131 r1 Sec Paper
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131 r1 Sec Paper
Pavement performance is assessed by the ability to withstand traffic loads and serviceability
over a period of time. Need of enhanced pavement performance has led the researchers to use
composite reinforcing material as interlayer membrane system. In this study, three dimension
finite element model of the asphalt pavement is created for the aim of analyzing total
deformation and mechanistic responses under static loading. Jute geo-textile, rubber asphalt
composite and sand asphalt are used as reinforcement materials at three specific interface
positions; i.e, sub-grade and sub-base; base course and sub-base course; as well as base
course and binder course layer of the pavement structure for assessing the interlayer bonding
strength. The results show that the new way of modification with composite reinforcing
materials were successful in improving the pavement performance by producing lower rate of
stress, strain, and displacement. However, the improvement was more significant when
placed in the location between base and sub-base interfaces in the selected model.
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However, the interlayer needs sufficient cross- FE model and it was observed that the geo-
sectional area and modulus to improve the composite membrane would be effective on the
strength and performance of pavement by crack propagation phase, only if the crack does
increase in traffic load bearing capacity and its not pass through the interlayer and propagates
life expectancy from reduced cracking and horizontally at the interlayer–existing pavement
damage of different layers. Hence, a proper interface. Shatnawi et al. [8] studied asphalt
understanding of the behavior of interlayers rubber interlayer benefits on reflective crack
system in performance prediction is necessary to retardation in overlays over rigid pavements and
select an appropriate material for any pavement observed that a stress reduction ranging from
structure. 92% to 98% was achieved with the use of
ARAM interlayer compared to non-ARAM
2. BACKGROUND interlayer system. Soft ARAM interlayers were
found to be more effective in reducing stress
Many researchers around the world have and strain levels compared to hard ARAM
explored the efficacy of various interlayer interlayers. Even, it was also found that the use
systems to retard pavement distress in the of levelling course (similar to HMA layer)
laboratory, field observations and though FEA below the interlayers was very beneficial in
techniques. The use of interlayer membrane as lowering the strain levels and in increasing
stress relief layers and reinforcement layers pavement life.
diminish the occurrence of cracking by Key findings from the literature mostly
developing localized stresses in the vicinity of reveals that interlayers are effective in
the existing crack [3] and allowing the minimizing reflective cracking distress and in
movement (vertical/horizontal) of the extending pavement life, even some mixed
underlying pavement layers without causing performance of the interlayers were observed,
large tensile stresses [4]. Some of the major when placed in a new asphalt overlay. However,
findings from the literature implementing FEA the general practice is to place the interlayer
techniques reported that the location of an with an appropriate tack coat at the interface.
interlayer in a pavement system is crucial in In this backdrop, the current study aims to
absorbing tensile strains mobilized during replicate the scenario through FEA technique.
loading. Likewise, Kim and Buttlar [3] The objective is to evaluate the improvements in
evaluated the critical stress responses developed pavement performance utilizing three types of
in an asphalt overlay system placed over a stress absorbing interlayer membrane system
thermally cracked flexible pavement using FEA with the aid of using them at three specific
and found that the use of interlayer below the interface positions (subgrade and sub base, base
asphalt overlay greatly reduces tensile and shear and sub base as well as base and binder layer) of
stresses. A similar type of result using sand mix the pavement structure.
and steel netting interlayer under the overlay
was obtained by Baek and Qadi [5] using 3D 3. INTERLAYER MEMBRANES AS
FEA. A transient moving load was applied to REINFORCING MATERIAL
obtain time-dependent responses and it was
observed that sand mix interlayer and steel Interlayer membranes are basically a layer of
netting interlayer significantly reduces reflective soft material which is applied on the old
cracking due to strong shear deformation pavement surface prior to placing the overlay.
support and high tensile strain compensation in The function of these interlayer as reinforcing
the overlay. Similarly, Al-Azzawi [6] evaluated material is to absorb any type of movement
the benefits of using geogrid in flexible taking place at the joint of crack opening and
pavements using FE simulation and observed thus disperse the stress before it reaches the
higher tension stress absorption when the overlay. The materials used as interlayers have
exhibited varying degrees of success, and their
geogrid is placed between the base course layer
usage within a particular agency has been based
and subbase layer. Even, the settlement over the primarily on materials appears to have merit and
loading area of reinforced pavement reduced cost effectiveness.
when compared with unreinforced pavement. In this study, three types of interlayers viz. a
The effects of geo-composite interlayers on jute geotextile, a rubber asphalt composite and a
reflective crack retardation was evaluated by sand asphalt were considered. They are
Elseifi and Al-Qadi [7] using two dimensional provided as interlayers having 1cm thickness.
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Maximum stress with distance from the load is distributed into wider area of subgrade, and
shown in Fig 3. The maximum equivalent stress lower stress, strain, and displacement can be
is in the interface of base and binder layer i.e observed at top of the subgrade layer.
1.94 MPa for sand asphalt when placed at a Some of the deformed configuration for the
distance of 0.15 m from the top of the model pavement section representing total deformation
and 1.13 MPa is minimum at 0.3 m for JG . It and equivalent stress distribution contour are
was clear that these stresses will be transferred shown in Fig. 5 and 6 respectively. From the
to interlayers as tension stress when compared figures, the maximum values are observed at the
to URM. In this case, JG shows lower stress top layer just under the wheel load application
value compared to RAC and SA by 30% and point.
34%; plus URM by 40% respectively.
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the total deformation and mechanistic interlayers against reflective cracking”,
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in improving the pavement performance by
producing lower stress, strain, and
displacement. The settlement over the loading [5] Baek, J., and Al-Qadi, L., “Reflective
area of reinforced pavement reduced when cracking: Modeling fracture behavior of
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position was decided based upon the [6] Al-Azzawi, A. A., “Finite Element analysis
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