Macroeconomic Dashboards For Tactical Asset Allocation
Macroeconomic Dashboards For Tactical Asset Allocation
Macroeconomic Dashboards For Tactical Asset Allocation
DAVID CLEWELL wide body of academic litera- shifts take place. There’s ample evidence that
is a research analyst ture suggests that macro factors macro factors also matter.
at T. Rowe Price
can be significant drivers of asset
in Baltimore, MD.
[email protected] returns. And among practitio- PRIOR RESEARCH SHOWS THE
ners, statements such as “stocks make money IMPORTANCE OF MACRO FACTORS
CHRIS FAULKNER- in expansions and tend to lose money in
M ACDONAGH recessions” are often held as self-evident. Most of the academic literature focuses
is a global portfolio However, very little has been published on on whether macro factors get priced into
strategist at T. Rowe Price
in Baltimore, MD.
how to use these factors to inform invest- markets. Chen et al. [1986] show that the
chris_faulkner-macdonagh@ ment decisions. We show how to build sensitivities (“macro betas”) of size-sorted dashboards to help integrate macro factors stock portfolios to rates, industrial produc-
into a broader, discretionary tactical asset tion, inf lation, credit spreads, and consump-
DAVID GIROUX allocation process. We view our dashboards tion explain a significant portion of their
is a portfolio manager
as trade idea generation tools that scour the relative performance over time. Fama and
and co-chair of the Asset
Allocation Committee entire set of data and highlight possible areas French [1989] use a different methodology
at T. Rowe Price of excess returns. that focuses on the broad stock and bond
in Baltimore, MD. Our goal is not to design stand-alone markets. They show that business conditions,
[email protected] systematic trading strategies based on as approximated by dividend yields, rates, and
macro factors. Rather, we submit that investors credit spreads, forecast broad market returns.
is the head of the multi-
should use our dashboards to introduce dis- Several other studies have confirmed the
asset division and member cipline into their asset allocation process, in importance of macro factors in explaining
of the management combination with other inputs. For example, a wide range of asset class and style premia
committee at T. Rowe for tactical asset allocation, relative valuations returns. Factors covered in the literature
Price in Baltimore, MD. matter. Even simple strategies that mechani- include consumption, unemployment, inf la-
[email protected]
cally follow the adage “buy low and sell high” tion, GDP growth, and oil prices. Examples
CHARLES SHRIVER based on valuation signals—such as the price- are highlighted in Exhibit 1.
is a portfolio manager to-earnings ratio—have outperformed static
and co-chair of the Asset benchmarks over time.1 However, valuation- ISSUES WITH PRACTICAL
Allocation Committee based investment strategies tend to be more APPLICATIONS
at T. Rowe Price effective when valuations are at extreme
in Baltimore, MD.
[email protected]
levels. Importantly, strategies that focus solely While these studies provide credible
on relative valuations can lead to disappointing evidence of the importance of macro
outcomes when important macroeconomic factors, many practitioners still struggle to
use these factors for tactical investment decisions at the from the econometric methods used in academic
6- to 18-month horizon. Economists and investment studies—it is meant to be simpler and more intuitive.
teams often operate independently, and the question Also, unlike historical regression analyses based on static
of what macro expectations are priced into markets is data samples, our dashboards are meant to be dynami-
often left unanswered. Moreover, the sheer amount of cally updated so that practitioners can rely on them as
macro data makes it difficult to separate noise from signal a research tool or to inform investment decisions on an
and anticipate which variables will drive returns. ongoing basis. We focus on the relative returns between
Another challenge in the practical application of pairs of asset classes. We highlight which factors may
existing studies is that macro factors may inf luence asset have a significant impact on which pair trades, under
class returns differently based on initial conditions. Boyd various scenarios. Importantly, we take into account
et al. [2005], for example, show that a rise in unemploy- current conditions, as ref lected in the macro factors’
ment during an expansion affects stock returns differently current percentile levels.
than a rise during a recession. Similarly, the effect of a In Exhibit 2, we show the macro factors included in
decline in industrial production may depend on whether our dashboards. This list broadly corresponds to the key
starting business conditions are good or bad. In fact, we factors documented in previous studies. In Exhibit 3, we
suggest that any macro factor’s impact on asset returns show the list of asset-class-level pair trades that we model
depends on the prevailing regime. Yet with the exception as a function of the macro factors. For each pair trade,
of Boyd et al. [2005], previous research does not account we partition historical asset returns to match a given sce-
for the relationship between current conditions and the nario and current conditions. Our entire framework is
subsequent impact of macro factors on asset returns. out of sample. Starting from each macro factor’s current
level, our dashboards answer the following question:
PROVIDING DISCIPLINE TO TACTICAL If an investor has a one-year view on the direction of
ASSET ALLOCATION: DATA AND the macro factor, what is the corresponding forward
METHODOLOGY one-year return?
We illustrate our methodology in Exhibit 4.
To map macro factors to expected asset returns, we To create large enough data samples, we use ranges for
propose the use of dashboards. Our approach is different
S( f )t +1 = f t +1 − f t (2)
RtC+1 = E( Rt +1 IC t , St +1 ), (3)
Notes: Historical analysis data end in December 2016. Unless specifically identified, asset class returns are computed using total return indices. All data
are sourced monthly. The T. Rowe Price Real Assets Blended Benchmark is the following: As of December 1, 2013, the Real Assets Combined Index
Portfolio comprises 25% MSCI ACWI Metals & Mining, 20% Wilshire RESI, 20% FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Dev Real Estate Index, 19.5%
MSCI ACWI Energy, 10.5% MSCI ACWI Materials, 4% MSCI ACWI IMI Gold, and 1.00% MSCI ACWI IMI Precious Metals and Minerals.
Prior to this date, the Real Assets Combined Index Portfolio was composed of 25% MSCI ACWI Metals & Mining, 20% Wilshire RESI, 20% FTSE
EPRA/NAREIT Dev Real Estate Index, 16.25% MSCI ACWI Energy, 8.75% MSCI ACWI Materials, 5% UBS World Infrastructure and
Utilities Index, 4% MSCI ACWI IMI Gold, and 1.00% MSCI ACWI IMI Precious Metals and Minerals.
Sources: Bloomberg Barclays, Russell, Credit Suisse, FactSet, J.P. Morgan, and T. Rowe Price.
The average return reported under “Conditional scenario-specific dashboards (Exhibits 7–9), the direc-
Returns” of the first dashboard (Exhibit 5) is weighted tion of the macro factors over the next year could matter.
based on bucket size (percentile range) for each macro Stable or improving macro conditions correlate
factor. The P-value indicates whether this average with strong returns for “risk-on” trades, such as long
return—from current starting conditions (as of April 10, stocks, small caps, high-yield bonds, and emerging
2017)—is statistically different from the full history of market bonds. On the other hand, a rising U.S. unem-
returns; it should be below 0.05 (or 95% confidence ployment rate, especially from its currently low level, is
level) to indicate a meaningful difference. likely to be connected with a selloff in stocks.
Emerging market currencies may be an important
Interpreting the Dashboards factor to watch. Stable or rising emerging market
currencies are supportive of emerging market equities,
As shown in Exhibit 6, all else being equal, based real asset equities, and emerging market bonds.
on current conditions with no forward view, macro Further, emerging market currencies have depreciated
factors are unlikely to drive relative asset class returns significantly—the index currently sits at the bottom 5%
(over the next year) to be different from long-term of its historical range. If they move significantly up or
“unconditional” returns. However, as shown in the down from their currently low level, they could corre-
late with meaningful directional volatility across assets.
And the price of oil, if it remains stable or appreci- dashboards lies not in their academic merit, but rather in
ates from its currently medium level (63rd percentile), their value to practitioners. The confidence intervals and
could be a significant positive driver of emerging market hit rates help filter the continuous f lood of macro data.
stocks, real asset equities, and emerging market bonds. (Note that we do not report volatilities by pair, but they
Regarding style rotation, growth stocks have longer are directly proportional to the confidence intervals.)
duration than value stocks. Therefore, even though value Importantly, although the relationships among the
stocks have a higher dividend yield than growth stocks, macro factors and asset classes are reasonably persistent,
when rates decline, growth outperforms; and when rates the dashboards should be updated frequently, because as
rise, value outperforms. This effect occurs both in the initial conditions change, some of the investment con-
United States and EAFE markets. The large weight of clusions may change as well.
negative-duration financials in the value index partly
explains this effect. CAVEATS
There are several other useful interpretations of
the data, but in general, our results are in line with We don’t claim to identify causation, which is
economic intuition, as well as the findings published almost always impossible to determine given the com-
in the literature we reviewed. The contribution of our plexity and dynamic nature of which factors drive asset
returns; rather, we merely identify correlations that appear to U.S. equities based on valuation metrics (price-to-
meaningful and leave it to the investor to assess causation. earnings ratios and other such metrics) and macro fac-
Also, although the academic literature suggests tors indicate ACWI ex-U.S. should outperform, then
that our selected macro factors can be significant drivers a tactical asset allocator may take a larger position in
of asset returns, the confidence intervals for one-year ACWI ex-U.S. equities than if valuation and macro
returns in our dashboards are wide, and statistical data don’t agree.
confidence is low across the board. Hence, we don’t Another caveat is that we don’t model expecta-
recommend building systematic tactical asset alloca- tions directly. In theory, we should run our scenarios
tion strategies based solely on these macro data and in against the expectations that are priced into the market.
this manner. The problem is that expectations are often difficult and
Instead, macro data should be used in combi- in many cases impossible to measure. Survey data may
nation with relative valuations and other factors such be useful, but they rarely reveal what markets are truly
as fundamentals and technicals to determine both pricing in, nor are survey results available on a timely—or
whether to invest, and in what size. Macro factors are broad enough—fashion going far enough back in time.
often used to confirm relative valuation signals. For Regarding market-implied views, forward curves incor-
example, if ACWI ex-U.S. equities are cheap relative porate a risk premium, which makes it hard to disentangle