Ayurvedic Syllabus
Ayurvedic Syllabus
Ayurvedic Syllabus
PART A 50 marks
1.Ayurveda Nirupana
1.1 Lakshana of Ayu, composition of Ayu.
1.2 Lakshana of Ayurveda.
1.3 Lakshana and classification of Siddhanta.
1.4 Introduction to basic principles of Ayurveda and their significance.
3. Dravya Vigyaniyam
4. Gunavigyaniyam
4.1 Etymological derivation, classification and enumeration according to Nyaya-
Vaisheshika and Charaka, Artha, Gurvadiguna, Paradiguna, Adhyatmaguna.
4.2 Lakshana and classification of all the 41 gunas.
4.3 Practical / clinical application in Ayurveda.
5. Karma Vigyaniyam
5.1 Lakshana, classification in Nyaya.
5.2 Description according to Ayurveda.
5.3 Practical study/ application in Ayurveda.
6. Samanya Vigyaniyam
6.1 Lakshana, classification.
6.2 Practical study/ application with reference to Dravya, Guna and Karma.
7. Vishesha Vigyaniyam
7.1 Lakshana, classification.
7.2 Practical study/ application with reference to Dravya, Guna and Karma.
7.3 Significance of the statement “Pravrittirubhayasya tu”.
8. Samavaya Vigyaniyam
8.1 Lakshana
8.2 Practical study /clinical application in Ayurveda.
9. Abhava Vigyaniyam
9.1 Lakshana, classification
9.2 Clinical significances in Ayurveda.
1. Pariksha
1.1. Definition, significance, necessity and use of Pariksha.
1.2. Definition of Prama, Prameya, Pramata, Pramana.
1.3. Significance and importance of Pramana, Enumeration of Pramana according to
different schools of philosophy.
1.4. Four types of methods for examination in Ayurveda (Chaturvidha-Parikshavidhi),
Pramana in Ayurveda.
1.5. Subsudation of different Pramanas under three Pramanas.
1.6. Practical application of methods of examination (Parikshavidhi) in treatment
4. Anumanapariksha/Pramana
4.1. Lakshana of Anumana. Introduction of Anumiti, Paramarsha, Vyapti, Hetu,
Sadhya, Paksha, Drishtanta. Types of Anumana mentioned by Charaka and
4.2. Characteristic and types of Vyapti.
4.3. Lakshana and types of Hetu, description of Ahetu and Hetwabhasa.
4.4. Characteristic and significance of Tarka.
4.5. Practical study/ application of Anumanapramana in physiological, diagnostic,
therapeutics and research.
5. Yuktipariksha/ Pramana
5.1. Lakshana and discussion.
5.2. Importance in Ayurveda.
5.3. Practical study and utility in therapeutics and research.
6. Upamana Pramana
6.1 Lakshana.
6.2 Application in therapeutics and research.
2. Introduction to the authors of classical texts during Samhitakaal and their contribution:
Atreya, Dhanwantari, Kashyapa, Agnivesha, Sushruta, Bhela, Harita, Charaka,
Central Council of Indian Medicine |UG Ist year Syllabus 4
Dridhabala, Vagbhata, Nagarjuna, Jivaka.
5. Introduction to the authors of Modern era –Gana Nath Sen, Yamini Bhushan Rai,
Shankar Dajishastri Pade, Swami Lakshmiram, Yadavji Tikramji, Dr. P. M. Mehta,
Ghanekar, Damodar Sharma Gaur, Priyavrat Sharma.
Reference Books:-
B) History of Ayurveda:-
1. Upodghata of Kashyapasamhita Rajguru Hem Raj Sharma
Paragraph of acceptance of Indian medicine
2. Upodghata of Rasa Yogasagar Vaidy Hariprapanna Sharma
3. Ayurveda Ka Itihas KaviraSuram Chand
4. Ayurveda Sutra Rajvaidya Ram Prasad Sharma
5. History of Indian Medicine (1-3 part) Dr. GirindrNath Mukhopadhyaya
6. A Short history of Aryan Medical Science Bhagwat Singh
7. History of Indian Medicine J. Jolly
8. Hindu Medicine Zimer
9. Classical Doctrine of Indian Medicine Filiyosa
10. Indian Medicine in the classical age AcharyaPriyavrata Sharma
11. Indian Medicine (Osteology) Dr. Harnley
12. Ancient Indian Medicine Dr. P. Kutumbia
13. Madhava Nidan and its Chief Dr. G.J. Mulenbelt
Commentaries (Chapters highlighting history)
14. Ayurveda Ka BrihatItihasa Vaidya Atridev Vidyalankara
15. Ayurveda Ka VaigyanikaItihasa Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
16. Ayurveda Ka PramanikaItihasa Prof. Bhagwat Ram Gupta
17. History of Medicine in India Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
18. Vedomein Ayurveda Vaidya Ram GopalS hastri
19. Vedomein Ayurveda Dr. Kapil Dev Dwivedi
20. Science and Philosophy of Indian Medicine Dr. K.N. Udupa
21. History of Indian Medicine from Dr. Jyotirmitra
Pre-Mauryan to Kushana Period
22. An Appraisal of Ayurvedic Material in
Buddhist literature Dr. Jyotirmitra
23. Mahayana Granthon mein nihita Dr. RavindraNathTripathi
Ayurvediya Samagri
24. Jain Ayurveda Sahitya Ka Itihasa Dr. Rajendra Prakash Bhatnagar
25. Ayurveda- Prabhashaka Jainacharya Acharya Raj Kumar Jain
26. CharakaChintana Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
27. Vagbhata Vivechana Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
28. Atharvaveda and Ayurveda Dr. Karambelkara
29. Ayurvedic Medicine Past and Present Pt. Shiv Sharma
30. Ancient Scientist Dr. O.P. Jaggi
31. Luminaries of Indian Medicine Dr. K.R. Shrikanta Murthy
32. Ayurveda Ke Itihasa Ka Parichaya Dr. RaviduttaTripathi
33. Ayurveda Ke Pranacharya Ratnakara Shastri
34. Ayurveda Itihasa Parichaya Prof. Banwari Lal Gaur
PART-A 50 marks
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A) From English / Hindi / regional language to Sanskrit
B) From Sanskrit to English / Hindi / regional language
C) Identification and correction of grammatical errors in the given sentences
The sentences for translation should be selected from the under mentioned
reference books-
3- iŒprU=e~&vijhf{krdkjde~ ¼{ki.kd dFkkr% ew[kZif.MrdFkki;ZUre~ 10 marks
½ iŒpdFkk%½
PART- A 50 marks
PART- B 50 marks
Modern Physiology
a) Definition and mechanisms of maintenance of homeostasis. Cell physiology.
Membrane physiology. Transportation of various substances across cell
b) Resting membrane potential and action potential.
c) Physiology of respiratory system: functional anatomy of respiratory system.
Definition of ventilation, mechanism of respiration, exchange and transport of
gases, neural and chemical control of respiration, artificial respiration, asphyxia,
hypoxia. Introduction to Pulmonary Function Tests.
d) Physiology of Nervous System: General introduction to nervous system, neurons,
mechanism of propagation of nerve impulse, physiology of CNS, PNS, ANS;
physiology of sensory and motor nervous system, Functions of different parts of
brain and physiology of special senses, intelligence, memory, learning and
motivation. Physiology of sleep and dreams, EEG. Physiology of speech and
articulation. Physiology of temperature regulation.
e) Functional anatomy of gastro-intestinal tract, mechanism of secretion and
composition of different digestive juices. Functions of salivary glands, stomach,
liver, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine in the process of digestion and
absorption. Movements of the gut (deglutition, peristalsis, defecation) and their
control. Enteric nervous system.
f) Acid-base balance, water and electrolyte balance. Study of basic components of
food. Digestion and metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Vitamins & Minerals- sources, daily requirement, functions, manifestations of
hypo and hypervitaminosis.
2. Rasa Dhatu:
3. Rakta Dhatu:
Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location, properties, functions and Praman of
Rakta Dhatu. Panchabhautikatva of Rakta Dhatu, physiology of Raktavaha Srotas,
formation of Raktadhatu, Ranjana of Rasa by Ranjaka Pitta, features of Shuddha
Rakta, specific functions of Rakta, characteristics of Raktasara Purusha,
manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Raktadhatu, mutual interdependence of
Rakta and Pitta.
4. Mamsa Dhatu :
Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location, properties and functions of Mamsa
Dhatu, physiology of Mamsavaha Srotasa, formation of Mamsa Dhatu,
characteristics of Mamsasara Purusha, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of
Mamsa Dhatu .Concept of Peshi.
5. Meda Dhatu :
Etymology, derivation, location, properties, functions and Praman of Meda
Dhatu, physiology of Medovaha Srotas, formation of Medo Dhatu, characteristics
of Medasara Purusha and manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Meda.
6. Asthi Dhatu:
Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location, properties, functions of Asthi Dhatu.
Number of Asthi. Physiology of Asthivaha Srotas and formation of Asthi Dhatu,
characteristics of Asthisara Purusha, mutual interdependence of Vata and Asthi
Dhatu, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Asthi Dhatu.
7. Majja Dhatu :
Etymology, derivation, types, location, properties, functions and Praman of
Majjaa Dhatu, physiology of Majjavaha Srotas, formation of Majja Dhatu,
characteristics of Majja Sara Purusha, relation of Kapha, Pitta, Rakta and Majja,
manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Majja Dhatu.
8. Shukra Dhatu:
Etymology, derivation, location, properties, functions and Praman of Shukra
Dhatu, physiology of Shukraravaha Srotas and formation of Shukra Dhatu.
Features of Shuddha Shukra, characteristics of Shukra-Sara Purusha,
manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Shukra Dhatu.
12. Mala: Etymological derivation and definition of the term Mala. Aharamala:
Enumeration and description of the process of formation of Aharamala.
a) Purisha: Etymological derivation, definition, formation, properties, quantity
and functions of Purisha. Physiology of Purishavaha Srotas, manifestations
of Vriddhi and Kshhaya of Purisha.
b) Mutra: Etymological derivation, definition, formation, properties, quantity
and functions of Mutra. Physiology of Mutravaha Srotas, physiology of urine
formation in Ayurveda, manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshhaya of Mutra.
c) Sveda: Etymological derivation, definition, formation and functions of
Sveda. Manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshaya of Sveda. Discription of
Svedvaha Strotas
d) Dhatumala: Brief description of each type of Dhatumala.
PART –B 50 marks
Modern Physiology
1. Haemopoetic system – composition, functions of blood and blood cells,
Haemopoiesis (stages and development of RBCs, and WBCs and platelets),
composition and functions of bone marrow, structure, types and functions of
haemoglobin, mechanism of blood clotting, anticoagulants, physiological basis of
blood groups, plasma proteins, introduction to anaemia and jaundice.
2. Immunity, classification of immunity: Innate, acquired and artificial. Different
mechanisms involved in immunity: Humoral (B-cell mediated) and T-Cell mediated
immunity. Hypersensitivity.
Ayurvediya Kriyasharir - Ranjit Rai Desai
Kayachikitsa Parichaya - C. Dwarkanath
Prakrit Agni Vigyan - C. Dwarkanath
Sharir Kriya Vigyan - Shiv Charan Dhyani
Abhinava Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
Dosha Dhatu Mala Vigyana - Shankar Gangadhar Vaidya
Prakrita Dosha Vigyana - Acharya Niranjana Dev
Tridosha Vigyana - Shri Upendranath Das
Sharira Tatva Darshana - Hirlekar Shastri
Prakrita Agni Vigyana - Niranjana Dev
Deha Dhatvagni Vigyana - Vd. Pt. Haridatt Shastri
Sharir Kriya Vigyana (Part 1-2) - Acharya Purnchandra Jain
Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Shri Moreshwar Dutt. Vd.
Sharira Kriya Vijnana (Part 1 and 2) – Nandini Dhargalkar
Dosha Dhatu Mala Vigyana - Basant Kumar Shrimal
Abhinava Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Dr. Shiv Kumar Gaur
Pragyogik Kriya Sharir - Acharya P.C. Jain
Kaya Chikitsa Parichaya - Dr. C. Dwarkanath
Concept of Agni - Vd. Bhagwan Das
Purush Vichaya - Acharya V.J. Thakar
Kriya Sharir - Prof. Yogesh Chandra Mishra
Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Prof. Jayaram Yadav &Dr. Sunil Verma.
Basic Principles of Kriya-Sharir (A treatise on Ayurvedic Physiology ) by Dr. Srikant
Kumar Panda
Sharir Kriya – Part I & Part II – Dr. Ranade, Dr. Deshpande & Dr. Chobhe
Human Physiology in Ayurveda - Dr Kishor Patwardhan
Sharirkriya Vignyan Practical Hand Book– Dr.Ranade, Dr.Chobhe, Dr. Deshpande
Sharir Kriya Part 1 – Dr.R.R.Deshapande, Dr.Wavhal
Sharir Kriya Part 2 – Dr. R.R.Deshapande, Dr.Wavhal
Ayurveda Kriya Sharira- Yogesh Chandra Mishra
Textbook of Physiology - Gyton & Hall
A Textbook of Human Physiology – A.K.Jain
Essentials of Medical Physiology - Sembulingam, K.
Central Council of Indian Medicine |UG Ist year Syllabus 14
Concise Medical Physiology - Chaudhari, Sujit K.
Principals of Anatomy & Physiology - Tortora & Grabowski
Textbook of Medical Physiology- Indu Khurana
PART-A 50 marks
1. Shariropkramaniya Shaarira
Sharira and shaarira vyakhya (definitions of sharira and shaarira), shadangatvam (six
regions of the body), anga pratyanga vibhaga (sub divisions). Mrita sharir samshodhan.
Shaarira shastra vibhaga, shaarira gyan prayojana . Constitution of purusha according to
dhatubheda, panchabhautikatvam, trigunatmakatvam, tridoshamayatvam, karma purusha,
and doshadhatumala-mulakatvam.
2. Paribhasha Shaarira
Kurcha, kandara, jala, asthisanghat, seemanta, seevani, rajju, snayu and lasika.
3. Garbha Shaarira
Garbha definitions, explanation of shukra, artava, garbhadhana. Role of tridosha and
panchmahabhuta in the fetal development. Beeja, beejabhaga and beejabhagavayava,
linga vinischaya, masanumasika garbha vriddhi-krama, garbhottpadakbhava,
garbhavriddhikara bhava, garbha poshana, apara nirmana , nabhinadi nirmana. Aanga
pratyanga utpatti.
5. Asthi Shaarira
Asthi vyakhya, number, types, asthi swaroopa, vasa, meda and majja.
6. Sandhi Shaarira
Sandhi vyakhya, numbers, types of asthi sandhi.
8. Peshi Shaarira
a) Peshi vyakhya, structure, types, number and importance.
b) Description of Peshi.
PART-B 50 marks
2. Anatomical Terminologies
Anatomical position, Planes, and explanation of anatomical terms related to skin, fasciae,
bones, joints and their movements, muscles, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, nerves,.
3. Embryology
Definitions and branches of embryology. Embryo and fetus. Sperm and ovum, fertilization.
Cleavage. Germ layers formation and their derivatives. Laws of heredity, Sex determination
and differentiation, Month-wise development of embryo. Foetal circulation, placenta
formation, Umbilical cord formation.
4. Osteology
Bone: Definition, ossification, structure and types. Description of bones with clinical
5. Arthrology
Joints: Definition, structure types and movements. Description of joints of extremities,
vertebral joints and temporomandibular joint with their clinical anatomy.
6. Cardiovascular system
a. Definition, types and structure of arteries and veins.
b. Description of heart and blood vessels with their course and branches.
c. Pericardium with applied aspect.
7. Lymphatic system
Definition, types and structure of lymph vessels, lymph glands with their clinical aspect.
8. Myology
a) Structure and types of muscles.
b) Description of muscles; their origin, insertion, actions, nerve supply and clinical anatomy.
1. Respiratory System
2. Digestive system
a. Organs of digestive tract (alimentary tract) with their clinical aspects.
b. Digestive glands: liver, spleen and pancreas.
c. Description of peritoneum with its clinical aspects.
3. Urinary System
Urinary tract: kidney, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra with their clinical aspects.
4. Reproductive system
a. Male Reproductive system: reproductive organs, tract and glands (prostate and seminal
vesicles) with their clinical aspects.
b. Female reproductive system: reproductive organs, tract and glands with their clinical
5. Endocrinology
Definition, classification & description of endocrine glands (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid,
thymus and suprarenal glands) with clinical aspects.
PART B 50 marks
6. Nervous System
Nervous system: definition, classification and its importance. Description of brain and spinal
Description of peripheral nervous system: cranial and spinal nerves, nerve plexuses, and
autonomic nervous system, formation and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and blood supply
of brain and spinal cord.
7. Sensory organs
Description of structures of eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin with their clinical aspects.
Distribution of marks
1. Spotting - 20 marks
2. Dissected organs and histology slides - 20 Marks
Central Council of Indian Medicine |UG Ist year Syllabus 17
3. Bones, joints, marma - 20 Marks
4. Surface & radiological anatomy - 10 Marks
5. Practical records - 10 Marks
6. Viva-Voce - 20 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Reference Books :-
Part A 60 marks
Part B 40 marks
Reference Books:
1|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
Part A 50 Marks
2- Dravya:
Etymological derivation, definition, panchbhoutikatwa.
Classification of Dravya according to Samhitas and Nighantus Taxonomical classification.
3- Guna:
Etymological derivation, definition and Classification of Guna.
Detailed knowledge of Gurvadi Guna & Paradi gunas.
4- Rasa:
Etymological derivation, definition, Meaning of “Rasa” in various contexts. Shad
Rasas (Madhura, Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta, and Kashaya), Panchabhautik
constitution of Rasas, Nirvrittiviseshakrama (manifestation in general and
particular), Ritu and shad rasa Rasanurasayoh bheda (Difference between rasa
and anurasa), Lakshana (characteristics),Guna and Karma of shad Rasas, Kopana
and Shamana of Dosha and dushya by Shad rasas. Effects of excess usage of Rasa.
Rasopalabdhi, Rasaskandha.
5- Vipaka:
Etymological derivation and definition, difference between Avasthapaka and Vipaka,
Types of Vipaka, (Dvividha-Trividha,Panchavidha) Guna and karma of Vipaka.
Grades of Vipaka (taratamya), Vipakopalabdhi hetu (Factors to determineVipaka).
6- Veerya:
Etymological derivation, definition and Swarupa of Virya, Number of Virya.
(Dwividha & Ashtavidha), Panchabhauthikatva
Virya karmani (Effects of Virya), General principles in determination of virya along
with exceptions.
2|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
7- Prabhava:
Definition, Effects of Prabhava.
9- Karma:
Lakshana, swaroopa and bheda of karma (Definition, nature and types of action).
13. Bheashaja Pariksha vidhi (as described in Charaka samhita vimana sthana 8),
Dravya Sangrahana (collection of dravya)- Ecology- Classification of desha (geographical
area) and bhumi (soil), swarupa of sangrahaniya dravya of (Nature and quality of
drug to be collected). Sangrahana vidhi (Method of collection) -Vegetable and Animal
origin drugs according to part used. Period of collection according to virya,
samrakshana vidhi (preservation of collected dravyas), bheshajagara (Storehouse),
study on different prayojyanga (useful plant parts).
3|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
Part B 50 Marks
(I) 20 Marks
15- Prashasta bheshaja (ideal drug), plant extracts. Concept of viruddha Dravya
(incompatibility of the dravya).
17- Brief knowledge of cultivation, conservation of medicinal plants and information about
endangered species.
(II) 30 Marks
4|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
[Alphabetical order and Botanical names to all the drugs are to be added]
Part B-
II- Brief Knowledge of following dravyas with Respect to Sanskrit Name, Botanical Name,
Family, Habit (Samanya Swarupa), Parts Used and Indications.
5|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
Amragandhiharidra Kaidarya Parnayavani
Ankola Kakamachi Parpataka
Aparajita Kamala Parushaka
Ashvagol Kankola Patalagarudi
Ashvattha Karanja Patha
Asthishrunkhala Karavellaka Patola
Atasi Karavira Patranga
Avartaki Karira Pilu
Avartani Karpasa Plaksha
Babbula Kasamarda Prasarani
Badara Kasha Priyala
Bakula Kasni Priyangu
Bhumyamalki Kataka Puga
Bijapoora Katphala Putiha
Bola Kebuka Putranjivaka
Chakramarda Kharjura Rajika/Sarshapa
Champaka Kitmari Rohitaka
Chandrashura Kokilaksha Saptachakra
Changeri Koshataki Saptaparna
Chavya Kulatha Saral
Chirbilva Kumuda Sarja
Chopachini Kusha Shala
Danti Kusmanda Shara
Darbha Lajjalu Sharapunkha
Dattura Langali Shatahwa
Dhanvayasa Latakaranja Shati
Dhanyaka Latakasturi Snuhi
Draksha Madayantika Sringataka
Dronapushpi Mahanimba Svarnakshiri
Gandhaprasarini Mandukaparni Tagara .
Garjara Markandika Tailaparni
Gojihva, Masha Talmuli
Gorakshaganja Mashaparni Taruni
Gunja Matulunga Tavakshira
hinsapa Mayaphala Teja Patra
Hinstra Meshashrungi Tuvaraka
Hribera Methika Udumbara
Hrutpatri Mudgaparni urana
Ikshu Mulaka Vamsha
Indravaruni Murva Vata
Ingudi Nagabala Vatada
Irimeda Nala Vrudhadaru
Ishvaku Narikela Vrukshamla
Isvari Nili
Japa Padmaka
6|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
IV- Introductory Knowledge of Following Annapana Varga:
1. Jala Varga 2. Dugdha Varga 3. Madhu Varga
4. Taila Varga 5. Sukadhanya Varga 6.Shamidhanya Varga
7. Phala Varga 8. Shaka Varga 9. Mamsa Varga
10. Aharayogi
1 Herbarium 20 Marks
2 Practical record 20 Marks
3 Drug identification- spotting –Raw/crude drugs 30 marks
4 Plant identification spotting –fresh 30 marks
5 Practical 40 marks
6. Viva-Voce 60 Marks
Reference Books
7|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
1. Abhinav Buti Darpan (Vol.1-2) - Vd. Roop Lal Vaishya
2. Aushadna Vigyna Shastra - Acharya Pt. Vishvanatha Dwidevi
3. Ayurvediya Aushadnkarma vigyana - Acharya V.J. Thakur
8|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
36. Useful parts of Charaka, Sushurut, -
and Vagbhata.
37. Uttarakand Ki Vanaspatiya - Dr. Gyanendra Pandey
38. Vanoaushadi Darshika - Thakur Balwant Singh
39. Vanoaushadi Nidarshika - Dr. Ram Sushil Singh
40. Vedic Vanaspatiyan - Dr. Dinesh Chandra Sharma
9|U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
Theory One Paper – 100 Marks
Practical/Viva voce -50 Marks
Theory -200 hrs
Practical - 100 hrs
Part- A 50 Marks
3 Origin and Classification of Visha:-Its sources, Difference between Visha, Madya and
Oja guna, Visha Upadrava and Visha Mukta Lakshana.
7 Manifestation of poisoning due to poisons of plant origin their fatal Dose, fatal period,
management of poisoning, post mortem appearance and its medico legal importance.
Visha and Upavisha- Arka, Snuhi, Langali, Karaveera, Gunja, Ahiphena, Dhattura,
Bhallataka, Vatsanabha, Kupeelu, Jayapala, Bhanga & Tobacco, Parthenium
hysteriphorus, Chitraka, Eranda, Digitalis and Cerebra Odallam.
9 Jangama Visha – Detailed study of Sarpa, Keeta, Loota, Vrischika, Mooshika, Alarka
– Visha; Lakshana, Bheda, Chikitsa and their Sadhyasadhyata (contemporary
and classical views).
10 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
d) Others - Petroleum – Kerosene Organo phosphorus compounds -Aluminum
phosphate, Organo Chlorinated Compounds, Household poisons.
Part –B 50 Marks
3. Personal identity and its Medico legal aspects, forensic odontology, Introduction to
Forensic Serology and DNA profiling.
4. Death and its Medico Legal Aspects, Medico Legal autopsy and exhumation.
5. Injuries and thermal injuries, their medico Legal aspects, general introduction of
6. Dowry deaths (Domestic Violence), their Medico Legal importance and laws in relation to
13. Laws in relation to Medical practitioners: Indian Medicine Central Council Act.
11 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
human organs Bill 1994, Pre Natal Diagnostic Testing Act, Malingering of
feigned diseases, International Code of Medical Ethics for Doctors. Clinical
establishment Act. Consumer Protection Act 1986.
Practical Training
1. Post Mortem examination
2. Evidence in the court
3. Demonstrations in the Forensic & Toxicology museum
(Toxic & Anti toxic substances, medico legal specimens & Charts)
4. Clinical postings
5. Library Hours for compilation
Total 50 Marks
Reference Books
1. Topics related to Agada Tantra from Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Ashtanga
Hridaya, Ashtanga Samgraha, Kasyapa Samhitha, Yogaratnakara, Bhavaprakasha and
Madhava Nidana.
2. Vidhivaidyaka (Vyavahar Ayurveda Vijnan) Dr.Charuchandra Pathak
3. Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology Modi
4. Basavarajeeyam Edited by Vd.Govardhan
5. Agada Tantra Sh. Ramanath Dwivedi
6. Text book of Agada Tantra Edited by Dr Huparikar, Dr.Joglekar
7. Agadatantra ki Pathyapustaka Edited By Dr Huparikar,
8. Agad Tantra Dr. Shekher Namboodri
9. Vishachikitsa Vaidya Balakrishnan Nair, Kerala
(Ayurveda Toxicology English Translation)
10. Medical Ethics and Medical Laws in India Dr. H.S. Mehta
11. Toxicology Ayurvedic Perspective VPSV Ayurveda college Kottakkal
12. Kautilya Arthashastra (English) Prof. Kangle
13. Kautilya Arthashastra (Hindi) Dr. Raghunath Singh
14. Vyavahar Ayurveda Dr.Ayodhya Prasad Achal
15. Vyavahar Ayurveda Vigyanam Dr.Indramohan Jha (Sachchan)
16. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr. V.V.Pillay
17. Forensic Medicine Dr. B. Umadathan
18. Relevant Acts Govt. of India
19. Relevant topics from Manu Smriti
12 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
2.3. Rasashastra Evam Bhaishajyakalpana
Practical :-
Total Marks-200
Teaching hours-200
Paper 1 100
Marks Part A
50 Marks
13 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
8. Knowledge of Parada: Synonyms, Occurrence, natural and artificial sources of
Parada, Hingulottha parada, Types of Parada, Parada Dosha: Naisargika, Yougika,
Aupadhika (Kanchuka). Grahya-Agrahya Parada, Parada gati, Parada bandha,
Shodhana of Parada. Parada sanskara and brief description of Ashtasamskara.
9. Concept of Murchhana and Jarana of Parada, Preparation of Kajjali, Classification
of Rasaushadhi: Khalvi rasa e.g. Tribhuvana Keerti Rasa, Parpati Rasa- Rasa
Parpati, Kupipakva Rasa- Rasa sindur, Pottali rasa - Hemagarbha pottali. Rasa sevana
vidhi and pathya and apathya.
Part B 50 Marks
2. Uparasa – Gandhaka (Sulfur), Gairika (Red Ochre), Kasisa (Green Vitriol), Kankshi
(Alum), Haratala (Orpiment), Manahshila (Realgar), Anjana and Kankustha.
4. Dhatu -Swarna (Gold), Rajata (Silver), Tamra (Copper), Loha (Iron), Vanga (Tin),
Naga (Lead), Yashada (Zinc), Kamsya (Bronze), Pittala (Brass), Vartaloha. Dhatu
-graha sambandha.
7. Sudha varga – Sudha (Lime stone ), Kaparda (Cowries), Shukti (Oyster Shell) ,
Shankh (Conch Shell), Mriga shringa (Stag horn), Khatika, Godanti
(Gypsum) and Samudraphena (Cattle Fish bone), Kukkutanda twak (Hen’s Egg Shell).
14 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
8. Sikata varga - Sikata (Silica), Dugdhapashana (Talc), Nagapashana /
Jaharmohara (Serpentine), Badarshama (silicate of lime ), Vyomashma
(Sangeyashab - Jade), Kousheyashma (Asbestos) and Akika (Agate).
9. Kshara varga - Sarja kshara (Sodium bicarbonate), Yava kshara, Tankana kshara
(Borax), Surya Kshara (Potassium Nitrate).
13. Introduction to pharamcovigilance and its status in India, with reference to Ayurvedic
A) Necessary to know – From part A and B : S. No. 1 to 9
B) Desired to know – From part B : S. No. 10
15 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
Shodhana of Kasisa
Shodhana of Kankshi
Shodhana of Haratala
Rasa manikya nirman
Shodana of Manashila
4. Sadharana rasa varga Shodhana of Hingula
Sodhana of Navasadar
Shodhana of Kapardika
5. Sudha Varga Shodhana of Shankha
Shodhana of Shukti
Shodhana of Pravala mula
Shodhana of Godanti
6. Dhatu varga Samanya Shodhana of Lauha
Shodhana of Mandura
Samanya Shodhana of Tamra
Shodhana of Naga
Shodhana of Vanga
Shodhana of Yashada
7. Kshara Varga Shodhana of Tankana
8. Parpati Preparation of Rasaparpati, Bola
Parpati and Swetaparpati
9. Visha varga Shodhana of Vatsanabha,
Bhallataka, Kupilu, Dhattura beeja,
Jayapala, Gunja, Chitrakamoola.
16 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
Part A 50 Marks
8. Sneha kalpana : Sneha yoni, Types of Sneha, Sneha murchana vidhi, Sneha
paka vidhi, patra paka, types and their use. Sneha siddhi lakshana, dose,
Preparation and uses of Triphala Ghrita, Bramhighrita, Narayana taila, Anutaila.
9. Sandhana Kalpana and its types: Madya Kalpana, Asava, Arishta, Sura (Prasanna
-Kadambari - Medaka - Jagala - Bakkasa), Maireya, Surasava, Shukta,
Kanjika, Sauviraka, Tushodaka, Sidhu kalpana their methods of preparation, siddhi
lakshana, properties, uses, doses. Takrarishta, Draksharishta, Ashokarishta,
Dashamoolarishta, Kumaryasava, Chandanasava.
17 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
10. Kritanna and Aushadhisiddha anna Kalpana: Definition of Kritanna, Concept
of Pathya and Apathya, Yavagu –types of yavagu, Manda, Peya, Vilepi, Anna,
Bhakta, Odan, Yush -types, Krishara, Mansa rasa, Vesavara, Khad Kamblika, Raga,
Shadava, Dadhi and Takra Varga – Takra, Udasvita, Katvar, Mathita, Chhachika.
4 Brief introduction of Drug and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945.
5 Concept of, Aushadhi Nirmanshala, with respect to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
in accordance to Schedule T.
18 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
6. Pramathya- Mustadi pramathya
7. Mantha- Kharjuradi mantha
8. Aushadh siddha paniya- Shadanga paniya
9. Laksha Rasa.
10. Arka - Yavani arka, Gulab arka, Misreya arka
11. Panaka- Chincha panaka, Chandan panaka.
12. Sharkara- Banapsha sharkara, Nimbu sarkara.
13. Churna- Sitopaladi Churna, Hinguwashtaka Churna.
14. Gutika- Chitrakadi Gutika, Sanjivani Vati.
15. Guggulu-Triphala Guggulu, Kaishora Guggulu.
16. Avaleha- Chyavanaprashavaleha, Vasavaleha, Vyaghri Haritaki avaleha, Manibadra
17. Rasa kriya - Darvi Rasakriya, Guduchi Ghana, Kutaja Ghana.
18. Khanda- Haridra khanda, Narikela khanda, Sowbhagya shunti paka
19. Satva- Amruta satva,
20. Varti- Phala varti, Chandrodaya varthi
21. Lavana- Arka lavana, Narikela lavana
22. Masi- Triphala masi, Mayurpiccha Masi
23. Ksheerapaka- Arjuna ksheerapaka, Rasona ksheerapaka, Shunthi Ksheerpaka
24. Kshara- Apamarga kshara, Snuhi kshara, Ksharasutra. .
25. Manda, Peya, Vilepi, Yavagu, Krishra, Vesavara
26. Yusha - Mudga yusha, Saptamushtika yusha, Kulattha yusha
27. Aristha- Kutajarishta, Takrarishta .
28. Asava - Kumaryasava, Kanakasava
29. Sukta kalpana- Kanji
30. Udaka- Tandulodaka
31. Upanaha- Atasi Upanaha
32. Siktha Taila Nirmaan
33. Malahara- Sarjarasa malahara, Gandaka malahara, Cream, Emulsion. Sneha
Sneha Murchhana - Ghrita Murchana, Taila Moorchhana, Ghrita kalpana: Jatyadi
ghrita, Triphala ghrita, ksheerashatphala ghrita- Taila kalpana-Panchaguna taila,Arka
taila, Bala taila,Jatyadi taila
35. Taila patana- Bhallataka taila patana, Jayapala taila patana
36. Shodhana- Guggulu, Hingu.
19 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
Distribution of Practical Marks: Total 200 Marks
Rasashastra - 100
Bhaishajyakalpana - 100
Reference Books
1. Adyatan Rasa Shastra R.K. Goyal
2. Abhinav Rasa Shastra Vaidya Somadev Sharma
3. Asava Arishta Vigyanam Dr. Pakshdhar Jha
4. Ayurvediya Rasa Shastra (Sachitra) Chandrabhusan Jha
5. Ayurvediya Rasa Shastra Badrinarayan Pandey
6. Rasa Bhaishajya Paribhasa Sureshananda Thapaliyal
7. Ayurvediya Rasa Shastra Prof. Siddhi Nandan Mishra
8. Ayurved Prakash Vaidya Gujrat Mishra
9. Drugs and Cosmetic Act - 1940
10. Paka Darpana Dr. Indradev Tripathi
11. The Paka-darpana of King Nala Dr. Madhulika critical study
12. Parada Vigyaniyam Vasudev M. Dwivedi
13. Pratyaksha Aushadh Nirmanam Acharya VishwanathDwivdei
14. Bhaishjyakalpana Vigyanam Dr. Agnihotri
15. Rasa Tarangini Sadanand Sharma
16. Rasa Darpan Prof. Bhajan Das Swami
17. Rasa Bindu Dr. Sanjay Sharma
20. Rasa Bhaishajya Kalpana Vigyan Vaidya Santosh Kumar Khandal
21. Rasa Mitra Dr. Tryambak Nath Sharma
22. Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya (Hindi) Dattattreya Ananta Kulkarni.
23. Rasaratna samuchchaya- Ambikadatta shastri
24.Rasaratna samuchchaya - Damodar Joshi
20 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
25. Rasa Shastra Prayogiki Srivastava, Yadav and Prof. Ramesh Saxena
26. Rasamritam Vaidya Yadavji Tirkramji Acharya
25. Rasayan Sara Vaidya Shyam Sunderacharya
26. Rasendra Sampradaya Vaidya Hajari Lal Sukul
27. Rasendra Sara Sangraha Vaidya Gopal Krishna
29. Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep (Hindi Translation) Dr. Indradev Tripathi
30. Sharangadhara Samhita Dr. Radhakrishna Parashar
31. Bharatiya Bhaishajya Kalpana Vigyana Gananath Vishwanath Dwivedi
32. Bhaishajya Kalpana Vijnanam Dr. K Ramachandra Reddy
33. Rasa Shastra (English) Prof. Damodar Joshi
34. Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya (English) Prof. Damodar Joshi
35. Rasendra Chintamani (Hindi) Prof. Siddhinandan Mishra
36. Ayurvedic formulary of India
38.Ayurvedic Pharmacopiea of India , CCRAS
39. Bhaishjya Kalpana Vigyan Siddhi Nandan Mishra
40. Textbook of Rasashasra Dr. K Ramachandra Reddy.
41. Ashadhayoga Vigyanam Dr. K. Ramachandra reddy
42. Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradipa (Enlgish Translation) Dr. K. Ramachndra Reddy &
Dr. P. Suresh
43. Relevant parts of Brihatrayee
44.Text book of Bhaishjya Kalpana - Dr Shobha G Hiremath
45. Text Book of Rasa Shastra Dr P H C Murthy
46.Rasa Chandashu Prof S S Savirkar (CCRAS Publication)
47 .Bhaishjya Ratnawali Prof S N Mishra
48 Yoga Ratnakar
21 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
Part A
1. Sutrasthana - 40 Marks
2. Indriyasthana - 10 Marks
Part B
1. Nidanasthana - 15 Marks
2. Vimanasthana - 20 Marks
3. Sharirasthana - 15 Marks
Reference Books
22 | U G S y l l a b u s 2 n d y e a r 2 0 1 3
Part A 50 Marks
I. Dosha Dushyadi Vigyana
1. Definition and importance of Roganidana.
2. Samanya Nidana and Samanya Lakshana of Dosha Vriddhi, Kshaya and Prakopa.
3. Dosha Dhatu Ashraya Ashrayi Bhava.
4. Dhatu Kshaya Vriddhi Lakshana.
6. Mala Kshaya Vriddhi Lakshana.
7. Hetu, Bheda and Lakshana of Agni Dushti.
8. Definitions and Samanya Lakshana of Ama.
9. Sama and nirama Dosha, Dushya Lakshana.
10. Dosha Paka and Dhatu Paka Lakshana.
11. Concept, classification, diagnosis and general complications of Avarana.
12. Doshagati and Rogmarga.
13. Detailed study of Srotomoola and Srotodushti Samanya and Vishishta Hetu Lakshana of
all Srotas. Differences between Sroto Dushti and Kha Vaigunya.
II. VyadhiVigyana
1. Definition, synonyms and classification of Vyadhi & Vyadhi Ghatak.
2. Criteria for nomenclature of Diseases in Ayurveda (Vyadhinamakarana).
3. Bija, Bija Bhaga and Bija Bhaga Avayava Dushti.
4. Basic knowledge of Hereditary, Congenital, Acquired, Multifactorial, Traumatic and
Environmental disorders.
5. Introduction to ICD Classification of Diseases of WHO and DSM classification.
6. Samanyaja and NanatmajaVikara. NidanarthakaraVyadhi, Hetu Sankara, Lingasankara,
Vyadhisankara, Vyadhi Awastha.
7. Dhatu, Updhatu, Mala and Indriya Pradoshaj Vikara.
8. Concept of AshtaMahagada .
9. Introduction to Ashta Nindita.
10.Definition and classification of Vyadhikshamatva.
11.Ojas – types of Ojo Dushti- Visrimsa- Vyapad & Kshaya & It’s Diseases.
V. Pariksha Vigyana
1. Importance and knowledge of Aptopadeshadi & Darshanadi Trividha, Chaturvidha, and
Shadvidha Pariksha.
2. Importance and Knowledge of Ashtasthana Pariksha.
3. Importance and Knowledge of Karanadi Dashavidha Parikshya Bhava.
4. Importance and Knowledge of Dashavidha Pariksha.
5. Basic knowledge of ECG, USG, X Ray,CT Scan,MRI.
Part B
50 Marks
VII. Diseases of Pranavaha Srotas
1(a). Kasa - Shwasa - Hikka – Urahkshata – Shosha – Rajayakshma.
1(b). Introduction to the aetiopathogenesis of Pneumonia, Pleural effusion, Bronchitis,
Bronchiectasis, Bronchial Asthma.
VIII. Diseases of Annavaha- PureeshavahaSrotas
1. Agnimandya - Ajirna - Aruchi- Chhardi - Amlapitta- Shoola – Parinama Shoola –
AnnadravaShoola- Atisara – Pravahika - Grahani –Gulma- Udara Roga.
2. Introduction to Anaha, Adhmana, Atopa, Visuchika Alasaka, Vilambika.
3. Introduction to Peptic Ulcer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Diarrhoea, Dysentry,
Constipation, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
IX. Diseases of Udakavaha Srotas
1(a) Introduction to Trishna, Daha.
1(b) Introduction to water and electrolyte imbalance disorders.
X. Diseases of Mutravaha Srotas
1(a) Mutrakrichha – Mutraghata.
1(b) Introduction to Urinary Tract Infection, Nephropathies.
XI. Diseases of Swedavaha Srotas
1(a) Introduction to Khalitya, Palitya.
XII. Diseases of Manovaha Srotas
1(a) Apasmara, Unmada, Atatwabhinivesha-Vishada, Anidra, Mada, Murchha, Sanyasa.
1(b) Introduction to Epilepsy, Depression, Anxiety neurosis.
XIII. Upasargajanya Vyadhi (Communicable diseases)
1(a) Romantika – Masurika – Upadamsha – Phiranga.
1(b) Introduction to Measels, Chickenpox, Leprosy, Tuberculosis and AIDS.
XIV. Krimi Vigyana
1) Definition, classification of Krimi and features of Krimiroga
2) Snayuka, Shleepada.
3) Introduction of Filariasis and classification of common parasites.
Definition of swastha & swasthya and swasthavritta. Arogya lakshana, swasthavritta
prayojanam, WHO definition of health.
Dimensions of health-Physical,Mental,Social.
Concept of wellbeing- objective, subjective, standard of living, quality of life.
1. Definition of Dinacharya
2. Aims and importance of dinachary
3. Brahma Muhurta evam Utthana
4. Usha Jalapana
5. Sharirachinta
6. Malatyaga
7. Mukha prakshalan
8. Dantadhavana and preparation of Ayurvedic tooth powder and paste
9. Jihvanirlekhanavidhi
10. Anjana
11. Pratimarsha Nasya
12. Gandusha and Kavala
13. Tambulasevana
14. Dhoomapana
15. Abhyanga
16. Udvartana
17. Utsadana
18. Vyayama
19. Chankramana
20. Snana
21. Anulepana
22. Vastra dharana
23. Danda dharana
24. Padatra dharana
25. Chatra dharana
26. Ushnisha dharana
27. Ratnabharana dharana
28. Madhyahna charya
29. Cosmetic effect of Dinacharya procedures
1. Sandhya charya
2. Rathri bhojana vidhi
3. Shayanavidhi according to Bhavamishra
Description of Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana their role in Prevention and control of
ii) Nidra- Nirukti and Utpatti, Types , Nidra – Swasthya sambandha, Properties
of Yukta Nidra, Effects of Ratri Jagarana, Diwaswapna, Anidra, Atinidra, Ahara
and Vihara causing disturbed sleep , Ahara and Vihara Causing sound sleep.
Duration of sleep according to age, Sleep in healthy and diseased persons.
Panchakosha Theory
Astanga yoga
Yama, Niyama
Asana and its importance
Standing Postures
Ardhakatichakrasana, Padahastasana, Ardhachakrasana, Trikonasana.
Sitting postures
Swasthika, Gomukhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana, Bhadrasana, Shashankasana,
Ushtrasana, Pashchimottanasana, Suptavajrasana, ardhamatsyendrasana,
Supine Postures
Pavanamuktasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Chakrasana,
Prone postures
Bhujangasana, Shalbhasana, Dhanurasana, Makarasana.
Suryanamaskara – procedure and benefits.
Benefits of pranayama, time of practice, avara-pravara-madhyama lakshana, yukta-
ayukta lakshana
Nadishudhi Pranayama .
Kumbhakabheda – suryabhedana, ujjayi, sheetali, Sitkari, Bhastrika, Bhramari
Murcha, Plavini.
Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli, Kapalabhati
Part A 50 marks
Causes, Manifestations and control measures, importance of Panchakarma and Rasayana.
Vayu (Air)
Vayu guna according to sushruta samhita, Properties of Vayu as per different directions,
Vayu shudhi prakara – Ayurvedic aspect.
Composition of air.
Air of occupied room- Thermal discomfort and comfort zone, indices of thermal comfort.
Air pollution – health and social aspects, Prevention and control of air pollution ,Global
Ventilation and its types.
Mountain air & High altitude – Health problems
Requirement of good lighting,natural lighting, artificial lighting, biological effects of lighting.
Part B 50marks
National Nutritional Programmes - IDD, Vitamin A prophylaxis, Mid day meal, anemia
control programmes.
Educational Visits
Observe the functioning of the Milk Dairy,Water purification unit, Sewage treatment
unit,MCH/Family welfare centre,Leprosy hospital and industraial unit.
Visit to Primary Health Centre for knowledge of actual implementation of National health
programmes including knowledge of rural health.
Visit of rural Ayurvedic dispensary.
Visit to naturopathy centre to observe naturopathic treatment modalities.
Reference Books:
Etymological origin of the word Stri. Artava vaha and Stanyavaha strotamsi. Tryavarta yoni
Stri Vishishta,Peshi Marmani.
Anatomy of female reproductive system.(External and internal genital organs) Soft & Bony
Pelvis and its obstetrical importance.
Description of Raja, Artava and Prathama Rajo Darshana, Rajasvala Charya. Ritumati
Lakshana, Ritumaticharya, Ritukala
Diagnosis of Pregnancy
d) Abortions, Rh-incompatability-
c) Retention of Placenta, PPH - causes, clinical features and management, Genital tract
Injuries during labour
b) Sutika Roga – Number of Sutika Roga, Sutika Jwara, Shotha and Makkala.
a) Artava-kshaya vridhi, Ashtartavadushti lakshana chikitsa
Asrigdara lakshana samprapti Chikitsa
Sankhya, Nidana, Lakshana, Upadrava evam Chikitsa
Endometriosis, Fibroid uterus, Genital Prolapses, Retroverted Uterus, Pelvic infections,
Cervical erosion, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
a) Stanakeela- nidana lakshana chikitsa, Stanagranthi, Stanavidradhi, Stanashoph
Mastitis, Breast abscess, Galactocele -Etiopathology, clinicalfeatures, diagnosis,
prognosis and complications
b) Sthanik Chikitsa
Snehana, Swedana, Uttarabasti, Pichu, Varti, Lepana, Dhupana, Dhavana, Dahana,
Ksharakarma -. Practical knowledge of all these procedures along with indications,
complications and management.
Shastra Karma
Surgical procedures their Indications, Contraindications of cauterization of cervix, cervical
dilatation and curettage, female surgical sterilization
Knowledge of indication and procedure of PAP smear. Endometrial biopsy and interpretation
of the reports
Stri roga Sambandhita Pramukha Aushadhyai, Prasuti & Stri Roga Chikitsa Upayogi
Yantra Shastra Parichaya and Vyadhivinischaya Upaya (Investigative and Diagnostic Aids)
Garbhanirodhaka Upaya.
Parivar Niyojana, Reproductive and Child Health Care, AIDS/HIV control Programme, MCH,
PNDT Act, MTP Act, and importance of current National Programme
To perform independently
4. Observation of 10 labour
5. To diagnose abnormalities of labour and decide about the referral of the patient
Part B 50 Marks
Samanya Chikitsa Siddhanta and Balaroga
(General Principles of Treatment and Management of Pediatric Disorders)
Content of Practical / demonstration
1. Clinical training of above mentioned disorders of children.
2. Exposure to -
a) Navajata Shishu Paricharya (Care of the newborn)
b) Pranapratyagamana Vidhi (Resuscitation procedure of new born)
c) Vaccination
d) Panchakarma Vidhi (Panchakarma procedures) especially Snehan,
Swedana, Basti.
3. Knowledge of various equipments such as phototherapy unit, overhead radiant
warmer, resuscitation equipments, Panchakarma equipments and their application
4. Knowledge of IV fluid administration, blood sampling
5. Anthropometry measurements and their interpretation
6. Various Ayurvedic & modern Procedures and investigations in pediatric practice
Reference Books
1. Kashyapa Samhita Complete Hindi translation by Satyapal
Vidhyalankara English translation by Prof. Premvati Tiwari
2. Principles & practice of Pediatrics in Ayurveda: Dr. CHS Shastry
3. Child Health Care in Ayurveda: Prof. Abhimanyu Kumar
4. Ayurvedic Concepts of human Embryology: Prof. Abhimanyu Kumar
5. Kaumarbhritya by Prof. D.N. Mishra
6. Kaumarbhritya Ke Antargata Balgraho Ka Kramika Evam Vaigyanika
Adhyana by Prof. Chanchal Sharma
7. Notes on Kaumarbhritya-by Dr. Dinesh K S
8. Pran - Pratyagannanann-by Dr. B.M. Singh
9. Ayurveda Dwara Matra Evam Shishu Paricharya by Dr. KS
Patel,V.K.Kori & Raigopal
10. Kaumarbhritya related references from Charaka Samhita, Sushruta
Samhita Vagbhata etc.
11. Clinical Methods in Paediatrics by Meharban Singh
12. Pediatrics Emergencies by Meharban Singh
13. Essential Pediatrics 0,P. Ghai
14. Text Book of Pediatrics Nelson
15. Care of New Born by Meharban Singh
16. Panchakarma in Pediatrics Dr. Yogita Srivas
Reference Books
Part - A 50 Marks
1 Derivation of the terms ‘Kaya’, ‘Chikitsa’ and their definitions and synonyms.
Definition of ‘Kayachikitsa, Definition of ‘Bheshaja’. Types and detailed description of
Bheshaja and Chikitsa, Knowledge about Chikitsa Chatushpada, Rogi Roga
Pariksha Siddhantha, Astasthana Pariksha.
2 Importance of Kriya Kaala according to stages of Dosha and their management.
3 Chikitsa sutra and Management of vriddhi (increased) and kshaya (decreased)
of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala, Ojo Vyapat (Kshaya, Visramsa and Vyapat) and
its management. Chikitsasutra and Management of Sama-Nirama states,
Roga-Anutpattikara Chikitsa, Roga Prashamana Chikitsa (Doshapratyanika,
Vyadhipratyanika, Ubhayapratynika), Doshopakrama, Chikitsa sutra and Management
of Sthanantara Dosha (Ashayapakarsha, Anuloma/Pratiloma gati of Dosha,
Vimarga gamana of Dosha), Knowledge of Lina Dosha & its management, Diagnosis,
Chikitsa Sutra and Management of Avarana and of Dhatu Pradoshaja diseases,
Importance of Dosha, Dushya , Bala, Kaala, Agni, Prakriti, Vaya, Sattva Satmya,
Desha, Ahara and stage of diseases in treating them. Chikitsa Sutra and Management
of ‘Samanyaja and Nanatmaja’ diseases.
4 Detailed description of Dvividhopakrama (Santarpana and Apatarpana) and
Shadavidhopakrama (Rookshana, Snehana, Swedana, Sthambhana, Langhana
and Brimhana). Detailed description of Shodhana, Shamana and Nidana
Parivarjana. Knowledge of Aushadha matra, Sevan kaala and Anupana, Definition
and Knowledge of Pathya-Apathya with examples of diseases of various systems.
5 Derivation of the term ‘Manas’, its sthana (place), Guna (qualities) and Karma
(functions). Samanya Chikitsa Siddhanta of Manasa Roga.
6 Principles & Management of Nutritional deficiency disorders.
7 Management of Vardhakyajanita vikara, Indriyapradoshoja vikara, Alzhiemer’s Disease,
Sleep disorders, General debility.
8 General introduction and principles of Management of diseases produced by
Genetic, Environmental and Iatrogenic factors. Disorders due to drug and Food allergy
and their management and other allergic conditions.
Part B 50 Marks
1. Detailed description of Chikitsa Sutra and Management of Jwara and its types.
Etiopathogenesis & relevant Ayurvedic and Modern management of following types
of Fevers-Typhoid, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Influenza, Mumps, Meningitis,
Encephalitis, Tetanus, Yellow fever, Plague, Dengue Fever, Chikun Guniya,
Leptospirosis,Viral Fever, Anthrax, Masurika (Small pox), Laghu Masurika (Chicken pox),
Romantika (Measles).
1. Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Rasavaha Srotas such as –
Pandu, Amavata, Madatyaya, Hridroga, Hridshoola, Hypotension, Hypertension,
Anaemia, Rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Raktavaha Srotas such as
-Raktapitta, Kamala, Kumbhakamala, Halimaka, Daha, Mada, Murcha,
Sanyasa, Vatarakta, Plihadosha, Yakrut dosha, Haemolytic disorders, Hepatitis,
Cirrhosis of Liver, Leukaemia, Kushta, Shvitra, Visarpa, Sheetapitta, Udarda, Kotha and
Kshudra Roga.
Part A 50 Marks
Part B 50 Marks
Reference books:
1. Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Ashtanga Samgraha and Ashtanga Hridaya with their
commentries. Madhav Nidana with Madhukosha Commentary.
2. Ayurvediya Vyadhi Vigyana - Yadavji Trikamji
3. Roga Pariksha Vidhi - Priyavrat Sharma
4. Panchakarma Vigyan -Haridasa Sridhar Kasture
5. Cikitsadarsha -Pandit Rajesvardutta Shastri
6. Kayachikitsa I-IV -Ramaraksha Pathaka
7. Ayurved Nidan Chikitsa Siddhanta -Prof. R.H.Singh.
8. Kayachikitsa Vol. I-IV. -Prof. Ajay Kumar
9. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine.
10. API Text Book of Medicine.
11. Harrison’s Text Bok of Medicine.
12. Cecil Text Book of Medicine.
13. Panchkarma Illustrated by Dr. G.Srinivasacharya.
14. Other relevant publications on subjects concerned
II. Snehana
1. Etymology and Definition of Sneha and Snehana
2. Snehayoni- Sthavara and Jangama: Properties of Sneha dravyas, Snehopag Dravyas
3. General knowledge of Ghrita, Taila, Vasa and Majja with their specific utility and
actions ,Yamaka, Trivrit and Maha Sneha
4. Metabolism of fat
5. Achcha and Pravicharana of Sneha
6. Snehapaka and its importance in Panchakarma
7. Types of Snehana: i) Bahya and ii) Abhyantara Snehana
i) Bāhya Snehana :
Methods, indications and contraindications of the following types of Bahyasnehana;
Mardana, Unmardana, Pādāghāta, Samvāhana, Karna Purana & Akshi Tarpan, Lepa,
Murdhni Taila: Siro-Abhyanga, Shiro Seka/dhārā, Siro Pichu and Siro-Basti
Shodhanārtha Snehana
a. Importance and method of Deepan Pāchan and Rookshana in Shodhanārtha
Snehana. Properties of Rookshana Dravya. Samyak Rookshana Lakshana
b. Consideration of Agni and Koshtha in Snehana
c. Indication of Different Matra, Various dose schedules for Shodhanārtha Snehana;
Hraseeyasi, Hrasva, Madhyama and Uttama Mātrā, Ārohana Mātrā
d. Methods of Shodhanārtha Snehana,
e. Anupāna of Sneha
III. Svedana
1. Etymology and Definition of Sveda and Svedana
2. Classifications of Sveda/Svedana
3. General Sweda dravya, Properties of Sweda dravyas, Swedaopag dravyas ,
4. Indications and contraindications of Svedana
5. Ten Types of Niragni Svedana
6. Knowledge of 13 types of Sagni Svedana and Chaturvidh Svedan
7. Detailed Knowledge with their Utility of the following Svedana procedures:
Sankara/Pinda Sveda-Ruksha and Snigdha Sveda
Patrapinda Sveda, Jambir Pinda Sveda,Vāluka Sveda,Churna Pinda
Sveda,Kukkutand Pinda Sveda, Shashtika Shalipinda Sveda, Nadi Sveda,
Bashpa Sveda Ksheer dhooma ,Ksheer Seka, Kwath Seka, Avagaha
Sveda,Dhanymla Dhara
Parisheka Sveda, Pizichil, Upanaha Sveda, Annalepa
8. Local Basti such as Kati Basti, Janu Basti, Greeva Basti and Urobasti
9. General precautions during Sagni Svedana and Methods to protect vital during
10. Samyak Yoga, Ayoga and Atiyoga of Svedana
11. Complications of Svedana and their Management according to Ayurveda & Modern
12. Diet and management during and after Svedana
13. Parihār Vishaya
14. Svedana Kārmukata (Mode of action)
15. General Knowledge about current Sudation techniques like Sauna bath, Steam bath
V. Virechana Karma
VIII. Raktamokshana
Distribution of Marks
1. Practical Record of 25 procedures 05 Marks
2. Long Procedure 10 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Reference Books
10 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Theory Two Papers – 100 Marks Each
Practical - Viva voce – 100 Marks
Part – A 50 Marks
11 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Yogya - Experimental Surgery.
Target –Appreciation and comprehension of concepts of Yogya. Idea of patient’s
safety in experimental training.
Preferable targets- Hands on training on mannequins.
12 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Fluid, Electrolyte, Acid Base Balance and Nutrition:
i. Introduction of physiology of fluids and electrolytes.
ii. Dehydration and over hydration.
iii. Specific electrolyte loss, Acidosis, Alkalosis, Symptomatology and Management.
iv. Electrolyte changes in specific diseases like pyloric stenosis, intestinal obstruction
and anuria.
v. Various replacement fluids in surgery, mode of administration and complications.
vi. Nutrition.
Target – Capability to identify and manage fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Ability to
administer parenteral fluid.
Preferable targets - Advanced techniques of fluid and electrolyte assessment and
Part - B
50 Marks
Shat Kriyakala in surgical practice.
Target- Clinical utility of the concepts.
Preferable targets - Applied aspects of Kriyakalas in the light of current concepts of
13 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
vi. Marmagata - Shock
vii. Kotha – Gangrene and Principles of Amputation.
viii. Granthi - Cyst
ix. Arbuda - Tumour
Target-Clinical application of the concepts.
Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.
Snayu Vikara - Diseases of tendons and ligaments – Tennis elbow, Ganglion and their
Target - Clinical application of the concepts.
14 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.
Part - A 50 Marks
15 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.
16 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Part – B
50 Marks
17 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Diseases of Urethra – Aetiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical features, Diagnosis,
Complications and Management of Urethritis, Stricture and Rupture.
Target - Clinical utility of the concepts.
Preferable targets - Hands on experience of management of different conditions.
Content of Practicals:
1. Identification, uses, demonstration of surgical instruments and methods of
2. Training of case taking, bed side clinicals and case presentation.
3. Demonstration and Practical training in Anaesthesia.
4. Training to develop skills in following Parasurgical and other procedures
i. Kshara Karma
ii. Agnikarma
iii. Kshara Sutra
iv. Raktamokshana
v. Application of bandages and splints
vi. Catheterization
vii. Wound management procedures like Parisheka and Patradana
viii. Ryle’s tube aspiration
ix. Injections -Intramuscular / Intravenous / Subcutaneous / Intradermal
x. Incision and drainage of abscess
xi. Suturing of open wounds
5. Observation of following procedures
18 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
i. Circumcision
ii. Hydrocele
iii. Hernial repair
iv. Vasectomy
v. Haemorrhoidectomy
vi. Fistulectomy
vii. Fissurectomy
viii. Appendecectomy
ix. Cholecystectomy
6. Training of Surgical Emergencies and Management.
Distribution of Marks
Reference Books
1. Sushruta Samhita
2. Ashtanga Sangraha
3. Ashtanga Hridaya
4. Charaka Samhita
5. The Surgical instruments of the Hindus -
Girindranath Mukhopadhyaya
6. Shalya Tantra Samuchchaya -
Pandit Ramadesh Sharma
7. Shalya Vigyan (Part 1-2) -
Dr. Surendra Kumar Sharma
8. Shalya Samanvaya (Part 1-2) -
Vd. Anantaram Sharma
9. Shalya Pradeepika -
Dr. Mukund Swaroop Verma
10. Soushruti -
Dr. Ram Nath Dwivedi
11. Clinical Shalya Vigyan -
Dr. Akhilanand Sharma
12. Bhagna Chikitsa -
Dr. Prabhakar Janardhan
13. Kshara sutra management in anorectal ailments - Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr. K.R.Sharma
and Dr. Kulwant Singh.
14. Anorectal diseases in Ayurveda - Dr. Sijoria and Dr. Praveen
Kumar Chowdary.
15. Adhunika Shalya Chikitsa Siddanta - Dr. Katil Narshingham Udupa
16. Agnikarma Technology Innovation - Dr. P.D. Gupta
17. Shalya Tantra Ke Siddhant - Dr. K.K.Takral
18. Recent advances in the management of Arshas / Haemorrhoids - Dr. P. Hemantha
19 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
19. Arsha Evum Bhagander Mein sutra Avacharan - Vd. Kanak Prasad Vyas
20. Kshara Sutra - Dr. S.N.Pathak
21. Surgical ethics of Ayurveda - Dr. D.N. Pande
22. Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery - Norman.S. Williams, Charles.V.
Mann and R.C.G. Russell
23. Clinical methods in surgery - S. Das
24. Textbook of Operative Surgery - S. Das
25. Shalya Vigyan (Sachitra) - Anantram Sharma
26. Anushastra Karma - Dr. D.N. Pande
27. Concept of Vrana is Ayurveda - Dr. Lakshman Singh
28. Significance for Poorva Karma in Surgical Patient - Dr. Lakshman Singh
29. Sangyaharan Prakash - Dr. D.N. Pande
30. A concise Text Book of Surgery - S. Das
31. A manual on Clinical Surgery - S. Das
32. A System of Surgical Diagnosis - T.N. Patel
33. A Practical Guide to Operative Surgery - S. Das
34. Drugs and Equipment for Anaesthesia - Arun kumar
35. Manual of Surgical Instruments - M.M. Kapur
36. Ward Procedures - Patel Mansukh. B
37. Recent trends in the management of Arshas / Haemorrhoids - Dr. P. Hemantha
38. Primary Anaesthesia - Maurice King
39. Synopsis of Anaesthesia - Lee
40. Clinical Anatomy/ Surgical Anatomy - John E.Skandalakis
41. Surgical Instruments of the Hindus - Girindharnath Mukopadyay
42. Outline of Orthopedics - John Crawford Adams and David
Hamblen. L
43. Outline of Fracture - John Crawford Adams
44. Recent trends in the management of Bhagandara / Fistula-in-ano - Dr. P. Hemantha
45. Principles and Practice of Agnikarma - Dr. Anand Kumar and
Dr. Kanchan Shekokar
46. Manipal Manual of Surgery - Dr. Rajgopal Shenoy
20 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
I. Introduction
a) Shalakyatantra nirukti, Parichayam, Ithihasam
b) Netra rachana shariram (Mandala, Patala, Sandhi, Drushti Vichara) and Netra Kriya
Sharira alongwith modern anatomy of Eye.
c) Eye examination and knowledge of basic instruments/equipments required for
examination of Eye.
d) Netrarognanam – Samanya Hetu (Nija and agantuja), Purvarupa, Samprapti, Rupa
and Chikitsa.
e) Classification of Netraroga and its importance.
21 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
and management of Arma, Arjuna and Shuktika
b) Brief Knowledge of Sira pidika, Sira jala, Pishtaka, Balasgrathita.
c) Study of Pterygium, Scleritis, Episcleritis, Sub-Conjunctival Hemorrhage including
their Etiology, signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis and medical &
surgical management.
22 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
I Samanya Chikitsa
a) Study of therapeutic procedures like Sveda, Kavala, Gandusa, Dhuma, Murdhni Taila,
Nasya, Pratisarana, Karna Purana,karna prakshalana, nasa prakshalana Mukha Lepa.
b) Ashtavidha shastrakarma and anushastrakarma used in the treatment of Shira,
Karna,Nasa evam Mukha Rogas.
II Shiro Roga
a) Importance and Superiority of Shira.
b) Number, general etiology, pathology and cardinal features of shiro rogas and kapalgata
rogas along with their common line of management/treatment.
c) Detailed study of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja shirashoola, Suryavarta, Ardhavabhedaka,
Khalitya, Palitya.
d) Brief Knowledge of Raktaja shiraha shoola, Krimija shiraha shoola , Kshayaja shiraha
shoola & Sannipataja shiraha shoola, Ananta vata, Indralupta, Darunaka.
e) Detailed study of Headache, Migraine its differential diagnosis and treatment.
IV Nasa Roga
23 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
V Mukha Roga (Diseases of Oral Cavity)
a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of Mukha Rogaadhisthana–
oshtha, dantamoola, danta, jivha, talu, gal, sarvasara (Oral cavity ) as per
Ayurvedic and modern view along with their Basic examination including
instruments/equipments required for the examination
b) Mukha and Danta Swasthya as per ancient and modern concepts including
prevention of malignancy of oral cavity.
c) Number and general aetiology, pathology, cardinal features of Mukha rogas
along with their common line of management/treatment.
24 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
Swrabhedha , Galavidradhi.
b) Brief Knowledge of Rohini, Galashotha, Kantharbuda,
Kanthavidradhi, Galarbuda Galaugham, Vrindam, Ekavrindam, Valaya,
balasa , Shataghni, Swaraghna.
c) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and
management of - Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Tonsillitis & Adenoiditis
d) Brief Knowledge of foreign body in the throat, Carcinoma of Larynx &
Pharynx, Dysphagia Diphtheria & diseases of salivary glands.
VI Miscellaneous Diseases
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness.
Content of Practical
Reference Books:-
1. Shalakya Tantra Dr. Rama Nath Dwivedi
2. Shalakya Vigyan Dr. Ravindra Chandra Choudhary
25 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
3. Abhinava Netra Chikitsa Acharya Vishva Nath Dwivedi
4. Netra Chikitsa Vigyan Dr. Ravindra Chandra Choudhary
5. Netra Roga Chikitsa Dr. Munje
6. Netra Roga Vigyan Dr. Hans Raj
7. Parson’s Diseases of Eye
8. Diseases of ENT Log and Turner
9. Shalakya Tantra Shiv Nath Khanna
10. Atext book of ophthalmology in Ayurveda Dr. P.K.Shantha kumara
11. Shalakya Kriya Kalpa Vigyan Prof. K. S. Dhiman
Useful portions of Charak, Sushrut, Vagbhata
26 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
4.5 Research methodology and Medical statistics
Part – B Medical-Statistics
27 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r
c. Mode
5. Variability and its measurement
a. Range
b. Standard deviation
c. Standard error
6. Introduction to probability and test of significance
7. Parametric and non parametric tests
8. Introduction to commonly used statistical soft-wares.
28 | U G S y l l a b u s 4 t h y e a r