MCQ Basic EF Master

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Q. 1.

The flow of current in solid is due to: -

(1) Electrons. (2) Protons (3) Atoms (4) Neutron

Q. 2. Which of the two statements given below: -

A: The property of electricity that opposes the flow of current is known as capacitance.
B: Generator is electrical machine which convert mechanical energy in to electrical energy.
(1) A is correct only. (2) B is correct. (3) B is correct & A is also correct (4) A & B are wrong

Q. 3. The transfer of electrical energy from one conductor to another without electrical connection is: -
(1) Self-induced back EMF. (2) Not possible. (3) Induction. (4) Radiation with arching at winding

Q. 4. The Ohms law is not applicable to: -

(1) Vacuum tubes. (2) Carbon resistor. (3) All metal conductor (4) High voltage circuit

Q. 5. Regarding Ohms law which statement is true: -

(1) Current in a circuit is proportional to voltage. (2) Voltage in a circuit is inversely proportional to current.
(3) Power is double when current is doubled (4) Current multiplied by voltage is equal to resistance

Q. 6. The tendency of induced current is to oppose the cause of its production: -

(1) Kirchhoff law. (2) Lenz’s Law. (3) Fleming rule. (4) Coulombs Law

Q. 7. The Kirchhoff current law is applicable to: -

(1) Whole circuit. (2) Junctions in a network. (3) Electronic circuits only. (4) Closed loop in a

Q. 8. The Kirchhoff Voltage law is applicable to: -

(1) IR Drop. (2) Junctions voltage only 3) Battery EMF. (4) Both 1 & 3

Q. 9. According to the Kirchhoff Voltage law, the algebraic sum of IR Drop and Battery EMF in a mesh network is
always: -
(1) Zero. (2) Positive 3) Negative (4) equal to RMS value

Q. 10. The Earth is chosen as a place common reference point of zero electrical potential because it:-
(1) is non-conducting. (2) is easily available, 3) keep on gaining and loosing charge potential, (4)
Has almost constant potential

Q. 11. What remains constant inside a conducting sphere: -

(1) Potential. (2) Charge 3) Electric intensity. (4) Electric flux

Q. 12. Piezo electricity is produced by: -

(1) The vibration of quartz crystal. (2) The vibration of ceramic 3) Ultrasonic waves (4) AOA

Q. 13. The property of a conductor due to which it passes the electric current is called: -
(1) Resistance (2) Conductance, 3) Inductance (4) Reluctance

Q. 14. Substance having small numbers of free electrons & holes is called: -
(1) Insulator (2) Conductor 3) Semiconductor, (4) Inductor

Q. 15. Resistance to the flow of AC in a coil is known as: -

(1) Resistance & reluctance (2) Capacitive reactance, 3) Inductance, (4) Inductive reactance

Q. 16. Which of the substance is insulator? -

(1) Gold (2) Silver, Iron 3) Paper (4) Silicon with copper
Q. 17. A good electrical conductor is one which has: -
(1) Low reluctance (2) Low conductance 3) Low free electrons (4) Minimum voltage drop.

Q. 18. In a straight conductor, Resistance is not affected by: -

(1) Length (2) Material 3) Temperature (4) shape of the Cross section,

Q. 19. The purpose of using insulating material around a conductor is to: -

(1) Store high value current (2) Conduct large induction 3) Prevent short circuit between conducting
wires (4) Prevent open circuiting

Q. 20. In a straight conductor, Resistance decreases when: -

(1) Length or cross section area is reduced (2) Length or cross sectional area is increased (3) Length
is increased and cross sectional area is reduced (4) Length is reduced and cross sectional area is increased

Q. 21. Which of the material has a nearly zero temperature coefficient of resistance? -
(1) Carbon (2) Porcelain 3) Copper (4) Manganin

Q. 22. Skin effect on conductor: -

(1) Increases the resistance (2) Increases when cross sectional area is less 3) Depends upon hold up
frequency (4) AOA

Q. 23. The production of heat in a conductor when AC current flows, is due to: -
(1) Reactance (2) Resistance 3) Capacitance (4) Impedance

Q. 24. Higher the self-induced EMF of a coil: -

(1) Lower the EMF induced in it (2) Greater the flux produced by it 3) lesser ampere turns (4)
Longer the delay in establishing the steady current thru it

Q. 25. Direction of induced EMF can be found by: -

(1) Fleming right hand rule (2) Lenz’s law 3) Kirchhoff’s voltage law (4) Faradays first law

Q. 26. The strength of electromagnet is Not determined by: -

(1) The size of wire in the coil (2) No of turns in the coil 3) The material of the core (4) The amount
of current flowing thru the coil

Q. 27. Which of the statement is true for series and parallel DC circuits? -
(1) Elements have individual current (2) Currents are additive 3) Voltages are additive (4) Powers are

Q. 28. Anything which can be touched & occupies space is called: - (Module-3, P1.2)
(1) Matter. (2) Atom (3) Proton (4) Oxygen

Q. 29. By Molecular activity the Matter is classified into: - (Module-3, P1.2)

(1) Elements, mixtures & compound. (2) Solid, Liquid & Gases (3) Option 2 & Plasma (4) Atoms

Q. 30. Substances which cannot be reduced to a simpler form by chemical means are known as: - (Module-3, P1.2)
(1) Elements. (2) Solid (3) Molecules (4) Atoms

Q. 31. Chemical combination of two or more elements are called: - (Module-3, P1.2)
(1) Elements. (2) Compound (3) Molecules (4) Atoms

Q. 32. Smallest particles of matter that can exist and still retain its identity is called: - (Module-3, P1.2)
(1) Elements. (2) Compound (3) Molecules (4) Atoms

Q. 33. Below which one is the molecules: - (Module-3, P1.2)

(1) Iron. (2) Water (3) Mercury (4) NOA

Q. 34. Substances composed of only one type of atoms are called: - (Module-3, P1.2)
(1) Elements. (2) Compound (3) Molecules (4) Mixture

Q. 35. Substances composed of two or more types of atoms are called: - (Module-3, P1.2)
(1) Elements. (2) Compound (3) Super conductor (4) Mixture

Q. 36. If water were to be compounded of one atom of Hydrogen & two atoms of Oxygen then it will: - (Module-3,
(1) Still be Water (2) not remain water (3) It will form into steam (4) NOA

Q. 37. Atom is composed of: - (Module-3, P1.2)

(1) Three sub atomic particles (2) Five elements (3) Option 1 & are known as Protons, Neutrons & Electrons
(4) Option 2 & called water, Air, Fire, Earth & Energy

Q. 38. The main property that defines each element is its number of: - (Module-3, P1.2)
(1) Electrons only (2) Protons & Neutrons (3) Quantity & ratio of elements (4) Both 1 & 2

Q. 39. The number of Electrons, Protons & Neutrons in a elements will only be accountable for: - (Module-3, P1.2)
(1) Physical properties (2) Chemical Properties (3) Both 1 & 2 (4) Size of elements

Q. 40. The known Elements in the periodic tables are approximately: - (Module-3, P1.2)
(1) 10 only (2) 100 (3) 1000 (4) NOA

Q. 41. MTCS: - (Module-3, P1.3)

A. Neutron has same mass as that of Protons
B. Proton is positively charged particles
(1) Statement A is correct (2) Statement B is correct (3) Both A & B is correct (4) Both A & B are wrong

Q. 42. The Protons mass is approximately: - (Module-3, P1.3)

(1) 1837 greater than electrons (2) 1637 greater than electrons (3) 1000 times greater (4) 1.837 greater
than electrons

Q. 43. The Protons and neutrons are located in the: - (Module-3, P1.3)
(1) Outer most orbit (2) Inner orbit (3) Nucleus (4) Proton in nucleus & neutrons in Outermost orbit

Q. 44. MTCS: - (Module-3, P1.3)

A. The Electron weight is not considered in considering the weight of Atom.
B. and Electron is negatively charged
(1) Statement A is correct (2) Statement B is correct (3) Both statement A & B are correct (4) Both
statements are wrong

Q. 45. MTCS: - (Module-3, P1.3)

A. The Hydrogen atom has one Proton & one Electron in the outer orbit.
B. When total positive charge of Protons equals to Total negative charge of electrons the Atom is Neutral charged.
(1) Statement A is correct (2) Statement B is wrong (3) Both statement A & B are correct (4)
Statement A is wrong but B is correct

Q. 46. MTCS: - (Module-3, P1.3)

A. The Electron posses’ kinetic energy by its motion
B. The electrons position in the orbit decides its Potential energy
(1) Statement A is wrong (2) Both statements are wrong (3) Only B is correct (4) Both statement
A & B are correct

Q. 47. MTCS for Atom: - (Module-3, P1.4)

A. The electrons which take part in chemical bonds with other atoms are called valence electrons.
B. The electrons contained in outer most shells are called Valence electrons.
(1) Statement A is correct but B is wrong (2) Both statements are wrong (3) Statement B is correct but
A is wrong (4) Both statement A & B are correct

Q. 48. In Atom, Ionization is process by which: - (Module-3, P1.4)

(1) Atom loses electrons (2) Atom gains electrons (3) Both 1 & 2 (4) Dislodging of protons
from nucleus takes place

Q. 49. In Atom, free electrons are: - (Module-3, P1.4)

(1) The outer most electrons which can be easily dislodged from atom (2) Free to move from atom to atom
(3) Responsible for the current flow in electrical circuits (4) AOA

Q. 50. Valance of atom actually determines its: - (Module-3, P1.4)

(1) Chemical properties (2) Electrical properties (3) Both 1 & 2 (4) NOA

Q. 51. When a material produces more free electrons it is called: - (Module-3, P1.4)
(1) Conductor (2) Insulator (3) Both 1 & 2 (4) Semiconductors

Q. 52. When Nonconductive materials are rubbed together produces: - (Module-3, P2.2)
(1) Dynamic electricity (2) Static electricity (3) Both 1 & 2 (4) water

Q. 53. If plastic rod is rubbed with fur, the rod becomes: - (Module-3, P2.2)
(1) Positively charged (2) No charge (3) Negatively charged (4) NOA

Q. 54. MTCS in static electricity: - (Module-3, P2.2)

A. Like charges repel each other.
B. The electrons contain negative charge hence attract each other.
(1) Statement A is correct but B is wrong (2) Both statements are wrong (3) Statement B is correct but
A is wrong (4) Both statement A & B are correct

Q. 55. MTCS in static electricity: - (Module-3, P2.2)

A. If plastic rod is rubbed with fur, the rod becomes negatively charged & fur becomes positively charged.
B. If Glass rod is rubbed with silk, the glass rod becomes positively charged
(1) Statement A is correct but B is wrong (2) Both statements are wrong (3) Statement B is correct but
A is wrong (4) Both statement A & B are correct

Q. 56. MTCS in static electricity: - (Module-3, P2.2)

A. If Glass rod is rubbed with fur, the rod becomes negatively charged.
B. If Glass rod is rubbed with silk, the glass rod becomes positively charged
(1) Statement A is correct but B is wrong (2) Both statements are wrong (3) Statement B is correct but
A is wrong (4) Both statement A & B are correct

Q. 57. Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other, it is : - (Module-3, P2.2)
(1) Coulomb Law (2) Maxwell Law (3) Newton Third law (4) Faradays Law

Q. 58. MTCS for Coulombs law: - (Module-3, P2.2)

A. Repulsion & attraction is proportional to Product of masses.
B. Repulsion & attraction is proportional to Product of distance between the charges
(1) Statement A is correct but B is wrong (2) Both statements are wrong (3) Statement B is correct but
A is wrong (4) Both statement A & B are correct

Q. 59. MTCS as per Coulombs law : - (Module-3, P2.2)

A. Repulsion & attraction is proportional to the square of distance.
B. Forces of Repulsion & attraction decreases with increase in distance between the charges.
(1) Statement A is correct but B is wrong (2) Both statements are wrong (3) Statement B is correct but
A is wrong (4) Both statement A & B are correct

Q. 60. One coulomb is equal to : - (Module-3, P2.3)

(1) The charge carried by one Ampere in one minute (2) The charge carried by one Ampere in one
second (3) charge carried by one Volt in one second (4) NOA

Q. 61. A field of force exist around a charged body is known as: - (Module-3, P2.4)
(1) Electrostatic field (2) Magnetic field (3) Electric Current (4) Mechanical stress

Q. 62. Electro statistic field around a charged body is a : - (Module-3, P2.4)

(1) Force (2) Power (3) Work done (4) NOA

Q. 63. Electro static field exist around a charged body is also known as: - (Module-3, P2.4)
(1) Stress circle (2) Magnetic field (3) Mapping (4) Di –electric field

Q. 64. The distribution of charges on an irregularly shaped object is: - (Module-3, P2.5)
(1) Maximum at sharpest ends/curvature area (2) Maximum at points (3) Both 1 & 2 (4)
Minimum at sharpest curvature

Q. 65. MTCS for charged body on hollow sphere: - (Module-3, P2.4)

A. The sphere made of conducting material, the charge will be evenly distributed over the entire surface.
B. Even distribution of charge is the result of or due to mutual repulsion of electrons.
(1) Statement A is correct but B is wrong (2) Both statements are wrong (3) Statement B is correct but
A is wrong (4) Both statement A & B are correct

Q. 66. In aircraft the electrostatic discharge (ESD) from Human body: - (Module-3, P2.5)
(1) May Damage the solid state electronics components (2) Can spoil All component of Aircraft, mechanical
or electrical (3) Will give fatal shock to human (4) Cannot harm the electronic component

Q. 67. MTCS for flow of current: - (Module-3, P2.5)

A. There are no electrons in vacuum to carry current.
B. If electrons are injected into vacuum the current can be made to flow.
(1) Statement A is correct but B is wrong (2) Both statements are wrong (3) Statement B is correct but
A is wrong (4) Both statement A & B are correct

Q. 68. Water when ionized can: - (Module-3, P2.5)

(1) Carry electric current (2) Become pure insulator (3) behave like semiconductor (4)
Not carry current

Q. 69. In normal temperature condition and low voltage condition the Gases are generally: - (Module-3, P2.5)
(1) Carry electric current (2) Act as insulator (3) a semiconductor (4) explode

Q. 70. EMF is a: - (Module-3, P3.3)

(1) Pressure felt on a conductor that ultimately causes the electron flow (2) Electromotive Force measured
between two points (3) Potential difference between two points (4) AOA

Q. 70. Potential Difference is determined by : - (Module-3, P3.3)

(1) Ratio of energy absorbed in Joules to coulombs of charge (2) Ratio of work done to heat produced
(3) Ratio of Current to resistance (4) NOA

Q. 71. Potential Difference is a: - (Module-3, P3.3)

(1) Work done (2) Power (3) Force (4) Potential energy

Q. 72. Current is the : - (Module-3, P3.4)

(1) Amount of charge moving thru a conductor in a given amount of time (2) Pressure of electrons (3)
Both 1 & 2 (4) NOA

Q. 73. When 1 coulombs of charge pass thru a conductor in 1 second it is called: - (Module-3, P3.4)
(1) One Ampere (2) One Ohm (3) One Volt (4) One coulomb

Q. 74. 1 Coulombs of charge has: - (Module-3, P3.4)

(1) 6.28 Billion-Billion Electrons (2) One Trillion Electrons (3) 6.28 Million Electrons (4) 101
Million Electrons

Q. 75. Electrons travel/move: - (Module-3, P3.4)

(1) in Straight line (2) in Conductor only (3) Do not travel in straight direction but collide with
each other atoms (4) Semiconductor only

Q. 76. The property of a conductor which determines the flow of current for the given voltage is known as: -
(Module-3, P3.5)
(1) Resistance (2) Ohm (3) Volt (4) Coulomb

Q. 77. Arrange the SI prefixes from largest to smallest: - (Module-3, P3.2)

(1) tera,Kilo,deka, centi,nano,pico (2) Kilo,nano,pico,deka,tera,centi (3) deka, centi,nano,pic
tera,Kilo (4) centi,nano,pico ,tera,Kilo,deka

Q. 78. As per Electron theory current flow from: - (Module-3, P3.2)

(1) Negative source to Positive source (2) Positive to negative source (3) Negative to negative
(4) NOA

Q. 79. Generation of electricity by pressure is known as: - (Module-3, P4.2)

(1) Piezoelectric (2) Hydroelectric (3) Nuclear (4) Thermoelectric

Q. 80. The most common Piezoelectric materials are: - (Module-3, P4.2)

(1) Crystals (2) Rochelle Salt (3) Barium Titanate (4) AOA

Q. 81. If the electric voltage is applied between certain faces of crystals, can produce mechanical distortion this is
commonly known as: - (Module-3, P4.2)
(1) Piezoelectric effect (2) Halls effect (3) Fusion (4) Chemical effect

Q. 82. -------------- Materials are used extensively in transducers for converting mechanical stress into electrical
signals or vice versa: - (Module-3, P4.2)
(1) Piezoelectric (2) Alumel (3) Nuclear (4) Metallic

Q. 83. -------------- Energy can be converted into electricity, most common form is----------: - (Module-3, P4.2)
(1) Piezoelectric, battery (2) Chemical, Battery (3) Magnetic, Battery (4) Hydroelectric,

Q. 84. In aircraft Electricity produced by thermal sources comes from--------------: - (Module-3, P4.2)
(1) Thermocouple (2) Crystal (3) NiCd Battery (4) NOA

Q. 85. Thermocouples are made of: - (Module-3, P4.2)

(1) Two similar metal with different thickness (2) Two dissimilar metals joined together (3) One
metal and other magnetic material (4) Two non-magnetic material only

Q. 86. Thermocouples are used for measuring: - (Module-3, P4.2)

(1) Cylinder head temperature (2) Exhaust gas temperature (3) Both 1,2 & Outside Air temperature
as well (4) Both 1, 2 and inter turbine temperature

Q. 87. The ---------- is a device which convert light energy into electricity: - (Module-3, P4.2)
(1) Photo voltaic cell (2) Solar cell (3) Both 1 & 2 (4) Crystal

Q. 88. In solar cell the complimentary positive charges that is produced because of electrons flow are called: -
(Module-3, P4.2)
(1) Holes (2) Electrons (3) Protons (4) NOA

Q. 89. In a thermocouple, where is voltage measured?

A. At both junctions. B. At the hot junction. C. At the cold junction.

Q. 90. The production of electricity by friction refers to build up of -------- - electricity: - (Module-3, P4.2)
(1) Light (2) Static (3) Dynamic (4) Hydro

Q. 91. The production of electricity by friction refers to build up of static electricity when ---------- material are
rubbed together: - (Module-3, P4.2)
(1) Non-magnetic (2) Metallic (3) Non-conductive (4) Conductive

Q. 92. The production of electricity by moving thru magnetic lines of force this follows the : - (Module-3, P4.2)
(1) Faradays laws of magnetism (2) Coulombs law (3) Maxwell rule (4) Ohms Law

Q. 93. Which is used to measure the rate of flow of charge: - (Module-3)

(1) Coulomb. (2) Ampere (3) Ampere /sec (4) AOA

Q. 94. Photoelectric effect used in: - (Module-3)

(1) Satellite. (2) EGT (3) Microphone (4) Inductor

Q. 95. Resistance is independent of: - (Module-3)

(1) Temperature. (2) Mass of material. (3) Material of conductor. (4) Area of conductor

Q. 96. Which of the following property is not associated with magnetism: - (Module-3)
(1) Permeability. (2) permittivity. (3) Coercivity. (4) Remanence

Q. 97. The magnetic material holds some of its magnetism the property is knowns as: - (Module-3)
(1) Permeability. (2) Reluctance. (3) Coercivity. (4) Remanence

Q. 98. The opposition to magnetic lines of force is knowns as: - (Module-3)

(1) Permeability. (2) Reluctance. (3) Reluctance. (4) Remanence
Q. 99. Match the following: - (Module-3)
(1) Flux- Weber. (2) Flux Density-Weber. (3) Flux -Tesla. (4) Remanence-Weber

Q. 100. When the coil is moving parallel to magnetic lines of force then the induced voltage is: - (Module-3)
(1) Zero. (2) Maximum. (3) Minimum. (4) AOA

Q. 101. A material has low permittivity it is: - (Module-3)

(1) Dielectric. (2) Paramagnetic. (3) Diamagnetic (4) NOA

Q. 102. Electricity produced by subjecting two dissimilar metals to above normal temperature is known as: -
(1) Piezoelectric effect. (2) Thermoelectric effect. (3) Photoelectric effect. (4) Thermodynamic

Q. 103. Which of material is a Diamagnetic: - (Module-3)

(1) Nickel. (2) Cobalt. (3) Bismuth. (4)

Q. 104. If no of turns of a conductor increases then its inductance will: - (Module-3)

(1) remain same. (2) Increase. (3) Decrease. (4) become zero

Q. 105. Nickel cadmium is a--------- and Zinc chloride is designed as ---------: - (Module-3)
(1) Primary, primary. (2) Secondary, Secondary. (3) Primary, Secondary. (4) Secondary, Primary

Q. 106.When two parallel conductor carrying field in the same direction they: - (Module-3)
(1) create attraction. (2) Create magnetic field in the same direction. (3) Create magnetic field in opposite
direction. (4) Both 1 & 2

Q.107.Bearing break is the ------------- of generator: - (Module-3)

(1) Iron loss. (2) Hysteresis loss. (3) Mechanical Loss. (4) Eddy current loss

Q.108.If no of turns in a coil increases what happens to inductance: - (Module-3)

(1) Decreases. (2) Increases. (3) Remains same. (4) Fall after temperature rise

Q.109.The materials in order of decreasing magnetizing currents will be

(A) wood, aluminium, iron (B) wood, iron, aluminum (C) iron, wood, aluminum
(D) iron, aluminum, wood

Q.110. As compared to air, hydrogen has ___________ thermal conductivity and __________ density.
(A) lower .......... lower (B) lower........ higher (C) higher......... lower (D) higher ..........

Q.111. Above Curie point

(A) a ferromagnetic material becomes paramagnetic (B) a ferrite becomes an insulator
(C) a insulating material becomes a ferrite (D) a diamagnetic material, becomes a
paramagnetic material.

Q.112. Which of the following is a ferromagnetic material?

(A) Pure iron (B) Lead (C) Bismuth (D) Water.

Q.113. All of the following are ferromagnetic materials EXCEPT

(A) Nickel (B) Bismuth (C) Silicon (D) Mild steel.

Q.114. Tick the right combination -----Diamagnetic: Copper: Ferromagnetic:

(A) Iron (B) Lead (C) Air (D) Water.

Q.115. Tick the right combination---Día-magnetic: Ferromagnetic:

(A) Copper: Silver (B) Air: Water (C) Iron: Steel (D) Lead: Cobalt.

Q.116. Which of the following gives materials in order of increasing values of permeability?
(A) Water, Iron. Copper, Silver (B) Water, Air, Pure iron. Perm alloy (C) Cobalt, Aluminium, Copper,
Silver (D) Silicon iron. Palladium, Lead, Silver.

Q.117. By adding silicon to ferromagnetic, materials

(A) electrical resistivity increases and also magnetic permeability increases (B) electrical resistivity
decreases and also magnetic permeability increases (C) electrical resistivity decreases and magnetic
permeability increases

Q.118. Tick the right combination ---Diamagnetic: Paramagnetic:

(A) Water: Air (B) Iron: Steel (C) Perm alloy: Super-alloy (D) Nickel: Cobalt.

Q.119. Which of the following material has the highest permeability?

(A) Nickel (B) Cobalt (C) Pure iron (D) Perm alloy.

Q.120.Which variety of copper is used for overhead conductors?

(A) Hard drawn copper (B) Native copper (C) Annealed copper (D) Purest form of copper.

Q.121. Which is non-magnetic material

(A) Nickel (B) Cobalt (C) Aluminum (D) Gadolinium.

Q.122. Which of the following is the least desired property in magnetic materials for electrical engineering
(A) High magnetic permeability (B) High electrical resistivity (C) Large hysteresis loop
(D) All of the above.

Q.123. A semi-conductor will have.

(1). two electrons in the outer shell. (2). four electrons in the outer shell. (3). eight electrons in the outer

Q.124. Ion current is found in.

(1). conductors and semi-conductors. (2). liquids and gasses. (3). semi-conductors.

Q.125. Electricity conducts through.

(1). vacuum. (2). solids and liquids only. (3). solids only

Q.126.An example of a good electrical insulator is.

(1). aluminum. (2). glass. (3). Mercury

Q.127.Static charges remaining in an aircraft are dissipated by.

(1). earthing the aircraft as soon as possible. (2). the use of a conducting type nose wheel. (3).
bonding the aircraft to a refuel tanker.

Q.128. An element could be considered to be a conductor if it has.

(1).a small number of electrons in its outer orbit. (2). a large number of electrons in its outer orbit.
(3). a large number of electrons.

Q.129.A charged body is said to have.

(1). surplus or deficiency of electrons. (2). deficiency of neutrons. (3). surplus of protons.
Q.130.The risk of a fire due to static electricity is overcome.
(1). by connecting all metal components by bonding. (2).by fitting static wicks and isolating the battery
from inflammable gas sources. (3). by fitting static wicks and insulating all metal components

Q.131.The purpose of bonding is to.

(1). ensure all components have been securely fitted. (2). stop different potentials developing with
subsequent fire risks. (3). give generated static an easy return path to the generator.

Q.132.The various parts of an aircraft airframe are maintained at the same potential by.
(1). the supply bus-bars. (2). bonding. (3). static discharge wicks.

Q.133.The resistance of the current return path through the aircraft is always considered negligible, provided the.
(1). structure is adequately bonded. (2). voltage drop across the circuit is checked. (3).
generator is properly grounded.

Q.134.If an insulated conductor is placed near to a negatively charged rod, the nearest end of the conductor
(1). No change will occur. (2). negatively charged. (3). positively charged.

Q.135.The electromagnetic force between two charged bodies is.

(1). inversely proportional to the distance between them. (2). inversely proportional to the square
of the distance between them. (3). proportional to the distance between them

Q.136.If a negatively charged conductor is placed next to an insulated rod.

(1). the rod becomes negatively charged. (2). the rod has no charge. (3). the rod
becomes positively charged.

Q.137.If a photon radiating into an electronic device causes the production of an electron/hole pair, the device is
known as a.
(1). light emitting diode. (2). laser diode. (3). photodiode.

Q.138.Faraday's Law States that.

(1). the magnitude of the EMF is indirectly proportional to the rate of change of flux. (2). the
magnitude of the EMF is directly proportional to the magnetic flux. (3). the magnitude of the
EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux.

Q.139.Which of the following is 1 Amp?

(1). 1000 mA. (2). 1000 kA. (3). 1000 μA.

Q.140.The term that describes the combined resistive forces in an AC circuit is.
(1). resistance. (2). total resistance. (3). impedance.

Q.141.Ohm's law states that:

(1). e.m.f. = current divided by resistance. (2). current = e.m.f. divided by resistance. (3).
resistance = current divided by e.m.f.

Q.142.E.M.F. in an electric circuit corresponds to what in a magnetic circuit.

(1). MMF. (2) reluctance. (3). flux.

Q.143. In conventional current flow, what is Fleming's right-hand rule used for?
(1). Generators. (2) Motors. (3). Inductors.
Q.144.The SI unit of work is.
(1). Kilogram metres-force. (2) Joules per metre. (3). Joules per second (Watts).

Q.145.A coulomb is.

(1). one ampere * second. (2) one second per ampere. (3). one ampere per second.

Q.146.An electric current is a flow of.

(1). electrons from a positively charged area to a negatively charged area. (2) electrons from a negatively
charged area to a positively charged area. (3). protons from a positively charged area to a negatively charged

Q.147.A volt can be considered to be a.

(1). unit of electrical power. (2) quantity of electrical energy. (3). unit of
electrical pressure.

Q.148.What is 3.25 volts in millivolts?

(1). 3,250 millivolts. (2) 325,000 millivolts. (3). 3.25 millivolts.

Q.149.Electromotive force is measured in.

(1). Watts. (2) Ohms. (3). Volts

Q.150.Kirchhoff's law states.

(1). the algebraic sum of all the voltages entering or leaving a series of components will be equal to zero. (2)
the inverse sum of all the voltages entering or leaving a series of components will be equal to one.
(3). the algebraic sum of all the currents entering or leaving a series of components will be equal to zero.

Q.151.The basis for transformer operation in the use of alternating current is mutual.
(1). inductance. (2). capacitance. (3). reactance.

Q.152.When two coils are linked by a common flux, a voltage can be induced in one by a changing current in the
other. This process is known a: -
(1). self-induction. (2) the magnetic effect. (3). mutual induction.

Q.153.When an electrical supply becomes 'open-circuit'.

(1). fuse or circuit breaker should isolate the circuit due to the increased current drawn. (2). the loss of continuity
will prevent its component from functioning. (3). component will operate normally but will not switch off.

Q.154. The property of a material to accept lines of flux is called.

(1). retentivity. (2) reluctance. (3). permeability

Q.155. Magnetomotive force can be found by.

(1). I * N. (2) B*L*V. Option C. N/I. Correct Answer is. I * N. Explanation. MMF
(symbol H) = amps * turns (units are ampere turns).

Q.156. When a conductor is cut by magnetic lines of force an EMF is induced. This is.
(1). Kirkchoff's Law. (2) Faraday's Law. (3). Lenz's Law.

Q.157. The direction of induced conventional current in a wire rotating in a magnetic field can be determined by.
(1). cork screw rule. (2) Fleming's right-hand rule. (3). Fleming's left-hand

Q.158.How would you find the direction of the electron flow in an armature located in a magnetic field?
(1). Flemings left hand rule. (2) Flemings right hand rule. (3). Maxwell’s corkscrew rule.
Q.159.What is the SI unit of conductance?
(1). Ohm. (2) Siemen. (3). Ohm-meter.

Q.160. What is the SI unit of resistivity?

(1). Ohms. (2) Ohm meter. (3). Ohms/meter.

Q.161. What is the formula for conductance? (R=Resistance).

(1). R + 1. (2) 1/R. (3). 1-R.

Q.162. In electrical circuit, Direct Current power is represented by the.

(1). Ampere. (2) Watt. (3). Joule.

Q.163. In S.I. units, work is denoted by.

(1). Newton-meter which is Joules. (2) Joules/sec which is Watts. (3). Kilogram-
force-meter/sec which is Metric Horsepower.

Q.164. The unit of energy is the.

(1). Joule. (2) Watt. (3). Coulomb

Q.165. Potential difference is another term for.

(1). voltage. (2) charge. (3). energy.

Q.166. XL is the symbol of.

(1). inductive reactance (2) capacitive reactance. (3). impedance.

Q.167. Using Ohm's law.

(1). current is directly proportional to the resistance. (2) current is directly proportional
to the EMF. (3). resistance is directly proportional to EMF.

Q.168. One volt is induced into a circuit with a current varying at 1 amp per second. The circuit has.
(1). 1 ampere turn. (2) 1 Tesla. (3). 1 Henry.

Q.169. The property of a conductor of electricity that limits or restricts the flow of electric current is.
(1). limiter. (2) resistance. (3). Fuse

Q.170. Kirchhoff’s law is applicable to.

(1). parallel networks. (2) series networks. (3). closed loop networks.

Q.171. The SI unit of work is the.

(1). Watt. (2) Newton Meter. Option C. Joule.

Q.172. The EMF of a generator can be calculated from which law?.

(1). Faraday's law. (2) Kirchhoff’s law. (3). Lenz's law. Correct
Answer is.

Q.173. In a circuit containing three resistors of equal value connected in parallel, one resistor goes open circuit.
The current in the other two resistors will: -
(1) Decrease. (2) Increase. (3) Remains the same. (4) Vary

Q.174. If 2 coulombs flowed through a circuit in 2 seconds, the circuit would have.
(1) 1 Amps current. (2) 1 Volt of PD. (3) 2 Amps of current. (4) 4 Amps of current
Q.175. If three same value resistances are in series connected to 24 volts battery if one resistance is open circuited,
(1) Voltage when measured will be zero. (2) Current when measured will be zero. (3) Resistance will
decrease and maximum current flows. (4) Maximum power dissipated as resistance of circuit increases
Q.176. In the circuit If the cross-sectional area of a conductor is doubled, with voltage constant, the current will.
(1) Double. (2) Halved. (3) Remain constant. (4) NOA
Q.177. The electrical supplies taken from a bus-bar are in parallel, isolating some of the
services/components/equipment load would: -
(1) Not affect the current flow. (2) Increase the current consumption from bus bar. (3) Reduce the
current consumption from bus bar. (4) Increase the power consumption from bus bar as load is reduced
Q.178. The current flowing through a circuit can be increased to four times from its original value by: -
(1) Doubling the applied voltage. (2) halving the resistance. (3) Both 1 & 2. (4) Doubling
the resistance and doubling the voltage
Q.179. Cables are shielded to prevent 'H' magnetic interference in wires with which of the following type material:
(1) Copper. (2) Ferromagnetic. (3) Diamagnetic. (4) Paramagnetic
Q.180. MTCS for Atom: -
A. The electrons which take part in chemical bonds with other atoms are called valence electrons.
B. The electrons contained in outer most shells are called Valence electrons.
(1) Statement A is correct but B is wrong. (2) Both statements are wrong. (3) Statement B is correct
but A is wrong (4) Both statement A & B are correct
Q.181. In Atom, Ionization is process by which: -
(1) Atom loses electrons. (2) Atom gains electrons. (3) Both 1 & 2 (4) Dislodging of protons
from nucleus takes place
Q.182. The permittivity is the: -
(1) Materials Ability to permit the electric field. (2) Materials Ability to resist the magnetic lines of force.
(3) Materials Ability to resist an electric field (4) Materials Ability to permit the magnetic lines of force
Q.183. In normal temperature condition and low voltage condition the Gases are generally: -
(1) Carry electric current. (2) Act as insulator. (3) a semiconductor. (4) explode
Q.184. In normal condition the Electricity conducts through.
(1) vacuum. (2) solids and liquids only. (3) solids only. (4) Gases
Q.185. Static charges remaining in an aircraft are dissipated by.
(1) earthing the aircraft as soon as possible. (2) the use of a conducting type nose wheel. Option
(3) bonding the aircraft to a refuel tanker. (4) Return current grounding system
Q.186. The purpose of bonding is to.
(1) ensure all components have been securely fitted. (2) stop different potentials developing with subsequent
fire risks. (3) give generated static an easy return path to the generator. (4) To create different potential
for different
Q.187. The resistance of the current return path through the aircraft is always considered negligible, provided the.
(1) structure is adequately bonded. (2) voltage drop across the circuit is checked. (3) generator is
properly grounded. (4) Only If the steel bonding strip is installed
Q.188. If an insulated conductor is placed near to a negatively charged rod, the nearest end of the conductor
(1) Negatively charged. (2) Repulsion. (3) No change will occur. (4) Positively charged
Q.189. E.M.F. in an electric circuit corresponds to what in a magnetic circuit.
(1) MMF. (2) Magnetic lines of force. (3) flux. (4) NOA
Q.190. Substances which cannot be reduced to a simpler form by chemical means are known as: -
(1) Elements. (2) Solid. (3) Molecules (4) Atoms
Q.191. Sum of all resistor voltage drops in a series circuit equals the: - (Grob’s, Ch4, P-120)
(1) Applied Voltage. (2) option 1 & known as Kirchhoff’s Voltage law. (3) option 1 & known as Kirchhoff’s
Current law. (4) Applied current & Option 2
Q.192. When an electrical supply becomes 'open-circuit'.
(1) The loss of continuity will prevent the component from functioning. (2) A fuse or circuit breaker should
isolate the circuit due to increase in current demand. (3) Components will operate but will not switch off.
(4) Because of short circuiting of resistances and maximum current flows
Q.193. Ion current is found in: -
(1) conductors and semi-conductors. (2) liquids and gasses. (3) semi-conductors. (4)
Vacuum diode
Q.194. A shunt is used with.
(1) Ammeter. (2) Voltmeter. (3) Ohmmeter. (4) Frequency meter
Q.195. What is the SI unit of conductance?
(1) Ohms. (2) Gauss. (3) Weber. (4) Siemens
Q.196. Of the following which pair of materials would most readily become magnetized?
(1) Iron & steel. (2) Copper & steel. (3) Copper & bronze. (4) Nickel & bronze
Q.197. A piezoelectric device generates electricity through.
(1) Friction. (2) Light. (3) Pressure. (4) thermal
Q.198. A thermocouple indicator is basically a type of.
(1) Centre zero galvanometer. (2) Ohm-meter. (3) Milli-Ammeter. (4) Milli-Voltmeter
Q.199. Shape of brushes in DC Motor: - (Module-)
(1) . (2) . (3) . (4)

Q.199. A light/heat sensitive cell is a: -

A. transistor. B. diode. C. transducer.

Q.200. A component that produces an output voltage due to incident light is called a: -

A. liquid crystal. B. solar cell. C. light emitting diode.

Q.201. Elements such as phosphorus with 5 electrons in their outer shell, when combined with pure
silicon, is a: -

A. isotopic. B. acceptor. C. donor.

Q.202. A hydrogen atom consists of a: -

A. Proton, Neutron and an Electron. B. Proton and an Electron only. C. Neutron

and a proton only.

Q.203. For an atom to become a negative ion it must: -

A. gain at least one electron. B. have undergone ionization by the sun. C. lose at
least one electron

Q.204. What is the maximum number of electrons in shell M of an atom?

A. 18. B. 6. C. 16.

Q.205. . A neutral atom with an atomic no. of 3 has how many electrons?

A. 1. B. 3. C. Dependent on type of atom.

Q.206. The nucleus of an atom is: -

A. neutral. B. positive charged. C. negative charged.

Q.207. Electron orbits are called: - -

A. waves. B. shells. C. valences.

Q.208. A neutral atom gains electron: -

A. It gains a positive charge. B. It gains a negative charge. C. It remains neutral.

Q.209. An oxygen atom has: -

A. protons and electrons. B. neutrons and protons. C. protons, neutrons and electrons.

Q.210. A good electrical insulator is a material which: -

A. contains a large number of positive ions. B. has its electrons tightly bound to their parent
atoms. C. has more protons than electrons.

Q.211. An electric current is: -

A. an ordered flow of electrons. B. a surplus of free electron. C. an excitement of electrons in

a metal.

Q.212. An atom contains: -

A. hydrogen. B. molecules. C. electrons.

Q.213. Germanium and silicon have how many electrons in their outer shell? -

A. 6. B. 4. C. 2.

Q.214. If a free electron is given to another atom, that atom is a: -

A. valency atom. B. negative ion. C. positive ion.

Q.215. The atomic number of an atom is determined by the number of: -

A. protons. B. electrons. C. neutrons. (d) proton plus neutron

Q.216. The valence electron is: -

A. the electron in outer shell of atom. B. the electron in inner shell of atom. C. a
positive electron.

Q.217. An atom with a deficiency in electrons has: -

A. low resistance. B. high resistance C. high impedance.

Q.218. An atom with less than 4 electrons in its outer shell has: -

A. low electrical resistance. B. no electrical resistance. C. high electrical resistance.

Q.219. The smallest particle that a substance can be split and show the same properties as the whole is
known as: -
A. an Element. B. a Molecule. C. an Atom.

Q.220. What charge does the nucleus of an atom possess? -

A. Positive. B. Neutral. C. Negative.

Q.221. What is the maximum number of electrons in shell N of an atom? -

A. 18. B. 32. C. 16.

Q.222. If electrons are added to an atom it becomes:

A. a neutral ion. B. a positive ion. C. a negative ion.

Q.223. An element whose atoms have fewer than 4 electrons in their valency shell are: -

A. semiconductors. B. good insulators. C. good conductors.

Q.224. What effect do the electrons of one atom have upon the electrons of another atom? -

A. They have no effect on each other. B. They repel each other. C. They attract each

Q.225. What is a molecule? -

A. The smallest part of an atom. B. The smallest part of a compound. C.

The smallest part of an electron

Q.226. An atom is: -

A. the smallest part of an element that retains its characteristics. B. the smallest part of
a compound that can exist independently. C. the smallest particle of matter.

Q.227. The mass of an atom is contained mainly in the: -

A. proton. B. nucleus. C. electron.

Q.228. When an atom loses or gains an electron it is called: -

A. a molecule. B. a current. C. an ion.

Q.229. A neutron has:

A. the opposite charge to an Electron but half the weight of a proton. B. the same charge as an
Electron but half the mass. C. no electrical charge but will add weight to the nucleus.

Q.230. The unit which consists of two or more different types of atoms is known as a: -

A. particle of an element. B. molecule of a compound. C. molecule of an element.

Q.231. A good electrical insulating material will contain: -

A. Only a small number of electrons in the outer shell of each atom of the material. B. strongly
bound electrons in the atoms of the material. C. Weakly bound 'free' electrons in the atoms of the
Q.232. MMF. is measured in: -

a) Gilbert Symbol ‘F’ b) Maxwell symbol ‘F’ c) Weber

Q.233. Ohm’s law is applicable to a.c. circuit for: -

a) Maximum voltage & current b) Effective voltage & current c) Instantaneous voltage
& current

Q.234. Shunt ohmmeter measures (9A-330): -

a) low resistance b) high resistance c) precision resistance d) infinite


Q.235. Galvanometer is transferred in ammeter: -

a) By connecting low resistance in series to the galvanometer b) By connecting high resistance in

series to the galvanometer c) By connecting low resistance in parallel to increase range
d) By connecting high resistance in parallel to increase range

Q.236. A potential difference of 50 volts produces a current of 10 milliamperes through a resistance of.
(1). 500 ohms. (2). 5 ohms. (3) . 5,000 ohms.

Q.237. Voltage used for energizing relay

(a) contact voltage drop (b) contact voltage potential (c) pick voltage

Q.238. The power dissipated by a load of known resistance connected across a known potential
difference can be calculated by: -

(1) . dividing the square of the potential difference by the value of the load resistance. (2).
multiplying the square of the potential difference by the value of the load resistance. (3). working
out the current flowing in the circuit by using ohms law and multiplying the result by the resistance.

Q.239. A current of 5A flows for 2 minutes. How many coulombs passed a point in the circuit?

(1). 2.5. (2) . 600. (3). 100.

Q.240. MTCS: -

(a) In conventional current flow from Anode and cathode (b) In electronic flow current from
cathode to anode (c) BOTH

Q.241. Which statement is correct about reference of parallel circuit: -

(a) The total current is equal to sum of current individual branch of the circuit (b) The
amount is equal in all portion of circuit (c) Total current is equal to individual current
of each resistor

Q.242. MTCS for Diode testing: -

(a) Ohm meter is connected to high resistance. (b) with a good diode the ohm meter will
indicate low resistance in forward bias than to reverse side connected load (c) with a good
diode of ohm meter indicate low resistance in reverse direction than forward side connected load

Q.243. Which alternative answer is equal to 115000000 Hz? -

(a) 115.9 Mhz. (b) 115.9 Ghz (c) 115.9 Khz

Q.244. The galvanometer is converted into voltmeter by: -

a) by connecting high resistance in series b) by connecting high resistance in parallel

c) connecting shunt in parallel

Q.245. If a wire is connected to a constant voltage supply and at the same time the length and radius is
doubled the result would be: -

a) Electrostatic field across the wire would become double b) Electrostatic field would
become half c) Heat produced by the wire will remain the same d) All are correct

Q.246. Bonding is done during fueling to: -

a) provide low resistance path b) give way to stray current c) dissipate static charge

Q.247. Which does not possess electromagnetic radiation: -

a) X-ray b) Light c) Infrared ray d) Thermal

Q.248. A circuit has a current flow of 6A. If the voltage is trebled, the new current will be: -

(1). 6A. (2). 18A. (3). 2A

Q.249. A 10V battery supplies a resistive load of 10 ohms for 1 minute. What is the work done?

(1). 60Joules. (2). 600J. (3). 10J.

Q.250. A galvanometer measure: -

(1). millivolts. (2). megohms. (3). milliamps.

Q.251. A loss of electrical insulation results in: -

(1). an open circuit between the supply and earth. (2). a short circuit between the supply and
earth. (3). an open circuit in the supply.

Q.252. If the resistance of an electrical circuit is increased: -

(1). the current will increase. (2). the voltage will increase. (3). the current will decrease.

Q.253. 20 amperes flow for 20 seconds. How many coulombs have flowed?

(1). 1 (2). 20 (3). 400.

Q.254. In a circuit containing three resistors of equal value connected in parallel, one resistor goes open
circuit. The current in the other two resistors will: -
(1). decrease. (2). increase. (3). remain the same.

Q.255. If the voltage across a resistor is doubled: -

(1). the current is doubled. (2). the current is halved. (3). the resistance is halved.

Q.256. If the cross-sectional area of a conductor is doubled, with voltage constant, the current will: -

(1). remain constant. (2). double. (3). halve.

Q.257. If two resistors of 5 and 10 ohm respectively are connected in series and the current in the 5 ohm
resistor is 1A. what is the current in the 10 ohm resistor?

(1). 1 amp. (2). It cannot be found without knowing the applied voltage. (3). 1/3 amp.

Q.258. A short circuit between the supply and earth: -

(1). is not dangerous as the current drawn will be low. (2). does not matter if the circuit uses the
aircraft earth as a return. (3). could be very dangerous as the current drawn will be very high.

Q.259. The resistance of a material is: -

(1). independent of the material type. (2). the same as its conductance. (3). the reciprocal of
its conductance

Q.260. Resistance is measured using what unit of temperature?

(1). Absolute. (2). Centigrade. (3). Fahrenheit.

Q.261. The electron flow through a conductor will be decreased the most if the cross-sectional area: -

(1). is decreased and the length is increased. (2). and the length are both decreased. (3). and
the length both are increased.

Q.262. A resistor has 4 bands on it colored blue, yellow, yellow, gold. Its value is: -

(1). 640 kΩ ± 5%. (2). 6.4 mΩ ± 10%. (3). 64 kΩ ± 5%.

Q.263. If the resistance of a resistor which is in series with two other resistors is doubled: -

(1). the current in that resistance is doubled. (2). the volts drop across that resistor increases.
(3). the current in that resistance is halved.

Q.264. In general, increasing the cross-sectional area of an electrical cable: -

(1). increases its resistance. (2). enables it to carry more voltage. (3). enables it to carry more

Q.265. Potentiometers are used as a: -

(1). variable voltage source. (2). variable resistor. (3). variable current source.

Q.266. A potentiometer varies: -

(1). resistance. (2). current. (3). voltage.

Q.267. Which of these will cause the resistance of a conductor to decrease?

(1). Decrease the length or the cross-sectional area. (2). Increase the length or decrease the cross-
sectional area. (3). Decrease the length or increase the cross-sectional area.

Q.268. A 300-ohm resistor would have a color code of: -

(1). orange, brown, black. (2). orange, orange, brown. (3). orange, black brown.

Q.269. When light hits a photodiode, its resistance: -

(1). stays the same. (2). increases. (3). decreases.

Q.270. Five different value resistors all have the same voltage dropped across them. How are the
resistors connected?

(1). In Series/Parallel. (2). In Series. (3). In Parallel.

Q.271. The total resistance in a circuit is greater than the least resistor. This is true for a: -

(1). series and parallel circuit. (2). series circuit only. (3). parallel circuit only.

Q.272. Copper is an inferior conductor to aluminum when comparing: -

(1). CSA with CSA. (2). weight for weight. (3). load for load.

Q.273. The 5th colored band on a resistor represents the: -

(1). reliability or temperature coefficient. (2). tolerance. (3). multiplier.

Q.274. If the temperature of a pure metal is reduced to absolute zero, its resistance will be: -

(1). unaffected. (2). practically zero. (3). infinity.

Q.275. Carbon has a: -

(1). temperature coefficient of zero. (2). positive temperature coefficient. (3). negative
temperature coefficient

Q.276. Resistors required to carry a comparatively high current and dissipate high power are usually of: -

(1). Wire wound metal type. (2). Carbon compound type. (3). Wire wound ceramic

Q.277. A 3-ohm resistor dissipates 27 Watts. How much current flows through it?

(1). 9 A. (2). 0.15 A. (3). 3 A.

Q.278. In a power circuit, the purpose of an inductor is: -

(1). to dampen voltage surges. (2). to dampen current surges. (3). to dampen power surges.

Q.279. A voltage of 250V causes a current of 30mA. What is the wattage?

(1). 7.5W. (2). 7500W. (3). 750W.

Q.280. Which requires the most electrical power during operation?

(1). A 12-volt motor requiring 8 amperes. (2). Four 30-watt lamps in a 12-volt parallel circuit.
(3). Two lights requiring 3 amperes each in a 24volt parallel system.

Q.281. The power expended in a given circuit is: -

(1). inversely proportional to cube root of the current. (2). proportional to the square-root of
the voltage. (3). proportional to the square of the voltage.

Q.282. The amount of current thru one-ohm resistor that has PD of 1 volt across it is known as: -(Grobs-
Ch3, P-86)

(1). One Ampere. (2). One volt. (3). One Ohm. (4). One Coulomb

Q.283. The amount of Potential difference thru one-ohm resistor when 1 ampere current passes thru it is
known as: - (Grobs-Ch3, P-86)

(1). One Ampere. (2). One volt. (3). One Ohm. (4). One Coulomb

Q.284. The amount of opposition in a resistor having ratio V/I = 1, allowing one ampere current thru it
when a PD of 1 volt is applied across it is known as: -(Grobs-Ch3, P-86)

(1). One Ampere. (2). One volt. (3). One Ohm. (4). One Coulomb

Q.285. The unit of work in terms of charge & current one Joule equal to: -(Grobs-Ch3, P-92)

(1). One Volt * Coulomb. (2). One watt * second. (3). One watt. (4). Both 1 & 2

Q.286. The total current in the main line in some parallel circuits: -(Grobs-Ch5, P-151)

(1). Equals the sum of the induvial branch. (2). applies to any number of parallel branches.
(3). Both 1 & 2. (4). Is equal & Applies to a series circuit only

Q.287. If the coil is grasped with fingers of the left hand curled around the coil in the direction of
Electron flow, the thumb points to: -(Grobs-Ch14, P-423)

(1). The south pole. (2). The North pole. (3). Conductor. (4). No action

Q.288. If the coil is grasped with fingers of the left hand curled around the coil in the direction of current
flow, the thumb points to: -(Grobs-Ch14, P-423)

(1). The south pole. (2). The North pole. (3). Conductor. (4). No action

Q.289. The amount of charge stored in a capacitor is proportional to: -(Grobs-Ch16, P-491)

(1). Capacitance. (2). Applied voltage. (3). Option 1 & Current. (4). Both 1 & 2

Q.290. The amount of charge or discharge current flows thru the: -(Grobs-Ch16, P-491)

(1). Conducting wires to the plates. (2). Option 1 & thru Dielectric. (3). Option 1 &
not thru the Dielectric. (4). No current flows at all

Q.291. The value of capacitance: -(Grobs-Ch16, P-493)

(1). Increases with increase in plate area. (2). Option 1 & Increases with increase in thickness
of dielectric. (3). Option 1 & decreases with increase in Dielectric thickness. (4). AOA

Q.292. The Dielectric strength of a dielectric is the: -(Grobs-Ch16, P-495)

(1). Ability of dielectric to withstand the potential difference without arching across the insulator.
(2). Ability to breakdown a PD without arching. (3). Capacity to store charge. (4). NOA

Q.293. The Energy stored in the capacitor is proportional to the: -(Grobs-Ch16, P-511)

(1). Half the capacitance value. (2). Square of Voltage. (3). Option 1 & Square of
Current. (4). Both 1 & 2.

Q.294. The Dielectric absorption in the capacitor is the: -(Grobs-Ch16, P-514)

(1). Inability of capacitor to completely discharge to Zero. (2). Ability to charge capacitor to Full
value. (3). Ability to discharge it to zero. (4). Both 2 & 3.

Q.295. The capacitor is usually checked with --------- having --------range: -(Grobs-Ch16, P-516)

(1). Ohmmeter, Low Ohms. (2). Ohmmeter, High Mega Ohms. (3). Voltmeter, Low
volts. (4). Ammeter, Low current.

Q.296. Valence is the: -(Module-3-1.4)

(1). Number of Chemical bonds an atom can form. (2). Weight of atom to become valence.
(3). Number of total electrons in a atom. (4). AOA.

Q.297. Constant voltage charging method in Batteries: -(Module-3-5.6)

(1). Requires less time. (2). Less supervision. (3). Both 1 & 2. (4). Slow but safe

Q.298. Kirchhoff’s voltage law states that: -(Module-3-6.4)

(1). The algebraic sum of all voltages in a closed mesh is zero. (2). Option 1 & The sum of all
voltage drop is equal to total source voltage. (3). The algebraic sum of all current in a closed
mesh is zero. (4). The algebraic sum of outgoing current is equal to zero

Q.299. If the same size resistance is doubled in length, the current flow thru the same will be: -(Module-

(1). Reduced to four times. (2). Reduced to one half. (3). Increased to twice. (4).
Increased to one half.

Q.300. 1000 Mils is equal to: -(Module-3-7.5)

(1). 1 inch. (2). 1 cm. (3). 1 mm. (4). 0.25 inch.

Q.301. 1 Mil is equal to: -(Module-3-7.5)

(1). 0.74 mm. (2). 14 mm. (3). 0.0254 mm. (4). 0.54 mm.
Q.302. Energy is equal to: -(Module-3-8.4)

(1). Power multiplied by time. (2). Option 1 & its unit is watt second. (3Power divided
by time. (4). Option 2 & measured in Joules/second.

Q.303. In a capacitor the actual capacitance decreases with ------------dielectric and increases with ---------
dielectric: -(Module-3-9.3)

(1). Thick, Thin. (2). Thin, Thin. (3). Thick, thick. (4). Thin. Thick.

Q.304. Varactor is a: -(Module-3-9.6)

(1). Voltage variable capacitor. (2). Also known as capacitance diode. (3). Both 1 & 2.
(4). Variable rectifier.

Q.305. V: -(Module-3-9.7)

(1). Voltage variable capacitor. (2). Also known as capacitance diode. (3). Both 1 & 2.
(4). Variable rectifier.

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