3. Appeal - to make serious request for something you need or want very much
-- An appeal is a request to higher court. The higher court reviews the entire case certain
aspects of the case or the sentence imposed by the lower court. The appellant who may be the
plaintiff or the dependant in the lower court is, must show the higher court that mistake or
error were made during the previous trial and that the case should be over term diminished or
4. Court - a place where legal trial take place and crime, etc are judged.
A court is any person or institution with authority to judge or adjudicate often as a
government institution with the authority to adjudicate legal dispute between parties and carry
out the administration of justice in civil, criminal and administrative matters in according with
rule of law. Courts exists to do justice to maintain rule of law to provide for equal protection
and to ensure due process of law. They exist so the equality of individual and the government
is reality rather than rhetoric.
5. Tribunal - a type of court with the authority to decide who is right in particular type of
dispute or demand.
It is a quasi-judicial institution that is to step up to deal with the problem such resolving
administration or tax relative dispute.
Tribunal can be described as minor court the adjudication dispute arisen it special case it
Court Tribunal
1. Meaning: Court refer a part legal system 1. Meaning: Tribunal can be describe as
which among a stabilized to give their civil minor court that adjudication puts arising in
and criminal cases special cases.
2. Decision: Judgement decision aquatint, 2. Decision: Abort
order, conviction.
3. Deals with: Variety of cases. 3. Deals with: Special cases
4. Headed by: Judge, panel of Judges, 4. Headed by: Chairperson and other judicial
Magistrate. members.
5. Party : Judges are impartial are arbitrator 5. Party: Tribunal may be party to the
not a party. dispute.
6. Code of Procedure: It is not to be follow 6. Code of Procedure: No such code of
the code of procedure strictly. procedure.
Both court and tribunal are stability by the government, which process judicial power and
have a perceptual succession. By and large tribunal deal with special case for which they are
formed while the rub of cases are deled in the court on which the judge gives his/her wording.
6. Sale Deed - A deed of sale is a document that actually transfer to right associated with the
property on party to another it is usually deafted as a continuation of the agreement to sell. All
the term and condition mentioned in argument to sell would be fulfilled observed in the deed
of sale follow are some of the point.
Distractions of ownership and property
Clear titled verified tag the purchaser
Reference to the argument to sell and the price detail
transfer of all right interest claim demand , what to ever to the property.
facilitate peacefully enjoyment of the property without indirect fall authority by
vendor to sell.
In short , from sale deed mentioned more of the transfer of property and
their right which forms the crux of it on other term and condition are
mentioned in the agreement to sell. therefore, the sale deed can be defeated
8. F.I.R (First Information Report) - Its is a written document prepared by the police where
they receive information about the commission of cognizable offence.
-- Sec. 154 of code of criminal Procedure deals with first information report means the
information by whomsoever given to the officer in charge of a police station in relation to the
commission of a cognizable offence and which is first in point of time and on the strength of
which the investigation in that offence in commenced.
According to sec 154 if the information in writing or if reduce to writing the writing
shall be signed by the informed. The information as taken down in writing shall be read ever
the informed. The substance of the information shall then be entered by the police officer in
book call station diary.
A copy of recorded above shall be given free of cost to the informed. If the officer in
charged refuse to the record the information any person aggrieved by such refuse may send in
writing and by post the substance of such information to the supreintendent of police
If he satisfied that such information disclose the commission of cognizable offence, he
shall either investigate the case himself or direct an investigation to be made by a subordinate
11. Order - a general state of calm, where anything is working as planned and ruled.
--Sec .(14) of C.P.C. A written direction of a court on a judge other than a judgement.
Order mean the formal expression of any dimension of a civil code which is not a decree, and
order may originate form a suit by presenting of a Plaint or may arise from proceeding
commenced by petition or application and order in a suit or proceeding order will be passed
and order is not appreciable.
12. Decree - a order made by a head of state or government which is not approved by parliament.
-- C.P.C. Sec. 2(2).. The fraud expression of expressing it express concluding
determining the rights of the parties with regarded to all or any on the matter in the
controversy in the suit. It is a formal expression of an adjudication.
1. A Posterior - A Latin Phrase Meaning ' from what has been conclude afterwards.
In the contract of law a posteriori "agreement are often made by lawyers in trial to prove their
points. In other words, lawyer often try to prove that evidence or observation reveals the larger
principle of their case
2. Locus Standi - a Latin Phrase meaning ' place to stand: the right to be heard in the court. -
The taxpayers does not have locus standi in this court.
it is basically refers to the ability of a party to show to the ability of a party to show to the
court that their existence sufficient connection or nexes or accuse of action to the party from
the suit. their exist following 3 possibility-
1. There is a direct effect on the party due to which the party is seeking legal intervention
for relief.
2. Their exist a reasonable in direct effect on the party.
3. Law confers upon the end automatic standing "in environmental case."
3. Sin Qua Non - A Latin phrase meaning without which nothing: condition without which
something cannot work. - Agreement by the management is a sine quo non of all employment
In the law tort a casual connection is exist between a particular act and an injuria when the
injuria would have not arisen but for the act. It is established by the " But- For" test: but the
act having occurred. the injury would not have happen.
Eg. If careless had not leave the key in the ignition, his ten year old son could not have
started the car and backed it over playground. So, 'X' acts was the sine qua non of the injury
to playground.
4. Res ISpa loquitur - A Latin phrase meaning ' the matter speaks for itself : a situation where
the fact seem to obvious, that is for the defendant to prove he or she was not negligent rather
than for the claimant to prove his or her claim.
This principle is frequently invoked in the law of tort. It indicate that the event itself explain
that the defendant was negligent it relieves plaintiff of the burden of proof it applies where the
things which causes the accidents.
For example - An air craft was under the control and management of the defendant or his
serving and the accident was such as would not have happened in the ordinary courts it due to
care had been exercised by him or them. The happening then by itself affords prime of facie
evidence or negligence, which may however, been rebounded by the defendant.
where the maxim should follow :
1. The facts og control of the res.
2. For the accident could happen somebody negligence is responsible otherwise ordinary it
could not happen.
3. excess of reasonable explanation.
5. Impromptu - without being prepared or organize.
6. Res Judicata - A Latin phrase meaning ' matter on which a judgement has been given'.
7. Volenti non fit injuria - A Latin phrase meaning ' there can be no injury to a person who
willing : A rule that if someone has agreed to take the rise of an injury he or she cannot She
for it, as in the case of someone injured in a boxing match.
Case:- Hall vs Brooh lunds Auto racing club
This is a case 2 spectators were killed as a result of a racing car crashing into the crowd. the
court gave its judgments or the fore. mentioned doctrine held that there was no liability as the
risk of watching the game while purchasing the ticket it can be conclude that Volenti non fit
injuria arises when a person is ignorant to the risk that he had volentarily concentrated to or
has a mounted to any negligance or acted rectlessly or has done outside the usual course of
game is either punished exerted by the law accordingly.
8. Summun jus, summa injuria - It is a maxim which means extreme justice is extreme
Law cannot be enforces literally per its terms to widely varying circumstance. It is hardly
ever that extreme height can be administered without the danger of doing injustice for
extreme right may be administered without the danger of doing injustice, for extreme right
may produce extreme wrong.
The following is an example of the case law or summum jus summa injuria:
The rule of limited retroactivity permits the issue of government immunity to be properly
raised and preserved solely by a plaintiffs pleading sufficient facts to raise the issue of the
lack of a defendants entitlement to governmental immunity. this world seem to penalize a
plaintiffs for his comprehensiveness in pleading, thus resulting in the ironic result that other
plaintiffs who were perhaps has diligent and complete in drafting their pleading, and who
therefore kept silent on the issue of absence of any bar to their claim due to governmental
immunity.; may get reap the benefits. Thus, such a strict application of the Hyde limited
retroactivity rule would appear to create same injustice.
Summun jus summa injustice , strict law in sometimes the greatest injustice [Fultan v.
Pontiac general Hospital, 160Mich. App728,343(Mich. Ct. App 1987)]
10. Ubi jus, ibi remedium - It is a legal maxim which means "Where there is a right there is a
The basic principle contemplated in the maxim is that; when a person's right is violated the
victim will have an equitable remedy under law. It also state the person whose right is being
infringed has a right to enforce the infringed right through any action beforre a court. All law
court are also guided with the same principle of Ubi jus, Ibi remedium.
In ashby v. white : It was held that man who has a right to vote and it evolution for
member of parliament may maintain and action against the returning officers for maliciously
refusing to management his vote. It was however so that even then member to whome he
wished to vote was elected and no law was caused to him.
In D. K. Basu V. State of W.B. 1997 : The SC of india has may it clear for the application
of maxims Ubi Jus, Ibi remedium. There is no necessity for clean and statutory provision. In
this case court issue an order for damage against custodial death, Dr. A. S. anand observed
that there is no wrong without remedy, it is the aim of the law that everybody wrong must get
remedy. The person wrong must be wrong commentated. The aim of the maxim is to
presented and protect the right of parties and extend help tp enforcement
10. Res judicata, pro veritate accipitur - A matter adjudged is token for truth
A matter decided or passed upon by court of competent jurisdication is received as evidence
of truth. 2kent, Comin120.
a matter which has been adjudicated is accepted or received as true
A decision one rendered by the complaint court on a matter in issue between the partied after
a full inquiry should not be per,itted agitated over again.
Res judicata applies to various civil suit, criminal proceeding. writs executive proceeding
etc. It applies to a case in which there has been a final judgment and is no longer subject to
appeal. The principal of Res judicata is not the creature of any statute or the hand work of
any court of law. It is the gift of public policy. The principle is founded upon the principle of
justice, equity of good conscience the under lining purpose for this judiciary creature doctrine
was to install finality into litigation to provide into litigation to provide for sound encome use
of judicial resources