Utility Cost Breakdown Thailand

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Water Rates for Regional Areas

Water Rates by User Types
Type 1 Type 2
Residence Commerce, Government Agency, State Enterprise, and
Water Volume Water rate (per cubic meter) Water Volume Water rate (per cubic meter)
(cubic meters) Baht US$ (cubic meters) Baht US$
0-30 8.50 0.27 0-10 9.50 0.31
(not less than 45 baht/US$1.41) (not less than 90 baht/ US$2.82)
31-40 10.03 0.31 11-20 10.70 0.33
41-50 10.35 0.32 21-30 10.95 0.34
51-60 10.68 0.33 31-40 13.21 0.41
61-70 11.00 0.34 41-50 13.54 0.42
71-80 11.33 0.35 51-60 13.86 0.43
81-90 12.50 0.39 61-80 14.19 0.44
91-100 12.82 0.40 81-100 14.51 0.45
101-120 13.15 0.41 101-120 14.84 0.46
121-160 13.47 0.42 121-160 15.16 0.47
161-200 13.80 0.43 161-200 15.49 0.48
over 200 14.45 0.45 over 200 15.81 0.49

MWA has been charged the untreated water at the rate of 0.15 baht/cubic meter to the Royal Irrigation Department.
Value Added Tax is not included.
Bulk sale:
Type 1 = 10.50 baht/cubic meter;
Type 2 = 13.00 baht/cubic meter
In case of low-income residence (more than 30 houses) that use less than 30 cubic meters per house they have a rate of 8.5 baht
per cubic meter.
Source: The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, as of April 2014: www.mwa.co.th

Electricity Tariffs
Schedule 1: Residential
(Applicable to household and other dwelling places, monasteries, house of priest, and churches of any religion, including its
compound through a single Watt-hour meter)
1.1 Normal Rate Energy Charge (per kWh) Service Charge

Baht US$ Baht/month US$/month

1.1.1 Consumption not exceeding 150 kWh per month 8.19 0.26

First 15 kWh (0 – 15th) 1.8632 0.06

Next 10 kWh (16th-25th) 2.5026 0.08
Next 10 kWh (26th-35th) 2.7549 0.09
Next 65 kWh (36th-100th) 3.1381 0.10
Next 50 kWh (101st-150th) 3.2315 0.10
Next 250 kWh (151st-400th) 3.7362 0.12
Over 400 kWh (401st and over) 3.9361 0.12
Customer, who classified under 1.1.1, will be received free electricity for that month if consumption not exceeding 50 kWh.

1.1.2 Consumption exceeding 150 kWh per month 38.22 1.19

First 150 kWh (0-150th) 2.7628 0.09

Next 250 kWh (151st-400th) 3.7362 0.12
Over 400 kWh (401 and over)
3.9361 0.12
1.2 Time of Use Rate (TOU) Peak Off Peak Service Charge
(per kWh) (per kWh)
Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht/month US$/month
1.2.1 At voltage level 22-33 kV 4.5827 0.14 2.1495 0.07 312.24 9.76
1.2.2 At voltage level less than 22 kV 5.2674 0.16 2.1827 0.07 38.22 1.19

1. Customer with installed meter less than 5 Amp, 200 V., 1 phase, 2 Wires, is classified under 1.1.1. However, if monthly consumption is over
150 kWh for 3 consecutive months, the customer will be reclassified under 1.1.2 in the following month; and if monthly consumption is
not over 150 kWh for 3 consecutive months, the customer will be reclassified under 1.1.1 in the following month.
2. Customer with installed meter over 5 Amp, 220 V., 1 Phase, 2 Wires, is classified under 1.1.2.
3. As for tariff No. 1.2, if meter is installed on the low voltage side of customer’s transformer, another 2% must be added to energy
consumption in order to compensate for transformer losses.
4. Tariff No. 1.2 is an optional rate, and may switch back to Tariff No. 1.1 following a minimum use of 12 months. Moreover, the customer
is obligate to pay for any additional cost of installing and removing any equipment which required to the meter, and/or any cost by

Schedule 2: Small General Service

(Applicable to business, business with residential, industrial, government institutions, local authorities, state enterprises, embassies,
establishment related to foreign countries, or international organizations, etc., including its compound with a maximum 15-minute
integrated demand of less than 30 kW through a single Watt-hour meter)
Energy Charge (per kWh) Service Charge
2.1 Normal Rate
Baht US$ Baht/month US$/month
2.1.1 At voltage level 22-33 kV 3.4230 0.11 312.24 9.76
2.1.2 At voltage level less than 22 kV 46.16 1.44
First 150 kWh (0–150th) 2.7628 0.09
Next 250 kWh (151st–400th) 3.7362 0.12
Over 400 kWh (401st and over) 3.9361 0.12
Off Peak
Peak (per kWh) Service Charge
2.2 Time of Use Rate (TOU) (per kWh)
Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht/month US$/month
2.2.1 At voltage level 22-33 kV 4.5827 0.14 2.1495 0.07 312.24 9.76
2.2.2 At voltage level less than 22 kV 5.2674 0.16 2.1827 0.07 46.16 1.44

1. As for Tariff No. 2.2, if meter is installed on the low voltage side of customer’s transformer, another 2% must be added to energy
consumption in order to compensate for transformer losses.
2. Tariff No. 2.2 is an optional rate and may switch back to Tariff No. 2.1 following a minimum use of 12 months. Moreover, the customer is
obligated to pay for any additional cost of installing and removing any equipment required to meter, and/or any cost specified by PEA.
3. In any month, if the maximum 15-minute integrated demand is equal to or over 30 kW, the customer will be classified under Schedule
3-5 depending on the case.

Schedule 3: Medium General Service

(Applicable to business, industrial, government institutions, local authorities, state enterprises, embassies, establishment related to
foreign countries or international organizations, including its compound with a maximum 15-minute integrated demand of at least
30 kW but less than 1,000 kW, and average energy consumption in the last 3 consecutive months not exceeding 250,000 kWh per
month through a single demand meter)
Demand Charge Energy Charge Service Charge
3.1 Normal Rate (per kW) (per kWh) (per month)
Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$
3.1.1 At voltage level 69 kV and above 175.70 5.49 2.6506 0.08 312.24 9.76
3.1.2 At voltage level 22–33 kV 196.26 6.13 2.6880 0.08 312.24 9.76
3.1.3 At voltage level less than 22 kV 221.50 6.92 2.7160 0.08 312.24 9.76

Peak Off Peak

3.2 Time of Use Rate (TOU)* (per kWh) (per kWh)
Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$
3.2.1 At voltage level 69 kV and above 74.14 2.32 3.5982 0.11 2.1572 0.07 312.24 9.76
3.2.2 At voltage level 22–33 kV 132.93 4.15 3.6796 0.11 2.1760 0.07 312.24 9.76
3.2.3 At voltage level less than 22 kV 210.00 6.56 3.8254 0.12 2.2092 0.07 312.24 9.76

Minimum Charge: As for Schedule 3, the minimum charge shall not be lower than 70% of the maximum demand charge during the last 12
month period ending with the current month.
1. If meter is installed on the low voltage side of customer’s transformer, another 2% must be added to both demand and energy
consumption in order to compensate for transformer losses.
2. Tariff No. 3.2 must be applied for any customer who first qualified under Schedule 3 since October 2000.
3. Tariff No. 3.2 is an optional rate for customer who accepted as PEA’s customer before October 2000 and shall not be able to switch back
to Tariff No. 3.1. The customer is obligated to pay any additional cost of installing and removing any equipment required to meter, and/
or any cost specified by PEA.
4. In any month, if the maximum 15-minute integrated demand is less than 30 kW, this rate will still be applied. However, if such demand
has dropped below 30 kW for 12 consecutive months and still below 30 kW in the 13th month, the customer will be reclassified under
Tariff No. 2.1.

Schedule 4: Large General Service

(Applicable to business, industrial, government institutions, local authorities, state enterprises, embassies, establishment related to
foreign countries or international organizations, including its compound with a maximum 15-minute integrated demand of 30 kW and
over or average energy consumption in the last 3 consecutive months exceeding 250,000 kWh per month through a single demand
Service Charge
Demand Charge (per kW) Energy Charge (per month)
4.1 Time of Day Rate (TOD) (per kWh)
Peak Partial Off Peak
Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$
4.1.1 At voltage level 69 kV
224.30 7.01 29.91 0.93 0 0 2.6506 0.08 312.24 9.76
and above
4.1.2 At voltage level 22-33 kV 285.05 8.91 58.88 1.84 0 0 2.6880 0.08 312.24 9.76
4.1.3 At voltage level less than
332.71 10.40 68.22 2.13 0 0 2.7160 0.08 312.24 9.76
22 kV

Peak: 18.30 - 21.30 every day

Partial: 08.00 - 18.30 everyday (Demand charge is considered only the excess demand over peak recorded on peak period)
Off Peak: 21.30 - 08.00 every day

Demand Charge
Energy Charge (per kWh) Service Charge
(per kW)
4.2 Time of Use Rate (TOU) (per month)
Peak Peak Off Peak
Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$
4.2.1 At voltage level 69 kV and above 74.14 2.32 3.5982 0.11 2.1572 0.07 312.24 9.76
4.2.2 At voltage level 22-33 kV 132.93 4.15 3.6796 0.11 2.1760 0.07 312.24 9.76
4.2.3 At voltage level less than 22 kV 210.00 6.56 3.8254 0.12 2.2092 0.07 312.24 9.76

Minimum Charge: As for Schedule 4, the minimum charge shall not be lower than 70% of the maximum demand charge during the last 12
months period ending with the current month.
1. Tariff No. 4.2 must be applied for any customer who first qualified under Schedule 4 or time of use customers who accepted as PEA’s
customer before October 2000.
2. Tariff No. 4.2 is an optional rate for customer who accepted as PEA’s customer before October 2000 and shall not be able to switch back
to Tariff No. 4.1. The customer is obligated to pay for any additional cost of installing and removing any equipment required to meter,
and/or any cost specified by PEA.
3. In any month, if the maximum 15-minute integrated demand is less than 1,000 kW or monthly energy consumption not exceeding
250,000 kWh, this rate will still be applied. However, if such demand has dropped below 30 kW for 12 consecutive months and still below
30 kW in the 13th month, the customer will be reclassified under tariff No. 2.1 instead.
Schedule 5: Specific Business Service
(Applicable to hotels, guest houses, or other businesses providing lodging to customers, including its compound with a maximum
15-minute integrated demand of 30 kW and over through a single demand meter)
5.1 Time of Use Rate (TOU) Demand Charge Energy Charge Service Charge
(per kW) (per kWh) (per month)
Peak Peak Off Peak
Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$
5.1.1 At voltage level 69 kV and above 74.14 2.32 3.5982 0.11 2.1572 0.07 312.24 9.76
5.1.2 At voltage level 22–33 kV 132.93 4.15 3.6796 0.11 2.1760 0.07 312.24 9.76
5.1.3 At voltage level less than 22 kV 210.00 6.56 3.8254 0.12 2.2092 0.07 312.24 9.76
5.2 During the Installation of TOU Meter Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$

5.2.1 At voltage level 69 kV and above 220.56 6.89 2.6506 0.08 312.24 9.76
5.2.2 At voltage level 22–33 kV 256.07 8.00 2.6880 0.08 312.24 9.76
5.2.3 At voltage level less than 22 kV 276.64 8.65 2.7160 0.08 312.24 9.76

Minimum Charge: 70% of the maximum demand charge during the last 12-month period ending with the current month.
1. If meter is installed on the low voltage side of customer’s transformer, another 2% must be added to both total demand and energy
consumption in order to compensate for transformer losses.
2. Tariff No. 5.1 must be applied for any customer who first qualified under Schedule 5. In addition, Tariff No. 5.2 is temporarily used during
the installation of TOU meter.
3. In any month, if the maximum 15-minute integrated demand is less than 30 kW or monthly energy consumption not exceeding 250,000
kWh, this rate will still be applied. However, if such demand has dropped below 30 kW for 12 consecutive months and still below 30 kW in
the 13th month, the customer will be reclassified under Tariff No. 2.1 instead.

Schedule 6: Non-Profit Organization

(Applicable to non-government organizations that offering non-charge services through a single demand meter)
6.1 Normal Rate Energy Charge Service Charge
(per kWh) (per month)

US$ Baht US$

6.1.1 At voltage level 69 kV and above 2.9558 0.09 312.24 9.76
6.1.2 At voltage level 22–33 kV 3.1258 0.10 312.24 9.76
6.1.3 At voltage level less than 22 kV 20.00 0.63
First 10 kWh (0-10th) 2.3422 0.07
Over 10 kWh (11th and over) 3.4328 0.11
6.2 Time of Use Rate (TOU) Demand Charge Energy Charge Service Charge
(per kW) (per kWh) (per month)
Peak Peak Off Peak
Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$
6.2.1 At voltage level 69 kV and above 74.14 2.32 3.5982 0.11 2.1572 0.07 312.24 9.76
6.2.2 At voltage level 22–33 kV 132.93 4.15 3.6796 0.11 2.1760 0.07 312.24 9.76
6.2.3 At voltage level less than 22 kV 210.00 6.56 3.8254 0.12 2.2092 0.07 312.24 9.76

Minimum Charge: As for Tariff No. 6.2, the minimum charge shall not be lower than 70% of the maximum demand charge during the last
12-month period ending with the current month.
1. As for government institutions and local authorities, if average energy consumption in the last 3 consecutive months exceeding 250,000
kWh, customer will still be classified under Schedule 6 until electric bill of September 2012, Then, starting from electric bill of October
2012, customer will be reclassified under Schedule 2-4 depended on the case.
2. If meter is installed on the low voltage side of customer’s transformer, another 2% must be added to both demand and energy
consumption in order to compensate for transformer losses.
3. Tariff No. 6.2 is an optional rate and shall not be able to switch back to Tariff No. 6.1. The customer is obligated to pay for any additional
cost of installing and removing any equipment required to meter, and/or any cost specified by PEA.

Schedule 7: Agricultural Pumping

(Applicable to electricity consumption for the using of water pumps for agricultural purposes of government agricultural agencies,
officially recognized farmer group, agriculture co-operatives, through a single demand meter)

Monthly Rate
Energy Charge Service Charge
7.1 Normal Rate (per kWh) (per month)
US$ Baht US$
115.16 3.60
First 100 kWh (0-100th) 1.6033 0.05
Over 100 kWh (101st and over) 2.7549 0.09
Demand Charge Energy Charge
(per kW) (per kWh) Service Charge
7.2 Time of Use Rate (TOU) (per month)
Peak Peak Off Peak
Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$ Baht US$
7.2.1 At voltage level 22–33 kV 132.93 4.15 3.6531 0.11 2.1495 0.07 228.17 7.13
7.2.2 At voltage level less than 22 kV 210.00 6.56 3.7989 0.12 2.1827 0.07 228.17 7.13

Minimum Charge: As for Tariff No. 76.2, the minimum charge shall not be lower than 70% of the maximum demand charge during the last
12-month period ending with the current month.
1. If meter is installed on the low voltage side of customer’s transformer or PEA’s transformer (only in case of a lower voltage meter is
installed on the CT), another 2% must be added to both demand and energy consumption in order to compensate for transformer losses.
2. Tariff No. 7.2 is an optional rate and shall not be able to switch back to Tariff No. 7.1. The customer is obligated to pay for any additional
cost of installing and removing any equipment required to meter, and/or any cost specified by PEA.

Schedule 8: Temporary Service

(Applicable to temporary use for construction, temporary special events, and places without registration number including electricity
consumption which is not followed PEA’s Rules and Regulations, through a single Watt-hour meter.)
Baht/kWh US$/kWh

Energy Charge (at All Voltage Level) 6.3434 0.20

Note: Customer, who classified under this schedule, desires any alternative electricity usage or it is inspected by PEA that such electricity
consumption has been changed differently from above schedule, for instance, businesses, industrials, and households. When customer
reapplies for permanent consumption at PEA including electricity wiring, installed interior equipment which followed the PEA standard, and
pay for any additional fee according to PEA’s regulation, the customer will be reclassified under schedule 1-7 depended on the case.

Peak: 09:00 a.m.–10:00 pm Off-peak: 10:00 p.m.–09:00 a.m. Monday–Friday and Royal Ploughing Ceremony Day
Monday–Friday and Royal 00:00 a.m.-11:59 p.m. (24 hrs.) Saturday-Sunday, Labor Day, Public Holidays,
Ploughing Ceremony Day (except compensation holidays), and the Royal Ploughing Ceremony Day, if it falls
on Saturday or Sunday.

Conditions Related to Electricity Tariffs

1. For customer, who applicable to Schedule 3, 4, and 5 with a lagging power factor, the power factor charge 56.07 Baht/kVAR/month will
be added for each of maximum 15-minute reactive power (kVAR demand) exceeds 61.97% of maximum 15-minute active power (kW
demand). The fraction, which is less than 0.5 kVAR, is excised, and increased to 1 if equal or more than 0.5 kVAR.
2. The electricity tariffs exclude a Value Added Tax (VAT)
3. Monthly Electricity Charge is composed of above electricity tariffs, Fuel Adjustment Charge (Ft), and VAT

The above electricity tariffs are effective from 2012-2015

Source: Provincial Electricity Authority. For more information please contact Electricity, Business and Tariff Division. Phone: 02-590-9125
Website: www.pea.co.th, as of June 2014

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