Professional Attributes of A Teacher

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Pangasinan State University

Urdaneta Campus

Reporter: Joshua A. Almuete

Professor: Erwin Estrella

Topic: Professional Attributes of a Teacher


Motivation: Play a motivational video for teachers. Discuss about being a teacher is a noble profession.


 The Professional Teacher

The professional teaches is the “licensed professional who possesses dignity and reputation
with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence …s/he adheres to
observes and practices a set of ethical and moral principles, standards and values”.

(Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, 1997) The professional teacher is one, who went
through four to five year period of rigorous academic preparation in teaching and one who
is given a license to teach by the Board for Professional Teachers of the Professional
Regulation Commission after fulfilling requirements prescribed by law such as passing the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). S/he is registered in the roster of professional
teachers at the Professional Regulation Commission and undergoes continuing professional

 Professional Attributes

A professional teacher perceives himself/herself as someone who can effect change or

learning, (sense of efficacy) because s/he is an expert in what s/he teaches (subject matter
knowledge), and in how s/he teaches (pedagogical knowledge).

A professional teacher possesses the following attributes:

 Control of the knowledge base of teaching and learning and use of this knowledge to
guide the science and art of his/her teaching practice.
 Repertoire of best teaching practice and can use these to instruct children in classroom
and to work with adults in the school setting.
 Dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of his/her work in a reflective, collegial,
and problem-solving manner.
 View of learning to teach as lifelong process and dispositions and skills for working
towards improving schools (Arends, 1994).
The last attributes citied by Arends highlights continuing professional development (cpd) or
continuing professional education (cpe). As the quotation goes, “once a teacher, forever a



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