Publications For Andrew Campbell

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Publications for Andrew Campbell

2019 design. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 35(2), 135-

Kelson, J., Rollin, A., Ridout, B., Campbell, A. (2019). Internet- 151. <a
Delivered Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety href="">[Mor
Treatment: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet e Information]</a>
Research, 21(1). <a
href="">[More 2015
Campbell, A., Amon, K., Keep, M., Cumming, S., Selby, H.,
Smith-Merry, J., Goggin, G., Campbell, A., McKenzie, K., Lincoln, M., Neville, V., Bhullar, N., Magor-Blatch, L.,
Ridout, B., Baylosis, C. (2019). Social Connection and Online Oxman, L., Gonczi, A., et al (2015). Virtual World Interview
Engagement: Insights From Interviews With Users of a Mental Skills Training for Students Studying Health Professions.
Health Online Forum. JMIR Mental Health, 6(3) (e11084). <a Journal of Technology in Human Services, 33(2), 156-171. <a
href="">[More href="">[Mor
Information]</a> e Information]</a>

2018 2014
Fletcher, J., Ridout, B., Collyer, B., Dalgleish, J., Campbell, A. Amon, K., Campbell, A., Hawke, C., Steinbeck, K. (2014).
(2018). A National Online Survey about Children's Experiences Facebook as a Recruitment Tool for Adolescent Health
of Parental Separation, (pp. 1 - 37). Australia: The University Research: A Systematic Review. Academic Pediatrics, 14(5),
of Sydney. 439-447. <a
Campbell, A., Ridout, B., Linden, M., Collyer, B., Dalgleish, J.
(2018). A Preliminary Understanding of Search Words used by
Children, Teenagers and Young Adults in Seeking information Ridout, B., Campbell, A. (2014). Using Facebook to deliver a
about Depression and Anxiety Online. Journal of Technology in social norm intervention to reduce problem drinking at
Human Services, 36(4), 208-221. <a university. Drug and Alcohol Review, 33(6), 667-673. <a
href="">[Mor href="">[More
e Information]</a> Information]</a>
Rollin, A., Ridout, B., Campbell, A. (2018). Digital Health in 2013
Melanoma Posttreatment Care in Rural and Remote Australia:
Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, Robards, F., Campbell, A. (2013). Communicating
20(9), 1-10. <a href="">[More Electronically with Adolescents. In Kate Steinbeck, Michael
Information]</a> Kohn (Eds.), A Clinical Handbook in Adolescent Medicine: A
Guide for Health Professionals Who Work with Adolescents
Goggin, G., Smith-Merry, J., Campbell, A., McKenzie, K., and Young Adults. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. <a
Ridout, B., Baylosis, C. (2018). Evaluation of SANE Australia href="">[More
Thriving Communities project: The University of Sydney. Information]</a>
Gestos, M., Smith-Merry, J., Campbell, A. (2018). Lam, M., Keep, M., Campbell, A. (2013). E-health as a life
Representation of Women in Video Games: A Systematic long learning process: How to prepare health professionals for
Review of Literature in Consideration of Adult Female this journey. 21st Australian National Health Informatics
Wellbeing. CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Conference (HIC 2013), Amsterdam: IOS Press. <a
Networking, 21(9), 535-541. <a href="">[More
href="">[More Information]</a>
Campbell, A., Robards, F. (2013). Using technologies safely
Cochrane, K., Loke, L., de Berigny, C., Campbell, A. (2018). and effectively to promote young people's wellbeing: A better
Sounds in the Moment: Designing an Interactive EEG Nature practice guide for services. Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia:
Soundscape for Novice Mindfulness Meditators. 30th Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre.
Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI
2018), New York: Association for Computing Machinery 2012
(ACM). <a
href="">[More Ridout, B., Campbell, A., Ellis, L. (2012). 'Off your
Information]</a> Face(book)': Alcohol in online social identity construction and
its relation to problem drinking in university students. Drug and
Ridout, B., Campbell, A. (2018). The Use of Social Networking Alcohol Review, 31(1), 20-26. <a
Sites in Mental Health Interventions for Young People: href="
Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 3362.2010.00277.x">[More Information]</a>
20(12), 1-11. <a href="">[More
Information]</a> Keep, M., Bin, Y., Campbell, A. (2012). Comparing online and
offline self-disclosure: a systematic review. CyberPsychology
2017 and Behavior, 15(2), 103-111. <a
Kelson, J., Lam, M., Keep, M., Campbell, A. (2017). Information]</a>
Development and evaluation of an online acceptance and
commitment therapy program for anxiety: Phase I iterative Keep, M., Campbell, A. (2012). Online communication in
different contexts: Social and eHealth Disclosures. Gerrig, R., Zimbardo, P., Campbell, A., Cumming, S., Wilkes,
Communicating Health Symposium, Melbourne, Australia. F. (2011). Psychology and Life (2nd Australasian edition).
Sydney: Pearson Education.
O'Dea, B., Campbell, A. (2012). Online Social Networking and
the Experience of Cyber-Bullying. In Brenda K Wiederhold, Feng, X., Campbell, A. (2011). Understanding e-mental health
Giuseppe Riva (Eds.), Annual Review of Cybertherapy and resources: Personality, awareness, utilization, and effectiveness
Telemedicine 2012: Advanced Technologies in the Behavioral, of e-mental health resources amongst youth. Journal of
Social and Neurosciences, (pp. 212-217). Amsterdam: IOS Technology in Human Services, 29(2), 101-119. <a
Press. <a href=" href="">[More
212">[More Information]</a> Information]</a>
Lam, M., Amon, K., Keep, M., Campbell, A., Neville, V.
(2012). The effect of e-health contents on health science
students' attitude toward the efficiency of health ICT in care Sethi, S., Campbell, A., Ellis, L. (2010). The Use of
provision. In Anthony J Maeder, Fernando J Martin-Sanchez Computerized Self-Help Packages to Treat Adolescent
(Eds.), Health Informatics: Building a Healthcare Future Depression and Anxiety. Journal of Technology in Human
Through Trusted Information: Selected Papers from the 20th Services, 28(3), 144-160. <a
Australian National Health Informatics Conference (HIC href="">[More
2012), (pp. 99-104). Amsterdam: IOS Press. <a Information]</a>
Information]</a> 2009
Campbell, A., Keep, M., Amon, K. (2012). Virtual world Campbell, A., Cumming, S., Morrison, V., Bennett, P., Mullan,
interview skills training for Health Professionals. The 35th B., White, K., Gerrig, R., Zimbardo, P., Wilkes, F., Butow, P.
Annual Conference of the Higher Education Research and (2009). PHE1IDH Individual Determinants of Health. Frenchs
Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), Hobart, Forest Sydney: Pearson Education.
Gerrig, R., Zimbardo, P., Campbell, A., Cumming, S., Wilkes,
Campbell, A., Keep, M., Amon, K. (2012). Virtual worlds F. (2009). Psychology and Life: Australian Edition. Sydney,
interview skills training for health professionals. The 35th NSW: Pearson Education.
Annual Conference of the Higher Education Research and
Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), Hobart, 2008
Russell, C., Campbell, A., Hughes, I. (2008). Ageing, social
capital and the Internet: Findings from an exploratory study of
2011 Australian 'silver surfers'. Australasian Journal on Ageing,
Neal, D., Campbell, A., Williams, L., Liu, Y., Nussbaumer, D. 27(2), 78-82. <a href="
(2011). "I did not realize so many options are available": 6612.2008.00284.x">[More Information]</a>
Cognitive authority, emerging adults, and e-mental health.
Amon, K., Campbell, A. (2008). Biofeedback video games to
Library and Information Science Research, 33(2011), 25-33. <a
teach ADHD children relaxation skills to help manage
symptoms. PATOSS, 21(1), 34-38.
Amon, K., Campbell, A. (2008). Can children with AD/HD
Ellis, L., Campbell, A., Sethi, S., O'Dea, B. (2011).
learn relaxation and breathing techniques through biofeedback
Comparative randomised trial of an online
video games? Australian Journal of Educational and
cognitive-behavioural therapy program and an
Developmental Psychology, 8(2008), 72-84.
online support group for depression and anxiety. Journal of
CyberTherapy and Rehabilitation, 4(4), 461-466. Sum, S., Mathews, R., Hughes, I., Campbell, A. (2008). Internet
use and loneliness in older adults. CyberPsychology and
Amon, K., Campbell, A. (2011). Game-based learning: Current
Behavior, 11(2), 208-211. <a
research in games for health, a focus on biofeedback video
games as treatement for AD/HD. In Patrick Felicia (Eds.),
Handbook of research on improving learning and motivation
through educational games: Multidisciplinary approaches, Dey, A., Reid, B., Godding, R., Campbell, A. (2008).
Volume 1, (pp. 583-605). Hershey: Information Science Perceptions and behaviour of access of the Internet: A study of
Reference. <a href=" women attending a breast screening service in Sydney,
495-0.ch028">[More Information]</a> Australia. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 77, 24-
32. <a
O'Dea, B., Campbell, A. (2011). Healthy Connections: Online
Social Networks and Their Potential for Peer Support. In David
P Hansen, Anthony J Maeder, Louise K Schaper (Eds.), Health
Informatics: The Transformative Power of Innovation. Selected
papers from the 19th Australian National Health Informatics
Conference (HIC 2011), (pp. 133-140). Amsterdam, Campbell, A., Cumming, S., Hughes, I. (2006). Internet Use by
Netherlands: IOS Press. the Socially Fearful: Addiction or Therapy? CyberPsychology
and Behavior, 9(1), 69-81. <a
O'Dea, B., Campbell, A. (2011). Online Social Networking
Amongst Teens: Friend or Foe? In Brenda K Wiederhold,
Stephane Bouchard, Giuseppe Riva (Eds.), Annual Review of
Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2011: Advanced Technologies Harris, L., Cumming, S., Campbell, A. (2006). Stress and
in Behavioural, Social and Neurosciences, (pp. 133-138). Psychological Well-Being among Allied Health Professionals.
Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press. <a Journal of Allied Health, 35(4), 198-207. <a
href=" href="
133">[More Information]</a> 7">[More Information]</a>

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