Tender For Stall Decoration 2016 17

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Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayay Paryatan Bhawan

Near O.N.G.C. Helipad, Garhi Cantt, Dehra Dun.
Ph. 0135-2559898, Fax, 0135-259988
Website: www.uttarkhandtourism.gov.in
Letter no-2670/2-8-205/2016-17 Dehradun:Dated 28th October, 2016

Tender Notice For Designing Conceptualizing , Construction and Maintenance of

Uttarakhand Tourism Pavillion.
Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) invite a tender from interested
bidder to bid for Designing, Conceptualizing, Construction and Maintenance of Uttarakhand
Tourism Pavilion for promoting the State through, participation in various national level travel
marts & events.
Details terms and conditions can be seen in tender document, which can be downloaded
from the website www.uttarakhandtourism.gov.in The applicant must have send the original
draft of EMD and tender document fee to UTDB by post of in person at the address mentioned
in the tender document.
Tender Document Fee- Rs. 3000/-(Rs Three Thousand only).
Earnest Money Deposit- Rs. 100000/- (Rs One Lacs only).
Last date for submission of Tender- 18th November, 2016 (1300 hrs).
Tender opening date- 18th November , 2016 (1500 hrs)

Chief Executive Officer

Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayay Paryatan Bhawan
Near O.N.G.C. Helipad, Garhi Cantt, Dehra Dun.
Ph. 0135-2559898, Fax, 0135-259988
Website: www.uttarkhandtourism.gov.in


Background :
Uttarakhand Tourism Development .Board, Government of Uttarakhand takes part in various
domestic travel marts across the country, organized by different Agencies. In these travel marts, usually
the raw space for putting up exhibitions and showcasing Tourism products of the State ranges from 36 to
300 sq mtr. The places of instantly Uttarakhand pavilion could be anywhere in India.

Scope of work:
1. Theme of Stall will showcase the various aspects of State Tourism which will be amalgamation
of Adventure & Wellness, Homestay broadly consisting of four parts mentioned in the brief on
the design and work.
2. There should be ample space for exhibitors to sit and artisan to do live demonstration of craft if
3. The stall should display high resolution images of Uttarakhand rich, heritage, adventure and
scenic picture etc in the inner wall of the stall.
4. The bidder should ensure the housekeeping service and Horticulture work to be done in the stall.
5. The company will be responsible to supervise the execution of work at site and manage the stall
during the event i.e. for 3 days or whenever it finishes.
6. Agency will be required to preserve and store the structure during the period between two
domestic marts and for the total period of 2 years. Subject to extension of one more year with
mutual consent.
7. Maintenance and replacement of broken parts of the stand during the mart and after the event.
8. Display of hi-resolution images in the inner walls of the pavilion provided by the Uttarakhand
Tourism Development Board.
9. Putting up a big LED wall (10x12 feet) size.
10. Provide 2 reception table and 4 chairs.
11. Providing maximum 40-44 tables for the co-participants (Maximum 300sq. mtr stall) and 2chairs
each for the co-participants or as required.
12. Dismantling the stand after the mart is over.
Tender Performa for Domestic Travel Marts Brief on the design and work:
The design will showcase the various aspects of State Tourism which will be amalgamation of
Adventure & Wellness, Homestay broadly consisting of four parts.
1. Entrance arch/arches
2. Reception area
3. VIP Lounge
4. Display panels/wall structure
The structure would be such that it fits into a space ranging from 36 sq mts to 300 sq mts with no much
change in its visual appeal. All these components would be adaptation of some popular Uttarakhand
architecture as detailed below:

S. No. Particulars
1. Entrance arch
Concept: Adventure, Wellness and Homestay.
Structural Details:
Height of the Structure may go around 10ft to 14ft with proper UTDB Branding over the
Color, texture and over all feel of the whole structure as close to actual as possible.
Front illumination to be provided for the entire stand.
2. Side Display Panels or wall structure:
Historical Monuments of Uttarakhand
Structural Details:
Color, texture and over all feel of the whole structure as close to actual as possible.
Front illumination to be provided.
Display Panels 20 to 30No's (Maximum as per space available).

Terms and conditions:

a) The company must either be exclusively an agency doing such assignments or a company
having exclusive defined division within the company which handles such assignments.
b) The minimum turnover of the company in the field of fabrication of Stall and related works
should be Rs. 1.00 Crore per annum in last two financial years i.e. 2014-15, 2015-16. A
certificate from the chartered accountant clearly specifying the turn over for each year must be
submitted in this regard. Along with the audited balance sheet of the company.
Sheet of last two years must be submitted in technical bid.
c) At least 2 years experience in relative field is necessary.
d) The company must have executed at least such 06 exclusive events in last two years. (Company
must submit credential of their works.)
e) No consortium/joint venture shall be considered.
f) Copies of Articles of Association (in case of registered firm). Bye laws and certificate of
registration (in case of registered cooperative societies). Partnership deed (in case of
partnership firm) should be submitted along with the technical bid.
g) The bidder must submit a self-certificate that it has not been blacklisted by any Govt. agency
since its inception.
The bidder must ensure that the documentary proof to substantiate clauses (a) to (g) above
are given in their technical bid otherwise the bid shall not be considered for evaluation.

Submission of Tender Fee and EMD.

a- The non refundable tender fees of Rs. 3000 (Rs. Three Thousand only) and Rs. 100000/-
(Rs. One Lac only) towards EMD, must be submitted in the form of Demand Draft drawn on a
scheduled commercial bank in favour of CEO, UTDB, payable at Dehradun. may be placed in
an envelope. The envelope should be sealed and superscribed "Tender fee and EMD for
"Designing Conceptualizing, Construction and maintenance of Uttarakhand Tourism
Pavilion at Domestic/National Travel Mart" The envelope should be addressed to the CEO,
UTDB and submitted at UTDB office before the due date and time specified in this document.
b- EMD of bidders not satisfying the eligibility criteria or not selected will be returned back after
tender finalization. The successful bidder will have to submit a performance security (PS)
in the form of DD/Bank Guarantee/FDR pledged to Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board
(UTDB) for an amount equivalent to 5% of the total cost of the project.

Guidelines for Submission of Bids:
Interested agencies with requisite experience, may submit required documents in two packets
(Technical and Financial packets) as per given details below:
Packet-1 (Technical Bid)
The agency has to submit all required documents for the above assignment along with the
technical expertise, experience, proof for similar assignment handled in the past and other relevant
details as a part of Technical bid along with the format- Annexure A and B.
The envelope of Tender fee and EMD must be submitted in this packet.
Packet-2 (Financial Bid)
The agency has to submit the financial bid for implementing the assignment as per the
format enclosed as Annexure C.
Both the packets should be put in an envelope sealed and super scribed as "Proposal for
"Designing Conceptualizing, Construction and maintenance of Uttarakhand Tourism Pavilion at
Domestic/National Travel Mart" and the envelope should carry the tender number, due date for
submission along with the name, address, telephone no. e-mail address of the Agency. The envelope
should be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer, Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board. Near
O.N.G.C Helipad, Nimbuwala, Garhi Cantt, Dehradun.

Bid Validity
The bid must be valid for the period of 120 days from the date of tender opening for placing in the
work order.
Procedure for opening the bids.
a- UTDB shall open the technical packets on date and time as mentioned in this document, the
technical bids of only those bidders whose tender fee and EMD drafts are found to be in order
will be technically evaluated.

b- Financial Bids of only technically short listed bidders will be opened on a date and time duly
notified to them. One of their representatives can remain during the financial bid opening

Technical Bid evaluation

a- The opened technical bids shall be evaluated by UTDB constituted Technical Evaluation
Committee (TEC). As per the Evaluation sheet specified in Annexure-D
b- To ensure bidders eligibility and technical capabilities as per the tender terms and condition,
the TEC may call for additional information from the bidders and/or visit the bidder's
premises. In such a case the concerned bidder has to supply the information within the time
given by the TEC failing which the bid can be rejected. No representation of any kind would
be entertained from the bidder.
c- Such clarification on the technical aspects of the bid would not entitle the Bidder to change or
cause any change in the substance of the bid submitted or price quoted. Also it will not imply
that bidder's bid has been accepted for further processing.
d- The bidder may be asked to develop a 3D-model of the Structural design of the pavilion to
establish their capability before the designated committee of UTDB.

Selection procedure:

A nominated committee will evaluate the technical bids. Technical evaluation will be based on different
aspects such as Production, Infrastructure, Past experience, Technical Presentation etc. Work will be
awarded on Quality and Cost Base System (QCBS) in which 80% & 20% weightage will be given for
technical and financial evaluation respectively.

A two - stage procedure shall be adopted in evaluating the Proposals:

A. Technical Proposal

 The Evaluation Committee appointed by UTDB shall carry out its evaluation applying the
evaluation criteria and point system specified in Annexure-D Each responsive Proposal shall be
attributed a Technical Score. The agencies should score at least 80 Marks in Technical Proposal
evaluation to be considered responsive for financial evaluation.
 The agency who clear the pre-qualification norms will be required to make presentation at UTDB
office before the selection committee on the date intimated separately to agencies. The maximum
time for the presentation shall be 15 minutes. A hard copy along with the soft copy a presentation
has to be provided to UTDB at the time of presentation.
 Each proposal will be assigned a technical score (St)
 UTDB shall not have any obligation to demonstrate to anybody on the Technical Evaluation
process carried out.
B. Financial Proposal

 After the evaluation of Technical Proposals is completed UTDB may notify those agencies whose
Proposals were not considered as per conditions of the bid indicating that their Financial Proposal
will be returned “unopened” along with the Bid Security.
 The UTDB shall simultaneously notify the technically short-listed agencies indicating the date and
time set for opening of the Financial Proposals.
 The Financial Proposals shall be opened in the presence of the representatives of agencies who
choose to attend.
 The Evaluation Committee will determine whether the submitted Financial Proposals are complete
i.e. whether they have included cost of all items of the corresponding Proposals; if not, then the cost
towards such missing items will be considered as NIL, but the agency shall, however, be required to
carry out such obligations without any additional compensation. In case under such circumstances,
if UTDB feels that the work cannot be carried out within the overall cost as per the submitted
financial Proposal, such Proposals shall be considered non responsive.
 All amounts should be quoted in Indian Currency only.
 The cost indicated in the Financial Proposal shall be deemed as final and reflecting the total cost of
services and should be stated in INR only.
 The lowest financial proposal (fm) will be given in a financial score (sf) of 100 points. The
financial scores (sf) of the other financial proposal will be determined using the following formula:
 Sf = 100 x Fm/F; in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is lowest financial proposals and F is the
financial proposal (in INR) under consideration.

 Proposal will be finally be ranked in accordance with their combined technical (St) and Financial
(Sf) scores.
 S= St x Tw + Sf x Fw; where S is the combined scores and Tw and Fw are weights assigned to
Technical score (80%) and Financial Score (20%). The weightage of technical and financial score
would be 80% and 20% respectively.
The Applicant achieving the highest combined technical and financial score will be considered to be
the successful Applicant and will be invited for contract signing (the “Successful Applicant”).

Selected bidder with UTDB

a- The selected bidder shall perform the assignments and carry out their obligation with due
diligence and efficiency, in accordance with generally accepted techniques and practice used
in the industry. It shall employ appropriate advanced technology and safe and effective
equipment, machinery, material and methods.
b- UTDB reserve the right to inspect the performance of the bidder prior to commencement or
in between the work progress. The inspection may cover all areas related to the assigned work
order, especially manpower, infrastructure etc. UTDB reserve the right to cancel the work
order issued to the bidder at any time including the time after the completion of the
assigned work without assigning any reason. In case the work order is cancelled than the cost
incurred will be borne by the bidder and under no circumstances the bidder shall be eligible
for any payment or damages from UTDB.
Payment Term
a- UTDB may provide 30% of the structural Cost as advance only after obtaining the Bank
Guarantee of the said amount to the successful bidder to get the work started. Rest of the 70%
structural amount would be released after completion of the first event.
b- Execution charges will be paid after completion of each event.
c- Maintenance and storage charges will be paid quarterly.
d- Payment shall be subject to deduction of any amount for which the bidder is liable as per the
penalty clause of this tender document, further all payments shall be made subjects to
deduction of the TDS (Tax deduction at Source) as per the income tax Act, 1961 and any
other taxes.

Penalty Clause
a- The successful bidder shall not refuse to accept UTDB work order under any pretext. The
work order can be collected from UTDB office or if convenient to the bidder, it can be mailed
or faxed to them. The bidder shall start the work within 7 days of the date of the work order.
b- For three recurrence of default in the discharge of service obligation, UTDB would be free to
forfeit the defaulting bidder's security deposit, revocation of bank guarantees (including the
ones submitted for other purchase order) and/or termination of the contract for default.
c- If at any time during performance of the work order, the bidders encounter condition impeding
timely performance of the ordered service, the bidder shall promptly notify UTDB in
writing of the fact of the delay, its likely duration and its cause (s).
d- If there would be any maintenance problem or not installing the structure in the time there would
be deduction from the maintenance bill as decided by CEO.

Special Clause:
The Structure made will be the sole property of Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board which
would not be used by the bidder in any form without permission from CEO, UTDB. After finish to
tender the structure should be submitted to UTDB HQ at Dehradun.

Other Terms and Condition:
1. All costs incurred by the agency in respect of submission of offer shall be borne by the agency
2. An agreement would be signed between the department and the successful bidder for two years.
This may be extended for another one year on mutual consent and satisfactory services.
3. Where ever situation arises and the Agency is directed to make additional arrangements which
are having financial implications and are clearly beyond the scope of work, the Agency will
submit the expenditure details to UTDB for the approval and consideration.
4. No incidental expenditure will be reimbursed unless so mutually agreed in advance.
5. Prospective bidder requiring any clarification on the tender document may notify UTDB,
Dehradun in writing UTDB will respond by Fax/E-mail to any request for clarification on the
tender document which it receives not later than 07 days prior to the deadline for the submission
of bid prescribed by UTDB. Written copies of the UTDB response will be sent to all prospective
bidders, which have received the tender document.
6. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the UTDB may, for any reason, whether
at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify
the tender document by amendment. The amendment will be notified in the website
www.uttarakhandtourism.gov.in and will be binding on them. The deadline for submission on
bids may also be extended and the discretion of UTDB.
7. The bidder rates should remain valid for a period of contract from the date of opening of tender.
8. Tender document shall be signed by authorized signatory of the bidding company with date and
UTDB and bidder will make every effort to resolve amicably, by direct negotiation, any
disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the work order. If any dispute
will arise between parties on aspects not covered by this agreement, or the construction or operation
thereof, or the rights, duties or liabilities under these expect as to any matter the decision of which is
specially provided for by the general or the special conditions, such dispute will be referred to two
arbitrators, one appointed by each party and the third to be appointed by the CEO, UTDB and the awards
of the arbitration, as the case may be, will be final and binding on both the parties. The arbitrators or the
empire as the case may be, with the consent of parties may modify the time frame for making and
publishing the award. Such arbitration will be governed in all respect by the provision of India
Arbitration Act, 1996 or later and rules there under and any statutory modification or re-enactment,
thereof. The arbitration proceeding will be held in DEHRA DUN.
Applicable Law
The bidders shall be governed by the law and procedures established by Govt. of India within
the framework of applicable legislation and enactment made from time to time concerning such financial
The Bidder must sign and affix his seal on every page of the Tender Document and the complete
Signed Tender Document must be submitted along with the technical bid.
Last date of submission is 18th November, 2016 by 1.00 Pm. in the office of CEO, UTDB, Near
ONGC Helipad, Garhi Cantt Dehradun. The bid will be opened on 18th November, 2016 at 3.00 pm.
The UTDB will not be responsible for any delay in receipt of bid or missing bid while in transit /post.
Chief Executive Officer, Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) reserves the right
to accept or reject any tender or its part without assigning any reason thereof.
Chief Executive Officer,


Pre bid qualification form for designing and fabrication of Uttarakhand Tourism pavilion in
Domestic Travel Marts & Exhibitions

1. Name & Address of the Firm

Tel/Fax/email details

2. Date of Establishment of company

(enclose evidence)

3. Nature of company: whether

exclusive designing and fabrication
or separate division.

(Enclose details)

4. Annual turnover in last two years

2014-15 and 2015-16 (Enclose CA
certificate for turnover.

And audited balance Sheet of last

two years)

5. Total work experience in the field

(In years)

6 List of exclusive events/trade marts

participated in last two years
(Attach (list with brief details))

7 Is your firm a proprietorship,


Or registered under the Companies

Act. Please give details & enclose

8 Branches (enclose details with

address & telephone no.)

9 Details of Income Tax Registration.

Enclose IT Clearance/PAN

10 Service-Tax Registration details

11 Professional set up

(Complete details of Staff,

Designers & others)

Enclose list. (Separate sheet for

technically qualified staff)

12 List of present clients & sample of

recently done works (enclose)

13 Any other information

This is certified that I have read and understood the enclosed brief and other terms & conditions
and all the supporting documents have been enclosed, and the information given by me is true to the best
of my knowledge. My bid may be rejected at any stage if it is found that the facts and documents
enclosed by me are not correct.

Signature of Tendered (Seal)

On Company Letter head


I/ We declare that I am / We are bonafide / Manufacturers / Whole Sellers / Sole

distributor / Authorized dealer / dealers / sole selling / Marketing agent in the goods / Services /
Stores / equipments for which I / We have tendered.
If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that may be
taken, my / our security may be forfeited in full and the tender if any to the extent accepted may
be cancelled.

Signature of the tenderer


Financial Bid

Bidders shall submitt there financial bid in the following format

Descriptions 36-80 sq. mtrs 80-150 sq. mtrs 150-300 sq. mtrs

Total cost of the work

(preparation of the structure)

The per event execution charges

(transport of men, material and
fixing) to be charged over and
above the cost of structure.

Maintenance and Storage and

replacing the broken parts of
structure ( per month)

Any other charges, Taxes,

Octroy (please specify, failing
which the Department may not
pay these)

This is certified that I have read and understood the enclosed brief and other terms & conditions
and all the supporting documents have been enclosed, and the information given by me is true to the best
of my knowledge. My bid may be rejected at any stage if it is found that the facts and documents
enclosed by me are not correct.

Signature of Tendered (Seal)


Name of Firm:__________________________
1 Past Experience 35 points
A) Turn over in Crore/per annum 15 Marks maximum

01 Cr. 10
Above 01 cr. upto 02 Cr. 12
02 Cr and Above 15
B) Experience in Fabricating of stall 10 Marks Maximum
Above 2 yr. upto 5 yr. 05
Above 5 yr. 10
C) Current Experience in Fabricating of Stall 10 Marks Maximum
with Tourism dept./Board
2 25 points
A) Exclusive Experience in Fabrication of Stall Marks
Execution of similar works 15
6 nos.
Above 6 nos. to 10 nos. 20
Above 10 nos. 25
3 Proposal presentation on Approach & Methodology, for execution and 30 points
fabricating stall including:-
a) Conceptualization of design and layout.
b) Plan for Execution of design.
c) Technical Expertise of handling such assignment.
4 Recipient of Award from various apex professional bodies 10 points

Evaluation date: ______________ Signature:____________________


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