Keyboard Shortcut Result in Microsoft Word

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Hotkey pada Microsoft Word

Result in Microsoft Word
CTRL and A Selects all in the current document.
CTRL and B Bold text.
Copies the item or text to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL
CTRL and C
and V.
CTRL and D Displays the Font dialogue box.
CTRL and E Centre Alignment.
CTRL and F Displays the Find dialog box, to search the current document.
Displays the Go to dialog box, to go to a specific location in the current
CTRL and G
CTRL and H Displays the Replace dialogue box.
CTRL and I Italic text.
CTRL and J Full Justification.
CTRL and K Create Hyperlink
CTRL and L Left Alignment
CTRL and M Tab
CTRL and N Creates a new document.
CTRL and O Displays the Open File dialogue box.
CTRL and P Displays the Print dialog box.
CTRL and R Right Alignment.
CTRL and S Displays the Save dialog box.
CTRL and U Underline text
Pastes the copied item or text from the Clipboard into the current
CTRL and V
position in the document.
CTRL and X Cuts the item or text selected to the Clipboard.
CTRL and Y Redo the last undone action.
CTRL and Z Undoes the last action.
CTRL and ENTER Insert Page Break.
CTRL and F2 Show Print preview.
CTRL and F4 Closes the active document window.
CTRL and F6 Opens the next document window.
Result in Microsoft Word
F1 key Get help or use the Office assistant.
SHIFT and F1 Key Context sensitive help.
F2 Key Move text or image.
SHIFT and F2 Key Copy Text.
F3 Key Insert an autotext entry.
SHIFT and F3 Key Change the case of the selected text.
F4 Key Perform last action again.
SHIFT and F4 Key Perform a Find or Go to action again.
Displays the Go to dialogue box, from here you can also Find and
F5 Key
SHIFT and F5 Key Move to a previous revision.
F6 Key Go to the next frame or pane.
SHIFT and F6 Key Go to the previous frame or pane.
F7 Key Launch the Spell checker.
SHIFT and F7 Key Launch the Thesaurus.
F8 Key Extend the current selection.
SHIFT and F8 Key Shrink the current selection.
F9 Key Update the selected fields.
SHIFT and F9 Key Switch between a field code and its result.
F10 Key Activate the menu bar.
SHIFT and F10 Key Display a Shortcut Menu. Same as right clicking.
F11 Key Go to the next field.
SHIFT and F11 Key Go to the previous field.
F12 Key Save file As, equivalent to tools menu.
SHIFT and F12 Key Save document, equivalent to tools menu.
Barangkali pada umumnya, pengguna Microsoft Word belum pada tahu mengenai hotkey
Microsoft Word. Hal ini penting jika sewaktu-waktu mouse anda rusak, padahal toko yang
menjual mouse jauh dari rumah anda, atau anda pengguna laptop yang risih membawa-bawa
mouse, atau anda ingin mempercepat pekerjaan anda. Berikut ialah hotkey-hotkey pada
Microsoft Word:

 Paragraf ke atas = ALT+SHIFT+UP ARROW

 Paragraf ke bawah = ALT+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
 Memperkecil huruf 1 point = CTRL + SHIFT<
 Memperbesar huruf 1 point = CTRL + SHIFT>
 Menutup File = ALT+CTRL+Y * Kapital = CTRL+SHIFT+A
 Mengubah huruf besar-kecil = SHIFT +F3
 Memperbesar huruf = CTRL + ]
 Memperkecil huruf = CTRL + [
 Memblok 1 kata ke kanan = SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
 Memblok 1 kata ke kiri = SHIFT + LEFT ARROW
 Akhir baris = SHIFT + END
 Awal baris = SHIFT + HOME
 Bagian tidak teratur = CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER
 Hapus 1 Kata = CTRL + Backspace/CTRL + Del

Sekarang semua hotkey menambah CTRL didepan:

 a = memblok semua teks

 b = tebal
 c = kopi
 d = pilihan huruf
 e = center (mengetengahkan kata atau paragraf)
 f = find (mencari kata)
 g = go to
 h = replace
 i = memiringkan huruf
 j = rata kanan kiri
 l = tabulasi kiri
 m = pengganti tab
 n = halaman baru
 o = open membuka halaman yang telah ada)
 p = print
 q=-
 r = rata kanan
 s = simpan file
 t = horizontal ruler
 u = garis bawah
 v = paste
 w = tutup word
 x = hilangkan teks (cut)
 z = undo-redo

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