Infuence of Digital Social Media in Writing and Speaking of Tertiary Level Student

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Influence of digital social media in writing and speaking of

tertiary level student

Anika Belal
ID: 12263005

Department of English and Humanities

BRAC University
April 2014

Influence of digital social media in writing and speaking of
tertiary level student

A thesis submitted to the

Department of English and Humanities
BRAC University

Anika Belal
ID: 12263005

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Degree of Masters of Arts in English
April 2014


First of all, I would like to thank almighty Allah for his grace in the accomplishment of my

thesis paper on time.

I want to thank Professor Firdous Azim, the Chairperson of the Department of English and

Humanities, for all the inspiration she brings to the department. I would like to express my

gratitude to my thesis supervisor Mahmuda Akhter, for her support and guidance during my

writing of this thesis paper. I am also thankful to my course instructors for helping me in

every step.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents and my friends for being there during my good and

hard times.


The creation of digital social media has brought a huge change among the people of 20th

century. This new technology carries much weight as a new medium for students and also for

the educators to build social connections. Anderson (2008) says online learning, as a subset of

all distance education, has always been concerned with provision of access to educational

experience that is, at the least, more flexible in time and in space than campus-based

education (p. 53). The purpose of that study is to find out how the digital social media

influence the writing and speaking, how they motivate students to improve their productive

skills, and in what extend SNS is useful for the students to improve English language.

With the aim of exploring the influence of digital social media in writing and speaking of tertiary

level student, this research was conducted at 8 private and public universities in Bangladesh. A

sample of sixteen teachers and one hundred sixty students were respectively selected from five

private universities and three public universities in Bangladesh. Both qualitative and quantitative

methods were applied during data analysis. The results indicated that digital social media has

several influence in the writing and speaking of tertiary level student with the positive effects

outweighing the negative effects. The findings confirmed that students as well as the teachers can

formulate group discussions where they can exchange their ideas, can share course related

materials, appeal to their student about assignments which helping the students to enhance their

writing as well as their speaking. However the findings affirmed that digital social media also has

some negative influence. The students use short form of words, incorrect grammar and sentence

structure in their formal writing and speaking unconsciously, which are the affects of digital

social media as students are now much more familiar with those types of language.

So the principal conclusion was that the use of digital social media has both positive and negative

influence, but the student has to motivate themselves properly to utilize the use of SNS which

will enrich their English writing and speaking.

Table of contents

Chapters Titles Page number

1 Introduction 1-7

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Problem Statement

1.2 Purpose of the study

1.3 Central Research Questions

1.4 Significance of the study

1.5 Delimitation

1.6 Limitations

1.7 Operational Definitions

2 Literature Review 8-15

2.0. Why SNS are popular

2.1. Social Learning Theory in SNS

2.2. Use of SNS in Bangladesh

2.3. Positive impact of SNS

2.4. Negative impact of SNS

3 Methodology 16-18

3.0. Introduction

3.1. Research Design

3.2. Theoretical Framework

3.3. Sampling

3.4. Setting

3.5. Instrumentation

3.6. Data Collection procedure

3.7. Data Analysis Procedure

3.8. Obstacles Encountered

4 Findings and Discussion 19-32

4.0. Introduction

4.1. Analysis of students’ survey

4.2. Analysis of teachers’ interview

4.3. Analysis of central research questions

5 Conclusion 33-36

5.0. Introduction

5.1. Summary of the findings

5.2. Recommendation

5.3. Further studies

5.4. Conclusion

References 37-41

Appendix A 42-46

Appendix B 47-47


1.0 Introduction

Once social media was introduced, it enabled a new way for people,
particularly the younger generation, to connect with one another, based
on common interests, goals and even values.
- Raymond Arroyo (2012)

People are living in a global world and everyday they are adopting new

technologies, information, lifestyle, language and so on. And nowadays digital social

media (facebook, twitter, yahoo messenger, google plus,) are very popular among

young generations and they are influenced more by them. They think what they are

pursuing in the digital social media is up to date and if they follow those trends,

people will find them smart. However nowadays there are influences of digital social

media in language acquisition of young learner. Young people are now most of the

time connected with the people through digital social media, so intentionally or

unintentionally they are following that trend of language acquisition.

Marshall McLuhan (2003), in his book, The Book of Probes, comments, “All media

exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values” (p.199). In

fact, the Media plays a significant role in people’s everyday routines, actions and

reactions. Digital social media in many ways influencing people’s life as it expands

our social circle and explore new horizon through online connection, though it is

changing the approach of communication. The young generations nowadays often use

facebook, twitter, google plus, skype, yahoo messenger etc. With the prevalence of

smart phones and popularity of texting, students are able to connect with their friends,

family members, and with others. As people are able to meet different people of

different country, they are learning new language through their conversation in social

media. 80 percent of teen users are now frequenting social media sites, and they are

using many different types of communication in the world of social media, like

Netspeak, overuse of abbreviations or slang. So there is no doubt that our real world

social lives have got some changes. Therefore some parents are worrying about their

children’s future language acquisition which is a very promising reality.

It’s slightly less in-your-face, but the Internet is also shifting the words
we use to speak to one another, not just the way we choose to
communicate. Our obsession with the Internet even influences the
simple act of talking – out loud, in real life. Certain acronyms,
neologisms, and abbreviations have infiltrated everyday speech.

(Chopra, 2013)

In the digital social media the young generations use some popular terms like LOL

(for “laugh out loud”) which is developed into unique words. It has a meaning greater

than their original abbreviation. LOL is now used like a type of punctuation to add a

joking or cheerful intonation to messages. It doesn’t always indicate literal laughter.

Though the young people are using it with their friends informally, unintentionally

they are acquiring these languages, and they use it in their formal writing and

speaking. This types of text shorthand is now becoming a language all its own. As a

result they are using those languages formally in the public place. As a result they are

destroying their language. Digital social media uses require some unique adaptations,

but it also provides us a new way of communication.

1.1 Problem statement

With over 100 social networking sites in existence and over a billion registered users

on these sites, social networks today seem to have become a way of life. From this

ever increasing number of networking sites and users emerges a behavior that has

become a part of popular youth culture across continents and is increasingly popular

amongst youth in Asia. According to Hiradhar & Gray (2008) MySpace, one of the

best-known social networking sites now has some 110 million users. Other popular

sites include Friendster (58 million); Hi5 (70 million); Linkedin (20 million);

Facebook, which is now number nine in the top twenty list of web sites in the USA

(over 69 million); Xanga (40 million) and; Flickr (9.6 million). Research by Boyd

(2008) showed that tertiary level students were more likely to access social

networking sites on the internet at their schools than anywhere else. He also states

media reports have suggested that some tertiary schools in Botswana have banned

access to these sites. It is clear that all most all the student of tertiary level is

connected with the digital social media and they spend most of the time in those

social networking sites. Therefore there is no doubt digital social media is influencing

the writing and speaking of the students of tertiary level. “Online social networks

most commonly refer to the way that people are connecting online, as well as the

platform they are using to do this” (Tyson, 2009, p.10). So the students are getting

platform to practice their productive skill (English writing and speaking) in the SNS.

Therefore in the research paper it will find, how digital social media influences the

writing and speaking of tertiary level students, how it motivates and helps the student

to improve their English writing and speaking.

1.2 Purpose of the study

The way of speaking and writing of young generation is changing day- by- day, by the

influence of digital social media. The text which we used for communication in the

digital social media is basically production of our speech. What we try to say, reflect

in or text message.

The networks normally contain a relationship between the entities in it,

an association such as a shared value, kinship, friendship, business

transaction or other system. The networking that occurs influences an

individual's thoughts, feelings and ideas and is an essential element of

human interaction (Tyson, 2009, p.10).

However the digital social media is not only influencing the thoughts, feelings, and

ideas of people but also the writing and speaking. The purpose of that study is to find,

how the digital social media is influencing the writing and speaking, how they

motivating the students to improve English, and in what extent SNS is useful to

developing tertiary level students’ English language.

1.3 Central Research Questions/objective of the study

1. How are the digital social media influencing writing and speaking of tertiary

level students?

2. Do digital social media motivate the tertiary level students to improve their


3. What aspects of digital social media are helping the learners of tertiary level to

improve their English Language (writing, speaking)?

4. In what extent teachers find social media useful for their learners? Is there any

negative influence of this? What is that?

1.4 Significance of the study

It is true that digital social media is playing a great role to connect the people though

they are far away from one another. The young generation likes to follow the new

trend as well they like to follow others. Therefore nowadays the young people follow

what are others are doing in SNS, what activities people appreciate most, and they are

motivated by that. Young generations like to observe others, imitate others, try to

acquire those behaviors and finally show those through their action. According to

Bandhura (1977) most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling,

from observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and

on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action (p 22). People

usually write something in the digital social media what they want to present. Where

writing was once a solitary activity, it has now become a very social way to

communicate (ibid). Before the Internet, most people wrote to communicate with

other person. Now we can reach hundreds or thousands of people with a single post.

Chopra (2013) said we search for laptop deals with an eye to wireless connectivity in

order to stay connected and communicate with a global audience at a moment’s

notice. Rather than eroding our writing skills, this has sharpened them. Nowadays

people can easily communicate to each other through the digital social media and they

prefer writing and speaking as the medium of communication. Nowadays the writing

and speaking of young generation is changing. They use short form, poor grammar

and symbols in SNS to express their thoughts and it happens both in writing and

speaking. And these kinds of practices also have an impact in their formal writing and

speaking. It is not that SNS has only negative impact in writing and speaking of the

people, it also helps the young generation to learn new language, motivates them to

learn language and also improve their English language.

Therefore in this paper the focus is to find out the influence of digital social media in

writing and speaking of tertiary level student, how it motivates them to improve their

writing and speaking, and how it helps them to improve their English language. It also

finds the negative influence of digital social media in English language and in what

extent social media is useful for learners.

1.5 Delimitation

This research is focusing on influence of digital social media in language acquisition.

So the research narrows down its area from media to social digital media. Therefore

to construct the thesis concise, this research focuses on two productive skills;

speaking and writing among four productive skill of language acquisition.

1.6 Limitation

This research was conducted in universities of Dhaka only. Moreover, the research

was limited to very few institutions due to time constraints. Even it was almost

impossible to get in and reach the students of some universities because of the strict

security system, so, it was quite difficult to generalize the influence of digital social

media in language acquisition.

1.7 Operational Definitions

1.7.1 CALL: Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is often perceived, the

search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning

(Levy, 1997).

1.7.2 CMC: Computer-mediated communication (CMC), the communication that

occurs between humans via some form of computer, such as a desktop, mobile phone

or similar (Hardaker, 2010).

1.7.3: Netspeak: The term ‘Netspeak’ is an alternative to ‘Netlish’, ‘Weblish’,

‘Internet language’, ‘cyberspeak’, ‘electronic discourse’, ‘electronic language’,

‘interactive written discourse’, ‘computer-mediated communication’ (CMC), and

other more cumbersome locutions (Crystal, 2001).

1.7.4: SNS: Social network sites is defined as web based services that allow

individuals to (1) construct a public or semi public profile within a bounded system,

(2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view

and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. The

nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site (Kumar et al,



Social networking sites (SNS) are popular among the young generation all over the

world now. Social networking sites are an online platform where people can create

their own profile and can interact with the people all over the world. According to

Alassiri et al (2014), a social networking sites provide interactive platform that

enables its users communicate with other members to establish social relations to

share information and knowledge relative to individual experiences activities in real


2.0 Why SNS are popular

“SNSs provide a favorable platform for individuals to express themselves, establish

new relationships, and maintain old relationships” (Gremu & Halse, 2012).

People can now access important information and the trendy online
culture to learn about things that were un-known to them before, as
well as new values and symbols for communication developed for
learning in an online environment that gives rise to new cultural cues.
(Quader, 2014, p. 6)

According to Asad et al (2012), people can share their thoughts, knowledge with each

other which also help them to increase their knowledge about the world and life.

Asad et al (2012) further say social networking sites have become gradually more

integrated into the way many people today act, think, and relate to each other and

therefore social networking sites has a huge number of implications in the field of

education and these impacts on students, educators, administrators, and parents also

(p. 499).

According to Quader (2014) in SNS people can discuss about any subject or any topic

they like to and they feel free to communicate or discuss in SNS rather then classroom

environment. He also states sometime students are not comfortable to communicate or

discuss in the formal classroom but they feel free in SNS to discuss which also

enhance their learning and these sites have become very trendy as more and more

people are leaning towards SNS to share their everyday happenings with friends

online, rather than through face-to-face encounters. Asad et al. (2012) state “SNSs

provides a platforms for the students to learn and discuss outside the formal classroom

setting, therefore it also encourage students not to use materials only for the academic

purpose, it also encourage them to use it in their everyday life ( p. 500). Many

researchers like Quader (2014) found that there are positive relations between the use

of SNSs and academic performance of the student who uses SNS and the students

who used SNSs scored higher on reading skills test and had higher grades. He also

states that nowadays students are connected with their teachers in SNSs and

sometimes they discuss about academic topic and come out with new information

which helps them to enhance their knowledge. He also says that people learn about

new innovations in an interactive way, where there is more freedom of expression

than in any formal learning environment (ibid).

2.1 Social Learning Theory in SNS

The social learning theory is one of the most important theories of learning and

development which is introduced by Albert Bandura (1977). According to Bandura

(1977), direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning. He also says

in his social learning theory that people can learn new behavior and information by

observing, imitating, and modeling. Therefore he also states in social learning theory

that there are three core concepts which are, people can learn through observation,

mental condition is an essential part of process, and the last concept is, it doesn’t

mean that it will change the behavior because something has been learned.

According to Bandhura(1977) “in the social learning system, new patter of behavior

can be acquired through direct experience or by observing the behavior of others” .

He also says a person can not learn much by observation if he does not attend to, or

recognize the essential features of the model’s behavior. Ginsburg et al (2006) argues

that most participant learning experience on SNSs is associated with social learning

and as a consequence, social learning outcomes constitute the majority of learning

outcomes. Ginsburg et al (2006) further say cognitively, they learn how to creatively

solve problems via information searching and online friends’ help.

Bandhura’s theory (1977) has often been called a bridge between behaviorist and

cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and

motivation. However the young generation feels motivated when others appreciate or

like their activities (status, interesting posts) in the SNS. According to Bandhura

(1977) “within any social group some members are likely to command greater

attention then others”. He further said some people in the SNS are very active to

command on others status or posts and it makes others motivated to be active in the

SNS and to explore new information and knowledge, and on the basis of this

informative feedback, they develop thought or hypotheses about the type of behavior

most likely to succeed.

2.2 Use of SNS in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh the accessibility of internet and use of internet is still limited. Most of

the young people in the major cities use SNS. In a country like Bangladesh, internet

accessibility and usage capacity is still limited to the residents of major cities and

some suburbs (Quader, 2014, p.2).In Bangladesh Tertiary education takes place in

88 universities where there are 34 government universities and 54 private universities


According to Akhter (2011) in Bangladesh the students use internet mostly for social

networking and entertainment and the reasons behind these are, lack of appropriate

content from the field of education and absence of research based activities and

assignments from schools. She also says “inquisitive students often feel lost in the

humongous sea of information available on the internet”. But if the student could find

something that was close to their school syllabus, they could find it useful and

relevant to them and was most interested to use it (ibid). Akhter (2011) further state

that the educational institutions understand this and they are already making use of

this functional medium in various aspects of their day-to-day activities like from

classroom teaching, assigning homework, assessing students and delivering results,

technology, and more importantly the internet, is being embedded into the very core

of the educational system. According to Asad et al. (2012) not every university but

some universities in the Bangladesh are now using SNS for academic purpose so the

student-student and teacher-student can keep in touch through SNS and they can share

important information, can discuss about any important issue or topic in SNS. Asad

et al. (2012) also state that it can not deny the impact of online social networking on

academic learning outcomes though the students do not explicate the academic

learning outcomes from online social networking and for junior students, they might

first experience social learning and social integration into the university, and then feel

more comfortable interacting with faculty to reach a higher level of academic

integration and learning outcomes (p. 500).

2.3 Positive impacts of SNS

According to Asad et al (2012) students’ academic learning outcomes could increase

when their social learning outcomes were heightened (p. 501).

Students are however, keen to use SNSs for academic purposes and
this presents an opportunity to engage them to learn informally by
seeking, exploring and testing ideas with other students within their
own social network.

(Gremu & Halse, 2012)

Digital social media like Facebbok, Twitter, and Google Plus, “all these are impacting

upon education far more dramatically than the conventional word-filled web page”

(Eastment, 2007). Boyd (2007) says teenagers and young adults have especially

embraced these sites as a way to connect with their peers, share information, reinvent

their personalities, and showcase their social lives According to Flad (2010) now

communication is instant as teens have their own cell phones that enable them to

access social networking sites throughout the day. Livingstone (2008) says being

friends with someone on a SNS allows a person to communicate in a variety of ways

such as sending private and public messages, participating in on-line games,

commenting on photos that have been posted, sharing music or movie preferences,

responding to journal entries, and much more. While Krashen (1981) asserts that

comprehensible input was both a necessary and a sufficient condition for the

acquisition of language, Ellis (1985) conducted an analysis of various studies and

theoretical treatments of the subject and concluded that both input and interaction

influence second language acquisition.

A teacher makes efforts to gain an understanding of students’ prerequisite knowledge,

including any misconceptions that the learner starts with in their construction of new

knowledge (Anderson, 2008, p. 47). According to Harwood & Blackstone (2012)

instructors can show they are engaged in students’ Facebook learning by simply liking

a link shared by a student, writing an encouraging comment to a post or referring in

class to an interesting discussion that has occurred on the page. They further say SNS

demonstrate to the students that the class tutor is present and interested in what is

happening online, and that he/she values their contributions. According to Harwood &

Blackstone (2012), this kind of support is very important to motivate the less

confident learners to feel interested to participate in the discussion. And as the teacher

is involved in the discussion the student are aware of their writing. They do not want

to do any mistakes in their writing. Moreover the students want to be more creative in

their writing because they know teacher is observing them and if their comment is

resourceful, teacher will like his/her comment or will response to that (ibid).

According to Vygotsky’s (1978) social development theory advocates learning

contexts in which students are active in their own learning. To achieve this, Vygotsky

(1978) advises that the traditional roles of the instructor and student are altered to

enable the instructor to collaborate with students in order to facilitate the construction

of meaning. According to Greenfield (1972) online chat is a new communicative

environment and we may expect it to elicit adaptations in participants’ language use.

One dimension that distinguishes written from spoken language is
explicitness—written language is more explicit, whereas spoken
language is more implicit because it uses both verbal and nonverbal
contexts to complete its messages.

(Greenfield, 1972)

According to Bunce (2010) “CMC provides conditions for language use, through

which language acquisition processes, via exposure, production, and collaboration,

are thought to occur”. He says such interaction is thought to encourage

comprehensible input through interactional modification, corrective feedback, pushed

output, and collaborative dialogue. Kern (1995) states, it helps the student to reduce

the anxiety and feel free to participate and help them to improve their language

production. SNS is popular among learners, increasing motivation and participation,

and reducing anxiety. Pellettieri (2000), Toyoda and Harrison (2002) have found that

they generate negotiation of meaning and form, corrective feedback, self-correction,

and output pushed towards target-like language as the student are aware about their

status in the digital social media .

2.4 Negative Impacts of SNS

According to Bunce (2010) chatroom interaction was less effective for language

learning than face-to-face oral interaction as “slow typing can considerably hinder

language production, negotiation, collaboration, and therefore noticing”. “An

important characteristic of online chatrooms is that they are inherently visual. Chat

conversations exhibit features of both written and spoken language” (Freiermuth,

2002). According to Herring (1996), chat takes place in the written medium (typing

words on a keyboard and reading words on a screen), but like spoken language,

particularly unplanned speech, generally consists of shorter, incomplete,

grammatically simple, and often incorrect (grammar and typographical errors)

sentences. Anderson (2008) says “they exercise their mastery of communication

norms and tools, some of which are not be appropriate to an educational online

context” (p. 48). Therefore (Crystal, 2001) reports that 80% of the utterances in

published log data were five words or fewer in length. Therefore Hezili (2010) found

in his research, chat users omit copulas, subject pronouns, and articles. The use of

misspelled words and spellings by replacing normal words and terms in the language

is a definite cause for alarm hindering the ability of students and children to

communicate effectively through the appropriate written medium, when writing

academic papers, essays, drafts or any other literary prose (ibid).


3.0 Introduction

This chapter of dissertation discusses the influence of digital social media in writing

and speaking of tertiary level student and how it motivates them to improve their

language, helps them to improve their English language. It also finds out the positive

and negative influence of digital social media in English language and in what extent

social media is useful for learners.

3.1 Research Design

The research survey was done both in private and public universities in Dhaka.

Among those there were 5 private universities and 3 public universities. There were

qualitative and quantitative questions for 160 students and 16 teachers.

3.2 Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of the research study focuses on Social Learning Theory

which is introduced by Albert Bandura (1977). This theory demonstrated that people

learn and imitate behaviors they have observed in other people.

Bandura (1977) says “mans superior cognitive capacity is another factor that

determines, not only how he will be affected by his experience, but the further

direction his action may take”. In social learning system people acquire new pattern of

behavior through direct experience or by observing the others behavior. According to

Bandura (1977) people can represent external influences symbolically and later use

such representation to guide their actions. During the period of learning people not

only perform response, they also observe the differential consequences accompanying

their various actions on the basis of informative feedback and they develop thought or

hypothesis about the type of behavior which most likely to succeed (ibid).

3.3 Sampling

There were qualitative and quantitative questions for 160 students and 16 teachers.

The students and the teachers were chosen from 5 private universities and 3 public

universities in Dhaka.

3.4 Setting

The researcher did students survey in 5 private and 3 public universities. The survey

was done in the classroom of the universalities. The researcher also took interviews of

the teacher. Most of the interviews were taken in the cubical of teachers in the English

department of the universities. But for some limitations some interview were taken

via phone.

3.5 Instrumentation

A survey questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect data from the students.

The teachers were interviewed while collecting the data. A semi structured interview

questionnaire was formed for that purpose. Mobile phone was also used to record the

interviews of the teachers with their permission.

3.6 Data Collection Procedure

A major portion of the data was collected from students' responses by distributing

questionnaires to them. However, due to time constraints and schedule problem, some

of the data were collected through email. The teachers’ responses were collected by

face to face interview, but due to their busyness, some of their interviews were taken

over phone.

3.7 Data Analysis Procedure

Initially the raw data were counted using tally. Later, Microsoft Excel was used to

calculate percentage and prepare the charts.

3.8 Obstacles Encountered

In some universities it was hard to get in the reach of the teachers. Some

administrative were not cooperative and they were reluctant to give permissions to

take the interviews. And as it was the month of Ramadan, many universities mainly

the public universities were closed early so it was difficult to reach in to the teachers

and also to the students.


4.0 Introduction

The purpose of this chapter is to develop and analyze the research data that was

collected from the survey of the students and form the response of the teachers’

interviews to find the influence of digital social media in writing and speaking of

tertiary level students.

4.1 Analysis of students’ survey

To find out the influence of digital social media in writing and speaking of tertiary

level students’ survey were conducted among 160 students from 5 private and 3

public universities in Dhaka.

Question1: Which Social networking Site (SNS) do you use the most?

Majority of the students (96%) responded that they use facebook most, followed by

(2%) twitter, google plus (1%), and hi5 (1%).

Figure 1 below shows the findings of the use of different social networking sites.

100% Twitter
Google Plus
80% Hi5





Figure1: The use of social networking sites

Question 2: How much time do you daily spend on the Social media (Facebook,

twitter etc.)?

Regarding the use of social networking sites the students were asked how much time

they spend in the social networking site. Figure 2 indicates that 36% students spend

three-four hours in the SNS, followed by 34% spend one-two hours, 30% few minutes

and 1% are always online via mobile.

35% Few Minutes

25% One- two
20% three- four
15% hours
five- seven
5% always online

Figure 2: Duration of spending on SNS

Question 3: Do you use English language when you chat with your friends?

The findings show that 66% students use English language when they chat with their

friends. 30% students stated that sometimes they use English language and 4% said

they do not use English language while chatting with their friends. The student

admired that they use English language most but sometimes they also use Bangla, but

it depends on the situation and conversation. The students also added that they type in

English though they are using Bangla.

Question 4: Do you use English language when you chat with your teacher?

Most of the student (97%) said they use English language when they talk with their

teacher though they do not chat with their teachers that much. They just chat with

their teacher when the students have any query regarding academic issues.

Question 5: When you give a status/ comment on SNS which language do you

mostly use?

When the students give any status or comment on SNS 87% students use English

language but 36 % students sometimes use both English and Bangla language. 7 %

students said they use Bangla most.

Question 6: If there are any mistakes in your status/comment do your friends

correct it?

Most of the students, 79% responded that their friends usually do not correct their

mistakes because they do not want to feel their friends down towards other people.

But 19% students said sometimes they do correct their mistakes but it is very rare.

Question 7: If there are any mistakes in your status/comment, does your teacher

correct it?

52% student said their teachers use SNS for communication and discussion, so the

teacher do not correct if they do any mistakes in status or comment. 48% students

mentioned that they do not have contact with their teacher in the SNS, so there is no

question of correcting the mistakes.

Question 8: When you chat or give a status are you conscious about grammatical

structure, spelling etc?

Most of the students (95%) are very conscious about grammatical structure, spelling

etc most when they give any status in SNS because they want to make their status

perfect and interesting so that others give more likes and comment.

Question 9: Do you think online chatting helps you to improve your speaking?


86% students responded that online chatting helps a lot to improve speaking as

speaking is a matter of practice. Though they type in chatting it helps them to improve

their speaking by practicing more as they are using SNS in daily basis. The students

stated that if any of their friends use vocabulary, idioms, which they do not know,

they would get accustomed to that. Online chatting also helps the students to improve

their sentence structure. However, 14% students gave different opinion. They said that

writing does not help much to improve the speaking. It is more of speaking which

helps to improve ones speaking because the barriers are hesitation, lack of confident.

Speaking helps the students to overcome the barriers.

Question 10: Do you think SNS (writing status, comments) helps you to improve

your writing? How?

Majority of the students (80%) think that SNS (writing status, comments) helps them

to improve their writing. When the students give any status or comment mostly status

they try to write proper sentence and they are conscious about their grammar which

help them to improve their formal writing. Therefore some students (10%) stated SNS

does not help to improve ones writing as the students write in short forms most of the

time in SNS.

Question 11: Does the language of SNS influence your formal writing

(assignment etc)? How?

The findings shows 89% students mentioned that the language of SNS does not

influence their formal writing (exam script, assignment etc). 6% students said it

influences their formal writing as sometimes they unconsciously use short form in

their writings which they are used to use in SNS.

Question 12: Do you use short form in formal writing, like you use in chatting/

status /comment?

95% students said they do not use short from in their formal writing. 3% said most of

the time they write in short form in SNS, so when they write any formal paper

sometimes unconsciously they use short form in their writing. Mostly they use short

form in their exam script because there is no spelling checker. But when they do any

assignment they do not use short form as they are privileged to have spelling checker

in the computer.

Question 13: Do you feel comfortable to practice English in SNS with your

friends? Why?

95% student responded that they feel comfortable to use English in SNS as the

students do not need to interact face to face and also it is easy to write in short form

and faster .But 3% admitted that English is not a matter of practice in SNS.

Question 14: Do you sometimes pronounce some informal words/phrases

(example, LOL, OMG etc.) in your class/presentation?

Most of student 95% said the language of SNS does not influence their presentation as

presentation is formal and the students are not allowed to use any informal word in

the presentation. 2% students said sometimes they pronounce informal words in their


Question 15: Do you find it prestigious to use English language in SNS? Why?

Most of them (86%) said no, they do not find it prestigious to use English. According

to them as SNS is to connect with friends, there is no prestige issue about using the

English Language, but they also admired that English language is easy to read. 14%

students said, the use of English language in SNS may be prestigious for the new user

or the youth. They also said it is prestigious to use English in SNS as English is an

international language.

Question 16: Does your teacher use SNS for communication and discussion?

52% students said their teachers use SNS for communication and discussion. If the

teachers need to give any information to the teacher they communicate with them

through SNS. However, the teachers also discuss about academic topic, assignment

with the students in SNS as nowadays students are very active in the social

networking sites.

Question 17: Do you think SNS is improving your overall writing/ speaking

positively and negatively? How?

Most of the student (54%) responded that as they write formally with the family

member and teacher in SNS, it is improving student’s writing. But it does not help to

improve speaking as there is no opportunity to speak in formal situation in SNS.

Therefore 46% student stated that it gives negative impact as the students sometimes

use short form in writing and speaking.

Table 1 shows overall response of the student regarding different issues of social

networking sites.

Statement Yes No Sometimes

Use English when chat with friends 66% 4% 30%

Use English when chat with teacher 97% 3%

Friends correct mistakes in status/comment 2% 79% 19%

Teacher correct mistakes in status/comment 1% 89% 10%

Conscious about grammar/spelling when chat or 95% 5%

give status

Online chatting helps to improve speaking 86% 14%

SNS helps to improve writing 80% 10% 10%

Language of SNS influence formal writing 6% 89% 5%

Use short form in formal writing 3% 94% 3%

Feel comfortable to practice English in SNS 95% 3% 2%

Sometimes pronounce informal word in 3% 95% 2%


It prestigious to use English language in SNS 14% 86%

Teacher use SNS for discussion /communication 52% 48%

SNS improving overall writing/speaking 54% 46%

Table 1: responses regarding different issues of SNS

This table represents the overall response of the student regarding different issues of

social networking sites which reflects the influence of the digital social media in

writing and speaking of tertiary level students’.

4.2 Analysis of teachers’ interview

For the enhanced finding of the influence of digital social media in writing and

speaking of tertiary level student, the interviews of 16 teachers of 5 private and 3

public universities were conducted. There were different response of the teachers of

different universities and with in the universities.

Question 1: Do you use internet/ CALL (Computer assisted language learning)

for teaching productive skills in your class? How?

47% teachers collect materials to prepare their class lecture and also give activities

based on that. The teachers encourage students to read blogs. 36% teachers give

assignment through internet. However if there are any query about academic purpose,

the students asked teachers in SNS. On the other hand if the teachers need to share

any information with the students they Share it in SNS so that all the students can

acknowledge with that information. Therefore, 15% senior teachers of public

universities teacher are not that much connected with internet. They give assignment

and class lecture in the server and the students have to collect it from the server.

Question 2: Do your learners use short forms of words in their exam scripts or


In the social networking sites people usually use short form in their writing and some

times it reflects in their academic writing and the teachers agreed with that fact. 67%

teacher said the student use short form in exam script most then the assignment

because in the assignment they can correct it through spelling checker but in exam

script they use short form unconsciously.

Question 3: Does the use of SNS influence students’ writing? How?

92% teachers affirmed that SNS obviously has an effect on students writing. The

quality of the writing is decreased. The students use simple sentence in their writing

and there are no good improvements in their writing. There are no literary writings

and sometimes it is monotonous to read their writing. They use short forms of words

as ‘u’ for ‘you’, ‘by the way’, ‘btw’ etc. And there are lots of spelling mistakes

because while chatting they don’t care about misspelling of words.

Question 4: Does the use of SNS influence students’ speaking? How?

73% teachers said SNS also influence the speaking of the students. In the presentation

the students use informal words like hi, opps. The teachers do not correct it in

between the presentation; they correct it after finishing the presentation. 34% teachers

said they repeat the sentence and stop before from where the student did mistakes and

the students correct the mistakes by themselves. But again the students make mistakes

unconsciously. 28% teachers affirmed that the students mix words from different

languages and use some popular words which they are found using in the social

networking sites.

Question 5: Is there any impact in grammar of writing and speaking by using


The students are not also conscious about the grammar. In the social networking sites

they also use short form of grammar like “are” (r) and sometimes they don not bother

about the grammar. Most of the teachers stated that as the students are not careful

about their grammar while talking to their friends in the social networking sites and

there are abundant uses of the social sites for communication, so it creates a greater

impact on the use of grammar both in speaking and writing

Question 6: Do you think SNS has positive influence on English Language?


The findings highlight teacher’s response regarding positive influence on English

Language. According to 89% teachers SNS provide opportunities to learn but it

depends on the student to motivate them. 90% teachers said as the use of English has

been increased than before, students become fluent in speaking.

Question 7: Do you think SNS has negative influence on English Language?


92% teachers said there are also some negative influences on English language as the

students use informal words, short form of words in formal writing and therefore the

language are losing its real form in a way.

Question8: Do you correct your student’s English in online chatting/ text/ status/


The teachers agreed that the students sometimes do mistakes in online chatting, in

status or comments. 38% teachers said sometimes they correct those mistakes but in a

positive and humorous way. 49% teachers correct the mistakes but not directly. They

write the correct word and expect that the students will correct it by themselves.

Question 9: Do you use SNS for teaching purpose?

The findings also represent the use of SNS for teaching purpose. 15% senior teachers

does not use SNS and do not discuss any topic related to that. However, 47% teachers

stated that using SNS for teaching purpose is quite helpful and easy and liked by

student as the new generation can relate to the phenomena quite easily and readily.

38% teachers give assignment/ activities or open any discussion board for the student

where they can share their thoughts which enhance their learning.

4.3 Analysis of Central Research Questions

Question 1: How are the digital social media influencing writing and speaking of

tertiary level students?

There were mixed responses regarding this question. 89% students mentioned that the

language of SNS does not influence their formal writing (exam script, assignment etc)

or speaking. But 6% students said it influences their formal writing as sometimes they

unconsciously use short form in their writings and in formal presentation like oops, hi

etc, which they are used to use in SNS.

According to 73% teachers, SNS influence the writing and speaking of the students.

92% teachers affirmed the quality of the writing is decreased. The students use simple

sentence in their writing and there are no good improvements. As well as there are

lacks in literary writing and sometimes it is monotonous to read their writing. They

use short forms of words as ‘u’ for ‘you’, ‘by the way’, ‘btw’ etc. And there are lots

of spelling mistakes because while chatting they do not care about misspelling of

words. In the presentation the student use informal words like hi, opps. 28% teachers

affirmed that the students mix words from different languages and use some popular

words which they got to know from social networking sites.

Question 2: Do digital social media motivate the tertiary level students to

improve their English?

66% students use English language when they chat with their friends and 97% said

they use English language when they talk with their teacher. It motivates students to

improve their writing as they find English important in their daily communication

with friends and teachers. 87% students use English when they give any status or

comment on SNS and (95%) are very conscious about grammatical structure, spelling

etc most when they give any status in SNS because they want to make their status

perfect and interesting so that others give more likes and comment. 95% student

responded that they feel comfortable to use English in SNS as the students do not

need to interact face to face with others in SNS. However 14% students said it is

prestigious to use English in SNS as English is an international language. All those

factors motivate students to improve their English.

Question 3: What aspect of digital social media is helping the learners of tertiary

level to improve their English Language (writing, speaking)?

According to Quader (2014) there are positive relations between the use of SNS and

academic performance of the students as who uses SNS scored higher grades.

According to 86% students online chatting helps a lot to improve speaking as

speaking is a matter of practice. Though they type in chatting it helps them to improve

their speaking by practicing more as they are using SNS in daily basis. The students

stated that if any of their friends use vocabulary, idioms, which they do not know,

they would get accustomed to that which improves their writing and speaking as well.

Online chatting also helps the students to improve their sentence structure. According

to Kern (1995) SNS reduce student’s anxiety as they do not need to interact face to

face there. So they feel free to participate and help them to improve their language


Question 4: To what extent teachers find social media useful for their learners?

Is there any negative influence of this? What is that?

Quader (2014) states social networking sites have become very trendy nowadays as

many people are using it and leaning towards SNS to share their everyday happenings

with friends online, rather than through face-to-face encounters. According to 89%

teachers SNS provide opportunities to learn but it depends on the student’s

motivation. 90% teachers said as the use of English has been increased than before,

students become fluent in speaking.  92% teachers said there are also some negative

influences on English language as the students use informal words, short form of

words in formal writing and speaking, therefore the language are losing its real form

in a way.

Finlay it can be said digital social media is influencing student’s writing and speaking

positively and negatively. However SNS provides resources to the students’ to

develop their English language but the student has to use it in proper way.


5.0 Introduction

Social networking sites are becoming popular among the young generation these days.

Not only the youth but also the educators are connected in the SNS. SNS have played

a vital role to connect the people all over the world and to communicate easily. The

aim of this study was to investigate the influence of digital social media in tertiary

level student’s writing and speaking, how it motivates students to improve their

English, in what aspect it is helping to develop students writing and speaking, and in

what extend it is useful for the learner.

5.1 Summary of the findings

The findings show that majority of them use Facebook as their favorite SNS and most

of the students usually spend there-four hours on social networking sites. The findings

also show that students use SNS for both academic and non-academic purposes. The

tertiary level student’s are connected with their friends and teachers in the SNS and

they can formulate group discussions where they can exchange their ideas, thoughts,

can share course related materials, information and the teacher can give assignment,

so that it is easy for all the student to know. However, there are some drawbacks that

SNSs come with. The students write in short form in SNS when they chat with their

friends, when give any status or comments and it reflects in their formal writing and

speaking, like in assignment, exam script or in presentation. However digital social

media motivate the tertiary level students to improve their English as the findings

show that the students are very conscious when they give any status because they

want to present themselves as a perfectionist in the SNS. They try to write in proper

grammar structure, correct spelling and appropriate sentence structure and therefore it

motivates them to improve their English language as well. The findings also highlight

that social media help students to improve their writing and speaking as the students

are able to learn new word/ idioms /phrase from their friends in SNS and later they

use those in their formal writing (assignment, exam script) and speaking

(presentation) which enhance their writing and speaking. Their responses indicate that

digital social media have influence on tertiary level student’s writing and speaking.

However, in the recent time the educators are also the users of SNS. According the

findings of this research, teachers have included social networking sites into their

teaching methods. Nowadays teacher of different universities use SNS to share course

related materials with their students, communicate to their students regarding their

coursework’s, assignments or any upcoming event. The findings show that according

to teacher SNS sometimes influence student’s writing and speaking. According to the

educator SNS provide scope to improve English language but it is the students who

has to motivate themselves to learn new things from there as the students can learn

new words, can improve their writing style and can be fluent in speaking. But there

are also some drawbacks as sometimes they use short form in their formal writing and

formal presentation and day- by- day there are less literary writings as they are used to

use simple sentence which is an affect of SNS. An according to the educators it is

monotonous to read their writings. Considering the findings of this study, teachers

think besides some negative influence in students writing and speaking, there are also

positive influences. In the SNS the students discuss about their coursework’s,

assignments, course materials and any different topic related to the course. And as

they know their teacher is also going to participate in the discussion or will monitor

them, they always try to write proper English because they do not want to do any

mistakes in their writing as it is also about their prestige issue. Therefore when they

discuss all those in their class they also try to speak properly. So according to the

educators SNS is also helping the students to improve their writing and speaking.

5.2 Recommendations

There are great influence of SNS in writing and speaking of tertiary level student. The

students can take advantage to improve their productive skill if they use it in proper

way. There are potential improvements in student’s writing and speaking if the

teachers as well as the students motivate themselves precisely. Teachers can be very

innovative while using SNS for teaching purpose and can make lessons interesting

and varied.

According to Gremu & Halse (2012) nowadays students are keen to use SNS for

academic purpose. So the teachers can provide an opportunity to the students to learn

informally by seeking, exploring and testing ideas with other students within their

own social network. The teacher can open a discussion board in SNS where the

teacher and the student can post different articles, can discuss in different issue. The

teacher has to recommend highly for using proper sentence structure, correct word

and grammar. Harwood & Blackstone (2012) say SNS exhibit to the students that the

class tutor is present and he/ she is observing what is happening on online. So they

will be conscious about their writing and as a result it will enhance student’s writing.

Therefore the teacher can talk about the issues and topic in the classroom which they

discuss in the open discussion board in SNS. The teachers can give the students

instant role play on any topic which they discussed in the SNS the previous day.

According to Harwood & Blackstone (2012) the support of the teacher is very

important to motivate the less confident learners to feel interested to participate in the

discussion. And as the teacher is also involved in the discussion the student are aware

of their speaking. It will help the students to improve their speaking.

5.3 Further studies

This entire literature review is practically a schema for future research. This research

is a pathway for further research. As it was a Dhaka based study but researching in

more than one place can help us to get more information. Above all, researchers in

this field can do in depth research on the influence of digital social media in other


5.4 Conclusion

Digital social networking sites have played a crucial role in founding a bridge among

the people, which enable them to communicate on a common platform. Social

networking sites can be a great way to stay in touch with a large group of people. The

students of tertiary level have embraced this new way of communication to connect

with their classmates and to keep in touch with their friends. Communication is

rapidly changing, as now the educators and the students communicate through social

networking sites. Therefore it is important to emphasis on how the educators can help

their students to utilize the benefits of social networking sites to improve their

productive skill. Therefore this research study suggests that if the teachers as well as

the students utilize the digital social media in proper way it will be beneficial for them

to enhance their English language.


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Appendix A

Survey Questionnaire (Students)

1. Which Social networking Site (SNS) do you use the most? (If other, please mention


1. Facebook 2. Twitter

3. Google Plus 4. Hi5

2. How much time do you daily spend on the Social media (Facebook, twitter etc.)?

• Few minutes

• One - two hours

• Three – four hours

• Five- seven hours

• I am always online via mobile

3. Do you use English language when you chat with your friends?






4. Do you use English language when you chat with your teacher?






5. When you give a status/ comment on SNS which language do you mostly use?






6. If there are any mistakes in your status/comment do your friends correct it?






7. If there are any mistakes in your status/comment does your tacher correct it?






8. When you chat or give a status are you conscious about grammatical structure,

spelling etc?






9. Do you think online chatting helps you to improve your speaking? How?






10. Do you think SNS (writing status, comments) helps you to improve your writing?







11. Does the language of SNS influence your formal writing (assignment etc)? how?






12. Do you use short form in formal writing, like you use in chatting/ status






13. Do you feel comfortable to practice English in SNS with your friends? Why?





14. Do you sometimes pronounce some informal words/phrases (example, LOL,

OMG etc.) in your class/presentation?





15. Do you find it prestigious to use English language in SNS? Why?





16. Does your teacher use SNS for communication and discussion?






17. Do you think SNS is improving your overall writing/ speaking positively and

negatively? How?





Thank You

Appendix B

Survey Questionnaire (Teachers)

1) Do you use internet/ CALL for teaching productive skills in your class? How?

2) Do your learners use short forms of words in their exam scripts or


3) Does the use of SNS influence student’s writing? How?

4) Does the use of SNS influence student’s speaking? How?

5) Is there any impact in grammar of writing and speaking by using SNS?

6) Do you think SNS has positive influence on English Language? How?

7) Do you think SNS has negative influence on English Language? How?

8) Do you correct your student’s English in online


9) Do you Use of SNS for teaching purpose?

Thank You


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