Laporan Praktikum Pengamatan Mikroskopis

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Complete report of basic biology experiment entitle “Microscope

Observation” arranged by :
name : Nidya Nurafifah Mansur
ID : 1816441001
class : ICP of Science Education
group : 4 (four)
After checked by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator. So, this report was

Makassar, November 2018
Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Ibnu Mundzir Risma

ID. 121 444 0002 ID. 1514440004

Known by,
Responsibility Lecturer

Dr. A.Mu’nisa, S.Si, M.Si

NIP. 19720526 199802 2 001

A. Background
The world can be thankful to the microscope for a great many things. How
one-sided and limited our knowledge of nature would be if the trail-blazing
scientist had not been able to discover new worlds by microscopic examination in
the last two and a half centuries. Humans on Earth have always wanted to know
what was around him that everything was created by God Almighty. Good things
visible and invisible by using only the naked eye. With limited capabilities that
exist so that humans try to find a tool that can be used to see the object.
Microscopes become a very important tool in the field of biological sciences
especially when they want to observe substances / molecules that are small
enough that cannot be seen by only relying on normal eye vision.
Compared to modern microscopes, the microscope is a very simple device,
using only one lens, mounted in a small hole in the brass plate that forms the body
of the instrument. The microscope is an instrument that is most widely used in a
laboratory activity. Because almost all biology courses require microscopes in
their laboratory activities.
Living things are arranged from the smallest units to form the largest unit
called individuals. The smallest unit of all living things is known as the cell name
which has a distinctive structure that regulates the activity of the individual. These
cells also work in a system known as network which is a collection or unit which
is the consistency of these cells.
The network as a constituent of living organ species has a very diverse type
and its constituent cells have a fairly high level of complexity so that it takes an
observation to know the actual shape of the network and what actually causes the
different forms of one network with other tissues.
The diversity of forms and functions of networks for example lies in the
shape of the constituent cells or the structure of the organelles that make up the
network. This diversity requires a good knowledge of the structure and network
that makes us do practicum about the constituent tissues in plants and animals.
B. Purpose
After doing this activity students are expected to be able to explain the
structure and kinds of networks that make up the organs of plants and
C. Benefits
1. Students can see the structure and tissue directly in plants and animals
with the help of a microscope.
2. Students are able to show parts of the tissue and the location of tissues in
plants and animals.

With more than 400.000 plant and 1.000.000 estimated metabolites,

metabolomics is an emerging technology that profiles the complete set of small
naturally or induced metabolites. The recent progress of metabolmics has led to a
comprehensive and global analysis of metabolites and metabolic pathways.
Recent development and results have shown that metabolomics approach could be
used to deciphere the carbohydrates metabolism and determine the structure of
specific metabolites. (Joseph Vacanti, 2018)
Organized cells become tissues (tissue), namely groups of cells with similar
features and similar functions. In all animals, except the simplest (eg sponges),
different tissues are organized further into functional units called organs. Organ
groups that work together provide additional levels of organization and
coordination and compile organ systems. Thus, for example, the skin is an organ
of the integument system, which protects it from infection and helps regulate body
temperature. .(Campbell, 2010)
Only by looking at the body's organizational hierarchy from 'bottom up'
(from cells to organ systems), we can reveal the emergent properties underlying
organ systems, the hierarchical view from 'top to bottom' makes the basis of
specialization the layers become clear. Pay attention to the digestive system,
which in humans consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
intestine and large intestine, accessory organs and anus. Every organ has specific
roles in digestion. For example, one important gastric function is to start protein
breakdown. This process requires stirring food carried out by the muscles of the
stomach, as well as digestive gums secreted by the stomach lining. (Campbell,
Specialization characteristics of complex body builds are based on various
combinations of a limited set of cell types and networks. For example, the lungs
and blood vessels have different functions but are coated by tissues of the same
basic type so that they have many similarities. To introduce these same traits, we
will review the main network types in vertebrates. In the following chapters, we
will discuss how the networks described here contribute to the functions of each
organ system. (Campbell, 2010)
As with any succesful undertaking, new problems have emerged.
Techniques using implantable foreign body materials have produced dislodgment,
infection at the foreign body/tissue interface, fracture, and migration over time.
Techniques moving tissue from one position to another have produced biologic
changes because of the abnormal interaction of the tissue at its location. For
example, diverting urine into the colon can produce fatal colon cancers 20-30
years later. Making esophageal tubes from the skin can result in skin tumors 30
years later. (Lanza, Robert. 2010)
There are sheets of cells, epithelial tissue covering the outside of the body
and lining the organs and cavities in the body. Epithelial cells are tightly arranged,
often involving tight joints , allowing epithelial tissue to function as a barrier
against mechanical, pathogenic, and fluid loss. Epithelial tissue cells, or
epithelium (epithelium, plural, epithelia), also form an active interface with the
environment. For example, the epithelium lining the nasal passages has a very
important function in olfaction, the sense of smell. (Campbell, 2010)
Blood, which functions differently from other connective tissues, has a
liquid extracellular matrix called plasma. Consisting of water, salt, and dissolved
proteins, plasma contains erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood
cells), and cell fragments called platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen; white
blood cells function in defense; while platelets help in blood clots. (Campbell.
The most common function of connective tissue (connective tissue) is to
bind and support other tissues in the body. Connective tissue consists of a
population of loose cells that are spread throughout the extracellular matrix. The
matrix generally consists of a network of fibers embedded in a uniform foundation
that may be liquid, gel-like, or solid. This variation in matrix structure is reflected
in the six main types of connective tissue in vertebrates: loose connective tissue,
cartilage, fiber connective tissue, adipose tissue, blood, andbone.
Fiber connective tissue, which is composed of proteins, consists of three
types: collagen, elastic, and reticular. Collagen fibers provide both strength and
flexibility. (Campbell, 2010)
Facilitated diffusion works in both directions. Sometimes it is equally
important to move substances into the cell as it is to move other substances out of
the cell. Certain hormones can affect the rates at which some substances move
across cell membranes. For instance, insulin increases the rate of glucose uptake
by some tissues. While glucose normally moves along a concentration gradient,
facilitated diffusion helps increase that rate. ( Garber, D.Steven,2010)
Networks that are responsible for almost all types of body movements are
muscle tissue. All muscle cells consist of filaments that contain actin proteins and
myosins, which together allow muscles to contract. Muscle is the most abundant
tissue in most animals, and muscle activity composes most of the cellular work
that consumes energy in active animals. the three types of muscle tissue in the
vertebrate body: skeletal muscle, heart muscle, and smooth muscle. (Campbell,
The function of nervous tissue is to sense stimulation and transmit signals
in the form of nerve impulses from one part of the animal to another. Neural
networks contain neurons, or nerve cells, which have a extension called axons that
are uniquely specialized to transmit nerve impulses. Neural networks also include
various glial cells, or glia, which help provide food, insulate, and refresh return
neurons. In most animals, the concentration of neural networks forms the brain,
the center for information processing. As we will discuss next, neurons have a
very important role in managing many physiological functions of animals.
(Campbell, 2010)

A. Observation Results
Comparative Image
Network Explanation
Picture Observation
name From Internet

40 x 10
40 x 10

Group 1
1. Nukleus
10 x 10 2. Cytoplasma
Muscle 10 x 10
Comparative Image
Network Picture Explanation
name From Internet

Rubber Fig Leaf

10 x 10

Rubber Fig Leaf

10 x 10

Group 2

Rubber Sunflower Old

Fig Leaf Root
10 x 10
Sunflower Old Root
10 x 10
Old Root
Network Comparative Image
Picture Explanation
name Observation Image From Internet

Zea Mays
10 x 0,25

Zea Mays
10 x 0,25

Group 3

Zea Mays

And Cucurbita
Cucurbita Moschata
Moschata Stem
Cucurbita 10 x 0,25
10 x 0,25
Moschata m
Comparative Image
Network Picture Explanation
name From Internet

10 x 10 10 x 10

Group 4
40 x 10
Human 40 x 10
Comparative Image
Network Picture Explanation
name From Internet

Plain muscle cat

40 x 10

Plain muscle cat

40 x 10

Group 5

Muscle Goat Heart
Cat Muscle
40 x 10
Goat Heart Muscle
40 x 10
Comparative Image
Network Picture Explanation
name From Internet

Zea Mays Root

10 x 10

Zea Mays Root

10 x 10

Group 6

Zea Mays
Root Zea Mays Stem
10 x 10
Zea Mays Stem
10 x 10
Zea Mays
Comparative Image
Network Picture Explanation
name From Internet

Mammal Skin
10 x 10

Mammal Skin
10 x 10

Group 7

Skin Neuron cell of
And Neuron cell of goat 10 x 10
10 x 10
Cell of
Comparative Image
Network Picture Explanation
name From Internet

Compact bone
10 x 10
Compact bone horse
10 x 10

Group 8

Hyaline bone goat Hyaline bone goat
And 10 x 10 10 x 10

B. Discussion
1. Plant Tissue
1.) Stem of the object
2. Epidermal cells covered by compact without a space between cells.
3. Serves to protect the existing tissue undermeath.
4. Xylem is the vascular tissue that functions to transport water and
minerals from the roots throughout the plant.
5. Phloem is a tissue carrier which serves to transport the result of
photosynthesis and leaves throughout the plant body.
2.) Grow on the monocotyle
1. Root hair function to permeate the water and mineral salt from
within land ground.
2. Epidermis represent the protector network.
3. Cortex referred as also first husk because representing husk of paa
root consisted of by the cell coming from dot grow the primary.
4. Endodermis consisted of to by endue the cell encircling stele or
represent the cortex interior limiting among cortex and stele.
5. Cyperus microiria of located in middle shares and encircled by
xylem and floem.
6. Xylem of located in middle shares grow on and function to
transport the food gist sari to entire all body.
3.) Stem Monocotyle
1. Epidermis lay in by external shares of functioning bar as protector
to loss the irrigate.
2. Floem function to transport result of photosynthesis from leaf to
entire/all body.
3. Xylem function to transport the mineral salt from root to leaf.
4.) Leaf Monocotyle
1. Epidermis of leaf monocotyle consisted of to by endue the cell
with the thick wall superimpose the cuticle and do not have
chlorophyll, there are on the surface of for and under leaf, and
also function as protection.
2. Palisade consisted of by the supporter cell lapped over a meeting
and a lot of containing chlorophyle so that in it take place the
prose photodynthesis.
3. Stomata is usually lapped over is usually lapped over as
consecution of moss and leaf. Consecution stomata of located in
between leaf blood-vessel and function as incoming air way and
go out the leaf.
4. Spons consisted of by the cell which do not be rich so with the
chlorophyll, form and its formation is not regular, a lot of owning
space usher the cell which in it there are binding conveyor which
is in the form of leaf bone.
5. Xylem function to transport the water and mineral salt from
land;ground of through root later; then go to the leaf.
6. Floem function to transport result of photosynthesis from leaf to
entire/all plant body.
5.) Root on the dicotyle
1. Root hair permeate the water and mineral salt from within
2. Epidermis represent the thick natural protector network function
as way in irrigate and mineral salt.
3. Cortex of located in epidermis area and function as food reserve.
4. Located endodermis is coat side in function to arrange entry of
ground water into small channel transport.
5. Prakambium of located in coat side in functioning endodermis to
form the reserve grow on the cambium cork.
6. Xylem function to transport the water and mineral salt from root
to leaf.
7. Floem function to transport result of photosynthesis.
6.) Stem Dicotyle
1. Epidermis lay in by shares outside function as vitamin of kitin at bar
protect the loss in order not to irrigate too much.
2. Colenkim with the thick cellulose wall.
3. Cambium of located in among binding small channel of cylem and
4. Xylem lay in by interior bind conveyor.
7.) Leaf Dicotyle
1. Epidermis of divisible leaf dicotyle for two, that is epidermis for and
epidermis of under. Consist of one enduing cell which is its for square
(brick) structured meeting, do not contain the chlorophyll and
transparent. Its function to protect the cell coat laid at deeper than
dryness and also take care of the leaf form to be remain to in a state of
from the beginning.
2. Multicellular cortex and lapped over in layers, flimsy wall cell and have
the space usher the cell.
3. Xylem function to channel the water and mineral salt from root to leaf
4. Floem function to channel result of photosynthesis from leaf to
entire/all plant body.
2. Animal Tissue
There is four base tissue groups that form body all animal, including
multiceluller’s man and being low level as arthropod: epithelium’s tissue,
fastener tissue, contributor tissue, and nerve tissue.
1. Epithelium’s tissue
2. Fastener tissue
3. Muscle tissue
4. Afferent tissue
5. Contributor tissue.
So, we have the identified them :
1. Non striated muscle
Non striated muscle spindle shaped with both ends tapered and
enlarged middle section with a length of several microns. Smooth muscle
is also called muscle in, because smooth muscle develop inner tools, such
as the digestive tract, blood vessels, genital tract, and gastrointestinal
excretion. When viewed with a microscope, spindle-shaped smooth
muscle cells with both end pointed. This muscle has only one core.
Smooth muscle movement does not obey our will or work outside of
awareness. Therefore, smooth muscle is also called involuntary muscle.
This muscle work is slow, orderly, and not gets tired.
2. Smooth muscle
Bubble-shaped smooth muscle cells with a nucleus located in the
middle sarcoplasmic flat. Smooth muscle found in the muscles in the so
called viscera and autonomic felsarafan who himself has worked in the
subconscious. Smooth muscle contraction is slow, but not tired.
3. Striated muscle
Also called striated muscle because the fibers of skeletal muscle
contractions reflect light with intermittent alternating light and dark
vertical bands on the shaft to fotm muscle. Striated muscle consists of a
cylinder is very long and not branched.
4. Heart muscle
Heart muscle found in heart, composed of striated fibers which
branched branch and talk to each other. Heart muscle cells form branched
chains and often two or more forms synoutrum. Nuclei of one or two
pieces which is located at the center, the size of muscle fibers is smaller
than skeletal muscle. The defining features of heart muscle or have
comprised discus interkolaris.
5. Compact bone
Tissue serves as the support of the body that bind to each other such
tissues, these tissues each consisting of cells; this tissue is used to provide
power assistance and weak parts of your body, filling the body
considering a tissue. The tissue consists of lamella advocates, kanalikuli,
lacuna, and lamella. Which includes ancillary tissue is a tissue of bone,
cartilage tissue and blood in the lymph nodes.
6. Neuron
Neuron tissue formed by cells called neurons that work led
electrochemical nerve impulses. Each neuron has a cell body containing
the nucleus, having two or more cytoplasm, through which the nerve
fiber impulses. Dendrite nerve fibers that deliver impulses to the cell
body. Axons that transmit impulses away from the cell body.
7. Blood Tissue
Blood is the fluid found in all beings life (except plants), high level
function sends substances and oxygen needed ileh body, transporting
materials chemical results of metabolism, as well as the body’s defenses.
Inside there are all kinds of blood, including:
1. Erythrocyte
1. A major part of blood cells.
2. Contain hemoglobin which has a holding capacity of oxygen
and carbon dioxide.
3. Formed in bone marrow from the back of the embryo created
in limpha and liver.
2. Leukocytes
1. Neutrophils, is 65% of leukocytes that can kill bacteria by
means fogositosit.
2. Eusinofil, the cytoplasm are many types of leukocytes
containing granules (lysosomes) and function block parsit.
3. Basophils, is part of the leukocytes, but only 1% of function
muddling through infection, inflammation and allergies.

A. Conclusion
Plant tissue consists of meristem tissue and adult tissue. Meristem network
is a network that is always actively dividing. Adult tissue consists of
parenchymal tissue, protective tissue (epidermis), reinforcement tissue and
transport network. The network arranges various plant organs, namely roots,
stems and leaves
Animal tissue consists of epithelial tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue,
muscle tissue all of which have different structures and functions. Smooth
muscle tissue resembles spindles and has one core in the middle. Lurik
muscle tissue has bright and dark lines. The heart muscle tissue is branched in
shape and has two to three nuclei in the middle. The neural network is
composed of dendrites, cell bodies, nuclei, and axons.
B. Suggestion
The suggestions for further practicum are as follows.
1. It is better for the practitioner to be more careful in observing the structure
of the preparations observed on the microscope.
2. It is expected that the assistant can improve his guidance so that the
practitioner can make observations properly and correctly.

Campbell, Neil A, Jakarta:Erlangga

Euro SciCon.2018.Structural Biology.Barcelona, Spain. Volume 4. ISSN : 2471-

Garber, D.Steven.2010. Biology:A Self-Teaching Guide. Canada : Hoboken
Lanza, Robert. Principles of Tissue Engineering. Texas:Elsevier
Academic Press.

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