 6,000–7,999 lb for tandem axles; 12,000–14,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG02 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 4,000–4,999 lb for
single axles; 8,000–9,999 lb for tandem axles; 15,000–17,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG03 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 5,000–5,999 lb for
single axles; 10,000–11,999 lb for tandem axles; 18,000–20,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG04 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 6,000–6,999 lb for
single axles; 12,000–13,999 lb for tandem axles; 21,000–23,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG05 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 7,000–7,999 lb for
single axles; 14,000–15,999 lb for tandem axles; 24,000–26,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG06 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 8,000–8,999 lb for
single axles; 16,000–17,999 lb for tandem axles; 27,000–2,9999 lb for
MEPDG_LG07 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 9,000–9,999 lb for
single axles; 18,000–19,999 lb for tandem axles; 30,000–32,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG08 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 10,000–10,999 lb for
single axles; 20,000–21,999 lb for tandem axles; 33,000–35,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG09 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 11,000–11,999 lb for
single axles; 22,000–23,999 lb for tandem axles; 36,000–38,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG10 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 12,000–12,999 lb for
single axles; 24,000–25,999 lb for tandem axles; 39,000–41,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG11 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 13,000–13,999 lb for
single axles; 26,000–27,999 lb for tandem axles; 42,000–44,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG12 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 14,000–14,999 lb for
single axles; 28,000–29,999 lb for tandem axles; 45,000–47,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG13 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 15,000–15,999 lb for
single axles; 30,000–31,999 lb for tandem axles; 48,000–50,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG14 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 16,000–16,999 lb for
single axles; 32,000–33,999 lb for tandem axles; 51,000–53,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG15 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 17,000–17,999 lb for
single axles; 34,000–35,999 lb for tandem axles; 54,000–56,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG16 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 18,000–18,999 lb for
single axles; 36,000–37,999 lb for tandem axles; 57,000–5,9999 lb for
MEPDG_LG17 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 19,000–19,999 lb for
single axles; 38,000–39,999 lb for tandem axles; 60,000–62,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG18 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 20,000–20,999 lb for
single axles; 40,000–41,999 lb for tandem axles; 63,000–65,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG19 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 21,000–21,999 lb for
single axles; 42,000–43,999 lb for tandem axles; 66,000–68,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG20 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 22,000–22,999 lb for
single axles; 44,000–45,999 lb for tandem axles; 69,000–71,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG21 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 23,000–23,999 lb for
single axles; 46,000–47,999 lb for tandem axles; 72,000–74,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG22 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 24,000–24,999 lb for
single axles; 48,000–49,999 lb for tandem axles; 75,000–77,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG23 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 25,000–25,999 lb for
single axles; 50,000–51,999 lb for tandem axles; 78,000–80,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG24 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 26,000–26,999 lb for
single axles; 52,000–53,999 lb for tandem axles; 81,000–83,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG25 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 27,000–27,999 lb for
single axles; 54,000–55,999 lb for tandem axles; 84,000–86,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG26 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 28,000–28,999 lb for
single axles; 56,000–57,999 lb for tandem axles; 87,000–89,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG27 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 29,000–29,999 lb for
single axles; 58,000–59,999 lb for tandem axles; 90,000–92,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG28 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 30,000–30,999 lb for
single axles; 60,000–61,999 lb for tandem axles; 93,000–95,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG29 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 31,000–31,999 lb for
single axles; 62,000–63,999 lb for tandem axles; 96,000–98,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG30 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 32,000–32,999 lb for
single axles; 64,000–65,999 lb for tandem axles; 99,000–101,999 lb
MEPDG_LG31 NUMBER(3,14) for tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 33,000–33,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG32 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 66,000–67,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 34,000–34,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG33 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 68,000–69,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 35,000–35,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG34 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 70,000–71,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 36,000–36,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG35 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 72,000–73,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 37,000–37,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG36 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 74,000–75,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 38,000–38,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG37 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 76,000–77,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 39,000–39,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG38 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 78,000–79,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 40,000–40,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG39 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 80,000–81,999 lb for tandem axles
Description VARCHAR2(255) User-defined description for the NALS
Cluster_Description VARCHAR2(255) Text description for NALS_CLUSTERS field
Recommended_Road Text description indicating the recommended road usage for the
_Usage VARCHAR2(255) selected cluster

Table 32. Field names and descriptions for XMLGen_AxleLoadDistribution
Field Name Data Type Description
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
classNumber NUMBER(2,0) grouped
numberAxle NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle (1–4) for which these values apply
month NUMBER(2,0) Code specifying the month in numeric format (1–12)
axleLoad NUMBER(2,0) Code specifying load bins in DARWin-ME (1–39)
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the specified DARWin-ME
percentTrucksPerLoad NUMBER(3,14) load bin

Table 33. Field names and descriptions for XMLGen_AxleLoadMain_Template

Field Name Data Type Description
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
classNumber NUMBER(2,0) grouped
numberAxle NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle (1–4) for which these values apply
month NUMBER(2,0) Code specifying the month in numeric format (1–12)
axleLoad NUMBER(2,0) Code specifying load bins in DARWin-ME (1–39)

Table 34. Field names and descriptions for

Field Name Data Type Description
Code indicating the 13-bin classification into which trucks have been
VEH_CLASS NUMBER(2,0) grouped
AXLE_GROUP NUMBER(1,0) Type of axle for which these percentages of axles apply
Percent of axles whose weight falls in the bin 0–2,999 lb for single axles;
MEPDG_LG01 NUMBER(3,14) 0–5,999 lb for tandem axles; 0–11,999 lb for tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 3,000–3,999 lb for single
axles; 6,000–7,999 lb for tandem axles; 12,000–14,999 lb for tridem and
MEPDG_LG02 NUMBER(3,14) quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 4,000–4,999 lb for single
axles; 8,000–9,999 lb for tandem axles; 15,000–17,999 lb for tridem and
MEPDG_LG03 NUMBER(3,14) quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 5,000–5,999 lb for single
axles; 10,000–11,999 lb for tandem axles; 18,000–20999 lb for tridem and
MEPDG_LG04 NUMBER(3,14) quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 6,000–6,999 lb for single
axles; 12,000–13,999 lb for tandem axles; 21,000–23999 lb for tridem and
MEPDG_LG05 NUMBER(3,14) quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 7,000–7,999 lb for single
axles; 14,000–15,999 lb for tandem axles; 24,000–26,999 lb for tridem and
MEPDG_LG06 NUMBER(3,14) quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 8,000–8,999 lb for single
axles; 16,000–17,999 lb for tandem axles; 27,000–29,999 lb for tridem and
MEPDG_LG07 NUMBER(3,14) quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 9,000–9,999 lb for single
axles; 18,000–19,999 lb for tandem axles; 30,000–32,999 lb for tridem and
MEPDG_LG08 NUMBER(3,14) quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 10,000–10,999 lb for
single axles; 20,000–21,999 lb for tandem axles; 33,000–35,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG09 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 11,000–11,999 lb for
single axles; 22,000–23,999 lb for tandem axles; 36,000–38,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG10 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 12,000–12,999 lb for
single axles; 24,000–25,999 lb for tandem axles; 39,000–41,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG11 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 13,000–13,999 lb for
single axles; 26,000–27,999 lb for tandem axles; 42,000–44,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG12 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 14,000–14,999 lb for
single axles; 28,000–29,999 lb for tandem axles; 45,000–47,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG13 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 15,000–15,999 lb for
single axles; 30,000–31,999 lb for tandem axles; 48,000–50,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG14 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 16,000–16,999 lb for
single axles; 32,000–33,999 lb for tandem axles; 51,000–53,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG15 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 17,000–17,999 lb for
single axles; 34,000–35,999 lb for tandem axles; 54,000–56,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG16 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 18,000–18,999 lb for
single axles; 36,000–37,999 lb for tandem axles; 57,000–59,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG17 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 19,000–19,999 lb for
single axles; 38,000–39,999 lb for tandem axles; 60,000–62,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG18 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 20,000–20,999 lb for
single axles; 40,000–41,999 lb for tandem axles; 63,000–65,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG19 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 21,000–21,999 lb for
single axles; 42,000–43,999 lb for tandem axles; 66,000–68,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG20 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 22,000–22,999 lb for
single axles; 44,000–45,999 lb for tandem axles; 69,000–71,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG21 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 23,000–23,999 lb for
single axles; 46,000–47,999 lb for tandem axles; 72,000–74,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG22 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 24,000–24,999 lb for
single axles; 48,000–49,999 lb for tandem axles; 75,000–77,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG23 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 25,000–25,999 lb for
single axles; 50,000–51,999 lb for tandem axles; 78,000–80,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG24 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 26,000–26,999 lb for
single axles; 52,000–53,999 lb for tandem axles; 81,000–83,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG25 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 27,000–27,999 lb for
single axles; 54,000–55,999 lb for tandem axles; 84,000–86,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG26 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 28,000–28,999 lb for
single axles; 56,000–57,999 lb for tandem axles; 87,000–89,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG27 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles

Field Name Data Type Description
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 29,000–29,999 lb for
single axles; 58,000–59,999 lb for tandem axles; 90,000–92,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG28 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 30,000–30,999 lb for
single axles; 60,000–61,999 lb for tandem axles; 93,000–95,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG29 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 31,000–31,999 lb for
single axles; 62,000–63,999 lb for tandem axles; 96,000–98,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG30 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 32,000–32,999 lb for
single axles; 64,000–65,999 lb for tandem axles; 99,000–101,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG31 NUMBER(3,14) tridem and quad axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 33,000–33,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG32 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 66,000–67,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 34,000–34,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG33 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 68,000–69,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 35,000–35,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG34 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 70,000–71,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 36,000–36,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG35 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 72,000–73,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 37,000–37,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG36 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 74,000–75,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 38,000–38,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG37 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 76,000–77,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 39,000–39,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG38 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 78,000–79,999 lb for tandem axles
Percentage of axles whose weight falls in the bin 4,0000–40,999 lb for
MEPDG_LG39 NUMBER(3,14) single axles; 80,000–81,999 lb for tandem axles


1. AASHTO. Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, A Manual of Practice, Interim

Edition. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington,
DC, 2008.
2. AASHTO. Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, 1993.
3. FHWA, FHWA Traffic Monitoring Guide, 2001 Edition, page 4–6.
4. NCHRP. Guide for Mechanistic-Empirical Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement
Structures, “Appendix AA—Traffic Loadings,” National Cooperative Highway Research
Program, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, December 1999.
5. NCHRP Report 538. Traffic Data Collection, Analysis, and Forecasting for Mechanistic
Pavement Design, National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, Washington,
DC, 2005.
6. NCHRP Report 509. Equipment for Collecting Traffic Load Data, National Research
Council, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. 2004.
7. ASTM. Standard Specification for Highway Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Systems with User
Requirements and Test Method. ASTM Committee E-17 on Vehicle-Pavement Systems,
ASTM Designation E 1318-02, West Conshohocken, PA, 2002.
8. LTPP Field Operations Guide for SPS WIM Sites, Version 1.0. Federal Highway
Administration, McLean, VA, May 2009.
9. Long-Term Pavement Performance Information Management System: LTAS Database User
Reference Guide, Federal Highway Administration, McLean, VA, November 2009.
10. Selezneva, O.I., Ayres, M., Hallenbeck, M., Ramachandran, A., Shirazi, H., and H. Von
Quintus, “MEPDG Traffic Loading Defaults Derived from LTPP Transportation Pooled
Fund Study.” Publication No. FHWA-HRT-13-090. In review.

Recyclable HRDI-30/10-13(500)E

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