Effect of Demineralization On The Physiochemical Structure and Thermal Degradation of Acid Treated Indigenous Rice Husk

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Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 18, 3, 117—121,

Pol. J. Chem.
Tech., Vol. 18, No. 3, 2016 117

Effect of demineralization on the physiochemical structure and thermal

degradation of acid treated indigenous rice husk
Umair Aslam1*, Naveed Ramzan1, Tanveer Iqbal2, Mohsin Kazmi2, Aamir Ikhlaq3
University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Lahore 54890, Pakistan
University of Engineering and Technology, Department of Chemical Polymer & Composite Material Engineering, City
Campus, Pakistan
University of Engineering and Technology, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Research, Lahore, Pakistan
Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected]

Energy generation from biomass presents some serious problems like slagging, fouling and corrosion of boilers.
To address these problems, demineralization of biomass is performed using different leaching agents. This study is
focused on determining the influence of leaching agents and leaching time on the physiochemical structure of rice
husk during demineralization. Dilute (5% wt) solutions of HCl and H2SO4 were used for the demineralization of
rice husk separately with leaching time of 15, 60 and 120 minutes. It is shown that H2SO4 exhibited higher removal
of alkali and alkaline earth metals (AAEM) comparatively as depicted by the 34.2% decrease in ash content along
with an increase of 7.10% in the heating value. The acid has been seen to induce more notable changes in physi-
ochemical structure as depicted by the FTIR spectra and SEM micrographs. The thermal degradation behavior
of the demineralized rice husk has also been reported.

Keywords: demineralization, leaching agent, physiochemical structure, alkali and alkaline earth metals,
thermal degradation.

PRACTICAL APPLICATION acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. Hydrofluoric

acid removed more AAEM than other leaching agents.
Due to depletion in fossil fuels reserves, increase
Although water has less adverse effect on the structure
in their price, greenhouse effect and environmental
of biomass, but it could hardly remove AAEM. High
pollution, the current challenge to world is to reduce
removal efficiency of AAEM was observed when acids
its dependence on fossil fuel by developing sustainable
were used but they had potential of attacking on acid
and renewable energy supply. Energy from biomass ac-
soluble hydrocarbons present in biomass in the form of
counts for the largest renewable energy in the world1.
cellulose and hemicellulose. Because of this negative
Biomass is a lignocellulosic material mainly consisting of
impact created by acids, it is necessary to evaluate the
cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, ash and extractives2. One
physiochemical and structural changes of biomass during
important feature of biomass is that it contains alkali
demineralization2, 10, 12, 13.
and alkaline earth metals (AAEM) such as potassium,
The present study focuses on the changes on physio-
sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron etc.3 AAEM are the
chemical structure of rice husk after demineralization
main inorganic content of biomass. They are generally
using different leaching agents as well as its thermal
present less than 1% and may go up to 15% depending
degradation behavior.
on the biomass type4. High AAEM content in biomass
leads to slagging and fouling of heat exchanger in the high
temperature conversion system. Slagging and fouling is EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
the deposition of ash on the heat transfer surface forming
an insulating layer. This layer reduces the heat transfer Material
as well as causes corrosion and erosion problems. This Rice husk samples were taken from a local farm.
condition puts the threat on the safe operation of the The husk samples were washed with distilled water and
thermal system and also increases the cost of operation dried in sunlight before any further treatment. Dilute
and maintenance. The main contributors in slagging solution (5 percent weight/volume) of strong acids i.e.
and fouling are potassium and sodium which lower the Hydrochloric Acid (HCl, 37%) (Riedel-deHaёn) and
melting point of ash resulting in ash deposition on heat Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4, 99%) (Riedel-deHaёn) were
transfer surface5–7. used as leaching agents.
Demineralization of biomass has demonstrated to be
an effective process for reducing the slagging and fouling Method
nature of it by reducing AAEM content and improving its
fuel properties for high temperature processes. Leaching Demineralization process
agents (water and different acids) are used to deminera- The rice husk samples were cut into 2 mm particle
lize the biomass in different studies2, 8–11. Jiang 201317 et size. The samples were placed in the dilute acid solutions
al. used deionized water, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, with a solid to liquid weight ratio of 1:15. The mixtures
sulphuric acid, nitric acid and prthophosphoric acid. It of rice husk and leaching agents were thoroughly mixed
was found that sulphuric acid and nitric acid were able with the help of an orbital shaker at 200 rpm for three
to remove more AAEM than other leaching agents. different leaching time i.e. 15 min, 60 min and 120 min
Asadieraghi et al. 201415 demineralized palm oil biomas- at room temperature. The treated biomass samples were
ses with sulphuric acid, hypochlorous acid, hydrofluoric then washed with deionized waterUnauthenticated
until the pH value
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118 Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 18, No. 3, 2016

approached to neutral. After washing, treated samples The sample was placed in the furnace of SDT Q600 TA
were dried in an oven at 80oC for 24 h and then were instrument. It was initially heated up to 100oC in N2
stored in air tight bags for further analysis. The identi- environment. Then temperature was raised to 500oC in
fication of each sample and actions performed on them N2 environment. At the end, the sample was burned by
are shown in Table 1. increasing the temperature to 950oC in O2 environment.
The heating rate was set at 10oC/min.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
In order to investigate leaching efficiency and structural Ash percentage and heating value
changes, the surface morphology and shape, all samples The ash percentage was calculated by using ASTM 3174
were observed by SEM (JEOL JSM-6490 LV) operating and heating value was calculated by using ASTM D5865.
at low vacuum and 5 kV accelerating voltage. Conductive
coating was applied to prepare the samples for analysis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
FTIR spectroscopy was performed using ASTM E1252
in order to observe the structural changes after demi- Figure 1 shows the SEM images of raw and treated
neralization of rice husk qualitatively. rice husk. Raw sample has clear structure and plant
epidermis and stomata are not damaged (shown in
Thermogravimetric Analysis Fig. 1a). While fuzziness and erosion can be observed
Thermal degradation behavior was studied based on in treated samples (shown in Fig. 1b–1g). Raw sample
the thermal behavior of the samples using a Thermo- has less porosity than the treated samples especially in
gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) SDT Q600 from TA In- case of Figures 1f (R5) and 1g (R6) which means H2SO4
struments. 10mg sample was taken in platinum crucible. as leaching agent has more significant effect on biomass

Figure 1. SEM images of raw and treated samples Download Date | 10/13/16 2:23 PM
Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 18, No. 3, 2016 119

Table 1. Identification and actions performed on each sample vibration of –CH2 and –CH3 functional groups. A slight
change in both bands can be observed after acid treat-
ment specially for samples R3, R5 and R6 and it is in
agreement to with the studies done by Jiang et al.17 and
Asadieraghi et al.15. The peak at 1730 cm–1 corresponds
to C=O stretching vibration of free carbonyl group
therefore it is a typical hemicellulose component. The
next peaks from 1650–1510 cm–1 shows C=C stretching
vibrations of aromatics and generally considered as lignin
component. A slight change in intensity of bands around
1730 cm–1 and 1650 cm–1 of samples R3 and R6 can be
structure by dissolving cellulose and hemicellulose11, 14.
observed which is probably due to the high removal of
Increased porosity also indicates that some material was
inorganics comparatively. The spectrum around 1400–600
leached away by dilute acid solutions. The removed par-
cm–1 is very complex to analyze. However, in this region
ticles from biomass might be extractives and minerals15.
vibrations related to lignin components can be detected
The removal of minerals and extractives and dissolution
as at 1240 cm–1 (C=O stretching), 850–750 cm–1 (C-H
of hemicellulose and cellulose may result in the higher
bending). The band between 1440–1400 cm–1 contains
availability of surface area and pore volume16.
O-H bending which are related to hemicellulose and
FTIR spectroscopy cellulose. A band intensity change in this region can be
observed in case of sample R6. All above band variations
Chemical structure evaluation of biomass is frequently
indicate that some changes have occurred in cross linking
studied using infrared spectroscopy. In this study, FTIR
between different functional groups and thus represents
technique was used to investigate the impacts of acid
the acid treatment effects. More significant changes can
treatment on the biomass chemical structure. Figure
be observed in case of sample R6.
2 shows the various FTIR spectra of HCl (Fig. 2) and
H2SO4 (Fig. 3) treated biomass samples. Thermogravimetric analysis
In the spectra, the first broad band at 3700–3000 cm–1
Figure 4 shows the TG curves (percentage weight
can be observed and it is related to O-H stretching
loss vs temperature) and Figure 5 shows DTG curves
vibrations of hydroxyl functional groups which may be
(differential weight loss vs temperature) for raw and
present in phenolic, alcoholic and carboxylic structures.
treated samples. Three regions in all the curves can be
The band at 2800–3000 cm–1is attributed to C-H stretching
observed. The first region from 0oC to 100oC is assi-
gned to water evaporation. The second region between
250–400oC is attributed to decomposition of cellulose
and hemicellulose. The third region between 450–500oC
shows the degradation of lignin17. In the second region,
two peaks can be observed. The first peak represents
the decomposition of thermally unstable hemicellulose
while second peak is showing the degradation of cellu-
lose. It can also be observed that the peaks of treated
samples have slightly shifted towards right side showing
an increase in temperature presented in Table 3. This
can be explained by the reason that AAEM, which act
as catalyst during decomposition, have been removed
through acid treatment and cellulose and hemicellulose
are now more resistant towards thermal degradation18.

Figure 2. FTIR spectra of raw and HCl treated samples

Figure 3. FTIR spectra of raw and H2SO4 treated samples Figure 4. Mass loss (TG) curves of
Download treated
Date and untreated
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120 Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 18, No. 3, 2016

Figure 5. Derivative mass loss (DTG) curves of treated and untreated samples

Ash percentage and heating value shifting of peaks of treated samples towards high tem-
Table 2 shows the ash percentage and heating value of perature in TG and DTG curves showed that treated
all the samples. A maximum decrease of 34.2% in ash sample are more resistant towards thermal degradation
content of sample R6 was observed while a maximum due to the elimination of catalytic role of AAEM. An
increase of 7.10% in heating value was observed also for increase of 7.10% in heating value was also shown by
R6. These results are consistent with Carrillo et al.19. R6 validating the reciprocal relation between ash content
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