Family-Planning NSTP

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Family Planning

The concept of family planning is to enhance the quality of life by regulating or spacing the children to
promote the health of the mother and the child. It is anchored on the right of the individual to grow and
be fit mentally and physically, to attain wellness, and to have a sense of dignity as a person. It focuses on
the parent’s responsibility to provide their children’s needs and to take active path in their community.

Family Planning Methods

1. Rhythm/Calendar- requires abstinence during women’s fertile period.

2. Pills- works by preventing ovulation and thickening of cervical mucus.
3. IUD (Intra-Uterine Device)- works by preventing implementation of fertilized egg in uterus.
4. Diaphragm- works by preventing passage of the sperm into the female reproductive tract.
5. Condom- works by preventing passage of the sperm into female reproductive tract.
6. Vaginal Sponge- works by preventing passage of the sperm into female reproductive tract.
7. Spermicide- contains chemical that immobilize and kill sperms.
1. Does not violate religious bars against artificial control.
2. Provides constant dosages of estrogen and progesterone; may protect women from
rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Once inserted, requires no further actions; allows spontaneous lovemaking.
4. Fully reversible with no side effects; may protect against some sexually transmitted diseases
5. Available without prescription at low cost, no side effects, protects against aids and other
6. Widely available without prescription. May be inserted up to 24 hours in advance of
7. Inexpensive, widely available without prescription, fully reversible, may protect against
some STD’s.
1. Restricts sexual activity to women’s cycle; less reliable with women with irregular
2. May cause weight gain, tender and swollen breast, light or absent period, nausea,
headaches and depression.
3. Increased risk of tubal pregnancy, infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease; increase
menstrual flow and cramps.
4. Spermicide must be re-applied for each episode of intercourse; some women find it
difficult to insert and unaesthetic
5. Lovemaking is interrupted; reduces sexual pleasure to some men.
6. May cause burning sensation; some women have difficulty removing the device.
7. Must be inserted 10-30 minutes of intercourse; some women find them unaesthetic.

Nursing Care of the Mother who is Breastfeeding

A. Assessment
1. Desire to breastfeed
2. Knowledge of breastfeeding and breast care
3. Level of anxiety regarding breastfeeding

B. Implementation
1. Feeding schedule – The length of time is usually 20 minutes with the greatest quantity of
milk consume in first 5-10 minutes.
2. Feeding techniques- the mother and infant should be in comfortable position. The entire
body of infant should be bent towards mother’s breast. The baby should allowed to burp or
bubble after feeding to allow for escape of air.
3. Breast mile intake- this should be done based on one-sixth to one-seventh of baby’s weight
per day.
4. Care of Breast- the nursing pads should be placed inside bra cap to absorb any milk leaking
between feedings. The pad should be cleaned with plain water once a day.
C. Outcomes:
1. Infant sleeping between feeding
2. Infant receiving enough milk
3. Mother has no sign of breast infection
A drug is a chemical substance that effects the function of living cells and alters, body, or
mind processes when taken into the body or applied through the skin. Drug abuse is the
overuse or consumption of drugs other than the recommended dose of prescription drugs
using government regulated substances or other illegal drugs. Drug dependence is
characterizes by a compulsion to use drug to experience psychological or physical effects
despite any deterioration in health, work, or social activities.

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Abuse

1. Sudden shift in attitudes; a person who was once sober and polite suddenly becomes
rude and irrational.
2. Mood swings. Depressed first then becoming highly elated.
3. Highly excitable and displays fits of rage and aggression.
4. Unusual effort to conceal needle marks on arms; wears dark spectacles to hide
constricted or dilated pupils and blood-shot eyes from public view even indoors and
during nighttime.
5. Sudden regression from the usual and normal capabilities such as from school, work,
and social habits.
6. Neglect of personal grooming, hygiene, and appearance.
7. Engaging in petty crimes and other forms of mischief to support the illegal habits.
8. Association with known drug abusers and people with shady character.

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