Board Resolution-ForMAT
Board Resolution-ForMAT
Board Resolution-ForMAT
“RESOLVED, that our affiliation and membership with OneSource, OneHeart, OneDream
Association to serve as our national umbrella association is hereby discussed reaffimed and
approved during the said General Membership and Organizational Meetings on March 23,2019
“RESOLVED, that we have fully adopted and ratified the Constitution and By-Laws of
OneSource, OneHeart OneDream Association.
“RESOLVED, that the following are the elected Officers of OneHeart, OneDream
Consumers Cooperative-Misamis Oriental Chapter and to serve as such until revoked or a new
set of officers shall have been elected, to wit:
“RESOLVED, that to support our affiliation and membership, the following statements
are made:
“RESOLVED, that the following are to serve as members of the Board of Directors and Officers
as elected by the General Assembly and to serve as such until revoked or a new set of officers
shall have been elected.
Chairman – RAUL J. BARBASA- 60 Casanova Dr. Brgy Culiat, Tandang Sora, Quezon City
Vice Chairman- JEANETH G. ARIBE- Zone 2, Molugan , El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental
Member- JAQUELYN C. OBONG- - 60 Casanova Dr. Brgy Culiat, Tandang Sora, Quezon City
I also certify that the said RESOLUTIONS are still in force and has not been amended
and revoked.
Doc No. ________
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Book No.
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