Where Are The Ten Lost Tribes
Where Are The Ten Lost Tribes
Where Are The Ten Lost Tribes
Ever since the Assyrians exiled the Lost Tribes of Israel in the eighth century B.C., the mystery of
what happened to the ten tribes has deepened inexorably with time. Where did they go? Are the
claims by contemporary groups who say they are descended from the Lost Tribes legitimate?
Here, we present an abbreviated history of the Lost Tribes and modern-day claims of descent.
Historical Introduction
"In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and he carried
them away to Assyria and placed them in Halah, and on the Habor, the river of
Gozan, and in the cities of Medes." In the years 722-721 BC, the Ten Tribes who
comprised the northern Kingdom of Israel disappeared. Conquered by the
Assyrian King Shalmaneser V, they were exiled to upper Mesopotamia and
Medes, today modern Syria and Iraq. The Ten Tribes of Israel have never been
seen since. Or have they?
Let us begin our story from the beginning, with Abraham the Patriarch, or better
yet with his grandson Jacob. Jacob was renamed Israel when God appeared to
him when he was leaving Padn-Aram and blessed him. Jacob produced twelve
sons, each of whom became the father of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Issachar, Zevulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher,
Joseph, Benjamin. In the Land of Canaan,
each of the twelve Israelite tribes settled a
different region on either side of the Jordan
Across centuries and continents, the prophetic words instilled hope that one day,
brethren would join brethren, and together rebuild the kingdom of God. But first...
the Ten Lost Tribes had to be found.
Benjamin of Tudela
Benjamin of Tudela
Benjamin, son of Jonah, was determined to see the world. In 1165, in an age
when travel meant peril on road and sea, he set out from his native Tudela,
Spain on an extended voyage. He spent several years visiting Jewish
communities in the East and West. The great medieval Jewish traveler is
familiarly known as Benjamin of Tudela. We know little about him other that what
emerges in his famous Book of Travels. In whichever community he visited, and
even in those he didn't, Benjamin recorded his observations, many of which are
quite imaginative.
When visiting in Persia and in the Arabian peninsula, Benjamin came across
Jewish tribesmen whom he was convinced were descendants of the Lost
Israelites. The self-sufficiency and fierceness of these tribesmen deeply
impressed him. He writes as follows:
"There are men of Israel in the land of Persia who say that in the mountains dwell four of the
tribes of Israel, namely, the tribe of Dan, the tribe of Zevulun, the tribe of Asher, and the tribe of
Naphtali. "They are governed by their own prince, Joseph the Levite. Among them are learned
scholars. They sow and reap and go forth to war as far as the land of Cush, by way of the desert.
They are in league with the Kofar-al-Turak, pagan tribesmen who worship the wind and live in the
During his visit to Arabia he came across the largest Jewish settlement in the
region, the Jews of Kheibar. "These tribesmen," he writes, "are of the tribes
Reuven and Gad, and the half-tribe of Menasseh. Their seat of government is a
great city surrounded by the mountains of the North. The Jews of Kheibar have
built many large fortified cities. The yoke of the gentiles is not upon them. They
go forth to pillage and to capture booty in conjunction with the Arabs their
neighbors." The diary of Benjamin, son of Jonah—translated into so many
languages—inspired many in their quest for the independent kingdoms of the
Ten Lost Tribes.