A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Expression and Storage of Breast Milk Among Antenatal Mothers, Attending Antenatal Clinic at H.S.K Hospital and Research Center, Bagalkot, Karnataka
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Expression and Storage of Breast Milk Among Antenatal Mothers, Attending Antenatal Clinic at H.S.K Hospital and Research Center, Bagalkot, Karnataka
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Expression and Storage of Breast Milk Among Antenatal Mothers, Attending Antenatal Clinic at H.S.K Hospital and Research Center, Bagalkot, Karnataka
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Chaya H., 4Deepa D., 5Dayanand H., 6Hibu Sunya, 7Mahesh B., 8Chennamma, 9Ashwini H., 10Gyanappa G.
Fig 1:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of antenatal mothers according their age.
Fig 2:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their religion
Fig 3:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their place of residence
Fig 4:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their type of family
Fig 5:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their family income
Fig 6:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of antenatal mothers according to their educational status
Fig 7:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their occupation.
Fig 8:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their dietary habits.
Fig. 9:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their order of pregnancy
Fig 10:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of subjects according to their sources of information.
The above table shows that the maximum mean percent obtain by the subjects is found in the aspect of Knowledge on
importance of breast milk among antenatal mothers 44% followed by Knowledge on breast feeding among antenatal mothers
42%, Knowledge regarding procedure on manual expression of breastmilk among antenatal mothers 38%, Knowledge regarding
storage of expressed breast milk 35%. The overall mean percentage in the pre test was found with standard deviation
SECTION-III: Area wise mean, mean percentage and standard deviation for the knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding
expression and storage of breast milk during pregnancy in post test. (N=50)
The above table shows the maximum mean percentage obtained by the subjects is found in the aspect ofKnowledge
regarding procedure on manual expression of breast milk among antenatal mothers82% followed by Knowledge on breast feeding
among antenatal mothers 77% Knowledge on importance of breast milk among antenatal mothers 71% Knowledge regarding
storage of expressed breast milk 70%.
Section-IV: comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge regarding expression and storage of breast milk among antenatal
mothers (N=50)
SECTION- V: Association of the demographic variables of antenatal mothers with the pre-test knowledge scores (N=50)
Demographic variables DF Calculated chi square value Table value Level of significance
Age 9 2.970
15.46 NS
Religion 4 2.97
15.46 NS
Place of residence 1 1.714
15.46 NS
Type of family 1 0.630
15.46 NS
Family income 9 13.388
15.46 NS
Educational status 9 3.027
15.46 NS
Occupational status 9 15.213
15.46 NS
Dietary habits 1 0.113
15.46 NS
Order of pregnancy 9 18.46
15.46 NS
Sources of information 9
3.027 15.46 NS
The calculated x2 value was 2.970 and the table value value the research hypothesis related to family income if the
of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of sample and pretest knowledge score was accepted. Hence no
freedom 9. As the calculated value was less than the table significant association was observed between the age of the
value the research hypothesis related to age if the sample antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression and
and pre test knowledge score was accepted. Hence no storage of breast milk.
significant association was observed between the age of the
antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression and The calculated x2value was 2.97 and the table value of
storage of breast milk. at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of
freedom 4. As the calculated value was less than the table
The calculated x2 value was 3.027 and the table value value the research hypothesis related to religion if the
of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of sample and pretest knowledge score was accepted. Hence no
freedom 9. As the calculated value was less than the table significant association was observed between the age of the
value the research hypothesis related to education if the antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression and
sample and pre test knowledge score was accepted. Hence storage of breast milk.
no significant association was observed between the age of
the antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression The calculated x2value was 0.113 and the x2 value of
and storage of breast milk. table at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of
freedom 1. As the calculated value was less than the table
The calculated x2value was 15.213 and the table value value the research hypothesis related to food habits if the
of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of sample and pretest knowledge score was accepted. Hence no
freedom 9. As the calculated value was less than the table significant association was observed between the age of the
value the research hypothesis related to occupation if the antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression and
sample and pre test knowledge score was accepted. Hence storage of breast milk.
no significant association was observed between the age of
the antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression The calculated x2 value was 0.630 and the table value
and storage of breast milk. of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of
freedom 1. As the calculated value was less than the table
The calculated x2value was 13.388 and the table value value the research hypothesis related to type of family if the
of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of sample and pretest knowledge score was accepted. Hence no
freedom 9. As the calculated value was less than the table significant association was observed between the age of the