Constraints in The Development of Aquaculture

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Constraints that might restrict the development of aquaculture

Environmental degradation and unwanted effect of climate change are some of the
constraints that might restrict the development of aquaculture in the world. There are many
development in the field of aquaculture and some deals with the intensification of aquaculture
to increase production and meet the growing demand. Aquaculture wastes are the hardest to
control. As system intensifies, more inputs are required. Some of these includes chemicals,
hormones, and drugs are added to the water which are discharge into the rivers and lakes, and
further to the ocean. These compounds may pose risk on the organisms living on the water
and to the body of water itself. It may also alter the natural occurring system on the
environment. For example, high concentrations of antibiotic oxytetracycline and florfenicol,
both active against Furunculosis in salmon, inhibit growth of the wild algae Tetraselmis chuii,
an important food source for other marine organisms (Ferreira et al., 2007). Organic waste
can also negatively affect benthic (seafloor) ecosystems in the local vicinity of the farm,
causing ecological impacts (Science for Environment Policy, 2015). In other countries such
as Norway, changes in sediment chemistry and benthic biodiversity have been recorded
beneath a deepwater (190 metres) intensive salmon farm (Bannister et al., 2014). Innovators
must consider environmental impact of each technologies so that it may not only develop
aquaculture but also sustain the environment.

Climate change is also one of the hindrances for the development of aquaculture.
Changing climate affects the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water
that may pose problem on aquaculture. Continuous changing of the environmental factors
results to difficulty in developing technologies for aquaculture. A technology made to address
a problem at a certain time might not be applicable in another time if factors being controlled
are also changing.
Bannister, R., Valdemarsen, T., PK, H., Holmer, M. & Ervik, A. (2014) Changes in benthic sediment conditions
under an Atlantic salmon farm at a deep, well-flushed coastal site. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 5
(1): 29–47.

Ferreira, C.S.G., Nunes, B.A., Henriques-Almeida, J.M. de M. & Guilhermino, L. (2007) Acute toxicity of
oxytetracycline and florfenicol to the microalgae Tetraselmis chuii and to the crustacean Artemia
parthenogenetica. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 67 (3): 452–458.

Science for Environment Policy (2015). Sustainable Aquaculture. Future Brief 11. Brief produced for the
European Commission DG Environment by the Science Communication Unit, UWE, Bristol. Retrieved
from 24 p.

Aquaculture system that has the potential for development in the Philippines

Fish culture in rice fields can have a potential for development in the Philippines. Since
rice is one of the major crops produced in the Philippines and fish culture in ponds are widely
practiced by Filipinos, rice fields can be integrated with fish culture as a source of fertilizer to
the plant. Fish culture is a good source of animal protein for the Filipino farmer’s household
nutrition. It can also add up to the farm’s income. Fish culture in rice fields also maximizes
the productivity of the space at the same time. This may decrease cost of rice production
because of lesser fertilizer inputs. Waste from fish culture can also be reduced because it is
used by plants. However, pesticide used must be limited.

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