Insurance - Aug 20 Digests

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White Gold Marine Services vs Pioneer Insurance and Respondents contend that although Steamship Mutual is a P &
Surety Corporation I Club, it is not engaged in the insurance business in the
Philippines. It is merely an association of vessel owners who
FACTS: Petition for Review assailing the decision of the CA. have come together to provide mutual protection against
The decision of the CA affirmed that of the Insurance liabilities incidental to shipowning. Respondents
Commission. aver Hyopsung is inapplicable in this case because the issue
in Hyopsung was the jurisdiction of the court over Hyopsung.
Petitioner White Gold Marine Services (White Gold) procured
a protection and indemnity coverage for its vessels from RULING: 1. Is Steamship Mutual engaged in the insurance
Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda) business?
Limited (Steamship) through respondent Pioneer Insurance
and Surety Corporation (Pioneer). Section 2(2) of the Insurance Code enumerates what
constitutes "doing an insurance business" or
Pioneer issued a Certificate of Entry and Acceptance, and "transacting an insurance business". These are:
receipts evidencing payments for the coverage to White
Gold. However, when White Gold failed to fully pay its (a) making or proposing to make, as insurer, any
accounts, Steamship Mutual refused to renew the coverage. insurance contract;
Steamship thereafter filed a case against White Gold for
collection of sum of money to recover the latter’s unpaid (b) making, or proposing to make, as surety, any
balance. White Gold on the other hand filed a complaint before contract of suretyship as a vocation and not as merely
the Insurance Commission claiming that Steamship did not incidental to any other legitimate business or activity of
have a license to engage in the insurance business. the surety;

The Insurance Commission dismissed the complaint and such (c) doing any kind of business, including a reinsurance
dismissal was affirmed by the CA. business, specifically recognized as constituting the
doing of an insurance business within the meaning of
Insurance Commission said that there was no need for this Code;
Steamship Mutual to secure a license because it was not
engaged in the insurance business. It explained that Steamship (d) doing or proposing to do any business in substance
Mutual was a Protection and Indemnity Club (P & I Club). equivalent to any of the foregoing in a manner
Likewise, Pioneer need not obtain another license as insurance designed to evade the provisions of this Code.
agent and/or a broker for Steamship Mutual because
Steamship Mutual was not engaged in the insurance business. Test to determine if a contract is an insurance contract or
Moreover, Pioneer was already licensed, hence, a separate not, depends on the nature of the promise, the act required to
license solely as agent/broker of Steamship Mutual was already be performed, and the exact nature of the agreement in the light
superfluous. of the occurrence, contingency, or circumstances under which
the performance becomes requisite. It is not by what it is called.
CA distinguished between P & I Clubs vs conventional
insurance. Also held that Pioneer merely acted as a collection Insurance contract is a contract of indemnity. In it, one
agent of Steamship Mutual. undertakes for a consideration to indemnify another against
loss, damage or liability arising from an unknown or contingent
ISSUES: (1) Is Steamship Mutual, a P & I Club, engaged in the event.
insurance business in the Philippines? (2) Does Pioneer need a
license as an insurance agent/broker for Steamship Mutual? Marine insurance undertakes to indemnify the assured against
marine losses, such as the losses incident to a marine
DISCUSSION: The parties admit that Steamship Mutual is a P adventure. Section 99 of the Insurance Code enumerates
& I Club. Steamship Mutual admits it does not have a license to the coverage of marine insurance.
do business in the Philippines although Pioneer is its resident
agent. This relationship is reflected in the certifications issued Mutual Insurance Company is a cooperative enterprise where
by the Insurance Commission. the members are both the insurer and insured. In it, the
members all contribute, by a system of premiums or
Petitioner insists that Steamship Mutual as a P & I Club is assessments, to the creation of a fund from which all losses
engaged in the insurance business. To buttress its assertion, it and liabilities are paid, and where the profits are divided among
cites the definition of a P & I Club in Hyopsung Maritime Co., themselves, in proportion to their interest. Additionally, mutual
Ltd. v. Court of Appeals as "an association composed of insurance associations, or clubs, provide three types of
shipowners in general who band together for the specific coverage, namely, protection and indemnity, war risks, and
purpose of providing insurance cover on a mutual basis against defense costs.
liabilities incidental to shipowning that the members incur in
favor of third parties." P & I Club is "a form of insurance against third party liability,
where the third party is anyone other than the P & I Club and
It stresses that as a P & I Club, Steamship Mutual’s the members."
primary purpose is to solicit and provide protection and
indemnity coverage and for this purpose, it has IMP! By definition then, Steamship Mutual as a P & I
engaged the services of Pioneer to act as its agent. Club is a mutual insurance association engaged in the
marine insurance business.
The records reveal Steamship Mutual is doing business in the Individuals enrolled in its health care programs pay an annual
country albeit without the requisite certificate of authority membership fee and are entitled to various preventive,
mandated by Section 187 of the Insurance Code. It maintains a diagnostic and curative medical services provided by its duly
resident agent in the Philippines to solicit insurance and to licensed physicians, specialists and other professional technical
collect payments in its behalf. We note that Steamship Mutual staff participating in the group practice health delivery system at
even renewed its P & I Club cover until it was cancelled due to a hospital or clinic owned, operated or accredited by it.
non-payment of the calls. Thus, to continue doing business
here, Steamship Mutual or through its agent Pioneer, must The deficiency DST assessment was imposed on petitioner's
secure a license from the Insurance Commission. health care agreement with the members of its health care
program pursuant to Section 185 of the 1997 Tax Code which
Since a contract of insurance involves public interest, regulation provides:
by the State is necessary. Thus, no insurer or insurance
company is allowed to engage in the insurance business Section 185. Stamp tax on fidelity bonds and other
without a license or a certificate of authority from the Insurance insurance policies. - On all policies of insurance or
Commission. bonds or obligations of the nature of indemnity for
loss, damage, or liability made or renewed by any
2. Does Pioneer, as agent/broker of Steamship Mutual, person, association or company or corporation
need a special license? transacting the business of accident, fidelity,
employer's liability, plate, glass, steam boiler, burglar,
Pioneer is the resident agent of Steamship Mutual as evidenced elevator, automatic sprinkler, or other branch of
by the certificate of registration issued by the Insurance insurance (except life, marine, inland, and fire
Commission. It has been licensed to do or transact insurance insurance), and all bonds, undertakings, or
business by virtue of the certificate of authority issued by the recognizances, conditioned for the performance of the
same agency. However, a Certification from the Commission duties of any office or position, for the doing or not
states that Pioneer does not have a separate license to be an doing of anything therein specified, and on all
agent/broker of Steamship Mutual. obligations guaranteeing the validity or legality of any
bond or other obligations issued by any province, city,
municipality, or other public body or organization, and
Although Pioneer is already licensed as an insurance company, on all obligations guaranteeing the title to any real
it needs a separate license to act as insurance agent for estate, or guaranteeing any mercantile credits, which
Steamship Mutual. Section 299 of the Insurance Code clearly may be made or renewed by any such person,
states: company or corporation, there shall be collected a
documentary stamp tax of fifty centavos (P0.50) on
SEC. 299. No person shall act as an insurance agent or each four pesos (P4.00), or fractional part thereof, of
as an insurance broker in the solicitation or procurement the premium charged. (emphasis supplied)
of applications for insurance, or receive for services in
obtaining insurance, any commission or other Petitioner protested such assessment in a letter, but the
compensation from any insurance company doing respondent did not act on the protest which led the petitioner to
business in the Philippines or any agent thereof, without file a petition in the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) seeking the
first procuring a license so to act from the cancellation of said assessments. CTA partially granted the
Commissioner, which must be renewed annually on the petition wherein the petitioner is ordered to pay the deficiency
first day of January, or within six months thereafter. VAT and set aside the DST deficiency tax.

Finally, White Gold seeks revocation of Pioneer’s certificate of Respondent appealed in CA with regard to the cancellation of
authority and removal of its directors and officers. Regrettably, DST assessment. CA granted the petition and held that
we are not the forum for these issues. petitioner's health care agreement was in the nature of a non-
life insurance contract subject to DST. Petitioner moved for
Petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The Decision of CA reconsideration but the CA denied it. Hence, this petition.
affirming the Decision the Insurance Commission is hereby
REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. The Steamship Mutual Petitioner essentially argues that its health care agreement
Underwriting Association (Bermuda) Ltd., and Pioneer is not a contract of insurance but a contract for the
Insurance and Surety Corporation are ORDERED to obtain provision on a prepaid basis of medical services, including
licenses and to secure proper authorizations to do business as medical check-up, that are not based on loss or damage.
insurer and insurance agent, respectively. The petitioner’s Petitioner also insists that it is not engaged in the
prayer for the revocation of Pioneer’s Certificate of Authority insurance business. It is a health maintenance organization
and removal of its directors and officers, is DENIED. regulated by the Department of Health, not an insurance
company under the jurisdiction of the Insurance
2. Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc. vs Commissioner Commission. For these reasons, petitioner asserts that the
of Internal Revenue health care agreement is not subject to DST. - We do not
FACTS: Petitioner is a domestic corporation whose primary
purpose is "to establish, maintain, conduct and operate a ISSUE: Is a health care agreement in the nature of an
prepaid group practice health care delivery system or a health insurance contract and therefore subject to the documentary
maintenance organization to take care of the sick and disabled stamp tax (DST) imposed under Section 185 of Republic Act
persons enrolled in the health care plan and to provide for the 8424 (Tax Code of 1997)?
administrative, legal, and financial responsibilities of the
organization." RULING:
The DST is levied on the exercise by persons of certain on the facilities used in the transaction of the
privileges conferred by law for the creation, revision, or business, separate and apart from the business itself.
termination of specific legal relationships through the execution
of specific instruments. It is an excise upon the privilege, Petition is hereby DENIED. Decision of the CA is AFFIRMED.
opportunity, or facility offered at exchanges for the transaction Petitioner is ordered to pay the amounts of P55,746,352.19
of the business. In particular, the DST under Section 185 of and P68,450,258.73 as deficiency documentary stamp tax for
the 1997 Tax Code is imposed on the privilege of making or 1996 and 1997, respectively, plus 25% surcharge for late
renewing any policy of insurance (except life, marine, payment and 20% interest per annum from January 27, 2000
inland and fire insurance), bond or obligation in the nature of until full payment thereof.
indemnity for loss, damage, or liability.
Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc. V. CIR (2009)
IMP! Under the law, a contract of insurance is an agreement
whereby one undertakes for a consideration to indemnify
another against loss, damage or liability arising from an FACTS: Petitioner Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc. is a
unknown or contingent event. The event insured against must domestic corporation whose primary purpose is "to establish,
be designated in the contract and must either be unknown or maintain, conduct and operate a prepaid group practice health
contingent. care delivery system or a health maintenance organization to
take care of the sick and disabled persons enrolled in the health
IMP! Petitioner's health care agreement is primarily a care plan and to provide for the administrative, legal, and
contract of indemnity. And in the recent case of Blue financial responsibilities of the organization." Individuals
Cross Healthcare, Inc. v. Olivares, this Court ruled that enrolled in its health care programs pay an annual membership
a health care agreement is in the nature of a non-life fee and are entitled to various preventive, diagnostic and
insurance policy. curative medical services provided by its duly licensed
physicians, specialists and other professional technical staff
IMP! Contrary to petitioner's claim, its health care agreement is participating in the group practice health delivery system at a
not a contract for the provision of medical services. Petitioner hospital or clinic owned, operated or accredited by it.
does not actually provide medical or hospital services but
merely arranges for the same and pays for them up to the The deficiency DST assessment was imposed on petitioner's
stipulated maximum amount of coverage. health care agreement with the members of its health care
program pursuant to Section 185 of the 1997 Tax Code
Petitioner's health care agreement is substantially similar to that Petitioner protested such assessment in a letter, but the
involved in Philamcare Health Systems, Inc. v. CA.18 The health respondent did not act on the protest which led the petitioner
care agreement in that case entitled the subscriber to avail of to file a petition in the CTA seeking the cancellation of said
the hospitalization benefits, whether ordinary or emergency, assessments.
listed therein. It also provided for "out-patient benefits" such as
annual physical examinations, preventive health care and other CTA partially granted the petition and ordered petitioner to pay
out-patient services. This Court ruled in Philamcare Health
the deficiency VAT and set aside the DST deficiency tax.
Systems, Inc.:
Respondent appealed in CA with regard to the cancellation of
[T]he insurable interest of [the subscriber] in obtaining DST assessment.
the health care agreement was his own health. The
health care agreement was in the nature of non-life CA granted the petition and held that petitioner's health care
insurance, which is primarily a contract of
agreement was in the nature of a non-life insurance contract
indemnity. Once the member incurs hospital, medical
subject to DST.
or any other expense arising from sickness, injury or
other stipulated contingency, the health care provider
Petitioner moved for reconsideration but the CA denied it.
must pay for the same to the extent agreed upon
under the contract.19 (emphasis supplied) Hence, this petition.

IMP! Similarly, the insurable interest of every member of ISSUES:

petitioner's health care program in obtaining the health care 1. W/N the Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc. (HMO-
agreement is his own health. Under the agreement, petitioner is health maintenance organization) was engaged in the
bound to indemnify any member who incurs hospital, medical or business of insurance during the pertinent taxable years -
any other expense arising from sickness, injury or other NO
stipulated contingency to the extent agreed upon under the 2. W/N the Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc enters
contract. into an insurance contract - NO

Petitioner's contention that it is a health maintenance RULING: Motion for reconsideration is GRANTED
organization and not an insurance company is irrelevant.
Contracts between companies like petitioner and the 1.NO
beneficiaries under their plans are treated as insurance
contracts. P.D. 612 Insurance Code
Sec. 2 (2)
Moreover, DST is not a tax on the business transacted but an (2) The term "doing an insurance business" or "transacting an
excise on the privilege, opportunity, or facility offered at insurance business", within the meaning of this Code, shall
exchanges for the transaction of the business. It is an excise include:
 purpose of determining what "doing an insurance
(a) making or proposing to make, as insurer, any insurance business" means, we have to scrutinize the operations of
contract; the business as a whole and not its mere components
(b) making or proposing to make, as surety, any contract of  letter dated September 3, 2000, the Insurance
suretyship as a vocation and not as merely incidental to any Commissioner confirmed that petitioner is not engaged in
other legitimate business or activity of the surety; the insurance business. This determination of the
commissioner must be accorded great weight
(c) doing any kind of business, including a reinsurance
business, specifically recognized as constituting the doing of an Section 2 (1) of the Insurance Code defines a contract of
insurance business within the meaning of this Code; insurance as an agreement whereby one undertakes for a
consideration to indemnify another against loss, damage or
(d) doing or proposing to do any business in substance liability arising from an unknown or contingent event. An
equivalent to any of the foregoing in a manner designed to insurance contract exists where the following elements concur:
evade the provisions of this Code. - NOT present
1. The insured has an insurable interest;
In the application of the provisions of this Code the fact that no 2. The insured is subject to a risk of loss by the
profit is derived from the making of insurance contracts, happening of the designed peril;
agreements or transactions or that no separate or direct 3. The insurer assumes the risk;
consideration is received therefor, shall not be deemed 4. Such assumption of risk is part of a general scheme
conclusive to show that the making thereof does not constitute to distribute actual losses among a large group of
the doing or transacting of an insurance business. persons bearing a similar risk and
5. In consideration of the insurer’s promise, the
No profit is derived from the making of insurance contracts, insured pays a premium.
agreements or transactions or that no separate or direct
consideration is received therefore, shall not be deemed  no indemnity
conclusive to show that the making thereof does not constitute  member can take advantage of the bulk of the benefits
the doing or transacting of an insurance business anytime even in the absence of any peril, loss or damage
on his or her part.
2. NO. Basic distinction between medical service corporations
and ordinary health and accident insurers is that the former  assumption of the expense by petitioner is not confined to
undertake to provide prepaid medical services through the happening of a contingency but includes incidents even
participating physicians, thus relieving subscribers of any in the absence of illness or injury
further financial burden, while the latter only undertake to
indemnify an insured for medical expenses up to, but not  Since indemnity of the insured was not the focal point of
beyond, the schedule of rates contained in the policy. the agreement but the extension of medical services to the
member at an affordable cost, it did not partake of the
 A participating provider of health care services is one who nature of a contract of insurance
agrees in writing to render health care services to or for
persons covered by a contract issued by health service  HMO, undertakes a business risk when it offers to provide
corporation in return for which the health service health services. But it is not the risk of the type peculiar
corporation agrees to make payment directly to the only to insurance companies. Insurance risk, also known
participating provider as actuarial risk, is the risk that the cost of insurance
claims might be higher than the premiums paid. The
 any indemnification resulting from the payment for services amount of premium is calculated on the basis of
rendered in case of emergency by non-participating health assumptions made relative to the insured.
providers would still be incidental to petitioner’s purpose of
providing and arranging for health care services and does  In our jurisdiction, a commentator of our insurance laws
not transform it into an insurer. has pointed out that, even if a contract contains all the
elements of an insurance contract, if its primary purpose is
 As an HMO, it is its obligation to maintain the good health the rendering of service, it is not a contract of
of its members insurance. The primary purpose of the parties in making
 its undertaking under its agreements is not to indemnify its the contract may negate the existence of an insurance
members against any loss or damage arising from a contract.
medical condition but, on the contrary, to provide the health
and medical services needed to prevent such loss or  health care agreements are clearly not within the ambit of
damage Section 185 of the NIRC and there was never any
legislative intent to impose the same on HMOs
 Overall, petitioner appears to provide insurance-type
benefits to its members (with respect to its curative medical
services), but these are incidental to the principal activity of ISSUES: (1) Whether or not Philippine Health Care Providers,
providing them medical care. The "insurance-like" aspect Inc. engaged in insurance business; and (2) Whether or not the
of petitioner’s business is miniscule compared to its agreements between petitioner and its members possess all
noninsurance activities. Therefore, since it substantially elements necessary in the insurance contract.
provides health care services rather than insurance
services, it cannot be considered as being in the insurance
business. RULING: NO. Health Maintenance Organizations are not
engaged in the insurance business. The SC said in June 12,
 principal purpose test 2008 decision that it is irrelevant that petitioner is an HMO and
not an insurer because its agreements are treated as insurance them to do but they earn less. De Dios was thus of the
contracts and the DST is not a tax on the business but an opinion that Tongko has not been proactive all these
excise on the privilege, opportunity or facility used in the years when it comes to agency growth. He thus
transaction of the business. Petitioner, however, submits that it directed Tongko to hire at his expense a competent
is of critical importance to characterize the business it is assistant, and told him that the rest of the Agency
engaged in, that is, to determine whether it is an HMO or an operations will deal with the North Star Branch in
insurance company, as this distinction is indispensable in turn autonomous fashion.
to the issue of whether or not it is liable for DST on its health  ‘The above changes can end at this point, and
care agreements. Petitioner is admittedly an HMO. Under RA they need not go any further. This, however, is
7878 an HMO is “an entity that provides, offers or arranges for entirely dependent upon you. ***’
coverage of designated health services needed by plan
members for a fixed prepaid premium. The payments do not  The following month, De Dios issued a notice of
vary with the extent, frequency or type of services provided. termination of the Agency Agreement with Tongko. The
Section 2 (2) of PD 1460 enumerates what constitutes “doing latter thus filed a complaint for illegal dismissal with the
an insurance business” or “transacting an insurance NLRC. Main contention - He was Manulife’s EE before he
business”which are making or proposing to make, as insurer, was illegally dismissed.
any insurance contract; making or proposing to make, as
surety, any contract of suretyship as a vocation and not as TONGKO MANULIFE
merely incidental to any other legitimate business or activity of  As Regional Sales  Tongko had no fixed
the surety; doing any kind of business, including a reinsurance Manager, he was wage or salary; he
business, specifically recognized as constituting the doing of an given certain was paid
insurance business within the meaning of this Code; doing or allowances apart commissions of
proposing to do any business in substance equivalent to any of from his varying amounts.
the foregoing in a manner designed to evade the provisions of commissions.  It deducted and
this Code.  He was tasked with withheld a 10% tax
numerous from all commissions
administrative Tongko received; the
Overall, petitioner appears to provide insurance-type benefits to functions and latter even declared
its members (with respect to its curative medical services), but supervisory himself to be self-
these are incidental to the principal activity of providing them authority over employed and
medical care. The “insurance-like” aspect of petitioner’s Manulife’s EEs consistently paid
business is miniscule compared to its noninsurance activities. aside from selling taxes as such.
Therefore, since it substantially provides health care services policies and  Tongko is not their EE
rather than insurance services, it cannot be considered as recruiting agents. (citing Carungcong vs.
being in the insurance business.  He was assigned a NLRC)
definite place in
Manulife’s office
3. Tongko vs. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (Phils.)  He was required to
Inc. and Renato Vergel de Dios (2010, Brion) follow at least 3
codes of conduct.
FACTS (Note: This case is an MR of a previous SC Decision)
 First phase of contractual relationship between Tongko and  Labor Arbiter - No ER-EE rel.; NLRC - ER-EE rel.; CA - No
Manulife - Career Agent’s Agreement (1977) ER-EE rel.
o Pertinent clause: ‘It is understood and agreed that the  SC (1st Decision) - ER - EE rel.
Agent is an independent contractor and nothing o SC’s ruling in 1st Insular Life case did not foreclose
contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as the possibility of an insurance agent becoming an EE
creating an ER-EE rel. between the Company and the of an insurance company; if evidence exists showing
Agent.’ that the company promulgated rules effectively
controlling or restricting an agent’s choice of methods
 Second phase - Tongko became a Unit Manager, then a in selling insurance.
Branch Manager, and finally a Regional Sales Manager. o Manulife had power of control over Tongko:
 Tongko undertook to comply with Manulife’s rules
 Note: Tongko consistently declared himself self-employed and regulations.
in his ITRs. Manulife withheld the corresponding 10% tax  Various affidavits of Manulife’s insurance agents
on his earnings. and managers, showing that they performed
administrative duties that established employment
 Nov. 2001 - Manulife instituted manpower development with Manulife.
programs at the regional sales management level. De Dios  Tongko was tasked to recruit some agents in
wrote to Tongko re: concerns brought up during the Metro addition to his other administrative functions; his
North Sales Managers Meeting. failure to follow this directive led to his termination.
o Gist: Tongko’s region was the lowest performer (on a
per manager basis) in terms of recruiting in 2000 and ISSUE/HELD: W/N an ER-EE rel. existed between Tongko and
still continues to remain one of the laggards in the Manulife. NO. SC reversed its Decision.
area. No Sales Manager confirmed Tongko’s
statement that some of the managers are unhappy RULING: The Insurance and the Civil Codes; the parties’ intent
with their earnings and would want to revert to the and established industry practices
position of agents. Moreover, Tongko’s statement that  Since the factual antecedents were set in the insurance
Sales Managers are doing what the company asks industry, the Insurance Code (IC) primarily governs (i.e.
agent and broker relationship with the insurance company). Analysis of the evidence
But the same Code does not wholly regulate the agency
that it speaks of, as agency is a civil law matter governed 1. The Agreement. This Agreement stood for more than 2
by the Civil Code (CC). decades, and based on the records of the case, was
never modified or novated. It assumes primacy
 Sec. 186, IC: No person, partnership, or association of because it directly dealt with the nature of the parties’
persons shall transact any insurance business in the relationship up to the very end; and both parties never
Philippines except as agent of a person or corporation disputed its authenticity or accuracy of its terms.
authorized to do the business of insurance in the Phils. o By its express terms, Tongko served as an insurance
 Sec. 299, IC: No insurance company doing business in the agent, NOT as an employee. This characterization by
Phils., nor any agent thereof, shall pay any commission or the parties cannot be brushed aside, because it
other compensation to any person for services in obtaining embodies their intent at the time they entered into the
insurance, unless such person shall have first procured Agreement, and they were governed by this
from the Commissioner a license to act as insurance agent understanding throughout their relationship. This intent
of such company or as insurance broker as hereinafter is reinforced by the system of compensation which the
provided. Agreement provides, which is in accordance with the
 Under the IC, the agent must, as a matter of production-based sales commissions that the IC
qualification, be licensed and must also act within the provides.
parameters of the authority granted under the license  Moreover, this intent is not illegal or outside the
and under the contract with the principal. Rules contemplation of law. The IC expressly envisions
regarding the desired results are built-in elements of a principal-agent relationship between the
control specific to an insurance agency and should not insurance company and the insurance agent in
and cannot be read as elements of control that attend the sale of insurance to the public.  JUDICIAL
an employment relationship under the Labor Code NOTICE that as a matter of IC based business
(LC). practice, an agency relationship prevails in the
insurance industry for the purpose of selling
 Art. 1868, CC: An agent is a person who binds himself to insurance.
render some service or to do something in representation
or on behalf of another, with the consent or authority of the  Evidence shows that Tongko’s role as an insurance agent
latter. never changed during his relationship with Manulife. He
 The employer controls the employee both in the essentially remained an agent, but moved up thru
results and the means and manner of achieving such Manulife’s recognition that he could use other agents
result. The principal in an agency relationship also has approved by Manulife, but operating under his guidance
the prerogative to exercise control over the agent in and in whose commissions he had a share. (‘lead agent’)
undertaking the assigned task based on parameters o As an agent who was recruiting and guiding other
outlined in pertinent laws. insurance agents, Tongko likewise moved up in terms
of the reimbursement of expenses he incurred in the
 General law on agency as applied to insurance - agency course of his lead agency, a prerogative he enjoyed
must be express in light of need for license and designation pursuant to Art. 1912 (CC).
by the insurance company. o What happened was a mere grant of an expanded
o Here, the Agreement fully serves as grant of authority sales agency role that recognized him as leader
to Tongko as Manulife’s insurance agent. This is amongst agents.
supplemented by the company’s agency practices and
usages, duly accepted by the agent in carrying out the  Tongko consistently clung to the view that he was an
agency. independent agent selling insurance products since he
o By authority of the IC (Sec. 299), an insurance agency invariably declared himself a business or self-employed
is for compensation, a matter the CC (Art. 1875) person in his ITS.  Never mentioned in the First SC
presumes in the absence of proof to the contrary. Decision; it would have constituted admissions against his
 Particularly relevant is the provision that in the execution of o Estoppel - Tongko’s previous admissions in several
the agency, the agent shall act in accordance with the years of ITRs as an independent agent, as against his
instructions of the principal. (Art. 1887) belated claim that he was all along an employee, are
too diametrically opposed to be simply ignored.
The Cited Case
 Carungcong, Grepalife and Second Insular cases dealt  Dissent (Velasco) - Tongko had dual roles: (1) agent
with the proper legal characterization of a subsequent insofar as he sold insurance, (2) employee in his capacity
management contract that superseded the original agency as a manager.
contract between the insurance company and its agent. A o SC - there is lack of evidentiary support for the
determination of the presence of the LC element of control conclusion that Manulife exercised control over
was made on the basis of the stipulations in the Tongko in the sense understood in the LC; it is
subsequent contracts. moreover devoid of jurisprudential basis.
o Here, the only contract or document extant and
submitted as evidence is the Agreement, a pure 2. Other evidence of alleged control
agency agreement in the CC context similar to the
original contract in the First Insular and AFPBMAI  Prior to De Dios’ letter, Manulife had practically left Tongko
cases. While Tongko was later designated to several alone not only in doing the business of selling insurance,
positions, no formal contract regarding these but also in guiding the agents under his wing.
undertakings appears in the records of the case.
 Mere presentation of codes of conduct is not per se insurance business; he was effectively guiding his
indicative of labor law control. corps of sales agents, who are bound to Manulife
o IC imposes obligations on both the insurance company through the same Agreement that he had with
and its agents in the performance of their respective Manulife, all the while sharing in these agents’
obligations under the Code. The general law on commissions through his overrides.
agency expressly allows the principal an element of
control over the agent in a manner consistent with an o Company aims and objectives were simply relayed to
agency relationship. him through the expansion of non-employee sales
o First Insular case: A commitment to abide by the rules force.
and regulations of an insurance company does not
ipso facto make the insurance agent an employee.  Dissent - Any doubt in the existence of an ER-EE rel.
Guidelines indicative of labor law ‘control’ should not should be resolved in favor of its existence.
merely relate to the mutually desirable result intended o SC - Application of Art. 4 (LC) is misplaced, as it
by the contractual relationship; they must have the applies only when doubt exists in the implementation
nature of dictating the means or methods to be and application of LC and its IRR; it does not apply
employed in attaining the result, or of fixing the where no doubt exists as in a situation where the
methodology and of binding or restricting the party claimant clearly failed to substantiate his claim of
hired to the use of these means. employment relationship by the quantum of evidence
o Results-wise, the principal can impose production that the LC requires.
quotas and can determine how many agents, with
specific territories, ought to be employed to achieve Tongko vs Manufacturer’s Life Insurance Co. GR No.
the company’s objectives. These are management 167622 January 25, 2011
policy decisions that the labor law element of control
cannot reach.
o Here, Manulife’s codes of conduct, all of which do not Issue: Whether or not petitioner as insurance agent is an
intrude into the insurance agents’ means and manner employee of respondent company.
of conducting their sales and only control them as to
the desired results and Insurance Code norms, cannot Held: No. Based on the evidence on record, the petitioner’s
be used as basis for a finding that the labor law occupation was to sell Manulife’s insurance policies and
concept of control existed between Tongko and products from 1977 until the termination of the career agent’s
Manulife. agreement. The evidence also shows that through the years,
Manulife permitted him to exercise guiding authority over other
 Dissent - Imposition of administrative and managerial agents who operate under their own agency agreements with
functions as indicative of labor law control; a substantive Manulife and whose commissions he shared. Under this
alteration of Manulife’s authority over Tongko and the scheme — an agreement that pervades the insurance industry
performance of his end of the relationship with Manulife. — petitioner in effect became a “lead agent” and his own
o SC - Tongko and Manulife never altered the original commissions increased as they included his share in the
Agreement. Moreover, the operative words are the commissions of the other agents; he also receive greater
‘sales target,’ the methodology being left undefined reimbursement for expenses and was allowed to use Manulife’s
except to the extent of being coordinative. To facilities. His designation also changed from unit manager to
coordinate is not so much a matter of control by branch manager and then to regional sales manager, to reflect
Manulife; it is a statement of a branch manager’s role the increase in the number of agents he recruited and guided,
in relation with his agents from the point of view of as well as the increase in the area where these agents
Manulife whose business Tongko’s sales group operated.
In our June 29, 2010 resolution, we noted that there are built in
o The portion of the affidavits suggesting labor law elements of control specific to an insurance agency, which do
control were highlighted, while some portions were not not amount to the elements of control that characterizes an
brought out: ex. - I have no fixed wages since my employment relationship governed by the labor code. The
services are compensated by way of commissions; I insurance code provides definite parameters in the way an
employ my own method in soliciting insurance at a agent negotiates for the sale of the company’s insurance
time and place I see fit, etc. products, his collection activities and his delivery of the
insurance contract or policy. In addition, the civil code defines
o De Dios’ letter indicates the least amount of intrusion an agent as a person who binds himself to do something in
into Tongko’s exercise of his role as manager in behalf of another, with the consent or authority of the latter.
guiding the sales agents. It contained mere operational Article 1887 of the civil code also provides that in the execution
guidelines on how Tongko could align his operations of the agency, the agent shall act in accordance with the
with Manulife’s directed goal of being a big league instructions of the principal.
 This directive cannot strictly be understood as an
intrusion into Tongko’s method of operating and
supervising the group of agents within his
delineated territory; at most, it was a signal to
Tongko that his results were unsatisfactory, and
was a suggestion on how his weakness in
delivering results could be remedied.

o Tongko was not supervising regular full-time

employees of Manulife engaged in the running of the

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