Catalogo Fluke Biomedical 2019

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Fluke Biomedical is a leading manufacturer of biomedical test and measurement products. They strive for innovative design, customer satisfaction, and high quality standards.

Fluke Biomedical offers a wide range of biomedical test and measurement products including gas flow analyzers, defibrillator analyzers, electrical safety analyzers, patient simulators, survey meters, and more as detailed on pages 3-4.

Fluke Biomedical provides services such as calibration, product updates, fast turnaround repairs at their service centers as detailed on page 2.

Fluke Biomedical

Product catalog

1 For full specifications please visit

Trusted for the measurements
that matter.
Fluke Biomedical leads the world in the design and manufacture of biomedical test
and simulation products. Reliability, accuracy and quality are the foundation of our
company and products. Empowering you to focus on protecting lives is our goal.

1  2 3
Innovative design from Customer satisfaction High standards for quality
customer feedback demanded assurance

At Fluke Biomedical, we strive When you invest in the best Our employees are committed
to lead our market segments products, you deserve the best to maintaining the high quality of
through creative solutions and support. We have several world- our products and services. We
ongoing improvement of current class service centers, including solicit customer input on quality
offerings. Our multi-functional the world’s largest commercial and product features and then
product development teams medical testing device labora- design, validate, manufacture
are comprised of experts in tory. Our service centers are and service these to require-
mechanics, electronics, soft- extremely versatile and can ments. We show an ongoing
ware, systems, engineering, service over 1,000 different commitment to quality through
service and manufacturing models. With extensive experi- the continuous improvement
technology. This expertise, ence in full-asset management, process required by our inter-
coupled with intensive customer our highly-accredited program is nationally recognized ISO 9001
research, called “voice of cus- equipped to give you OEM firm- and ISO 13485 Quality System
tomer” helps us develop the ware and product updates that registration.
devices that address your cur- can’t be found elsewhere; NIST-
rent and future testing needs. In traceable calibration, 90-day
addition to our VOC research, warranty on repairs and fast
we actively participate in a wide turnaround from their state-of-
range of industry associations, the-art facilities.
conferences and speaking
events. We pay careful atten-
tion to evolving trends in the
industry, applications and what
is being asked of you.

About Fluke Corporation

Fluke Biomedical is a division
of Fluke Corporation. Fluke
Corporation is the world leader
in the manufacture, distribu-
tion, and service of electronic
test tools and software and is
a wholly owned subsidiary of
Fortive Corporation (*NYSE:

2 Introduction
Featured products catalog

Biomedical test and measurement

4 5 10 15
New Patient Electrical Gas flow
products simulators safety analyzers

17 19 22
Defibrillator/trans- Infusion Electrosurgery
cutaneous pacer device analyzer
analyzers analyzers

23 25
Neonatal Digital
test equipment pressure

Imaging and therapy quality assurance Radiation safety

26 27 28
Medical Advanced Ion chamber
survey meter survey meters

Service, calibration and misc.

Instrument CarePlans

32 33 34 35
Biomedical Products

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Automation CarePlans Calibration Ordering

solutions and services information

For a complete listing of Fluke Biomedical products and services, please visit our website at

3 Table of contents
New products
VT650 and VT900 Gas Flow Analyzers


Fluke Biomedical has introduced the VT650 What’s more, the VT650 features a full-range
and VT900 Gas Flow Analyzers, which include ± 300 liter-per-minute (lpm) airflow channel with
one-channel, full-range air flow functionality that built-in oxygen, temperature, and humidity mea-
streamlines testing. The VT650 and VT900 offer surements. Designed and tested to Molbloc-L
accuracy and reliability for gas flow and respiratory calibration specifications, it ensures traceability to
medical equipment testing, including all types of global regulatory standards and is suited for basic
ventilators, flow meters, pressure gauges, anes- ventilator and gas-flow testing.
thesia, and other machines.
Specifically, the VT900 has all the ease-of-use and
These analyzers are lightweight (3.6 lbs) and features of the VT650, plus an external TTL trigger
portable, with a removable carrying handle and input and special ultra-low flow and ultra-low-pres-
shoulder strap, making them suitable for on-the-go sure ports for high accuracy in critical low volume
testing. The large, 7-inch color touch screen can be and pressure testing, for devices like anesthesia
easily read from 6 feet away, and the global user machines and flow meters.
interface makes operating these devices straight-
forward and uncomplicated.

Highly accurate. Easily portable. Always reliable.

The new VT650 and VT900 Gas Flow Analyzers from Fluke Biomedical are packed with features for those who
need portable, on-the-go testing.
• Test all types of ventilator and respiratory equipment
• Lightweight design, weighing in at 3.6 lbs, featuring a removable handle, mounting capabilities, and a shoulder
strap for easy portability
• All-in-one testing—no extra modules to carry around
• Large 7" (17.8 cm) color touch screen—readable at up to 6' (1.8 m) away
• Need ultra-low flow and ultra-low pressure testing? The VT900 is the analyzer for you.
• Conduct ventilator, anesthesia, and flow meter tests that rely on high accuracy
• Traceable to global regulatory standards
• Perfect for OEMs, clinical benchtop testing, government, and field service use

To learn more see pages 15-16.

4 Automation solutions For full specifications please visit

ProSim vital signs simulator family
Comparison guide

ProSim 4,
ProSim 8 + ProSim 8 ProSim 4 ProSim 3 ProSim 2 SPOT Light
Functions SPOT ProSim 3,
SPOT Light
ECG simulation      

waveform 50+ 50+ 43 43 43 43
     
IBP simulation
2 2 4 1 4 2
Temperature      

NIBP simulation    

   
(pressure meter)
Leak test    

Pressure relief test    

  
Cardiac output   

Rainbow SET

(Masimo) test

Optical SpO2   


     
   
auto sequences
Multi-language     

PC control
 
Direct data saving
 
and printing
Barcode scanning  

Wireless control  

Remote operation    

Communication USB, wireless USB, wireless USB USB USB USB USB
Display LCD color LCD color Touchscreen Touchscreen LCD gray LCD gray LCD gray
Battery life 9 hours 9 hours 4 hours 4 hours 8 hours 8 hours 10 hours

5 Patient simulators For full specifications please visit

ProSim 8
Vital Signs Simulator

The 8-in-1 ProSim 8 Vital Signs Simulator offers

fast and comprehensive preventive main- Key features
tenance (PM) testing for your entire patient • All-in-one complete monitor
monitor fleet. Designed to get you in and out testing
of most PM locations in minutes, this multifunc- • Stay-connected ECG posts for
tion simulator tests ECG (including fetal ECG easy/secure ECG snap and lead
and arrhythmias), respiration, temperature, IBP, connections
cardiac output/cardiac catheterization, NIBP, • Custom SpO2 r-curve for
SpO2, and is capable of testing Rainbow multi- accurate testing of the latest
wavelength waveforms. Featuring specialized oximetry technologies
stay-connected ECG posts for secure lead • Static pressure linearity testing
Instrument CarePlans

connections, physiologically- • Repeatable NIBP simulation

Biomedical Products

Br o
synchronized pulses across all parameters, (± 2 mm Hg) for dynamic pres-
sure repeatability testing
and customizable patient pre-sets and auto-
• Physiologically synchronized
sequences, the ProSim 8 provides unbeatably
pulses across all parameters
fast and easy complete monitor testing.
• Barcode scanning and
direct data capture, printing
• Onboard, customizable patient
pre-sets and auto sequences
Specifications • Multi-language user interface
• Integrated, easily replaceable,
long-life battery
Normal-sinus-rhythm waveform
• Wireless communication for
Normal sinus 12-lead configuration with independent outputs referenced to right leg (RL). Output to remote PC control of test
rhythm 10 universal ECG jacks, color-coded to AHA and IEC standards device, as well as data trans-
High-level output 0.5 V/mV ± 5 % of the ECG amplitude setting available on a BNC connector fer and automated regulatory
Amplitude 0.05 mV to 0.5 mV (0.05 mV steps); 0.5 mV to 5 mV (0.25 mV steps) reporting*
*You must have Ansur Test Executive version
ECG rate 10 BPM to 360 BPM in 1 BPM steps 2.9.6 or greater on your PC to communicate
ECG waveform Adult (80 ms) or pediatric (40 ms) QRS duration with the product.
ST-segment eleva- Adult mode only. -0.8 mV to +0.8 mV (0.1 mV steps).
tion Additional steps: +0.05 mV and -0.05 mV
Optional accessories
Pacemaker waveform
2392199 CI-3 Cardiac Output Box
Pacer pulse Amplitude 0 (off), ± 2, ± 4, ± 6, ± 8, ± 10, ± 12, ± 14, ± 16, ± 18,
± 20, ± 50, ± 100, ± 200, ± 500, and ± 700 mV for lead II (reference lead) 3408564 Mini-DIN to DIN IBP
Pacer pulse width 0.1 ms, 0.2 ms, 0.5 ms, 1 ms, and 2 ms ± 5 %
3890640 NIBP Test Chamber
Paced arrhythmias Atrial 80 BPM
500 ML
Asynchronous 75 BPM
4034627 Ansur Test Software
Demand with frequent sinus beats ProSim 8 Plug-In
Demand with occasional sinus beats Cable kits
Atrio-ventricular sequential 3984910 ProSim 8 Accessory Kit
Noncapture (one time) 3984922 HP/Philips Intellivue
Cable Set
3984968 GE Marquette Eagle/
Dash/Solar Cable Set
Baseline NSR 80 BPM
3984946 ProSim 8 SpaceLabs
PVC focus Left focus, standard timing (except where specified) Ultraview Cable set
Supraventricular Atrial fibrillation (coarse or fine); atrial flutter; sinus arrhythmia; missed beat (one 3984979 Welch Allyn/Propaq
arrhythmia time); atrial tachycardia; paroxysmal atrial tachcardia; nodal rhythm; and supraven- Cable Set
tricular tachycardia
3984993 Drager Infinity Cable Set
Premature Premature atrial contraction (PAC); premature nodal contraction (PNC); PVC1 left ven-
arrhythmia tricular; PVC1 left ventricular, early; PVC1 left ventricular, R on T; PVC2 right ventricu- 3985009 ProSim 8 Nihon Kohden
lar; PVC2 right ventricular, early; PVC2 right ventricular, R on T; and multifocal PVCs Cable Set
Ventricular PVCs 6, 12, or 24 per minute; frequent multifocal PVCs; bigeminy; trigeminy; multiple
arrhythmia PVCs (one-time run of 2, 5, or 11 PVCs); mono-ventricular tachycardia (120 to 300
BPM in 5 BPM steps); poly-ventricular tachycardia (5 types); ventricular fibrillation
(coarse or fine); and asystole

6 Patient simulators For full specifications please visit

ProSim 8
Vital Signs Simulator

Arrhythmia continued
Conduction defect First-, second-, or third-degree heart block; and right- or left-bundle-branch block
Advanced cardiac life Shockable pulseless arrest rhythms Ventricular fibrillation (coarse), ventricular fibrillation (fine), unstable
support polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
Non-shockable pulseless arrest rhythms Asystole
Symptomatic bradycardia Sinus bradycardia (< 60 BPM)
2nd degree AV block, mobitz type I
2nd degree AV block, mobitz type II
Complete/3rd degree AV block
Right bundle branch block
Left bundle branch block
Symptomatic tachycardia: regular narrow- Sinus tachycardia > 150 BPM
complex tachycardia (QRS < 0.12 seconds)
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Symptomatic tachycardia: regular wide-complex Sinus tachycardia > 150 BPM
tachycardias (QRS ≥ 0.12 seconds)
Supraventricular tachycardia SVT with aberrancy
Irregular tachycardia Atrial fibrillation (coarse and fine), atrial flutter, unstable monomorphic
ventricular tachycardia (120 BPM to 300 BPM), torsade de pointes/poly-
morphic ventricular tachycardia (long QT interval)
ECG performance testing
Amplitude 0.05 mV to 0.5 mV (0.05 mV steps)
0.5 mV to 5 mV (0.25 mV steps)
Pulse wave 30 BPM, 60 BPM, with 60 ms pulse width
Square wave 0.125 Hz, 2 Hz, 2.5 Hz
Triangle wave 0.125 Hz, 2 Hz, 2.5 Hz
Sine wave 0.05 Hz, 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 25 Hz, 30 Hz, 40 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 100 Hz, and 150 Hz
R-wave detection Waveform Triangular pulse
Rate 30 BPM, 60 BPM, 80 BPM, 120 BPM, 200 BPM, and 250 BPM
QRS detection Rate 30 BPM, 60 BPM, 80 BPM, 120 BPM, 200 BPM, and 250 BPM
Tall T-wave rejection Waveform QT Interval 350 ms
T-Wave width 180 ms
T-Wave shape ½ sinewave
Rate 80 BPM
ECG artifact
Type 50 Hz, 60 Hz, muscular, baseline wander, respiration
Size 25 %, 50 %, 100 % of the normal sinus R-Wave for each lead
Lead select All, RA, LL, LA, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
Fetal/maternal ECG
Fetal heart rate (fixed) 60 BPM to 240 BPM in 1 BPM steps
Fetal heart rate (IUP) 140 BPM at beginning, then varies with pressure
Intrauterine-pressure Early deceleration, late deceleration and acceleration
Wave duration 90 seconds, bell-shaped pressure curve, from 0 mmHg to 90 mmHg and returning to 0
Invasive blood pressure
Channels 2, each independently settable with identical parameters and are individually electrically isolated from all other signals
Transducer sensitivity 5 (default) or 40 µV/V/mmHg
Static pressure -10 to +300 mmHg in 1 mmHg steps
Pressure units mmHg or Kpa
Swan-Ganz sequence Right atrium, right ventrical (RV), pulmonary artery (PA), pulmonary artery wedge (PAW)
Cardiac catheterization Chambers Aortic, pulmonary valve and mitral valve
Respiration artifact Arterial, radial artery, and left ventricle 5 % to 10 % multiplication
Other 5 mmHg or 10 mmHg
BP output Circular DIN 5-Pin

7 Patient simulators For full specifications please visit

ProSim 4 with SPOT Light
Vital Signs Simulator and SpO2 Functional Tester

The ProSim 4 Vital Signs Simulator offers

quick and simple one-tap testing for patient Key features
monitor performance checks and trouble- ProSim4
shooting. Designed to get you in and out • ProSim 4 is a multi-function
of most locations in 60 seconds, this quick- tester offering 12-lead ECG,
check device offers 12-lead ECG simulation, respiration, IBP and NIBP
respiration, IBP and NIBP testing in the simulation
palm of your hand. Featuring specialized • Touchscreen interface
stay-connected ECG posts to ensure secure • One-tap testing for most
lead connections and no-hassle testing, the performance tests and checks
ProSim 4 is the perfect patient simulator for • Easy quick-check patient
first-call patient monitor quality assurance monitor testing
and safety professionals.
SPOT Light
• SPOT Light preset programs
The ProSim SPOT Light SpO2 Tester is the test any combination of satura-
first comprehensive Sp02 tester to come tion, heart rate, perfusion,
in a handheld and easy-to-use device. It's transmission, artifact noise, and
lightweight and flexible with three custom r-curve in 15 seconds or less
presets specially designed to make it the Instrument CarePlans
Biomedical Products
• Small, portable and lightweight
fastest and easiest to use device on the • Rechargeable battery lasts 10

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market for pulse oximeter functional testing. hours minimum
• Signal strength indicator
• SpO2 saturation: 80 %, 85 %,
90 %, 95 %, 97 %, 98 %, 99 %
and 100 %
• Heart rate: 30, 40, 60, 80, 90,
100, 120, 150, and 240 BPM
Standard compliance CE, CSA, C-Tick, RoHs • Perfusion: 0.2 %, 2 % and 10 %
ECG rate 30 BPM, 60 BPM, 80 BPM, 90 BPM, 120 BPM, 150 BPM, • Transmission: dark/thick,
180 BPM, 210 BPM, 240 BPM, 270 BPM, 300 BPM, and normal and light/thin
320 BPM
• Artifacts: respiration and
ECG accuracy ± 1 % of setting ambient light
Arrhythmia 11 waveforms • R-curves: Nonin, Masimo,
Respiration rate 0 (OFF), 10 BrPM to 100 BrPM in 10 BrPM steps
Nellcor, Nihon Kohden, Mindray,
GE, Philips, BCI
Accuracy baseline ±5%
Manometer (Pressure meter) 10 mmHg to 400 mmHg
Manometer resolution 0.1 mmHg (for display purposes) Optional accessories
Manometer accuracy ± (1 % of reading + 1 mmHg) 3984878 ProSim 4 Accessory
Invasive blood pressure One channel Kit, includes: Unterminated IBP
cable, HP-3 IBP cable, MQ-3
Pressure accuracy ± (1 % of setting + 1mmHg), dc excitation only IBP cable, TK-1 IBP cable, Adult
Temperature 0 °C (32 °F), 24 °C (75.2 °F), 37 °C (98.6 °F), 40 °C (104 °F) cuff Mandrel spacer block (3),
Adult cuff Mandrel end block (2),
Neonatal Mandrel, USB cable,
Spare Battery pack, ECG Snap/
banana adapter
2392328 Neonatal Cuff Mandrel
2392370 Adult Cuff Mandrel End
Blocks (2 needed)
2392381 Adult Cuff Mandrel
Spacer Blocks (3 needed)
4026551 ECG Snap Adapter 4 mm
and 3.2 mm ECG Banana Adapter
Converter Modules (international

8 Patient simulators For full specifications please visit

ProSim 2 and ProSim 3
Vital Signs Simulator

Key features
• Portable, multi-parameter
patient simulators for evaluat-
ing the performance of patient
• Just-right feature set includes:
ECG, pacemaker, arrhythmia
and performance testing, respi-
ration, invasive blood pressure,
temperature, cardiac output
(ProSim 3 only), fetal/maternal
(ProSim 3 only)
• 43 high-quality waveforms
• With four IBP channels, ProSim
Instrument CarePlans
3 can test even the highest acu-
ity scenarios
Biomedical Products

lv n
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secure lead connections
Don‘t need a comprehensive patient monitor tester? The ProSim 3 and ProSim 2 Vital • Improved user interface and
Signs Simulators are clear choices for biomedical engineers and field service techni- online Advantage Training
cians that need a quality, portable device. Choose one of these modern vital signs demos
simulators for preventive maintenance, troubleshooting and repair. • Upgraded DIN connectors
ensure consistency with the
The ProSim 3 and 2 feature the perfect amount of features for testing in the field. We ProSim family; minimize cable
like to call it the just-right feature set, and it includes: compatibility issues
• Field upgradeable, and easily
• ECG paired with other devices for
• Pacemaker comprehensive testing

• Arrhythmia and performance testing

• Respiration
• Invasive blood pressure Included accessories
• Temperature ProSim 2/3 Instruction Sheet
• Cardiac output (ProSim 3 only) (Multilingual)
• Fetal/maternal (ProSim 3 only) 4253822 ProSim 2/3 Users
Manual CD
614487 Two 9-volt alkaline
batteries (minimum eight hours
Specifications continuous use)
2392173 IBP Cable, unterminated
Standard compliance CE, CSA, C-tick, WEEE and RoHs 2392199 3010-0289FG, CI-3 Cable
ECG rate 30 BPM, 40 BPM, 45 BPM, 60 BPM, 80 BPM, 90 BPM,
Assembly (Cardiac Output Box;
100 BPM, 120 BPM, 140 BPM, 160 BPM, 180 BPM, 200 BPM, 220 BPM, 240 BPM, ProSim 3 only)
260 BPM, 280 BPM and 300 BPM 1671807 USB cable
ECG accuracy ± 1 % of setting 2248623 ProSim 2/3 Carrying
Arrhythmia 43 waveforms
Respiration rate 0 (OFF), 15 BPM, 20 BPM, 30 BPM, 40 BPM, 60 BPM, 80 BPM, 100 BPM, 120 Optional accessories
2523334 YSI 400 Series (UT-4)
Accuracy baseline ± 5 % 2199019 YSI 700 Series (UT-2)
Blood pressure 4 channels 4022300 Cardiac output switch
Pressure accuracy ± (2 % of setting + 2 mmHg), dc excitation only for GE
Temperature 0 °C (32 °F), 24 °C (75.2 °F), 37 °C (98.6 °F), 40 °C (104 °F)
Temperature accuracy ± 0.1 °C
Cardiac output 2.5, 5, 10 liters per minute ± 5 %
Fetal/maternal Fetal HR: 60 BPM, 90 BPM, 120 BPM, 140 BPM, 150 BPM, 210 BPM and 240 BPM
Fetal HR (IUP): 140 BPM, then varies

9 Patient simulators For full specifications please visit

Electrical safety analyzers
Comparison guide

Do you need Do you prefer

Do you need
25A PE test an analyzer with We recommend the
NO to test applied YES
current on-board NO
parts? ESA612
capability? automation?


We recommend the We recommend the We recommend the

ESA620 ESA615 ESA609

ESA615 ESA612 ESA620 ESA609 601 Pro SeriesXL

Basic overview
Preferred analyzer for which IEC62353 ANSI/AAMI IEC60601-1 ANSI/AAMI IEC60601-1
standard? and NFPA-99 and NFPA-99 2nd, 3rd edition and NFPA-99 2nd edition
Automation inside  
Ansur compatible   
Onboard memory   
ECG simulation    
Handheld   
GFCI protection    
DUT load current     
20 A test capability     
25 A test capability  

Detailed comparison
Test modes Automated Manual Manual Manual Automated (lim-
Manual if preferred Ansur-automatable Ansur-automatable ited; manual testing
required to meet
newest standards)
Test loads AAMI, IEC60601-1 AAMI, IEC60601-1 AAMI, IEC60601-1, AAMI, IEC6060-1 AAMI, IEC60601-1,
IEC61010 IEC61010
Mains voltage All lines All lines All lines All lines All lines
PE test current 200 mA ac 200 mA ac 200 mA ac, 25 A ac >200 mA dc 1 A ac, 10 A ac,
25 A ac
Leakage range 0 µA t0 10,000 µA 0 µA t0 10,000 µA 0 µA t0 10,000 µA 0.0 μA to 1999.9 μA 0 µA to 8000 µA to
0 µA to 20 mA 0 µA to 20 mA 0 µA to 20 mA 16,000 µ
(differential only) (differential only) (differential or 61010 (61010 only)
Patient auxiliary leakage lead Any 1 to all Any 1 to all Any 1 to all - Any 1-5 to all
selections RA-LL-LL-LA RA-LA V1-16 to all
MAP test voltage 100 % of mains 100 % of mains 110 % Or 100 % - 110 % of mains
Power supply (V ac) 120 or 230 120 or 230 120 or 230 90 to 264 120 or 230
Applied parts connections 5 banana safety 5 banana safety 10 insulated posts 10 banana safety
jacks, Bj2ECG adapt- jacks, Bj2ECG adapt- - jacks
er, 1-to-10 Expander er, 1-to-10 Expander
Communication options Wireless and Wired Wired Wired - Wired
Data entry options Onboard keypad Onboard keypad Onboard keypad
USB compatible PS/2 keyboard
- -
keyboard, Barcode Barcode scanner
Printer port Available via Ansur Available via Ansur Available via Ansur - Parallel
Dual lead testing µA/mV, V and Ω µA/mV, V and Ω µA/mV, V and Ω - µA/mV and V
Connectivity USB USB USB - RS-232,
parallel printer
Power cord Removable Removable Removable - Removable

10 Electrical safety analyzers For full specifications please visit

Electrical Safety Analyzer

The automated ESA615 Electrical Safety Analyzer

brings fast and simple testing to a portable ana- Key features
lyzer perfect for use in the field and in facilities. • On-board automation with
automated test sequences for
Whether it is simple testing or comprehensive easy compliance to key global
analysis, the ESA615 can do it all. The multifaceted electrical safety standards
device performs all primary electrical safety tests (ANSI/AAMI ES-1 (NFPA-99),
including line (mains) voltage, ground wire (protec- IEC62353 (VDE751), IEC60601-1
tive earth) resistance, insulation resistance, device 2nd and 3rd editions, and AS/
NZS 3551)
current and lead (patient) leakage tests.
• Portable, ergonomic design
with an integrated handle and
tilt stand
Instrument CarePlans
• Human-factors-designed user
interface for streamlined testing
Biomedical Products

lv n
Br o • ECG waveform tests and
dual-lead measurements
• Five applied parts jacks and
easy ECG snap connection;
optional expander box for up to
12-lead ECG testing
• Easy data entry through
barcode, external keyboard or
on-board keypad
• Wireless communication plus
Voltage removable memory card
Range (mains voltage) 90 V ac rms to 132 V ac rms, 180 V ac rms to 264 V ac rms • Replaceable mains fuses
Range (accessible voltage) 0 V ac rms to 300 V ac rms • Custom language selections
Accuracy ± (2 % of reading + 0.2 V) include: English, French,
Voltage tests Mains and point to point German, Spanish, Italian and
Earth resistance
Mode Two wire
Test current > 200 mA ac
Range 0 Ω to 2 Ω
Included accessories
Accuracy ± (2 % of reading + 0.015 Ω)
CD-ROM Users Manual
Resistance tests Earth resistance and point to point (multilingual)
Equipment current MANUAL Getting Started Guide
Mode AC rms (hard copy, multilingual)
Range 0 A to 20 A Ansur Plug-in CD with demo
Accuracy ± 5 % of reading + (2 counts or 0.2 A, whichever is greater) version
Duty cycle 15 A to 20 A, 5 min on/5 min off Data Transfer Cable
10 A to 15 A, 7 min on/3 min off
USA Accessory Kit: Test Lead
0 A to 10 A continuous
Set, TP1 Test Probe Set, AC285
Leakage current Alligator Clip Set (ESA T/L KIT
Modes* ac + dc (true-rms) USA)
ac only
dc only Optional accessories
*Modes are available in all leakage tests with the exception of MAP leakages that are available only in 4316223 50’ Test Lead
true-rms. 4794643 75’ Test Lead
Patient load selection AAMI ES1-1993 Fig. 1, IEC 60601: Fig 15 4165219 Ansur ESA 615 Plug-in
(input impedance) License
Crest factor ≤3 2392639 Ground
Ranges 0 μA to 199.9 μA Adapter2392639 Ground Adapter
200 μA to 1999 μA
2 mA to 10 mA

11 Electrical Safety Analyzers For full specifications please visit

Electrical Safety Analyzer

Portable, lightweight and designed for operation in

tight spaces, the ESA612 Electrical Safety Analyzer Key features
offers the functionality of a simulator, multimeter • Large, easy-to-read display with
adjustable contrast
and analyzer in a single test tool. The versatility of
• Human-factors-designed user
the multifaceted ESA612 is further expanded with
optional automation software, which speeds and
• Tilt stand design for stand-up
simplifies testing and provides high-end testing in field environments
productivity at software-level investment.
• Five applied parts jacks and
easy ECG snap connection with
optional expander box
• ECG waveform tests and
Instrument CarePlans
Biomedical Products
dual-lead measurements
• Replaceable mains fuses

lv n
Br o
• Internal memory for 100 test
• USB connection for use
with Ansur and Data Viewer
software (for memory download
to PC)
Specifications • Built-in handle

Range (mains voltage) 90 V ac to 132 V ac rms, 180 V ac to 264 V ac rms
Included accessories
Range (accessible voltage) 0 V ac to 300 V ac rms
CD-ROM Users Manual
Accuracy ± (2 % of reading + 0.2 V) (multilingual)
Voltage tests Mains and point-to-point
Manual Getting-Started Guide
Earth resistance (hard copy, multilingual)
Mode Two terminal Cable Assembly Data Transfer
Test current > 200 mA ac Cable
Range 0 Ω to 2 Ω ESA612 Accessory Kit
Accuracy ± (2 % of reading + 0.015 Ω) (country specific)
Resistance tests Earth resistance and point-to-point Null Post Adapter
Equipment current 5-to-5 Banana Jack to ECG
Mode AC rms
(BJ2ECG) Adapter
Range 0 A to 20 A Carry Case Detachable Power
Cord (country specific)
Accuracy ± 5 % of reading + (2 counts or 0.2 A, whichever is greater)
Duty cycle 15 A to 20 A, 5 min on/5 min off Included accessories for
10 A to 15 A, 7 min on/3 min off ESA612 with test automation
0 A to 10 A continuous All of the above, plus:
Leakage current ANSUR ESA612 Ansur Test-
Modes* ac + dc (true-rms) Automation Software ESA612
ac only plug-in
dc only Optional accessories
*Modes are available in all leakage tests with the exception of MAP leakages that are available only in true-rms 1903307 Retractable Test Leads
Crest factor ≤3 2242165 Ground Pin Adapter (US
Ranges 0 μA to 199.9 μA receptacle testing ground lug)
200 μA to 1999 μA
2 mA to 10 mA 3392119 1210 Adapter Box
3454829 Ansur ESA612 Plug-In
License Key
4316223 50’ Test Lead
4794643 75’ Test Lead

12 Electrical Safety Analyzers For full specifications please visit

Electrical Safety Analyzer

Key features
Instrument CarePlans
Biomedical Products
• Superior compliance with
multiple standards: IEC60601-

lv n
Br o 1(partial), IEC62353, VDE 751,
ANSI/AAMI ES1:1993, NFPA-99,
AN/NZS 3551, IEC61010
• Expanded leakage ranges
through 10,000 µA
• Dual-lead resistance, leakage
and voltage tests
• AC only, dc only and true-rms
leakage readings
• 100 % and 110 % mains voltage
The multifaceted ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer performs all primary safety tests for mains on applied parts (lead
including mains voltage, protective earth resistance, insulation resistance, device cur- isolation) test
rent, earth, chassis, and patient leakages as well as several additional leakage tests to • DSP filter technology
comply with standards of choice. • More applied parts selections
• ECG and performance
Equipped with ten safety-enhanced ECG posts, the ESA620 offers simulation of ECG
and performance waveforms so both electrical safety and basic tests on patient moni-
• Intuitive user interface
tors can be performed with a single connection. When used with the optional Ansur
• Easy-to-use applied parts (ECG)
computer-based software plug-in, the ESA620 becomes automated. This allows for
standardization of test procedures, capturing and storage of results, comparison to
• Insulation posts on applied
standard limits, and printing of reports thus enabling the sophisticated performance of parts connections
the high-end electrical safety analyzers.
• Five different insulation tests
• Varying insulation test voltage
500 V dc and 250 V dc
• Two or (optional) four-wire
ground wire resistance
Voltage • Optional Ansur plug-in software
Range (mains voltage) 120 V model: 90 V ac to 132 V ac rms
230 V model: 180 V ac to 264 V ac rms • USB connection
Accuracy ± (2 % of reading + 1 V) • CE, C-TICK and CSA for USA
and Canada
Range (accessible voltage) 0 V ac to 300 V ac rms
Accuracy ± (2 % of reading + 2 LSD)
• RoHS compliance
Voltage tests Mains, Accessible, and Point to Point
Earth resistance
Included accessories
Modes Two terminal or four terminal
Test current > 200 mA ac or 10 A ac to 25 A ac
CD-ROM Users Manual
Ranges 0 Ω to 2 Ω Manual Multilingual Getting
Started Guide
Accuracy ± (2 % of reading 0.015 Ω)
ESA620 Accessory Kit (country
Equipment current specific)
Mode ac rms
Soft Case Carry case Detachable
Range 0 A to 20 A Power Cord (country specific)
Accuracy ± 5 % of reading ± (2 counts or 0.2 A, whichever is greater)
ESA620 with test automation
Leakage current
Comes with all of the above plus:
Patient load selection AAMI ES1-1993 Fig 1
(input impedance) IEC 60601: Fig 15 ANSUR ESA620 Ansur Test-
IEC 61010: Fig A-1 Automation Software ESA620
Crest factor ≤3
Ranges 0 μA to 199.9 μA
Cable Assembly Data Transfer
200 μA to 1999 μA Cable
2.0 μA to 10.0 mA Optional accessories
Frequency response DC to 1 kHz 2392639 Ground Adapter
1 kHz to 100 kHz
100 kHz to 1 MHz 4316223 50’ Test Lead
Accuracy ± (1 % of reading + 1 μA or 1 LSD, whichever is greater) 4794643 75’ Test Lead
± (2 % of reading + 1 μA or 1 LSD, whichever is greater)
± (5 % of reading + 1 μA or 1 LSD, whichever is greater)

13 Electrical Safety Analyzers For full specifications please visit

Electrical Safety Analyzer

Key features
Instrument CarePlans
Biomedical Products • Standards compliance include:

lv n
Br o
and parts of IEC62353 and
• Test current consumption up to
20 A for a diverse set of medical
• All parameters needed for basic
electrical safety testing: line
(mains) voltage, ground wire
(or protective earth) resistance,
equipment current, ground wire
(earth) leakage, chassis (enclo-
The ESA609 Electrical Safety Analyzer is a rugged, portable and easy-to-use analyzer sure) leakage, direct equipment
designed for general electrical safety testing. Engineered for on-the-go technicians, leakage, and point to point leak-
the ESA609 requires no training to use and has a protective, rubberized case. Its age and resistance
functional strap and featherweight design make it one of the most portable electrical • Global use: the ESA609 will
operate at 120 V and 230 V
safety analyzers in its class. Heavy-duty switches allow users to effortlessly change
polarity and configuration of the neutral connection between open and closed, while • Rugged: Rubberized case and
Ingress Protection rating of IP30
push-button operation ensures fast transition between tests for complete basic help prevent damage when
testing. The ESA609 integrates all functions needed to test medical devices when dropped
patient lead testing is not required, including: line (mains) voltage, ground wire (pro- • User-friendly: Quick push-but-
tective earth) resistance, equipment current, leakage current and point-to point tests. ton operation for rapid testing
Versatile to global electrical safety standards of choice, the ESA609 tests to ANSI/ • Portable: Featherweight (1.5 lb)
AAMI ES1, NFPA-99, and parts of IEC62353 and IEC60601-1. design, functional strap, and tilt
stand make it easy for transpor-
tation and operation on-the-go
Specifications (onsite or offsite)
• Rigorously tested for safety and
reliability, with CE, CSA and
Mains voltage measurement
Australia RCM in addition to
Range 90.0 V to 264.0 V ac rms Fluke quality
Accuracy ± (2 % of reading + 0.2 V)
Earth resistance
Modes Two wire
Test current  > 200 mA dc Included accessories
Range 0.000 Ω to 20.000 Ω 4370089 Operator’s manual
Accuracy ± (1 % of reading + 0.010 Ω) (Multilingual CD-ROM)
Resistance tests Earth resistance and point to point 4370092 Safety sheet
Equipment current 3111008 USA/AUS/ISR Accessory
Mode ac rms
Kit: test lead set, TP1 test probe
set, AC285 alligator clip set
Range 0.0 A to 20.0 A (ESA T/L kit, USA)
Accuracy ± 5 % of reading + (2 counts or 0.2 A, whichever is greater)
2248650 Carrying case
Duty cycle 15 A to 20 A, 5 min. on/5 min. off
10 A to 15 A, 7 min. on/3 min. off
2242165 Ground Adapter
0 A to 10 A, continuous Line cord Country-specific power
Leakage current cord
Modes True-rms 3111024 EUR Accessory Kit: test
Patient load selection AAMI ES1-1993 Fig. 1 lead set, TP74 test probe set,
IEC 60601: Fig. 15 AC285 alligator clip set (ESA T/L
kit, EUR)
Crest factor Less than or equal to 3
Ranges 0.0 µA to 1999.9 µA accuracy Optional accessories
DC to 1 kHz ± 1 % of reading + (1 µA , whichever is greater)
2195732 15 A to 20 A adapter
1 kHz to 100 kHz ± 2.5 % of reading + (1 µA, whichever is greater)
100 kHz to 1 MHz ± 5 % of reading + (1 µA, whichever is greater)
Leakage tests Ground wire (earth)
Chassis (enclosure)
Direct equipment
Point to point

14 Electrical safety analyzers For full specifications please visit

Gas flow analyzers
Comparison guide



Features and functions VT650 VT900

Oxygen accuracy 2% 1%

Single flow full range channel (± 300 lpm) (1.7 % or 0.04 lpm) (1.7 % or 0.04 lpm)

Airway temperature/humidity/oxygen measurement  

Ultra-low flow channel (± 750 mL/min) accuracy (1.7 % or 0.04 lpm) 

Ultra-low pressure range (0-10 mbar) accuracy (1 % or 0.01 mbar)

Real-time measurements and graphical display  

Test profile customization  

External trigger input 

Onboard memory and automatic test resport creation  

Global user interface  

7 in (17.8 cm) color screen  

High pressure (-0.8 to 10 bar) ± 1 % or ± 0.007 bar ± 1 % or ± 0.007 bar

Low pressure (± 160 mbar) ± 0.5 % or ± 0.1 mbar ± 0.5 % or ± 0.1 mbar
Battery life 8 hours 8 hours

15 Gas flow analyzers For full specifications please visit

VT650 Key features
Gas Flow Analyzer • More uptime with increased
oxygen sensor accuracy and life
Designed for accuracy and portability, • Avoid confusion and ensure
the VT650 Gas Flow Analyzer is a high accuracy with one-channel full
quality, all-in-one, basic needs gas flow range air flow functionality
analyzer that also ventilators. • Streamline your testing proce-
dure reduce errors and quicken
The VT650 Gas Flow Analyzer offers your test time with the ability to
high accuracy and reliability for gas create customized test profiles
flow and respiratory medical equip- • Reduce testing time with built-in
ment, including neonatal, mechanical line sensors which automati-
cally test humidity temperature
and high-frequency ventilators. The and oxygen while compensat-
single, full range ± 300 lpm air flow ing for atmospheric pressure
channel offers built-in oxygen, tem- and environmental conditions
perature and humidity measurements • Easily transport and store the
to streamline your testing procedure. lightweight (3.64 lb/1.6 kg) all-in-
Designed and tested to world renown one device—no extra modules
for different tests
Molbloc-L calibration specifications ensures
traceability to global regulatory standards • Quickly access menu options
interpret results and see
with measurements you can rely on. measurements at a distance up
to 6' (1.8 m) with the large easy-
to-read 7 (17.8 cm) color touch
VT900 screen
• Operate on-the-go all day with
Gas Flow Analyzer 8 hours of battery life
• The on-board memory allows
The VT900 Gas Flow Analyzer pro- you to record and save data
vides the highest accuracy for testing • Have confidence that your
gas flow and respiratory medical measurements comply to
equipment. It’s accurate, easy-to-use, global regulatory standards
reliable and portable. and adhere to SI units of mea-
surement with the Molbloc-L
Designed to accurately and reliably calibration system.
test all types of gas flow equip- • Operate on-the-go, all day with
8 hours of battery life
ment especially those requiring high
accuracy in ultra-low flow and ultra- • More control over your testing
by selecting your own trigger
low pressure measurements, this point with the external trigger
compact and lightweight analyzer is input
extremely portable, and also saves • The ability to ensure patient
space on your benchtop. safety with ultra-low flow and
ultra-low pressure
The VT900 features an external anesthesia and flow meter
trigger input and special ultra-low testing
flow and ultra-low pressure ports. These ultra-low flow and ultra-low pressure ports
allow the highest accuracy for devices requiring crucial low volume and pressure
Optional accessories
testing such as anesthesia machines and flow meters. Designed and tested to world
2387318 ACCU LUNG Test Lung
renown Molbloc-L calibration specifications ensures traceability to global regulatory
standards with reliable measurements you can count on. 4281291 ACCU LUNG II Test Lung
4969657 Vesa Mounting System/
Test Arm

16 Gas flow analyzers For full specifications please visit

Impulse 7000DP
Defibrillator Tester/External Pacemaker Analyzer

Key features
• IEC 60601-2-4 compliance
• Lown, Edmark, trapezoidal,
biphasic and pulsed-biphasic
defibrillation technology
Instrument CarePlans
Biomedical Products

Br o
• AED compatibility
• 12-lead ECG simulation
• Ability to test external transcu-
taneous pacemakers (Impulse
7000 DP only)
• Internal pacer brand selections
• Flexible heart-rate settings
The Impulse 7000DP is a combination Defibrillator/Transcutaneous Pacemaker (1 BPM step)
Analyzer that is portable, rugged, and easy-to-carry. It measures any defibrillator • DSP-based measurements
energy waveform, properly tests all defibrillator and AED devices (including Shock for firmware and waveform
Advisory), ensures proper loads used for pacer testing, and delivers superior perfor- upgrade
mance with accuracy measurements ± 1 % of reading + .01 J. • Waveform capture, store and
• First-in-class accuracy ± 1 %
of reading + 0.1J
Impulse 7010 Selectable Load Accessory
• Long lasting, rechargeable
The 7010 Selectable Load Box replicates battery
selectable impedance values and simulates
user-selectable impedances as high as 200
ohms accurately, ensuring IEC 60601-2-4
compliance. The 7010 Load Box and Impulse Included
7000DP work together as a system to repli- accessories
cate all possible human variations and ensure 1626219 USB Computer
Communication Cable
patient safety.
3028681 User Manual CD
3028662 Getting-Started Guide
Specifications Battery Eliminator Country
Defibrillator Analyzer 2814980 Carrying Case
Safety standards CE: IEC/EN61010-1 2nd Edition; Pollution degree 2, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No 61010-1; 3156262 Defib Paddle Contact
UL61010-1, C-Tick: Australian EMC Plates
Autoranged 0.1 J to 600 J
Optional accessories
Accuracy 0.1 J to 360 J: ± 1 % of reading +0.1 J
360 J to 600 J: ± 1 % of reading +0.1 J, typical 3091370 Ansur Impulse
Note: For pulsed bi-phasic defibrillator, specified accuracy is
± (1.5 % of reading + 0.3 J) on both ranges Impulse 7010 Defibrillator
Load resistance Resistance: 50 Ω Selectable Load Accessory
Accuracy 1 %, non-inductive (< 2 μH) provides multiple loads of 25 Ω,
50 Ω, 75 Ω, 100 Ω, 125 Ω, 150 Ω,
Charge time Range: 0.1 s to 100 s
175 Ω, and 200 Ω to comply with
Accuracy: ± 0.05 s, typical IEC 60601-2-4 standard*
Synchronization test Delay time measurement
(cardioversion) • Timing window: ECG R-wave peak to the defib pulse peak *Compatible only with Impulse 7000DP
• Range: -120 ms to 380 ms; measures timing from 120 ms prior to the R-wave
peak to up to 380 ms following the R-wave peak
Automated defibrillator test ECG waves
• Normal sinus: 10 BPM to 300 BPM in 1 BPM steps
• Ventricular fibrilation: Coarse and fine
• Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia: 120 BPM to 300 BPM in 1 BPM steps
• Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia: Five types
• Asystole

17 Defibrillator/transcutaneous pacer analyzers For full specifications please visit

Impulse 6000D
Defibrillator Analyzer

Key features
• Portable, rugged, easy to carry
• Intuitive user interface and
backlight, easy-to-read display
Instrument CarePlans
• 10 independent ECG outputs
Biomedical Products

Br o
that provide 12 lead combina-
tions for standardized clinical
• Unique integrated posts for
secure connections
• Optional Ansur test automation
software to standardize testing
procedures, capture waveforms
and test results, and print and
document test results
If you don’t require a pacemaker analyzer, the Impulse 6000D is your device.
• Two-year extended warranty
It is the quintessential defibrillator analyzer featuring the exact functionality (no-cost extended warranty
of the 7000DP, but without pacemaker testing. It will deliver any energy or available after first-year calibra-
waveform (monophasic, biphasic, pulsed-biphasic) while properly testing all tion at any Fluke Biomedical
defibrillator and AED devices including Shock Advisory. authorized
service center)

Defibrillator analyzer Included accessories

Comparison guide 1626219 USB Computer
Communication Cable
3028681 User Manual CD
3028662 Getting-Started Guide
Battery Eliminator Country
Functions Impulse 7000DP Impulse 6000D 2814980 Carrying Case
Accuracy (Energy ±1% ±1% 3156262 Defib Paddle Contact
measurement) Plates
Default patient test load 50 Ω 50 Ω
Optional accessories
External pacer tests 
3091370 Ansur Impulse
Mono-, bi- and pulsed bi-
 
phasic energy measurement
Non-inductive resistor  (<2 µH)  (<2 µH)
Protection of pacer  No; Unable to test pacers
input against accidental
Test variable patient loads  (with 7010 Load Box)
Selectable measurement
algorithms, test loads for exter- 
nal transcutaneous pacemakers
Capable of testing ECG  (10-lead)  (10-lead)
Ansur automatic testing  

18 Defibrillator analyzer For full specifications please visit

Infusion device analyzers
Comparison guide

Instrument CarePlans
Biomedical Products

lv n
Br o

Features IDA-1S IDA-5 4Ch

Number of channels 1 Up to 4

Volume of measurement 0.06–999 ml 0–9999 ml

Dual flow measurement 

Onboard graphic of pressure and flow 

Flow rate change 0.5 to 1000 ml/hr 0.05–1500 ml/hr

Battery powered Yes No

Weight 2.7 lbs 11 lbs

HydroGraph™ Graphics Software

Use the moving-color visual advantage of HydroGraph to trouble-
shoot up to four infusion pumps at once. Data is taken directly from
the transducer and transmitted to HygroGraph. The flowing graphs
provide an electronic means to display, store and recall flow patterns
for comparison at a later date. Each test window can display instan-
taneous and average flow rates, cumulative, and bolus volumes; and
occlusion pressure.

19 Infusion device analyzer For full specifications please visit

Infusion Device Analyzer

A unique mix of speed and technical precision, the

IDA-1S is the ideal analyzer for quick reliable one- Key features
channel measurements while on-the-go. • Integrated carrying handle and
lightweight (2.7 lb) for easy
It’s a portable, battery-operated instrument that
allows for speedy verification of infusion device • Battery powered with up to
10 hours of continuous opera-
performance. tion for on-the-go operation
The IDA-1S measures the flow rate and volume • LCD touch screen for ease of
delivered, and the pressure generated in occlu-
• Average and instantaneous
sions or blockages of the fluid line. The IDA-1S is flow measurement
based on sophisticated measurement technology
• Occlusion pressure measure-
trusted by biomedical professionals around the ments to 45 psi
world. • Maximize accuracy with
Autostart mode enabling unit to
It is easy to set up and requires little or no training begin testing only when fluid is
to use. The IDA-1S can be used to test a wide detected
variety of infusion pumps and an auto-start feature • Compatible with a wide variety
simplifies syringe pump testing and other tests that of infusion pumps
have long startup times. • Based on technology that is
proven and trusted worldwide
• On-board memory allows test
results storage instantly
Instrument CarePlans
Biomedical Products

Br o
• Hydrograph graphical software
to control unit,display results
and print results via PC
Specifications • Global sales, service and
Flow rate measurement
Range 0.5 ml/h to 1000 ml/h
Accuracy 1 % of reading ±1 LSD for flows of 16 ml/h to 200 ml/h Included accessories
for volumes over 20 ml; otherwise 2 % of reading ± 1 LSD
for volumes over 10 ml under laboratory conditions 4418071 Hydrograph Software
and Users Manual
Max test duration 10 hours on battery
4497350 20 ml syringe
Volume measurement
4480978 3-way Luerlock
Range 0.06 ml to 999 ml
4478942 Drain tube (1 m)
Accuracy 1 % of reading ± 1 LSD for flow rates of 16 ml/h to 200 ml/h for volumes over
4541948 Micro-90 solution (225
20 ml; otherwise 2 % of reading ± 1 LSD for volumes over 10 ml under labora-
tory conditions ml)
Max test duration 10 hours on battery 1740487 USB data transfer cable
2461300 Country-specific
Pressure measurement
Range 0 psi to 45 psi and equivalent in mmHg, Bar and kPa 4329971 Power Supply
Accuracy 1 % of full scale ± 1 LSD under laboratory conditions 4481150 NiMH replacement
Max test duration 10 hours on battery battery

20 Infusion device analyzers For full specifications please visit

Infusion Device Analyzer

Representing 20 years of experience in infusion

pump testing, the IDA-5 Infusion Device Analyzer Key features
can digitally verify a pump is administering flow, • Tests up to four infusion pumps
at the same time
volume and boluses accurately, and the pump
is alarming upon occlusion as expected. The • Customizable test templates for
quick and standardized testing
IDA-5 has built-in automation allowing users to
• On-board and PC-based
create custom test templates for quick, standard-
automation to fully test to
ized testing with minimal user intervention. This IEC60601-2-24 testing require-
automation bundle includes Ansur software for ments for quick standardized
comprehensive testing. testing
• Compatible with virtually any
type of infusion device
• Real time snap shots of flow
and pressure for immediate
issue recognition
Instrument CarePlans
Biomedical Products • Instantaneous and average
flow measurement of up to

lv n
Br o
1500 ml/hr
• Occlusion pressure measure-
ments to 45 psi
• Single-flow, dual-flow (piggy-
Specifications back) and PCA testing
• Auto-start mode enables unit to
begin testing only when fluid is
Flow rate measurement detected to maximize accuracy
Range 0.1 ml/h to 1500 ml/h (2600 ml/h is shown) • Ability to automatically end flow
Accuracy 1 % of reading ± 1 LSD for flows of 16 to 200 ml/h for volumes over 20 ml; measurement based on user-
otherwise 2 % of reading ± 1 LSD for volumes over 10 ml under laboratory defined time, volume or both
conditions. • Convenient and easy data entry
Volume measurement with plug-n-play, USB com-
patible, keyboard or barcode
Range 0.06 ml to 9999 ml scanner
PCA bolus/dual flow measurement • Built-in memory to save
Minimum bolus volume 0.5 ml test results for printing or
Resolution 60 ul increments
downloading to computer

Pressure measurement
Range 0 psi to 45 psi and equivalents in mmHg and kPa
Accuracy 1 % of full scale ± 1 LSD under laboratory conditions Included accessories
4418071 Hydrograph Software
and User Manual
4354014 20 ml syringe
4354038 3-way Luerlock
4354429 5-ft Plastic Drain Line
4354452 USB A-B Cable 2M

Optional accessories
4354490 Optional Miniature
4354503 Ansur Test Software,
IDA-5 Plug-In License
4354532 One Channel Upgrade

21 Infusion device analyzer For full specifications please visit

Electrosurgical Analyzer

Key features
• Test ESU functions with precise
power, current, frequency, crest
factor, and load resistance
• Connect wirelessly via
Bluetooth for easy record
retrieval without interference or
Instrument CarePlans
Biomedical Products

limitation by cables and wires*

lv n
Br o
• All hardware and software nec-
The QA-ES III is the easiest way to test all critical ESU functions and wirelessly* down- essary to complete preventive
load results to a PC. Its user-friendly interface guides you through tests, making it maintenance and troubleshoot-
ing is built in to the unit
quick to collect all measurements, including vessel sealing, contact quality monitor
• User-friendly interface: large
(CQM), high frequency (HF) leakage, and output power distribution (single or con- buttons and LCD screen
tinuous mode). guide the user through test
Specifications • Memory storage of up to 5,000
test records
• Complies to global standards,
Modes of operation including ANSI/ AAMI and IEC
Continuous operation Continuous measurement of power, current, peak-to-peak voltage (closed load
only), and crest factor
Single operation Single measurement after the set delay time of the ESU output of power, cur- Optional accessories
rent, peak-to-peak voltage (closed load only), and crest factor
4635248 International dispersive
Power distribution Tests impedance-sensing circuitry in “power guarantee functions in new- lead (1/4 inch phono plug)
generation ESU. Applicable parameters—power, current, peak-to-peak voltage
(closed load only) and crest factor—can easily be observed during the auto- 1909216 Test probe set—0.080
matic, sequential output energy measurements. brass tip
RF leakage current Provides connections and load configurations to measure HF leakage from 4704312 Ansur Plug-in
both grounded and isolated equipment
CQM Test the “return electrode control quality monitoring” using the QA-ES internal

Generator output
Load resistance Variable: 0 Ω, 10 Ω, 20 Ω, 25 Ω to 2500 Ω (by 25 Ω), 2500 Ω to 5200 Ω (by 100 Ω); DC Accuracy: ± 2.5 %
Power (0 W to 9.9 W ± 5 % + At 25 % duty cycle (10 seconds on, 30 seconds off): 10 Ω: 300 W, 20 Ω to 2900 Ω: 400 W, 3000 Ω to 5200 Ω:
1W), 10 W to 500 W ± 5 % 200 W
At 10 % duty cycle (5 seconds on, 45 seconds off): 10 Ω: 300 W, 20 Ω to 2400 Ω: 500 W, 2425 Ω to 2900 Ω: 400
W, 3000 Ω to 5200 Ω: 200 W
Current RMS: 0 mA to 5,500 mA; Accuracy: ± (2.5 % of reading + 1 mA)
Voltage Peak: 10 kV peak to peak; Accuracy: ± (10 % of reading + 50 V); Crest factor: 1.4 to 16.0 defined as the ratio of
peak voltage to rms voltage (Vpk /Vrms), using the larger of the 2 peaks (positive or negative)
Vessel sealing measurement Loop current, rms: 0 mA to 5500 mA; Accuracy: ± (2.5 % of reading + 1mA)
HF leakage current Fixed load: 200 Ω V; V accuracy: ± 2.5 %
Power rating: 400 W; Additional fixed load: 200 Ω; Current, RMS: 0 mA to 5500 mA; Accuracy: ± (2.5 % of
reading + 1 mA)
CQM test (contact quality Resistances: 0 Ω to 475 Ω (by 1 Ω); Accuracy: 0 Ω to 10 Ω ± 0.5 Ω, 11 Ω and above ± 5 %; Power rating: 0.5 W;
monitor) Auto time interval: 1 to 5 seconds
Oscilloscope output 1 V per ampere of input current, typical
Footswitch simulations Cut and coag
Communications USB device port: Micro B connector, full speed; Wireless port: 802.15, Speed: 115,200 baud
Memory Test records: 5,000; Non-volatile: retained through power cycling
General information
Display Monochrome 240 pixels x 64 pixels, 8 lines x 40 characters, white LED backlight
Power 100 V ac, 115 V ac, 230 V ac, 50 Hz / 60 Hz, universal input, 100 V/115 V: 20 VA, 230 V: 30 VA
Dimensions (LxWxH) 14.5 cm x 35 cm x 47 cm (5.75 in x 13.75 in x 18.5 in)
Weight 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs)

*Wireless capabilities not available in all countries. Ask your sales representative for more details.

22 Electrosurgical analyzer For full specifications please visit

Incubator/Radiant Warmer Analyzer

Portable and intuitive-to-use,

the INCU II Wireless* Incubator/ Key features
Radiant Warmer Analyzer sim- • Displays pass/fail indicators and
plifies testing and verifying the real-time test results on a large
performance of baby incubators, LCD screen
transport incubators, and radiant • Portable and compact design,
weighs less than 3 lbs (1.4 kg),
warmers. Compliant with global or 9 lbs (3.9 kg) including
IEC standards (IEC 60601-2-19, radiant warmer pucks
IEC 60601-2-20 and IEC 60601- • Creates personalized test
2-21), the INCU II simultaneously sequences for automatic test
measures temperature in six completion in compliance with
independent points, sound, standards
humidity, and airflow. • General Test enables flexibility
in testing procedures and sim-
* Wireless capabilities not available in all countries. plifies troubleshooting
Ask your distributor for more details.
• Simplifies test set-up with color-
coded temperature probes that
match color of input ports
• Wireless* functionality supports
Specifications fast and convenient download-
ing of test results and data
• Able to choose from 10 different
Measurement and test language interfaces
Air conduction peripheral 5 sensors; Range: 0 °C to 50 °C; Accuracy: ± 0.05 °C; Display
temperature sensors for resolution: 0.01 °C
incubator (T1-T5)
Air convection temperature sensors 5 pucks; Range: 0 °C to 50 °C; Accuracy: ± 0.2 °C; Display
for radiant warmers, sensors in pucks resolution: 0.01 °C Optional Accessories
(black discs) 4721175 Skin Temperature Heater
Relative humidity Range: 0 % to 100 %; Accuracy: ± 3 % RH (0 % to 100 %, non-con- Assembly
densing); Display Resolution: 0.1 % RH
Airflow Range: 0.2 m/sec to 2.0 m/sec at 35 C, 50 % RH; Accuracy: ±0.1 m/
sec; Display Resolution: 0.01 m/sec
Sound pressure 30 dB(A) to 100 db(A); Accuracy: ± 5 dB(A); Display resolution: 0.1
dB(A); IEC-61672-1 Class 2 from 31.5Hz to 8kHz
Surface temperature Range: 5 °C to 60 °C; Accuracy: ± 0.5 °C;
Display Resolution: 0.05 °C
Skin temperature probe with Range: 0 °C to 50 °C; Accuracy: ± 0.05 °C;
reference thermometer Display Resolution: 0.01 °C
Operating temperature 10 °C to 40 °C
Storage temperature -20 °C to 60 °C
Humidity 10 % to 90 % non-condensing
Altitude 2000 m
Ingress protection rating IP -20
General Information
Display LCD Color Display, 480 pixels x 272 pixels, 4." (10.9 cm), white
LED backlight
Power adapter—universal voltage Input: 100 V to 240 V with adaptors 50 Hz/60 Hz; Output: 15V dc,
1.3 A maximum
Rechargeable lithium-ion 7.4 V, 7800 Ah, 58 Wh; 24 hour battery life with 30 second sample
battery, internal rate
Dimensions (LxWxH) 23 cm x 21 cm x 6 cm (9.0 in x 8.5 in x 2.5 in)
Total weight 3.9 kg (8.5 lb)

*Wireless not available in all countries. Please talk to your local Fluke representative for information about wireless
availability in your country.

23 Incubator/radiant warmer analyzer For full specifications please visit

Neonatal test equipment
NICU test solutions

DALE40 Key features

Phototherapy Radiometer DALE40 Phototherapy
The DALE40 measures light radiation in • Intuitive to use with LCD screen
medical devices used to treat hyperbilirubinemia • Accurate to ± 5 % of full spectral
in newborns. It can accurately capture range of 429-472 nanometers
measurement across the blue color spectrum • Measurement range of 0-1999
from 400-480 nanometers. µW/cm2 with 1 µW/cm2
• Probe lens matches the cosine
receiving function of human
• Portable, weighing less than
9 ounces with a 9 V battery
• Verifies output power and pro-
vides continuous measurement
of irradiation

Max O2 PLUS AE • Saves costs by eliminating pre-

mature replacement of lamps
Oxygen Analyzer
Max O2 PLUS AE Oxygen
The Max O2 PLUS AE Oxygen Analyzer
Analyzer measures the oxygen • One-touch calibration with
concentration in infant incuba-
tors, ventilators, anesthesia • Long battery life, approximately
5,000 hours
systems, or oxygen tanks.
• Impact resistant and drip-proof
Portable and straightforward
to use, it can capture measure- • External Max-25OE Oxygen
ments from 0 % to 100 % with
± 3 % accuracy (actual oxygen PS320 Fetal Simulator
level overfull operating range). • Mechanical heart for ultrasound
• TOCO simulation, external or
• Ultrasound simulation, including
PS320 • Maternal ECG simulation
Fetal Simulator
• Fetal ECG, tracks ultrasound #1
At week 5, a fetus’ heart starts • Internal (DECG) and external
beating, increasing to 155 to fetal ECG
195 beats per minute prior to • Uterine-activity selections
birth. The strength and number • Fetal beat-to-beat variability
of beats can be measured by a • Periodic and non-periodic fetal
fetal electronic monitor is used ECG changes
to determine whether a fetus is • Arrhythmia selections
in distress. • Compact, lightweight, pocket-
size plastic housing
The PS320 Fetal Simulator
mimics fetal and maternal heart- • Battery operated with status
beats (ECG), along with uterine
• Special kits available with
activity during labor to accurately all required accessories and
test and troubleshoot fetal elec- cables to test fetal monitors for
tronic monitors. specified manufacturers

24 Neonatal test equipment For full specifications please visit

Digital pressure meters

DPM2Plus Key features

Universal Pressure Meter
The DPM2Plus Universal Pressure Meter • Low-priced pressure meter
is designed to measure the positive and • Great for all medical pressure
negative pressures of medical devices in device testing
either liquid or gaseous form to assist in • Optional cable for viewing
repair and quality control. pressure waveform on an
oscilloscope (0.1 V/psi on all
ranges except 100 psi, which
is 0.01 V/psi)
• Voltage output accuracy: 5 %
of range
DPM1B • Can be used with optional
Pnuematic Transducer Tester DALE22 Parabolic Flow
Adapter Set
The DPM1B Pneumatic Transducer Tester is
designed to measure the positive and nega- DPM1B
tive pressures of medical devices in either • Low-priced pressure-generator
liquid or gaseous form, and to generate • Great for all pressure transduc-
pressure within the ± 300 mmHg range to ers, not just IBP
assist in repair and quality control.
• Mid-priced pressure and
temperature tester
• Great for all medical device
testing where low-pressure,
DPM4 temperature and low-flow
Parameter Tester—Model 1 and 2 measurements are required
• RS232 for computer control
DPM4 Parameter Tester is a highly accurate
meter for testing a wide range of medical
devices. Key features include its lightweight,
compact size and battery operation. DPM4
is ideal for the testing done as part of pre-
ventive maintenance or repair processes
whenever measurement of pressure, flow,
or relative humidity is required.

DPM1B DPM2 Plus DPM4 Model 1 DPM4 Model 2

Pressure generator (positive pressure and vacuum) 

Pressure measurement ± 300 mmHg    

5 Selectable pressure ranges standard 

2 Optional pressure ranges (select at time of purchase)

G range: -700 to +5000 mmHg  
H range: 380 to 900 mmHg
Temperature measurement
 
(-200 to 750 degrees C range)

Gas flow measurement (± 750 ml range) 

Gas flow measurement (requires DALE22 Parabolic Flow Adapter set)

10 to 250 l/min (interpretive chart)

10 to 75 l/min (interpretive chart)
5 % of reading accuracy

25 Digital pressure meters For full specifications please visit

Medical ScopeMeter® Portable Oscilloscope

Taking the guesswork out of

troubleshooting Key features
• Two or four electrically-isolated
The 190M Medical ScopeMeter inputs
Portable Oscilloscope is a high- • Fast sampling rate, up to 2.5
performance test tool built upon the GS/s on two channels simul-
legacy of Fluke and Fluke Biomedical taneously with up to 400 ps
oscilloscopes in partnership with resolution
real customers like you. The 190M • Deep memory: 10,000 samples
is available with choice of two or per channel waveform capture
so you can zoom in on the
four channels and offers an unprec- details
edented level of performance, • Dedicated 5,000 count digital
ruggedness and portability. multimeter in two-channel
With the combined power of a high- • Quad meter measurements via
performance oscilloscope, meter and scope BNC inputs in four chan-
paperless recorder in an easy-to-use nel model
test tool, the 190M is the one test • Connect-and-View™ trigger for
tool you can rely on to tackle just intelligent, automatic triggering
about any troubleshooting task in on fast, slow and even complex
the field. To minimize downtime and
repair costs, you need to get to the root cause of • Frequency spectrum using
problems as quickly as possible. The 190M offers
a number of unique features to help you quickly Included accessories • High-resolution, non-interlaced
VPS410-R Voltage probe set, 10:1, video
set up the ‘scope and diagnose difficult problems
300 MHz, one set red • Smart averaging
like intermittent events, signal fluctuations or drift.
VPS410-G Voltage probe set, 10:1, • ScopeRecord™ roll mode gives
Extend your arsenal of troubleshooting capabili-
300 MHz, one set gray 30,000 points per input channel
ties with the new Fluke Biomedical 190M Medical and capture waveform sample
VPS410-B Voltage probe set, 10:1,
ScopeMeter Portable Oscilloscope, designed to 300 MHz, one set blue data for up to 48 hours
meet the demands of field service professionals. VPS410-V Voltage probe set, 10:1, • TrendPlot™ trend measurement
300 MHz, one set green readings for up to 22 days
EBC290 External battery charger • Advanced automatic measure-
for BP290 and BP291 ments, power (Vpwm, VA, W,
PF) and time
SW90W FlukeView Software for (mAs, V/s, w/s)
Windows (full version)
• Two USB ports make it easy to
C290 Hard shell protective
transfer data to a PC and store
carrying case for 190 Series II
unlimited waveforms, screen
BP291 Li-Ion battery pack, captures and instrument setups
4800 mAh on USB memory devices
MA190 Medical Accessory Kit • New high-performance Li-ion
battery technology delivers
Optional accessories the longest battery life on the
VPS410-R Voltage probe set, 10:1, market
300 MHz, one set red • Charge spare battery door for
VPS410-B Voltage probe set, 10:1, quick swaps in the field
300 MHz, one set blue
• Security slot locks down oscil-
TL175 TwistGuard™ safety- loscope with Kensington lock
designed test leads set (1 red, 1 while unattended
• Environmentally tested to meet
EBC290 External battery charger IP-51 and withstand a 3 g vibra-
for BP290 and BP291 tion or 30 g shock
SW90W FlukeView Software for
Windows (full version)
C290 Hard shell protective
carrying case for 190 Series II
BP290 Li-Ion battery pack, 2400
mAh MA190 Medical Accessory

26 Oscilloscope For full specifications please visit

Advanced Survey Meter

The ASM-990 series can detect alpha, beta,

gamma, or x-ray radiation within an operating Key features
• Auto-scaling measurement of
range of 1 µR/hr to 1 R/hr (1 to 5,000,000 CPM),
rate and dose simultaneously,
depending on the selected probe (Geiger-Mueller, with the capability to record
neutron, proportional counter, scintillation). With peak rate
the proper probe combination, this meter can be • Up to five different probes can
used as a general survey meter, an area monitor, a be calibrated with one unit
wipe-test counter, and a contamination monitor. • Survey Mode data-logging fea-
ture allows user to store up to
Designed to meet the high-technology require- five separate survey sequences
ments of health physics, medical physics, and • Saved data can be uploaded to
nondestructive testing applications, the ASM-990 a PC via included Infrared Data
Series is well-suited for a wide range of end users, (IrDA) transmitter
including: Radiation safety officers (RSO), nuclear • Easy-to-use multifunction
medicine laboratories, diagnostic x-ray and hospital keypad for intuitive menu
emergency room technicians, environmental health
• Backlit analog/digital LCD
physicists, and emergency responders. display with full-range audio
output capability
• Barcode scanner (optional)
• Auto power-down feature
extends battery life

ASM-990 and ASM-992

Optional accessories
990-IR-USB USB Port IrDA
Operating modes Rate
Integrate 990CC Carrying Case
Scaler (dual option): “Based On Measurement” or “Based On Time” 990WM Wall Mounting Bracket
Timed Peak Hold 990PH Probe Holder for 489-110D
Data Logging 990UPH Universal Probe Holder
Operating rate ranges µR/hr, mR/hr, R/hr, µrem/hr, mrem/hr, rem/hr, µSv/hr, mSv/hr, Sv/hr, CPM, 990SH Soft-Sided Holster
(dependent on selected CPS, DPM 99mTc, DPS131I, Bq 125I, kBq 123I, MBq 201Tl, µCi 67Ga, 990SA Shoulder Strap Assembly
probe) mCi18F, Ci 57Co
µR, mR, R, µrem, mrem, rem, µSv, mSv, Sv, C (counts), kC, MC, D (distinti- Note: The shoulder strap assembly is
grations), kD 99mTc, MC 131I only available for the ASM-993 and
must be ordered with the instrument
Complementary units in the integrade mode with the integrated time and factory installed.
value in seconds
Accuracy (dependent on Within 10 % of reading between 10% to 100% of full scale indication on
selected probe) any range, exclusive of typical energy dependence.
Detector Accepts GM detectors and scintillation probes operating at high voltages
between 500 V and 1300 V
Temperature range -10 °C to 50 °C (14 °F to 122 °F)
Relative humidity 0 % to 95 %, non-condensing

27 Survey meters For full specifications please visit

Ion Chamber Survey Meter with Beta Slide

Key features
• High sensitivity measurement
of rate and dose simultaneously
with the capability to record
peak rate
• Auto-ranging and auto-zeroing
• RS-232 communications
interface with optional
Windows-based Excel add-in
for data logging
• Ergonomic, anti-fatigue handle
with replaceable grip, wrist
strap and tripod mount
Instrument CarePlans
• Programmable flashing LCD
Biomedical Products

display and audible alarm
lv n
Br o
• Easily-accessible battery door
(operated by two 9-volt alkaline
batteries) on the outside of the
bottom case
The auto-ranging 451B measures radiation rate and accumulated dose from beta, • Available with dose equivalent
gamma and X-ray radiation sources. The 451B’s site surveying capabilities make it energy response (SI units)
well suited for a wide range of end users, including police and fire departments, X-ray • Shoulder strap and handle that
manufacturers, government agencies, state inspectors, emergency response and can be easily decontaminated
HAZMAT teams, nuclear medicine labs, hospital radiation safety officers, and nuclear (Nuclear power plant specific
power workers. unit)

The ion-chamber detector allows for a fast response time to radiation from leakage,
scatter beams and pinholes. Additionally, the low-noise chamber bias supply provides for
fast background settling time. A sliding beta shield serves as an equilibrium thickness for
photon measurements and enables beta discrimination.

The digital display features an analog bar graph, 2.5 digit digital readout, low battery and
freeze (peak hold) mode indicators, and an automatic backlight function. User controls
consist of an ON/OFF button and a MODE button. The case is constructed of lightweight,
high-strength materials and is sealed against moisture. The RS-232 interface can be
connected directly to a computer for use with the Excel add-in for Windows® (451EXL),
enhancing the functionality of the instrument. This software allows for data retrieval, user
parameter selection and provides a virtual instrument display with audible (requires sound
card) and visual alarm indication.

Typical energy dependence

451B typical energy dependence


0.9 Side

Slide - Closed

Slide - Open





10 100 1000 10000
Effective (keV)

28 Ion chamber survey meters For full specifications please visit
Ion Chamber Survey Meter with Beta Slide

Specifications Optional accessories

451EXL 451 Assistant for Excel,
includes RS-232 interface cable
Radiation detected Beta above 100 keV, and Gamma above 7 keV
190HPS Single Unit Carrying Case
Operating ranges
450UCS Check Source,
0 to 5 mR/h or 0 to 50 µSv/h 238Uranium, 0.064 µCi,
0 to 50 mR/h or 0 to 500 µSv/h impregnated 2 x 2 in
0 to 500 mR/h or 0 to 5 mSv/h yellow card
0 to 5 R/h or 0 to 50 mSv/h 62-103 Check Source, 137Cs, 10
μCi. Flat disc, 1 inch diameter
0 to 50 R/h or 0 to 500 mSv/h
Accuracy Within 10 % of reading between 10 % and 100 % of full scale indication on
Due to recent international airline
any range, exclusive of energy response. Calibration source is 137Cs shipping policies/restrictions,
radioactive Check Source will not
Detector be shipped with
Chamber 349 cc volume air ionization the main unit outside US.
Chamber wall 246 mg/cm2 thick phenolic
Chamber window 6.6 mg/cm2 mylar, protected by steel mesh, 46 cm2 detection area
Beta slide 440 mg/cm2
451B-DE-SI In order to achieve energy response consistent with measurements of H*(10)
as required by ICR4-47, aluminum has been added to the back wall, 38 % of
the side wall area, and to the beta slide. With the Beta Shield open, the 451B
can measure skin dose at H*(0.07), and Deep Dose H*(10) with Beta Shield
Controls ON/OFF and MODE
Automatic features Auto-zeroing, auto-ranging and auto-backlight
Response time Range Response
0 to 5 mR/h (0 to 50 µSv/h) 8s
0 to 50 mR/h (0 to 500 µSv/h) 2.5 s
0 to 500 mR/h (0 to 5 mSv/h) 2s
0 to 5 R/h (0 to 50 mSv/h) 2s
0 to 50 R/h (0 to 500 mSv/h) 2s
Display LCD analog/digital with backlight
Analog 100 element bar graph 6.4 cm long. Bar graph is divided into 5 major
segments, each labeled with the appropriate value for the range of the
Digital 2.5 digit display is followed by a significant zero digit depending on the
operating range of the instrument. The units of measurement are indicated
on the display at all times. Digits are 6.4 mm (0.25 in) high. Low battery and
freeze indicators are also provided on the display
Integrate mode Operates continuously 30 seconds after the instrument has been turned on.
Integration is performed even if the instrument is displaying in mR/h or R/h
Freeze mode Will place a tick mark on the bar graph display to hold on the peak displayed
value. The unit will continue to read and display current radiation values
Power requirements Two 9 V alkaline, 200 hours operation
Warm-up time One minute
Temperature range -20 °C to 70 °C (-4 °F to 158 °F)
Relative humidity 0 % to 100 %, at 60 °C
Geotropism Less than 1 %
Dimensions (WxDxH) 10 cm x 20 cm x 15 cm (4 in x 8 in x 6 in)
Weight 1.11 kg (2.5 lb)

29 Ion chamber survey meters For full specifications please visit
Pressurized µR Ion Chamber Survey Meter

The auto-ranging 451P features a pressurized ion chamber, pro-

viding enhanced sensitivity (µR resolution) and improved energy
response to measure radiation rate and dose from X-ray and gamma
sources. Originally designed to measure leakage and scatter around
diagnostic X-ray and radiation therapy suites, the 451P’s site sur-
veying capabilities make it well-suited for a wide range of end users,
including X-ray manufacturers, government agencies, state inspec-
tors, biomedical technicians and maintenance technicians for airport
baggage scanners.

The ion chamber detector allows for a fast response time to radiation

from leakage, scatter beams and pinholes. Additionally, the low-noise

chamber bias supply provides for fast background settling time.

The digital display features an analog bar graph, 2.5 digit digital readout,
low battery and freeze (peak hold) mode indicators, and an automatic
backlight function. User controls consist of an ON/OFF button and a
MODE button. The case is constructed of lightweight, high strength
materials and is sealed against moisture. The RS-232 interface can
be connected directly to a computer for use with the Excel add-in for
Windows (451EXL), enhancing the functionality of the instrument. This
software allows for data retrieval, user-parameter selection and provides
a virtual instrument display with audible (requires sound card) and visual
alarm indication.

Typical energy dependence

Nitrogen gamma rays are 110 % to 120 % of indicated readings as

determined at the University of Lowell.

451P typical energy dependence










10 100 1000 10000
Effective (keV)

30 Ion chamber survey meters For full specifications please visit
Specifications Key features
• High sensitivity µR mea-
surements of rate and dose
Radiation detected Beta above 1 MeV, Gamma and x-rays above 25 keV simultaneously with the
Operating ranges capability to record peak rate
Range 0 to 500 µR/h or 0 to 5 µSv/h • Ergonomic, anti-fatigue handle
0 to 5 mR/h or 0 to 50 µSv/h with replaceable grip, wrist
0 to 50 mR/h or 0 to 500 µSv/h strap and tripod mount
0 to 500 mR/h or 0 to 5 mSv/h • Easily-accessible battery door
0 to 5 R/h or 0 to 50 mSv/h (operated by two 9-volt alkaline
Accuracy Within 10 % of reading between 10 % and 100 % of full scale indica-
batteries) on the outside of the
tion on any range, exclusive of energy response. Calibration source bottom case
is 137Cs • RS-232 communications
Detector interface with optional
Windows-based Excel add-in
Chamber 230 cc volume pressurized air ionization chamber to eight atmo-
spheres or 125 psi for data logging
Controls ON/OFF and MODE • Available with dose equivalent
Automatic features Auto-zeroing, auto-ranging, and auto-backlight energy response (SI units)
Response time Step increase, Time to reach 90 % • Shoulder strap and handle that
Analog response time from 10 % to background to of final value can be easily decontaminated
90 % of reading for a full scale step 400 μR/h 4.8 s (Nuclear power plant specific
increase is dependent on operating
4 mR/h 3.3 s
range. Response time for a step
increase in radiation exposure rate 10 mR/h 4.3 s
from background: 40 mR/h 4.5 s
100 mR/h 2.7 s
Optional accessories
1 R/h 2s
4 R/h 2.7 s 451EXL 451 Assistant for Excel,
includes RS-232 interface cable
This table shows time measured Range 10 % to 90 %
from 10 % to 90 % of final value for a 0 to 500 μR/h (5 μSv/h) 5s 190HPS Single Unit Carrying Case
step increase or decrease in expo- 62-103 Check Source, 137Cs, 10
sure rate such that a range change 0 to 5 mR/h (50 μSv/h) 2s
0 to 50 mR/h (500 μSv/h) 1.8 s µCi. Flat disc, 1 inch diameter
does not occur. These values are
the response times for the various 0 to 500 mR/h (5 mSv/h) 1.8 s Due to recent international airline
0 to 5 R/h (50 mSv/h) 1.8 s shipping policies/restrictions,
radioactive “Check Source” will
Analog/Digital display LCD with backlight not be shipped with the main unit
Analog 100 element bar graph 6.4 cm (2.5 in) long. Bar graph is divided into outside US.
five major segments, each labeled with the appropriate value for the
range of the instrument
Digital 2.5 digit display is followed by a significant zero digit depending on
the operating range of the instrument. The units of measurement are
indicated on the display at all times. Digits are 6.4 mm (0.25 in) high.
Low battery and freeze indicators are also provided on the display
Integrate mode Operates continuously 30 seconds after the instrument has been
turned on. Integration is performed even if the instrument is display-
ing in mR/h or R/h
Freeze mode Will place a tick mark on the bar graph display to hold on the peak
displayed value. The unit will continue to read and display current
radiation values
Power requirements Two 9 V alkaline, 200 hours operation
Warm-up time Less than two minutes for initial operation when the instrument is in
equilibrium with ambient temperature
Temperature range -20 °C to 50 °C (-4 °F to 122 °F)
Relative humidity 0 to 100 %
Geotropism Negligible
Dimensions (WxDxH) 10 cm x 20 cm x 15 cm (4 in x 8 in x 6 in)
Weight 1.07 kg (2.4 lb)

31 Ion chamber survey meters For full specifications please visit
Test automation software

Key features
• Allows for creation and manage-
ment of custom electronic test
protocols to eliminate depen-
dence on service manuals
• Guides users through stepwise
testing process to ensure stan-
dardized testing
• Generates test report (PDF or
MTR) per requirements with
needed level of data to ensure
• Enables the use of personalized
pictures, illustrations and graphs
to facilitate proper testing with
• Automatically assesses pass/
fail against test limits speci-
How well do your PM inspection and post-repair performance testing processes fied by global standards or
eliminate sources of human error? organizations
• 21CFR Part 11 compliant. Users
Wish that all technicians would document results the same way? can create their own signature
and sign templates and results.
Do you have enough time to complete all PM inspection and repair work on your (This feature can be disabled)
shelf? • Authorization levels can be
assigned to manage level of
Ansur offers a solution: access to software. Levels
Repeatability—Creates standard work so everyone tests the same way every time. include User, Author and
Administrator (This feature can
Quality—Can automatically configure and collect data from the compatible test be disabled)
devices to minimize human error and save time. • Reduces test time per medical
device, tests multiple devices
simultaneously, and performs
Productivity—Ensure that the amount of time required to perform testing is uniform
multiple PM tests in a single
and therefore, predictable by using ready-to-use and customizable test templates. The procedure
Ansur test automation system collects all the observe-and-record manual entries as • Offers easy data traceability
well as automated measurements from compatible simulators and performance ana- with electronic archival and
lyzers from Fluke Biomedical. printing of detailed records
• Data extraction offers trending,
Automate with Ansur analysis and reporting capability
Look for this logo in the Fluke Biomedical product catalog to see
where test automation can benefit you.

Specifications “We used Ansur to create

test sequences that match
PC hardware • Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz FSB at 400 MHz or faster processor
® ® service manual procedures
• 512 MB of RAM Microsoft operating system: Windows 2000, Windows XP,
® ®
so every inspection is done
Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 the same way every time.
• 50 MB of available hard drive for software We improved quality and uni-
• Hard drive space (from 100 k to several megabytes) for result and template files formity by creating standard
• New framework version 3.5 or newer work.”
PC software • This software is required on the central PC (for a network configuration) or each
requirements—with PC (for a nonnetworked configuration): -Robert Dorrian,
electronic signature TBS U.K. Telematic &
• Microsoft SQL Server 2012

• Express Ansur Executive Server Biomedical Services Ltd.

Other requirements • License key for each Fluke Biomedical simulator/ analyzer plug-in Hope Hospital
• One or more Ansur-compatible Fluke Biomedical simulators or analyzers

32 Automation solutions For full specifications please visit

Fluke Biomedical CarePlans
Priority services to keep you up and running

Look for the CarePlans logo in this catalog for

products with available extended service and
support plans. Fluke Biomedical’s CarePlan pack-
ages offer comprehensive priority service and
support to help you get the most out of your test
equipment investments. Our CarePlan members Instrument CarePlans
enjoy priority bench service, extended warranties, Biomedical Products

value pricing on services, VIP technical support,

expedited return shipping, productivity consulta- lv n
tion services, educational training and more. Take Br o
advantage of CarePlan priority service and support
and let us take care of you.
Biomedical Products Biomedical Products

CarePlans are only available in the United States.

Instrument CarePlan Instrument CarePlan

Choose the best plan for you Gold Silver

First-on-bench priority service  

Discounts on additional service requests  

Turn-around time for repair 7 days 10 days

Turn-around time for calibration 3 days 3 days

Operational upgrades  

Accredited calibration to manufacturer’s specifications  

Coverage options for up to 3 years  
One-year extended warranty beyond your original factory

warranty. No-cost repair service
No cost repair service  
No cost calibration  
Coverage options for up to 3 years  

33 CarePlans For full specifications please visit

Global service and calibration
World-class facilities. World-class service.

Calibrate the following

• Area monitors
• Barometers
• Blood pressure simulators
• Defibrillators/External pace
Maker analyzers
• Densitometers
• Diode detectors
• Dosimeters
• Electrical safety analyzers
• Incubator analyzers
• Ion chambers
• IV pump analyzers
• kVp meters
• mAs meters
• Electrical multimeters
• Oscilloscopes
Fluke Biomedical’s Global Calibration Lab is NVLAP Lab Code 200566-0 accredited, • Patient simulators
adheres to ISO 17025:2005, ANSI Z540, Mammography MQSA and CNSC, and is • Pressure meters/Parameter
traceable to national and international standards. testers
• Radiation multimeters
Fluke Biomedical offers a variety of service options to meet your needs. These options • Sensitometers
include Asset Management for pools larger than 150 units, on-site calibration and • SpO2 simulators/Analyzers
CarePlan options.
• Thermometers
Asset-management: takes over your grueling task of instrument tracking and allows • Test lungs
you to use your time more productively. Proper protocols are strictly followed, • Ultra sound analyzers
eliminating the problems with inspectors and audits that can result when other less- • Velometers
qualified labs perform the calibrations. • Ventilators/Gas flow analyzers

On-site calibrations: minimizes downtime and is scheduled when convenient for you.
Calibrations are to OEM requirements, completed OEM upgrades and Automatic OEM
updates. Contact information
Service Center/Repair/Calibration
CarePlan options: Fluke Biomedical’s CarePlan packages offer comprehensive priority US
service and support to help you get the most out of your test equipment investments. Fluke Corporation,
As a member enjoy priority service, extended warranties, value pricing on service, VIP Building 3
technical support, expedited return shipping and more. 2 Science Road
Glenwood, Illinois 60425
Tel: 1-440-248-9300; option 4 for
calibration and repair
Calibration beam specifications Toll free: 1-800-850-4608
[email protected]
Radionuclide calibrations Service Center/Repair/Calibration
Radionuclide sources Minimum rate Maximum rate Europe
Fluke Biomedical Europe
2000 Ci Cs-137 0.02 R/hr 850 R/hr
Science Park Eindhoven 5110,
20 Ci Cs-137 0.1 mR/hr 4 R/hr 5692EC Son, The Netherlands
4 Ci Cs-137 0.5 mR/hr 1 R/hr Tel: +31 (40) 267 5435
500 mCi Cs-137 0.04 mR/hr 150 mr/hr Fax: +31 (40) 267 5436
1300 Ci Co-60 0.01 R/hr 450 R/hr Email: [email protected]
Collimated 2200 Ci Co-60 2575 3530

34 Service and Calibration For full specifications please visit

Ordering information

Defibrillators QA-ES Series III Electrosurgery Analyzers

with test automation
IDA-5 Four-Channel Infusion
Device Analyzer
Impulse 6000D Defibrillator Analyzer TA-QA-ES MK III United States IDA-5/4 US120V, US, 120 V
IMPULSE 6000D United States, 120 V TA-QA-ES MK III Schuko IDA-5/4 AUS250V, Australia, 250 V
IMPULSE 6000D-01 Schuko TA-QA-ES MK III United Kingdom IDA-5/4 DEN250V, Denmark, 250 V
IMPULSE 6000D-02 United Kingdom TA-QA-ES MK III Japan IDA-5/4 SHK250V, Shuko, 250 V
IMPULSE 6000D-03 Japan TA-QA-ES MK III Australia IDA-5/4 ISR250V, Israel, 250 V
IMPULSE 6000D-04 Australia TA-QA-ES MK III Brazil IDA-5/4 ITAL250V, Italy, 250 V
IMPULSE 6000D-05 India IDA-5/4 IND250V, India, 250 V
IMPULSE 6000D-06 Brazil Non-wireless version are available with and
IDA-5/4 SWZ250V, Switzerland, 250 V
without test automation.
IDA-5/4 UK250V, United Kingdom, 250 V
IDA-5/4 BRAZ230V, Brazil, 230 V
Digital pressure meters
DPM4 - 1H IDA-1S One-Channel Infusion
DPM4 - 1G Device Analyzer
DPM4 - 2H IDA-1S One-Channel Infusion Device Analyzer
DPM4 - 2G
Impulse 7000DP Defibrillator/
Transcutaneous Pacemaker Analyzer
DPM2Plus Electrical safety analyzers
IMPULSE 7000DP United States, 120 V ESA609 Electrical Safety Analyzer
IMPULSE 7000DP-01 Schuko SigmaPace 1000 External ESA609-US Electrical Safety Analyzer, United
IMPULSE 7000DP-02 United Kingdom Pacemaker Analyzer States
IMPULSE 7000DP-03 Japan ESA609-02-EUR Electrical Safety Analyzer,
SigmaPace 1000 United States 120 V
IMPULSE 7000DP-04 Australia Europe
SigmaPace 1000 Japan
IMPULSE 7000DP-05 India ESA609-01-FR Electrical Safety Analyzer France
SigmaPace 1000 Schuko
IMPULSE 7000DP-06 Brazil ESA609-06-UK Electrical Safety Analyzer,
SigmaPace 1000 United Kingdom United Kingdom
Impulse 7000DP Defibrillator/ ESA609-05-AUS Electrical Safety Analyzer,
Transcutaneous Pacemaker Analyzer with Infusion pump analyzers Australia
test automation ESA609-07-SWISS Electrical Safety Analyzer,
TA-IMP7KDP United States, 120 V Switzerland
TA-IMP7KDP-01 Schuko ESA609-03-ISR Electrical Safety Analyzer,
TA-IMP7KDP-02 United Kingdom Israel
TA-IMP7KDP-03 Japan ESA609-11-BRAZIL Electrical Safety Analyzer,
TA-IMP7KDP-04 Australia Brazil 230 V
TA-IMP7KDP-05 India ESA609-12-INDIA Electrical Safety Analyzer,
TA-IMP7KDP-06 Brazil India
ESA609-09-Japan Electrical Safety Analyzer,
Impulse 7000DP Defibrillator/Transcutane- Japan
ous Pacemaker Analyzer with Impulse 7010 IDA-5 One-Channel Infusion ESA609-08-THAI Electrical Safety Analyzer,
and test automation Device Analyzer Thailand 230 V
TA-IMP7K/7010US United States, 120 V IDA-5/1 US120V United States, 120 V ESA609-US W/ADAPT, ESA609-US W/ADAPT,
TA-IMP7K/7010SHK Schuko IDA-5/1 AUS250V Australia, 250 V Electrical Safety Analyzers, United States
TA-IMP7K/7010UK United Kingdom
TA-IMP7K/7010JPN Japan IDA-5/1 DEN250V Denmark 250 V ESA612 Electrical Safety Analyzer
TA-IMP7K/7010AUS Australia IDA-5/1 SHK250V Shuko, 250 V ESA612 United States, 115 V 20 A
TA-IMP7K/7010BRA Brazil IDA-5/1 ISR250V Israel, 250 V ESA612-02 Europe, 230 V
IDA-5/1 ITAL250V Italy, 250 V ESA612-01 France, 230 V
Electrosurgery analyzers IDA-5/1 IND250V India, 250 V ESA612-03 Israel, 230 V
ESA612-05 Australia, 230 V
IDA-5/1 SWZ250V Switzerland, 250 V
IDA-5/1 UK250V, United Kingdom, 250 V ESA612-06 United Kingdom, 230 V
IDA-5/1 BRAZ230V, Brazil, 230 V ESA612-07 Switzerland, 230 V
ESA612-08 Thailand, 230 V
IDA-5 Two-Channel Infusion ESA612-09 Japan, 100 V
Device Analyzer ESA612-10 North America, 220 V
IDA-5/2 US120V, United States, 120 V TA-ESA612-US United States, 115 V 20 A w/Test
QA-ES Series III AutomationTA-ESA612-EUR Europe, 230 V w/
IDA-5/2 AUS250V, Australia, 250 V
Electrosurgery Analyzers Test Automation
IDA-5/2 DEN250V, Denmark, 250 V
QA-ES MK III IDA-5/2 SHK250V, Shuko, 250 V TA-ESA612-FR France, 230 V w/Test Automation
QA-ES MK III – 01 United Kingdom IDA-5/2 ISR250V, Israel, 250 V TA-ESA612-ISR Israel, 230 V w/Test Automation
QA-ES MK III – 02 United Kingdom IDA-5/2 ITAL250V, Italy, 250 V TA-ESA612-AUS Australia, 230 V
QA-ES MK III – 03 Japan IDA-5/2 IND250V, India, 250 V w/Test Automation
QA-ES MK III – 04 Australia IDA-5/2 SWZ250V, Switzerland, 250 V TA-ESA612-UK United Kingdom, 230 V
QA-ES MK III – 05 Brazil IDA-5/2 UK250V, United Kingdom, 250 V w/Test Automation
IDA-5/2 BRAZ230V, Brazil, 230 V

35 Ordering information For full specifications please visit

TA-ESA612-SWI Switzerland, 230 V
w/Test Automation
Vital signs simulators Radiation safety
TA-ESA612-THAI Thailand, 230 V ProSim 8 Vital Signs Simulators
w/Test Automation ProSim 8
TA-ESA612-JAPAN Japan, 100 V ProSim SPOT ProSim SpO2 Test Module
w/Test Automation ProSim RAINBOW ProSim Rainbow Sensor
TA-ESA612-NA220V North America, ProSim 4 Vital Signs Simulators
220 V, w/Test Automation ProSim 4
ProSim 3 Vital Signs Simulators
ESA615 Electrical Safety Analyzer ProSim 3
ESA615-US United States, 115 V ProSim 2 Vital Signs Simulators
ESA620-02-EUR Europe, 230 V ProSim 2 990 Advanced Survey Meter
ESA615-01-FR France/Belgium, 230 V 451B Ion Chamber Survey Meter with Beta Slide
ESA615-03-ISR Israel, 230 V SPOT Light 451B-RYR Ion Chamber Survey Meter with Beta
ESA615-05-AUS Australia, 230 V SPOT Light SpO2 Tester Slide and standard chamber
ESA615-06-UK United Kingdom, 230 V 451B-DE-SI-RYR Ion Chamber Survey Meter with
ESA615-07-SWISS Switzerland, 230 V Beta Slide and dose equivalent chamber
ESA615-08-THAI Thailand, 230 V
ESA615-11-BRAZ Brazil, 230 V 451P Pressurized μR Ion Chamber
ESA615-09-JAPAN Japan, 100 V Survey Meter
ESA615-12-INDIA India, 250 V 451P-RYR Pressurized μR Ion Chamber Survey
ESA615-10-NA220V North America, 220V Meter with standard chamber
TA-ESA615-USA ESA615 United States 115 V w/ 451P-DE-SI-RYR Pressurized μR Ion Chamber
Test Automation Survey Meter with dose equivalent chamber
TA-ESA615-EUR ESA615 Europe, 230 V w/Test
Automation Gas flow analyzers
TA-ESA615-FR ESA615 France/Belgium 230V w/
Test Automation VT650 Gas Flow Analyzer
TA-ESA615-ISR ESA615 Israel 230 V VT900 Gas Flow Anallyzer
w/Test Automation VT650/ACCU LUNG II
TA-ESA615-AUS ESA615 Australia 230 V w/Test VT900/ACCU LUNG II
TA-ESA615-SWISS ESA615 Switzerland 230V w/ Neonatal test equipment
Test Automation
Incubator/radiant warmer analyzers
TA-ESA615-UK ESA615United Kingdom 230V w/
Test Automation INCU II-BT Incubator Analyzer, Wireless
TA-ESA615-THAI ESA615 Thailand 230 V INCU II-NO BT Incubator Analyzer,
w/Test Automation Non-Wireless
TA-ESA615-BRAZ ESA615 Brazil 230 V
w/Test Automation DALE40 Phototherapy Radiometer
TA-ESA615-JAPAN ESA615 Japan 100 V w/Test PS320 Fetal Simulator
Automation MAXO2+AE Oxygen Analyzer
TA-ESA615-12-INDIA ESA615 India 230V w/Test
TA-ESA615-NA220V ESA615 North America
220 V w/Test Automation

ESA620 Electrical Safety Analyzer

ESA620 United States, 115 V, 20 A
ESA620-02 Europe, 230 V
ESA620-01 France, 230 V
ESA620-03 Israel, 230 V
ESA620-05 Australia, 230 V
ESA620-06 United Kingdom, 230 V
ESA620-07 Switzerland, 230 V ScopeMeter® Medical Oscilloscopes
ESA620-08 Thailand, 230 V
190M-2 Medical ScopeMeter Portable
ESA620-10 230VBRAZ Brazil, 230 V
TA-ESA620-USA ESA620 United States 115V
190M-4 Medical ScopeMeter Portable
20A w/Test Automation
TA-ESA620-EUR ESA620 Europe,
230 V w/Test Automation
TA-ESA620-FR ESA620 France 230 V
w/Test Automation
TA-ESA620-ISR ESA620 Israel 230 V
w/Test Automation
TA-ESA620-AUS ESA620 Australia 230V w/Test
TA-ESA620-SWI ESA620 Switzerland 230V w/
Test Automation
TA-ESA620-UK ESA620 United Kingdom 230V
w/Test Automation

36 Ordering information For full specifications please visit

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37 For full specifications please visit

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