The Revised Penal Code Criminal Law Luis B. Reyes
The Revised Penal Code Criminal Law Luis B. Reyes
The Revised Penal Code Criminal Law Luis B. Reyes
CRIMINAL LAW – a branch of municipal law which defines crimes, CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED
treats of their nature and provides for their punishment.
1) Right to a speedy disposition of their cases.
CRIME – an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law 2) No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense
forbidding or commanding it. without due process of law.
3) Right to bail: mist not be impaired.
SOURCES OF PHILIPPINE CRIMINAL LAW: 4) Sec. 14: presumed innocent, etc.
5) No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.
1) The RPC (Act No. 3815) and its amendments. 6) No excessive fines and cruel, degrading or inhuman
2) Special Penal Laws passed by the Philippine Commission, punishments.
Philippine Assembly, Philippine Legislature, National 7) No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the
Assembly, the Congress of the Philippines, and the Batasang same offense.
Pambansa. 8) Free access to courts and quasi-judicial bodies and adequate
3) Penal Presidential Decrees issued during Martial Law. legal assistance shall not be denied by reason of poverty.
a particular provision in the penal code or special penal law that
defines and punishes the act, even if it be socially or morally wrong, no 1) Presumed innocent.
criminal liability is incurred by its commission. 2) To be informed.
3) To be present and defend in person and by counsel.
- Court decisions NOT sources of criminal law: merely explain 4) To testify as a witness in his own behalf.
the meaning of, and apply, the law. 5) To be exempt from being compelled to be a witness against
POWER TO DEFINE AND PUNISH CRIMES: the State has the 6) To confront and cross-examine the witness against him.
authority, under its police power, to define and punish crimes and to 7) To have compulsory process to secure the attendance of
lay down the rules of criminal procedure. witnesses.
8) To have a speedy, impartial and public trial.
- Have a large measure of discretion in creating and defining 9) To appeal in all cases.
criminal offenses.
- Right of prosecution and punishment belongs to the sovereign
power charged by the common will of the members of society. RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED
- Accused was charged with having failed to pay the salary of PEOPLE VS. MANGULABNAN
one of his master fisherman. He was convicted under CA No
303, which was repealed by RA No. 602. - During the robbery in a dwelling house, one of the culprits
- RATIO: the fact that the offender was erroneously accused fired his gun upward in the ceiling, not knowing that there
and convicted under a statute which had already been was a person up there. The owner, who was up in the
repealed does not prevent conviction under the repealing ceiling, was hit by the slug and was killed.
statute which punishes the same act, provided that the - RATIO: while the English text of ART. 294, PAR. 1 of the
accused had an opportunity to defend himself against the RPC seems to convey the meaning that the homicide should
charge brought against him. be intentionally committed, the Spanish text means that it is
sufficient that the homicide shall have resulted, even if by
mere accident.
- HELD: the crime committed was robbery with homicide.
HISTORY OF THE RPC: AO No. 94 → instructed to revise the old
- Sec. 39 of The Agricultural Tenancy Law (prohibition against Penal Code.
pre-threshing) is not reproduced in the Agricultural Land
Reform Code, because the lessee is now obligated to pay a - Old Penal Code took effect in the Philippines on July 14, 1887
fixed rental. and was in force up to December 31, 1931.
- Sec. 172 of the Agricultural Land Reform Code: repeals all - RPC, as enacted by the Phil. Legislature, was approved on
laws or part of any law inconsistent with.
December 8, 1930 and took effect on JANUARY 1, 1932.
- RATIO: the reason for the law ceasing, the law itself also
ceases applies to this case.
ECLECTIC OR MIXED PHILOSOPHY: This combines both positivist Likewise when the special laws requires that the punished act be
and classical thinking. Crimes that are economic and social and nature committed knowingly and willfully, criminal intent is required to be
should be dealt with in a positivist manner; thus, the law is more proved before criminal liability may arise.
compassionate. Heinous crimes should be dealt with in a classical
manner; thus, capital punishment When the act penalized is not inherently wrong, it is wrong only
because a law punishes the same.
construed or applied and the law admits of two interpretations – SPECIAL LAWS
one lenient to the offender and one strict to the offender – that
interpretation which is lenient or favorable to the offender will 1. As to moral trait of the offender: in crimes punished under the
be adopted. Revised Penal Code, the moral trait of the offender is
2. NULLUM CRIMEN, NULLA POENA SINE LEGE: there is no considered. This is why liability would only arise when there is
crime when there is no law punishing the same. This is true to dolo or culpa in the commission of the punishable act.
civil law countries, but not to common law countries. Because o In crimes punished under special laws, the moral trait of
of this maxim, there is no common law crime in the Philippines. the offender is not considered; it is enough that the
No matter how wrongful, evil or bad the act is, if there is no law prohibited act was voluntarily done.
defining the act, the same is not considered a crime. 2. As to use of good faith as defense: In crimes punished under
3. ACTUS NON FACIT REUM, NISI MENS SIT REA: the act the Revised Penal Code, good faith or lack of criminal intent is
cannot be criminal where the mind is not criminal. This is true a valid defense; unless the crime is the result of culpa.
to a felony characterized by dolo, but not a felony resulting o In crimes punished under special laws, good faith is not
from culpa. This maxim is not an absolute one because it is not a defense
applied to culpable felonies, or those that result from 3. As to degree of accomplishment of the crime: in crimes
negligence. punished under the Revised Penal Code, the degree of
The five paragraphs of ART. 2 treat of the application of the RPC to Its atmosphere Sovereignty and penal laws extend to all
acts committed in the air, at sea, and even in a foreign country when the airspace which covers a state’s
such acts affect the political and economic life of the nation. territory, subject to the right of way or
easement in favour of foreign aircrafts.
NO. 1: a Philippine vessel, although beyond 3 miles from the seashore
is considered part of the national territory (any person can be tried Interior waters Creeks, rivers, lakes and bays, gulfs,
before our civil courts for violation of the Penal Code). straits, coves, inlets and roadsteads lying
wholly within the 3-mile limit.
- BUT when the Philippine vessel is in the territory of a foreign
country, the crime committed on said vessel or aircraft is
subject to the laws of that foreign country. Maritime zone Length: 3 miles from the coastline, starting
from the low water mark.
- Philippine vessel or aircraft = one that is registered in the
Philippine Bureau of Customs.
o A vessel or aircraft which is unregistered or unlicensed
does not come within the purview of this provision.
o If a crime is committed 10 miles from the shores of the Crimes committed on board a Philippine courts have NO
Philippines on board a vessel belonging to a Filipino, foreign merchant ship or airship jurisdiction.
but the same is not registered or licensed in (on high seas on board a foreign
accordance with the laws of the Philippines → ART. 2 merchant vessel)
NOT applicable.
o US VS. FOWLER: The Philippine court has NO
Continuing offense on board a WITHIN the jurisdiction of
jurisdiction over the theft committed on high seas on foreign vessel (US VS. BULL: Philippine courts: the forbidden
RULES AS TO CRIMES COMMITTED ABOARD FOREIGN US V. BULL: A crime which occurred on board of a foreign vessel,
MERCHANT VESSELS: which began when the ship was in a foreign territory and continued
when it entered into Philippine waters, is considered a continuing
1. FRENCH RULE – Such crimes are not triable in the courts of crime. Hence within the jurisdiction of the local courts.
that country, unless their commission affects the peace and
security of the territory or the safety of the state is endangered. GENERAL RULE: the Revised Penal Code governs only when the
2. ENGLISH RULE – Such crimes are triable in that country, crime committed pertains to the exercise of the public official’s
unless they merely affect things within the vessel or they refer functions, those having to do with the discharge of their duties in a
to the internal management thereof (this is applicable in the foreign country. The functions contemplated are those, which are,
Philippines). under the law, to be performed by the public officer in the Foreign
Service of the Philippine government in a foreign country.
Two situations where the foreign country may not apply its criminal law
even if a crime was committed on board a vessel within its territorial EXCEPTION: The Revised Penal Code governs if the crime was
waters and these are: committed within the Philippine Embassy or within the embassy
grounds in a foreign country. This is because embassy grounds are
1. When the crime is committed in a war vessel of a foreign considered an extension of sovereignty.
country, because war vessels are part of the sovereignty of the
country to whose naval force they belong; PARAGRAPH 5 OF ARTICLE 2, use the phrase “as defined in Title
2. When the foreign country in whose territorial waters the crime One of Book Two of this Code.”
was committed adopts the French Rule, which applies only to
merchant vessels, except when the crime committed affects the - This is a very important part of the exception, because Title I of
national security or public order of such foreign country. Book 2 (crimes against national security) does not include
Crimes NOT involving a breach Felonious homicide, and if the ACTS – an overt or external act.
of public order committed on proper authorities are proceeding
board a foreign merchant vessel with the case in the regular way, - Any bodily movement tending to produce some effect in the
in transit. the consul has no right to external world, it being unnecessary that the same be actually
interfere to prevent it. produced, as the possibility of its production is sufficient.
EXAMPLE: mere possession of - Must be one which is defined by the RPC as constituting a
opium as it is not a breach of When tins of opium are landed felony or an external act which has direct connection with the
public order. and used from the vessel on
Philippine soil. felony intended to be committed.
Over offenses committed on
board foreign warships in When the foreign merchant
territorial waters (REASON: vessel is not in transit because A took the watch of B with intent to gain and without the consent of
warships are always reputed to the Philippines is its terminal the latter.
be the territory of the country to port, the person in possession of
which they belong and cannot be opium on board that vessel is - The act of taking the watch of B, with the intent to gain,
subjected to the laws of another; liable, because he may be held constitutes the crimes of theft.
Example: US Army transport). guilty of illegal importation of
Smoking opium within out OMISSION– failure to perform a duty required by law.
territorial limits, even though
aboard a foreign merchant ship, - Example of an omission: failure to render assistance to anyone
is certainly a breach of public
who is in danger of dying or is in an uninhabited place or is
order as it causes such drug to
produce its pernicious effects wounded - abandonment.
within our territory.
report to the authorities the commission of a crime which he witness is
NOT a felony.
RA 9371 / Human Security Act of 2007
- Spouses de la Cruz were gather together with the appellants CRIME - acts and omissions punishable by any (special) law.
herein after supper, and Atienza told the couple that he was
going to set fire upon the spouses’ house, as it was the only
MISTAKE OF FACT – is a misapprehension of fact on the part of the
way he couple be revenged upon the people of Masocol, who
he said had instigated the charge of adultery against him and person who caused injury to another. He is not criminally liable.
his co-defendant. No one dared to say anything against Requisites:
Atienza as he was armed with a pistol, not eve Silvestre
despite being a meter away from him. The spouses left the 1. That the act done would have been lawful had the facts been
house to report the incident but when they turned back, they as the accused believed them to be;
already saw their home in flames. The fire destroyed about 48 2. Intention of the accused is lawful;
3. Mistake must be without fault of carelessness.
- Silvestre listened to Atienza without raising a protest, and did
not give the alarm when the latter set fire to the home.
- HELD: mere passive presence at the scene of another’s
crime, mere silence and failure to give the alarm, without UNITED STATES V. AH CHONG.:
evidence of agreement or conspiracy, is NOT punishable.
- Silvestre was acquitted. - Ah Chong being afraid of bad elements, locked himself in his
room by placing a chair against the door. After having gone to
bed, he was awakened by somebody who was trying to open
the door. He asked the identity of the person, but he did not
receive a response. Fearing that this intruder was a robber, he
FELONIES – acts and omissions punishable by the Revised Penal
leaped out of bed and said that he will kill the intruder should
Code. he attempt to enter. At that moment, the chair struck him.
Believing that he was attacked, he seized a knife and fatally
- Elements: wounded the intruder.
1) That there must be an act or omission.
2) That the act or omission must be punishable by the
o There is no crime where there is no law Mistake of fact would be relevant only when the felony would have
punishing it. been intentional or through dolo, but not when the felony is a result of
o Not punished by a special law (crime). culpa. When the felony is a product of culpa, do not discuss mistake of
3) That the act is performed or the omission incurred by fact.
means of dolo or culpa.
- Classification of felonies according to the means by which they IMPRUDENCE, NEGLIGENCE, LACK OF FORESIGHT OR LACK
are committed: OF SKILL
The act or omission of the The act or omission of the If a person fails to take the If a person fails to pay proper
offender is malicious. The offender is not malicious. The necessary precaution to avoid attention and to use due
offender has the intention to injury caused by the offender to injury to person or damage to diligence in foreseeing the injury
cause an injury to another. another person is unintentional, it property. or damage impending to be
being simply an incident of caused.
another act performed without
Involves lack of skill. Involves lack of foresight.
A PERSON WHO CAUSED AN INJURY, WITHOUT INTENTION TO - He is responsible for such results as anyone might foresee and
CAUSE AN EVIL, MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR CULPABLE for his acts which no one would have performed except through
FELONY: culpable abandon.
- Defendant, who was not a regular medical practitioner, tied a INTENTIONAL FELONIES CULPABLE FELONIES
girl, wrapped her feet with rags saturated with petroleum and
set them on fire, causing injuries.
- While there was no intention to cause an evil but to provide a
BOTH ARE VOLUNTARY: Committed when the wrongful act
remedy, accused was liable for injuries thru imprudence. Committed when the act is results from imprudence,
A hunter thought he saw with his lantern something like the eyes of a NOTE: intent presupposes the exercise of freedom and the use of
deer about 50 meters from him and then shot it. Much to his surprise, intelligence.
it proved to be his companion,
- No freedom, no intent.
- The hunter performed a voluntary act in discharging his gun, - Without intelligence, no intent.
although the resulting homicide is without malice, because he
- But a person who acts with freedom and with intelligence may
did not have the intent to kill the deceased.
- The hunter, knowing that he had two companions, should not have the intent to do an injury to another.
have exercised all the necessary diligence to avoid every - So a person who caused an injury by mere accident has
undesirable accident, such as the one that unfortunately freedom and intelligence, but since he had no fault or intention
occurred on the person of one of his companions. of causing it = NOT criminally liable.
- Hunter was guilty of the crime of homicide through reckless - Intent is a mental state, the existence of which is shown by the
overt acts of a person (example: intent to gain).
o Intent to kill is difficult to prove but it can be deduced
from the external acts performed by a person.
NOTE: a criminal act is presumed to be voluntary.
- In the absence of indubitable explanation, the act must be AN UNLAWFUL ACT
declared voluntary and punishable.
- Accused took a watch without the owner’s consent and was
prosecuted for theft. Accused alleged as a defense that the
PEOPLE VS. LOPEZ prosecution failed to prove the intent to gain on his part.
- A felonious act freely and deliberately executed, the moral and
- Lopez was driving a truck and a girl was crossing the street legal presumption of a criminal and injurious intent arises
during a torrential rain. The girl was struck down by the truck. conclusively and indisputably.
Lopez claimed that he had no intention of causing injury to the
- Lopez was accused of death by reckless imprudence: lack of
malice or criminal design
Criminal intent and the will to commit a crime are always presumed to
exist, unless the contrary shall appear.
compulsion or prevention by force or intimidation.
- Reasons why the act or omission in felonies must be voluntary:
1) RPC is based on the Classical Theory (basis of criminal
liability is human free will).
2) Acts or omissions by law are always deemed voluntary - The accused, a justice of the peace, was prosecuted for
since man is a rational being. malversation.
3) In felonies by dolo, act is performed with deliberate - The act of a person does not make him a criminal, unless his
intent (necessarily voluntary); and in felonies by culpa, mind be criminal.
the imprudence consists in voluntarily, without malice. - The act of the accused in permitting the sums deposited with
him was not unlawful.
- Where the facts proven are accompanies by other facts which
REQUISITES OF DOLO OR MALICE (performed or incurred with
show that the act complained of was not unlawful, the
deliberate intent): presumption of criminal intent does not arise.
- A person who suddenly got up in his sleep and left with a bolo
in his hand and who injured other was NOT criminally liable.
- His acts were not voluntary for having acted in a dream.
- NO criminal intent. AH CHONG case OANIS case
REQUISITES OF MISTAKE OF FACT AS A DEFENSE: - EXAMPLE: defendant was not liable for the crime of perjury
because he had no intention to commit the crime.
1) That the act done would have been lawful had the facts been
as the accused believed them to be. LACK OF INTENT TO KILL THE DECEASED, BECAUSE HIS
o The act done would not constitute of a felony had the INTENTION WAS TO KILL ANOTHER, DOES NOT RELIEVE THE
facts been as the accused believed them to be. ACCUSED FROM CRIMINAL RESPOBILITY: the act was malicious
o UN VS. PENALOSA: the accused believed that she and wilful.
was already of age when she contracted marriage.
o PEOPLE VS. BERONILLA: the accused believed that - In error in personae or mistake in the identity of the victim, the
the orders of his superior officer were legal. principle of mistake of fact does not apply.
o The act done by the accused would have constituted:
a. A justifying circumstance.
b. An absolutory cause. A wanted to kill B. thinking that the person walking in the dark alley
c. An involuntary act. was B, A shot the person. It turned out to be C, the bother of A. A had
no intention to kill C.
- Since the act and intention of A in firing his pistol are unlawful,
A cannot properly invoke the principle of mistake of fact in his
- Accused thought that the one who was trying to open his door
was a robber and believing that he was being attacked, he
wounded the intruder who turned out to be his roommate.
- Acquitted; mistake of fact.
- Had the facts been as Ah Chong believed them to be, he NO CRIME OF RESISTANCE WHEN THERE IS A MISTAKE OF
would have been justified in killing the intruder. FACT: one who resists an arrest, believing that the peace officer is a
o If the intruder was really a robber, there would have bandit, but who submits to the arrest immediately upon being informed
been unlawful aggression on the part of the intruder. by the peace officer that he is a policeman → NOT guilty of the crime
o Accused gave no provocation at all.
of resistance to an agent of the authorities.
o There would have been a necessity of the accused to
defend himself or his home.
- Accused (chief of police and corporal), under the instructions - The accused, a policeman, was informed that 3 convicts had
to arrest an escaped convict) fired at a man sleeping with his escaped. In the dark, he saw a person going up the stairs of a
back, without first making any reasonable inquiry as to his house, calling for someone inside. The daughter of the owner
identity. The victim turned out to be an innocent man. of the house was there during that time. The unknown person
- Both of the accused are guilty of murder. ascended the stairs and the accused fired at the man, thinking
- In apprehending even the most notorious criminal, the law he was one of the escaped convict. The victim turned out to
does not permit the captor to kill him. be the nephew of the owner of the house.
- Their orders were to arrest, and to get him dead or alive on if - Accused is guilty of homicide through reckless negligence.
1) The act itself does not make a man guilty unless his intention A PERSON CAUSING DAMAGE OR INJURY TO ANOTHER,
2) An act done by me against my will is not my act. UNDER THE RPC: no malice or negligence = he is exempt from
criminal liability.
GENERAL INTENT SPECIFIC INTENT - He caused an injury by mere accidence, without fault or
intention of causing it.
The third element of In some particular felonies, proof
voluntariness is of general intent. of particular specific intent is
required* US VS. CATANGAY
- If there is only error on the part of the person doing the act, he 1) Intentional felonies.
does not act with malice → he is NOT criminally liable for 2) Culpable felonies.
intentional felony. 3) Those defined and penalized by special laws (including crimes
punished by municipal and city ordinances).
IMPRUDENCE IN FELONIES COMMITTED BY MEANS OF CULPA: o As rule, intent to commit the crime is not necessary. It is
negligence and indifference = criminal intent. sufficient that the offender has the intent to perpetrate
the act prohibited by the special law.
- The mind of the accused in culpa is not criminal.
- In order that the act or omission in felonies committed by
means of fault of culpa may be considered voluntary, the INTENT TO COMMIT INTENT TO PERPETRATE
following requisites must occur:
1) He must have FREEDOM while doing an act or omitting
There must be criminal intent. It is enough that the prohibited act
to do an act. is done freely and consciously.
2) He must have INTELLIGENCE while doing the act or
omitting to do the act.
FORESIGHT or SKILL while doing the act or omitting to
do an act. PEOPLE VS. BAYONA
IN CULPABLE FELONIES, THE INJURY CAUSED TO ANOTHER - Defendant was driving and he had a revolver with him. He
SHOULD BE UNINTENTIONAL, IT BEING SIMPLY THE INCEDENT was called by his friend and he alighted from his car in front
of a polling place, bringing with him his revolver. A
OF ANOTHER ACT PERFORMED WITHOUT MALICE representative of the Department of Interior took possession
of the revolver defendant was carrying.
- The law which defendant violated is a statutory provision and
PEOPLE VS. GUILLEN he intent with which he violated is immaterial.
- The defendant committed the act complained of, and he
- Accused testified in his own behalf that his it was not his main committed it wilfully.
intention to kill the persons surrounding the President, but he - The Election Law does not require for its violation that the
felt no compunction in killing them also in order to attain his offender has the intention to intimidate the voters or to
main purpose of killing the President.
CRIMINAL LAW 1 | REYES | AUF – SOL 2014 Page 11 | Bantay
interfere otherwise with the election. GOOD FAITH AND ABSENCE OF CRIMINAL INTENT NOT VALID
- He had the intent to perpetrate the act. DEFENSES IN CRIMES PUNSHED BY SPECIAL LAWS: the
proprietary concept of the possession can have no bearing whatsoever
on guilt.
- Co Kong, while in charge of appellant’s store and acting as his
agent and employee, sold, in the ordinary course of business,
coffee which had been adulterated by a mixture of peanuts MALA IN SE MALA PROHIBITA
and other extraneous substances.
- Legislature, on the grounds of public policy and compelled by
necessity, to forbid in a limited class of cases the doing of Wrongful from their nature, such Wrong merely because
certain acts, and to make their commission criminal without as theft, rape, homicide, etc. prohibited by statute, such as
regard to the intent of the doer. illegal possession of firearms.
- Health and safety of the people.
- Emergency that is thrown upon the seller the entire
responsibility of the purity and soundness of what he sells and Those so serious in their effects Violations of mere rules of
compels him to know and to be certain. on society as to call for almost convenience designed to secure
unanimous condemnation of its a more orderly regulation of the
members. affairs of society.
If A discharges a loaded gun and kills B, the interest which society When the acts are inherently Refers generally to acts made
has in the act depends upon the intention with which A consummated immoral defined and penalized in criminal by special laws.
the act. the RPC, even by special laws.
NOT an essential element of a - MOTIVE: accused had been losing in their business
crime and hence, need not be operations.
proved for purposes of - INTENT: to commit arson for the purpose of collecting the
insurance on their stock of merchandise.
APPLICATION OF ART. 4: this article has no reference to the manner RATIONALE OF RULE IN PAR. 1: he who is the cause of the cause is
criminal liability is incurred (ART. 3). the cause of the evil caused.
FORESEEN OR INTENDED OR NOT: there are cases where the 1) “COMMITTING A FELONY:” if the act is not punishable by the
consequences of the felonious act of the offender are not intended by Code, it is not a felony.
him. o The felony committed by the offender should be one
committed by means of dolo (with malice).
- In those cases, “the wrongful act done” is “different from that o If the wrongful act results from the imprudence,
which he intended.” negligence, lack of foresight or lack of skill of the
offender, his liability should be determined under ART.
PARAGRAPH 1 presupposes that the act done is the proximate cause 365 (defines and penalizes criminal negligence).
of the resulting felony. It must be the direct, natural, and logical o The act or omission should not be punishable by a
consequence of the felonious act. special law, because the offender violating a special
law may not have the intent to do an injury to another.
- RATIONALE: “he who is the cause of the cause is the cause of
the evil caused.”
- A person committing a felony s criminally liable although the PEOPLE VS. DIVINO
consequences of his felonious act are not intended by him.
o One is not relieved from criminal liability for the natural - Defendant, who was not a regular medical practitioner, tied a
girl, wrapped her feet with rags saturated with petroleum and
consequences of one’s illegal acts merely because one
set them on fire, causing injuries.
does not intend to produce such consequences. - While there was no intention to cause an evil but to provide a
- EXAMPLES: remedy, accused was liable for injuries thru imprudence.
- Defendant did not commit an intentional felony, only an illegal
practice of medicine punishable by a special law.
PEOPLE VS. MARIANO: o Violation of a statute is proof of negligence or
- The death of a 6 year-old victim brought about by rape
committed by the accused when she hit her head on the
pavement → he is responsible for all the consequences of
said act. o When a person has not committed a felony, he is not
criminally liable for the result which is not intended.
A snatched the bolo carried by B at his belt out
of curiosity, injuring B. A is not criminally liable
for the physical injuries caused because there is
no provision in the RPC which punishes that act
- One is not relieved from criminal liability for the natural of snatching the property of another due to
consequences of one’s illegal acts, merely because one does curiosity.
not intent to produce such consequences. A tried to retain the possession of his bolo
which was being taken by B and in the struggle,
the bolo hit a bystander = NOT criminally liable
because the law allows a person to use the
necessary force to retain what belongs to him.
A fired his gun at B, but missed and hit C instead = liable or the injury
caused to C, although A had no intention to injure C.
- The conduct of the wife of the accused aroused his ire and
incensed with wrath and his anger beyond control, he picked
up a piece of wood and started hitting his wife with it until she
fell to the ground, complaining of severe chest pains. A policeman, who was pursuing to arrest an armed prisoner who had
Realizing what he had done, he picked her up and brought her just escaped from jail, fired his service pistol at the latter when he
home. Despite his efforts to alleviate her pain, the wife died. refused to be captured. The slug fired from the pistol of the
- SC: the fact that the appellant intended to maltreat his wife policeman, after hitting the prisoner on his right leg, hit and seriously
only or inflict physical injuries does not exempt him from injured a passer-by.
liability for the resulting and more serious crime of parricide.
- The policeman is not criminally liable for the injury caused to
- The accused took hold of a fireband and applied it to the neck QUINTO VS. ANDRES
of the person who was pestering him. The victim also received
PEOPLE VS. PALALON It would seem that the fault or carelessness of the injured party, which
would break the elation of the felony committed and the resulting
- The accused struck a boy on the mouth with the back of his injury, must have its origin from his malicious act or omission (US VS.
hand. Later, the boy died. NAVARRO), as when the injured party had a desire to increase the
- Death might have been caused by fever prevalent in the criminal liability of his assailant.
locality, not by the blow on the mouth.
- The accused who gave the blow was NOT liable for the death
- The accused struck a child, who was seriously ill with fever for - Where the charge contained in the original information was for
three weeks, upon the thighs with a slipper, pushed and slight physical injuries because at that time the fiscal believed
dragged him, throwing him heavily on the mat spread on the that the wound suffered by the offended party would require
floor. The child died two days later. medical attendance for a period of only 8 days, but when the
- As the true cause of the child’s death was not proved, the preliminary investigation was conducted, the justice of the
accused was convicted of physical injuries only. peace found that the wound would heal after a period of 30
An employee who, having known the safe combination, opens the
safe in the office for the purpose of stealing money, but who finds the
1. When one tries to kill another by putting in his soup a
safe empty, is guilty of impossible crime.
substance which he believes to be arsenic when it fact it is
common salt.
- The act performed would have been theft were it not for the
2. When one tries to murder a corpse.
inherent impossibility of its accomplishment.
- If there is no personal property that could be taken, it is
inherently impossible to commit theft.
A tried to kill B by putting in his soup a substance which he though NOTE: if the act performed would be an offense other than a felony
was arsenic when in fact it was sugar. B could not have been killed, against persons or against property, there is no impossible crime.
because the means employed was ineffectual.
- BUT A showed criminal tendency and hence, he should be
to suppress criminal propensity or criminal tendencies.
punished for it in accordance with ART. 2, PAR. 2, in relation
to ART. 59.
- Objectively, the offender has not committed a felony, but
subjectively, he is a criminal.
ART. 5
A, with intent to kill B, aimed his revolver at the back of the latter, A,
not knowing that it was empty. When he pressed the trigger, it did not PAR. 1: contemplates a trial of a criminal case → requisites.
1) The act committed by the accused appears not punishable by
- The means used by A is ineffectual.
any law.
2) But the court deems it proper to repress such act.
3) In that case, the court must render the proper decision by
4) That the act performed should not constitute a violation dismissing the case and acquitting the accused.
of another provision of the RPC. 4) The judge must then make a report to the Chief Executive,
through the Secretary of Justice, stating the reasons which
induce him to believe that the said act should be made the
A, who knew that B owned and always carried a watch, decided to rob subject of penal legislation.
B of said watch. When A met B for that purpose, B did not have the
watch because he forgot to carry it with him. Thinking that B had the BASIS OF PAR. 1: “nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege” → there is
watch with him, A pointed his gun at him and asked for the watch. no crime if there is no law that punishes the act.
Finding that B did not have the watch, A allowed B to go without
further molestation. PAR. 2: requisites:
- WON this is an impossible crime. NO, ATTEMPTED
ROBBERY. 1) The court after trial finds the accused guilty.
- There was intent to gain on the part of A when he decided to 2) The penalty provided by law and which the court imposes for
take the watch of B at the point of gun. The crime of robbery the crime committed appears to be clearly excessive because:
with intimidation of person is not produced, not because of the a. The accused acted with lesser degree of malice,
inherent impossible of its accomplishment, but because of a and/or;
cause or accident (that B forgot to carry the watch with him) b. There is no injury or the injury caused is of lesser
other than A’s own spontaneous desistance.
- ANOTHER REASON: A’s pointing his gun at B already
constituted at least the crime of grave threats. 3) The court should not suspend the execution of the sentence.
4) The judge should submit a statement to the Chief Executive,
through the Secretary of Justice, recommending executive
o The offender intends to commit a felony against PEOPLE VS. MONLEON
persons or a felony against property, and the act
- The accused maltreated his wife in his inebriated stage,
performed would have been an offense against persons
because she prevented him from whipping their negligent son,
or property. and the maltreatment inflicted by the accused was the
o BUT a felony against persons or property should not be proximate cause of her death.
actually committed, for, otherwise, he would be liable or - SC: considering that the accused had no intent to kill his wife
that felony; there would be no impossible crime to and that her death might have been hastened by lack of
speak of. appropriate medical attendance or her weak constitution.
- Penalty of reclusion perpetua appears to be excessive.
When the offender When the offender When all the ATTEMPTED FRUSTRATED CONSUMMATED
commences the performs all the acts elements necessary
commission of a of execution which for its execution and
felony directly by would produce the accomplishment are Overt acts of All acts of execution All the acts of
overt acts, and does felony as a present. execution are are present. execution are
not perform all the consequence but started. present.
acts of execution which, nevertheless, Crime sought to be
which should do not produce it by Not all acts of committed is not The result sought is
produce the felony reason of causes execution are achieved. achieved.
by reason of some independent of the present.
cause or accident will of the Due to intervening
other than his own perpetrator. Due to reasons other causes independent
spontaneous than the of the will of the
desistance. spontaneous perpetrator.
desistance of the
A intended to commit treason and joined a body of armed me in the 1) The offender commences the commission of the felony directly
belief that they were Makapilis, when in fact they were Guerilleros. by overt acts.
2) He does not perform all the acts of execution which should
- A was not liable for treason, despite his intent.
produce the felony.
3) The offender’s act is not stopped by his own spontaneous
2. EXTERNAL ACTS. 4) The non-performance of all acts of execution was due to cause
a) PREPARATORY ACTS – acts tending toward the or accident other than his spontaneous desistance.
o Ordinarily, preparatory acts are not punishable. IMPORTANT WORDS AND PHRASES IN ART. 6:
Hence, proposal and conspiracy to commit a
felony, which are only preparatory acts, are not 1) “COMMENCES THE COMMISSION OF A FELONY
punishable, except when the law provides for DIRECTLY BY OVERT ACTS.”
their punishment in certain felonies. o When is the commission of a felony deemed
o But preparatory acts which are considered in commenced directly by overt acts? When the following
themselves, by law, as independent crimes are two requisites are present:
punishable. i. That there be external acts.
Possession of picklocks under ART. 304 ii. Such external acts have direct connection with
is a preparatory act to the commission the crime intended to be committed.
of robbery. o They should not be mere preparatory acts, for
preparatory acts do not have direct connection with the
crime which the offender intends to commit.
o OVERT ACTS: some physical activity or deed,
For merely doing the following acts, a person is not liable for indicating the intention to commit a particular crime,
attempted homicide or attempted arson, because they do not more than a mere planning or preparation, which if
constitute even the first stage of the acts of execution of those crimes: carried to is complete termination following its natural
course, without being frustrated by external obstacles
1) Buying poison or carrying a weapon with which to kill the not by the voluntary desistance of the perpetrator, will
intended victim.
logically and necessarily ripen into a concrete offense.
2) Carrying inflammable materials to the place where the house
is to be burned.
- A cannot be held liable for attempted homicide, because, o It is NOT necessary that the desistance be actuated by
although there was an attempt on the part of A, such an a good motive (fear or remorse.
attempt was not done directly with physical activity. The The Code requires only that the discontinuance
inducement made by A to B is in the nature of a proposal, not of the crime comes from the person who has
ordinarily punished by law.
- But if B, pursuant to his agreement with A, commenced the begun it, and that he stops of his own free will.
commission of the crime by shooting C, with intent to kill, but o The desistance should be made before all the acts
missed and did not injure C, both A and B are guilty of executed are performed:
attempted felony, because of conspiracy.
o When there is conspiracy, the rule is – the act of one is
the act of all. A stole a chicken under the house of B one evening. Realizing that
what he did was wrong, A retuned the chicken to the place under the
house of B.
3) “DOES NOT PERFORM ALL ACTS OF EXECUTION.” - Since the crime of theft was already consummated, the return
o If anything yet remained for him to do, he would be of the stolen property does not relieve A of criminal
responsibility. A had already performed all the acts of
guilty of an attempted crime.
execution which produced the crime of theft before he
returned the chicken.
A, with intent to kill, fired his pistol at B, but did not hit the latter. B FRUSTRATED FELONY:
cried and asked A not to shoot him. A desisted from firing his pistol
again at B. - ELEMENTS:
1) The offender performs all the acts of execution;
- WON A is criminally liable. YES, not for attempted homicide
o Nothing more is left to be done by the offender
because he desisted before he could perform all the acts of
execution, but for gave threats which was already committed because he has performed the last act
by him when he desisted. necessary to produce the crime.
o In ATTEMPTED felony, the offender does not
perform all the acts of execution as he does not
perform the last act necessary to produce the
crime. He merely commences the commission
PEOPLE VS. LIZADA of a felony directly by overt acts.
A, with intent to kill, mixes poison in the soup intended for B, and B
begins to take into his mouth a spoonful of it. Until this point, A can
still prevent the poisoning of B by voluntary desisting and telling B to
throw away the substance from his mouth as it contains poison. PEOPLE VS. DAGMAN
- But from the moment B swallows it, A has no more control - FRUSTRATED: deadly weapons were used, blows were
over his acts. The poison is now in B’s stomach and it will directed at the vital parts of the body, the aggressors stated
require the intervention of a physician to prevent the poisoning their purpose to kill and thought they had killed. the subjective
of B. phase of the crime was entirely passed, and subjectively
- If because of the intervention of the physician, B did not die, A speaking, the crime was complete. The felony is not produced
will be liable for FRUSTRATED MURDER. by reason of causes independent of the will of the
o The acts performed by A, following their natural perpetrators; in this instance, the playing possum by the
course, passed from the subjective phase to the victim, that is, he escaped death from the aggressors by the
- FRUSTRATED: the defendant believed that he had performed US VS. BIEN: accused, with intent to kill, threw a Chinaman into the
all the acts necessary to consummate the crime of murder,
deep water, and as the Chinaman did not know how to swim, he
and, therefore, of his own will, desisted from striking further
made efforts to keep himself afloat and seized the gunwale of the
blows. He believed that he had killed Keng Kin. Death did not
boat, but the accused tried to loosen the hold of the victim with the
result for reasons entirely apart from the will of the defendant.
oar. The accused was prevented from striking the latter by other
If after the first blow, someone had rushed to the assistance of
Keng Kin and by his efforts had prevented the accused from
proceeding further in the commission of the crime, the
defendant not believing that he had performed all the acts
necessary to cause death, he would have been guilty of
attempted murder.
PEOPLE VS. KALALO: accused fired four successive shots at the
offended party while the latter was fleeing to escape from his
assailants and save his own life. He did not hit the offended party,
either because of his poor aim or because his intended victim
succeeded in dodging the shots.
- PEOPLE VS. ABAN: even if no wound was inflicted, the
- FRUSTRATED: the aggressor stated his purpose to kill,
assailant may be convicted of attempted homicide, provided
thought he had killed, and threw the body in the bushes. when
that he had intent to kill the offended party.
he gave himself up, he declared that he had killed the
complainant, though death did not result.
o In the followings cases, the stage of execution A approached B stealthily from behind and made a movement with his
was held to be FRUSTRATED, because the right hand to strike B on the back with a deadly knife, but the blow,
wound inflicted was mortal: instead of reaching the spot intended, landed on the frame of the back
of the chair on which B was sitting at the time and did not cause the
slightest physical injury on B.
PEOPLE VS. HONRADA: accused stabbed the offended party in the
abdomen, penetrating the liver and in the chest. - ATTEMPTED murder only, because without inflicting a deadly
wound upon a vital spot of which B should have died, the
crime of murder would not be produced as a consequence.
- Dissenting, J. VILLAREAL: FRUSTRATED as the death was
PEOPLE VS. MERCADO: accused wounded the victim in the left
prevented by causes independent of the will of the perpetrator
abdomen with a sharp-edged weapon, cause a wound in the
(the chair standing between the deadly knife and the back of
peritoneal cavity, serious enough to have produced death.
A doctor conceived the idea of killing his wife, and to carry out his
plan, he mixed arsenic with the soup of his victim. Immediately after CONSUMMATED FELONY: a felony is consummated when all the
the victim took the poisonous food, the offender suddenly felt such a elements necessary for its execution and accomplishment are present.
twinge of conscience that he himself washed out the stomach of the
victim ad administered adequate antidote. - Every crime has its own elements which must all be present to
constitute a culpable violation of a precept of law.
- NOT FRUSTRATED PARRICIDE: for even though the - When felony has two or more elements and one of them is not
subjective phase f the crime had already been passed, the proved by the prosecution during the trial, either:
most important requisite of a frustrated crime (4th) was lacking. 1) The felony is not shown to have been consummated.
- NOT ATTEMPTED PARRICIDE: the doctor already performed 2) The felony is not shown to have been committed.
all the acts of execution. 3) Another felony is shown to have been committed.
- The intent to kill which the doctor entertained I the beginning
disappeared when he prevented the poison from producing
the death of his wife.
In theft, the mere removal of the The estafa was only frustrated
personal property belonging to even if the sales money was
another with intent to gain is already in defendant’s pocket PEOPLE VS. DE LA CRUZ
sufficient. The act of removing because the offended party must
the personal property constitutes be actually prejudiced or - The accused was found inside a parked jeep of Captain
the element of taking in theft. damaged. This element is lacking Parker by American MP. The jeep’s padlock had been forced
here. open and lying between the front seats and the gearshift was
The taking is COMPLETE. an iron bar. Captain Parker was then inside the theatre.
- ATTEMPTED THEFT: the accused already commenced to
carry out his felonious intention, and that if he did not perform
all the acts of execution which should have produced the
o CONSUMMATED THEFT: Espiritu and Dino cases crime of theft, it was because of the timely arrival of the MP.
- The overt acts of the accused consisted in forcing upon the
padlock and locking the gearshift to a ring attached to the
PEOPLE VS. ESPIRITU PEOPLE VS. DINO dashboard which was placed there to avoid the jeep from
being stolen.
PEOPLE VS. DEL ROSARIO FORMAL Consummated in one instant (single act), no
- The culprits, after breaking the floor of the bodega through
which they entered the same, removed a sack of sugar from RULE: there can be no attempt at a formal crime,
the pile; but were caught in the act of taking it out through the because between the thought and the deed, there
opening on the floor. is no chain of acts that can be severed in any link.
- FRUSTRATED: ARTS 299 and 302 → since the offender
must enter the building to commit the crime, he must be able PEOPLE VS. MARCOS: in the sale of marijuana
to carry out of the building the thing taken to consummate the and other prohibited drugs, the mere act of selling
crime. or even acting as broker consummates the crime.
- In robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons
(ART. 294), the crime is consummated the moment the
offender gets hold of the thing taken and / or is in a position to CRIMES FLIGHT TO ENEMY’S COUNTRY: mere attempt
dispose of it freely. CONSUMMATED to flee.
PROPOSAL OR the minor to satisfy the lust of another.
o Element of intent to kill, when present in inflicting TREASON: there is no attempted treason
physical injuries would be either ATTEMPTED or because the overt act itself consummates the
FUSTRATED, as the case may be. crime.
US VS. JOVEN: defendant, with a pocket knife, inflicted several FELONY BY There can be no attempted stage here because in
wounds on the victim the words “until I can kill you” were uttered by OMMISSION this kind of felony, the offender does not execute
the assailant. acts. He omits to perform an act which the law
requires him to do.
- ATTEMPTED HOMICIDE, not physical injuries, because the
intention to kill is evident. But killing a child by starving him, although
apparently by omission, is in fact by commission.
his two victims as they were about to close their a. Conspiracy to commit a felony.
store in the evening. One of them died. The b. Proposal to commit a felony.
assault upon the surviving victim constituted 2) “ONLY IN THE CASES IN WHICH THE LAW SPECIALLY
frustrated murder. PROVIDES A PENALTY THEREFOR.”
o Mere conspiracy or proposal is not a felony.
(f) ATTEMPTED HOMICIDE: the accused
intended to kill his victim but he was not able to o EXAMPLES: treason, rebellion, and sedition
perform all the acts of execution. The wounds
inflicted did not affect vital organs.
ART. 7
- The law does not require that the proposal be accepted by the
PEOPLE VS. COMADRE person to whom the proposal is made.
o If it is accepted, it may be conspiracy to commit treason
- The elements of conspiracy must be proven beyond or rebellion, because there would be an agreement and
reasonable doubt. a decision to commit it.
- Mere presence of a person at the scene of the crime does not
- Proposal as an overt act of corruption of public officer.
make him a conspirator, for conspiracy transcends
companionship. o ATTEMPTED BRIBERY if not accepted.
o Their close relationship with Antonio is insufficient to - The crimes in which conspiracy and proposal are punishable
establish conspiracy considering that they performed are against the security of the State or economic security.
no positive act in furtherance of the crime. o Treason: external security of the State.
- Neither was the act of running away with Antonio an act of o Coup, rebellion and sedition: against internal security.
giving moral assistance to his criminal act → devoid of any o Monopolies and combinations of restraint of trade:
factual basis.
against economic security.
o REASON: if the culprit succeeds in his criminal
enterprise, he would obtain the power and therefore
REQUISITES OF PROPOSAL: impunity for the crime committed.
1) The person who proposes is not determined to commit the 1) “TO WHICH THE LAW ATTACHES THE CAPITAL
felony. PUNISHMENT (death penalty).”
AFFLICTIVE” → the higher or highest of the penalties must be
A desires that the present government be overthrown. But A is afraid an afflictive penalty (reclusion perpetua, reclusion temporal,
to do it himself with others. A then suggests the overthrowing of the perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification, perpetual or
government to some desperate people who will do it at the slightest temporary special disqualification, prison mayor).
CORRECTIONAL” → the higher or the highest of the penalties
- A is not liable for proposal to commit rebellion, because A has
not decided to commit it. must be correctional penalty (prision correccional, arresto
mayor, suspension, destierro).
2) There is no decided, concrete, and formal proposal (only a
suggestion). ART. 10
3) It is not the execution of a felony that is proposed.
1) Offenses under special laws are not subject to the provisions of - It would be a legal impossibility to determine what penalty is to
be imposed upon a mere accomplice. The combined
the Code.
provisions of both the RPC and the NIRC do not provide any
o The RPC is not intended to supersede special penal such penalty or at least lay down the bass or the manner of its
laws. determination. Nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege.
o Special legal provisions prevail over general ones. - Hence, even if appellant is conceded to have performed acts
2) The Code is supplementary to such laws. which would make him an accomplice, it would nevertheless
be impossible to impose any penalty upon him because of the
IMPORTANT WORDS AND PHRASES: demonstrated inapplicability of the principles of the RPC on
accomplices to the case at bar.
1) “SPECIAL LAWS:” a penal law which punishes acts not defined
and penalized by the RPC.
o A statute, penal in character, which is not an o Plea of guilty as mitigating circumstance under the RPC
amendment to the RPC. (ART. 13, PAR. 7) is not available to offenses
punishable under special laws:
This ruling is still good, The prohibitions against the
- Offenses which are punishable under the special laws are not
notwithstanding the case of interest in municipal contracts
subject to the provisions of ART. 64 of the RPC, and it has
NAVARRA VS. PEOPLE. includes all the steps taken to
been held that the provisions of the RPC, relative to the
consummate the contract, that is,
application of the circumstances modifying the criminal liability
Sec. 28 of the Municipal Code frustrated and attempted stages
of the accused are not applicable to special laws.
does not punish an attempt to are included.
- REASON: the penalty prescribed by special law is usually
commit this crime. In offenses
indeterminate and does not contain three periods.
crated by acts of the The transaction in which the
Commission, the last paragraph councillor became interested,
of ART. 3 of the Penal Code having been approved by the
relating to attempts to commit municipal council, the offense
crimes is not applicable. was consummated. 2) “SUPPLEMENTARY:” supplying what is lacking, additional.
o SC has extended some provisions of the Penal Code to
The proposal, not having been special penal laws, such as:
accepted by the municipal a. The provisions of ART. 22 with reference to the
council, the offense was only in
retroactive effect of penal laws if they favour the
the attempted stage.
b. ART. 17 with reference to participation of
principals in the commission of the crime.
o The special law has to fix a penalty for the attempt and c. Those of ART. 39 with reference to subsidiary
a penalty for the frustration of the crime defined by it in imprisonment in case of insolvency to pay the
order to that the crime may be punished in case its fine.
commission reached only the attempted or frustrated d. Those of ART. 45 with reference to the
stage of execution. confiscation of the instruments used in the
o When a special law covers the mere attempt to commit commission of the crime.
the crime defined by it, the attempted stage is o The suppletory application of the RPC to special laws,
punishable by the same penalty provided by that law. by virtue of this article, finds relevance only when the
provisions of the special law are silent on a particular
PEOPLE VS. JOLLIFFE o But the RPC is not suppletory when the penalties under
the special law are different from it:
- When the accused was about to board a plane of the Pan When the penalties under the special law are
American World Airways, four pieces of gold bullion were different from and are without reference or
found tied to his body. He was charged with a violation of RA
relation to those under the RPC.
- HELD: The circular issued in accordance with the provisions
of RA 265 explicitly applies to “any person desiring to export
gold” and hence, it contemplates the situation existing prior to PEOPLE VS. PANIDA
the consummation of the exportation. Indeed, it’s purpose
would be defeated if the penal sanction were deferred until - The Court did not apply the provisions of the RPC suppletorily
after the article in question had left the Philippines, for as the anti-carnapping law provides for its own penalties
jurisdiction over it and over the guilty party would be lost which are distinct and without reference to this Code.
PAR. 1: SELF-DEFENSE → the accused must rely on the strength of - Paramour surprised in the act of adultery cannot invoke self-
his own evidence and not on the weakness of the prosecution. defense if he killed the offended husband who was assaulting
- The assault was natural and lawful.
- Must be proved with certainly by sufficient, satisfactory and - REASON: it was made by a deceived and offended husband
convicting evidence that excludes any vestige of criminal in order to defend his honor and rights by punishing the
aggression on the part of the person invoking it and it cannot offender of his honor, and if he had killed his wife and (the
be justifiably entertained where it is not only uncorroborated by paramour), he would have exercised a lawful right and such
any separate competent evidence but, in itself, is extremely acts would have fallen within the sanction of ART. 247 of the
doubtful. RPC.
- The paramour knew well that by maintaining unlawful relations
- Includes not only the defense of the person or body of the one
with (the deceased’s wife), he was performing an unlawful and
assaulted but also that of his rights →those rights the criminal act and exposed himself to the vengeance of the
enjoyment of which is protected by law. offended husband.
- Aside from the right to life on which the legitimate defense of ur
person, we have the right to property acquired by us, and the
right to honor which is not the least prized of man’s patrimony.
o The unlawful aggression must come from the person
The aggression that was begun The aggression was still existing who was attacked by the accused:
by the injured party already when the aggressor was injured
ceased to exist when the or disabled by the person making
accused attacked him. a defense. PEOPLE VS. GUTIERREZ
o Nature, character, location, and extent of wound of o Physical fact may determine whether the accused acted
accused allegedly inflicted by the injured party may in self-defense:
belie claim of self-defense.
PEOPLE VS. DORICO: the evidence showed that the wounds of the
PEOPLE VS. BATAS victim were inflicted from behind.
- The location, number and seriousness of the stab wounds
inflicted on the victims belie the claim of self-defense. One of
the victims alone sustained 21 wounds.
PEOPLE VS. PEREZ: the revolver of the deceased was still tucked
inside the waistband of his pants, which is indicative of his
unpreparedness when he was fired upon simultaneously by the
accused with their high-calibered weapons. The fact that the
PEOPLE VS. LABIS deceased received a total of 13 gunshot wounds is inconsistent with
the claim that the deceased was fired upon self-defense.
- Appellant’s theory of self-defense is negative by the nature
and location of the victim’s wounds which, having a right-to-
left direction, could not have possibly been inflicted by a right-
handed person in front of the victim with a two-feet long bolo.
PEOPLE VS. AQUINO: the direction and trajectory of the bullets
would have been different had the victim been standing upright two or
three meters to the left of the truck.
PEOPLE VS. DEL PILAR - REASON: if one flees from an aggressor, he runs the risk of
being attacked in the back by the aggressor.
- If the deceased challenge the accused to a fight and forthwith
rushed towards the latter with a bolo in his hand, so that the
accused had to defend himself by stabbing the deceased with
a knife, the accused, not having accepted the challenge, acted
in self-defense.
i. Unlawful aggression.
ii. Reasonable necessity of the means employed
to prevent or repel it.
- REASON FOR THE RULE: when parties mutually agree to DEFENSE OF PEOPLE VS. DE LA CRUZ: embracing a woman,
fight, it is immaterial who attacks or received the wound first, RIGHT TO touching her private parts and her breasts, and
for the first act of force is an incident of the fight itself and in CHASTITY; throwing her to the ground for the purpose of raping
no wise is it an unwarranted and unexpected aggression, Attempt to her in an inhabited place when it was twilight,
which alone can legalize self-defense. rape a constitute an attack upon her honor and therefore,
woman. an unlawful aggression. She was justified in making
use of the knife in repelling what she believed to be
an attack upon her honor since she had no other
o Aggression, which is ahead of the stipulated time and means of defending herself.
place, is unlawful:
PEOPLE VS. JAURIGUE: placing of hand by a
man on the woman’s upper thigh is unlawful
PEOPLE VS. GOYA: the injured party did not lay - The act of the security officer of a strike-bound company in
hands on the guard or make any attempt to attack forcibly pushing the picketers after he had ordered them to
give way and let company trucks to enter the compound, but
the latter, so the guard cannot properly and legally
claim defense of property. There must be an attack the picketers refused, does not does not constitute unlawful
aggression against the legitimate rights of the picketers as
by the one stealing the property on the person
would justify its repulsion with equal and reasonable force,
defending it.
such as inflicting physical injuries upon the officer, for what
was under attack by said security officer was not the right of
picketing, but the picketers’ act of remaining in the
passageway when the trucks wanted o get inside, which is not
HOME another’s house at nighttime, by a person who is
a part of the picketing protected by law.
armed with a bolo, and forcing his way into the
house, shows he was ready and looking for trouble,
and the manner of his entry constitutes an act of
aggression. The owner of the house need not wait
for a blow before repelling the aggression, as that o A mere threatening or intimidating attitude, not
blow may prove fatal. preceded by an outward and material aggression, is not
unlawful aggression, because it is required that the act
PEOPLE VS. SALATAN: courts must not hesitate be offensive and positively strong, showing the wrongful
to sustain the theory of self-defense of the victim of intent of the aggressor to cause an injury.
thievery or robbery when such thief or robber by
overt acts shows aggression instead of fear or
desire to escape upon apprehension for certainly
such an intruder must be prepared not only to steal US VS. GUY-SAYCO:
but to kill under the circumstances. In the case at
bar, even if the accused did not actually see the - As her husband had stayed away from home for more than
victim assaulted the accused under cover of two weeks, remaining in the barrio of Dujat, distant about two
darkness is such unlawful aggression as would and one-half hours’ walk from the town under the pretext that
justify the accused to defend himself. he was engaged in field work, the accused decided to go to
said barrio and join him. To this end, she hired a carromata
and after getting some clothes and other things necessary for
herself and husband, started out with her infant child and
servant girl; but before reaching the barrio and the camarin
o The belief of the accused may be considered in where her husband ought to be, night came on, and she
determining the existence of unlawful aggression: alighted and dismissed the vehicle after paying the driver.
They had yet to travel some distance. On seeing her
husband’s horse tied in front of a house, she suspected that
he was inside; thereupon, she went to the steps leading to the
A, in the peaceable pursuit of his affairs, sees B rushing rapidly house, which was a low one, and then saw her husband
toward him, with an outstretched arms and a pistol in his hand, and sitting down with his back towards the steps. She immediately
using violent menaces against his life as he advances. Having entered the house and encountered her husband, the
approached near enough in the same attitude, A, who has a club in deceased and the owners of the house taking supper
his hand, strikes B over the head before or at the instant the pistol is together. Overcome and blinded by jealously, she rushed at
discharged; and of the wound B dies. It turns out that the pistol was Lorenza Estrada, attacker her with a pen knife that she carried
loaded with powder only, and that the real design of B is only to terrify and inflicted five wounds upon her in consequence of which
A. Lorenza fell to the ground, covered with blood and died a few
moments afterwards.
PEOPLE VS. LARA: when the accused, while walking along in a dark
PEOPLE VS. DE LA CRUZ: the accused, disliking the intervention of street at night with pistol in hand on the lookout for an individual who
the deceased in a certain incident between the accused and a couple, had been making an insulting demonstration in front of his house, was
armed himself with a gun and went to the house of the deceased, and suddenly held from behind and an attempt was made to wrench the
upon seeing the latter holding a kris in his hand, shot him to death. postil from him.
- There was no unlawful aggression, notwithstanding the claim - He was justified in shooting him to death, in view of the
of the accused that the deceased was a man of violent darkness and the surprise which characterized the assault.
temper, quarrelsome, and irritable, and that the latter might The deceased might be able to disarm the accused and to use
attack him with the kris, because he merely imagined a the pistol against the latter.
possible aggression.
- The aggression must be real, or at least, imminent.
- It is well-known that the person who pursues another with the PEOPLE VS. MASANGKAY: the claim of self-defense is not credible
intent and purpose of assaulting him does not raise his hand as the accused narrated that he had succeeded in disarming the
to discharge the blow until he believes that his victim is within victim of the piece of wood the latter was allegedly carrying so that
his reach. stabbing with such frequency, frenzy and force can no longer be
considered as reasonably necessary.
PEOPLE VS. ENCOMIENDA: what the law requires is rational PEOPLE VS. PADUA: considering that the
equivalence, in the consideration of which will enter as principal aggressor provoked the incident and started
factors the emergency, the imminent danger to which the person the aggression; considering that he is of violent
attacked is exposed, and the instinct, more than reason, that moves temperament, troublesome, strong and
or impels the defense, and the proportionateness thereof does not aggressive with three criminal records, twice of
depend upon the harm done, but rests upon the imminent danger of slander by deed and once of threat to kill;
such injury. considering that he wanted to impose his will
on the family of the accused for having
rejected his nephew as a suitor of the sister of
the accused, boxing them one after another
and in their own home – CA held that the
accused was justified in striking him with a bolo
THE NATURE PEOPLE VS. PADUA although as a general
on the forehead and on the right eye.
AND QUALITY OF rule, a dagger or a knife is more dangerous
THE WEAPONS than a club, the use of a knife or dagger, when
attacked with a club, must be deemed
reasonable if it cannot be shown that the OTHER US VS. BATUNGBACAL: M, being abruptly
person assaulted [1] had other available CIRCUMSTANCES awakened by shouts that P was pursuing H
means or [2] if there was other means, he CONSIDERED and M’s two children, and seeing, upon
could coolly choose the less deadly weapon to awakening, that in fact P was infuriated and
repel the assault. pursuing H with a bolo in his hand and his arm
raised in an attitude as if to strike, took up a
PEOPLE VS. ONAS: the use a bayonet shotgun lying within his reach and fired at P,
against a can is not reasonable. In stabbing killing him at once. Under the circumstances, in
the deceased with his bayonet, the accused view of the imminence of the danger, the only
went beyond what was necessary to defend remedy which could be considered reasonable
himself against the unlawful aggression made necessary to repel or prevent that aggression,
by the deceased. was to render the aggressor harmless. As M
had on hand a loaded shotgun, this weapon
PEOPLE VS. RAMILLO: since the deceased was the most appropriate one that could be
was a gangster with a reputation for violence, used for the purpose, even at the risk of killing
the use by the accused of a dagger to repel the the aggressor, since the latter’s aggression
persistent aggression by the deceased with a also gravely threatened the lives of the parties
wooden pestle is reasonably necessary under assaulted.
the circumstances.
BALUNUECO VS. CA: of the three requisites of defense of relatives, 3) In case the provocation was given by the person
unlawful aggression is a condition sine qua non, for without it any attacked, the one making a defense had no part
defense is not possible or justified. In order to consider that an therein.
unlawful aggression was actually committed, it is necessary that an o Merely states an event which may or may not
attack or material aggression, an offensive act positively determining take place.
the intent of the aggressor to cause an injury shall have been made; a o REASON: that although the provocation
mere threatening or intimidating attitude is not sufficient to justify the
prejudices the person who gave it, its effects do
commission of an act which is punishable per se, and allow a claim of
exemption from liability on the ground that it was committed in self- not reach the defender who took no part therein,
defense or defense of a relative. because the latter was prompted by some noble
or generous sentiment in protecting and saving
a relative.
PEOPLE VS. MORO MANUBE: when two persons are getting ready PEOPLE VS. TORING: the accused was previously shot by the
to stroke each other, there can be no unlawful aggression, and hence, brother of the victim. It cannot be said, therefore, that in attacking the
a relative of either who butts in and administers a deadly blow on the victim, the accused was impelled by pure compassion or beneficence
PEOPLE VS. AMMALUN: the accused, at a distance of about 20 PEOPLE VS. ANCHETA: A was able to deprive B, a constabulary
“brazes” from his house, heard his wife shouting for help. He rushed lieutenant, of his pistol during the fray. B ordered C, a constabulary
to the house and once inside saw the deceased on top of his wife. He soldier under his command, to search A for a pistol. When C was
drew his bolo and hacked the deceased at the base of his neck when about to approach A to search him, the latter stepped back and shot
the latter was forcibly abusing his wife. at C, who was able to avoid the shot. When A was about to fire again
at C, D, another constabulary soldier, fired at A with his rifle which
killed him.
1) Unlawful aggression. US VS. SUBINGSUBING: A Japanese hit an old man 78 years of age
on the face, shoved him to the ground and attempted to choke him.
2) Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
The accused furnished the old man with a small gaff, used by game
prevent or repel it. cocks, with which the old man killed his assailant.
3) The person defending be not induced by revenge,
resentment, or other evil motives. - The accused was justified in furnishing the old man with the
gaff, it being in defense of stranger.
US VS. AVIADO: what one may do in his defense, another may do for PAR. 4:
him. Persons acting in defense of others are in the same condition
and upon the same plane as those who act in defense of themselves. - “DAMAGE TO ANOTHER” → covers injury to persons and
The ordinary man would not stand idly b and see his companion killed damage to property.
- In view of his example and the principle involved, the killing of - In this case, the captain is not criminally liable for causing part
the fetus to save the life of the mother may be held excusable. of the goods thrown overboard.
- “THAT THE INJURY FEARED BE GREATER THAN THAT - The evil which brought about the greater evil must not result
DONE TO AVOID IT” → the instinct of self-preservation will from a violation of law by the actor → an escaped convict who
always make one feel that his own safety is of greater has to steal clothes in order to move about unrecognized does
importance than that of another. not act from necessity.
- The greater evil should not be brought about by the negligence - There is CIVIL LIABILITY under this paragraph:
or imprudence of the actor: o Although, as a rule there is no civil liability in justifying
circumstances, it is only in PAR. 4 of ART. 11 where
there is CIVIL LIABILITY, but the civil liability is borne
If in the example above, the driver drove his car at full speed, by the persons benefitted.
disregarding the condition of the place, and although he saw the 6x6 o They shall be civilly liable in proportion to the benefit
truck at a distance 500 meters away, he did not slacken his speed, he which they may have received.
cannot invoke PAR. 4 of this article, because the state of necessity
was brought about by his own reckless imprudence.
PAR. 5:
- When the accused was not avoiding any evil, he cannot invoke 1) That the accused acted in the performance of a duty or
the justifying circumstance of avoidance of a greater evil or in the lawful exercise of a right or office.
injury: 2) That the injury caused or the offense committed be the
necessary consequence of the due performance of duty
or the lawful exercise of such right or office.
PEOPLE VS. ROCOHERMOSO: A with a bolo and B with an axe
attacked D who was wounded. Nearby, C embraced E, D’s son, who
had a gun slung on his shoulder, and grappled with him. D died. A, B PEOPLE VS. OANIS: the first requisite is present, because the
and C were prosecuted for murder. C invoked the justifying accused peace officers, who were trying to get a wanted criminal,
circumstance of avoidance of a greater evil or injury in explaining his were acting in the performance of a duty.
act of preventing E from shooting A and B.
- The second requisite is not present, because through
- His reliance on that justifying circumstance is ERRONEOUS. impatience, over-anxiety, or in their desire to take no chance,
The act of C in preventing E from shooting A and B, who were the accused exceeded in the fulfilment of their duty when they
the aggressors, was designed to insure the killing of D without killed a sleeping person whom they believe to be the wanted
any risk to his assailants. C was not avoiding any evil when he criminal without making any previous inquiry as to his identity.
sought to disable E.
- Even if E was about to shoot A and B, his act, being in
defense of his father, is not an evil that could justifiably be
avoided by disabling E. - FULFILLMENT OF A DUTY:
PEOPLE VS. GAYRAMA: the accused, who had slashed with a bolo
the municipal president on his arm, ran away and refused to be
PEOPLE VS. BISA: if a detained prisoner under the custody of the
accused, a policeman detailed to guard him, by means of force and - If the chief of police had been armed with a revolver and had
violence, was able to leave the cell and actually attempted to escape, used it against the accused, the act of the chief of police
notwithstanding the warnings given by the accused not to do so, and under those circumstances would have been fully justified.
was shot by the accused, the latter is entitled to acquittal in - REASON: it is the duty of peace officers to arrest violators of
accordance with the ruling laid down in PEOPLE VS. DELIMA. the law not only when they are provided with the
corresponding warrant of arrest, but also when they are not
provided with said warrant if the violation is committed in their
own presence. And this duty extends even to cases the
purpose of which is merely prevent a crime about to be
VALCORZA VS. PEOPLE: four members of the police went after him
as soon as the detention prisoner had escaped. When the escaping
detainee saw one of the policemen, he lunged at the latter, hitting him
with a stone on the right cheek, as a consequence of which he fell
- BUT shooting a thief who refused to be arrested is not justified:
down, and while in that position on the ground, he was again struck
with a stone by the escaping detainee. Thereafter, the latter ran away
pursue by the policeman and his companions. In the course of the
pursuit, the policeman fired a warning shot into the air, and as the PEOPLE VS. BENTRES: a security guard accosted a thief who had
escaping detainee paid no heed to this, the policeman fired into the stolen ore in the tunnel of a mining company. The thief tried to flee.
air four times more and kept of pursuing him. As the latter was The security guard ordered him to stop, but the latter disregarded the
apparently widening the distance between then, and fearing that he order. The security guard fired four shots into the air with is carbine to
might finally be able to elude arrest, the policeman fired directly at him scare the thief and to stop him. As the thief continued to flee, saying
while he was in the act of jumping again into another part of the creek, that he would not stop even if he died, the security guard fired a fifth
the shot having hit him on the back. shot directed at the leg of the thief, but the bullet hit him in the lumbar
region and died.
PEOPLE VS. TAN: the defense of fulfilment of a duty does not avail. PEOPLE VS. DEPANTE: while Depante was in a Chinese store,
The attitude adopted by the deceased in putting his hands in his Iquiran, his querida, saw him holding a five-peso bill in his left hand.
pockets is not sufficient to justify the accused to shoot him. The Mariano had just bought a package of cigarettes and the five-peso bill
deceased was unarmed and the accused could have first warned him, was he was holding was part of the change he had just received from
as the latter was coming towards him, to stop where he was, raise his the storekeeper. Iquiran, who was in a bad mood because Depante
hands, or do the things a policeman is trained to do, instead of had not given her support for sometime, approached him and after
mercilessly shooting him upon a mere suspicion that the deceased uttering insulting words, grabbed the five-peso bill from Mariano’s
was armed. hand. When he acted to recover the same, she grabbed his shirt,
tearing the same. mariano gave her fist blows on the forehead, on the
right side of the head and on the middle part of her left arm, knocking
her down. He was able to regain possession of the five-peso bill.
PEOPLE VS. PERALTA: appellant was not in the performance of is - WON the act of Iquiran in grabbing the five-peso bill an actual
duties at the time of the shooting for the reason that the girls he was or threatened unlawful physical invasion or usurpation of
attempting to arrest were not committing any act of prostitution in his Mariano Depant’s property? YES.
presence. If at all, the only person he was authorized to arrest during o More than that, the act could be attempted robbery.
that time was Roberto Reyes, who offered him the services of a The fact the Quiran was a querida and that Mariano
prostitute, for acts of vagrancy. Even then, the fatal injuries that the had not supported her for sometime was not an
appellant caused the victim were not necessary consequences of exempting or justifying circumstance. Robbery can
appellant’s performance of his duty as a police officer. The record even be committed by a wife against her husband.
shows that appellant shot the victim not once but twice after a heated Only theft, swindling and malicious mischief cannot be
confrontation ensued between them. His duty to arrest the female committed by a wife against her husband.
suspects did not include any right to shoot the victim to death. - WON Mariano use such force as was reasonably necessary to
repel or prevent the actual or threatened unlawful physical
invasion or usurpation of his property. NO.
o He cannot claim full justification, for the three fist blows
which rendered Pacencia unconscious for sometime
- Distinguished from self-defense and from consequence of
were not reasonable, considering the sex of the
felonious act: complainant.
o Hence, appellant is criminally liable, though mitigated.
There should be no delay in the use of force to recover it; a delay, ART. 12
even if excusable, such as when due to the ignorance of the EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES
dispossession, will bar the right to the use of force. Once the
usurper’s possession has become fi by the lapse of time, the lawful EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES (non-imputablity): those grounds for
possessor must resort to the competent authority to recover his
exemption from punishment because there is wanting in the agent of
the crime of any of the conditions which make the act voluntary or
PEOPLE VS. BASCOS: the defense must prove that the accused
was insane at the time of the commission of the crime, because the
presumption is always in favor of sanity.
PEOPLE VS. BONOAN: if the insanity is only occasional or
intermittent in its nature, the presumption of its continuance does not
arise. He who relies on such insanity proved at another time mist
prove its existence also at the time of the commission of the offense.
PEOPLE VS. AQUINO: sanity being the normal condition of the Where it is shown that the defendant had lucid intervals, it will be
human mind, the prosecution may proceed upon the presumption that presumed that the offense was committed in one of them. But a
the accused was sane and responsible when the act was committed. person who has been adjudged insane, or who has been committed
The presumption is always in favour of sanity and the burden of proof to a hospital or to an asylum for the insane, is presumed to continue
of insanity is on the defense. to be insane.
- How much evidence is necessary to overthrow the presumption - When defense of insanity is NOT CREDIBLE:
of sanity?
In this jurisdiction, the question has not been brought before the court
When a person is suffering from a form of psychosis, a type of for its determination.
dementia praecox, homicidal attack is common, because of delusions
that he is being interfered with sexually, or that his property is being The case of a person suffering from kleptomania must be investigated
taken. During the period of excitement, such person has no control by competent alienist or psychiatrist to determine whether the impulse
whatever of his acts (PEOPLE VS. BONOAN). to steal is irresistible or not. If the unlawful act of the accused is due
“to his mental disease or a mental defect, producing an irresistible
- Feeblemindedness is NOT imbecility: PEOPLE VS. LACENA: one who was suffering from malignant
malaria when she wounded her husband who dies as a consequence
NOT criminally liable. Because such illness affects the nervous
PEOPLE VS. FORMIGONES, supra: feeblemindedness is not system and causes among others such complication as acute
exempting, because the offender could distinguish right from wrong. melancholia and insanity at times.
An imbecile or an insane cannot distinguish right from wrong.
1) A person is performing a lawful act.
3) He causes an injury to another by mere accident.
o Examples of an accident:
PEOPLE VS. GALACGAC: while defending himself against the
unjustified assault upon his person made by his assailant, appellant
Galacgac fired his revolver at random, wounding two innocent US VS. TANEDO: the accused, while hunting, saw wild chickens and
persons. fired a shot. The slug, after hitting a while chicken, recoiled and struck
the tenant who was a relative of the accused. The who was injured
- The discharge of a firearm in such a thickly populated place in died.
the City of Manila being prohibited and penalized by ART. 155
of the RPC, appellant Galacgac was not performing a lawful - If life is taken by misfortune or accident while the actor is in
act when he accidentally hit and wounded Marina Ramos and the performance of a lawful act executed with due care and
Alfonso Ramos. Hence, the exempting circumstances without intention of doing harm, there is no criminal liability.
provided for in ART. 12, PAR. 4, of the RPC cannot be - There is no question that the accused was engaged in the
properly invoked by appellant Galacgac. performance of a lawful act when the accident occurred. He
was not negligent or at fault, because the deceased was not in
the direction at which the accused fired his gun. It was not
foreseeable that the slug would recoil after hitting the wild
o Striking another with a gun in self-defense, even
if it fired and seriously injured the assailant, is a
lawful act.
VS. CA, the SC held that an accident is a fortuitive circumstance,
o Under this circumstance, a person does not commit
event or happening; an event happening without any human agency,
or if happening wholly or partly through human agency, an even which either an intentional felony or a culpable felony.
under the circumstance is unusual or unexpected by the person to
whom it happens. Negligence, on the other hand, is the failure to PAR. 5: this exempting circumstance presupposes that a person is
observe, for the protection of the interest of another person, that compelled by means of force or violence to commit a crime.
degree of care, precaution and vigilance which the circumstances
justly demand without which such other person suffers injury. - ELEMENTS:
Accident and negligence are intrinsically contradictory. 1) That the compulsion is by means of physical force.
2) That the physical force must be irresistible.
PEOPLE VS. REYES: accidental shooting is negated by threatening PEOPLE VS. SARIP: the pretension of an accused that he was
words preceding it and still aiming the gun at the prostrate body of the threatened with a gun by his friend, the mastermind, is not credible
victim, instead of immediately helping him. where he himself was armed with a rifle.
PEOPLE VS. LORENO: a person who acts under the compulsion of - Nature of duress as a valid defense:
an irresistible force, like one who acts under the impulse of
uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury, is exempt from criminal
liability because he does not act with freedom.
PEOPLE VS. BORJA, citing PEOPLE VS. QUILLOY: duress as a
valid defense should be based on real, imminent, or reasonable fear
of one’s life or limb and should not be speculative, fanciful, or remote
- Nature of force required:
PEOPLE VS. LORENO, PEOPLE VS. VILLANUEVA: the force must - The accused must not have opportunity for escape or self-
be irresistible to reduce the actor to a mere instrument who acts not defense:
only without will but against his will. The duress, force, fear, or
intimidation must be present, imminent and impending and of such a
nature as to induce a well-grounded apprehension of death or serious
bodily harm if the act is not done. A threat of future injury is not PEOPLE VS. PALENCIA, PEOPLE VS. ABANES: a threat of future
enough. The compulsion must be of such a character as to leave no injury is not enough. The compulsion must be of such a character as
opportunity to the accused for escape or self-defense in equal to leave no opportunity to the accused for escape or self-defense in
combat. equal combat.
- ELEMENTS: PEOPLE VS. PARULAN: where the accused, who testified that he
1) That the threat which causes the fear is of an evil was intimidated into committing the crime, had several opportunities
greater than or at least equal to, that which he is of leaving the gang which had decided to kidnap the victim, his theory
required to commit. that he acted under intimidation is untenable.
2) That it promises an evil of such gravity and imminence
that the ordinary man would have succumbed to it (US
- For the exempting circumstance of uncontrollable fear to be
PEOPLE VS. VARGAS AND KAMATOY: where the accused testified
invoked successfully, the following REQUISITES must concur that he joined the band because he was threatened by the leader
(PEOPLE VS. PETENIA): thereof, but it appears that the leader was armed with a rifle, so that
1) Existence of an uncontrollable fear. he would have resisted said leader, it was held that the accused did
2) The fear must be real and imminent. not act under the impulse of uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater
3) The fear of an injury is greater than or at least equal to injury.
that committed.
- Illustration:
PAR. 7:
M’CARTY: in the eyes of the law, nothing will excuse that act of
joining an enemy, but the fear of immediate death. - ELEMENTS:
1) That an act is required by law to be done.
- This ruling is similar to that in the Exaltacion case. 2) That a person fails to perform such act.
3) That his failure to perform such act was due to some
lawful or insuperable cause.
- When prevented by some lawful cause:
- Speculative, fanciful and remote fear is not uncontrollable fear:
- There is neither instigation nor entrapment when the violation CHAPTER THREE
PEOPLE VS. TORING: the deceased hit the first cousin of the PEOPLE VS. BERNAL: Roleda fired at Pilones, following the order
accused with the butt of a shotgun. The deceased also pointed the of Sergeant Benting, Roleda’s superior. It appears that on their way
shotgun at the first cousin, took a bullet from his jacket pocket, showed to the camp, Roleda learned that Pilones had killed not only a barrio
lieutenant but also a member of the military police, and this may
it to him and asked him, “Do you like this, Dong?” to which the latter
replied, “No, Noy, I do not like that.” The deceased then placed the have aroused in Roleda a feeling of resentment that ay have
bullet in the shotgun and was thus pointing it at the first cousin when impelled him to readily and without questioning follow the order of
Sgt. Benting. To this may be added the fact of his being subordinate
the accused came from behind the deceased and stabbed him.
of Sgt. Benting who gave the order, and while out on patrol when the
- There was unlawful aggression on the part of the deceased soldiers were supposed to be under the immediate command and
control of the patrol leader, Sgt. Benting.
and there was no provocation on the part of the accused.
- HOWEVER, because of a RUNNING FEUD between the
deceased and his brother on one side and the accused and his
brother on the other side, the accused could not have been
impelled by pure compassion or beneficence or the lawful WHEN ALL THE REQUISITES NECESSARY TO EXEMPT FROM
desire to avenge the immediate wrong inflicted on his cousin. CRIMINAL LIABILITY ARE NOT ATTENDANT:
- He was MOTIVATED by revenge, resentment or evil motive.
- He is only entitled to privileged mitigating circumstance of 1) INCOMPLETE EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCE OF MINORITY
incomplete defense of relative. OVER 15 AND UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE: to be exempt
from criminal liability under RA 9344, two conditions must be
a. That the offender is over 15 and under 18 years old,
b. That he does not act with discernment.
last two requisites mentioned in PAR. 4 of ART. 11, there is
only a mitigating circumstance.
PERFORMANCE OF DUTY: the minor over 15 and under 18 years of age acted with discernment,
o REQUISITES that must be present in order that the he is entitled only to a mitigating circumstance, because not all the
circumstance in ART. 11, NO.5 may be taken as a requisites necessary to exempt from criminal liability are present.
justifying one:
A. That the accused acted in the performance of a
duty or in the lawful exercise of a right or office.
B. That the injury caused or offense committed be 2) INCOMPLETE EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCE OF
the necessary consequence of the due ACCIDENT:
performance of such duty or the lawful exercise o Under PAR. 4 of ART. 12, there are four requisites that
of such right or office. must be present in order to exempt one from criminal
liability, namely:
a. A person is performing a lawful act.
PEOPLE VS. OANIS, supra: only one of the requisites of circumstance b. With due care.
No. 5 of ART. 11 was present, ART. 69 was applied. c. He causes an injury to another by mere
accident, and
- SC: as the deceased was killed while asleep, the crime d. Without fault or intention of causing it.
committed is murder with the qualifying circumstance of
o If the SECOND requisite and the 1st part of the
alevosia. There is, however, a mitigating circumstance of
weight consisting in the incomplete justifying circumstance FOURTH requisite are ABSENT, the case will fall under
- The plea was groundless; he used a knife six inches long. The PEOPLE VS. YU: to prove this circumstance, the accused testified that
fatal injury was the natural and almost inevitable consequence. “my only intention was to abuse her, but when she tried to shout, I
Moreover, he attempted to stab a second time but was covered her mouth and choked her and later I found out that because
prevented from doing so. of that she died.”
PEOPLE VS. BOYLES, PEOPLE VS. ARPA: the point is raised that
the TC should have considered the mitigating circumstance of lack of
intent to commit so grave a wrong as that committed. The argument is
that the accused planned only to rob; they never meant to kill.
person stabs another with a lethal weapon such as a fan knife (the - ART. 13, PAR. 3, of the RPC addresses itself to the intention of
same could be said of the butt of a rifle), upon a part of the body, for the offender at the particular moment when he executes or
example, the head, chest, or stomach, death could reasonably be commits the criminal act; not to his intention during the
anticipated and the accused must be presumed to have intended the planning stage. Therefore, when, as in the case under review,
natural consequence of his wrongful act. the original plan was only to rob, but which plan, on account of
the resistance offered by the victim, was compounded into the
more serious crime of robbery with homicide, the plea of lack of
intention to commit so grave a wrong cannot be granted. The
irrefutable fact remains that when they ganged up on their
PEOPLE VS. REYES: as to the alleged lack of intent to commit a victim, they employed deadly weapons and inflicted on him
grave so wrong as that committed, the same cannot be appreciated. mortal wounds in his neck. At that precise moment, they did
PEOPLE VS. ENRIQUEZ: several accused decided to have a foreman PEOPLE VS. MEDINA: in the case of infidelity in the custody of
beaten up. The deed was accomplished. But the victim died as a result prisoners through negligence (ART. 224), this circumstance was not
of hemorrhage. It was not the intention of the accused to kill the victim. considered.
- Murder results from the presence of qualifying circumstances - REASON: in felonies through negligence, the offender acts
(in this case with premeditation and treachery) based upon the without intent. The intent in intentional felonies is replaced by
manner in which the crime was committed and not upon the negligence, imprudence, lack of foresight or lack of skill in
state of mind of the accused. The mitigating circumstance that culpable felonies. Hence, in felonies through negligence, there
the offender had no intention to commit so grave a wrong as is no intent on the part of the offender which may be
that committed is based on the state of mind of the offender. considered as diminished.
- Hence, there is no incompatibility between evident
premeditation or treachery, which refers to the manner of
committing the crime, and this mitigating circumstance.
- WON ART. 13, PAR. 3 is applicable to felonies where the
intention of the offender is immaterial.
- Not appreciated in murder qualified by treachery:
PEOPLE VS. CRISTOBAL: in unintentional abortion, where the
abortion that resulted in not intended by the offender, the mitigating
circumstance that the offender had no intention to commit a grave so
PEOPLE VS. PAJENADO: lack of intention to commit a grave so wrong as that committed is no applicable.
wrong is not appreciated where the offense committed is characterized
by treachery. The five accused claim that the weapons used are mere
pieces of wood, and the fact that only seven blows were dealt to the
deceased by the five of them, only two f which turned out to be fatal,
shows the tragic and grievous result was far from their minds. The
record shows, however, that the offense committed was characterized PEOPLE VS. FLAMENO: but in another case, where the accused
by treachery and the accused left the scene of the crime only after the pulled the hair of the complainant who was three months pregnant
victim had fallen down. Hence, the mitigating circumstance of lack of causing her to fall on her buttocks on the cement floor, with the result
PEOPLE VS. NABORA: while the accused was taking a walk at the
New Luneta one evening, the deceased met him and pointing his o The provocation by the deceased in the first
finger at the accused asked the latter what he was doing there and
stage of the fight is not a mitigating
then said” “Don’t you know we are watching for honeymooners here?”
The accused drew out his knife and stabbed the deceased who died as circumstance when the accused killed him after
a consequence. he had fled.
PEOPLE VS. TAN: between the provocation by the offended party and
PEOPLE VS. CA: assuming for the sake of argument that the blowing the commission of the crime by the person provoked, there should
of horns, cutting of lanes or overtaking can be considered as acts of NOT be any interval of time.
provocation, the same were not sufficient. The word ‘sufficient’ means
adequate to excite a person to commit a wrong and must accordingly - He reason for this requirement is that the law states that the
be proportionate to its gravity. Moreover, the deceased’s act of asking provocation “immediately preceded the act.” When there is an
for an explanation from the accused was not sufficient provocation for interval of time between the provocation and the commission of
him to claim that he was provoked to kill or injure the deceased. the crime, the conduct of the offended party could not have
excited the accused to the commission of the crime, he having
had time to regain his reason and to exercise self-control.
- Provocation given by an adversary at the commencement and
2) That it must ORIGINATE FROM THE OFFENDED during the first stage of a fight cannot be considered as
PARTY; and mitigating where the accused pursued and killed the former
while fleeing, and the deceased, from the moment he had fled
after the first stage of the fight to the moment he died, did not
give any provocation for the accused to pursue, much less
PEOPLE VS. REYES: where the alleged provocation did not come
further attack to him.
from the deceased but from the latter’s mother, the same may not be
appreciated in favor of the accused.
PEOPLE VS. BENITO: the deceased uttered the following remark at - Basis to determine the gravity of offense of vindication:
11:00 in the morning in the presence of the accused and his
officemates: “nag-iistanbay pala ditto and magnanakaw” of “hindi ko
alam na itong Civil Service pala ay istambayan ng magnanakaw.” At PEOPLE VS. UIZ: the question whether a certain personal offense is
5:00 in the afternoon of the same day, the accused killed the grave must be decided by the court, having in mind the social standing
deceased. The mitigating circumstance of vindication of a grave of the person, the place, and the time when the insult was made.
offense does not avail.
It is made directly only to the The grave offense may be - Considered GRAVE OFFENSE:
person committing the felony. committed also against the
offender’s relatives mentioned by
law. PEOPLE VS. BATIQUIN: sarcastic remark implying that the accused
was a petty tyrant.
The cause that brought about the The offended party must have - The offended party, a volunteer worker to repair an abandoned
provocation need not be a grave done a grave offense to the road, arrived in the afternoon when the work should have
offense. offender or his relatives started in the morning. Inquired by the accused, the man in
mentioned by the law. charge of the work, why he came late, the offended party
retorted sarcastically: “Perhaps during the Spanish regime
when one comes late, he is punished.” Infuriated at the reply,
It is necessary that the The vindication of the grave the accused fired his gun but did not hit the offended party.
provocation or threat immediately offense may be proximate, which
preceded the act, i.e. that there admits of an interval of time
be no interval of time between the between the grave offense done
provocation and the commission by the offended party and the
of the crime. commission of the crime by the PEOPLE VS. ROSEL: remark of the injured party before the guests
accused. that accused lived at the expense of his wife. The place was taken into
consideration in that case.
REASON: this greater leniency in the case of vindication is due
undoubtedly to the fact that it concerns the honor or a person, an
offense which is more worthy of consideration than mere spite against
the one giving the provocation or threat.
PEOPLE VS. LUNA: taking into account that the American forces had
just occupied Manila, it is not strange that the accused should have
considered it then as a grave offense when the offended party said:
“You are a Japanese spy.”
o Killing a relative is a grave offense:
- The time was taken into consideration in that case.
PEOPLE VS. DONIEGO: it was most natural and logical for the
appellant to have been enraged and obfuscated at the sight of his
dead son and seized by that feeling of hatred and rancor, to have
stabbed indiscriminately the people around x x x.
CRIMINAL LAW 1 | REYES | AUF – SOL 2014 Page 76 | Bantay
US VS. ALCASID, US VS. DAVIS: if a person kills another for having US VS. SALANDANAN: when there are causes naturally producing in
found him in the act of committing an attempt against his (accused’s) a person powerful excitement, he loses his reason and self-control,
wife, he is entitled to the benefits of this circumstance of having acted thereby diminishing the exercise of his will.
in vindication of a grave offense against his and his wife’s honor.
- The remark itself was general in nature and not specifically US VS. ORTENCIO: BUT where the accused killed his wife on the
directed to the accused. If he felt alluded to by a remark which occasion when she visited her aunt’s husband, this mitigating
he personally considered insulting to him, that was his own circumstance was held to be applicable, having in mind the jealousy of
individual reaction thereto. Other people in the vicinity who the accused and her refusal to return to his house until after the arrival
might have heard the remark could not have possibly known of her uncle.
that the victim was insulting the accused unless they were
aware of the background of the criminal and administrative
charges involving moral turpitude pending against the accused.
The remark cannot be considered a grave offense against the
PEOPLE VS. ANCHETA: the mitigating circumstance of having acted
under an impulse so powerful as to have produced passion and
obfuscation should be considered in favor of the owner who, upon
seeing the person who stole his carabao, shoots the supposed thief.
- Vindication of a grave offense incompatible with passion or
PEOPLE VS. DAGATAN: vindication of a grave offense and passion PEOPLE VS. SAMONTE: the act of the deceased in creating trouble
or obfuscation cannot be counted separately and independently. during the walk of the departed father of defendant-appellant
scandalizes the mourners and offends the sensibilities of the grieving
family. Considering that the trouble created by the deceased was both
unlawful and sufficient to infuriate accused-appellant, his guilt is
PAR. 6: mitigated by passion or obfuscation.
PEOPLE VS. NOYNAY: the accused killed the deceased when the PEOPLE VS. MATBAGON: … or where at least half an hour
latter was about to take the carabao of the accused to the barrio intervened between the previous fight and subsequent killing of the
lieutenant. deceased by the accused.
US VS. DIAZ, PEOPLE VS. BAKIL: if the cause of the loss of self-
control was trivial and slight, as when the victim failed to work on the PEOPLE VS. GARVACIO: the accuse claimed that he had not been
hacienda on which the accused was the overseer, or where the regularly paid his wages by the victims who, he claimed further, used
accused saw the injured party picking fruits from the tree claimed by to scold him and beat him; but he failed to prove that those acts which
the former, the obfuscation is NOT mitigating. produced passion and obfuscation in him took place at a time far
removed from the commission of the crime which would justify a
interference that after his passion had been aroused, he had no time to
reflect and cool off. Mitigation does not avail him.
2) That said act which produced the obfuscation was not
far removed from the commission of the crime by a
considerable length of time, during which the
perpetrator might recover his normal equanimity. PEOPLE VS. LAYSON: for the circumstance to exist, it is necessary
o NO passion or obfuscation AFTER 24 HOURS, that the act which gave rise to the obfuscation be not removed from the
or SEVERAL HOURS, or HALF an hour. commission of the offense by a considerable length of time, during
which period the perpetrator might recover his normal equanimity.
PEOPLE VS. BELLO: the defense submits that the accused is entitled
to the mitigating circumstance of having acted on a provocation
PASSION OR OBFUSCATION MUST ARISE FROM LAWFUL sufficiently strong to cause passion and obfuscation, because the
SENTIMENTS: deceased’s flat rejection of the entreaties of the accused for her to quit
her calling as a hostess and return to their former relation, aggravated
by her sneering statement that the accused was penniless and invalid,
US VS. HICKS: for about 5 years, the accused and the deceased lived provoked the accused into losing is head and stabbing the deceased. It
illicitly in the manner of husband and wife. Afterwards, the deceased appears that the accused had previously reproved the deceased for
separated from the accused and lived with another man. The accused allowing herself to be caressed by a stranger. Her loose conduct was
enraged by such conduct, killed the deceased. forcibly driven home to the accused by the remark of one Marasigan
on the very day of the crime that the accused was the husband “whose
- Even if it is true that the accused acted with obfuscation wife was being used by one Maring for the purpose of prostitution,” a
because of jealousy, the mitigating circumstance cannot be remark that so deeply wounded the feelings of the accused that he
considered in his favor because the causes which mitigate was driven to consume a large amount of wine before visiting Alicia
criminal responsibility for the loss of self-control are such which (deceased) to plead with her to leave her work. Alicia’s insulting refusal
originate from legitimate feelings, and not those which arise to renew her liaison with the accused, therefore was not motivated by
from vicious, unworthy and immortal passions. any desire to lead a chaste life henceforth, but showed he
determination to pursue a lucrative profession that permitted her to
distribute her favors indiscriminately. It was held that the accused
insistence that she live with him again, and his rage at her rejection of
the proposal cannot be properly qualified as arising from immoral and
unworthy passions. Even without benefit of wedlock, a monogamous
US VS. DE LA CRUZ: BUT the ruling in the case of HICKS should be liaison appears orally of a higher level than gainful promiscuity.
distinguished from the case where the accused, in the head of passion,
killed his common-law wife upon discovering her in flagrante in carnal
communication with a common acquaintance.
- It was held in such a case that the accused was entitled to the
mitigating circumstance of passion or obfuscation, because the PEOPLE VS. GRAVINO: passion or obfuscation must originate from
impulse was caused by the sudden revelation that she was lawful sentiments, not from the fact that, for example, the girl’s
untrue to him, and his discovery of her in flagrante in the arms sweetheart killed the girl’s father and brother because the girl’s parents
of another. objected to their getting married and the girl consequently broke off
- In HICKS, the cause of passion and obfuscation of the accused their relationship. Such an act is actuated more by a spirit of
was his vexation, disappointment and anger engendered by the lawlessness and revenge rather than any sudden and legitimate
refusal of the woman to continue to live in illicit relations with impulse of natural and uncontrollable fury.
him, which she had a perfect right to do.
- In spirit of lawlessness:
- In spirit of revenge:
US VS. MACALINTAL, PEOPLE VS. ZAPATA: it has also been held PEOPLE VS. DIOKNO: but where there are other facts, although
that the belief entertained in good faith by the defendants that the closely connected with the fact upon which on circumstance is
deceased cast upon their mother a spell of witchcraft which was the premised, the other circumstance may be appreciated as based on the
cause of her serious illness, is so powerful a motive as to natural other fact.
produce passion of obfuscation.
- Thus, where the deceased, a Chinaman, had eloped with the
daughter of the accused, and later when the deceased saw the
accused coming, the deceased ran upstairs in his house, there
are two facts which are closely connected, namely:
(1) Elopement, which is a grave offense to a family of old
PEOPLE VS. TORRES: one of the accused, s self-appointed
customs, and
representative of God who claims supernatural powers, demanded of
(2) Refusal to deal with him, a stimulus so strong enough
the deceased to kiss and awake her dead sister who, she said, was
to produce in his mind a fit of passion.
merely asleep. The deceased, an old lady, refused. The accused
- TWO mitigating circumstances of (1) vindication, and (2)
thought that the deceased had become a devil. Then she commanded
passion were considered in favor of the accused. The
her companions to surround the deceased and pray to drive the evil
mitigating circumstance of vindication of a grave offense was
spirits away, but, allegedly without success. The accused barked an
based on the fact of elopement and that of passion on the fact
order to beat the victim to death as she had turned into Satan or
that the deceased, instead of meeting him and asking for
forgiveness, ran away from that accused.
- The accused and her sisters are entitled to the mitigating
circumstance of passion or obfuscation. Her order to kiss and
awake her sister was challenged by the victim. This generated
a false belief in the minds of the three sisters that in the victim’s PASSION OR OBFUSCATION COMPATIBLE WITH LACK OF
person resided the evil spirit – Satan or Lucifer. And this INTENTION TO COMMIT A GRAVE SO WRONG: PEOPLE VS.
triggered “an impulse so powerful as naturally to have CABEL
produced passion or obfuscation.”
- Passion or obfuscation INCOMPATIBLE with treachery:
- BASIS OF PAR. 6: because the offender who acts with passion PEOPLE VS. WONG: passion or obfuscation cannot co-exist with
or obfuscation suffers a diminution of his intelligence and treachery, for while in the mitigating circumstance of passion or
intent. obfuscation the offender loses his reason and self-control, in the
- Provocation and obfuscation arising from one and the same aggravating circumstance of treachery, the mode of attack must be
cause should be treated as only one mitigating circumstance: consciously adopted. One who loses reason and self-control cannot
deliberately employ a particular means, method or form of attack in the
execution of a crime.
PEOPLE VS. PAGAL: since the alleged provocation which caused the
obfuscation of the appellants arose from the same incident, that is, the
alleged maltreatment and/or ill-treatment of the appellants by the o Vindication or obfuscation cannot be considered when
deceased, those two mitigating circumstances cannot be considered the person attacked is not the one who gave cause
as two distinct and separate circumstances but should be treated as therefor.
- Thus, where the accused killed his wife during a quarrel, PEOPLE VS. DAGATAN: vindication and obfuscation cannot be
because he had no work, resented her suggestion to join her considered, not only because of elopement of Lucila Dagatan and
brother in the business of cutting logs, the court erred in Eleuterio Yara and her abandonment by the latter took place long
Cannot give rise to an irresistible PEOPLE VS. FLORES: merely requesting a policeman to accompany
force because irresistible force the accused to the police headquarters is not equivalent to the
requires physical force. requirement that he “voluntarily surrendered himself to a person in
authority or his agents.”
In the offender himself. Must come from a third person. - The accused must actually surrender his own person to the
authorities, admitting complicity in the crime. His conduct, after
the commission of the crime, must indicate a desire on his part
Must arise from lawful The irresistible force is unlawful. to own the responsibility for the crime.
PEOPLE VS. TENORIO: the accused, after plunging a bolo into the
PASSION or OBFUSCATION PROVOCATION victim’s chest, ran toward the municipal building. Upon seeing a
patrolman, he immediately threw away his bolo, raised his two hands,
offered no resistance and said to the patrolman “here is my bolo, I
Produced by an impulse which Comes from the injured party. Stabbed the victim.” There was intent or desire to surrender voluntarily
may be caused by provocation. to the authorities.
PEOPLE VS. VELEZ: where the accused was actually arrested by his
own admission or that he yielded because of the warrant of arrest,
PEOPLE VS. MAGPANTAY: the accused left the scene of the crime there is no voluntary surrender although the police blotter
but made several attempts to surrender to various local officials which euphemistically used the word “surrender.”
somehow did not materialize for one reason or another. It was already
a week after when they were finally able to surrender.
PEOPLE VS. TORRES: tempered justice suggests that appellants be PEOPLE VS. SAVILLA, PEOPLE VS. SIGAYAN: where the accused
credited with voluntary surrender in mitigation. That they had no were asked to surrender by the police and military authorities but they
opportunity to surrender because the peace officers came, could not refused until only must later when they could no longer do otherwise by
be charged against them. force of circumstances when they knew they were completely
surrounded and there was no chance of escape. Their surrender was
- For one thing is certain – they yielded their weapons at the not spontaneous as it was motivated more by an intent to insure their
time. Not only that. They voluntarily went with the peace safety.
officers to the municipal building. These acts, in legal effect,
amount to voluntary surrender.
PEOPLE VS. DE LA CRUZ: where the search for the accused had
lasted 4 years which belies the spontaneity of the surrender.
PEOPLE VS. RADOMES: the accused did not offer any resistance nor
try to hid when a policeman ordered him to come down his house. He
even brought his bolo used to commit the crime and voluntarily gave PEOPLE VS. GARCIA: where other than the accused’s version in
himself up to the authorities before he could be arrested. These court that he went to a police officer in Dagupan City and asked the
circumstances are sufficient to consider the mitigating circumstance of latter t accompany him to Olangapo City after he was told by someone
voluntary surrender in his favor. that his picture was seen posted in the municipal building, no other
evidence was presented to establish indubitably that he deliberately
surrendered to the police.
PEOPLE VS. JEREZA: all the records reveal is that the accused
trooped to the police headquarters to surrender the firearm used in
committing the crime. It is not clear whether or not he also sought to PEOPLE VS. TRIGO: the accused only went to the police station to
submit his very person to the authorities. The accused is given the report that his wife was stabbed by another person and to seek
benefit of the doubt and his arrival at the police station is considered as protection as he feared that the same assailant would also stab him.
an act of surrender.
PEOPLE VS. CANOY: where the Chief of Police placed the accused
under arrest in his employer’s home to which hat officer was
o Cases NOT constituting voluntary surrender:
summoned and it does not appear that it was the idea of the accused
to send for the police for the purpose of giving himself up.
EL PUEBLO CONTRA CONWI: the warrant of arrest showed that the - Where the accused accompanied the Chief of Police to the
accused was in fact arrested. scene of the crimes and he was not yet charged with, or
suspected of having taking part in, said crimes, and the
authorities were not looking for him, and would not have looked
for him if he had not been present at the investigation by the
PEOPLE VS. BRANA: while it is true that the warrant for the arrest of
the accused was dated MAR. 7, 1967, and the police authorities were
PEOPLE VS. PARANA: BUT where a person, after committing the
able to take custody of the accused only on MAR. 31, 1967, there is
offense and having opportunity to escape, voluntarily waited for the
nothing in the record to show that the warrant had actually been served
agents of the authorities and voluntarily gave himself up, he is entitled
on him, or that it had been returned unserved for failure of the server to
to the benefit of this circumstance, even if he was placed under arrest
locate the accused. Upon the other hand, there is direct evidence that
by a policeman then and there.
the accused voluntarily presented himself to the police on MAR. 31,
1967. And the fact that it was effected sometime after the warrant of
arrest had been issued does not in the least detract from the voluntary
character of the surrender in the absence of proof to the contrary.
PEOPLE VS. BABIERA: and when the accused helped in carrying his
victim to the hospital where he was disarmed and arrested, it is
tantamount to voluntary surrender.
o The law does not require that the surrender be prior to
- The facts of CONWI case, supra, should be distinguished from the order of arrest.
the fats of the cases of PEOPLE VS. PARANA and PEOPLE
VS. BABIERA, supra, where the arrest of the offender was after
his voluntary surrender or after his doing an act amounting to a RIVERA VS. CA: in PEOPLE VS. YEDA and PEOPLE VS. TURALBA,
voluntary surrender to the agent of a person in authority. it was held that when after the commission of the crime and the
issuance of the warrant of arrest, the accused presented himself in the
municipal building to post the bond for temporary release, voluntary
surrender is mitigating. The fact that the order of arrest had already
The accused who ran to the municipal building been issued is no bar to the consideration of the circumstance
because the law does not require that the surrender be prior to the
after the commission of the crime had the order of arrest.
intention or desire to surrender.
The accused who fled and hid himself to avoid - Thus, it is clear that notwithstanding the pendency of a warrant
reprisals from the companions of the deceased, for his arrest, the accused may still be entitled to the mitigating
but upon meeting a policeman voluntarily went circumstance in case he surrenders, depending on the natural
with him to the jail, is ENTITLED to the benefit facts surrounding the very act of giving himself up.
of the mitigating circumstance of voluntary
PEOPLE VS. DAYRIT: thus, when the accused, after the commission PEOPLE VS. JOSE DE RAMOS: after the incident, the accused
of the crime, fled to the Imperial Hotel for security purposes, as there
reported it to the councilor, that he stayed in the councilor’s place for
was no policeman around and the companions of the deceased were
about an hour; and that thereafter he went to the chief of police to
pursing him to that place, and once inside he hid himself there, his whom he related what had happened between him and the injured
going voluntarily to the jail with the policeman who had gone to the
party and surrendered the bolo – not his person – to said chief of
hotel to investigate the incident, was held to be a mitigating
PEOPLE VS. CANOY and PEOPLE VS. RUBINAL, supra: the fact
PEOPLE VS. CANOY, PEOPLE VS. RUBINAL: the fact that the that the accused did not escape or g into hiding after the commission
accused did not escape or go in hiding after the commission of the of the murder and in fact he accompanied the chief of police to the
murder and in fact he accompanied the chief of police to the scene of scene of the crime without surrendering to him and admitting complicity
the crime without however surrendering to him and admitting complicity in the killing did NOT amount to voluntary surrender to the authorities
in the killing did not amount to voluntary surrender to the authorities and this circumstance would not be extenuating in that case.
and this circumstance would not be extenuating in the case.
o Surrender through an intermediary: PEOPLE VS. LINGATONG: for voluntary surrender to be appreciated,
it is necessary that the same be spontaneous in such manner that it
shows the intent of the accused to surrender unconditionally to the
PEOPLE VS. DE LA CRUZ: the accused surrendered through the authorities, either because he acknowledges his guilty or because he
mediation of his father before any arrant of arrest had been issued. His wishes to save them the trouble and expense necessarily incurred in
surrender was appreciated as mitigating. his search and capture.
- Hence, the accused could claim his plea of guilty in the RTC as A conditional plea of guilty is not a mitigating
mitigating circumstance, pursuant to ART. 13 (7) of the RPC.
SEARCHING INQUIRY: the guidelines in the conduct of a searching - When the crime is punished by a special law, the court shall
inquiry are as follows: also exercise its sound discretion, as ART. 64 is not applicable.
The penalty prescribed by special laws is usually not divisible
into three periods. ART. 64 is applicable only when the penalty
(1) Ascertain from the accused himself (a) how he was brought
has three periods.
into the custody of the law; (b) whether he had assistance of a
competent counsel during the custodial and preliminary
investigations; and (c) under what conditions he was detained
and interrogated during the investigations. This intended to rule PAR. 8: DEAF AND DUMB:
out the possibility that the accused has been coerced or placed
under a state of duress either b actual threats of physical harm
coming from malevolent quarters or simply because of the PEOPLE VS NAZARIO: in a criminal case charging robbery in an
judge’s intimidating robes. inhabited house, the accused is deaf and dumb.
- Physical defect must restrict means of action, defense or - Illness of the offender considered mitigating.
communication with fellow beings.
PEOPLE VS. BALNEG: the mistaken belief of the accused that the
Physical defect referred to in this paragraph is such as being armless, killing of a witch was for the public good may be considered a
cripple, or a stutterer, whereby his means to act, defend himself or mitigating circumstance for the reason that those who have obsession
communicate with his fellow beings are limited. (Albert) that witches are to be eliminated are in the same condition as one who,
attacked with a morbid infirmity but still retaining consciousness of his
QUESTION: Does this paragraph apply when the deaf-mute or the acts, does not have real control over his will.
blind is educated?
PAR. 9:
PEOPLE VS. CARPENTER: one who was suffering from acute
- REQUISITES: neurosis which made him ill-tempered and easily angered is entitled to
1) That the illness of the offender must diminish the this mitigating circumstance, because such illness diminished his
exercise of his will-power. exercise of will power.
2) That such illness should not deprive he offender of
consciousness of his acts.
- When the offender completely lost the exercise of will-power, it
may be an exempting circumstance.
PEOPLE VS. FORMIGONES: the fact that the accused is
feebleminded warrants the finding in his favor of the mitigating
circumstance either under PAR. 8 or under PAR. 9 of ART. 13.
PEOPLE VS. BONOAN: when a person becomes affected either by
dementia praecox or by manic depressive psychosis, during the period
of excitement, he has no control whatsoever of his acts.
Thus, this paragraph was applied to a mother who, under the influence - Must be of similar nature and analogous to those mentioned in
of a puerperal fever, killed her child the day following her delivery. PARs. 1 to 9 of ART. 13: this paragraph authorizes the court to
consider in favor of the accused “any other circumstance of a
But in the case of PEOPLE VS. FRANCISCO, it was held that this similar nature and analogous to those mentioned” in PARs. 1 to
paragraph applies to defendant who committed the crime while 9 of ART. 13.
suffering from some illness (of the body, the mind, the nerves, or the
- Over 60 years old with failing sight, similar to over 70 years of
moral faculty.
age mentioned in PAR. 2:
NOTE: in accordance with the ruling in the above-mentioned case,
illness of the mind is included. It would seem that a diseased mind, not
CRIMINAL LAW 1 | REYES | AUF – SOL 2014 Page 90 | Bantay
considered as a mitigating factor.
PEOPLE VS. REANTILLO AND RUIZ: the fact that the defendant was
over 60 years and with failing sight, is analogous to circumstances No.
2 of ART. 13, as similar to the case of one over 70 years of age.
- ESPIRIT DE CORPS, similar to passion and obfuscation:
- Outraged feeling of owner of animal taken for ransom PEOPLE VS. VILLAMORA: mass psychology and appeal to esprit de
analogous to vindication of a grave offense: corps is similar to passion or obfuscation. In this case, many of the
soldiers who took part in the killing of the deceased responded to the
call and appeal of their lieutenant who urged them to avenge the
PEOPLE VS. MONAGA: the accused is entitled to the mitigating outrage committed by the deceased who had summarily ejected
circumstance of analogous to, if not the same, vindication of a grave certain soldiers from the dance hall. They considered the act of the
offense committed by the deceased where the latter took away the deceased a grave insult against their organization.
carabao of the accused and held it for random, and thereafter failed to
fulfil his promise to pay its value after the carabao had died.
- Impulse of jealousy feeling, similar to passion and obfuscation: PEOPLE VS. NAVASCA: the act of testifying for the prosecution,
without previous discharge, by Lorenzo Soberano (one of the accused)
should be considered in his favor as a mitigating circumstance
PEOPLE VS. UBENGEN: the fact that the accused committed slander analogous to a plea of guilty.
by charging the offended party with being the concubine of the
husband of the accused under the impulse of a jealous feeling
apparently justified, though later discovered to be unfounded, because
the complainant, as verified by physical examination, was a virgin, may - Extreme poverty and necessity, similar to incomplete
be taken, under ART. 13, PAR. 10, of the Revised Penal Code, as a justification on state of necessity:
mitigating circumstance similar to passion and obfuscation.
- Manifestations of Battered Wife Syndrome, analogous to an PEOPLE VS. AGUSTIN: extreme poverty may mitigate a crime against
illness that diminishes the exercise of will power: property, such as theft, but not a crime of violence such as murder.
PEOPLE VS. GENOSA: the cyclical nature and the severity of the
violence inflicted upon appellant resulted in “cumulative provocation PEOPLE VS. PUJINO: but it is not mitigating where the accused had
which broke down her psychological resistance and natural self- impoverished himself and lost his gainful occupation by committing
control,” “psychological paralysis,” and “difficulty in concentrating or crimes and not driven to crime due to want and poverty.
impairment of memory.”
PEREZ VS. PEOPLE: at most, then, payment of the amount (2) From his private relations with the offended party, or
malversed will only serve as a mitigating circumstance akin to
voluntary surrender, as provided for in PAR. 7 of ART. 3 in relation to
PAR. 10 of the same Article of the Revised Penal Code. A, son of B, committed robbery against the latter, while C, a stranger,
bought the property taken by A from B, knowing that the property was
the effect of the crime of robbery. The circumstance of relationship
(ART. 15) arose from the private relation of A with B and it shall
- Killing the wrong man is not mitigating. mitigate the liability of A only. It shall not mitigate the liability of C, an
accessory. (ART. 19)
PEOPLE VS. GONA: neither does the Court believe the fact that he
made a mistake in killing the wrong man should be considered as a
mitigating circumstance. (3) From any other personal cause, shall only serve to
mitigate the liability of the principals, accomplices, and
accessories as to whom such circumstances are
- NOT analogous mitigating circumstance:
PEOPLE VS. DY POL: the accused, who was charged with the crime
of falsification, pleaded guilty and invoked as mitigating circumstance
the lack of irreparable material damage. CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH ARE NEITHER EXEMPTING NOT
- HELD: this is not recognized as a mitigating circumstance in
the Revised Penal Code. Neither is it among those which may
be considered as similar in nature and analogous to those 1) Mistake in the blow or aberratio ictus, for under ART. 48, there
expressly prescribed as mitigating circumstances. is a complex crime committed. The penalty is even higher.
2) Mistake in the identity of the victim, for under ART. 4, PAR. 1,
the accused is criminally liable even if the wrong done is
different from that which is intended. See ART. 49 as to its
- Not resisting arrest, not analogous to voluntary surrender: effect on the penalty.
3) Entrapment of the accused.
4) The accused if over 18 years of age.
PEOPLE VS. RABUYA: yielding to arrest without the slightest attempt
to resist is not analogous to voluntary surrender.
PEOPLE VS. MARASIGAN: if the offender is over 18 years of age, his
age is neither exempting nor mitigating.