Predictive Intelligenc DW

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Demandware Center of Excellence

Predictive Intelligence:
Predictive Recommendations and
Predictive Email

Enablement Guide

Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       2  

Major  Revision  History  

Date   Description   Version   Author  
03/18/2016   Final   1.0   DWRE  


Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       3  

Table  of  Contents  

Major  Revision  History  ......................................................................................................................................  2  
1   Introduction  ....................................................................................................................................................  4  
2   Predictive  Merchandising:  Predictive  Recommendation  ...............................................................  4  
2.1   QuickStart  ................................................................................................................................................................  6  
2.2   Data  Enablement  .................................................................................................................................................  11  
2.2.1   Data  Feeds  ...........................................................................................................................................................................  11  
2.3   Machine  Learning  Process  ...............................................................................................................................  17  
2.4   Content  Rendering  .............................................................................................................................................  17  
2.4.1   Content  Type  ......................................................................................................................................................................  17  
2.4.2   Recommendation  Rule  ...................................................................................................................................................  18  
2.4.3   Slot  Rendering  Template  ...............................................................................................................................................  19  
2.4.4   Chrome  Browser  Extension  .........................................................................................................................................  20  
2.5   Best  Practices  and  Design  Considerations  .................................................................................................  22  
2.5.1   Placement  of  the  Recommendation  Slots  [New  Sites]  .....................................................................................  23  
2.5.2   Visual  Design  of  the  Slots  ..............................................................................................................................................  24  
3   Predictive  Email  ..........................................................................................................................................  26  
3.1   How  Predictive  Email  works  ...........................................................................................................................  29  
3.1.1   Implementing  Predictive  Email  ..................................................................................................................................  29  
3.2   Predictive  Email  Best  Practices  and  Recommendations  .......................................................................  31  
3.2.1   Image  Options  ....................................................................................................................................................................  31  
3.2.2   Captions  ................................................................................................................................................................................  31  
3.2.3   Business  Rules  ...................................................................................................................................................................  31  
4   Glossary  ..........................................................................................................................................................  33  

Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       4  

1 Introduction  
Predictive  Intelligence  (PI)  is  a  Demandware  technology  offering,  which  provides  personalized  product  
recommendations  to  the  Digital  Center  (DC)  storefront  and  for  merchant  targeted  emails.  The  PI  engine  
consumes  customer  order  history,  product  catalog  information,  and  click  stream  data  as  input  and  
applies  machine  learning  algorithms  that  result  in  dynamic  recommendations  for  shoppers.    These  
recommendations  are  augmented  by  custom  configured  rules  setup  by  merchants.  PI  includes  the  
following  key  functions.  

Predictive  Merchandising  (web)    

Display  personalized  product  recommendations  on  the  web  storefront.  
• These  recommendations  can  be  configured  by  applying  custom  rules  to  suit  a  merchant’s  sales  
• It  leverages  Demandware  Content  Slot  functionality  to  display  dynamic  recommendations  on  the  

Predictive  Email  
Predictive  Email  personalizes  a  merchant’s  email  campaign  with  recommended  products.  
• Predictive  Email  recommendations  easily  integrate  into  the  merchant’s  email  campaign’s  HTML  

2 Predictive  Merchandising:  Predictive  Recommendation    

Here  is  a  summary  of  the  predictive  recommendation  process.    

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Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       6  

2.1 QuickStart  
The  following  instructions  provide  a  quickstart  for  the  developer  to  enable  predictive  
recommendations  in  a  SiteGenesis  implementation.  For  demonstration  purposes,  it  uses  the  

Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       7  

“recently–viewed”  recommender  rule.  This  recommender  rule  is  configured  to  serve  the  most  recently  
viewed  products.    

• Data  enablement  for  the  PI  engine  has  been  completed.    
• Demandware  DII  team  has  turned  on  the  PI  recommendations  services  for  the  configured  site.  
• Recommender  rule  for  “recently–viewed”  is  listed  in  the  slot  content  in  Business  Manager  in  the  
recommender  property  dropdown.  

Basic  Steps  
1. Place  the  recommendation  slots  on  your  storefront’s  PDP  template.  The  location  of  this  template  in  
the  SiteGenesis  reference  app:  

• The  slot  must  be  given  a  unique  ID  that  identifies  the  slot  in  Business  Manager.    See  ISSLOT  “pdp-­‐
recommendation”  setup  in  this  sample  PDP  template  source  code.  
• Ensure  the  context  attribute  is  set  appropriately  with  values:  global  or  category.  Note:  The  
context  value  global  in  the  slot  configured  above  
• Ensure  that  for  anchor-­‐based  slots,  a  reference  to  the  anchor  products  id  is  set  as  part  of  the  
context-­‐object  attribute.  
The  following  are  examples  of  an  anchor  based  slot  tag  placed  on  a  page  template  that  would  render  
a  recommendation  slot.    

Slot  with  a  Product  Anchor  

<isslot  id="testslotid"  context="global"  context-­‐object="${pdict.Product.variant?  
pdict.Product.masterProduct  :  pdict.Product}”/>  

Slot  with  a  Category  Anchor  

<isslot  id="cat-­‐banner"  context="category"  context-­‐object="${pdict.ProductSearchResult.category}"  

2. Design  and  develop  a  slot  rendering  template  to  render  the  recommended  products.  

Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       8  

The  following  example  rendering  template  can  be  used  to  serve  product  recommendations.  
SiteGenesis  contains  an  out-­‐of-­‐the  box  template  to  render  the  slot  content  for  recommendations.    
This  template  can  be  used  as  a  starting  point.    
Note:  Additional  coding  is  required  for  complex  controls  like  sliders,  carousels  etc.  Ensure  that  any  
additional  JavaScript  code  gets  placed  inside  the  template.  
Template  Location:      

3. Ensure  the  sub  pipeline  (Product-­‐HitTile)  is  available  in  the  product  pipeline.  Note:  Older  releases  of  
the  SiteGenesis  reference  cartridge  may  not  have  this  to  support  the  include  in  the  code  from  the  
previous  step.  

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4. If  applicable,  copy  the  new  slot  template  to  the  following  folder:  
5. In  Business  Manager  (Merchant  Tools  >  Online  Marketing  >  Content  Slots),  in  the  Slot  Content  
section  configure  the  content  slot  using  the  following  properties:    
• Content  Type:  Recommendation  
• Recommender:  recently-­‐viewed(Shopper,Recently-­‐Viewed)  
• Template:  Select  the  applicable  rendering  template.  

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NOTE:  If  the  recommender  rules  are  visible  in  Business  Manager,  it  is  a  good  indicator  that  the  configuration  
between  the  Demandware  Storefront  and  PI  engine  is  working,  as  the  rules  (configured  at  the  PI  configurator)  
are  pulled  into  the  dropdown  menu  as  shown  in  the  next  step.  
6. On  the  SiteGenesis  storefront,  visit  several  of  product  pages.  The  recently  viewed  products  will  
display  below  the  product  details  section  in  the  product  detail  page,  as  shown.  

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2.2 Data  Enablement    

Data  capture  process  involves  setting  up  data  feeds  to  capture  the  product  catalog  and  customer  order  
history,  along  with  dynamically  collected  click  stream  data.  This  data  is  ingested  by  the  PI  engine  where  
machine  learning  algorithms  process  the  data.  The  Site  Administrator  enables  the  data  feeds,  by  
configuring  them  in  Business  Manager  for  the  Production  instance.    

2.2.1 Data  Feeds  

The  following  Business  Manager  configuration  shows  the  site  level  configuration  for  each  of  the  PI  data  
feeds  that  are  essential  in  producing  dynamic  product  recommendations.  Data  from  these  feeds  are  
used  for  all  Predictive  Intelligence  product  features.  

Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       12  

Here  is  a  high  level  overview  of  the  data  flow  between  various  systems  from  Demandware  storefront  
perspective. Product  Catalog  Feed  

Product  catalog  data  is  transmitted  nightly.    As  part  of  the  integration,  a  nightly  job  runs  and  exports  key  
product  attributes  to  Demandware  PI  engine.  This  information  is  used  to  train  the  machine  learning  
algorithms  and  is  fed  into  the  PI  configurator.    
The  Product  Catalog  feed  includes  the  following  attributes:  

Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       13  

Output  Field Description  

STYLE_COLOR_KEY There  is  no  built-­‐in  color  concept  in  Demandware,  but  you  can  use  either  the  variation  attribute  
  or  custom  attribute  to  specify  color.  For  example,  in  SiteGenesis  the  variation  attribute  color  is  
used  to  represent  color  for  clothing.  While  in  another  website,  it  is  possible  that  clr  (or  some  
other  attribute)  is  used.  Note:  The  color  attribute  doesn't  always  exist.  For  example  there  is  no  
color  attribute  for  electronics  in  SiteGenesis.    
The  input  attribute  ID  is  first  used  to  check  variation  attribute,  if  not  satisfied  then  it  checks  the  
custom  attribute.  The  retrieved  value,  whether  exist  or  not,  is  used  as  STYLE_COLOR_KEY.  
STYLE_KEY   Variation  product:  SKU  for  the  variation  master.    
Other:  SKU  of  this  product.    
PRODUCT_TYPE   The  category  path  for  the  primary  (navigation)  category.      
If  a  localized  display  name  exists,  it  is  used  in  the  path.  Otherwise  it  uses  category  ID.  
CATEGORY_NAME   The  classification  category.  This  is  a  leaf  category  only.  Classification  category  can  belong  to  a  
  catalog  not  assigned  to  the  current  site.  This  classification  category  might  not  exist  in  the  
category  feed  If  a  localized  display  name  exists;  it  is  used  for  the  classification  category.  
Otherwise  category  ID  is  used.    
Note:  A  variation  product  is  not  typically  assigned  to  a  category.  In  such  a  case,  its  master  
product  is  used  to  compute  the  classification  category.  
PARENT_CATEGORIES     A  product  can  be  assigned  to  multiple  categories  in  a  site  catalog.  A  tilde-­‐separated  value  (  ~)    
represents  all  categories  for  the  product.  If  a  variation  product  is  not  assigned  to  the  site  
catalog,  its  master  product  is  used  for  the  computation.  
PRODUCT_NAME   Localized  product  name.  Note:  A  variation  product  might  not  have  a  product  name.  Instead,  its  
master  product  is  used  to  compute  the  product  name.  
BRAND     Product  brand.  
CURRENT_PRICE   Unit  price  for  the  default  site  currency.  
IMAGE_URL   Image  URL  for  the  specified  image  view  type  (for  example  large,  medium,  small,  etc.)  
ECOM_PRODUCT_TYPE     Comma  separated  product  types  (variation  master,  variation,  product  set,  bundle,  etc).  Product  
  type  code  is  defined  in  com.demandware.beehive.xcs.capi.product.ProductConstants  

PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION   Localized  short  description  (if  it  exists)  otherwise  it  is  the  localized  long  description.  Tabs  and  
  new  lines  will  be  escaped  with  spaces.    
Note:  A  variation  product  might  not  have  a  description.  In  such  a  case,  its  master  product  is  
used  to  compute  the  description.  

CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE1   The  variation  attribute  or  custom  attribute  representing  specified  attribute  id.  The  attribute  id  
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE2   is  first  used  to  check  variation  attribute,  if  not  satisfied  then  custom  attribute.  
To  configure  the  Catalog  Feed  for  PI  

Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       14  

1. In  Business  Manager,  select  Navigate  to  Administration  >  Operations  >  Predictive  Intelligence  
Configurations  >  Catalog  Feeds.  
2. Enable  the  job.  
3. Schedule  it  to  run  once  daily  during  off-­‐peak  hours  after  the  regular  catalog  replications  for  the  day.  
4. Set  job  schedule  to  start  time.    
5. Update  the  host  and  image  type  fields. Order  History  Feed  
A  nightly  batch  job  transmits  order  history  data  to  the  PI  engine.  This  information  is  used  to  train  the  
machine  learning  algorithms  and  is  also  used  for  reporting.    
Some  Demandware  customers  may  need  to  send  order  history  data  to  the  PI  engine  from  outside  the  
Demandware  environment  for  two  possible  reasons:    
• Customers  with  retail  stores  want  the  PI  engine  to  utilize  transaction  data  from  the  stores.    
• Customers  who  are  not  live  on  the  Demandware  platform  may  want  to  go-­‐live  with  good  
recommendations.  To  accomplish  this,  they  need  to  send  order  history  data  from  their  internal  or  
legacy  systems.  
To  accommodate  this  need,  the  merchant  must  create  a  feed  that  meets  the  following  specification  to  
load  the  data  into  the  PI  engine.    

File  Metadata    
File  Characteristic     Value    

Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       15  

File  Name  Format     Non_DW_YYYYMMDD.order.tsv.gz    

Frequency     For  Store  Orders:  Daily  For  Pre-­‐Demandware  Order  History:  One-­‐time    
Incremental  or  Full  Replace     For  Store  Orders:  Incremental  For  Pre-­‐Demandware  Order  History:  Full    
File  Character  Set  (i.e.,  ASCII,  EBCDIC,  UTF-­‐ ASCII    
File  Type  (Fixed  or  Delimited)     Delimited    
Header  Record  (Number  of  Header   1  
Field  Delimiter  (Comma,  Pipe,  Tab  etc.)     Tab    
End  of  Record  Character  (CR,  CRNL  etc.)     Carriage  Return\New  Line    
Text  Encase  Character  (i.e.  Double  Quote)     No    
Control  File  (Yes  or  No)     No    
Unique  Record  Identifier(s)     TRANSACTION_KEY,  PRODUCT_KEY    

Data  Records    
Field   Field  Name     Data  Type     Max   Required     Details  
Number     Length    
1   TRANSACTION_KEY     String       Y     For  Store  orders,  this  can  be  Store  +  
Trans  Date  +  Register  +  Trans  Num    
2   TRANSACTION_DATE     datetime   8   Y     YYYYMMDD    
3   * String         See  important  notes  
4   *   String       Y     See  important  notes  
5   * String       Y     See  important  notes  
6   **   String       Y     SKU-­‐level  product  identifier    
7   **   String       Y     If  the  line-­‐item  is  a  simple  product,  this  
a  copy  of  field  #6    
If  the  line-­‐item  is  a  variant  of  a  master  
product,  this  should  be  the  
PRODUCT_KEY  of  the  master  product    
8   NET_SALES_UNITS     Number       N      
9   NET_SALES_AMT     Number       N      
10   GROSS_SALES_AMT     Number       N      
11   RETURN_FLAG     String     1   N     0-­‐1  binary  flag    

*  At  least  one  of  these  three  fields  must  be  populated.  Wherever  possible,  please  include  email  
addresses.  Please  exclude  anonymous  transactions  from  the  feed.  

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**  These  keys  MUST  match  the  product  keys  in  the  merchant’s  Demandware  catalog.  
Configure  the  feed:    
In  Business  Manager,  select  Administration  >  Operations  !  Predictive  Intelligence  Configurations  !  
Order  Feeds.  
Enable  two  jobs  in  two  days,  based  on  the  order  history  scenario:    
1. Run  one-­‐time  export  of  order  history  (Day  1).    
2. After  a  successful  (one  time)  historical  export,  schedule  the  order  feed  to  run  once  daily  during  off-­‐
peak  hours  (Day  2).  Recommendation:    set    the  Max  Order  Value  to  10,000  
                          Clickstream  Data  
Click  stream  data  gets  transmitted  to  Demandware  PI  engine  using  real-­‐time  click  tracking.  It  tracks  
relevant  visitor  activities  on  a  merchant’s  storefront  using  a  specialized  page-­‐tagging  library.  
Demandware  automatically  injects  these  supported  tags  into  pages  of  merchant’s  storefront.  
• Product  View  -­‐  logs  viewProduct  event  whenever  a  user  views  a  product.  
• Add  To  Cart  –  logs  addToCart  even  whenever  a  user  adds  a  product  to  their  cart.  
• Finish  Checkout  –  logs  finishCheckout  even  whenever  a  user  completes  checkout.  
• View  Recommendation  –  logs  viewReco  event  whenever  a  user  views  a  recommendation  

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• Click  Recommendation  –  logs  clickReco  event  whenever  a  user  clicks  on  a  recommended  product  

2.3 Machine  Learning  Process  

After  completing  the  data  enablement  setup,  submit  a  request  through  the  merchant’s  Demandware  
Customer  Success  Manager  (CSM)  to  enable  the  Machine  Learning  process.    It  requires  a  warming  period  
to  enable  the  PI  engine  to  familiarize  itself  with  customer  behavior  and  order  decisions.      

For  existing  customers,  allow  5-­‐7  business  days  for  the  setup  and  validation  process.  For  a  new  
customer,  it  can  take  up  to  one  month  of  continuous  feeds  to  generate  relevant  product  
recommendations.  The  PI  engine  also  processes  the  click  stream  data.  

2.4 Content  Rendering    

Content  Rendering  is  the  display  of  dynamic  recommendations  generated  by  the  PI  engine.  Once  the  
machine  learning  process  has  analyzed  all  the  data  provided,  it  is  ready  to  start  serving  the  dynamic  
recommendations  on  the  targeted  storefront  pages  via  the  recommendation  type  content  slots.  To  
generate  product  recommendations,  a  developer  needs  to  create  a  recommendation  content  slot-­‐
rendering  template.    This  example  shows  a  product  recommendation  slot  on  the  Product  Detail  Page  

To  create  a  content  slot,  first  use  the  <isslot>  tag  on  a  page  template  that  would  render  a  slot.  The  slot  
must  have  a  unique  ID  that  will  identify  the  slot  in  Business  Manager.  If  this  content  slot  is  used  to  
render  anchor  based  recommendations  (such  as  recommendations  shown  on  a  product  detail  page  or  a  
category-­‐landing  page),  you  must  include  a  reference  to  the  anchor  products  ID  as  part  of  the  context-­‐
object  attribute.    

2.4.1 Content  Type  

After  placing  the  slot  tag  in  the  relevant  page,  configure  the  content  slot  in  Business  Manager.  


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2.4.2 Recommendation  Rule  

A  predefined  recommendation  type  such  as:  Products  in  all  Categories,  Recently  Viewed,  and  Product  to  
Product  as  well  as  merchant  defined  recommendations  based  on  their  specific  recommendation  

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These  rules  are  called  Recommenders.  There  are  some  of  the  pre-­‐defined  recommender  rules:    
• Products  in  Category  
• Products  in  all  Categories  
• Recently  Viewed  
• Product  to  Product  

2.4.3 Slot  Rendering  Template  

A  slot  rendering  template  (product_1x4_recomm.isml)  for  recommendations  is  provided  in  the  
reference  SiteGenesis  Cartridge  in:  /templates/default/slots/recommendations/      
Developers  can  use  this  template  as  a  reference:  

You  can  also  create  a  custom  recommendation  slot  rendering  template  (depending  upon  the  merchant’s  
business  requirements:  and  copy  it  to  the  /templates/default/slots/recommendation/  folder.    

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Static  M anual  Recommendations  

Dynamic  P redictive  Recommendations  

2.4.4 Chrome  Browser  Extension  
You  can  validate  and  troubleshoot  the  triggered  click  stream  activities  like  clickReco,  viewReco  and  
viewProduct,  by  adding  an  extension  to  the  Chrome  browser.  Use  the  steps  outlined  here:­‐30959  

Activities  Tab  viewProduct  tracking  code  on  the  PDP  page  

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Activities  Tab  viewReco  tracking  code  on  the  PDP  page  

Activities  Tab  clickReco  tracking  code  after  clicking  a  recommended  item  from  the  slot.  

Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       22  

Recommendations  tab  will  show  the  recommender  rule  recently-­‐viewed  used  for  this  slot.  

2.5 Best  Practices  and  Design  Considerations    

Best  Practices  for  implementation  of  the  dynamic  recommendation  slots  on  the  storefront  can  be  
categorized  into  following  sections:  -­‐  

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2.5.1  Placement  of  the  Recommendation  Slots  [New  Sites]  

• While  waiting  through  the  warming  period,  merchants  have  the  following  options  for  the  
recommendation  slots  as  a  substitute  for  the  template  slot  placement.  
o Develop  recommendations  type  content  slot(s)  in  supported  locations  (PDP,  Category  Grid,  and  
global  footer)  and  deactivate  these  recommendation  slots  during  the  warming  period.    Once  the  
‘warming’  period  has  elapsed,  predictive  recommendation  will  start  rendering  recommended  
products  after  activating  the  recommendation  slots.  
• Having  one  very  effective  recommendation  slot  on  a  page  can  be  more  impactful  than  four  less  
effective  recommendation  slots  on  a  page  all  pushing  different  products.  
• There  are  different  pages  where  recommendations  can  be  placed  on  your  site.  As  part  of  your  
business  and  design  strategy,  start  with  an  initial  page(s)  and  build  additional  slots  in  later  phases.  
o Employ  a  testing  strategy  to  assess  not  just  which  recommendations  perform  better  but  what  
renderings  perform  better.  
o Leverage  that  AB  test  cycles  to  collect  insights  and  then  build  into  future  designs  placement  on  
other  pages.  
• When  you  first  rollout  recommendations,  phase  your  implementation:  

Phase  1  
• Product  Detail  –  Create  one  global  content  slot  below  the  products  core  calls  to  action  (This  is  
client  specific).  
• Footer  –  Create  a  global  footer  slot.  This  could  also  be  used  later  for  recently  purchased  or  
replenishment  recommendations.  
• Let  these  locations  run  for  a  period  of  time  before  making  any  adjustments.  
Phase  2  
• Begin  to  create  your  own  recommendation  rules.  
• Category  Grid  –  Create  1  global  content  slot  at  the  top  of  the  page  (Client  specific  strategy  on  
what  push  to  that  zone).  
• Recommender  types  are  dependent  upon  the  slot’s  page  context.  Target  a  couple  placements  and  
recommendation  types  as  shown.    
ISSlot   Product-­‐to-­‐ Products-­‐in-­‐ Recently-­‐viewed  (No  Isslot  
Storefront  Page   categories  (No  Isslot  
Context   product   a-­‐category   Required)  
Global   Homepage           x   X  
Global   Category  Landing  Page       x       X  
Category  Landing  Page       x       X  

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Global   PDP   X           X  
Global   Cart   X           X  
Global   Wishlist   X           X  
Global   Checkout   X           X  
Global   My  Account           x   X  
Global   My  Recommendations           x   X  
Global   404  Error           x   X  

2.5.2 Visual  Design  of  the  Slots  

You  have  branding  control  over  how  the  recommendations  look  and  behave.  The  following  is  suggested:    
• Focus  on  how  to  style  these  renderings  across  pages  (horizontal/vertical,  scroller/static,  3/4/5  across  
or  other  styling  considerations).
o Maintain  consistency  if  possible  to  reduce  development  work  from  creating  multiple  rendering  
templates.  If  you  can  create  one  rendering  template  (4  across,  includes  image,  price,  description)  
and  use  it  across  all  pages  so  only  one  rendering  is  needed.    
o Include  the  JavaScript  controls  (e.g,  carousels,  sliders,  etc.)  inside  the  slot  rendering  templates  to  
execute  the  script  after  the  content  slot  renders  on  the  page.  
• Visually  distinguish  the  recommended  products  from  other  images  on  the  page  (e.g.  alternate  
 images  for  the  anchor  product  on  the  PDP  page,  or  listed  items  in  the  regular  category  grid).      
• Build  your  designs  to  accommodate  for  treatment  across  devices.  Don’t  account  only  for  visual  
rendering  on  each  device,  also  consider:  
o Behavior  of  the  slot  itself  (removed  from  page,  stacking  elements  or  hiding  certain  elements).    
o Behavior  of  the  product  tile  (if  you  drive  to  lightbox  on  desktop,  what  is  that  behavior  on  mobile).    
• On  grid  pages  and  cart  pages,  keep  the  user  in  their  experience;  the  preferred  treatment  is  
quickview/lightbox/modal  vs.  driving  them  to  the  actual  product  detail  page.    
• Create  visual  separation  on  any  page  to  highlight  these  zones  are  unique/different  from  other  
elements  on  the  page.      
o On  a  grid  page,  do  not  blend  products  merchandised  on  that  grid  and  the  recommendations  slot  
so  they  all  look  like  products  merchandised  on  the  page.    
o On  a  PDP  page,  do  not  place  recommendations  under  the  product  image  where  a  user  may  think  
it’s  an  alternative  images  rather  than  personalized  recommendations  which  is  what  they  are.    
• Keep  slot  zones  simplistic  simplistic  (Name,  Price,  Promotion,  Reviews  and  Image).  Avoid  pulling  in  
different  page  logic  and  numerous  attributes.  This  should  coincide  with  the  page  logic  on  your  
existing  grid,  try  to  maintain  the  same  grid  tile  treatment.      

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• Avoid  using  long  scrollers  (or  carousels).  Recommendations  are  not  intended  to  drive  users  out  of  
their  existing  experience  and  elongates  the  purchase  path  unnecessarily.  Three  to  four  products  in  a  
recommendation  are  sufficient.    

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3 Predictive  Email  
Predictive  Email  personalizes  merchant’s  campaign  emails  with  relevant  products.  It  leverages  the  PI  
Engine  to  combine  order  data,  catalog  data,  and  click  stream  data  to  dynamically  determine  and  
promote  personalized  products  to  shoppers.  


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Enablement  Process:  


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3.1 How  Predictive  Email  works  

3.1.1 Implementing  Predictive  Email    
1. Complete  the  data  enablement  process  as  discussed  in  predictive  recommendation  section.  
2. Communicate  the  attributes  to  use  in  the  captions,  image  size,  and  template  comps  to  the  
Demandware  Data  Intelligence  Strategist.    
3. Have  your  IT  team  create  a  CNAME  entry  for  that  maps  to  
4. To  enable  email  pixel  tracking  and  click  through  activity,  add  the  HTML  tag  to  all  the  email  templates  
in  the  following  format.    

5. Insert  product  recommendations  in  to  the  email  template:  

Composition  of  the  email  Recommendations  URL  (which  needs  to  be  added  to  the  email  Template)  

6. Add  the  HTML  in  a  tabular  format  in  the  email  template  generates  the  recommendations  in  a  grid  
format.  Below  is  a  sample  HTML  to  implement  the  recommendations  in  Email.  

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Email  Recommendations  HTML  Sample  


When  this  code  is  inserted  in  the  email  template,  it  creates  the  recommendation  slot  as  shown:  

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3.2 Predictive  Email  Best  Practices  and  Recommendations  

3.2.1 Image  Options  
Images  used  in  email  recommendations  are  the  same  images  used  on  merchant’s  Demandware  
storefront.  The  URLs  are  captured  in  the  product  catalog  feed  scheduled  for  all  Demandware  Predictive  
Intelligence  products.  There  are  two  distinct  cases  that  require  slightly  different  configurations.  
Case  #1:  Pre-­‐Sized,  Static  Images  
When  using  Demandware  as  the  image  provider,  you  must  define  an  image  view  type  for  the  feed.  The  
image  can  be  sized  in  the  template  as  well,  but  some  email  clients  do  not  support  html/css  scaling  (e.g.  
Outlook).  Instead,  choose  the  size  that  gets  populated  to  your  category  grid  and  configure  the  email  
template  accordingly.  
Case  #2:  Demandware  Dynamic  Imaging  Service  (DIS)  
While  DIS  dynamically  resizes  images,  the  catalog  feed  requires  including  the  definition  of  the  image  
view  type  (often  hires,  hi-­‐res,  or  large).  The  email  recommendations  leverage  the  same  dimensions  as  
your  product  grid  images.  

3.2.2 Captions  
Captions  make  up  the  text  information  of  your  email  recommendations.  This  ensures  a  consistent  
experience  for  customers  and  leverages  existing  catalog  product  attributes  such  as:    
• Brand  
• Product  Name  
• Price  
Styling  and  Font  Sizes  are  configurable.  

3.2.3 Business  Rules  

Demandware  predictive  email  recommendations  require  no  segmentation.  As  long  as  the  user  opening  
the  email  has  either:  

• Purchased  a  product  in  the  last  two  years    

• Clicked  through  on  an  email  with  the  email-­‐tracking  pixel  in  place  
They  will  be  served  with  a  personalized  recommendation.    

Segmentation  is  not  required  and  if  attempted  will  hinder  the  performance  and  revenue  generation  of  
the  predictive  email  recommendations.    

Best  Practices  and  Examples  

The  predictive  engine  performs  best,  when  the  recommendations  generated  are  not  manipulated  
through  different  rules.  However,  there  can  be  certain  products  that  you  do  not  want  to  display  as  a  
Predictive  Merchandising  and  Predictive  Email  Enablement  Guide       32  

Rule  Set  #1:    

• Hide  products  with  price  <  $XX.XX    

• Set  a  price  threshold  and  let  the  algorithm  take  over.    
Rule  Set  #2:  

• Hide  products  with  price  <  $XX.XX  OR    

• Products  Brand  =  BrandX    

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4 Glossary  
Term   Definition  
Predictive   Digital  Center  functionality  that  provides  personalized  and  dynamic  product  
Intelligence  (PI)   recommendations  
Predictive   PI  engine  based  feature  that  serves  product  recommendations  to  Store  front  
Predictive  Email   PI  engine  based  feature  that  personalizes  email  messages  to  promote  products,  
offers  and  content.    
Predictive   Personalized  products  recommendations  served  by  PI  Engine  
PI  Engine   Internal  service  that  analyzes  the  order,  catalog  and  click  stream  activity  data.  
PI  Configurator   Online  tool  that  enables  the  Merchant  to  configure  rules  on  top  of  the  Predictive  
Engine  by  publishing  recommenders  available  for  insertion  into  the  
Recommendation  content  slot  type  
viewProduct   Event  whenever  a  user  views  a  product  
viewReco   Event  whenever  a  user  views  a  recommendation  
clickReco   Event  whenever  a  user  clicks  a  recommendation  product  tile  
finishCheckout     Event  when  a  user  completes  a  checkout  
addToCart   Event  when  user  adds  a  product  to  their  cart  
anonymous   Transactions  by  an  un-­‐registered  customer  
warming  Period   Waiting  Period  during  data  enablement  process  before  the  PI  product  
recommendations  are  turned  on  served  to  storefront  
DII   Data  Intelligence  and  Insights  
Product-­‐to-­‐product   Customizable  recommender  type  that  given  a  product,  recommends  
similar/related  affinity  products.  References  Product  Anchor  on  page.  
Products-­‐in-­‐a-­‐ Customizable  recommender  type  that  given  a  category,  recommends  products  
category   from  within  that  category.  References  a  Category  Anchor  on  page.  
Products-­‐in-­‐all-­‐ Customizable  recommender  type  that  recommends  products  from  across  all  
categories   categories.  No  Anchor  Required  
Recently-­‐viewed   Customizable  recommender  type  that  shows  products  recently  viewed  by  the  
shopper.  No  Anchor  Required  
Deep  affinity   Recommender  strategy  that  uses  model-­‐generated  affinity  recommendations  
algorithm   (batch)  
Customers  who   Recommender  strategy  that  leverages  view  to  view  correlations  

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viewed  also  viewed  

Customers  who   Recommender  strategy  that  uses  view  to  buy  correlations  
viewed  ultimately  
Customers  who   Recommender  strategy  that  uses  buy  to  buy  correlations  
bought  also  bought  
Recent  most-­‐ Recommender  strategy  that  uses  most  viewed  products  (either  within  a  category  
viewed  products   if  category  is  specified,  or  from  all  categories  if  category  not  specified)  
Recent  top-­‐selling   Recommender  strategy  that  uses  top-­‐revenue  products  (either  within  a  category  
products   if  category  is  specified,  or  from  all  categories  if  category  not  specified)  
Recent  most-­‐carted   Recommender  strategy  that  uses  most  carted  products  (either  within  a  category  
products   if  category  is  specified,  or  from  all  categories  if  category  not  specified)  
Picked  for  you   Recommender  strategy  that  uses  click  stream  correlation  and  category  filtering  
Promote   Boost  that  brings  items  to  the  top  of  the  list  of  recommended  products.    
Weighted  evenly  with  all  other  promotions  /  demotions  in  Recommender  rules  
Demote   Pushes  items  to  the  bottom  of  the  list  of  recommended  products.    Weighted  
evenly  with  all  other  promotions  /  demotions  in  Recommender.  
Show   Hard  operator  that  generates  list  of  recommended  products  specific  to  rule.    
Hide   Hard  operator  that  excludes  products  specific  to  rule.    


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