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This Technical Report Will Be Submitted As The Final Requirement For IT 412b/CS 412 Which Should Be Completed at The End of The OJT Period

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Technical Report

This technical report will be submitted as the final requirement for IT 412b/CS 412
which should be completed at the end of the OJT period

Format: Font size 12 (Times New Roman or Cambria), 1 inch margin on all sides,
1.5 lines spacing
Use LONG Coupon Bond.
Submit the report in a folder (use a double clip to hold the pages together)
For tabular templates, increase or decrease the number of rows accordingly,
depending on actual data.
Ensure that you abide by the confidentiality arrangements with the company you worked
at when providing information.


Each section should start on a new page

Internship: Hexacom


A Technical Report
Presented to the Faculty of
The Department of Information Technology/Computer Science of
the School of Accountancy, Business, Computing and Information Studies
St. Louis University


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Course
IT 412b Practicum 2 / CS 412 Practicum

Submitted to :

Jonathan Ramirez
Practicum Adviser

Submitted by:

Hershey Nicole M. Bagcal

August 2019

Company Profile

II. Company Resources

III. Internship Program

IV. Assessment

V. Appendix
1. Basic Information

Company Name Hexacom

Department/Area/Office Technical Section
Supervising Personnel - Mr. Sherwin Sanny Bustillos
Start Date June 13, 2019
End Date August 17, 2019

2. Company Description.

Hexacom is an Enterprise Computer Sales and Services. It is a service

center of acer and canon printers, and they also supply IT equipment’s. Hexacom
is located in stall 1, Adivay Building, Bonifacio Street, Baguio City, Benguet,
2600. The company has been establish for almost 10 years. Hexacom also divided
into 2 section, the first section was the Technical section and the second one is the
Sales section.

In the Sales Section they manage all the transactions being made in the
technical section. While in the Technical Section, they have the technical engineers
and technical head. The technicians in technical section is the one who maintain
the desktops and laptops of the customers. They are the one to detect and remove
the viruses from the computers or laptops, they also update its software and
drivers, install a security, upgrade memory and parts, configure the network
connections. They also setting up the newly purchased computers by doing
connecting of cables and hardware’s, and installing some software.

3. Office Environment/Culture.

In the company/office the first thing that we must follow is always to listen
to our supervisor or to other seniors , and We should know the proper way doing
things in our work, if we don’t know we always ask our seniors or supervisor on
how it works. We must understand and analyze the task properly. I also learned
that being responsible will duly accomplish your task on time and also to develop
my skills as well as communicating with different kinds of people and when
working together with others you build relationship to them and make the work
easier and faster, and being an IT profession you should have more knowledge on
what you’re doing and you will learn more and more in an updating different
technology. The most memorable experience in my training is being close to my
supervisor and seniors , teaching some things you can apply on your future, and
having new friend that can build your college life, and the skills I’ve learned that
will help me in future employment are Communications Skill, about Hardware and
Confident. And also working under pressure.
1. Hardware
A. Company-Wide.
 Acer
 Dell
 Hp
 Lenovo
 Asus
 Veriton
 Tehi
 Civo

B. At Work
 We used the personal computers at the office and printers
 Printer- Epson L220 and Canon
2. Software
A. Operating Systems
 Microsoft Windows 7
 Microsoft Window 10
B. Productivity Tools
 Microsoft Word
 Microsoft Excel
C. Software Development Tools and Technologies
D. Others
 MSI – Drivers&Utilities
 Palit- Graphics Cars
 Segate Laptop Thin HDD
 Core i9 9th gen
 MSI Geforce RTX

1. Task List
A Assembled CPU
B Observed a laptop if there’s any defect on it or auto shutdown.
C Attend Seminars (AMD, Dell, Microsoft)
D Installed an application (MS Office, Google Chrome, VLC, Adobe Reader)
then activated MS Office.
E Received defective printer (Front Desk)
F Reformatted and cloned CPU that we assembled
G Assembled cpu (20 units Tehi)

2. Main Accomplishment(s) <Describe briefly your main output. The benefits gained
by the company as a result of your work are included here. Add or remove rows as
A Assembled and Disassembled some cpu, it makes me responsible and
challenging. And also, I enhance my skills.
B Should be recognized by others.
C Understand and analyze the task properly.( skills, leadership, critical thinking,
and teamwork.
D We should know the proper way doing things in our work

3. Challenges Faced <Describe briefly the main challenges/problems you faced and
how you overcome / solved them. Add or remove rows as necessary.>
A Lack of time to accomplish tasks and continue on the next day until finish.
B Lack of Equipments Tools like screw drivers and ask supervisor

4. Learning / Growth <Provide a brief description of your learning experience on the

areas indicated.>
A Personality and/or Social Aspect
 Develop my skills as well as communicating with different kinds of
 Working together with others you build relationship to them and make
the work easier and faster.
B Technical Knowledge and/or Skills
 Makes me responsible and challenging. And also, I enhance my skills.
C Other Professional Skills
 It helps me to fix my laptop at home because I’ve learned how to
disassembled and assembled.
D Professional Work
 What I’ve learned that will help me in future employment are
Communications Skills
 What I’ve learned about my prospective career that being an IT
profession you should have more knowledge on what you’re doing and
you will learn more and more in an updating different technology.

1. Work Assessment

For each item, write the number corresponding to your rating of the following in
relation to your internship experience.
Rating Scale: Extensive = 4, Adequate/Sufficient = 3, Occasional = 2, Rare to
None = 1
Item Rating
On the opportunity you were provided to employ or enhance the
a) Analytical skills 4
b) Design skills 3
c) Coding and/or testing 4
d) Encoding skills 4
e) Organizational skills 3
f) Technical support 4
g) Communication skills 4
h) Interpersonal skills 4
i) Leadership skills 4
j) Quick thinking 4
k) Others (please indicate) <add more rows as necessary>

On the management and guidance provided by your supervisor

On the coordination and communication of the people you work with


2. Self-Assessment

For each item, write the number corresponding to your rating of your performance as an
Rating Scale: Very Good = 4, Good = 3, Acceptable = 2, Poor = 1
Item Rating
a) Compliance with general company guidelines 4
b) Initiative and willingness to work 4
c) Resourcefulness and creativity 4
d) Ability to follow instructions 4
e) Ability to complete tasks within a given amount of time 3
f) Quality of work 4
g) Interpersonal skills 4
h) Communication skills 4
i) Reliability and responsibility 4
j) Critical thinking 3


3. Miscellany
a) Areas for improvement
 I need to be more focused so that I can finish may task early.
b) Program
 being an IT profession you should have more knowledge on what
you’re doing and you will learn more and more in an updating and it
helps me a lot to fixed my own laptop and I’ve learned a lot when it
comes different hardware.

Signed Weekly Work Reports

Proof of Attendance (Daily Time Record, Logbook, etc.)
Photograph(s) of Trainee in the work place
Other Documents (e.g. waiver, letter of absence, overtime authorization, etc.)
For email messages, provide a sufficiently enlarged screenshot of the mail itself.
Certificate of Completion
Issued by the organization
Any other relevant documentation as deemed necessary by the student or adviser

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