ESAT Formula
ESAT Formula
Transmission line
Primary & secondary constants
Characteristic impedance
- Coaxial transmission line
- Two wire parallel t-Lines
Velocity factor
Length of a transmission line
- Electrical length
- Physical length
- Phase shift
Resonant transmission line
- Reflection coefficient
o Given the reflected V or I and the incident V OR I
o Given the Load and characteristic impedance
o Given the standing wave ratio
o Given the reflected and incident power
- Reflected power
- Standing wave ratio
o Given the max and min voltage or current
o Given the load and characteristic impedance
o Given the reflection coefficient
Transmission line impedance matching
- Quarter-wavelength transformer matching
o Characteristic impedance
o Behaviors
Delay lines
- Time delay
- Time delay if L & C are in given per unit length
Fiber optics
Numerical aperture
Acceptance angle
Apex angle / acceptance cone angle
Index of refraction
- Between 2 medium
- Given the relative permittivity
Optical fiber color scheme (EIA 598)
Total rise time
Cutoff wavelength
Typical power of injection laser diode
Wavelength of colors
- roygbiv
Microwave communication
Major section of a terminal station
Microwave frequency bands
- in decibel
Free space path loss / path attenuation between tx and rx
System gain
Separation between antenna in space diversity
Carrier to noise ratio
Noise factor & noise figure
- received power
- range & max range
- distance of radar to target
- ratio of power and range of two radars
Earth bulge
Effective earth’s radius factor
- surface refractivity
- true earth’s radius
- effective earth’s radius
Fresnel zone
- first Fresnel
- fourth Fresnel and above
- Fresnel clearance
- Fresnel ratio
Isotropic receive level (irl)
Received signal strength
Kepler’s law
- First law
- Second law / law of areas
- Third law / harmonic law
Satellite elevation categories
- Height
- Rotation period
- Frequency
- Advantages & disadvantages
Distance of the satellite from an earth station
- Radius of earth
- Height of a geostationary satellite
Time delay between between a satellite and earth station
Satellite velocity
Declination angle
Figure of merit
- Equivalent temperature
Digital communications
Digital modulation
- digital amplitude modulation
o logic 1
o logic 0
- frequency shift keying (FSK)
o mark and space frequency
o peak frequency deviation
o bandwidth & baud
- phase shift keying (PSK)
- binary psk (BPSK)
o bandwidth
o baud
o m-ary coding
o minimum bandwidth
o degree of separation of outputs
- quaternary psk (qpsk)
o degree of separation of outputs
- 8-psk
o Q / I bit
o Control bit
Logic 1
Logic 0
o degree of separation of outputs
- 16-psk
o Degree of separation of outputs
- 16 qam
o q/q’/i/I’ bits
- Differential phase shift keying (DPSK)
o Output of same level & different level inputs
o Primary logic gate in the circuit
- bandwidth efficiency
Digital transmission
- Pulse modulation
o Pulse width modulation (PWD or PDM)
o Pulse position modulation (PPM)
o Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)
o Pulse code modulation (PCM)
Sampling rate / nyquist criterion
Dynamic range
Linear pcm
Sign-magnitude pcm
Number of bits used given max and min value
Signal voltage-to-quantization noise voltage ratio
o Coding efficiency
o Relationship between the number of bits in pcm & dr
o Max quantization error
o Companding
µ-law companding
o max standard value
a-law companding
- delta modulation
- adaptive delta modulation
Line speed
Information capacity
- hartley’s law
- Shannon-hartley theorem
- Shannon’s limit for information capacity
Call second
- centum call seconds
- call-hour
- erlang
- traffic unit
Line encoding
- Unipolar return to zero
- Manchester transmission
- Unipolar non return to zero
- Bipolar non return to zero
- Alternate mark conversion
Carrier-to-noise ratio
Energy per bit
Noise power density
Energy per bit to noise power density
Minimum voltage dangerous to humans
Minimum current fatal to human
At&t fdm hierarchy
North American digital hierarchy