Interview and Informats
Interview and Informats
Interview and Informats
Interviewer: Yes.
Respondent: Ahmmm, my last employment was like seven (7) ah sorry ten (10) years ago.
Interviewer: Alright. Yeah. So how long have you been unemployed now?
Respondent: More than, more than seven (7), eight (8) years now to be specific.
Interviewer: Alright. That’s ok. Why were you disengaged from your previous employment?
Respondent: I lecture diploma students at Nasarawa State University and they had to sub – change
the course. They said they’ve cancelled the program.
Interviewer: So what have been your experiences that you have been passing through as being
unemployed, do you understand?
Interviewer: Yes, that is the experience that I want you to share with me.
Respondent: So the experience I would have gotten within my short period of being unemployed,
before I get myself to be unemployed was so sad. As if the world has ended. Haven’t receiving
monthly stipends and I cease to be receiving it. It’s definitely affecting my life negatively.
Interviewer: Ok in which aspects, can you please mention some of the aspects it affected you?
Can you mention some of the aspect that it affected you?
Interviewer: So you are you now, the unemployment experience has actually push you to deviance
attitude? And eh because you know that it was, it was leading you to eah tha you decided to engage
yourself on what you are presently doing just to keep life going?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Oh thank you so much my brother. Alright. Ehmmm, how does unemploy, how does
unemployment affect your relationship with your wife, children and your neighbours?
Interviewer: Because you are incapable of doing the needful of the family. So that is to say your
wife is not respecting you as expected?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: That’s so serious, how have you ever thought, have you ever thought of committing
Respondent: No, I have never thought of committing suicide.
Interviewer: Alright. As unemployed person how do you feel when you are, when you are invited
to social events like marriage ceremony, naming ceremony and other social events, how do you
Respondent: I feel, I feel demoralize, because such gathering, you see people spending, doing
what will earn them respect and you will be sitting down idle. So I feel demoralize.
Interviewer: Alright. But do you attend such gatherings when you are being invited, do you attend
such gatherings?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Alright. Ahmm, how, how does your community sees you as being an unemployed
person. How your community does sees you?
Respondent: They, they see me as an irresponsible one, Nuisance, because you will, you will just
be roaming round the street from one place or so they see me then as an irresponsible person.
Interviewer: Alright, how financial difficulties does affects you? Financial difficulty, how does it
affects you as I mean as an unemployed person?
Respondent: Ahh Financial difficulty, now, then then it became a daily routine, almost affects my
level of thinking, my level of doing things, my…. It affects everything about my life. Is not giving
me, is not giving me what I want, when I want, I don’t eat the food I want to eat, when I want to
eat it. If I eat three (3) times a day, then I have change it to sub – change it to like zero one, one
zero one, zero one, or one zero.
Respondent: Though the savings I had before being unemployed were all vanished when I was
facing the unemployment saga. Alright.
Interviewer: But when this unemployment, ah when you now became unemployed, you exhausted
what you had. And you don’t have anything more.
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: How financial difficulty does affects your well – being and living standard? How
does it affect your well – being and living standard?
Respondent: In many ways. Of course I can’t wear what I want. Ok. The car, the car I have I don’t
have choice but to put it on sale. Alright. Just to meet up with my daily needs. That is basic, basic
amenities. That’s ok. That’s food. And to cater for my children.
Interviewer: That’s alright. Ok. That is to say ah you mean you, you will wish to spend the way?
Respondent: Yes. I mean to meet up my own needs, but the financial constraints make it difficult
for me to live the way I want.
Interviewer: Can you please tell how you are coping with this unemployment?
Respondent: The unemployment almost become a menace, because the society, the system in
Nigeria society pave way for the unemployment and it’s really biting harder on one. Then. How I
am coping is bad. I am not coping how I want to cope. Alright. I am living below standard.
Interviewer: Ok. Yes. I know you are living below standard but what I, what I am asking is that
with the, with the difficulties of being unemployed, how are you coping with the present situation?
Respondent: Ehmmm the only way to cope we cope from the help of my wife, from the little
things she sells, we use that one to argument our living.
Interviewer: Alright. Ehmm, what do you think should be done to improve your situation? What
do you think should be done to improve your situation?
Respondent: Government should come in and provide more job opportunities. It’s part of their
responsibility. Alright. Doing that, it will touch series of life in Nigeria.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok. Do you need any skill, any skill training to improve your situation?
Respondent: That’s part of government work and job to provide skill acquisition for the
unemployed youth.
Interviewer: Ok. So ah which skill will you wish you as an individual person, which skill will
you wish ah to be trained?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Alright. So why do you suggest that computer training skills, I mean that you would
wish to be trained on computer training skill, Why?
Respondent: Because the world is a global, the world is moving globally. The world is a global
village. And things are moving rapidly, we need to meet up with the world. We need to meet up
with the best standard of the world.
Interviewer: Ok. How, how do you feed yourself and your family now?
Respondent: From the little things I gain from the computer. Alright. The little experience, skill
I have in the computer.
Interviewer: Alright. So what efforts has your government done to reduce unemployment?
Respondent: Hmmm Government has done very little to reduce unemployment. Because what we
are seeing is just, Nigerian government is good in making empty good policies without
implementation, it has been it has been the major problem faced in Nigeria. Example is the, the e
library, the library established by Nasarawa State University, by the Nasarawa State government
with empty, empty machine, empty personnel, operating in that e library.
Interviewer: Ok. Thank you. Do you have any question to ask in relation to all that we have
Respondent: Ummm I don’t have question, my, only advice, ok,that if this could be taken to the
Federal Government, if this could reach the Federal Government, the State Government, it will
perhaps help the timid Nigerian youths to better their standard of living. Alright. Sustainably.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. My brother I am happy, you are welcome, that you could actually spend
some time ah for us to interact on this matter. Thank you. By God’s grace at the end of the whole
thing, I will make recommendation to the government as regards to your proposal for government
to do something to be able to improve the life of humanity particularly the youths in Nasarawa
State Nigeria. Thank you so much. You welcome
Interviewer: Thank you. I am Galadima G. Wayas, and am working on a research topic that says
psychosocial impacts of unemployment and coping strategy among youths in Nasarawa State
Nigeria. You are being selected as one of the participants. Ah please I am pleading on you to be
very objective and I want to promise you, all that we shall discuss on this, you will never be
implicated. And so ah you don’t need to be afraid on anything. Nobody will hold you responsible
for, I mean for given information unto me as far as this information is concerned. Is that’s ok, Is
that alright?
Respondent: Is ok.
Interviewer: You are Jacob Samuel Namo. Yes. Alright. How old are you?
Respondent: Yes.
Respondent: I have been living in Keffi, yes, since 1991, yes on 23 rd of January. That’s Alright.
That’s good.
Respondent: Uhmm for about four years, four to five years now. Let’s say you have been
unemployed for about five years now?
Respondent: No.
Interviewer: So you mean after your graduation you have never been employed?
Respondent: No.
Interviewer: Alright. Ahmmmm what are your experiences of being unemployed, you know the
experiences you have been passing through as an unemployed young man?
Respondent: To be sincere, hmmm to be unemployed in this kind or part of the world we came
from is not an easy one. Alright. Honestly, every young man or a lady always have the hope that
going to school, after graduation you will like to live a very good and a normal life. Alright. But
in this our part, reverse is the case. Ok. After graduation, your home, advertising that job here, job
here, you know you keep on applying. Up to the extent that at times even the money to go and
apply on all these things at times it wasn’t easy. It’s a problem. It’s even a problem. Ok. But we
give God the glory. At least we are still living and hoping that one day all this may come to pass.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. But ah what the difficulties, difficulties that you have as an unemployed
person that you say it has been very difficult?
Respondent: Hmmmm honestly, like at times, your home, staying with your parents, your kind
ones, most of them are after they might have sent you to school hoping one day after graduation
you know, you will come and (to help) assist them. Alright. But after the graduation you will find
out that getting the work is not easy at times. Kai. Honestly, one feels as if, if not for the religion.
Alright. One as you know and the faith one has for a better tomorrow, honestly, is not that easy.
One might have even hung himself.
Interviewer: Wow. That is to say you have been nursing the idea of committing suicide then?
Respondent: Yes of course but that is what I said, religion you know I was brought up from, so
normally tells me as in doing that is a sin. So I just have to keep my faith intact. Believing
something will get better someday.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok. Alright. That is to say it is your religion that has constraint, I mean it is
your religious belief that has prevented you from going into suicide, into committing suicide?
Interviewer: Ok, you are Audu Friday Alahu that is good. How old are you?
Respondent: Christianity.
Interviewer: Ok, that is thirty-seven (37) years, Yes, that is thirty-seven years, oh that’s good.
Ahmmmm have you been employed before?
Respondent: No.
Interviewer: Six (6) years? Yes, after graduation, yes, ok. (Phone ringing…..) Do we continue?
Yeah ok, ahmmm. What are your experiences of being unemployed, your experiences of being
Respondent: Ahmmm being unemployed, it wasn’t a good experience at all. Alright, why I said
so is that, ahmm you can rightly see that when you are not working, you are just an incapacitated,
hmmmm, you don’t have ehmmm the bold step to take responsibility, wow, and as I did earlier
said, I am a married man, alright and you know as a married man, I have children, two kids and
the first son is ahmmm in school, hmmmm the second one who is the one we are nurturing, alright,
and you know some of the challenges, sometimes school fees will come up, taking care of the
child, taking care of the one that is in school and other things, I have to buy diapers for my baby.
So many things like that, you see, you don’t have money to meet up some of your demands and
needs. So it becomes an unpleasant experience. And why I said so is sometimes even between you
and your wife, there are some issues you will want to meet up, some challenges like taking good
care of her, buying some of the things for her, you might not do it, it creates a kind of let me say
psychological effects. In that sense that emotional disturb you will be emotionally disturb. It’s
even more terrible than the physical one because sometimes you will find it even difficult sleeping,
you wake up in the night you are thinking all through the night. Wow, because you are thinking
on how to get things better by the day and all help. sometimes you will discover all help will go
aborted and that is why life has never been easy being unemployed and even as I am talking to you
not just me, I am not praying for anybody to face the kind of experience I am passing through
because it wasn’t a good one. Wow and if I am to talk I will keep talking because there are so
many issues going to social places. Even sometimes they will invite you for an occasion with your
peers but for you to go there you will discover that going there is just like going to ridicule yourself
to zero, umm ummmmmmm because even within ourselves sometimes they want to invite you to
an occasion like wedding occasion and other ceremony they may not even call you because they
feel when you go there you have no impact, hmmm, you will not give them anything and they will
look for people they will give something to and as such you will feel inferior and that is a
psychological trauma to me, that’s ok. With those things I know it wasn’t a good experience at all.
Ummmm and I don’t pray for somebody to be in that kind of experience.
Interviewer: Ok, emmmm, alright. With this, how does it affects you, you know, directly in
relating to your wife in all aspects, as a married man, young man, how does it affect you?
Respondent: While they said ahmmm there is this saying they say you “a man is always the head”
and respect when you cannot meet up somebody’s demand there are sort of expectation when you
are getting married. It is said that the wife will come to you and you will be her father and mother.
Ummmm, you will take care of her both morally, physically and psychologically. Ummm you
should be there for her, that’s ok, and now you don’t have the resources to meet up with her
challenge, to her demands, it becomes very terrible, because sometimes you will discover that
unnecessary disobedience, hmmm which one because alright your wife may demand, may be , a
hungry man is an angry man, at the time she is supposed to be taken care of, like to eat good food,
may be eat food, not just let me not say good food to have a meal on her table and that meal is not
there because you don’t have money to meet up the demand at that particular time. You may be
talking to her she will disobey you because a hungry man is an angry man. Alright so a lot of
issues, challenges, disobedience, not respecting you and you look, you feel as if the whole world
is crushing or the whole world is falling on you as a man, so it wasn’t a good experience at all.
Alright, but we thank God, the Lord has been helping.
Interviewer: So with what you are saying, you said at times you have difficulty with your sleep
or with your sleep, Yes, wow. So why, why, do you have difficulty with your sleep?
Respondent: Because a normal man, it is expected there are certain things you should do. Just
the way I am telling you I have responsibility. If I wake up in the morning today, my child may be
crying, he is hungry and you know children, they don’t want to know whether you have or you
don’t have. Alright, so long as you have signed it for him to come to the world, you must provide
for him and when you cannot provide for him what do you do, you do feel frustrated, oh, and
because you feel frustrated all through the night you will be calculating, instead of sleeping, your
brain will be doing something different, you will be thinking on how to get life better by the day.
Alright, so these are some of the challenges.
Interviewer: Ok, with this, have you ever, I mean have you ever been involved in any anti – social
behaviours or activities?
Respondent: While I would not say, somehow I do find an escape route because when you are
faced with so many challenges, they say alcohol is not the good option. Ummm, but once in a
while I do believe whenever I am faced with these challenges sometimes I take liquor. Ok you take
alcohol, I take little of alcohol, alright, in order to make me sleep just the way I was telling you
sometimes I find it very difficult sleeping because I will be thinking, my brain will be thinking.
Interviewer: So you mean when you now take some alcohol it makes you to sleep?
Respondent: It makes me sleep. Alright, but it is not as if when I sleep the problem will not be
there. Alright, when I wake up the next morning, I will discover the problem still remains the way
it was. Oh ohm so sometimes I tend to do the necessary to help myself by avoiding to do that.
That’s ok but hoping something good might come up, wow. That is what I believe, that is so
Interviewer: Alright, ahmmmm, have you ever thought of committing suicide with this frustrated
experiences that you have explained?
Respondent: Well ahmmm, why I would not say, I would like to say I had that experience, but
ordinarily one will have that experience and thought of committing suicide. what is the essence
of living, of what good is life, if you cannot live it to the fullness? With the little education, I went
to school and I acquired knowledge so with that knowledge is what is keeping me from commiting
suicide, because if I should kill myself what happen to my children? Alright, what happens to the
wife? Alright, who will take care of them? In the society we are living today that even government
is not helping, alright, in several ways they have been default, umm ummm, so that is some of the
challenges we have been facing.
Interviewer: Is ok, alright, ahmmm. How your community does sees you?
Respondent: Well, with no regard, I must tell you the truth. No regard, with no regard because
just the way I say, when you have nothing to offer, people tend not to regard you, wow, because
even my neighbours, my neighbours, my friends, there are some of my friends who are working,
they are working, they feel you are not working, even if they are in town sometimes, they may call
some of our friends to go to a place where they sit down, relax and enjoy themselves. Alright, but
they will not call you because you will not impact positively to them because they look at you as
a burden to them. Alright, going there you may ask them of one or two naira so with that they look
at you, you feel inferior even going there you feel inferior because you cannot meet up to their
standards, wow. So sometimes you always feel is better you stay back at home, stay on your own,
think of how to better your life, than even going there to make them feel a kind of ridicule you to
Interviewer: Wow, that’s so serious. Ahmm. How financial difficulty does affects you?
Respondent: Well, I have savings account. Why I will say I have savings account hoping as a
family man, the little struggling I am doing if I have like 2,000 naira, I do keep 1,000 naira there
and eat 1,000 naira because of any eventualities. Ok, there are circumstances that may occur that
I will want to go and deep my hand and carry the little one I keep to take care of my family
Interviewer: Ok, alright then, how does financial difficulty affects your well – being and living
standard, how does it affects you?
Respondent: It affects a lot because where I am even staying, sometimes is just that they say you
have to cut your coat according to your size, alright, because where I am staying, to me I look at
it is not where I am supposed to stay. You stay in a place whereby there is no water. Even electricity
supply you will know is a general problem in the country. Alright, but you should be able to buy
small generator where you can power, charge your phones and do some other things, ok, but
because there is none you stay sometimes in blackout, your battery, your phones, the little cell
phones you are using to get information in order to better your life, sometimes you might not have
power to charge it. Alright, so these are some of the challenges.
Interviewer: Alright, and what other aspects of emmmm well I mean well – being and living
standard, I will want you to specify them?
Respondent: Well let me even tell you the worst of all, they say health is wealth, that’s alright,
and somehow I am even having a health challenge, wow that I must not mention to you but because
of this problem I am telling you sometimes even to go for this medical check-up is a problem
because you keep dying in silence and who will you cry to? And that is the situation I find myself.
Interviewer: Wow, well thank you please. Can you please tell me how you are coping with this
Respondent: Well ahhmm, just the way I earlier mentioned, family support, alright, family
support, because my dad/mum, my parents are late and I have some one or two family members
that whenever things get difficult or worse I do call, some of them that are working, that’s alright,
I do call, they help you with, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 sometimes to solve your problem.
Interviewer: Ok, that’s good. What do you think should be done to improve your situation?
Respondent: Well, I ahmmm let me say, ahhh like the way I earlier said I am not a lazy person,
alright, I will embrace everything that will come my way in order to better my life, ok, in terms
of, let’s say I am somebody that believe in agriculture. Ok, so much, while I was in school during
my NYSC service there is this training I gone through, this fish farming, that’s alright and these
were just practical aspects of it and there was no support, but if I will have my way or I will want
to have support, emmm that’s alright. I will want to still go back to that fish farming, ehmm
farming, because I believe it will help to upgrade me. That’s ok, depending on when the greener
pastures, the government job will come.
Interviewer: That’s alright, thank you. Ehhh. Do you, ehhh, do you need any skill training to
improve your situation?
Respondent: Just the way I said, I will want ehh in agricultural sector, just like fish farming,
alright. If I will have more training on that so that I can be independent financially independent
because fish farming today is one of the lucrative business in the world. That is to say ahh you will
wish if financial assistance with more training yes, financial support yeah support could be granted
to you, just in form of loan by the government.
Interviewer: Ok that’s alright, ahmmm thank you ahmmm. What effort has your government
done to reduce unemployment?
Respondent: Well…. Ehmmm, I wouldn’t say they are not doing anything at all. Alright, because
I, I believe ehnnn, let me say 40% I will rate the government 40%. Ok, they are trying to be….
Ok, there was a program initiated by the Vice President, (N – Power) in order to reduce
unemployment rate, some of the challenges are just bad policies by some individuals, even the
holders of those policies are not doing good or justice to the system because it was done selectively.
A lot of graduates are out there hoping that program can help in order to reduce the unemployment
rate but it was done selectively when you have god – fathers. You have somebody that can put you
there, ehnnn you will be favoured to be there and when you don’t have anybody and that is how
you remain, ok. That is to say, so I will say government is not doing well enough. Ehhh some of
the policies embarked upon to reduce unemployment seems to be selective, ehnnnn selective and
favouritism. Ok, ehnnn that is to say is not everybody that gets it, ehnnn it is biased.
Interviewer: Alright, thank you so much, ok. Do you have any comment or any question to ask
as regard to this discussion?
Respondent: Yes, ahhh my comment uhmmm I really appreciate you as a person, thank you for
embarking on this particular research, thank you, because it will add to the body of knowledge,
thank you my brother and at the same time I believe that the time we consume in doing this it that
it will not go in vain, that’s ok. And that I pray that you will use this document ehhh judiciously
and with all ehh sense of human to see that the implementation is what we are having problem in
this country, because we have good policies but implementing them are what is the problem, that’s
alright. So I will ehh with this research I pray that you should do justice, thank you, and ensure
that ehhh the government that will get this information, thank you, do justice to out pervasive ahhh
unemployment situation in this country.
Interviewer; Ok, amen Friday, thank you so much, I really appreciate, I appreciate your ehhh, I
appreciate your ehhh responses as regards to theseThank you so much. Thank you very much,
Interviewer: Alright, you are Gloria Anthony, Yes Sir. That’s good. How old are you?
Respondent: Christianity.
Interviewer: Alright, how long have you been living here, how long?
Interviewer: Oh ohhhh sorry, ohhh. Sorry. Alright. Please can you share with me… (phone
ringing) ah alright can you please ah, what are your, your unemployment, I mean what are your
experiences of being unemployed, what are your experiences?
Respondent: I have experience so many things, it hasn’t been easy. Alright. The truth is that
(phone ringing……….) ok, it has not really been easy, because graduating after ten years, no
nothing, no employment, it has been a kind of war on me being a lady, so leaving my family I
don’t expect my family to still be footing, putting my bills and other things, so I have to be going
for some businesses and some work with other companies to survive. Though they are just, they
are not really a kind of big employment or job, they are just a little token given at the end of the
month to survive. So at the end of the day I have to go, I have to go to a kind of catering business
to keep myself.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok, yeah you said ah you know it has been, it has been war. That it has not
been easy, it has been war. Can you please explain more; can you please explain more?
Respondent: Yeah, why I said it has been a kind of war and uneasy is because of my age, I need
to get some things, buy some things but because I was not doing anything I cannot go to my parents
to give me money so I have to go out and as in going out, submit applications, some organizations,
go for interviews and at the end of the day, expecting something positive will come out but nothing.
It will be a kind of excuse a kind of, ok we will get back to you and there will be nothing at the
end of the day. That’s what I mean and it is not easy because of the duration too, ten (10) years
doing nothing.
Interviewer: Alright, so that is to say you are telling me the whole experience has not been
Interviewer: Alright, but with this do you at times wish to commit suicide?
Respondent: No, not at all, I don’t think of that I only commit it into God’s hands. That’s it, ok,
and praying for a better future, a better day. That at the end of the day, something good, and
something positive may come up.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright, ahhmm. How do you feel when you are been invited for social gathering
like naming ceremony, marriages….. How do you feel?
Respondent: I don’t feel like going because at times I think of the transportation of going there
especially if it is not in the town that I base. Alright. I think of my source of transportation and the
gift to give them. Where do I get money to buy the gift and other things? Alright. So that is why I
get discourage at times.
Interviewer: So in most cases when they give you invitation for such social gathering you don’t
go, you don’t honour them?
Interviewer: Alright. How unemployment does affects your relationship with your parents, and
then with your neighbours and with your friends.
Respondent: Well, in terms of my parents I think they understand with me and they try to like
get me something if there is anywhere they know that they are recruiting, they try to give me the
information so that I can submit my CV. Well, I don’t think that they are really happy but it’s not
their fault as in they wish me well. They wish they can get something for me to do.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright, but you said they are not really happy with your situation?
Interviewer: Alright, so they will wish you should have gotten something, to help yourself and
perhaps to help them. Yes. Is that what you mean?
Interviewer: Alright. What of your friends and your neighbours? How does it affect them?
Respondent: My friends and my neighbours, just that I cannot really contribute to in terms of
neighbour maybe in terms of bills or other things in the house or other things. I cannot contribute
because I can’t come out boldly and talk because really I am not doing anything. I am just like a
liability I don’t want to be a liability to them or something.
Interviewer: Alright, what of your neighbours and community, how do they feel about you?
Respondent: I think in the aspect of the community, if there is anything that has to do in financial
contribution, even if they should tell me to contribute because I am not working, because I am
unemployed. Alright, there is no any financial contribution that I can even give to them.
Interviewer: So thank you for that. Ahmm, ahmmm how does financial difficulties affects you,
Financial, how does it affects you?
Respondent: Yeah, it’s really affecting me. It has affected me in so many ways.
Respondent: Ahahahaha, ahnnn as a lady, I need to take care of my hair, buy clothes and many
other things as in contributing to the family too. But as it is I cannot do anything. I am just looking
at myself as a liability, wow, that’s just the truth. It’s not encouraging, I am not happy seeing
myself this way.
Respondent: At all. At times I will feel like my going to school is a waste of time.
Respondent: Yes.
Respondent: Yes, I …... with the little catering business I am doing presently, I am trying to do
some savings for myself.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. Ahmmm, what do you, how do you feel when you don’t have
money to attend to family needs?
Respondent: I feel sad, I feel sad. That’s the truth. Eya….. That’s how I feel. Alright. And I am
not happy about it.
Interviewer: Ok, so how financial difficulty does affects your well – being, Listen, how financial
difficulty does affects your well – being and living standard? How does it affect your well – being
and living standard generally?
Respondent: Well, with the… with the level at which I have, alright I just try to limit my expenses
and whatever I am doing in terms of money. I just try to like budget the little with the little amount
that I have, ok. I don’t have to like go extra, ok. As in budget the things I know I cannot afford.
Alright. I manage my situation now the way it is. Ok. Yes, Sir.
Interviewer: So that is to say, you will wish to plan better, eat perhaps maybe buy more good
things and other things better. But because you are financially constraints. Yes, Sir. And so you
don’t do it.?
Interviewer: Alright, but the intention is always there? Yes, the intention is there. For you to
actually buy these, eat these, do that, but because you are financially constraints you don’t?
Respondent: Yes, Sir.
Interviewer: And so it results to which kind of experience as you have said before? It results into
Interviewer: Frustration?
Respondent: Well, I just my, with the catering business I am into presently, I just manage it and
cope and look for something better in the future. Alright. If the government should assist if they
can assist. Alright. Is not the money that I need but job or employment, ok, is what I need.
Interviewer: Alright, thank you. So what do you think should be done to improve your situation?
Respondent: I think if the government can assist, maybe after service year or for corps members
that are serving, maybe before they pass out. Alright. If they can give them an amount of money
that can make them establish in business. Alright. Since they have so many graduates and there is
no employment. Ok. And basically now when you have somebody you will see fresh graduates
getting employment. Ok. What about others, which means if you don’t have somebody you cannot
get a job, or you keep praying and hoping for God to do it. So if they can help us. Alright. As in
to give graduates some ehh amount of money to establish themselves so that they will be able to
start, they will not be frustrated, they can be able to start a kind of habit that are not good. Alright.
It will be better.
Interviewer: Ok. Thank you. Thank you. Alright. Ahmmm, do you think you need a skill training
to improve your situation?
Respondent: Well, for me I would have love to like going into tailoring, into fashion.
Interviewer: Ok. Fashion design? Yes, Sir. Alright, that’s the one you will wish to?
Interviewer: Only that you have not been living the life fully the way you want, Yes Sir. Maybe
you want to buy hollandaise the money is not there. Is that what you mean?
Interviewer: You want to buy beautiful shoes, but the money is not there. And you want to assist
your old parents, the money is not there. Yes, Sir. All that you have is just to eat and then wake up
and then to go back again and do the same thing.
Interviewer: Alright, thank you. You are welcome Sir. Ahmmmmm, what has government done,
I mean what efforts has the government done to reduce unemployment?
Respondent: Hmmm but I don’t, in my own aspect I have not really see because if really
government are employing or are into employment. At least there would have been a lesser number
of unemployment youths outside there. That’s alright. But we are we are all suffering the same
thing. Ok. Yes, Sir.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. Do you have any question or any comment that you want to say
in relation to all that we have discussed, any question or any comment that you want to say in
relation to what that we have discussed?
Respondent: What I really want to say here is this issue of unemployment. If there is any way
you can assist or as in line of those people on top. As in if there is any way you can forward our
information as the information I have given you to the appropriate authority, they will be able to
assist the unemployed youth in this country, to reduce the level of unemployment, unemployment
in the country.
Interviewer: Alright. So thank you so much ahmmm my sister Gloria. You are welcome. I
appreciate the sacrifice that you have made. Thank you by permitting me to, ah interview you.
Thank you Sir. So, by God’s grace I will do the best I can and make reasonable recommendation
to the Government, hoping that something good will come out as regards to the reduction of ehhh
unemployment rate in Nigeria. Alright. So thank you. Thank you so much Sir.
Interviewer: Alright. You are thirty – two years old. Alright. Ahmmm what is your practicing
Respondent: Christianity.
Respondent: One.
Interviewer: Ok with a child, Oh that is beautiful. How long have you been unemployed?
Respondent: Barely seven to eight years now.
Respondent: No.
Interviewer: you mean after graduation you have never looked, , or you have not been privileged
to be given a job either by a private or by the state government, I mean by Nigerian government?
Interviewer: Wow. That’s so serious. Alright. What are your experiences of being unemployed?
Interviewer: Ok. Yeah. You said it has affected you psychologically and it has moved you to
have gone to some issues that you shouldn’t have gone into. Can you please be more open, what
are those things, Can you expatiate?
Respondent: Ok. Like now, alright, Ahmm since I graduated, I actually was looking for an
opportunity to be gainfully employed, ok, which the opportunity wasn’t there for me, alright. Ahhh
Since I was actually born I have not been trained as a framer, so the situation has pushed me into
farming. Alright. And the issue of farming has not really helped any matter because I don’t have,
I don’t have any machine. Alright, to support the farming. Alright. I used my hands ah that is a
hoe and a cutlass which is not even enough, ok. I am really finding things difficult. So the situation
really has pushed me to that condition.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright but what are some of these psychological that has actually pushed you
into, what are some of these psychological issues that it has actually pushed you into?
Respondent: Yes the psychological issue is that, ahm as it is now I don’t even you have any
believe in the government anymore. And it’s really draining me because things like this can
actually even push me or somebody to even committing even a crime. You know and because
unemployment is even a very big eh eh eh issue. Alright. In this country because it has actually
compelled a lot of people to committing crimes, you see a lot of our ladies now involving in
themselves harlotry.
Interviewer: Does that means that unemployment has pushed you into some ehhh into some ehhh
I mean anti – social behaviours and activities?
Respondent: Me personally not really. As part of what I am doing now, alright, it was never, it
was never my intention from the beginning, though it’s a good thing, I just find myself here
because of the situation in the country.
Interviewer: Alright. But eh please have you ever thought of committing suicide with the
unemployment problem you are passing through, have you ever thought of committing suicide?
Respondent: Yes, ah the truth is I, I have actually thought of that but as a Christian I wouldn’t do
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. So why, why did you wanted to commit, why did you wanted to commit
Respondent: If not because I am a Christian, yes. I would have committed suicide because the
situation is unbearable, it is very frustrating, it is very frustrating, discouraging. Ok. There is
nothing good happening in this part of the world.
Interviewer: Alright. Alright. So thank you so much for that my brother. So ehmmm as
unemployment, how do you feel when you are invited to social gatherings, how do you feel when
you are invited to social gatherings like naming ceremonies, marriages, and so on, how do you
Respondent: I, I actually feel embarrassed, alright, because for the fact that somebody has invited
you to come and maybe support him in one way or the other and financially you are not capable,
uhumm it looks so embarrassing, so I feel so embarrass anytime I find myself in such social
gathering because I feel I am not part of the people that are really ah meant to offer help, so I feel
very embarrassed.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright, how does unemployment affects the relationship with your wife, your
child, and then with your neighbours?
Respondent: Yes, unemployment like I said before is a very huge challenge to me, actually since
I got married, I have not been finding things easy at all because ahmm health wise like you know
since my wife took in it has been so difficult for us to even afford for anti – natal care, and it’s
been very difficult sometimes to feed it was even a problem. Alright. I can tell you categorically
that since barely three years ago now I have not bought any new clothes for myself. Wow. I will
be managing the old ones I have till date so that is it….
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. How your community does sees you? Your community or your
society sees you?
Respondent: Yes my community you know when really you are not at all, you are not you not
engaged in a particular job, and your community will definitely label you as a thug because it is
really not fair.
Respondent: Because you are not doing anything, because you are unemployed citizen, you wake
up in the morning, you go around, and you have nothing to do, so they will look at you like
somebody who is not, eh you are not responsible at all so it’s affecting us psychologically.
Interviewer: Ok. So how does financial difficulty affects you, how does it affects you?
Respondent: It affects me generally. Alright. One is financial difficulty I am facing, has actually
prevented me from even furthering my education. Alright. As it is now I am supposed to update
myself by, actually enrolling for my masters. Alright, but for the fact that I don’t have the financial
you know the finance so to speak I cannot do that. Eyaa. Sometimes ah like where I am putting in
now, I am renting the place and it’s difficult for me to pay now, like my house rent, so I am not
finding it easy at all.
Interviewer: Wow. Alright, Ahh how do you feel when you don’t have money to attend to family
needs, how do you feel?
Interviewer: Why?
Respondent: Yeah.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok. Thank you. Ahh how does financial difficulties affects your well –
being, your well – being and living standard?
Respondent: Yes, it affects my well – being and living standard in the sense that I am not eating
what I am supposed to eat. Hmmmm. Ah you know sometimes as a human being, we are supposed
to be eating well because if you don’t have you don’t eat you know the kind of food you are
supposed to eat per time, it will definitely break you down. Ok. Alright. That’s why it if affecting
me because I lack balance diet and other aspects.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. Can you please tell how you are coping with unemployment at
the moment?
Respondent: Yes I, I am coping systematically, ah for the fact that I have a barbing business
running, alright, that is how I am coping right now, and it’s not really easy, because the location
of my business is also a challenge because I don’t have money to afford for a better shop. And you
know in a very strategic place so it’s really affecting my business.
Interviewer: Alright. So with this ah it therefore means you don’t, or do not you realize
reasonable money through this your business?
Respondent: No, not really because of, because of location, Because of low patronage, oh, it’s
making the business not to move.
Interviewer: Alright thank you. What do you think should be done to this your situation?
Respondent: Yes, one of the things is I will need ah I will need the government of this country to
aide people like us financially. Alright. By granting loans, ok. Yes. Of Either free loans you know
or with little interest, ok, so that people like us can you know go into entrepreneurship, yes and ah
we also need facility, alright. The government has what it takes to provide ah facilities. Alright.
Be it social amenities, or electricity, that’s alright. And sometimes because of the bad roads, some
people cannot even drive with their cars to where your shop is. Alright. And water and so many
Interviewer: Ok. Do you think ah you need any skill training to improve your situation?
Interviewer: Alright. What is this skill training you will need to improve your situation?
Respondent: Yes a skill training like a workshop you know. May be man power training, and ah
you know occasionally.
Interviewer: Ok, what efforts has your government done to reduce unemployment?
Respondent: Hmmm as a matter of fact if the government really has done what they are supposed
to do, alright I don’t think I will be here by now. So on that note, I don’t think the government has
been able to do anything ah to address the issue of unemployment, alright, and they need to do
something urgently.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. So do you have any comment, do you have something to comment or
to as regards to our discussion now?
Respondent: Ah the only comment I will make now is or question or comment first of all is that
one ah the people in charge of this ah interview or this program to actually help us to ah in
whichever way they can to ensure that ah the government you know is able to help us out you
know by providing all the things that we need. Alright. And by also catering for the citizens
especially in the issue of unemployment. If there is any way they can also come in as private
individuals I think we will appreciate.
Interviewer: Alright. So thank you so much ah for your responses and then your proposals before
the government if they could come to aide you as a sort of ehhh assisting and so on. So by God’s
grace that is actually going to be part of my recommendation ahhh to the government and then to
the general public you know that will be able to help to reduce unemployment in Nigeria. Thank
you so much. You are welcome. Alright. Thank you Sir. Wow.
Interviewer: You are twenty – six years old. Are you married?
Interviewer: Alright. Ahmmm how long have you been living in this place?
Respondent: I have been living here for over in fact ten (10) years now.
Interviewer: Ok you have been living here for over ten (10) years now. Alright, so, ahmm have
you been employed before?
Respondent: No.
Respondent: Over five (5) years. Over five (5) years now.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok can you please, ehmm, what are your experiences of being unemployed?
Respondent: Actually, you know, it’s not easy, I will find it, and you know we were asked to go
to school thinking after school we will get to be employed but as time goes, it has not been easy
since after my graduation. Because life was not easy as you can see. Alright. As a graduate I
expected to be employed into Nigerian organization but unfortunately I find myself to still hit up
to unemployed so psychologically, I am not happy.
Interviewer: You are not happy. Ok so you mean the experience you are passing through is
frustrating, is that what you mean?
Respondent: Of course actually, yes. It is frustrating to the extent that you know as a matured
man ok, you are supposed to settle down ok and earn a good living.
Interviewer; Alright. Ahmmm, so how unemployment does affects your relationship with your
parents, your neighbours and friends? How does it affects you?
Respondent: Of course, it’s always negative you know, negative because at this level, I should
be the one to be helping them on many occasions, you will come home as a graduate, going to
kitchen looking for food. Something of that nature, you know it’s embarrassing. So, it really affects
me that something I need to do, my parents are doing it. Even at times I have to ask them to assist
me with income which at times they don’t even like hearing that. As a man they, they are expecting
that you should at this time be on your own. Ok. The situation in Nigeria led us in this condition.
Alright. It’s highly negative.
Interviewer: So you mean the unemployment affects ah you negatively even in relating to your
parents, to your friends and to your neighbours, is that what you are saying?
Respondent: Of course.
Interviewer: Some of them have gone away from you because you are unemployed?
Respondent: And so drawing closer to them is a problem. And so they are they are no longer
interesting keeping you as a friend.
Interviewer: Alright. That’s good. But have you ever thought of committing suicide because of
your unemployment?
Respondent: As a young man you know at times it’s natural when you feel frustrated you feel
like dying. You feel like ending your life in a second. It’s natural but due to level of what, level of
perseverance you know man has persevered in any situation. Alright. That’s what is keeping us
and I without it now I would have committed suicide.
Interviewer: Ok. Thank you. Ahmm have you ever been involved in any anti – social behaviour
or activity you know like crimes, armed robbery, and any other illegal manner to earn a living?
Respondent: Ah, you know life is full of experience as an adult. Ok. You choose a life to be no
matter the circumstance, no matter the circumstance ok? I will, I will see people, I will see people
ah taking all sort of substances to calm their nerves down.
Interviewer: Sorry, I want you to personalize it. I want you to personalize it, personalize the…
don’t talk about people.
Respondent: Actually, personally I feel like just going into smoking life but I just have to calm
down and bear with the situation.
Interviewer: How financial difficulties does affects you as an individual, financial difficulty
affects you because of this unemployment?
Respondent: It affects me negatively of course you don’t get what you want at that time you
know. And even occasionally, you need something, ok, something good but due to lack of finance
you step back.
Interviewer: Something good, what are some of these good things that you will want to have?
What are some of these good things that you will wish to have?
Respondent: You see you need to clothe yourself you need to look good. Ok. You need to clothe
yourself, wear a good shoe, looking good but of course money. You know, everything good needs
money. Ok. So all sort of that, I manage with the one I know I can afford. Ok. But it wasn’t easy
at all. Alright. So that. It’s not good at all.
Interviewer: You are saying that you would have love to have a lot of good things in this life but
with this unemployment, you are unable to, unable to have them for yourself? Of course. Is that
what you mean?
Respondent: That’s what I mean.
Interviewer: Alright. Ahmmm How does financial difficulty affects your well – being and living
standard? Dou you understand, your well – being and living standard? How does it affects you?
Respondent: Psychologically I have to go as a man I cannot remain or just lamenting in one place
ok. I have to go out and look for little things to do.
Interviewer: Yes. But how does it affects you, your well – being? Your well – being means your
being healthy, do you understand? Your being healthy, and then eh, ahmm your being healthy that
has much to do with,. How this unemployment does affects you?
Interviewer: Alright. So you are saying that financial difficulty affects your well – being and
living standard in the aspect that when you are sick, you don’t afford money to go for medical
treatment. Alright. What of the other aspects that regards to the feeding and so on, does it affect
you in that aspect as well?
Respondent: Of course.
Interviewer: How?
Respondent: At this level, I am supposed to be feeding. To feed myself. To feed well. Alright.
To feed well. And of course be of help to others. But still I could not be able to do that even for
my own self, I could not be able to feed my own self well. Ok. Without thinking of feeding others.
Interviewer: Alright. So you are unable to take care of yourself because you are unemployed.
Alright. Ok. Thank you so much. How do you cope with this unemployment situation? How do
you cope? How do you cope?
Respondent: You know acquire some skills. I sell recharge cards to earn a living. So that is what
you are doing now?
Interviewer: Ok. You are selling recharge cards. You know, but do you make some reasonable
money from these recharge cards that you sell?
Respondent: Of course I do. But to some extent, you know the financial and the cost of living is
really draining everything away. Alright. Because in recharge cards there is no too profit in it. You
know for instance, you get a recharge of one thousand (1,000) naira, you only gain the gain of
thirty (30) naira, consider the cost of transportation, Consider the cost of feeding your own self
and consider how you clothe your own self. You can see that you are only trading to mouth.
Nothing like that. Nothing at all.
Interviewer: That is to say what you are doing is not, is not getting you much money to keep
your life.
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Like it’s not helping you .Alright. Do you think something needs to be done to
improve your situation?
Respondent: Of course.
Interviewer: Alright. Eh you wish something could be done to improve what you are doing?
Interviewer: Alright. Ah like if government can aid you with soft loan, is that what you mean?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Ok thank you. Do you think you need any skill training to improve your situation,
do you need any skill training to improve your unemployment situation?
Respondent: Of course. If the government could be able to open a workshop you know, it will
be of much benefit to us providing us with all you know right tools and after and providing us with
the essential ah essential facilities I think it will help.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. Do you have anything to say or to add as regards to the discussion we
have had already? A question?
Respondent: Yea, I wish to say anything base on the discussion we have discussed already as a
comment or as a question. What I will really need to say is to call the attention of the government
to try to see what they can do to reduce the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria because is not
only me, we have a lot of unemployed graduates that are rooming heather shelter looking for how
to survive.
Respondent: I am a Muslim.
Interviewer: Ok. Your practicing religion is Islam. I practice Islam. Ok Isa thank you so much
for giving much of your time for me to interview you. By God’s grace your recommendation or
your plea before the government will be included in my recommendation to the government of
Nigeria with the hope that ah government should be able to know what to do to reduce
unemployment in Nigeria. Is that ok. Alright. Thank you so much. Thank you. You are welcome.
Interviewer: You are Christiana who, Ayuba. Yes. Alright. How old are you?
Interviewer: Alright. Twenty – eight (28) years old. Yeah. Good. Are you married?
Respondent: No am not.
Interviewer: Ok. You are not married. Yes. Ah what’s your practicing religion?
Respondent: Am a Christian.
Interviewer: Ok. You are a Christian. Yes. How long have you been living here?
Interviewer: Sorry, over eleven (11) years now. Yes Sir, that’s so serious. Alright. What are your
experiences of being unemployed?
Respondent: Ahmm honestly this has been a very big problem, I have experienced a lot of
challenges, a lot of problems. In fact most at times when I feel as doing something but then the
means are not there, the financial means are not there so it’s a very big problem. I faced a lot of
challenges most the times, let’s assume now in times of feeding myself and other things that I need
to do as a lady but then the money is not there so it’s a challenge. It’s a very big problem to me.
Interviewer: Then how, how does unemployment affects your relationship with your parents,
with your friends and then with your neighbours?
Respondent: Really, it really affected my relationship with my parents. They always see me at
home doing nothing and in fact at times there was a day my mum as if she wanted to cry. All these
years after spending money on my education, no job, they see me at home no job nothing, it is
really affecting me. Even my friends at times they call me and say sorry, so sorry oooh, so it has
really affected my life in so many ways.
Interviewer: Alright, can you please expatiate, explain more of these ways that you said it has
affected your life in so many ways, can you expatiate some of the ways?
Respondent: Ah it affected my life, first and foremost, now as a graduate without work, Alright.
I am not supposed to walk anyhow without me clothing myself. Is a problem is a very big problem
to me. And also in terms of other things I need to do just as I said earlier. At times maybe I would
want something, maybe I see something I would want to buy but the money is not there. Why
because there is no job and in fact it’s a problem.
Interviewer: Ok. Ah. Alright. Since you want to buy one thing or the other and the money is not
there so how do you feel, how do you feel when you don’t have the money to buy this or to buy
that that you wish to have?
Respondent: I feel bad whenever I see something I need and I want to buy and the money is not
there, honestly speaking at times I feel like going mad. That’s just it, Just as in about over an hour
now, I mean something I saw and that thing is so precious and very good thing and I know that it
will help my life but then I look at it and the money is not there how will I do?. In fact tears almost
came out of my eyes that’s just it.
Interviewer: That’s ok. Then with that have you ever thought of committing suicide with this
frustrated experiences that you are sharing, or have you ever thought of committing suicide?
Respondent: Sir, it’s as if you know my mind oh, honestly I thought of that. Some of the days I
say ah, is it that am born to suffer or should I take this so I should just kill myself? At times you
will see other people working, others are doing it then why me. Look at for the past eleven (11)
years, so if it were you in your shoes, how will you feel, I feel I should commit suicide. On many
occasion at times friends will just call me trying to calm me down, in short don’t do this just wait
for Gods time so I keep asking myself when will such time comes so I feel like making suicide.
Interviewer: Ok. Thank you. As an unemployed person how do you feel when you are invited to
attend social gatherings or social events like naming ceremony, marriages and other let’s say like
graduation ceremony for people that completed a particular trade… how do you usually feel? Or
how do you feel when you are invited for such gatherings?
Respondent: Well, I am not comfortable whenever I am being invited for any occasion, I don’t
feel comfortable because I see people the way they are there is a need for me to do something, like
somebody wants me to donate, to do something just as to appreciate to put a smile on the celebrant
face, but then the money is not there to give out my own contribution. So I feel very bad.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok. So how your family does sees you with this your present
unemployment, how your family does sees you?
Respondent: Ahmmm my family looks at me though as a responsible child. They know, yes what
I can do and what I cannot do but then they look at me as in ah what is wrong with this ah with
this daughter of mine. Why is it that until now there is nothing. So at times they feel it, there is
nothing they can do. They just keep praying but they feel bad about my situation. Interviewer:
Alright. Thank you. You welcome. Have you ever, have you ever been involved in any anti –
social behaviours or ac activities like going into either prostitution, armed robbery, crimes, because
of this situation of yours?
Respondent: Ah I have never thought of such kind of behaviour. I have never thought of involving
myself in such kind of act because I know it will not help my future. Though a lot of friends at
times they keep telling me why am I just alone since I don’t have job I should come, so I look at
them, I look at them they are living wealthy, they are living well, and I should involve myself and
there are men out there but then I just don’t want to involve myself in that at all, I know it won’t
help me.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. How financial difficulty does affects you?
Respondent: Financial difficulty is really affecting my life I have told you that earlier. At times
maybe there are a lot of things I need to do but then the money is not there. And the money is not
there, so it’s really is affecting me seriously I don’t even know how or where to start from. I keep
going here and there begging uncles and aunties. They too at times they will even get tired of me
so it’s really affecting my life seriously.
Interviewer: Alright. How financial difficulty does affects your well – being and living standard?
Respondent: It really affects my well – being because there is a time I was very ill and my parents
were not in town, they travelled and I am alone so it really affects me then. I was sick, no money
to take care of myself to go to the hospital, I almost died. If not because as a neighbour just came
in and then saw me in that condition, she now decided to help me by giving me some money to go
and treat myself.
Interviewer: Alright. How have you been doing to help yourself or can you please share with
me what you do cope with this unemployment situation?
Respondent: Ah there was a day I tried to help myself as to do something that will help me so as
to stop collecting, begging uncles and aunties here and there but then I decide to go into ah little
business but then it’s not working at all. But it’s not working. I tried to buy ah liquid soap I make
liquid soap to sell but unfortunately some will even take it on credit without giving me the money.
In fact I was so discouraged to the extent I just have to just and leave and stop that work.
Interviewer: Alright. So ah you are saying that you don’t have anything doing as a kind of coping
strategy to your unemployment situation you are passing through?
Interviewer: Alright. Yes Sir. So it is your parents that are actually keeping you, Yes Sir. For all
these years after graduation?
Interviewer: Alright. So do you think you need a skill training to improve your situation?
Respondent: Yes Sir. It will be very good. Let it be a skill training I will be doing so that it will
help myself. I think it will be good.
Interviewer: Ok. Like which of the skill training will you require to be trained?
Respondent: Ok. Maybe tailoring, bakery, decoration, and well they are good.
Interviewer: Ok. What efforts has your government done to reduce unemployment?
Respondent: I have not seen any efforts done by the government oh because for a graduate for
over eleven years now without a job. In fact not only I even in my family, my sister, my brothers
up to date, now government are not doing anything to make jobs to help the graduates and the
problem we are having here in Nigeria is that if you don’t have someone who will even stand for
you is a very big problem. So if you don’t have somebody is a problem. Unlike me I don’t have
somebody apart from God. So honestly speaking as I speak it’s really paining me honestly. The
government is not doing anything pertaining to the graduates in Nigeria or maybe in Nasarawa
State. Let me talk to Nigeria particularly. They are not doing anything, they are just doing it for
their own favour.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. Thank you, what will you wish to say as a sort of comment or question
to ask as regards to all that we have discussed before you now go away, Will you wish to say
something as your personal feelings or maybe proposal or maybe a question you may wish to ask
as regards to all that we have discussed now?.
Respondent: Alright. My question is. Why is the government, when are they ready to put smile
on the faces of graduates that we are having, we are having today? And again, secondly, when are
they going to implement as in when are they ready, when are they ah bring out those jobs or another
thing they think as in feel someone can do for a living? So that is my question. So when are they
ready to put a smile on our faces?
Interviewer: Alright. Ok. Thank you so much. Well, I appreciate your ehh your sacrifice (you
welcome Sir) by giving me the time so that I can actually discuss ah on this matter. I ah promise
to actually do the best I can ah in for I mean including your view as regards to what government
needs to do as regards unemployment in Nigeria. So thank you so much. You are welcome. Alright.
Thank you very much.
Interviewer: I am G. Wayas. I am working on the topic for my research that says psychosocial
impacts of unemployment among youths in Nasarawa State, so you are selected to participate with
me in this research work. Ok. So please I will want you to be objectively and answer the few
questions I want you to, particularly to share your own experiences of unemployment, ok? So that
it will actually help me in my research work. Is that alright? Yes. Ok. What’s your name please?
Respondent: No.
Respondent: Christianity.
Interviewer: Five (5) years, Wow, and, can you please share your unemployment experiences
with me?
Respondent: Ah ok. Ok. Ah unemployment actually with me it hasn’t been easy and unlike how
it is with other people out there, but we thank God because we actually though, we, I am not
someone who love to, you know sit, and fold his arms without doing anything. So, for that reason
I have to engage myself in one thing or the other that keep me busy.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. You say the unemployment has not been easy, and it has not been easy
with you, can you explain some of those areas that it has not been easy? Do you understand? What
are those experiences, what are some of those areas that have made things difficult for you due to
this unemployment? Can you please expatiate?
Respondent: Ok, ok. You see, you see unemployment like I said it hasn’t been easy. Sometimes
it will leave you with a lot of burdens. And you know you get tired at times you get frustrated you
know if care is not taken you get depressed. Alright. You get depressed you know. You think of
how you are going to make end meets. Alright. It’s quite challenging, so that’s how it has been.
Interviewer: So you mean because of this unemployment at times you get depressed, you are
frustrated, you mean ah how you will meet end needs?
Respondent: Yeah.
Respondent: Something that makes you frustrated. Sometimes you will try as much as you could,
close your eyes and forget but it keeps on and on because (hmmm), so it keeps you with no option
because you stay awake at times and beginning to think. Ok, how is the next going to be, how the
next phase of life is going to be, a lot of things. It takes your own sleep at night, you don’t sleep.
Interviewer: Alright. Yeah with these frustrated experiences that you’ve been passing through,
do you at times wish to commit suicide?
Respondent: No, no I never thought… you never thought. I never thought of that.
Interviewer: Ok. Then eh have you with these frustrated experiences, have you ever, have you
ever been involved in any anti – social behaviours, Or activities like; getting into crimes, armed
robbery or so?
Respondent: For crime no, but sometimes you know you get into some king of a bad habit like
drunkenness, trying to see if you can at least stay off what is eating you up.
Interviewer: Ok. So you do these things. Wow. That’s so serious. Ok. How, how does the
unemployment affects you, your community and your family, how does it affects you, your
community, your family and of course friends too?
Respondent: Ok. My community, my family and then my friends. Yes. It affects my community
in the sense that you know I have actually deny them of some privileges like deny them the right
to life up to themselves like politically, you know in terms of politics. Unemployment is an absence
of doing anything to or to meet ends needs. Now in a situation while you are not doing anything,
you know someone from anywhere of you that has these money can easily influence you like
getting you into doing what is not good for the community. Alright. And may be like selling your
right, you know given your mandate for something that is actually bad to the community which
you live, and as a family unemployment is actually is bad because sometimes you know you may
not have the means you know to cater for the immediate and source of livelihood and you know
that becomes challenge.
Interviewer: Alright, thank you. How your family does sees you with this unemployment
situation, how does your family sees you, How do they see you, how do they feel about you?
Respondent: Eh this is a question actually supposed to be asked, you know maybe to some of the
family members but anyway, we have our experiences thou we will like to share. Sometimes
family sees you at times though they are patient with us. Ok. But it gets to a time that they feel, oh
when will this thing come to an end? Alright. And they keep on having this hope that sometime
this thing will come to an end but then they don’t say it. That’s alright. So sometimes they ask you
questions like what’s happening, how is it going to end? And you now begin to feel bad. Family
begin to lose hope or maybe in you. Alright. Those are some of the challenges.
Interviewer: So, you are telling me at times they don’t take you so serious because of your
unemployment experience, or they don’t value you much?
Respondent: That’s not, I think that is why I said it has to be with them, but like to me, I, think
they do because my little contribution because of what I do as I told you. I am actually, I am not
the idle type.
Interviewer: That’s alright. Ok. How financial difficulty does affects you, financial difficulties,
yes. As being unemployed, how does financial difficulty affects you?
Respondent: Financial difficulty affects me, it affects me badly, it affects me badly in the sense
that as a young man you have prospects, and when you cannot meet with those prospects, it
becomes so worrisome and it becomes so bad. So I feel bad. I feel bad.
Interviewer: Alright. How do you feel when you do not have money to attend to family need,
How do you feel?
Respondent: I feel bad because this is my responsibility and here I cannot meet with it so it
becomes, I feel bad because of how the person is going to feel or my family is going to do, so I
feel bad because I am going to leave them with so many thoughts, like, why am I not meeting up
with my responsibility? As humans you know I feel bad.
Interviewer: You have savings, yes I do. Even with this your unemployment situation?
Respondent: Why, because I don’t know what may come out the next minute, Ok, I try the much
as I can no matter how little to save something I can.
Interviewer: Alright. How financial difficulty does affects your well – being and living standard,
your well – being and living standard. How does it affects your well – being and living standard,
How does it affects you?
Respondent: Hmmm my well – being and living standard, Yes. Financial difficulty affects my
well – being and living standard. there are times I feel strange feelings, you know and wanted to
go for test, or may be check up to get some drugs and because there is not much enough to do that,
you know I have to keep it, I have to live with that and living with that you know it left me with
so much pains and worries.
Interviewer: Alright, are you saying that with your situation when you were sick, you hardly get
the expected medical attention?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Wow. Alright, what other aspects again does this unemployment and financial
difficulties affects your well – being and living standard?
Respondent: Yes. Ok, human as I am there are things I need to get for myself, my well – being
like things that I need to use or maybe within my house like soap, cream and all that. These things,
these are some of those basic things that human being needs. Alright, to keep life moving, food at
times to eat, so those are the challenges. Alright. You know it lives you with worries and pains
you know that you cannot meet with these challenges.
Interviewer: Alright. That is to say you find it very difficult to eat at times.
Respondent: Sure.
Interviewer: That’s so serious. Ok. So can you please tell us how you cope with this
unemployment? How do you cope?
Respondent: Alright that’s a big question. What I do like I told you Sir. Yes. The hope is what
actually keeps me living. Ok. The hope? The hope that tomorrow is going to be better and what I
do, some of what I do, the hustling, let me say hustling, some of the hustling I do, ok. It keeps me
moving with the hope that tomorrow is going to be better.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. So how does it keep you moving, I mean how does this hope keeps you
moving. So what do you do, do you just fold your hands, or what do you do?
Respondent: No I don’t. Or what do you do? I actually go out to look out for means of surviving.
Interviewer: Ok. Like what, is it stealing? No I don’t. Alright. So what do you do?
Respondent: Ok, I think one of the basic things I will love to be done is that if there is a way or
there is a system that government will have to put in place like giving soft loans you understand,
to encourage people who have handwork, ok they can go about you know establishing their place
of work, putting it in shape and at the end of the day they will expect an income. Or probably, if
government can provide enabling environment, alright, may be like power, may be like getting
one engaged. Coming down into our locality, creating a source of employment, may be where
someone will work and at the end of the day he makes something from it. Oh that’s good.
Interviewer: Alright. Do you think you will need any skill training to improve your situation?
Respondent: We won’t say no, you know skill training will be an added advantage if they do it.
Interviewer: Like which one, which type of skill training that you will wish that you be trained
on if opportunity will be granted?
Respondent: Actually it depends on like what comes around and what the society is actually
looking for. Ok. Alright.
Interviewer: That’s good, and what efforts has your government done to reduce unemployment?
Government done to me in person? Alright. They have done not necessary you in particular, but
to your own society.
Respondent: Our government I think I will want to rate them very low in that aspect because we
haven’t seen anything, we haven’t seen any readiness or we haven’t seen any serious action on the
side of the government in reducing unemployment. That’s ok. And it keeps growing per day.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok. Do you have any comment or will you wish to say something as regards
to the discussion we have had now?
Respondent: Yeah let me say a little thing. Alright. My hope, my hope is that this research or this
product I mean this project will, alright reach where it is supposed to get to and this government
whom we are talking about will think of it you know to do something to the timid number of people
who are unemployed so that at the end of the day we can find a lasting solution to unemployment
in Nigeria generally.
Interviewer: My brother thank you so much. You are welcome Sir. By God’s grace, I, will
include this in my recommendation, is alright Sir, with the hope that government will include it in
its policy to reduce unemployment in Nigeria. Is alright Sir. Thank you so much. You are welcome
Sir. I appreciate. God bless. (Agba agba ba – greetings in the eggon language of Nigeria).
Interviewer: Your name is who? Okike Precious Chinonyerem. Alright. That’s good. How old
are you?
Interviewer: You are twenty – eight. Yes Sir. Are you married?
Respondent: Yes.
Respondent: Christianity.
Interviewer: Christianity. Yes. How long have you been living here?
Interviewer: For eight (8) years now. Alright. How long have you been unemployed?
Interviewer: Ok. For a year now. Yes Sir. That’s good. Can you please share with us all your
experiences of unemployment?
Respondent: Honestly it has not been easy. Alright. To be a graduate and you are doing nothing,
especially me that I am married, having children, you don’t have anything to contribute as a
mother, as a graduate to the family. Alright. It’s very frustrating, it’s not good. Is a bad experience
to, is a very bad situation to experience. It’s not funny.
Interviewer: Can you please be a little bit more open by expatiating on some of those areas that
look very frustrating as the unemployment experiences you have been passing through?
Respondent: Ok. Alright. In terms of financial support especially for my husband that being the
one that saw me through the degree program, to contribute as a mother, Ok. My children, I can’t
give them anything, I can’t contribute anything, and I can’t afford anything. It’s very unm, it’s
very uncomfortable unto me.
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Alright. With this frustrated experience, do you at times wish to have committed
Respondent: Not at all. Is just that sometimes I feel frustrated as a human being. I feel very
frustrated, being at home and doing nothing.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok. You have never thought of committing suicide? No, but indeed you are
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Alright. So why, why are you frustrated? You have a husband that takes care of you.
Respondent: I have a husband but with the condition that our country, with the kind of condition
that our country is unto now, the country is not safe. As a business man to open shop, nobody
comes to buy something from you. You are having children and wife, you can’t, you can’t meet
your expectations, you can’t live to take care of your responsibilities as a man. And as a woman
sitting at home doing nothing, when your husband comes back from shop, only one thing he says
you will be frustrated.
Interviewer: Wow. Alright, thank you. With that how does it affects your relationship with your
husband, with your children, with your friends, and then with the entire community, how does it
affects you?
Respondent: Like I said before. Alright. It’s not, it’s not easy. It has not been easy because as a
mother at home, you cannot, I can’t support my husband in terms of financial support. Some of
my friends when they invite me for instance they are having occasions they will invite me because
I don’t have anything to give them as gifts I can’t even afford anything to give them it’s very
shameful. Most at times I don’t go for the occasions. For my children as a mother, when they are
going to school, I can’t buy something to give them as a mother. I can’t even afford to give them
even biscuits. Hmmm. It’s very painful.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you so much my sister. Ahmmm, how do you feel, I mean how does
the society sees you as being unemployed?
Respondent: Well, some people sees me, especially uneducated people, alright. They see me as
a liability to my husband. It’s only the educated ones know what you are facing because they were
into, they passed through what I passing through.
Interviewer: That’s alright. Ok. So thank you. How financial difficulties does affects you?
Respondent: Wow. Ok. Alright. Hmmm, it affects me as in it has not been easy, in all ramification
in my life, in my family. Alright. It affects me badly because I can’t contribute. I am not happy
being idle as a graduate that cannot afford to do anything as I cannot give out anything to somebody
because of the situation.
Interviewer: So, with the unemployment, you are being constraints to render assistance to
yourself, to do what you should do to others. Is that what you are saying?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. How financial difficulty does affects your well – being, your
well – being and living standard?
Respondent: It affects my well – being because in terms of taking care of myself, I can’t buy
anything for myself. I can’t buy clothes. Alright. I can do things I am supposed to do as a mother
in the house. I can’t do anything. Ok. To my society, once you are not doing anything what will
you offer? Nobody knows you.
Interviewer: Ok. What of the living standard, how does it affects you and then ah particularly
with the living standard, how does it?
Respondent: It affects me because, it affects me in terms of I can’t eat what I want to eat. That’s
alright. I can’t wear what I want, I am just managing I am just struggling, hoping for a better day.
Ok. I can’t even, the joy is not there as a graduate. I can’t offer anything to people even my family,
especially my family.
Interviewer: That’s ok. Alright. So can you please tell us how you are coping with the
Respondent: I am just managing, I am just managing a private, I just got a private school as a
teacher, I just got the job.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok. So that’s what you are doing now? Yes. As a sort of eh coping with the
unemployment situation?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Alright. So do you think something needs to be done to improve your situation?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: That’s ok. Alright. So do you think you will need any skill training to improve your
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Ok. What type of skill training will you want if opportunity will be granted?
Respondent: Professional tailoring.
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: That’s good. Alright. Ahmmm. What efforts do you think your government has
done to reduce unemployment?
Respondent: No.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you so much. Do you have anything to say or as regards to the
discussions we have just had?
Respondent: Ah what I want to say if the government will render the service is just for them to
render, even this project that you are going to present, if the people that it’s going to get to will do
something to help them, the graduate that do not do anything, alright. To help them start up
something on their own or even to create job opportunity for them to be able to help themselves
as a graduate. Alright. They should do.
Interviewer: Blessing Alex? Yes Sir. Alright. ahmm How old are you?
Interviewer: Ok you are thirty – years old. Yes Sir. Alright. What is your practicing religion?
Respondent: Christianity.
Interviewer: Alright. You are a Christian. Yes. How long have you been living here, in this
very environment or in Keffi?
Respondent: I have been in Keffi for twenty something years now. Let me say roughly twenty –
eight (28).
Interviewer: That’s great. That’s great. So how long have you been unemployed?
Respondent: I have been unemployed for about four (4) years now, because I graduated in two
thousand and fourteen (2014).
Interviewer: Wow. Ok. Can you please Share your unemployment experiences with me, your
unemployment experiences?
Respondent: I have experienced a lot due to my unemployment condition. Alright. There are
some places you can’t go, there are some food you can’t eat. So many things you would want to
do, but because you are unemployed you can’t do them because you lack the finance. Alright.
Because you lack the finance, Yes Sir.
Interviewer: Alright. So what of other experiences apart from you don’t have the finance to eat,
to dress, to buy what you think you should? What other experiences do you pass through due to
this unemployment?
Respondent: Like me, I have some, I have younger ones at home that every day if I see them I
shade tears. Alright. They are supposed to be at the universities, their mates are already at the
university but because of lack of finance, ok, I can’t help them in school. Alright. So I am really
bothered about it. You are bothered, Yes Sir.
Interviewer: Alright. And now that you are bothered, what do you think should be done now
that you are bothered?
Respondent: I wish if the government can do something about it, create job opportunities for all
graduates at least you have one, or two things doing. Ok, to keep yourself going.
Interviewer: Ok. With these things you have mentioned that disturb you, that bother you, yes,
have you ever thought of, I mean whether it has actually move you to go to committing suicide?
Respondent: Sometimes if I am being invited I feel reluctant not to go because if you go there
what will you contribute? Alright. Like sometimes after naming they will say everybody should
contribute something for the baby, everybody will be contributing and you will be sitting down,
not contributing. It’s very shameful and somehow.
Interviewer: That’s good. Alright. How your family does sees you, how your family does sees
you with this unemployment experience?
Respondent: Sometimes they pity me. Because they know it’s not my fault. Alright. So they
pity me, they always pray for me for God to bless me with one or two things to do so I can
render help to them also.
Interviewer: That’s alright. And how does your husband sees you with this unemployment
situation, how does he sees you, how does he feels about you?
Respondent: Sometimes he feels it too but there is nothing he can do because what will he do?
Respondent: He feels bad about it. Alright. But there is nothing he can do.
Interviewer: And he feels bad, and does that makes him may be to react negatively to you at
times or how?
Respondent: No, he has never behave negatively to me because he knows it is never my fault.
Interviewer: Thank you. Alright. What of the community generally, how does your community
sees you, your friends and your neighbours as well?
Respondent: There are some people that talk to you anyhow. They don’t see you with regard
because they believe you have nothing to contribute to their life as far as you are idle. You are
not doing anything, they see you like as a liability in the society. So, some don’t regard you.
Some talk to you anyhow.
Interviewer: Alright. So, they belittle you, they don’t respect you, I mean they don’t give the
normal honour for a normal human being, the way they deserve?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Thank you. Alright. With this, have you ever been involved in any anti – social
behaviour or activity with this unemployment? Anti – social behaviour, maybe going into crimes
so as to.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. How does financial difficulties affect’s you?
Respondent: One doesn’t eat the way it should, alright, as in the normal diet. Ok. The way
people are eating. You don’t eat it the way you are suppose because you are financially down.
Alright. There are some women groups they will ask you to contribute money for you can’t
contribute because you don’t have. You are not buoyant enough.
Respondent: Even my baby,alright; Sometimes if I am passing I will see little kids shops with
so many beautiful things on them but I can’t afford it for my baby because I am not capable for
Interviewer: Alright. So that is to say it affects you in the aspect of buying sufficient clothes for
yourself, for your children, and even rendering help to others.?
Respondent: Yes
Interviewer: So how this unemployment does affects your well – being and living standard,
your well – being and living standard?
Respondent: Sometimes you may be suffering from maybe you have a particular disease you
are suffering from, but you will just go and take Panadol to calm it down because you don’t have
money to go to the hospital and the diseases is there, compiling, alright. Wow, that’s so serious.
Interviewer: Alright. So what, what other aspects, apart from having difficulty of raising
money to go for proper medication, what other aspects does this financial difficulty affects your
living standard and your well – being, What other aspect?
Respondent: Sometimes there are food that one is not supposed to consume, For example let’s
say you are suffering from let’s say ulcer or diabetic. There are some food that you are not
supposed to eat but because you don’t have choice you eat them and the sickness is there.
Alright. You don’t eat good food and the rest. So you don’t eat good food the way I want to.
Respondent: Thank you so much.
Interviewer: Alright. You are managing what, how are you managing the unemployment, or,
what are you using in managing it?
Respondent: There is this private school I am managing with. Alright, at least you can use it to
solve one or two problems for now. Because the money is not even enough.
Interviewer: Alright, Ahmmm, do you think something needs to be done to improve your
situation, your unemployment?
Respondent: By creating job opportunities, If the government wants to do it, they can they are
very capable. They can do it. They can create job opportunities for people. All those government
officials that are looting money, taking it outside, they should invest it here so that at least even if
you are not employed with eh the government you can be employed with ehh with their private.
Interviewer: Alright, so, that is to say government should, ahh create job opportunities?
Respondent: Yes. Alright. By establishing industries instead of ehhh stealing our money, going
to establish industries in the foreign lands or in other nations, yes, it should be done here, yes, So
that even if you don’t get employment with the government you should be able to have
employment with the private institution or I mean private organization.
Interviewer: Do you think you need any skill training to improve your situation?
Respondent: I need.
Respondent: The way I am now I can make hair very well, you can make hair, Yes. Alright. So
if I can have little money. Alright. I can open a saloon and start my own business. Ok. Yes from
there something might come up.
Respondent: The only one I know is this N – Power they introduced. Alright. Though the
program is not even too organize. Alright. Because there are people that got it for one year now
they’ve been working without pay.
Interviewer: Alright, will you wish to comment as regards to all that we have discussed before
you will go away?
Respondent: Yes.
Respondent: What I want to say is; if Nigerian government will please do away with
corruption, let’s do things right, this issue of unemployment will be a bygone issue, Ok, because
corruption is behind all these things that is happening.
Interviewer: That’s alright. Thank you so much. Ahmmm by God’s grace I will include what
you have said as your feeling as regards to curtailing the issue of unemployment that corruption
is responsible for this. Thank you so much my sister Blessing, Yes Sir. Alright. Thank you so
much. You are welcome Sir. I appreciate. Thank you. Alright. Bye.
Respondent: Christianity.
Interviewer: Three (3) years. Alright. Ahh how long have you been unemployed?
Respondent: Nine (9) years.
Interviewer: Nine (9) years, oh that’s so serious. Can you please share your unemployment
experiences with me? Or what are your unemployment, or what are your experiences of being
Respondent: The experience has been so bad. If I could or if I can use a better word for it it’s
horrible, it’s hell. That’s alright. Well, well. But it has not been easy.
Interviewer: Why using that word for the experience that you have been having as being
Respondent: The best way to describe it is that it has been horrible or terrible.
Interviewer: Why?
Respondent: Sir, in that sense it has been horrible, in the sense that after spending your whole
life in, let me say in the university, at least four (4) years your parents have tried their hard earn
money to see that you are a successful person and after spending four (4) good years, coming out
you don’t have anything to show for it especially in the term of job. That’s alright. Instead of you
to repay them back for trying to impact good things on you, you don’t have anything to show rather
you are still going back to them asking them for money, ummm. It has not been easy Sir.
Interviewer: So what other aspects apart from this that you have just shared, What other aspects
ahh of the experience that you can explain more that has made it horrible, terrible, and not easy at
. Respondent: Secondly is in the terms of I am married, so happily married though without a job.
That’s ok. There are so many challenges, couple with the issue of family challenges is there. You
have to, for example my husband, both of us we are unemployed, alright. And we have, we have
been married, this should be our third year. We don’t have any source of money coming in. we
don’t have a job, we have two kids, we don’t know how to cope with them. Umm ummm. Infact
we hardly even eat two square meals in a day. That’s so serious. So it’s very hell.
Interviewer: Wow. Alright. Ahmmmm, with this ahmmm bitter experience that you have ahmm,
expressed, ah have you ever thought of committing suicide?
Respondent: Well, they say no hope is lost, we are still trusting that our government will help us.
Sometimes you just feel what do you even have to offer, you are in the world. There is an adage
in Hausa that says “abani, a bani” (meaning, give me, give me). Sometimes you will feel when will
you also give to somebody? Ok. If it is you are at the receiving end all the time when will you
affect somebody’s life, so because you can see you don’t have anything to offer again, why are
you even living? Hmm the thought seems to come but thank God for the grace of God.
Interviewer: Oh alright. So that is to say, the experience apart from you describing it being
horrible, it is also frustrated then?
Interviewer: Wow. Alright, thank God that you have not, despite the fact that the thought does
come but you have not gone into attempting to commit suicide.
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: So thank God for that. You are welcome Sir. As an unemployed person, how do you
feel when you are invited to social events like naming ceremony or marriages, and so on, how do
you feel?
Respondent: I feel very inferiority complex. One, I don’t feel, I don’t mingle with my mates. I
don’t mingle with my mates, sometimes even when you invite me for social gatherings, I don’t go
because I will feel as if, I will feel very timid I don’t have anything. Why am I even going there?
Alright. So let me use the word inferiority complex, I don’t feel free. You feel inferior.
Respondent: A social gathering is a place especially for us women, we want to show we belong
to so- so class, alright. Especially let me use in wedding, ashebi’s issue. We want to come out
gorgeous, we want to come out big, and we want everybody to notice me notice me, that kind of
thing. Alright. Putting on all those jewelleries, and so many things. So when you don’t have
anything you will just feel much rejected, frustrated, because you don’t have what it takes to meet
up with the social class of people you are going to meet there.
Interviewer: Ok with that, with ehmm this bitter experience, I mean experiences you have, you
have explained does that temper with your sleep as well, does that affects your sleep?
Respondent: It does.
Interviewer: How and why? You wake up in the middle of the night, alright, sometimes I don’t
sleep well. You will not sleep middle of the night you will wake up and be thinking, how is, when
will all these problems going to end. Umm uhumm, when are we going to be ok? Alright. So I
don’t sleep well. Sometimes I hardly even sleep four (4) hours. Hmmm and my eyes will be a kind
of subconscious activities, will just be going on with me. In your mind? And I might not know.
Sometimes you’ll see me I am going down, down. Just become like tiny one. Uhm uhumm. Not
that I am not eating, because I am not even eating well, and the thinking is the one that is even
affecting me most.
Interviewer: That’s alright. That’s ok. Alright. Thank you. So have you ever been involved in any
anti – social behaviours or any anti – social activities due to unemployment?
Interviewer: Ok you haven’t. Yes. Alright. Thank you. So, how does this unemployment affect
your relationship with your husband, your neighbours and your community, how does it?
Respondent: Especially for the uneducated ones. Alright. They are looking at you, you have
attain to a particular level in life, in your education pursuit. Alright. And now you are just sitting
down. You don’t have anything to offer. They will just feel as if you are a lazy person and some
of them, they will not even like to come to you. Especially those ones that have this kind of
labouring work, ehennn little skills. They will not want to come to you. They will feel you are not
even important. Wow. To the society because you don’t have anything to offer to them.
Interviewer: Wow that is to say ahmm, neighbours and the community run away from you.
Really. And because you, you don’t have anything to show forth, that you can share together with
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: That’s so serious. Alright. Ahmmmm, how does, how does it affects your
relationship with your husband or your family?
Respondent: It has not been easy. My husband is so, he is the man, and we have nothing than to
go out to look for what we will eat even though it’s just for one square meal. But for me, haa, it
has not been easy. I just feel somehow bad I don’t I can’t contribute. He is the man, he has to go
out even though he has to be carrying blocks on site work lets have something on the table to eat.
But for me I can’t do such king of work there are some work that is not meant for women to do.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. So how does financial difficulties affects you?
Respondent: Hmmmm, it has not been easy. The financial aspect of it is, I don’t even know how
to classify it. It has not been easy. You can’t borrow money, nobody can lend you money to take
care of yourself. You can’t borrow anywhere. Even when you go to them or maybe neighbours, I
want to borrow money they will say, when you will even pay us so why are you coming. Ummm
ummm, they will not even give you because they know you don’t have any work so how are you
going to pay?
Interviewer: Alright. So what of What other aspects apart from maybe getting ehh soft loan from
neighbours, from friends that is not possible because of your situation since they are not really sure
when you will pay back. But what other aspects does it affects you, the financial difficulty apart
from this what other aspects?
Respondent: Yea, ok like I want to buy some things, how to eat good food, I want to wear good
clothe, I may likely see something I like on the way but I don’t have money to buy. It has not been
easy. So I have been living as if I am a beggar and no means of getting money or sourcing for
Interviewer: Thank you. Then how does financial difficulty affects your well – being and living
standard, how Your well – being and living standard?
Respondent: It has really affected us badly. And me particularly, alright. Just what I just said that
sometimes, I may like a particular thing, ok. But I can’t I won’t be able to afford it because I don’t
have the money. I may want to eat chicken today but where is the money. The money is not even
there sometimes so I just keep quiet and just hope and wait that things will get better someday but
it has not been easy, wow. It has even brought down the kind of person I am, because like me, I
love things, I am the kind of person that love good things. Alright. But I cannot express it because
I don’t even have it so, is better to a low down.
Interviewer: So if I have understood you well, it means that this unemployment affects your
feeding, and everything.
Respondent: My clothes, your clothing, everything. As you can see I have not even made my
hair. You see how rough I am because I don’t even have the money. My hair will cost almost one
thousand (N1,000), one five (N1,500) that one five I will think it’s better I use it for three pots of
soup or two pots of soup so let my hair remain there. My feeding is the most important thing.
Interviewer: That’s so serious. How are you coping with this unemployment?
Respondent: It has not been easy ooooo, it has not been easy. You try to source for money.
Begging neighbours, friends, so that we can set up something. Alright. Maybe in terms of selling
things or anything let’s just lay our hands on something we can do to be productive. Alright.
Instead of waiting for the government for white collar job because it seems the white collar job is
not forth coming. Ok. We don’t even know how to go about it, because our government is not even
helping matters. You can’t even, you don’t even know the right channel to complain on your issue,
or your problem. It has not been easy, it has not been easy.
Interviewer: Ok, alright, with this situation, what do you think needs to be done to improve your
unemployment situation?
Respondent: There are so many things that can be done. The government should create a
workable policy. They should implement the policy. Not just making policy without
implementation. Alright. Nigeria is a big country. That’s alright. The government should have the
issue of their youths in their hearts. Ok. They should know that the youths are the leaders of
tomorrow. The government should be honest in whatever policy they are creating. That’s ok,
especially the issue of unemployment. They should be honest to themselves. That’s ok. They
should not be selfish minded and try to gather every money to themselves and to their children
generations to come.
Interviewer: Do you think you will need any skill training to improve your situation?
Interviewer: Alright. Which skill training will you wish if opportunity is given?
Respondent: Hmmm our Government is biased that’s just one point. We will just be hearing it
on news, they have created this, but we cannot see the effect. They have not made any efforts.
Even when they try to, it is just of recent that one N – Power kind of something that they just
brought to, that they want to reduce unemployment rate in Nigeria. Alright. They have not been
fair. We have about seven (7) of us in this house that applied for the N – Power but none of us was
short listed. The N – Power issue is just for two years kind of thing program and they will lay you
off once the two years elapses. They will lay you off. Alright. So they are not helping matter.
That’s ok. You will enjoy in one minute and the other minute you don’t have anything, you will
continue to suffer from where you stop, it’s very hellish, they have not even done anything, and
they should try.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you so much. So do you have any question to ask or comment as
regards to all that we have discussed?
Respondent: Hmmmm I don’t have any question to ask. I just pray what I want you to do is this,
this project you are embarking on, I just pray that it will reach to the right people. Ok. And they
should do what is expected of them that’s alright, specially our leaders in Nigeria. They, all of
them need to change so that Nigeria will be better for all of us. Alright. And they should implement
a good workable kind of policy on eh this ehh employment issue. Not the one we hear on paper
but we don’t see the effect.
Interviewer: Thank you so much my sister Janet. By God’s grace I will include this in my
recommendation, trusting God that we will be able to have listening government that will actually
ahh embark on policies that shall reduce, I mean unemployment in our Nigerian society. So thank
you so much. I appreciate. Alright thank you.
Respondent: Christianity.
Interviewer: Christianity. Alright. Ah how long have you been living in this place?
Respondent: For me being unemployed for two (2) years it hasn’t been easy for me. Because as
a child when I was growing up I was hoping that I will not disappoint my parents, I will work hard,
but the way I am seeing some peoples staying at home, not doing anything, I said I must try. I must
go to school and I must have a better job and be able to assist my parents. But unfortunately after
spending four (4) years in the university studying B.Sc. Accounting, I was thinking ok, as soon as
I’ve graduated, the job will be there for me, but now this is two (2) years unemployed. It hasn’t
been easy for me because I was unable to work, to support my family in so many aspects as a child
or as a daughter. Because they have to suffer to work, to send me to school so I am trying to see
that if, for me to pay them back, I need to have a job that will be able to support them, support
myself and also support my family, that’s my husband.
Interviewer: Ok. So few of these things that you have mentioned are some of the things that have
made it not been easy?
Interviewer: So what other aspects again does this unemployment has not been easy, that the
experiences has never been easy? What are some of these aspects that have made the whole things,
like somebody said that the experience of unemployment has been very terrible, has been very
frustrated, what are some of these aspects?
Respondent: Ok. Even mine is not long, Let me say two (2) years. Alright. I still have the hope
that I will, I will get a job one day. But one of the experiences is that I was not able to buy
something for myself. May be I needed something, and I cannot afford the money to buy it, that’s
ok. So it’s a challenge.
Interviewer: Yes. Ok. Ahhh what ah how does unemployment affects your relationship with your
children and then your neighbours as well, how does it affects you?
Respondent: Although I don’t have children. But I have neighbours, ok. And I have family. That’s
alright. So it really affects because when you need something, when you go to them, alright. They
will not like to, ok. They will not like to assist because they will think that you don’t have it and
when will you pay them back. Ok. So they will not even like to assist because they are thinking
that you don’t have it and you cannot pay them back. They will not give it to you.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. As an unemployed person, how do you feel when you are invited to
attend social gatherings like naming ceremonies, and eh marriages and others, How do you feel
when you are been given invitation?
Respondent: When I am being given invitation, let me say, is not easy because for you to be
invited and you will not be able to assist that person with a gift, is very, how will I put it. For you
to be invited and without presenting anything and for you meeting your, let me say peer groups
and you see them living fine and doing well, wearing good clothes, eating well, you will be
intimidated, So you will not feel like going for social gathering because you will feel that when
you go there you will be different from the other women there, they sees me as someone that
cannot add value to their live. That’s ok. Yes, because what my being a graduate and without
working. Them they didn’t even go to school, but they are living fine more than me. So, so it’s a
challenge. Then for you spending four (4) years in the university, coming out without a job, and
then not even, some even secondary school, they didn’t even go but they are living fine. So they
look you as someone that is ehh that doesn’t have a value to them. Alright. Yes Sir.
Interviewer: That’s interesting. Alright. Ahmm. Have you ever thought of committing suicide,
with the frustrated situation you are passing through have you ever thought of committing suicide?
Respondent: Yes, because I know that I am serving a living God. I know that one day it’s going
to be well and I know that one day I will get a job. So that thought has never come to my mind.
Interviewer: Ok. You have never thought of committing suicide. Yes. Alright. That’s good. Have
you ever been involved in any anti – social behaviours or activities like going into any unethical
manner to make some money, to earn a living?
Interviewer: Alright. That’s good. Alright. So how does financial difficulties affects you as being
Respondent: It really affects me because as a married woman, Alright. With a husband who is
also unemployed, ok. And for me, is really affecting me because I could not support him. Alright.
Yes, and my parents at home I could not even support them, my siblings, I could not make any
efforts to see that ok, let me help them in one or two aspects of their life. So it really affects, the
finance aspect really affects me. Alright. Yes Sir.
Interviewer: So if I have understood you well, how financial difficulty affects you is that you
cannot render help to your husband, to your parents, and to others, maybe people like us, Yes Sir.
Even if you have the good mind to but you don’t have the ability.
Interviewer: So, how does financial difficulties affects your well – being and living standard,
how does it?
Respondent: It affects because, one; I cannot buy nice food, I could not eat a nice food. Alright.
Because I don’t have the means and good clothes is also part of it. Alright. And for me to support
as I said earlier on, for me to support my family. Alright, is also a challenge to me, so it really
affects me. Alright. Yes Sir. So thank you so much.
Interviewer: what do you do as a kind of coping with the situation, Do you understand, Ok, what
do you do as a source of managing the situation, the unemployment, unemployment situation?
Respondent: I am trying to see if I can have a skill, ok. Yes and also if I can raise some money
to start – up a small petty business that can, alright, at least give me some income to earn a living.
Interviewer: So you are only planning to embark on a particular skill, which type, which type of
skill are you planning to embark upon?
Interviewer: And shoe making, Wow. That’s great. So, ahmm, do you think, ahmm, what effort
do you think Government should do to improve your situation?
Respondent: Ahmm. I am pleading to the government for them to create more job opportunity
for the youths, that’s for the unemployed. And when they create that, they should make sure that
they implement it. Alright. And they should pay, employ more youths. Not people that are already
on sit. But the young youths that are unemployed, they should be able to employ them so that the
unemployed rate will reduce in Nigeria.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you so much. So, do you have any comment ahhh to comment on
all that we have discuss on this or do you have any question?
Respondent: I don’t have a question but the only thing I will say is that I pray that this research
you are working on, it will really be to a benefit to us unemployed youths so that this research that
you are carrying on, is my prayer that they are going to work on it and for you to be able to save
the situation of unemployment in Nigeria.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. Earnestly that is what really prompted me into this business.
Ahhh that ah at the end of the whole thing, my recommendation, or proposal, could yield fruitful
result. Ah ahhh to actually help the government to embark on policy. And like almost all of you
that I, I mean that I interviewed said policy that should not just only be paper matter but should be
implemented. Ah so that ehh the unemployed person should be able to have something to do either
directly with the government or self – employed, or with a private organization. So thank you so
much. Ahh for sacrificing your time. Ahhhhhhh ah to I mean sacrificing your time to have actually
ahhhh gone through this discussion together with me. Thank you so much. Alright. Thank you
Respondent: Yes.
Respondent: It has not been easy. I worked with ahmm an NGO, Christian faith based NGO
before, and ah two thousand and ten (2010), I got admission to study psychology in Nasarawa
State University and so since I finished ahh my course with Nasarawa State University, I have
been unemployed till this moment. And so coming from a working background to being a student
and being an applicant is not an easy thing. So that has been the experience.
Respondent: Yeah. For…. Ah before you know going to school, I was working and earning some
money then presently one is unemployed, you are not earning any dime to meet ends, and so it’s
not an easy thing which is as if you are living from hand to mouth and then depending on one or
two other persons to give you help or assistance to give you help and so it’s not easy. Interviewer:
Alright. Ok, the situation, it appears you are in another way telling me that the unemployment
experience has been very frustrating, is that what you mean?
Interviewer: Alright. Ok with that have you ever thought of committing suicide?
Respondent: Ah with that of resent I think, that thought ahh kept coming at some point it’s as if
things were not working. You need money to meet needs and is not forth coming and sometimes
you say what the essence of existing is.
Interviewer: Hmmm that’s so serious. Alright. Ahmmm so how unemployment does affects your
relationship with your wife, children and neighbours?
Respondent: Ahh it’s` really you know creating a great impact negatively because you know in
a family there are needs you need to meet. Alright. And you don’t have money to do that and
sometimes it’s as if ahmm, being a father or a husband, you are not capable to do what you are
expected to do. Uhmmm, so it’s frustrating. Sometimes your children will say daddy buy this and
if you say you don’t have the money they will say no daddy how can you say you don’t have the
money? And at times if you don’t really have a wife that doesn’t understand the situation it can be
escalating to a point that one can even do what ah is not even expecting to.
Interviewer: Alright. So that is to say unemployment makes the relationship between you and
your family bitter then?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Alright. Ah can you explain more, how it makes you bitter?
Respondent: There are little needs in the house that you need to meet. Maybe, buy sugar, buy
bread, and so you are not able to meet those needs and so maybe the wife too may not have money
and so all eyes are on you. Alright. And you are not able to in fact even with your family too like
some children, they will be feeling which kind of father is this that he cannot buy chocolate, buy
biscuits, buy sweets for us? So it’s not an easy thing.
Interviewer: Alright. As an unemployed person, how does your family, I mean does your
community or society sees you now.
Respondent: Ah you know the community and the society sometimes expects you to work, earn
something so that you too you can be able to contribute your quota in the development and
sometimes you too you are unemployed you will become like a nuisance even to the community
because when people are putting resources together to develop the community, you are unable to
also contribute that is also a problem. And sometimes you may have one or two things that the
community or the society needs. Yes they may come to you but ahmm in area to contributing to
the development of the community or the society you know there may be a problem there because
you are not employed. And at some point you are depressed.
Interviewer: Alright. Why, why should you be depressed as you don’t have money to contribute
towards the development of your community?
Respondent: Yeah, the needs are there, we can’t shy away from it. That’s alright. And so when
people are bringing the little they have to do one or two things and you are not ah able to contribute,
you know that can also be a problem sometimes, it’s as if ah in some places where list are being
tabulated and your name is not among, So you will be looked upon a s a rejected person in the
society because you are not employed. In fact, in some places you even don’t have a say. Wow.
Because some people that have the resources, have the money, are contributing and are talking,
you that don’t contribute to anything what will you will?
Interviewer: So in another way, you are simply saying that unemployment makes you almost
valueless in the society?
Respondent: Yes.
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: That’s alright, that’s so serious. Ok. Ahmmm, have you ever thought of, ahh have
you ever got yourself involved in any anti – social behaviour before, Or maybe due to this
Respondent: Ahh not really because my faith also helps me by sometimes even when I am
discourage, I am depressed. Alright. I still have the faith that there is a supreme being somewhere.
Ok, that exists which who understands me better than I do, and I place my allegiance, my hope
and my faith in him and that which I believe that by faith one day things will turn round.
Interviewer: Alright. So it is your belief that restraints you from going in to ahhh anti – social
behaviour that you must have several time tempted to must have gone into, is that what you mean?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: Alright. That’s good. As an unemployment person, how do you feel when you are
invited to social gathering or social events like naming ceremony, marriages and so on, How do
you feel when you are invited for such occasions?
Respondent: Ok, truly I don’t feel comfortable because one, in this part of the world where we
live where people show off. You have to have the money to give to also show that I have
contributed something and also as an unemployed sometimes I prefer to take the back stage.
Instead of coming front to show that me too I am there. So ah I prefer to stay behind. And
sometimes I don’t even attend the program.
Respondent: Because, Yeah because the resources in terms of ah money are not there so that ah
one can either buy something to give or you even contribute.
Interviewer: Ok. That’s ok. How financial difficulties does affects you as an unemployed person?
Respondent: Haaa, that’s a good question. It has affect all parts of life. Hmmmm. In fact it has
even affect my sleep. Presently I have my sons school fees to settle so I have been like thinking
all nights and they have been given letter yesterday that by next week, if you don’t settle the school
fees, no classes for your children so that’s the problem, so financially it has affected almost all
parts of living.
Interviewer: Alright. Apart from paying your children school fees, what other aspects that this
unemployment, ah I mean this financial difficulty affects you as an unemployed person, Can you
expatiate more?
Respondent: Yeah. Apart from you know settling some needs in the family, sometimes you will
also want to see how you can make more money. And you don’t have it to invest. Hmmm and at
least to make more income than even the little you make. And like here now nothing is coming
and as if you are grounded to one place.
Interviewer: Wow. Ok. Thank you. Alright. How financial difficulty does affects your well –
being and living standard?
Respondent: It affects all because one, you can’t afford to buy clothes, you can’t afford to buy
good food to eat even at yesterday I was like ah see now because I don’t have money, I need this
to eat, I need common bread or even milk in order to make tea to take and it’s not there so it affects
all. One, you don’t have money to buy clothe, even the new ones that you can even wear, talk more
of going for the expensive one. So the dressing too is a problem. Feeding is a problem, in fact even
getting a good accommodation where you stay or area where you live and feel comfortable all
affects ah.
Respondent: As far as there is no work, I don’t know what will one save? (Laughs….)
Interviewer: Alright. So, the implication is that you don’t have savings?
Interviewer: Alright. Ahmm, can you please tell me how you are coping with this
Respondent: Ah not really it’s not easy. Like I said at some point, believing and trusting God that
things will turn round and that is just the basic hope that I have and also seeing how I can be able
to lay hands on one or two business to start with.
Interviewer: So you mean at the moment you don’t have anything doing just to keep life going,
pending when you will have something better as you are hoping?
Respondent: Presently, no. last year from January to December, instead of staying idle, I went to
Abuja and did some security job and hoping that Federal Government came up with a program
that is called N – Power so to encourage graduate youths and I applied. My name was short – listed
and so we are still waiting for the next line of action.
Interviewer: Ok. What is this N – Power, can you please explain, I mean expatiate on that?
Respondent: It is a program designed by this administration. Alright, to help graduates that are
unemployed at least to have something that will start with and it’s going to be a one year program.
Before is a two years but presently it’s as if they are cutting it to one year program so that they
will give youths a lift, a face lift from their oppression, depression and the rest. And also want to
see how they will use this energy or resources in the youths to meet one problem or the other. And
so the N – Power is designed in these phases. Or in this category; teach, they have agro, they have
health and then ahm tax. Ok. All is to see how they could bring out hundred, two hundred or either
three hundred and send them into the society.
Interviewer: Alright. Oh thank you for that. What do you think should be done to improve your
situation now?
Respondent: Ah if I am employed, given a job to do I am sure that will help or if I can get
resources to invest into a business, ok, then that will also help my situation.
Interviewer: Alright. That’s ok. Ahmmm, do you think you need any skill training to improve
your situation?
Respondent: Yes.
Respondent: You know I, at some point when we were growing, we didn’t see the important of
some of these training within us, eighter like being a fashion designer or even a mason or
whatsoever as a means to meet needs. But it is now that my eyes are being opened and so if I can
have opportunity of getting any of these skills I think that will help me and apart from that you
know even while I was working then I had an opportunity of venturing into fishery. Alright. And
so presently, I am still looking for a good land and where I can be able to source for water and
where if I can be able to get small resources that will invest into that.
Interviewer: Alright. That’s good. I am glad with your responses. Do you have any question to
ask or any comment as regards to the discussion we have just had?
Respondent: I don’t really have any question but the comment will be that you know the research
you are conducting could also be a remedy to (thank you) the problem and so what we are passing
through. That’s alright. Because by expressing yourself you are also helping yourself by pouring
out your depression. Alright. Frustration you are passing through.
Interviewer: That’s ok. Alright. Thank you. Thank you Sir. Ehnnn my brother Samuel earnestly
I appreciate your sacrifice and actually given me time to interact with you on this. By God’s grace
ahh what you have rightly said is what has prompted me into this. That this thing that I am working
on could be a remedy to the unemployment problems in Nigeria. Thank you so much. Thank you
Respondent: Ummm seriously since two thousand and ten (2010) after my youth service.
Interviewer: Wow, wow. Two thousand and ten (2010)?
Respondent: There are series of experiences of being unemployed. Alright. One of it is that you
look at situation that are happening, then you yourself, you are unemployed, there are some things
that one will not be able to meet up, so be it in the school, be it in the family, be it in the church,
and wherever you find yourself, there are somethings you will not be able to meet up with and
these are series of experiences that one have as an unemployed.
Interviewer: Ahmmm, ah with this ahhhhh has it been comfortable with what you have just
explained now, has it been comfortable to you that you are unable to provide this, do this, has it
been comfortable to you or frustrating?
Respondent: Yes, it is frustrating why because at home, when there are some needs to meet up
with, you can’t be able to meet up. Just like the need of school fees, your personal needs that even
you need to a kind of dress well, have something good to eat, you don’t have all such, so that
everything is not comfortable to an unemployed person.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. With that, with this frustrated situation have you ever thought of
committing suicide?
Respondent: Thank God for this very question. I think ah base on my religion faith and where I
belong to, that thought has never even come to my mind. All what I always do keep hoping, keep
hoping that one day, it will be better than the way I am presently.
Interviewer: Alright. Ahmmm with this unemployment, ahhh situation, how does it affects your
relationship with your wife, children and your neighbours?
Respondent: Thank God this effect has been so much. I think just of recent, there were some little
mis mis understanding that came into my family.
Interviewer: Why because when there is no money and the woman at home is requesting for
something then you now become you know you become mute, you lack what to tell her. Your
pocket is empty then when you try to explain. At times she understands, at times she looks at it
ahh this person is unable to cater for his family, for his and other needs again cannot be cared of,
so that has been the problem. And with God we believe that all things are possible.
Interviewer: So if I have understood you well, yes Sir, with this unemployment situation, at times
it creates friction between your relationship with your wife and children, is that what you are
Interviewer: Ok. Ahmmm how, how does how does your family, I mean how does your
community sees you as being unemployed person?
Respondent: Yes the community sees me as an unvalued person because there is no contribution
in which you can give to the community. In an area whereby one is unable to contribute to the
development of the community, so you will be looked as if you are not an existing person in that
very community, so community will not have regard of you.
Interviewer: Wow. Alright. So with what you said it appears that you are saying that you don’t
have I mean the community doesn’t have regards, doesn’t respect you?
Respondent: Exactly.
Respondent: Exactly.
Interviewer: Wow that’s so serious. Have you ever been involved ah in any anti – social activities
or behaviour?
Respondent: No, not even for once involved into anti – social activity.
Interviewer: Ok Alright. How financial difficulties does affects you, how does it affects you my
Respondent: Hmmmm, I think I am presently running my M.Sc. program. Alright. Last year
when the list came out and I was shortlisted, I struggled so serious to pay my fees, I went to a
length, collecting loan to make sure that this very fee will be paid. Alright. And that thing has been
disturbing. Alright. For you now to pay off this very loan, you begin to struggle up and down to
look for sources somewhere. Your parents that you need to be the person taking care of, they will
now be the person getting some little help from them. And as God will have it one was able to do
that. And now like this it has not been too easy because this very year, there will be additional
payment again that one needs to pay so we are (phone ringing…..) still looking up to God for other
sources that we can be able to pay for this very year.
Interviewer: Alright. So, ah what other aspects does this financial difficulty affects you as an
unemployed apart from having difficulty in paying for this your master’s program in the
Respondent: Yes my child also is in school. Alright. In which that very school when you resume
in a months’ time you must have to pay, and presently I am suffering from that, I just don’t know
where to get the money for that. Alright. Again as we all know, on the other part, this common bill
is another problem. NEPA will just come with their bill and you are expected to pay, so we do
struggle in the house before the payment of bill so these are the challenges we have been facing as
an unemployed person.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. How financial difficulty does affects your well – being and
living standard?
Respondent: Yes, it seriously affecting our well – being. Why because, presently you need to
have good food. You need to have you know three (3) square meals. You need to at least dress
well, you need to you know make your family look very ok and comfortable. And in a situation
like the way we are now, three (3) square meals is a difficult thing. Hmmmm. And I know it that
for more than two (2) years now one has not even buy any new clothes for himself, hmmm so it’s
another problem. The only one that one has before is the one we just keep maintaining it up to
now. So we have just been maintaining what we have to see what will come as the resources to
make life better.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. Can you please tell how you are coping with unemployment?
Respondent: Ehhhh we trust God and it’s only God that is seriously helping. I think I tried the
little thing I could do to just open a very small shop. Alright. For my wife to be managing but with
that seriously is not helping because there is no money that one will invest in it more that at least
when more investment is made, more profit will be gotten and the little that one has invested right
here is the little one that one is managing.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok, what do you think needs to be done to improve your situation?
Respondent: Ok. What needed to be done to improve my situation or our situation as unemployed
people, we, at least we want the government to come in and help that is by employing some of the
graduates to be well employed. That is where it is. Because you will be employed base on your
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. Do you think you need any skill training to improve your situation?
Respondent: Alright. I am an educationist and I think I have it in mind if really there is longer
time I am hoping of establishing a school that it will help to question this very issue of
unemployment. Why because all my years of unemployed, it’s just private, private and private
again will drain all your efforts without you achieving what you want to be achieved.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you. Ah what efforts has your government done to reduce
Respondent: Yes, these is a bigger problem. Government is not helping matters, seriously. If
some people will now be opportune to be employed just like for example in this very state, I think
since two thousand and nine (2009) was when the government did massive employment of
teachers. Since then up to now, no employment, (phone ringing……) so you can see the, the
distance of unemployed people. From two thousand and ten (2010), two thousand eleven (2011),
two thousand twelve (2012), there are graduates and these people are unemployed. So, government
of the state are not trying. Is just of recent we heard about N – Power so N – Power that is exactly
what the Federal Government did to at least help graduates who are unemployed to be employed.
Interviewer: Alright. Ah do you have any question to ask or any comment to make as regards to
the discussion we have heard already? (phone ringing…..)
Respondent: oh I thank you so very much for this, I think my little addition here is that, you know
when one is being interviewed, you will be hoping that after interview, in the near future, this very
problem will be solved and ahh interview per say or problems like this are very ok if only the
solution will be brought to people and people will now get to have the understanding that yes, what
you have poured out the solution is great. And this very project ah dissertation or thesis, we believe
that it will proffer solution to this very problem of unemployment in the country Nigeria at large.
Interviewer: Thank you so much my brother I appreciate your responses. By God’s grace, I will
include ah what you have just said as a proposal and include it in my recommendation believing
God that Federal Government will use it to bring solution to unemployment in Nigeria. Thank you
so much. Thank you Sir. Alright.
Respondent: I am a Christian.
Respondent: Ah it has not been easy, actually being a male child and unemployment will actually
make you dependent. So coming to an age where you are supposed to cater for your family and
siblings and you are not able to do that, you are still under your parents and that actually makes
you a dependent, so it has not been easy actually.
Interviewer: Alright. Can you please expatiate more on some of the areas or some of the aspects
that you said it has not been easy, Can you please put more light on some of these aspects?
Respondent: Ok. Ahmm after school I wanted going for my higher degree, my second degree but
lack of money, resources to pay for the fee, I have to stay back home. Secondly, I have younger
ones who are also ahmmm going to high school, So they also need assistance which my parents
are retired, they can’t actually help in paying their fees fully so when if I am employed for instance,
I will be able to help them finance their education also, so they can also go to school, the way
others are going.
Interviewer: Alright. So these are among other issues that you have been going through that you
said it has not been comfortable, and ehhh in another way you are also saying that the experience
has been frustrating, has been bad, and is that what you are saying?
Interviewer: Thank you. Alright. How unemployment does affects your relationship with your
parents, with your younger ones and of course with your community?
Respondent: Ok. Ahmm, first of all with my parents. Alright. First they expect as a graduate, you
should wake up in the morning at least get something doing, but for lack of job you wake up and
you still remain at home with your siblings. There are needs they want to share with you like we
need this, we need that, we need textbooks, help me with these textbooks, help me with money for
socks and some books and it won’t be there to provide for them. So that has actually been a
problem. And to the community, there are times where youths of the community might want to
contribute maybe money for things that will move for the development of the maybe immediate
community and you won’t be able to contribute. So that is actually be of a problem to me.
Interviewer: Alright. So with these experiences that you have explained have these ever, I mean
have these ever made you to have thought of committing suicide?
Interviewer: Alright. You have never thought of, I mean committing suicide?
Respondent: No.
Interviewer: Alright. As an unemployed person, how do you feel when you are invited to social
gathering like naming ceremony, marriages, and so on, how do you feel?
Respondent: Well, ahmmm most at times, you, I feel inferior because you wouldn’t want to sit
where people are sitting because you think you don’t have the resources to support the events. So,
you will want to be at the back stage or something.
Interviewer: Alright. Ok. Have you ever, have you ever been involved in any anti – social
behaviours or activities?
Respondent: Financial difficulties affects me in diverse ways. Because you will find it very
difficult to keep yourself because you actually need ah money to get clothing for yourself, to
actually pay bills so sometimes like the electricity bills at home, sometimes they will come cut off
the light, and you will stay for months without light, so once you are employed and you have
money, you will be able to pay for such bills.
Interviewer: Alright. So how does ah financial difficulties affects your well – being and living
Respondent: Ok, ah financial, finance, it has affected my well – being and living standard. Living
standard in the sense that sometimes I won’t be able to feed well. Because there are times that you
need certain food to eat but because you don’t have money and you won’t be able to afford such
kind of meals.
Interviewer: Alright. What other aspects does this financial difficulties affect ahh your well –
being and living standard apart from ah you don’t have much money in most cases to feed proper,
what of other aspects?
Respondent: Ok, maybe there are things you want to do, there are places you want to go, there
are people you want to help but because you lack the resources to give, so those kind of times you
won’t be able to stretch a helping hand to such people because you also lack such things yourself.
Respondent: Ah there won’t be need for savings when you have problems. You will actually use
the little you solve for the problem that comes so there is no savings.
Respondent: Yeah.
Respondent: It’s difficult because you tend to be frustrated so without job sometimes we have to
go into farming, hard labour just to get little to survive on.
Interviewer: Ok what are some of these labour that you do, that you do to make survival, Can
you explain more?
Respondent: Ok. I am skilled in brick laying and also painting. So at my leisure time or when I
have such kind of jobs, I go out to paint or go into construction just to make ends.
Interviewer: Alright. Oh that’s good. Do you think you need or do you think something should
be done to improve your situation?
Respondent: Very well. If eh soft loans or employment opportunities are given it will help.
Interviewer: Ok. So ahh do you think you will need any skill training, to improve your situation?
Respondent: Very well, if I will be trained more on the skill I have already, I think ah I will tend
to be a professional in the field and ah.
Interviewer: Alright. Which field, Can you, that’s brick laying and painting?
Respondent: Yes.
Interviewer: How do you, I mean how did you started embarking on this brick laying and the
painting, how?
Respondent: Ok. It’s ahmm it started when before we went to school. After secondary school,
you have to follow your colleagues, ah your peer groups at home, and you follow them to such
sites where work were being done. You started just to get little money, buy yourself some new
clothes and shoes and stuff like that. So as time goes on, we began to practice the work like that
and that was it.
Interviewer: Alright. So if opportunity will be granted to go and learn more about this to be self
– employed would you be interested?
Interviewer: Ok that’s good. Ah what efforts has your government done to reduce
Respondent: So far so good the government is dormant but I think the Federal Government
initiated what we call N – Power of recently so as to help the youths that’s graduates, to empower
them with trades.
Interviewer: Ok. Alright. Thank you. Do you have any comment to make as regards to the
discussion we have just had?
Respondent: Yeah. Alright. I believe this is a good topic you are working on. Lack of
unemployment has been a social problem among youths in Nigeria Nasarawa State as a whole. I
believe this will go a long way when it is been shown to public and Nigeria as a whole.
Interviewer: Alright. Thank you I appreciate your coming. Thank you very much Sir. And by
God’s grace it is my hope that when this work is completed and presented to policy makers,
particularly in Nigeria, they should see reasons particularly upon the recommendations I shall
make as a sort of reducing unemployment in Nigeria. So my brother Jerry thank you very much.
You are welcome Sir. Alright.