CONSTI Law I - Marcos V Farinas Case Digest PDF

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EN BANC similarly-worded Letters dated April 21, 2017

asking to be excused from the inquiry
G.R. No. 232395, July 03, 2018 pending official instructions from
co-petitioner Marcos​ as head of the agency.
GAOR, JOSEPHINE P. CALAJATE, GENEDINE Because of petitioners' absence at the May 2,
D. JAMBARO, EDEN C. BATTULAYAN, 2017 hearing, ​a subpoena ad testificandum
EVANGELINE C. TABULOG, Petitioners, was issued by co-respondent House
MARIA IMELDA JOSEFA "IMEE" R. Committee on May 3, 2017 directing
MARCOS, Co-Petitioner, v. THE petitioners to appear and testify under oath
HONORABLE REPRESENTATIVE RODOLFO at a hearing set on May 16, 2017.12 Likewise,
C. FARIÑAS​, THE HONORABLE an invitation was sent to co-petitioner
REPRESENTATIVE JOHNNY T. PIMENTEL, Marcos to appear on said hearing​. Since the
CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOOD subpoena was received by petitioners only one
GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC day prior to the scheduled hearing, petitioners
ACCOUNTABILITY, AND ​LT. GEN. ROLAND requested that their appearance be deferred to a
DETABALI (RET.), IN HIS CAPACITY AS later date to give them time to prepare.
REPRESENTATIVES​, Respondents, THE Petitioners requested clarification as to what
COMMITTEE ON GOOD GOVERNMENT AND information co-respondent House Committee
PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY, Co-Respondent. seeks to elicit ​and its relevance to R.A. No.
7171. ​Co-petitioner Marcos submitted a
Letter ​15 dated May 15, 2017 seeking
Facts of the case:
clarification on the legislative objective of
House Resolution ​No. 882 and its
On March 14, 2017, ​House Resolution No. 882
discriminatory application to the Province of
was introduced by respondent Fariñas, along
Ilocos Norte to the exclusion of other
with Representatives Pablo P. Bondoc and
virginia-type tobacco producing provinces.
Aurelio D. Gonzales, Jr., directing House
Committee to conduct an inquiry, in aid of
Petitioners failed to attend the hearing
legislation, pertaining to the use by the
scheduled on May 16, 2017. As such, ​the
Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte of its
House Committee issued a Show Cause
shares from the excise taxes on locally
Order why they should not be cited in
manufactured virginia-type cigarettes for a
contempt for their refusal ​without legal excuse
purpose other than that provided for by
to obey summons.
Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7171.
In response to the Show Cause Order,
The ​following purchases by the Provincial
petitioners reiterated that they received the
Government of Ilocos Norte of vehicles in
notice only one day prior to the scheduled
three separate transactions from the years
hearing date in alleged violation of the
2011 to 2012 in the aggregate amount of
three-day notice rule ​under Section 818 of the
P66,450,000.00 were in violation of ​R.A. No.
House Rules Governing Inquiries.
7171 ​(An Act To Promote The Development Of
The Farmers In The Virginia Tobacco-producing
Nevertheless, at the scheduled committee
Provinces) as well as of ​R.A. No. 9184
hearing on May 29, 2017, all the petitioners
(Government Procurement Reform Act) and
Presidential Decree (P.O.) No. 1445
(Government Auditing Code of the Philippines).
Claims of Petitioners Agcaoili:
Invitation Letters dated April 6, 2017 were
Petitioners allege that at the hearing of May 29,
individually sent to petitioners for them to
2017, they were subjected to threats and
attend as resource persons the initial hearing
intimidation. According to petitioners, they were
on House Resolution No. 882 scheduled on May
asked "leading and misleading questions" and
2, 2017. In response, ​petitioners sent


that regardless of their answers, the same were On June 5, 2017, Detabali again failed to
similarly treated as evasive. attend. ​Instead, ​the Deputy Secretary General
Jambaro claims that because she could not of the House of Representatives appeared to
recall the transactions Fariñas alluded to and explain that Detabali accompanied several
requested to see the original copy of a members of the House of Representatives on
document presented to her for identification, ​she a Northern Luzon trip​, thus his inability to
was cited in contempt and ordered detained. attend the scheduled hearing.
Allegedly, ​the same inquisitorial line of
questioning was used in the interrogation of On June 6, 2017​, petitioners filed a Motion for
Gaor. When Gaor answered that she could Provisional Release based on petitioners'
no longer remember ​if she received a cash constitutional right to bail. ​Detabali, through the
advance of P18,600,000.00 for the purchase of OSG, opposed the motion.
40 units of minicab, ​Gaor was likewise cited in
contempt and ordered detained. At the hearing set ​on June 8, 2017, Detabali
again failed to attend. On June 9, 2017, ​the
The same threats, intimidation and coercion CA issued a Resolution ​denying Detabali's
were likewise supposedly employed on motion to dissolve the writ of Habeas Corpus
Calajate when she was asked by Fariñas if she and ​granting petitioners' Motion for
signed a cash advance voucher in the amount of Provisional Release upon posting of a bond​.
P18,600,000.00 for the purchase of the 40 units Attempts to serve said Resolution and Order
of minicabs. ​When Calajate refused to answer, of Release Upon Bond to Detabali were made
she was also cited in contempt and ordered but to no avail.
On June 20, 2017, ​the House of
When Battulayan could no longer recall Representatives called a ​special session for
having signed a cash advance voucher for the continuation of the legislative inquiry. ​On
the purchase of minicabs, she was also ​cited in the same day, House Committee unanimously
contempt and ordered detained​. voted to issue a Show Cause Order against
the three Justices of the CA​'s Special Fourth
Claims of Respondents Fariñas: Division, ​directing them to explain why they
should not be cited in contempt by the House
Respondents aver that ​petitioners were of Representatives.
evasive in answering questions and simply
claimed not to remember the specifics of the The House of Representatives was
subject transactions. apparently dismayed over the CA's actions in
the Habeas Corpus Petition​, with ​House
According to respondents, ​petitioners Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez quoted as calling
requested to be confronted with the original the involved CA Justices "mga gago" and
documents to refresh their memories when threatening to dissolve the CA.
they knew beforehand that the Commission
on Audit (COA) ​to which ​the original vouchers On July 13, 2017 and while the Habeas Corpus
were submitted could no longer find the Petition was still pending before the CA,
same​. petitioners and co-petitioner Marcos filed the
instant Omnibus Petition.
On May 30, 2017, ​petitioners filed a Petition
for Habeas Corpus against respondent During the congressional hearing on July 25,
House Sergeant-at-Arms ​Lieutenant General 2017 which petitioners and co-petitioner Marcos
Detabali (Detabali) before the CA. attended, and ​while the present Omnibus
Petition is pending final resolution by the
On June 2, 2017, ​the CA in its Resolution Court, respondent House Committee lifted
issued a writ of Habeas Corpus ordering the contempt order and ordered the release
Detabali to produce the bodies of the of petitioners​.
petitioners before the court​ on June 5, 2017.


The power of both houses of Congress to

conduct inquiries in aid of legislation is expressly
Claims of Co-Petitioner Marcos: provided by the Constitution under Section 21,
Article VI thereof.
Co-petitioner Marcos assails ​the nature of the
legislative inquiry as a fishing expedition in In this case, co-petitioner Marcos primordially
violation of petitioners' right to due process assails the nature of the legislative inquiry as a
and is allegedly discriminatory to the fishing expedition in alleged violation of her right
Province of Ilocos Norte​. to due process and to be discriminatory to the
Province of Ilocos Norte. However, a perusal of
A petition for prohibition is not the proper the minutes of legislative hearings so far
remedy to enjoin legislative actions. House conducted reveals that the same revolved
Committee is not a tribunal, corporation, board around the use of the Province of Ilocos
or person exercising judicial or ministerial Norte's shares from the excise tax on locally
function but a separate and independent branch manufactured virginia-type cigarettes
of government. through cash advances which co-petitioner
Marcos herself admits to be the "usual
190822 Patricia’s Note: practice" and was actually allowed by the
Commission on Audit (COA).
Imelda’s claim is on the ground that Congress
cannot prohibit the Province of Ilocos Norte to In fact, ​the cause of petitioners' detention
allot its own funds for other projects or transfer was not the perceived or gathered illegal use
budget for the accomplishment of other of such ​shares ​but the rather unusual
province’s plans. LGUs are autonomous. inability of petitioners to recall the
transactions ​despite the same having involved
considerable sums of money.
Respondents argue that prohibition does not
lie against legislative or quasi-legislative
Like so, ​co-petitioner Marcos' plea for the
prevention of the legislative inquiry was
anchored on her apprehension that she, too,
Legal Issue:
will be arrested and detained by House
Committee. ​However, ​such remains to be an
Whether or not the subject legislative inquiry on
apprehension which does not give cause for
House Resolution No. 882 may be enjoined by a
the issuance of the extraordinary remedy of
writ of prohibition?
prohibition. ​Consequently, co-petitioner
Marcos' prayer for the ancillary remedy of a
Ruling of the Court:
preliminary injunction cannot be granted,
because her right thereto has not been proven
No, the subject legislative inquiry on House
to be clear and unmistakable. In any event, such
Resolution No. 882 cannot be enjoined by a writ
injunction would be of no useful purpose given
of prohibition
that the instant Omnibus Petition has been
decided on the merits.
Co-petitioner Marcos failed to show that the
subject legislative inquiry violates the
The privilege of the writ of Amparo is confined to
Constitution or that the conduct thereof was
instances of extralegal killings and enforced
attended by grave abuse of discretion
disappearances, or threats thereof
amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction
Petitioners and co-petitioner Marcos failed to
While ​there is no question that a writ of
show, by prima facie evidence, entitlement to
prohibition lies against legislative functions​,
the issuance of the writ. Much less have they
the Court finds no justification for the
exhibited, by substantial evidence, meritorious
issuance thereof in the instant case​.
grounds to the grant of the petition.


In the landmark case of Secretary of National

Defense, et al. v. Manalo, et al., the Court Here, it appears that ​petitioners and
categorically pronounced that ​the Amparo co-petitioner Marcos even attended and
Rule, ​as it presently stands, ​is confined to participated in the subsequent hearings on
extralegal killings and enforced House Resolution No. 882 ​without any
disappearances, or threats​ thereof. untoward incident. Petitioners and
co-petitioner Marcos thus failed to establish
Here, ​petitioners and co-petitioner Marcos that their ​attendance at and participation in
readily admit that the instant Omnibus the legislative inquiry ​as resource persons
Petition does not cover extralegal killings or have seriously violated their right to liberty
enforced disappearances, or threats thereof. and security, for which no other legal recourse
Thus, ​on this ground alone, their petition for or remedy is available. Perforce, ​the petition
the issuance of a writ of Amparo is for the issuance of a writ of Amparo must be
dismissible​. dismissed.

On the other hand, ​co-petitioner Marcos seeks Congress' Power to Cite in Contempt and to
the protective writ of Amparo on the ground Compel Attendance of Court Justices
that her right to liberty and security are being
threatened by the conduct of the legislative These Congressional powers are indeed
inquiry on House Resolution No. 882. But ​even awesome. Yet, ​such could not be used to
these claims of actual and threatened deprive the Court of its Constitutional duty to
violations of the right to liberty and security supervise judges of lower courts in the
fail to impress​. performance of their official duties.

To reiterate, the writ of Amparo is designed to The fact remains that the ​CA Justices are
protect and guarantee the (1) right to life; (2) non-impeachable officers. ​As such, ​authority
right to liberty; and (3) right to security of over them primarily belongs to this Court
persons, free from fears and threats that vitiate and to no other​.
the quality of life.
The ​principle of separation of powers also
By way of caution, the rule is that ​a writ of serves as one of the basic postulates for
Amparo shall not issue on amorphous and exempting the Justices, officials and
uncertain grounds. ​Consequently, ​every employees of the Judiciary ​and for excluding
petition for the issuance of a writ of Amparo the Judiciary's privileged and confidential
should be supported by justifying allegations documents and information ​from any
of fact. compulsory processes which very well
includes the Congress' power of inquiry in
Even more telling is the rule that ​the writ of aid of legislation. ​Such exemption has been
Amparo cannot be issued in cases where the jurisprudentially referred to as judicial
alleged threat has ceased and is no longer privilege ​as implied from the exercise of judicial
imminent or continuing​. power expressly vested in one Supreme Court
and lower courts created by law.
In this case, ​the alleged unlawful restraint on
petitioners' liberty has effectively ceased As in all privileges, the exercise thereof is not
upon their subsequent release from without limitations. ​The invocation of the
detention. Court's judicial privilege ​is understood to be
limited to matters that are part of the internal
On the other hand, ​the apprehension of deliberations and actions of the Court in the
co-petitioner Marcos that she will be exercise of the Members' adjudicatory
detained is, at best, merely speculative. In functions and duties​.
other words, ​co-petitioner Marcos has failed
to show any clear threat to her right to liberty Judicial privilege is unavailing on matters
actionable through a petition for a writ of external to the Judiciary's deliberative
Amparo​. adjudicatory functions and duties.


By way of example, the non-confidential matters

as including those ​"information relating to the
commission of crimes or misconduct, or
violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct, or
any violation of a law or regulation," and
those outside the Justices' adjudicatory
functions such as ​"financial, budgetary,
personnel and administrative matters
relating to the operations of the Judiciary."

If the matter upon which Members of the

Court, court officials and employees ​privy to
the Court's deliberations, ​are called to appear
and testify do not relate to and will not impair
the Court's deliberative adjudicatory judicial
power, ​then ​judicial privilege may not be
successfully invoked.

HELD: WHEREFORE, the Omnibus

Petition is DISMISSED.

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