BIS 14665 Part 2

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1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000

TO For buildings having height more than 15 m; at least one lift shall
IS 14665 (PART 2/SEC 1) : 2000 ELECTRIC meet the following requirements of fireman’s lift as given in

PART 2 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR INSTALLATION, The fireman’s lift shall have the following minimum requirements:
a) Lift car shall have floor area of not less than 1.43 m2. It shall also have
Section 1 Passenger and Goods Lifts a loading capacity of not less than 544 kg (8 persons).

(Page 16, clause 8.3.14) — Substitute the following for the existing b) Door shall be of automatic operation for car and landing.
c) Lift shall work at or above 1m/s so as to reach top floor from ground
8.3.14 Behaviour of Lifts under Fire Condition for Buildings having Height level within one minute
more than 15 m
d) All floors above ground floor shall be accessible directly by the lift. Requirements for all lifts — All lifts (Fire Lifts/Non-fire Lifts/Fire and
Non-fire Lifts in group control in individual shafts or in a common shaft) in a Operation requirement of fireman’s lift(s) — The lift shall be
building having height more than 15 m shall satisfy following requirements: provided with the following as minimum:

a) The walls enclosing the lift well shall have fire resistance of not less a) A two position (ON/OFF) Fireman’s Switch which is common to all
than two hours. The lift well shall have permanent vents immediately lifts in a group control at evacuation floor (normally main entrance
under the machine room not less than 0.2 m2 per lift in clear area with floor), protected in a box with glass in front with suitable label
wire mesh of size such that it will reject a ball of 25 mm diameter. indicating that it is Fire Switch; and

b) Lift landing doors shall have a minimum fire resistance rating of 2 h b) Audio & visual signal in car.
for integrity as per IS 3809 : 1979. Sequence of operation
c) In case of common lift well for multiple lifts, the partition walls of the
common lift well separating individual lifts shall be either RCC or a) Return to Evacuation Floor (Phase 1):
brick or glass or suitable wire grill/expanded metal of following
specifications: 1) Shall start when the switch at the evacuation floor is turned to the
‘on’ position or the signal indicating a fire received from the
1) It shall be made of at least 2.2 mm thick steel wire or expanded Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System (if provided by the
metal, building management system) is on. The lift(s) controlled by this
2) It shall reject a ball of 25 mm diameter, and switch shall cancel car calls and separate from landing calls and no
3) It shall be so fixed as not to deflect more than 15 mm when landing or car calls shall be registered. The audio and visual signal in
subjected to a force of 450 N applied horizontally at any point. car shall be turned on. All heat and smoke sensitive door reopening
devices shall be rendered inoperative. Requirements for fireman’s lift(s)
2) If the lift is travelling towards the evacuation floor, it shall continue
Price Group 2 driving to that floor.
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AMENDMENT NO. 1 FEBRUARY 2011 Amend No. 1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000
TO For buildings having height more than 15 m; at least one lift shall
IS 14665 (PART 2/SEC 1) : 2000 ELECTRIC meet the following requirements of fireman’s lift as given in

PART 2 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR INSTALLATION, The fireman’s lift shall have the following minimum requirements:
a) Lift car shall have floor area of not less than 1.43 m2. It shall also have
Section 1 Passenger and Goods Lifts a loading capacity of not less than 544 kg (8 persons).

(Page 16, clause 8.3.14) — Substitute the following for the existing b) Door shall be of automatic operation for car and landing.
c) Lift shall work at or above 1m/s so as to reach top floor from ground
8.3.14 Behaviour of Lifts under Fire Condition for Buildings having Height level within one minute
more than 15 m
d) All floors above ground floor shall be accessible directly by the lift. Requirements for all lifts — All lifts (Fire Lifts/Non-fire Lifts/Fire and
Non-fire Lifts in group control in individual shafts or in a common shaft) in a Operation requirement of fireman’s lift(s) — The lift shall be
building having height more than 15 m shall satisfy following requirements: provided with the following as minimum:

a) The walls enclosing the lift well shall have fire resistance of not less a) A two position (ON/OFF) Fireman’s Switch which is common to all
than two hours. The lift well shall have permanent vents immediately lifts in a group control at evacuation floor (normally main entrance
under the machine room not less than 0.2 m2 per lift in clear area with floor), protected in a box with glass in front with suitable label
wire mesh of size such that it will reject a ball of 25 mm diameter. indicating that it is Fire Switch; and

b) Lift landing doors shall have a minimum fire resistance rating of 2 h b) Audio & visual signal in car.
for integrity as per IS 3809 : 1979. Sequence of operation
c) In case of common lift well for multiple lifts, the partition walls of the
common lift well separating individual lifts shall be either RCC or a) Return to Evacuation Floor (Phase 1):
brick or glass or suitable wire grill/expanded metal of following
specifications: 1) Shall start when the switch at the evacuation floor is turned to the
‘on’ position or the signal indicating a fire received from the
1) It shall be made of at least 2.2 mm thick steel wire or expanded Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System (if provided by the
metal, building management system) is on. The lift(s) controlled by this
2) It shall reject a ball of 25 mm diameter, and switch shall cancel car calls and separate from landing calls and no
3) It shall be so fixed as not to deflect more than 15 mm when landing or car calls shall be registered. The audio and visual signal in
subjected to a force of 450 N applied horizontally at any point. car shall be turned on. All heat and smoke sensitive door reopening
devices shall be rendered inoperative. Requirements for fireman’s lift(s)
2) If the lift is travelling towards the evacuation floor, it shall continue
Price Group 2 driving to that floor.
1 2
Amend No. 1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000 Amend No. 1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000

3) If the lift is travelling away from the evacuation floor, it shall reverse For buildings having height more than 15 meters, the Non-fire lift(s) shall be
its direction at the nearest possible floor without opening its door and taken out of normal services in the event of fire, by making use of the following
return non-stop to the evacuation floor. provisions given in to

4) If the lift is standing at a floor other than evacuation floor, it shall The Non-fire lift(s) shall be provided with a Manual Two Position
close the doors and start traveling non-stop to the evacuation floor. (ON/OFF) Fireman Switch acting as a ‘Grounding Switch’ on the main floor.
The switch shall be common for all lifts in a group control. The switch shall be
5) When at the evacuation floor, the lift shall park with doors open. protected in a box with glass in front with suitable label indicating that it is Fire
6) The audio signal is turned off after this drive.
When a signal indicating a fire is received from the Automatic Fire Detection
b) Fireman’s Service (Phase 2): and Alarm System or from the Grounding Switch, the Non-fire lift(s) shall react
as follows:
The phase 2 operation of the lift shall be as defined below:
a) All landing controls and car controls including the ‘door re-open
1) The phase 2 is started after phase 1, if the Fireman’s Switch is ‘ON’. button’ shall be rendered inoperative;
b) All existing registered calls shall be cancelled; and
2) The lift does not respond to landing calls. All heat and smoke sensitive c) The lift shall follow the automatic command initiated by the received
door reopening devices are rendered inoperative. signal in the following way:

3) When the car call button is pressed the doors start closing. If the button 1) A lift with automatic power operated doors, when parked at a
is released before the doors are fully closed, they reopen. The car call is landing, shall close the doors and travel non-stop to the
registered only when the doors are fully closed. evacuation landing;

4) After registering a car call the lifts start driving to the call. If more than 2) A lift with manually operated or non-automatic power operated
one car call is registered, only the nearest call is answered and the doors, if parked at a landing with open doors, shall remain
remaining calls will be cancelled at the first stop. immobilized at that landing. If the doors are closed, the lift
shall travel non-stop to the evacuation landing;
5) At the floor the doors are opened by pushing the door open button. If the
button is released before the floors are fully open, they reclose. 3) A lift travelling away from the designated landing shall make a
normal stop and reverse its direction at the nearest possible
6) The lift returns to normal service when it stands at the evacuation floor landing without opening the doors and return to the evacuation
with floor open and the switch is ‘OFF’ or by an electrical signal from landing;
the automatic fire detection system when it is reset.
4) A lift travelling towards the designated landing shall continue its The words ‘Fire Lift’ shall be conspicuously displayed in fluorescent travel non-stop to be evacuation landing; and
colour near/on the lift landing doors at each floor.
5) A lift, in the event of becoming blocked due to the operation of a Requirements for non-fire lifts(s) safety device, shall remain immobilized.

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Amend No. 1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000 Amend No. 1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000

3) If the lift is travelling away from the evacuation floor, it shall reverse For buildings having height more than 15 meters, the Non-fire lift(s) shall be
its direction at the nearest possible floor without opening its door and taken out of normal services in the event of fire, by making use of the following
return non-stop to the evacuation floor. provisions given in to

4) If the lift is standing at a floor other than evacuation floor, it shall The Non-fire lift(s) shall be provided with a Manual Two Position
close the doors and start traveling non-stop to the evacuation floor. (ON/OFF) Fireman Switch acting as a ‘Grounding Switch’ on the main floor.
The switch shall be common for all lifts in a group control. The switch shall be
5) When at the evacuation floor, the lift shall park with doors open. protected in a box with glass in front with suitable label indicating that it is Fire
6) The audio signal is turned off after this drive.
When a signal indicating a fire is received from the Automatic Fire Detection
b) Fireman’s Service (Phase 2): and Alarm System or from the Grounding Switch, the Non-fire lift(s) shall react
as follows:
The phase 2 operation of the lift shall be as defined below:
a) All landing controls and car controls including the ‘door re-open
1) The phase 2 is started after phase 1, if the Fireman’s Switch is ‘ON’. button’ shall be rendered inoperative;
b) All existing registered calls shall be cancelled; and
2) The lift does not respond to landing calls. All heat and smoke sensitive c) The lift shall follow the automatic command initiated by the received
door reopening devices are rendered inoperative. signal in the following way:

3) When the car call button is pressed the doors start closing. If the button 1) A lift with automatic power operated doors, when parked at a
is released before the doors are fully closed, they reopen. The car call is landing, shall close the doors and travel non-stop to the
registered only when the doors are fully closed. evacuation landing;

4) After registering a car call the lifts start driving to the call. If more than 2) A lift with manually operated or non-automatic power operated
one car call is registered, only the nearest call is answered and the doors, if parked at a landing with open doors, shall remain
remaining calls will be cancelled at the first stop. immobilized at that landing. If the doors are closed, the lift
shall travel non-stop to the evacuation landing;
5) At the floor the doors are opened by pushing the door open button. If the
button is released before the floors are fully open, they reclose. 3) A lift travelling away from the designated landing shall make a
normal stop and reverse its direction at the nearest possible
6) The lift returns to normal service when it stands at the evacuation floor landing without opening the doors and return to the evacuation
with floor open and the switch is ‘OFF’ or by an electrical signal from landing;
the automatic fire detection system when it is reset.
4) A lift travelling towards the designated landing shall continue its The words ‘Fire Lift’ shall be conspicuously displayed in fluorescent travel non-stop to be evacuation landing; and
colour near/on the lift landing doors at each floor.
5) A lift, in the event of becoming blocked due to the operation of a Requirements for non-fire lifts(s) safety device, shall remain immobilized.

3 4
Amend No. 1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000 Amend No. 1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000 Door reversal devices, which may be affected by heat or smoke, shall ‘ There shall be separate earth pit for lifts.’
be rendered inoperative to allow the doors to close.
(Page 19, clause 10.9) — Substitute the following for the existing clause: The breakdown or shut down of a lift in a group of interconnected
lifts shall not affect the return of other lifts to the evacuation landing. ‘It is recommended that it shall not be possible to open the lift car door of an
automatic lift from within the car unless the car is in front of a landing in the On arriving at the evacuation landing, lifts with power operated doors landing zone. If the door can be opened the opening shall be restricted to
shall park there with the car and landing doors open and removed form service. 50 mm. It shall be possible to open the car door from outside by an authorized
person in case of emergency.’
NOTE — The doors may close after predetermined time. However it shall be possible to
open them with landing call button and manually with special emergency key. For lifts with manually operated doors, when the car(s) arrive(s) at the
designated landing, its door(s) shall be unlocked and the lift removed from the
normal service. The lift will automatically be reset to normal operation by:

a) an electrical signal from the automatic fire detection system when it is

reset; or

b) the reset of the manual Grounding Switch. Requirements for fire & non-fire lifts in a group control

In case there are Fire lifts as well as Non-fire lifts in a group control, the
common Fireman-cum-Grounding Switch should function as Fire Switch for
Fire lifts and as Grounding Switch for the Non-fire Lifts. Other requirements
shall be as per for Fire Lifts and for Non-fire Lifts.

(Page 17, clause — Substitute the following for the existing

‘ A trailing cable which incorporates conductors for control circuits shall
be separate and distinct from that which incorporates lighting and signalling
circuits. However, use of single travelling cable for lighting, signalling and
control circuits is permitted, provided that all the conductors are insulated for the
maximum voltage found in the cable.’
(ET 25)
(Page 17, clause — Add the following new sub-clause:
Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India
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Amend No. 1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000 Amend No. 1 to IS 14665 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000 Door reversal devices, which may be affected by heat or smoke, shall ‘ There shall be separate earth pit for lifts.’
be rendered inoperative to allow the doors to close.
(Page 19, clause 10.9) — Substitute the following for the existing clause: The breakdown or shut down of a lift in a group of interconnected
lifts shall not affect the return of other lifts to the evacuation landing. ‘It is recommended that it shall not be possible to open the lift car door of an
automatic lift from within the car unless the car is in front of a landing in the On arriving at the evacuation landing, lifts with power operated doors landing zone. If the door can be opened the opening shall be restricted to
shall park there with the car and landing doors open and removed form service. 50 mm. It shall be possible to open the car door from outside by an authorized
person in case of emergency.’
NOTE — The doors may close after predetermined time. However it shall be possible to
open them with landing call button and manually with special emergency key. For lifts with manually operated doors, when the car(s) arrive(s) at the
designated landing, its door(s) shall be unlocked and the lift removed from the
normal service. The lift will automatically be reset to normal operation by:

a) an electrical signal from the automatic fire detection system when it is

reset; or

b) the reset of the manual Grounding Switch. Requirements for fire & non-fire lifts in a group control

In case there are Fire lifts as well as Non-fire lifts in a group control, the
common Fireman-cum-Grounding Switch should function as Fire Switch for
Fire lifts and as Grounding Switch for the Non-fire Lifts. Other requirements
shall be as per for Fire Lifts and for Non-fire Lifts.

(Page 17, clause — Substitute the following for the existing

‘ A trailing cable which incorporates conductors for control circuits shall
be separate and distinct from that which incorporates lighting and signalling
circuits. However, use of single travelling cable for lighting, signalling and
control circuits is permitted, provided that all the conductors are insulated for the
maximum voltage found in the cable.’
(ET 25)
(Page 17, clause — Add the following new sub-clause:
Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India
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