Software Testing

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Scheme – G

Sample Test Paper - I

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/CD
Semester : Sixth for CO/CM and Seventh for CD
Subject Title : Software Testing
Marks : 25 Time: 1 Hour

1. All questions are compulsory
2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks
4. Assume suitable data if necessary
5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order

Q1. Attempt any THREE of the following: 9 Marks
a) What are objectives of software testing?
b) State Code functional testing with example
c) Mention the situation where load testing is applicable?
d) List any four skills of Software tester.

Q2. Attempt any TWO of the following 8 Marks

a) Write the process of incremental Integration testing.
b) What is test case? Give example of any test case with specifications.
c) State decision table? Draw decision table with its components.

Q3. Attempt any ONE of the following 8 Marks

a) When to start and when to stop testing of software (entry and Exit Criteria)
b) Describe followings with respect to system testing:
i) Load Testing
ii) Stress Testing
iii) Usability Testing
iv) Recovery Testing
Scheme – G

Sample Test Paper - II

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/CD
Semester : Sixth for CO/CM and Seventh for CD
Subject Title : Software Testing
Marks : 25 Time: 1 Hour

Q1. Attempt any THREE of the following: 9 Marks

a) Mention Classification of product metrics?
b) Which are three techniques for finding defects?
c) Draw labeled diagram of defect management process? List any three characteristics of
defect management process
d) List any six tasks contained in unit test plan document.

Q2. Attempt any TWO of the following 8 Marks
a) Describe the process of developing test strategy under test planning?
b) List states of Defect life cycle. Draw labeled diagram of defect life cycle.
c) State responsibilities of different types of tester in testing group hierarchy?

Q3. Attempt any ONE of the following 8 Marks

a) Which are limitations of manual testing? State any four benefits of automated testing?
b) What are the types of test report? Write contents of Test summary report.
Scheme – G

Sample Question Paper

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/CD
Semester : Sixth for CO/CM and Seventh for CD
Subject Title : Software Testing
Marks : 100 Time: 3 Hours
1. All questions are compulsory
2. Illustrate your answer with neat sketches wherever necessary
3. Figures to the right indicates full marks
4. Assume suitable data if necessary
5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order

Q.1a) Attempt any THREE of the following 12 Marks

a) Draw labelled diagram and describe Entry Task Verification Exit model for effective
verification and validation.
b) Describe formal Inspection under Static testing.
c) Distinguish between Alpha testing and Beta testing with respect to concept, Principle,
Environment, participants
d) What is Test Plan? Write any two advantages of test planning.

Q.1b) Attempt any ONE of the following 06 Marks

a) Draw a sample Admission form for college admission. Prepare six test cases for
performing Graphical User Interface Test.
b) Enlist any six attributes of defect. Describe them with example?

Q.2 Attempt any FOUR of the following 16 Marks

a) State process of Black box testing with labelled diagram? List any four techniques of
black box testing.
b) How to perform security testing? State any four elements of security testing.
c) Enlist any four activities performed by test organization? Write any two
personal/managerial as well as two technical skills.
d) Which are any four benefits of automation in testing?
e) Draw the diagram of Defect Life Cycle and explain its process.
f) Draw Classification of White Box Testing? Explain any one type of white box testing
in detail. (2.1 A 4)

Q.3 Attempt any FOUR of the following 16 Marks

a) Illustrate process of Equivalence Partitioning with example.
b) State process of Bi-Directional/Sandwich Integration testing with labelled diagram.
Give its any two advantages and disadvantages.
c) Which are the factors considered to decide Test approach or Test strategy?
d) Identify any two situations where regression testing can be done? Give importance of
regression testing.
e) Define software Metrics? Describe Product Vs. Process metrics and Objective Vs.
Subjective metrics.

Q.4a) Attempt any THREE of the following 12 Marks

a) Which information a meaningful test report should contain? Mention purpose of test
b) Explain activities performed by Static and Dynamic testing tools.
c) Illustrate defect fixing process with diagram? Give any four examples of critical risk
involved in fixing defect.
d) State the factors that need to be considered to identify resource requirement by test
manager? List five test deliverables for test plan.

Q.4b) Attempt any ONE of the following 06 Marks

a) Explain V-model with labelled diagram.
b) State two objectives of user documentation testing? Mention any benefits of user
documentation testing?

Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following 16 Marks

a) Describe the Test Management Process and give details of following Internal standards
for process and method
1. Naming and storage convention
2. Documentation standard
b) Enlist any six parameters that generally affect compatibility of product? Explain
Forward compatibility testing.
c) Explain following concepts related to Web-Based testing.
i) Interface Testing
ii) Usability testing

Q.6 Attempt any FOUR of the following 16 Marks

a) Write any four attribute of Specific Test Case.
b) What is significance of Quality Assurance and Quality Control?
c) State how to minimize risk impact while estimating defect?
d) Write test cases for identity card of student having following details:
i) Name
ii) Surname
iii) Roll no.
iv) Date of Birth
v) Branch
vi) Contact no.
vii) Blood group
viii) Year
e) Prepare tasks required for generating test plan document.

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