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The document outlines the schedule and activities for the 1st MBBS foundation course orientation at the Government Medical College over 10 days. The schedule includes orientations, skills development sessions, language enhancement, sports/extracurricular activities and sessions on professionalism.

The orientation covers introduction to the college, hospital and MBBS program, sensitization on ragging, rules and regulations, introduction to various committees and departments. It also includes language/computer skills sessions and visits to different facilities in the hospital.

Some of the topics covered under professionalism include healthcare ethics, confidentiality, examination of patients, workplace etiquette, leadership commitment to the profession and reaching out to the community.



8-9 AM 9-10 AM 10-11 AM 11-12 AM 12.00-1 PM 2-3 PM 3-4 PM 4-5 PM
1.08.2019 Registration : Orientation: Orientation: Orientation : Introduction to the Orientation: Orientation to committees for sports
Issue of ID cards, Inaugural Interaction with MBBS Programme: Faculty will give a History of and Extracurricular Activities :
with roll Address and parents : Defining brief introduction of departments Medicine: Introduction to Extra-curricular
numbers, welcome: roles of parents PIA and representative faculty Faculty : activities in GMCH: Annual Sports,
notepads, pens, Director Professor In members of all departments. Department of EUPHORIA , PLEXUS, GLIMPSE .
Clear bag Principal charge Community Secretary and Chairperson of
Academics (PIA) Medicine respective committees
2.08.2019 Orientation: Orientation: Orientation: Orientation: Sports Activity: Language and Computers
Sensitization General Rules Introduction of Introduction to 2-3 PM Orientation:
on Ragging and and Regulations AETCOM CBME and its Students will give Language / computers
its Discipline , Module and what implications for preferences for Introductory session: Students will be
consequences. Punctuality, it means to the students. sports activities and informed of the need to select
Coordination Attendance, student Coordination by form small groups Language enhancement or Computer
by Complaints, Coordination by CC member for participation in or local language sensitization.
Chairperson: Correspondence Member MEU outdoor or indoor Students can decide to participate in
Anti-Ragging and formats for activities: either
Committee leaves or absence Badminton, Table Identify and enhance skill in local
and other aspects tennis , Football, language for students with felt need
Coordination by volleyball etc for this
PIA Chairperson, Coordination by PIA
Secretary Sports
3.08.2019 Extracurricular : Orientation: Orientation: Professionalism : Professionalism: Sports Activities 2-4 PM
Saturday Music , debate of Alternative Biohazard , Hygiene in Health Excellence in Supervised by member Sports
students choice Health patient and Care : Hand health care; the committee
Member of Systems : personal safety, Washing and move towards
Cultural Moderated Concept of Bio- universal Evidence based
Committee By Professor safety: precautions. medicine
of Interactive Hospital Chairperson
Pharmacology lecture by Administration Research
and Ayurvedic Faculty and Nursing Committee
College and Microbiology Superintendent
5.08.2019 Orientation: Orientation: Orientation: Orientation: Orientation: Language and Computers :
Overview Important health Healthcare Occupational Important Two Sessions of one hour each : All
National Policies and Systems and hazards and Vaccinations and Students
Health programmes Delivery in the needle stick Post exposure 1. Clear communication :
Priorities and including new community: injuries prophylaxis Invited Faculty from Department
Policies: initiatives of GOI Interactive Faculty of Faculty of of Journalism/ English Department
Faculty from Faculty from discussion of Hospital Department of of a Local College / University
Department of Department of students Administration General Medicine 2. Computer skills: Basics
Community Community experience of Invited faculty from Computer
Medicine Medicine diverse facilities Sciences Department of a local
Faculty from college / University
Department of
06.08.2019 Orientation: Orientation: Orientation: Language enhancement: Writing letters Sports
Curriculum , Medical records Department Biomedical Invited Faculty from Department of 4-5 PM
Semesters, A video of the MRD to show students waste Journalism/ English Department of a Supervised by
Assessments, how a patient gets registered in to the management Local College / University member Sports
University OPD and Emergency system: Department of Computer skills :Learn how to navigate committee
examinations Introduction to ICD coding Hospital the web: Tips and tricks
and eligibility Explanation of working and roles of Administration Invited faculty from Computer Sciences
requirements different personnel by and Nursing Department of a local college /
PIA Head of Department MRD Superintendent University
07.08.2019 Extracurricular: Orientation : Orientation: Professionalism: Language enhancement:
Music / Debate Visit to Hospital : Visit other facilities in the hospital; What it means to be a Common errors in English writing
Chairperson Divide into 4 Batches of 25 students Same Groups of 25 students each; Globally relevant Faculty from English Department
Cultural Task orientation 30 minutes Each team will be accompanied by a clinician of Local College
Committee Visit different areas of the Hospital : faculty member from Basic Professor from
B Block: Level 1 OPD block Department: PGIMER Institute of Students will be informed to
registration area; Level 2/ 3 : ENT Visit library, Cafeteria, IT centre, Public Health prepare an activity for 17.8.19
and Surgical OPD; Level 4/5: Sports ground, Hostel facility These
Ophthalmology , Dermatology, areas will be visited in a sequential Computer skills :
Pulmonary and Psychiatry manner and will spend about 20 How to make good presentations
C Block : Level 4 /6 Ward areas minutes at each area. They will interact Faculty form MEU
Share experiences : 30 minutes with key members of the staff in each
Coordination: Basic Department such area. Students will be informed to
Faculty and Hospital Coordination: Basic Department prepare an activity for 17.8.19
Administration Faculty and Hospital Administration
08.08.2019 Extracurricular: Orientation : Mentorship Orientation: Meeting with parents and Professionalism : Language enhancement :
Music , debate , Programme : Students Reflective writing and Speaking in public
painting etc Introduction to Mentorship Have they made the right decision its role in medical Invited speaker from Department
Member Literary Programme Director-Principal , MS and PIA education of Public Administration
Committee Mentors / Mentee : defining roles Member MEU or CC
and responsibilities Computer Skills :
Coordinated by Professor in Use of Excel and other Microsoft
charge Academics or designated applications
faculty Invited faculty from Computer
Sciences Department
09.08.2019 Field Visit 1 : Professionalism: Computer skills:
Visit to Primary Health Centre (Urban and Rural) Concepts of Using computers and electronic
2 batches of 50 students each : Professionalism and media for group activity like
One will visit UHTC and the Other one will visit RHTC ethics listserv, Whatsapp , Twitter etc
9.00 AM Assemble at college. Interactive lecture by Invited faculty from Department
9.30 AM Reach Centre (UHTC / RHTC ) Chairperson / of IT / coordinated by Member
10.00 AM Brief of activity Convener of Ethics MEU
10.15 AM to 11.30 M : visit the different areas. Committee
11.30 AM Reassemble to return to College Language enhancement :
Students will be given a introductory lecture at these centres and will then go in Writing patient stories and
small groups to different sections in rotation. They will interact with patients, narratives. Students will be given
faculty and staff. They will observe the IEC on display and see the other short stories from the medical
documents literature and asked to discuss
They will return to the College at 12. Noon among the large group the key
12-1 PM : Discussion and reflection messages.
Coordination by Basic Sciences Faculty and Community Medicine Faculty Member MEU / CC
10.8.2019 Professionalism: Professionalism: : Professionalism: Professionalism: Computer skills:
Saturday Group Discussion Interactive lecture Physicians Role Preparing to be a Graduate Medical Developing Websites
Portrayal of Doctors : Examples from in Society life-long learner regulations in relation Invited faculty from Department
movies or other sources Convened by PIA and a Senior Invited faculty to professional role of of IT
Head Department of Physiology will clinicians of the city IMA Branch from PGI or IMG
coordinate may be invited Senior retired Faculty member CC
Professor from Language enhancement :
GMCH Precis writing workshop
Faculty from English department
of a Local College or University
13.08.2019 Professionalism: Field Visit 2: Computer skills: Sports
Dealing with Visit to Primary Health Centre (Urban and Rural) Developing Websites 4-5 PM
Media 2 batches of 50 students each : The teams will visit the alternate centre. One Invited faculty from Department of Supervised by
correspondents will visit UHTC and the Other one will visit RHTC IT member Sports
Medical 9.00 AM Assemble at college. committee
Superintendent 9.30 AM Reach Centre (UHTC / RHTC ) Language Skills:
10.00 AM Brief of activity Discussion on novels and stories
10.15 AM to 11.30 AM: visit the different areas. which have had a significant impact
11.30 AM Reassemble to return to College on your life
Students will be given a introductory lecture at these centres and will then go in Coordinated by Faculty from Basic
small groups to different sections in rotation. They will interact with patients, department
faculty and staff. They will observe the IEC on display and see the other
documents. They will return to the College at 12. Noon
12-1 PM : Discussion and reflection
Coordination by Basic Sciences Faculty and Community Medicine
14.08.2019 Professionalism: Skills Module : Skills Module : Sports Extracurricular :
Interpersonal Stress management Time management Supervised by Preparation for Independence Day
relationships : Crisis Management Team of Faculty from MEU / member Sports Coordinated by Cultural
Boundaries , GMCH CC or invited faculty committee Committee
Confidentiality from a Management
and Institute
Faculty from
Department of

15.08.2019 Independence Day : Attendance Compulsory

16.08.2019 Professionalism: Integrity, honesty Skills Module 1:Basic Life Support :Batch A of 25 each Language enhancement :
and other traits. Interactive lecture with will observe and participate in this activity. Department of Writing letters and e mail
real examples : Anesthesiology communication on electronic media;
Chairperson / Secretary Ethics Skills Module 2: Infection control in the workplace: use of do’s and don’s
Committee protective wear. Batch B of 25 each will observe and Faculty from English Department of
participate in this activity. Microbiology , Surgery , local college or University
Skills Module 3:Disaster Management Skills: Fire and Computer skills:
Earthquake Evacuation Drill. Batch C of 25 each will Cybercrime: Legal use of media
observe and participate in this activity. Hospital sources : How to avoid getting on the
Administration and Fire Services wrong side of the law ?
Skills Module 4:First Aid in Common situations at home Faculty from the Department of Law
or outside. Batch D of 25 each will observe and participate or Identified Faculty from GMCH
in this activity. Emergency Medicine with legal experience
17.08.2019 Professionalism: Professionalism Skills Module : Introduction to Extracurricular : Language Enhancement: Sports
Saturday Personal Identity; Unethical and communication skills in a medical Songs and Music Dramatics: 10-12 Students will perform Supervised by
Who am I? Unprofessional environment : Member Cultural a small skit or role play of a small Member , Sports
Why am I here? Behaviour Faculty form General Medicine Committee scene from a play which may be of Committee
An explorative Interactive Department English / Vernacular. (They will have
session lecture : prior information on this activity
Faculty from Forensic earlier). Basic department faculty
Psychiatry Medicine Computer Skills :
A few student volunteers will show
their skills in development of short
power point, websites or twitter
accounts and their experience. (They
will have prior information on this
activity earlier). Basic department
19.08.2019 Professionalism Skills Module 1:Basic Life Support Batch B of 25 each Professionalism: Language Enhancement:
Care of the will observe and participate in this activity. Department of Relationship of Public speaking
patient : Anaesthesiology doctors to Industry: Student volunteers will speak for 5
Panel Discussion Skills Module 2: Infection control in the workplace: use of conflict of interest minutes on topics given to them.
Faculty protective wear. Batch C of 25 each will observe and and MCI guidelines Faculty from Basic Departments
Department of participate in this activity. Coordinated by Microbiology, on this matter will coordinate this event
Medicine , Surgery , Nursing Departments Faculty from MEU
Gynecology Skills Module 3:Disaster Management Skills: Fire and Computer Skills :
Surgery and Earthquake Evacuation Drill. Batch D of 25 each will Networking skills: What is your
Pediatrics observe and participate in this activity. Hospital experience ?
Administration and Fire Services Coordinated by Faculty from Basic
Skills Module 4:First Aid in Common situations at home. department
Batch A of 25 each will observe and participate in this
activity. Faculty Department of Emergency Medicine
20.08.2019 Skills Module : Skills Module: Skills Module : Skills Module: Professionalism: Language Enhancement:: Sports
Barriers to good Learning by Task Biostatistics for Legal issues in Use of vernacular: Students will write short Supervised by
communication simulationand prioritization beginners Medical articles on any subject of choice in language Member ,
Faculty from self directed with competing Faculty from Practice of choice and will share with colleague. Sports
General Medicine learning. interests Community Faculty from Pair-Share experience Committee
Faculty from Faculty from Medicine Forensic Faculty from basic sciences with Literary
MEU MEU Medicine Committee Members
Computer Skills :
Students will be shown some Power point
presentations and will comment on their
suitability for education
Faculty from MEU will guide the process
21.08.2019 Professionalism Skills Module 1:Basic Life Support .Batch C of 25 each Language enhancement: Sports
Working with will observe and participate in this activity. Department of Writing medical records: History writing Supervised by
multidisciplinary Anaesthesiology ,Different formats, POMR, making Member ,
teams : Skills Module 2: Infection control in the workplace : use corrections, writing legibly, importance of Sports
Medical of protective wear. Batch Dof 25 each will observe and signature and identification. Committee
Superintendent participate in this activity. Department of Microbiology , Department of Forensic Medicine
Surgery , Nursing Departments
Skills Module 3:Disaster Management Skills : Fire and Computer skills:
Earthquake Evacuation Drill. Batch A of 25 each will Medical Records in online format. What
observe and participate in this activity. Hospital students should know?
Administration and Fire Services Department of Hospital Administration
Skills Module 4:First Aid in Common situations at home
Batch B of 25 each will observe and participate in this
activity. Faculty Department of Emergency Medicine
22.08.2019 Extracurricular : Professionalism : Professionalism Professionalism: Professionalism Language enhancement: Essay
Painting and crafts Indian Medical Graduate: How much choice Indian Medical Medical education writing competition. Students will
competition. Introduction to the concept : did students have Gradate: Roles & and humanities write essays and exchange them
Students will be Designated Faculty from MEU in this system: Expectations Chairperson anonymously. Samples will be read in
told in advance Introduction to Designated Literary the class.
about this activity thinking about Faculty from Committee Coordination by faculty from Basic
and can display Electives MEU department
their items. Designated Computer skills: Using e-
Coordination by Member MEU / communication. Students will begin a
faculty from CC small group discussion on their
Cultural experience with online learning
committee experience and other electronic
communication. Faculty will introduce
them to the examples of use of such
formats in education.
Faculty from Basic department
23.08.2019 Skills Development : Group activity Professionalism: Language enhancement: Sports
A group of Students will participate in group activity by Ethics in Medical Students will study a short story by any Supervised by
a planned activity for one hour. Members MEU will Research author. Random students will tell what Member , Sports
coordinate this activity. Coordinated by they think the authors are trying to Committee
The 100 students will go into two different classrooms Member of Ethics portray in these passages.
of 50 each. Committee Chairperson, Literary committee
Suggested activity for 10 students will be to cross the
river. Other students will observe the activity from the Computer skills: Relevant searches
benches. All students will get together and discuss what Students will be asked to enter medical
went well, what went wrong and how to improve. search key words on their mobile
Students will be introduced to Group Dynamics, Use of phones and identify links that are
Interpersonal skills, SWOT analysis. Small exercises useful. This activity will be done in
will be planned for 4 groups of 25 each. groups of 10 students each. They will
Group A: The Group will develop a model plan for discuss the pros and cons of the
reducing alcohol use in the city information available. Topics: Gender
Group B: The Group will have to develop a model sensitivity, Child Abuse, Alcoholism,
hospital plan for 50 patients Drug addiction, Cardiac Bypass
Group C: The Group will develop a plan for a picnic in Surgery, SLE, heart transplant ,
the hills Abdominal pain etc.
Group D: The Group will develop a plan to improve Faculty from Basic Sciences
doctor patient communication in the hospital
26.08.2019 Skills Module : Skills Module 1: Basic Life Support. Batch D of 25 each Language enhancement: Visual Sports
Learning skills will observe and participate in this activity. Department of Skills .Students will be shown a picture Supervised by
Peer assisted, Anaesthesiology of some object or scene or a piece of art Member , Sports
group learning, Skills Module 2: Infection control in the workplace : use for 45 seconds. They will then write Committee
learning from of protective wear. Batch C of 25 each will observe and 100-150 words on what they think of
patients and participate in this activity. Departments of Microbiology, it.4-5 such pictures will be shown. This
from community Surgery , Nursing Department will assess their ability to observe and
Faculty from Skills Module 3:Disaster Management Skills : Fire and interpret pictorial material.
MEU Earthquake Evacuation Drill. Batch B of 25 each will Faculty from Basic Sciences
observe and participate in this activity. Hospital
Administration and Fire Services
Skills Module 4:First Aid in Common situations at home Computer skills:
Batch A of 25 each will observe and participate in this Students will search computer sources
activity. Faculty Department of Emergency Medicine for learning sites on the net related to
medical websites and discuss their
Faculty from Basic Departments
27.08.2019 Professionalism: Professionalism Professionalism :Ethical dilemmas in medicine Language Enhancement : Sports
The student as a Career Pathway Interactive case based discussion : Cases will be presented Listening skills Supervised by
teacher: Reaching Planning and students will be asked to discuss the issues Students will listen to a recording of a 5 Member , Sports
out to the Invited Faculty Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine, General minute speech and will write in brief of Committee
community and form Human Medicine the contents. Two or three such
patients Resource speeches will be presented.
Department of Department or Discussion on development of listening
Community Designated skills. Faculty from Basic
Medicine Senior Faculty Departments
from GMCH Computer skills: Students will be
given data which they will be asked to
present on the PowerPoint slides.
Discussion will be on the best mode or
representation of data. Faculty from
Basic Departments
28.08.2019 Skills Module: Professionalism Skills Module :Communication Skills : How to Language enhancement: Sports
Outcomes of Care of communicate in a variety of settings : office, OT, mobile , Understanding Poetry. Students will be Supervised by
Doctor Patient vulnerable and with patients , with relatives asked to bring poetry in any language Member , Sports
Communication ; a special needs Interactive discussion and recite important passages. Others Committee
range of attitudes, Persons. Faculty of Psychiatry will discuss the relevance of the chosen
beliefs, behaviours Developing passages.
and roles sensitization to Members Literary Committee
Faculty these Computer skills:
Department of populations Explanation of the Computer
General Medicine Faculty of networking in the GMCH.
Psychiatry Head IT and Senior Computer
Programmer of GMCH
29.08.2019 Skills Module: Professionalism: Interactive panel Skills Module: Professionalism: Language Enhancement:
Use of discussion. Confidentiality, truth telling, Procedural The dying patient Use of foreign terms in the English
information consent, examination of patients , Skills: The Faculty of language. Search the dictionary for
technology in exploitation. Department of anxiety of the Anaesthesia foreign terms of common usage e.g.
medicine : Anaesthesia, Forensic, Medicine, uninitiated French and Spanish or Latin words.
Electronic Surgery , Convener Ethics committee Faculty of What they mean and how to use them
Medical records Surgery Designated faculty from
Internet , Google Department of law or English.
in Medicine Computer skills:
Professor in Use of Portable Digital Assistant in
charge IT the medical workplace
services Designated faculty from
Department of IT of GMCH or PGI
30.08.2019 Extracurricular Professionalism: Skills Module: Professionalism Sports Language and Computer skills:
activity: Lecture and Discussion Records and Conflict and Member Sports Summary of the experience
Dramatics and Workplace etiquette , hierarchy, documentation. resolution Committee Faculty from Basic Departments
music interprofessionalism Use of ICD. Senior Faculty
Cultural Department of Hospital Head of GMCH
Committee Administration Department of
31.08.2019 Professionalism : Skills Module Conclusion :
Leadership and Learning Skills: How to deal with information overload. Write Reflections: What happened? So what? What next?
Commitment to Planning to learn, revise and review. Identify what is Feedback on Foundation course
the profession important. Faculty from Basic Departments
Director- Faculty from Basic Departments
Orientation 30 hours
Professionalism 40 hours
Skills 35
Field Visit 8 hours
Language and Computers 40 hours
Sports and Extracurricular 14 + 8 = 22 hours

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