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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Expression and Storage of Breast Milk Among Antenatal Mothers, Attending Antenatal Clinic at H.S.K Hospital and Research Center, Bagalkot, Karnataka

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured

Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding
Expression and Storage of Breast Milk Among Antenatal
Mothers, Attending Antenatal Clinic at H.S.K Hospital and
Research Center, Bagalkot, Karnataka
1 2
Kamala K.N. (MSc N) Dr. Deelip S. Natekar
Head of the Department Principal and H.O.D
Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing Community Health Nursing Department
B.V. V. S Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences B.V.V.S Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences
Navanagar, Bagalkot-587102 Navanagar, Bagalkot-587102

Chaya H., 4Deepa D., 5Dayanand H., 6Hibu Sunya, 7Mahesh B., 8Chennamma, 9Ashwini H., 10Gyanappa G.

Abstract:- hospital Bagalkot. They were chosen by convenient

sampling technique of Non-probability type. The study
Mother is a person most honorable occupation and was conducted at H.S.K Hospital and research center
who need more skills . The breastfeeding is basic to Bagalkot. The data was collected before and after
health and development of children and also important administration of structured teaching programme.
for mothers. Just as there is a no person who can replace Structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect
the mother’s love there is no substitute for mothers data. A structured teaching programme was developed
milk. Breastfeeding refers to the processes by which a to assess the knowledge regarding expression and
woman expels milk from her breast. The breast milk can storage of breast milk among antenatal mothers
be stored and feed to her baby at a later period time. attending antenatal clinic at H.S.K Hospital and
research center Bagalkot.
 Objectives
 To assess the existing level of knowledge regarding  Results
expression and storage of breast milk among The findings of the study concluded that antenatal
antenatal mothers attending antenatal clinic, At mothers had inadequate level of knowledge regarding
H.S.K. hospital and research Centre Bagalkot. expression and storage of breast milk. The structured
 To determine the effectiveness of structured teaching teaching programme was effective in improving the
programme on knowledge regarding expression and knowledge of the antenatal mothers.
storage of breast milk.
 To find out the association between post-test  Interpretation And Conclusion
knowledge scores with their selected socio- The findings of the study concluded that antenatal
demographic variables. mothers had inadequate knowledge regarding
expression and storage of breast milk. The STP was
 Hypothesis: highly effective in improving the knowledge of antenatal
 H1: There is a significant difference between pre-test mothers regarding expression and storage of breast milk
and post-test knowledge scores, regarding expression
and storage of breast milk among antenatal mothers, I. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
who are attending antenatal clinic at H.S.K. hospital
Bagalkot. The study is aimed to assess the effectiveness of
 H2: There is a significant association between post- structured teaching Programme on knowledge regarding
test knowledge levels of antenatal mothers regarding expression and storage of breast milk among antenatal
expression and storage of breast milk with their mothers, attending antenatal clinic at H.S.K Hospital and
selected socio-demographic variables. Research center, Bagalkot, Karnataka.

 Methods  Research Approach:

An evaluative approach with one group pre-test, A evaluative approach using pre-test (O1) and post-test
post-test design was used. The sample consisted of 50 (O2) without a control group was adopted for this study in
antenatal mothers attending antenatal clinic at H.S.K. order to accomplish the objectives.

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Research Design:  Reliability of the Tool:
A one group pre-test post-test Quasi experimental This is done by critically evaluating questions based
design has been used to attain the objectives of the present on difficulty index and discriminative index. The reliability
study. index was r= 0.87r: Reliability co-efficient of the half test.

 Independent Variable:  Data Collection:

In this study the independent variable refers to After obtaining the prior permission from the principal
structured teaching programme on expression and storage of of Sajjalashree institute of nursing sciences and formal
breast milk. permission from Dean of H.S.K hospital Navanagar
Bagalkot Karnataka the main study was conducted. The
 Dependent Variable: main study was conducted from 25/01/2019 to 10/02/2019
In this study it refers to knowledge of antenatal among 50 subjects; the subject was selected by sampling
mothers regarding expression and storage of breast milk. technique. The investigator given self-introduction
explained the purpose of the study, subject’s willingness to
 Socio-Demographic Variables: participate in the study was ascertained. The subjects are
These are general characteristics of sample, of which assured anonymity and confidentiality of the information
some can have influence on dependent variable. It includes provided by them and written informed consent was
age, gender, monthly income of the family, religion, type of obtained. The pretest knowledge questionnaire was
family, education, occupation, order of pregnancy and administered, which was followed by STP, which was
sources of information. followed by the posttest after 3 days. The data collection
process was terminated after thanking the Subjects for their
 Setting of the Study: participation and cooperation. The data collection was then
The study was conducted in Antenatal clinic at H.S.K complied for data analysis.
hospital and research center Bagalkot.
 Populations:
The accessible population of this study are the This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation
antenatal mothers who are attending antenatal clinic at HSK of data collected to assess the effectiveness of structured
hospital and research center Bagalkot. teaching programme on knowledge regarding expression
and storage of breast milk among antenatal mothers,
 Sample: attending antenatal clinic at H.S.K Hospital and research
Present study consist of 50 antenatal mothers attending center Bagalkot.
antenatal clinic at H.S.K Hospital and research center,
Bagalkot.  Presentation of Data
To begin with, data was entered in a master sheet, for
 Sampling Technique: tabulation and statistical processing. The findings were
Sampling is a process of selecting a part of the presented under following headings.
assigned population to represent the entire population.  Section I: Description according to demographic
Convenient sampling technique was used to select the variable of antenatal mothers.
hospital and sample.  Section II: Area wise Mean, Mean percentage and
standard deviation for the knowledge of antenatal
 Development and Description of the Tool: mothers regarding expression and storage of breast milk
The data collections technique was Structured in pre-test.
knowledge questionnaire keeping this in mind structured  Section III: Area wise Mean, Mean percentage and
close ended questionnaire was selected and developed on standard deviation for the knowledge of antenatal
knowledge regarding expression and storage of breast milk mothers regarding expression and storage of breast milk
among antenatal mothers. The tool was prepared on the in post-test.
bases of objective of the study.  Section IV: Comparison in pre-test and post-test
knowledge regarding expression and storage of breast
milk among antenatal mothers.
 Section V: Association of the demographic variables of
antenatal mothers with the pre-test knowledge scores.

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Characteristics frequency Percentage ( %)

Age 18-20 years 12 24%
21-25 years 25 50%
26-30 years 9 18%
30 and above 4 8%
Religion Hindu 48 96%
Muslim 2 4%
Christian 0 0
Others 0 0
Place of residence Rural 38 76%
Urban 12 24%
Type of family Nuclear 35 70%
Joint 15 30%
Family income Below 5000 30 60%
5,000-10,000 11 22%
10,000-20,000 6 12%
Above 20,000 3 6%
Educational status Primary education 35 70%
Secondary education 10 20%
Diploma 5 10%
Graduation and above 0 0
Occupation Housewife 10 20%
Govt. employee 6 12%
Private employee 4 8%
Others 30 60%
Dietary habits Vegetarian 23 46%
Mixed 27 54%
Order of pregnancy Primi 29 58%
Second 12 24%
Table 1

Fig 1:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of antenatal mothers according their age.

IJISRT19AUG411 www.ijisrt.com 382

Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their religion

Fig 3:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their place of residence

Fig 4:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their type of family

IJISRT19AUG411 www.ijisrt.com 383

Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 5:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their family income

Fig 6:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of antenatal mothers according to their educational status

Fig 7:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their occupation.

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 8:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their dietary habits.

Fig. 9:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of the subjects according to their order of pregnancy

Fig 10:- Diagram depicting percentage wise distribution of subjects according to their sources of information.

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Section-II: Area wise mean, percentage and standard deviation for the knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding expression
and storage of breast milk during pregnancy in pre test (N=50)

SI. NO Area wise No. of items Mean S.D Mean%

1 Knowledge on importance of 11 16.16 1.61 44%
breast milk among antenatal
2 Knowledge on breast feeding 8 15.37 2.19 42%
among antenatal mothers
3 Knowledge regarding procedure 8 13.75 1.96 38%
on manual expression of
breastmilk among antenatal
4 Knowledge regarding storage of 9 12.66 1.88 35%
expressed breast milk
Over all knowledge 36 57.94 7.72 64%
Table 2

The above table shows that the maximum mean percent obtain by the subjects is found in the aspect of Knowledge on
importance of breast milk among antenatal mothers 44% followed by Knowledge on breast feeding among antenatal mothers
42%, Knowledge regarding procedure on manual expression of breastmilk among antenatal mothers 38%, Knowledge regarding
storage of expressed breast milk 35%. The overall mean percentage in the pre test was found with standard deviation

 SECTION-III: Area wise mean, mean percentage and standard deviation for the knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding
expression and storage of breast milk during pregnancy in post test. (N=50)

Sr. no Area wise No. of items Mean S.D Mean%

1 Knowledge on importance of breast milk among antenatal 11 25.81 3.64 71%
2 Knowledge on breast feeding among antenatal mothers 8 36.5 5.16 77%
3 Knowledge regarding procedure on manual expression of 8 41.37 5.85 82%
breast milk among antenatal mothers
4 Knowledge regarding storage of expressed breast milk 9 40 3.28 70%
Overall knowledge 36 143.68 17.93 70%
Table 3

The above table shows the maximum mean percentage obtained by the subjects is found in the aspect ofKnowledge
regarding procedure on manual expression of breast milk among antenatal mothers82% followed by Knowledge on breast feeding
among antenatal mothers 77% Knowledge on importance of breast milk among antenatal mothers 71% Knowledge regarding
storage of expressed breast milk 70%.

 Section-IV: comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge regarding expression and storage of breast milk among antenatal
mothers (N=50)

Aspects of knowledge Pre-test Post test t value DF P value inference

mean SD mean SD
Knowledge on importance of
breast milk among antenatal 16.16 1.61 25.81 3.64 15.46 9 P<0.05
Knowledge on breast feeding
among antenatal mothers 15.37 2.19 36.5 5.16 15.46 9 P<0.05

Knowledge regarding procedure on

manual expression of breast milk 13.75 1.96 41.37 5.85 15.46 9 P<0.05
among antenatal mothers
Knowledge regarding storage of
expressed breast milk 12.66 1.88 40 3.28 15.46 9 P<0.05
Overall knowledge 57.94 7.64 143.68 17.93 15.46 9 P<0.05
Table 4

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
From the above table it is evident that the obtain t value 15.46 is greater than table value at 0.05 level of significance.
Therefore t value is found to be significant. It means there is gain in knowledge level of antenatal mothers. These supports that
structured teaching programme on expression and storage of breast milk is effective in increasing the knowledge level of antenatal

 SECTION- V: Association of the demographic variables of antenatal mothers with the pre-test knowledge scores (N=50)

Demographic variables DF Calculated chi square value Table value Level of significance
Age 9 2.970
15.46 NS
Religion 4 2.97
15.46 NS
Place of residence 1 1.714
15.46 NS
Type of family 1 0.630
15.46 NS
Family income 9 13.388
15.46 NS
Educational status 9 3.027
15.46 NS
Occupational status 9 15.213
15.46 NS
Dietary habits 1 0.113
15.46 NS
Order of pregnancy 9 18.46
15.46 NS
Sources of information 9
3.027 15.46 NS

Table 5 (P>0.05 , S=significant , NS=non-significant)

The calculated x2 value was 2.970 and the table value value the research hypothesis related to family income if the
of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of sample and pretest knowledge score was accepted. Hence no
freedom 9. As the calculated value was less than the table significant association was observed between the age of the
value the research hypothesis related to age if the sample antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression and
and pre test knowledge score was accepted. Hence no storage of breast milk.
significant association was observed between the age of the
antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression and The calculated x2value was 2.97 and the table value of
storage of breast milk. at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of
freedom 4. As the calculated value was less than the table
The calculated x2 value was 3.027 and the table value value the research hypothesis related to religion if the
of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of sample and pretest knowledge score was accepted. Hence no
freedom 9. As the calculated value was less than the table significant association was observed between the age of the
value the research hypothesis related to education if the antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression and
sample and pre test knowledge score was accepted. Hence storage of breast milk.
no significant association was observed between the age of
the antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression The calculated x2value was 0.113 and the x2 value of
and storage of breast milk. table at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of
freedom 1. As the calculated value was less than the table
The calculated x2value was 15.213 and the table value value the research hypothesis related to food habits if the
of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of sample and pretest knowledge score was accepted. Hence no
freedom 9. As the calculated value was less than the table significant association was observed between the age of the
value the research hypothesis related to occupation if the antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression and
sample and pre test knowledge score was accepted. Hence storage of breast milk.
no significant association was observed between the age of
the antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression The calculated x2 value was 0.630 and the table value
and storage of breast milk. of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of
freedom 1. As the calculated value was less than the table
The calculated x2value was 13.388 and the table value value the research hypothesis related to type of family if the
of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of sample and pretest knowledge score was accepted. Hence no
freedom 9. As the calculated value was less than the table significant association was observed between the age of the

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Volume 4, Issue 8, August – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
antenatal mothers and their present scores on expression and [6]. Rathnam SS. Obstetrics and gynaecology for
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of at 15.46% level of significance with the degree of WWW.babycenter.in/pregnancy/antenatalhealth/natura
freedom 9. As the calculated value was less than the table lremedies.
value the research hypothesis related to gravida if the [8]. Borg-Stein J, Dugan SA. Musculoskeletal disorders of
sample and pretest knowledge score was accepted. Hence no pregnancy, delivery and postpartum. Phys Med
significant association was observed between the age of the Rehabil Clin N Am. 2007 Aug;18(3):459-76, ix.
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value the research hypothesis related to sources of
information if the sample and pretest knowledge score was
accepted. Hence no significant association was observed
between the age of the antenatal mothers and their present
scores on expression and storage of breast milk.

Findings reveals that there is no significant association

between pretest knowledge scores and the selected socio
demographic variables such has age, education, education,
occupation, family income, religion, food habits, type of the
family, gravida, sources of information. Thus H2- stated is


The focus of this study was to assess the effectiveness

of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding
expression and storage of breast milk among antenatal
mothers, attending antenatal clinic at H.S.K Hospital and
research center, Bagalkot, Karnataka. Majority of antenatal
mothers were willing to participate in the study. They gave
free and frank responses on knowledge regarding expression
and storage of breast milk. The study was based on General
System Theory. It provides a comprehensive systematic
framework to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching
programme on knowledge regarding expression and storage
of breast milk among antenatal mothers.


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