5DOF Manipulator Simulation Based On MATLAB-Simulink Methodology

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5DOF manipulator simulation based on MATLAB-Simulink methodology

Article · February 2010

DOI: 10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2010.5440751

14 3,026

4 authors, including:

Luis Garcia-Valdovinos Jesus Carlos Pedraza Ortega

Center for Engineering and Industrial Development Autonomous University of Queretaro


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5-DOF Manipulator Simulation based on MATLAB-
Simulink methodology
Velarde-Sanchez J.A., Rodriguez-Gutierrez S.A., Garcia-Valdovinos L.G., Pedraza-Ortega J.C.,
PICYT-CIDESI, CIDIT-Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro,
Queretaro, Mexico.
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract The main objective of the present work is to show a

complete simulation methodology using the same
Abstract— This work presents a novel simulation programming platform, where, the combination of Matlab and
methodology applied to a 5-DOF manipulator. The Simulink is proposed. Here, the mathematical calculations are
work includes mathematical modeling of the direct, performed at the same time than its virtual representation. The
inverse and differential kinematics as well as the method allows to manipulate the robotic system and to
dynamics of the manipulator. The method visualize the robot’s behavior from different perspectives.
To test the methodology, a manipulator robot with 5-DOF
implements the path following in the 3D space and as shown on figure 1 (Thermo Scientific CATALYST-5) is
uses the Matlab-Simulink approach. Several paths used, this robot has the capability to load a maximum of 1.5
were tested to verify the method. This methodology kg. A PD+G (Proportional Derivative with Gravity
can be used with different robots to test the Compensation) control is implemented based on a dynamic
behavior and control laws. modeling.

Keywords— Simulation methodology, Simulink, Manipulator

Robotics is one of the main disciplines in the industry
which can be used in the development of new technologies.
The synergy of robotics with the different applications like
submarine task, car assembly operation, vision systems and
artificial intelligence allows the innovation and reduces the
manufacture costs. Figure 1. Catalyst-5 Robot
For this purpose, it is important that the robot
programmers are able to visualize and test the behavior of the The robot specifications are presented on table 1:
robots in different circumstances and with different Link 1 length l1 0.2504 m
parameters. There are several programming algorithms to Link 1 mass m1 9.0 kg
simulate robotic systems [1]; some of them use the link and Link 2 length l2 0.2504 m
joint positions, however, mainly the path following in the Link 2 mass m2 2.0 kg
Cartesian work space are visually showed by lineal plots [2]. Link 3 length l3 0.2504 m
Some other works only make a 3D virtual animation [3]. Link 3 mass m3 1.0 kg
Other works only show the kinematic modeling in a mixed Link 4 length l4 0.0 m
programming environment like C++ and OpenGL [4], also, Link 4 mass m4 0.4 kg
some multiple interface programming technique has been Link 5 length l5 0.51 m
developed using Matlab, C++ and OpenGL [5][6]; in both Link 5 mass m5 0.3 kg
cases, the computational time increases, and is quite Gravity acceleration G 9.81 m/s2
complicated to manage the different programming tools. Table 1. Robot specifications
Finally, some research that presents an interface between
Matlab and Simulink is used to simulate a mechatronic system 2. KINEMATIC MODELING
[7], however, it doesn’t have a visual representation like the
The dynamic modeling of a manipulator robot with n-
one proposed in this article.
degree of freedom (DOF.) can be divided in four steps: Direct
Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, Differential Kinematics and
978-1-4244-5353-5/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 295
Direct Kinematics: Differential Kinematics:
In the previous steps, the dynamics related with the position
The objective of the direct kinematics is to determine of the end-effector as well as the location of the joints and its
the accumulative effect that comes from the set of variables of position with respect to the reference frame, therefore, the
each link, that is, to determine the position and orientation of position problem will be changed to a speed analysis problem
the end-effector. of a serial manipulator.
The differential kinematics is defined by the next
The analysis of the Direct Kinematics was made using the equation:
Denavit Hartembrerg convention as follows: (2)

where J is the Jacobian matrix. This matrix depends on the

robot configuration and robot degrees of freedom (DOF).

Ai= (1)
The dynamic equation of an n-DOF in the manipulator can
be defined as:
, (3)

Then, the table 2 was obtained with the results: To carry out the manipulator analysis in this research,
we consider the Lagrangian analysis [9], this method consist
Joint i in the generalized coordinate analysis and it is based on the
1 0 Lagrangian function, which is defined by the difference
+ between the kinetic and the potential energies on a
2 0 0 mechatronic system and is defined as:

3 0 0 (4)
4 0 0 + In the case of the serial manipulators, the Lagrangian
is used in a matrix form and is represented by the next
5 0 0 equation:
Table 2. Denavit Hartenberg parameters
After some calculations, the end-effector position vector is where ,…, , ,…, , ,…, .
defined by: V is known as the Coriolis vector, G is the gravitational force
vector, and M is the inertia matrix where the analysis of the
X= manipulator is mostly performed.

The development of the mathematical algorithms is
carried out in Matlab and the implementation of the virtual
simulation was made in Simulink as shown on figures 2 (a),
(b), (c) and (d):


Inverse Kinematics:

The inverse kinematics main problem can be reduced

to both the calculus of the position and orientation inverse
kinematics, where a geometrical approach to the problem
solution is based in the Method proposed by Spong [8].


978-1-4244-5353-5/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 296

Mathematical modeling:
This step depends on thee type of the robot to be
analyzed. For demonstration purposes,
p the dynamical
calculations can be taken as a refeference by considering the
physical and mechanical properties of the links and the mass
centers, therefore, we can use a model based control as
equation (3).
Control Design:
The position control probleem of a manipulator robot
manipulator can be solved according g to the following terms:
• Considering the dynamicss of an n-DOF robot as
(b) equation (5).
• Having a constant path desiired (Reference Point).
• Find a function in which the t q (robot links) tends to
qd (desired link direction)) by using a PD, PID and
Adaptable Control.

To solve this particularr problem, a PD + G

(Proportional Derivative with h Gravity Compensation)
control is used as shown on figu
ure 4.

ntrol System
Figure 4. PD + G Con
Figure 2. Robot Simulation project in Simulink Path programming:
The manipulator work space and
a the path to follow are
The block diagram that expresses the whhole methodology known. Then, the path should be prrogrammed to be included
necessary to carry out a simulation of a rrobotic system is in the control system.
presented as a block diagram presented on tthe figure 3. The CAD Manipulator:
process starts from the mechanical analysis, ccontinues with the The virtual representation is close related with the
dynamics until the virtual representation of the robot and its mechanical visual representation, and due to this fact, the
plots. SolidWorks program is used as a design tool, but it is
necessary to use geometric objjects that are a closer
approximation to each one of the robot links as shown on
figure 5. If the complete assemblyy of the robot is used, the
simulation process will be more diifficult to carry out due to
the fact that the model will be more
m difficult to load in
Simulink and also because the mass center of each link will be
harder to get.

Figure 3. Proposed Methodologgy.

ks assembly.
Figure 5. SolidWork

978-1-4244-5353-5/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 297

In this way, it can be observed the linear plots in the virtual
environment at the same time that the dynamical behavior of
VRML2: the manipulator is observed.
To visualize the prototype in 3D using Simulink, it is Moreover, we can use the visualization tools of the
necessary to convert the file into VRML 2.0. To solve this virtual interface in Simulink to modify the physical aspects of
matter, the 2009 SolidWorks version can be used and it is the simulation in order to get some pictures or videos.
necessary to export the design into VRML 2.0. If the file is
saved in VRML 1.0, by using the CrossRoads program the TEST AND RESULTS
version can be changed to the proper one.
In order to test the proposed methodology, the clover shape
Virtual Environment: path was selected. This trajectory is represented as:
Once the previous steps have been completed and the
kinematics is programmed, the next step is to implement it in 3 ;
the virtual environment that includes; manipulator design, data 3 ;
showing and path following visualization. .3;
In order to successfully carry out the simulation, it is
necessary to have a Matlab 2009 version that includes the full Considering the next parameters, we perform the
3D animation library. simulation:

Manipulator design: • Center of the figure in X-axis: 0 .3m

Here, the prototype is loaded by using the VR Sink • Center of the figure in Y-axis: 0 .2m
block, where the model can be edited using the VRML editor. • Petal Clover Radius: 0 .07 m
Due to the fact that the robot coming from the • Angular Speed: 0.2094 rad/s
mechanical system is different to the assembly, the operations
on the transformation from one link to other is different in this Control gains:
editor, therefore it is necessary to perform the next tasks:
• Identify each links of the manipulator. 30 0 0 0 0; 0 20 0 0 0; 0 0 20 0 0; 0 0 0 20 0; 0 0 0 0 50 ;

• Leave only 2 main transformations: 10 0 0 0 0; 0 10 0 0 0; 0 0 10 0 0; 0 0 0 10 0; 0 0 0 0 2 ;

o The transformation on the base which won’t be
moved; As can be seen in figure 6, the plots show the behavior of
o The link transformation where the movement chain is the desired link paths and the real link paths. It is clear that
performed to get the mathematical parameters (this is the proposed methodology can follow the desired path in a
closer way.
variable depending on the robot to be used).

Text Visualization:

To obtain the real-time data from the manipulator, we can

use the VR Text Output.
It is necessary to reference the virtual environment, also to
introduce the variable names to be shown together with the
variable format.

Path Following Visualization:

To show the path that the robot follows in the simulation

process, it is necessary that the desired target as well as the
real target to be connected to the block named V Tracer.
We need to connect x, y and z for the data acquisition. The
type of path to be followed is selected and projected on the
virtual environment; also, it is necessary to reference the name
of the transformations in the manipulator’s design block to be
represented in the workspace.
Figure 5 Inverse Kinematics
Also, the path follow is shown after the control
Once the virtual environment is created, and having the implementation in the Method. Here, it can be observed that
calculations already solved, the interface is carried out by the performance is satisfactory and the plots of the real and the
executing the program in Simulink. desired path are shown in blue and red respectively.

978-1-4244-5353-5/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 298

Figure 7 End Effector position

Figure 10. Simulation of the 3D path (Front view)

The 3D space path (real and desired) were plotted as well as
different views of the simulator on Figures 8 to 11.

Figure 11 Virtual Reality Simulation in Simulink

Figure 8 Path in 3D space


A simulation methodology of the 5-DOF was proposed.
The modeling of the robot includes direct, inverse, and
differential kinematics as well as dynamics. This method was
applied to test the robot CATALYST 5 by using a project in
Simulink and Matlab. A proposed path was plotted in the 3D
space and the method was applied. All the plots from the links
and the end-effector positions were obtained and clearly show
the good performance of the proposed methodology.
As the future work, this methodology will be applied to
several robotic systems in order to test its behavior. Also,
more paths in 3D space will be tested in order to get the
information about the speed, acceleration and force of each
link in the manipulator. Some other options include the testing
of more control algorithms like optimal control.

Figure 9 Simulation of the 3D path follow with control

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