Draft: Project Name City Planning + Design
Draft: Project Name City Planning + Design
Draft: Project Name City Planning + Design
learning from
best practice
draft draft
case #
case 01
2.5 km to regional park
vienna, at
In Vienna, quality housing and
communal amenities are a top RESOURCES + NATURAL SYSTEMS
government priority and therefore • 100% of buildings use district energy
7 km to city centre
viewed as basic rights. 25 min via transit
• All buildings are passive house equivalent
Upper Harbour victoria, ca
A renewed focus on community
wellbeing helps development get RESOURCES + NATURAL SYSTEMS
rolling again after over-planning put • 100% of sewage and grey water is
start of 55 km regional trail
the project in financial peril treated on-site and re-used for toilets and
landscape irrigation
site area_7 ha bus stop • Stormwater captured and filtered through
no. dwelling units (DU)_1,140 extensive system of permeable paving,
construction period_2005-PRES (22% built) rain gardens and drainage routes
• 100% of homes will use district energy
PROJECT OVERVIEW • All buildings will be built to LEED Green
In 2008, the development of Dockside Green Building standards
halted alongside the financial crisis. Since then, 1.2 km to city centre
the project scope has shifted from leading solely 7 min via transit
in environmental sustainability to encompass 15 min walk
• Stormwater features are designed to be a
social sustainability targets as well. The new public space amenity
development team (which assembled in 2014) • Materiality and design elements evoke
has switched from a role of primary developer marine industrial heritage
to community builder. The larger community of bus stop • Ceremonial entrances (eg. sight lines,
‘Vic West’ has grown and changed significantly paving, art) at all intersections with
since Dockside’s original 2005 proposal, and surrounding community
the new plan seeks to respond to that growth
by playing a key role in the area’s social and discription at dockside’s BETA
thinklandia study area 300m SOCIAL COHESION + COMMUNITY
cultural vitality. An excellent example is BETA at • BETA at Dockside utilizes empty lot for
Dockside, a large undeveloped lot programmed community uses (eg. food-trucks, art
with part-time uses, such as food trucks and art COMPARATIVE CAPACITY installations)
installations, to serves as a community hub.. • Helped establish ‘Vic West’ street fest and
host Dockside Dialogues and Thinklandia
LESSONS LEARNED (festival of ideas)
• An incremental pace of development density (du/ha) - 160 • 25% of built-area will be non-residential
can allow home sales to support future (eg. a boutique hotel, offices, commercial
environmental and social amenities and and retail space, fitness centre, pubs,
improve their financial feasibility restaurants, and light industrial)
• True sustainability take into account social, study area
case 03
vancouver, ca
Olympic Village exemplfies how urban Science World
False Creek
development can contribute to living RESOURCES + NATURAL SYSTEMS
lighter on the planet and in greater 2.8 km to city centre • Includes Canada’s first net zero multi-unit
15 min via transit 50 m to
harmony with other species light rail station
residential building
• Certified LEED platinum neighbourhood
site area_10 ha • Remediated contaminated soils and
no. dwelling units (DU)_1,100 restored native habitat (Habitat Island)
construction period_2006-09 • Stormwater is captured in underground
cisterns and used for toilets and irrigation
PROJECT OVERVIEW • Stormwater runoff is filtered through
Olympic Village is an expression of Vancouver’s wetlands and bioswales before entering
drive to bridge the gap between city and nature the ocean
- to demonstrate how these ecologies are • Increased air quality through larger
compatible. Once a contaminated industrial 150 m to planting volumes for trees
zone, the site has been rehabilitated through the light rail station • Heat from sewage is used to heat homes
reintroduction of native plant species and the through district energy
express bus stop express bus stop
recreation of former coastal habitats. Herring
have returned to spawn after an 80 year PLACE + EXPERIENCE
absence. Vegetated rooftops reduce both peak • Restoration of key heritage buildings
stormwater surges and provide an additional (reprogrammed into a restaurant/pub in
green space amenity. Trees are planted in heart of neighbourhood)
larger than average soil volumes, which will 300m • High quality public space (central plaza
discription retention + filtration ponds as public space
stormwater study area and waterfront activated by bordering
extend their life to over 50 years thus increasing
their ability to clean the surrounding air. This shops and services, a variety of park/
neighbourhood development exemplifies what it COMPARATIVE CAPACITY green spaces)
means to design with nature.
LESSONS LEARNED • 32% of housing units are subsidized (252
• Site history gives shape and meaning to density (du/ha) - 100 affordable, 100 modest-market)
contemporary place • Athletes Village Co-op includes 84 units of
• Urban design and public spaces anticipate study area mixed-market and non-market housing
contribution by future community
• Best practices on display enable shared CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS
building type - mid rise • All homes within 5-min walk to transit
learning *4 to 12 storey courtyard apartments
• Neighbourhood form and identity is com- • Regional mixed-mode pathway along
patible with environmental performance seawall
• Reduced the dominance of the private
bird’s eye_discription
BIRD’S EYE (looking north) street view_discription
GROUND VIEW (mixed mode lane) VANCOUVER 15 km automobile through a road diet
draft draft
case 04
URBAN 1.7 km to campus centre
bus stop
11 km to city centre
45 min via transit
ubc, ca
Building a compact and complete
community that pays tribute to the RESOURCES + NATURAL SYSTEMS
surrounding forest was the guiding bus stop • 100% of buildings will use district energy
vision for Wesbrook and will be connected to low carbon
energy in 2024
bus stop
site area_44.5 ha • All buildings will be built to REAP, a green
no. dwelling units (DU)_6,250 building standard developed by UBC
construction period_2005-PRES • Forest buffers along site edges are
preserved along with key mature trees
PROJECT OVERVIEW regional park located in green/open areas
Once a commuter campus, UBC campus now • A diversity of trees that support wildlife
3 km to beach
includes more housing for students, faculty and habitat have been planted on-site to
staff. UBC’s newest neighborhood, Wesbrook mitigate effects of deforestation
Place has been designed so residents have
access to all their daily needs, and are provided PLACE + EXPERIENCE
with opportunities to live, work, study and • Prioritizes walkability and high quality
play. The provision of mixed-use residential open/public spaces
neighborhoods that fit within the larger • All homes connects by greenway network
context of campus life is now a key part of
UBC’s aspirations. While forested areas were SOCIAL COHESION + COMMUNITY
removed to accommodate a new compact, • Includes shops and services to meet
mixed-use community, peripheral buffers were discription town centre set against the surrounding forest
wesbrook’s study area 600m daily needs of residences (grocery store,
kept intact to minimize “edge effects” that elementary and high school, childcare,
urbanization has on natural habitat. Located seniors care, community centre, shops
in a unique and biologically rich setting, COMPARATIVE CAPACITY and bars, dental and medical offices, etc.)
development at UBC must pay special attention
to the balance between civilization and nature. AFFORDABLE LIVING
• A target of 50% of households where one
LESSONS LEARNED density (du/ha) - 140 or more resident works or studies at UBC
• Compact and complete community with
daily needs nearby housing
• Parking garage should have been study area
EYE (looking southeast) street
GROUND view_discription
VIEW (water park) UBC 5 km
draft draft
case 05
freiburg, de
Every step of the way, the
sustainable achievements of Vauban RESOURCES + NATURAL SYSTEMS
have been community led 4 km to city centre • First neighbourhood in Germany to
12 min via transit produce more energy than it uses
site area_42 ha • 90% of stormwater is managed on-site
no. dwelling units (DU)_2,500* • First multi-family passive house
construction period_1998-2006 300 m to hillside trails
*based on assumption of 2.2 persons per household
• Well designed streets and public open
PROJECT OVERVIEW spaces that are free of vehicular traffic
Vauban can easily be described as the greenest tram stop
neighbourhood in the greenest city of the AFFORDABLE LIVING
greenest country in the world. But the real tram stop • Baugruppen partner directly with city to
story behind Vauban’s environmental success develop land, thus driving down cost and
is that of a citizen led process. What began as making home ownership more affordable
a general interest in the site (due to its beautiful • Sharing economy (eg. car share, co-ops)
natural setting with adjacency to the Black
Forest) grew into citizen participation in the
300 m to trails with hilltop castle ruins CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS
initial urban design competition, which then led
• First car-free neighbourhood (only 10% of
to the creation of an official citizens committee
daily trips made by private car)
- Forum Vauban. Forum Vauban has made
community engagement its main objective
• All homes within 300 m of tram
residents of vauban play on car-free streets study area 600m
from the beginning. This has led to sustainable
energy and transportation infrastructure and SOCIAL COHESION + COMMUNITY
innovative design solutions from Baugruppen • Includes shops and services to meet daily
COMPARATIVE CAPACITY needs of residences (primary school,
(groups of future residents that design and
develop their own homes). Ideas on how to kindergartens, farmers market, shops and
become car-free and carbon neutral were 600 jobs in total on site)
made by the people who live there. density (du/ha) - 60
• “Community-based” design process
• A “learning while planning” approach • Formalized process to share past
allowed the masterplan to adapt during successes and failures in green building
building type - mid to high rise
buildout *3 to 5 storey apartments design with future project teams to
• Community-led decision making bolstered constantly improve methods
dedication to sustainability • Planning, development and neighbourhood
programs fostered by grassroots,
community level engagement
BIRD’S EYE (looking north) GROUND VIEW (car-free street) FRIEBURG 15 km
draft draft
case 06
malmö, se
Seductive architecture and intriguing
2.6 km to city centre
urban experiences prove that net- 10 min via transit RESOURCES + NATURAL SYSTEMS
zero living can be much more that a • Integrated system of renewables
zero-sum game (geothermal, wind, ocean and solar)
supplies 100% of energy
site area_18 ha • Eco-cycle recycling system that focuses on
bus stop food-waste reduction
no. dwelling units (DU)_1,303
construction period_2001-05 • Stormwater retention and filtration
designed to be community amenity
Øresund • Waste water sludge converted to biogas
Bo01 (pronounced bo-no-lett and meaning live- • Habitat performance evaluated through
one) is one of the most visited, cited and studied point-based standard
examples of sustainable development in the
world. This neighbourhood, which is part of the PLACE + EXPERIENCE
larger Western Harbour redevelopment, was • Placement of 54-storey residential tower
40 km to Copenhagen
catalyzed by Malmö’s winning bid to host the as landmark and architectural expression
50 min via transit
European Millennium Housing Exhibition. The
goal was to make sustainability as attractive AFFORDABLE LIVING
as the unsustainable city model. The City • While Bo01 lacks affordable housing,
of Malmö and the Swedish National Board neighbouring Bo02 site will make up for
of Housing, Building and Planning (SVEBO) the deficit by being 70% affordable
were responsible for all the public space and discription
bo01 skyline with landmark “turning torso” tower study area 300m
infrastructure, and private developers were CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS
responsible for all construction inside individual • all homes within 300 m of electric-bus
plot boundaries. The housing designs drew COMPARATIVE CAPACITY
international attention, and innovative design
proposals from over 50 teams. Bo01 set a
new bar for quality urban design that’s also
• 20% of built area is non-residential
ecologically sustainable. density (du/ha) - 72
study area
• City of Malmo and SVEBO framed
LESSONS LEARNED entire process as an opportunity to
• Carbon reduction is a key part of the disseminate information and knowledge
net-zero equation
building type - mid-rise + tower about sustainability (exhibitions, research
• Not considering social and economic *townhouses; 3 to 6 storey mid-rise apartments; 54
papers, report, fact boxes, brochures, etc.)
storey tower
sustainability alongside environmental
• Over 50 teams designed different plots
sustainability can lead to very expensive
which added to a quality and diversity
housing prices
• Began as an international housing
15 km
EYE (looking northeast) street
GROUND view_discription
VIEW (interior circulation) MALMÖ exhibition to promote innovation
draft draft
case 07
5 km to city centre
light rail + bus station stockholm, se
Sweden leads the way in 20 min via transit
demonstrating the incredible RESOURCES + NATURAL SYSTEMS
usefulness of waste • District energy (from wastewater)
ferry terminal • Underground waste collection system
site area_250 ha ferry terminal • Solar to hydrogen conversion provides
no. dwelling units (DU)_11,500 both power and heat in homes
construction period_1998-PRES • Buildings built to green building standards
tram stop (planning applications in Sweden are
ferry terminal
PROJECT OVERVIEW based on life-cycle cost analysis therefore
Hammarby gives us hope that a low-carbon justifying higher initial investments)
future is possible. This is because, against • 20% of energy demands are met on site
the odds, it has become largely self-sufficient. tram stop • Energy consumption of 160 kilowatt-hours
Located in a region of Stockholm that gets per square meter per year (down from
very little wind and sun, the typical sources of national average of 270 kwh/sqm)
renewable energy were unavailable. To achieve • Decontamination of soil and lake
their goals of 50% on-site energy generation, • Habitat corridors to link nature preserves
designers had to get creative. The solution was to
create the most advanced waste management ski hill PLACE + EXPERIENCE
system known at the time. An integrated, light rail + bus station • Stormwater features are designed as a
closed-loop system links water, waste, and community amenity
regional nature preserve
energy systems to ensure all waste energy is • Lake leveraged in design through public
being recovered and used. Household waste is 900m shoreline and bordering buildings
sophisticated vacuum systems sucks waste to central location for pick-up study area
sorted and collected through an underground
vacuum system, where compostable items are AFFORDABLE LIVING
converted into bio-fuel. Heat from wastewater
COMPARATIVE CAPACITY • Subsidies provided to low income
is recovered to heat buildings. Such innovative residents by government
thinking is exactly what the city is pushing for, as
their long-term goal is to eliminate the concept CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS
of waste!
density (du/ha) - 46 • Extensive pedestrian/bike infrastructure
• Free public ferry; car-pooling system
LESSONS LEARNED study area • Road diet (reduced to 2m)
• Energy reduction targets can suffer from • All households within 300m of tram (79%
seemingly minor construction details of trips made by transit/bike/walk)
(large windows, thermal bridges, etc.) building type - mid-rise + tower
• A good neighbourhood development
*4 to 6 storey mid-rise apartments; 13 storey tower
process can adapt to unexpected • Most housing blocks have retail at-grade
demographic shifts to foster a vibrant community
BIRD’S EYE (looking north) GROUND VIEW (stormwater as amenity) STOCKHOLM 15 km • 35,000 jobs when complete
draft draft
CHANGE! 1.6 km to city centre
20 min via transit
1 km to Seattle University seattle, us
Redevelopment of a historic social 7 min via transit
housing project demonstrates 15 min walk PLACE + EXPERIENCE
the importance of community • Quality public space design with central
participation in shaping a new vison park in heart of neighbourhood and
differing scales of walkways/plazas/
site area_11 ha parklets throughout
no. dwelling units (DU)_5,000 • Significant density was accommodated
construction period_2013-PRES bus stop tram stop through sensitive building placement and
bus stop
urban design
Yesler Terrace was a New Deal era social AFFORDABLE LIVING
housing project, and until recently, was one • 34% subsidized housing (561 households
of Seattle’s most affordable and ethnically earning 30% of area median income
diverse neighbourhoods. Slated for significant (AMI); 290 for 60% of AMI and 850 for
growth from 561 dwelling units to 5,000, this 80% AMI)
will become one of the densest residential
neighbourhoods in the city. But the most CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS
interesting aspect is not be about density, but • New tram station built and all housing
about social equity. With a strong commitment within 5 min walk of transit
to avoid displacing the original tenants, it • Complete and well-designed pedestrian
appears this enlightened redevelopment has I-5 expressway network with vehicular through traffic
learned from the dubious outcomes of 20th discriptionresident moves into one of the first completed buildings
returning study area 300m kept out and traffic calming strategies
century planning. Residents of Yesler Terrace throughout
have been involved in the planning process from
has committed to house all tenants in nearby • 84,000 m2 of office, 14,200 m2 of retail/
neigbourhoods while new homes are built with no community (youth service, community and
rent increase. In addition to participating in the medical centre, elementary and future
planning process, community members were density (du/ha) - 455 head start schools)
offered training in building construction. Only
time will tell how equitable this redevelopment study area
truly is, but so far, it’s looking very promising!
• Existing residents heavily involved
building type - mid to high rise in re-housing strategy and overall
LESSONS LEARNED *mid to high rise residential towers redevelopment plan (Citizen Review
• Inclusive planning takes time in the Committee)
beginning but can save time in the end and • Existing residents trained in construction
offer pathways to success for vulnerable and involved in actual build-out
populations bird’s
EYE (looking northeast) street
GROUND view_discription
VIEW (interior courtyard) SEATTLE 15 km
draft draft
case 09
Tillikum Crossing
portland, us
At a time when people are looking
for alternative modes of mobility to RESOURCES + NATURAL SYSTEMS
the private car, SoWa offers creative Ross Island Bridge • Plans for district energy
examples for getting around 2.4 km to city centre • Potential for shared stormwater
15 min via transit management, gray water collection and
site area_62 ha tram stop use, and local wastewater treatment
construction period_2004-PRES • 9 LEED certified towers have been
SoWa (AKA South Waterfront) EcoDistrict is a PLACE + EXPERIENCE
brownfield redevelopment project taking place tram stop • Willamette River Greenway bridges
on Portland’s riverfront. Most of the lands of this 1 km to OSHU main campus ecological restoration and green
high-density project belong to Oregon Health 10 min via transit infrastructure with recreation
and Science University (OHSU) and the Zydell • Split large lots into finer grain blocks to
family (who historically used the site for their tram stop foster an engaging pedestrian experience
barge business). Once an industrial site cut off
from surrounding residential neighbourhoods,
SoWa is being transformed into a vibrant area CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS
where people live, study, work and play. The • Plans for bike sharing infrastructure
story behind this project is really about people- • All homes within 5 min walk of public
centered, creative connections. Stretching transit
from atop Marquam Hill, a gondola transports the tillikum “peoples” bridge study area 600m • Multi-modal connections to larger region
passengers from OHSUs main campus to its via rail, car-free bridge, gondola and
new centre. The river’s edge has been set aside greenway
for public use as a linear park that will eventually COMPARATIVE CAPACITY
be part of a continuous multi-modal network SOCIAL COHESION + COMMUNITY
connected to nearby neighbourhoods. The • The 30-storey Mirabella is designed for a
Gibbs Street Pedestrian Bridge, which opened senior living community
in 2012, connects the SoWa with Lair Hill over
a major highway and the new Tillikum Crossing
(AKA Bridge of the People) was completed in building type - high rise
2015, creating a car-free link across the water. *high rise towers • Created a neighbourhood governing entity
study area to manage sustainability goals as per
EcoDistrict Protocol (South Waterfront
LESSONS LEARNED Community Relations (SWCR))
• When it comes to mobility of both people • Engaged property owners to participate in
and goods in the 21st century, thinking planning process and sign MOU
outside the box is key
BIRD’S EYE (looking northwest) BIRD’S EYE (looking east from OSHU main campus) PORTLAND 15 km
draft draft
case 10
THE CAR 2 km to city centre Barcelona Zoo
25 min via transit barcelona, es
Sometimes we get it right the first train station
time, such as in old neighbourhoods PLACE + EXPERIENCE
where the pedestrian experience • Narrow intimate streets and alleys that
drove decisions in urban design subway station are filled with ground floor restaurants
and bars slow vehicular traffic and give
site area_32 ha precedent to the pedestrian
no. dwelling units (DU)_3,520* • Lively plazas and quiet parks in close
construction period_mid 18th c proximity to apartments
bus stop
*extrapolated from area and population stats of Citutat Vella
and based on assumption of 2.2 persons per household
• Human scaled urban form that creates
visual interest and intriguing
The historic La Barceloneta neighbourhood CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS
may be hundreds of years old, but it still holds • All homes within 5 min walk from transit
valuable lessons for modern day urbanism. • Neighbourhood designed around the
Developed well before the advent of the private pedestrian experience
automobile, La Barceloneta was designed to the • 80 m blocks allow people to see to each
human scale. A mix of apartments, restaurants, intersection, which helps with safety
bars, grocery stores and other services all exist
within a densely populated and compact urban SOCIAL COHESION + COMMUNITY
form. Street widths are an intimate 5m, and • High mix of uses keep the neighbourhood
blocks are approximately 25m wide by 80m lively at all times
long; at this scale pedestrians are better able
fine grain urban fabric of the historic la barcelonetta neighbourhood study area 600m • Priority of public space fosters community
to observe what is coming at each intersection connections
increasing safety. Within one block there can be
up to 10 buildings, creating a vibrant pedestrian
experience within less than a minute’s walk. A
public plazas and parks break up the fine-grain
street pattern; the plaza is activated by nearby
a market and shops; the park is designed as a
density (du/ha) - 110
place of solace, walled off from the hustle and
bustle of the street. study area
• The scale and massing of pre-car building type - mid rise
*6 to 8 storey mid rise apartments
neighbourhoods can guide current
urban design strategies focused on the
pedestrian experience
GROUND eye_discription
VIEW (tight grid opens onto large beachfront plaza) street
GROUND view_discription
VIEW (narrow pre-auto street) BARCELONA 15 km
draft draft
case 11
seattle, us
Eleanor has a ton of thoughtfully
designed amenity space that makes RESOURCES + NATURAL SYSTEMS
“house” feel like “home” • Rooftop and courtyard plantings designed
to mitigate stormwater runoff
address_800 NE 67th st 1km to Green Lake 500m to playground • Solar panels provide energy to all common
site area_0.7 ha and amenity spaces
no. dwelling units (DU)_260 • On-site recycling and composting facilities
construction period_2014-16 • Built to LEED green building standards
I-5 expressway
The Eleanor apartment building is representative future LRT • Designed to mitigate sound of traffic from
of a shift in building typology that’s taking place adjacent highway
in many of Seattle’s residential neighbourhoods. 800m to Ravenna Park • Large interior courtyard gives residents
The 260 unit building sits on a site that was and many apartments reprieve from
previously occupied by 14 single family homes. surrounding urban neighbourhood
While change is never easy, the Eleanor project • gardens that act as water infrastructure
demonstrates how many of the qualities we give life to outdoor areas in all seasons
love about single-family neighbourhoods can • Thoughtfully designed rooftop patios
still be achieved at higher densities. This 6 to provide great views of the city and
7 storey mid-rise building takes advantage of mountains
an interior courtyard design to provide quiet
frontage for many apartment units; residents 300m CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS
friends gather on one of the rooftop patios to enjoy the sun and views study area
may live in more economically sized spaces, • Building is a part of a newly developing
but due to thoughtful design, have access to an TOD neighbourhood and is only a couple
abundant amount of amenity space - gardens minutes walk from a future LRT station
and terraces, a games room, gym, and big • A bike storage room equipped with tools is
kitchen and dining area make it easy to entertain available to residents
guests or simply socialize with neighbours.
study area
LESSONS LEARNED • Apartments range from studios to two
• An in depth and thoughtful site analysis bedrooms and some units have additional
leads to better architecture loft space - this fosters a mix of singles
• While the physical design of a space may and families in the building
be excellent, the management of a space • The building features several amenities,
may not - both are necessary for long such as a gym with towel service, dog
term success washing area, games lounge, kitchen and
dining area ground and roof patios, and
15 km
bike storage
bird’s eye_discription
INTERIOR COURTYARD street view_discription
draft draft
OLYMPIC VILLAGE_vancouver, ca
case #
BO01_malmo, se
HAMMARBY_stockholm, se Vauban// Bo01//Hammarby//SoWa Ecodistrict Hammarby//Yesler Terrace//SoWa Ecodistrict//
La Barcelonetta
WHAT WE LEARNED • Certified green building standard (eg. LEED, Passive House) BEST PRACTICES
Researching and documenting some of the • Neighbourhood district energy (waste heat and low carbon) • All homes are within a 5 min walk of public transit
best practices in neighbourhood planning and • All or most of neighbourhood uses on-site renewable energy • Public transit is frequent and reliable
design has been a good exercise to gain an • Greywater used in toilets and for landscape irrigation • The larger region in easily accessed via multiple modes
understanding of what some of the greatest • Sludge from wastewater is converted to energy • Car sharing options are readily available
successes and challenges are from some • Restore/provide habitat through native vegetation • Road diets can improve pedestrian and cyclist experience
emerging leaders in sustainable neighbourhood • Habitat linkages to surrounding region • Bike storage is readily available to encourage cycling
development. We have learned that finding • Neighbourhood is designed for universal accessibility
a balance between social, economic and
environmental factors is often difficult to
achieve but crucial for success; a strong PLACE + EXPERIENCE SOCIAL COHESION + COMMUNITY
focus on environmental sustainability should
not lead to overlooking social equity. It takes NOTABLE PRECEDENTS NOTABLE PRECEDENTS
a concerted effort and awareness to ensure Kablelwerk//Dockside Green//Olympic Village//Wesbrook// Kabelwerk//Dockside Green//Vauban//Bo01//Hammarby
a holistic design. We have also learned that KABELVERK_vienna, at Vauban// Bo01//Hammarby//Yesler Terrace//SoWa //Yesler Terrace//SoWa Ecodistrict//La Barcelonetta
long-term commitment to sustainability is most FAUBAN_freiburg, de Ecodistrict//La Barcelonetta
successful when planning is participatory and LA BARCELONETTA_barcelona, es BEST PRACTICES
involves input from the community. BEST PRACTICES • Daily needs met within walking distance
SOWA ECODISTRICT_portland, us • “Heart” of or all of neighbourhood is car-free • A wide range of shared community amenities
MOVING FORWARD DOCKSIDE GREEN_victoria, ca • Streets and open space are engaging and human scaled • Empty lots are programed for community use during build-out
Key highlights and major takeaways are • Ecological infrastructure doubles as public amenity • Around 20% of built-area is non-residential
summarized on the adjacent page. These best • For vibrancy and diversity, several firms design small parcels • There are many neighbourhood “third places”
practices are a great place to begin a discussion • Increases in density are achieved sensitively and thoughtfully
around what is possible at UBC and what sort
of sustainable future we should aspire to for the
Stadium Road neighbourhood. AFFORDABLE LIVING PROCESS
Kabelwerk//Olympic Village//Vauban//Yesler Terrace Kabelwerk//Dockside Green//Vauban//Bo01//Yesler
Terrace//SoWa Ecodistrict
• Affordable housing is attainable to all citizens BEST PRACTICES
• There is a balanced mix of market and non-market housing • Participatory design can generate locally relevant ideas
• Housing costs are connected to household income • High profile design competition can generate innovation
• There is a wide range of housing type and tenure • Involve future residents in design of buildings
• Plan should be adapt to lessons learned in early projects
draft draft
planning, design, and construction. The Living Community
we might assess community sustainability at existing and proposed neighbourhoods. The indicators are
Stadium Neighbourhood. based on four key principles: Compactness and Functionality,
Complexity, Efficiency, and Social Cohesion. Ecosystemic
A GOOD INDICATOR IS... Urbanism was developed in Barcelona, where it has been
“Statistically sound” tested and implemented most widely.
“Intelligible and easily interpreted”
“Consistency over time”
“Linked to policy or emerging issues”
“Compel interest and excite” ECODISTRICTS PROTOCOL
“Relate to other indicators” The EcoDistricts Protocol is both a certification standard as
well as a tool for fostering neighbourhood sustainability. It is
structured around three Imperatives: Equity, Resilience, and
Climate Protection. The Protocol is designed to bring together
city officials, community-based groups, real-estate developers,
financiers, and all other major stakeholders in a manner that
is process-based.
The Sustainable SITES Initiative was developed to promote the
design and management of sustainable landscapes. SITES
comprehensive rating system is used by professionals who
are seeking to protect and enhance the benefits derived from
healthy functioning ecosystems. Projects seeking certification
vary greatly – from sites like a university campus, the yard of a
private home, to a regional park or streetscape.