Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences Final Exam

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P.G. Almendras St., Danao City Cebu


Prepared by: Ms. Aubrey Kaye P. Conde

Grade and Section:__________________________Score:__________

I. Fill in the blanks. Write the best answer after the sentence/question. No Erasures.
1. What stage of societal development that chiefly utilizing crude technology like fire, bow and
2. Who is the one that examined the social, psychological and economic factors that led to the
rise of ancient civilizations in the Mediterranean?
3. What is the holistic study of one culture?
4. Who was the father of American Anthropology?
5. What theory states that human groups go through stages of development?
6. What promotes the study of people and their lifeways based on the context of their culture
and not of the researchers?
7. What subfields in linguistics anthropology that focuses on understanding the syntax and the
grammar of a particular language?
8. Who was the lawyer by training and profession, who became fascinated with the land
disputes between the United States government and American Indians people?
9. What field that studies the human’s closest relative like the bonobo chimpanzees in one of
its subfields?
10. What field that engaged in understanding humans and their nature as an animal species?
11. What study that allows for a cross-cultural comparison?
12. What study in science that deals with past human life and activities by studying the bones,
tools, etc., of ancient people?
13. What is concerned with the identification of unrecognizable remains of humans that may
have been burned, mutilated, or decomposed?
14. Who is the French philosopher said in his work that these “primitive” societies can later be
on expected to progress towards the stage of civilized societies just like those in Europe?
15. What method that entails the process of actual daily encounters with the locals of an
anthropologist’s area of study?
16. What is one of the fields of economics that is often associated with welfare economics, it
focused on providing explanations and arguments on how economic policies should be?
17. What was first conceived as the study of the allocation of resources within the household
18. What refers to the entirety of available goods that market can offer?
19. What process wherein raw materials are transformed into usable goods or commodities?
20. Who coined the term “mercantilism” in 1743?
21. What is the ancient Greek word which means custom/law?
22. What is the strict government regulation of trade within its territories?
23. What is the published treatise that proposed methods that could be used efficiently to
manage an economy under a dictatorial regime?
24. Who is an English economist that supports the mercantilist paradigm?
25. He is called as the Father of History.
26. This word comes from the Greek word geo or graphia.
27. He was a Greek philosopher, historian and general. He is known as the “Father of Scientific
28. Made extensive use of new technologies that made it easier to explore the world.
29. It states that geography inquires on the environmental or physical aspect of the questions
“where am I in this world?”
30. He was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, biologist and astronomer.
31. A historical writing provided a creation story from the western civilization and also referred
as the old testament.
32. He is an American linguist, philosopher, and social justice activist.
33. It is the logic within discourse that take into account our knowledge of the world.
34. Studies the use of language and its effects on society.
35. He documented the Arabic language by distinguishing the differences in sounds and
36. The study of signs and how they are use.
37. It is the actual object in the real world addressed by the sign.
38. It is about on what the discourse is about.
39. He viewed linguistics as an analysis of the meaning of words.
40. The physical and psychological link between the people in communication.

II. True or False. Write true if the statement is true and write the correct answer if the
statement is false. No erasures.

___________1. Positive economic is viewed as the descriptive form of economics wherein

its chief aim is to describe and explain economic phenomena or behavior.
___________2. Thomas Mun is a British economist who is one of the major critics of Smith.
___________3. Behavioral Economics provides an analysis that fuses economics principles
with psychological framework.
___________4. Microeconomics focuses on small scale market interactions that transpire
between individuals consisting business forms and households.
___________5. Demands represent the actual quantity of goods or services that the public
requires from the market.
___________6. Thomas Malthus argued that the continuous increase in population also
demands decrease in production which in turn increase labor force.
___________7. Alfred Marshall work is “A Discourse of trade from England unto the East
Indies (1621)”.
___________8. Market is an anthropological concept.
___________9. Economic of Education is the process that involved in the harvest and
transfer of raw materials and products entail consequences to the environment.
___________10. Oikos means house.

___________11. Edrisi is a German geographer, is consider to be one of the founders of

modern geography.

___________12. Polybius a Greek historian was instrumental in igniting Roman


___________13. Qur’an is the book of Christians.

___________14. Internal Criticism is a method wherein the historian checks the validity
and originality of the evidence use for reconstruction.

___________15. Modern geography made extensive use of technology that made it easier
to explore the world.

___________16. Map making was practiced even before writing.

___________17. Possibilism is a reaction to the idea of geographic determinism.

___________18. Confucius was the first to have studied and compiled Chinese history in
the books Chunqui and Shiying.

___________19. Ertosthenes compiled and summarized in Geographike Hyphegesis all

known information of geography of his time.

___________20. Ibn Battuta is a descendant of prophet Muhammed.

III. Enumeration. Write the correct answer. No erasures.

a. Name the fields of economics e. Enumerate the four fields of

1. American Anthropology.
2. 23.
3. 24.
4. 25.
b. Notable members of the Prague School 26.
5. f. Fields of Linguistics
6. 27.
7. 28.
8. 29.
c. Enumerate the research method in economics. 30.
d. Name the important personalities in History.
IV. Essay. Answer the questions BRIEFLY. 10 pts 5 pts – content
3 pts – grammar
2 pts- following instruction
10 pts – total
Why is linguistics important in our society?

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