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Perspective of Sustainable Rural Tourism
in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland (UK): Comparative Study of β and σ
Convergence in the Economic Development Regions
Gina Ionela Butnaru 1, * and Alina Petronela Haller 2
1 Department of Management, Marketing and Business Administration,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Bulevardul Carol I 11, 700506 Iasi, Romania
2 Department of Economics, Romanian Academy Branch of Iaşi + ICES, Gh. Zane, Codrescu 2, 700488 Ias, i,
Romania; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +40-232-201-453

Academic Editor: Anat Tchetchik

Received: 21 January 2017; Accepted: 24 March 2017; Published: 30 March 2017

Abstract: Tourism is an activity which globally develops proportionally with the evolution of progress.
The opportunities we enjoy are bigger than ever, but their price should be lowered in order for the
global society to develop its wealth. This can be performed by sustainability, a concept which will
join in the future all economic activities, not only tourism. Our analysis is focused on the specific case
of the UK, one of the main tourist destinations in the world. It is well known that cultural tourism is
the form attracting the highest number of foreign visitors. However, we can see the importance given
to rural tourism. The main methods used to perform the present analysis are β and σ convergence.
They proved their efficiency in other research studies, which led to a high degree of accuracy of
the results. β and σ convergence analysis is performed on a sample of 12 Economic Development
Regions from the UK, among which we will determine the degree of convergence and divergence of
sustainable rural tourism.

Keywords: rural tourism; rural development; sustainable tourism; β convergence; σ convergence;

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)

1. Introduction
Rural tourism has a long history in the UK, especially in the western regions of the country;
in Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall; and in the southwest of Highlands, Scotland [1], which were
accompanied by the development of tourist activities that helped them maintain a market share
rather stable in time. Development of rural tourism in the UK is based on the development of
transport, initially of the railroads in 19th century. In the 1950s and 1960s, tourism development
was registered in the coastal resorts, while the 1970s and 1980s recorded a high decrease as a result
of the market development of tourist service packages for Mediterranean Sea. In this period, rural
tourism registered a relatively stable market share. Inevitably, most of the people working in rural
tourism can offer accommodation services or visits to tourist objectives. In addition, cooperative
businesses with 20–30 members developed in this period, some of which had started to function
since the end of the 1940s. In the analysis of tourism in the UK in the 1980s, we identified a series of
factors with a major influence over rural tourism, including major changes of agricultural policies of
the European Community for UK Government; control of urbanization by moving the population
from the big cities towards small towns and rural areas; higher awareness for sustainable tourism and
green tourism in an adequate context for rural tourism; higher perception of rural tourism among the

Sustainability 2017, 9, 525; doi:10.3390/su9040525

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Government representatives due to its economic potential and occupation of work force; and thorough
study of educational needs with major implications in the preparation of specialists for this field of
activity. According to the Government UK in 2015, 42.1% of enterprises, 25.7% of turnover and 44.4%
of employment was in rural tourism industry, making it the largest division. In rural England, 10.6% of
local business units are in tourism related industries. In addition, the visitors from rural areas spent £3
billion (of which £200 million were expenses in rural tourism), and there were 850 million tourists and
1900 million visitors. The main travel reasons were countryside visits for the landscape, friendly people,
quietness and peace. In 1980, national organizations were established, recognizing and supporting
the development of small businesses in rural environment, as follows: The British Tourist Authority,
Farm Holiday Bureau (now it has agricultural cooperatives), Scottish Farmhouse Holidays (for tourist
accommodation services in rural environment), Wolsey Lodges (for the cooperative members who
sell accommodation services), and Classic Cottages (family business offering renting services for
tourist cottages).
Regarding the development of rural tourism in the UK, we can see that there is an involvement
and cooperation among the companies working in this field of activity. Consequently, the European
Commission, UK Government, and non-governmental organizations are interested in the development
of rural areas.
Up to 2020, UK intends to diversify the tourist offer in the rural area to create opportunities of
development of local environment and communities [2]. Rural tourism does not involve only the
development of a single activity, it is the accumulation of several activities [3], which sometimes are
underestimated, but extremely important for UK economy. Consequently, rural tourism is among the
most efficient sectors of the domestic market, and it brings a significant income to UK from the external
markets [4]. In UK, it is based on educational progress, on the strong need to spend the leisure time in
a different environment, on the development of communications and transport, and on traditional and
authentic experiences [5].
UK rural environment offers the perspective of diversification of the tourist activity with extensive
possibilities, without any relation to the niche [6], and rural tourism is promoted by authorized
institutions [7], by specific programs, and supported by funds created on this purpose, e.g., in the case
of Scotland: Tourism Innovation Fund, Visit Scotland Growth Found, and Scottish Rural Development
Programme [8].

2. Some Theories that Formed the Basis of This Study

The contexts where sustainable rural tourism in UK was analyzed were different. Hall et al.
(2005) [9] made the connection between rural tourism and (sustainable) business environment,
demonstrating that tourist activity is creating workplaces, constituting a development factor for rural
areas. A parallel between Canada and UK shows that rural tourism played, in time, an important role in
UK, especially in Scottish Highlands [10], and Bakewell (UK). Not only the two rural regions are located
in different geographical areas, but they are also in different phases of development (life cycle) [11].
Gastronomic tourism and its role in supporting the regional identity in Cornwall, Southwest of
England, represented another subject directly correlated with rural tourism from the point of view of
rural recovery, and agricultural diversification [12]. In a study conducted by Alexander and Mckenna
in 1998 [13], the conclusions show that regarding rural tourism development, Central England is
considered a peripheral area. The authors of this study tried to find solutions to improve this situation.
Sustainable rural tourism may develop with an impulse from the authorities. Their involvement
creates the conditions of a better integration of tourist activity in strategic spatial planning, and in local
community development [14].
The study of local leadership was also interesting in the particular case of the region
Adventa—Monmouthshire (UK) [15]. The economic policy is important for the development of
sustainable rural tourism in UK, and the national, urban, and rural tourist policy suffered modifications
under EU super-national influences, determining its uneven development [16]. At the same time,
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certification is also important for the development of sustainable rural tourism, subject approached
in the research regarding UK [17]. The role of certification was analyzed in the case of West
England regarding tourism impact on the environment, financial effects, marketing opportunities,
brand recognition, and image improvement, moral responsibility, and political decisions.
The concerns for the environmental protection, also for the health of the people who travel
on the territory of the UK led to the development of rural tourism and to a higher number of
countryside holidays. The farms belong to the rural environment, and sustainable tourism is related
to their diversification in England and Wales but the farm dimension and type influence the activity
diversification [18]. At present, in the UK, rural tourism industry is still very fragmented and lacking
coordination, because the visitors are looking for a sophisticated level of technology regarding the
equipment and the accommodation services offered.
According to Dvoroková (2014) [19], for the economies of a state, β and σ economic convergence
was and still is focusing the attention, and it represents one of the basic conditions to consolidate
competitiveness externally, being also a prerequisite for a growing cohesion in Great Britain.
Consequently, real convergence may be influenced by several factors, both positively and negatively.
Therefore, this paper intends to analyze by a rigorous documentation β and σ convergence in UK
Economic Development Regions, performing a rural tourism analysis.
In the elaboration of the first part of this paper, we performed the analysis of the economic
impact of tourism in UK, with an emphasis on rural tourism, demonstrated by an analysis of the data
obtained from reports provided by Eurostat, European Union, European Commission, VisitEngland,
World Tourism Organisation, and World Travel & Tourism Council. In the second part, we performed
a linear correlation for Gross Domestic Product from Tourism (GDPT) by UK Economic Development
Regions, to establish the convergence or the divergence, if any, with the purpose to identify the main
objectives of the effort of convergence. At the end of the paper we proposed a specific model of rural
tourism for UK by presenting the challenges and opportunities of this field of activity. Research on
sustainable rural tourism in UK has already been performed, however, the analyses of these studies
with the help of β and σ convergence are relatively new.

3. Literature Review

3.1. Analysis of Tourism in the UK

The increasing progress, the improvement of the level of knowledge and, generally, life dynamics
create possibilities and the wish to travel, to discover, to interact with places, people, and events.
The possibility to cover enormous geographical distances in a relatively short time, comfortably and
at reasonable prices, determines people to travel where they desire to satisfy their various needs,
from relaxation to knowledge.
World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) [20–22] analyze in detail the economic impact of
184 countries, including the UK. In 2015, the growth rate of the tourism sector (2.8%) was higher than
the global one (2.3%), with a contribution of 9.8% to the global GDP (Gross Domestic Product), or of
7.2 trillion dollars, in absolute terms [23]. In addition, tourism sector created 284 million workplaces,
which means that, in the world, 1 of 11 workplaces is in the tourism sector. The world is threatened by
economic, social, environmental, technological, geopolitical risks with a strong impact, which travel
lovers assume not from ignorance, but from their desire to go where they had not gone before. One of
the destinations preferred by tourists is the UK.
We present very shortly the direct and total impact on the GDP of UK tourism sector for 2015,
the estimates for 2016, and the prognoses for 2026. British tourism sector registered significant growth
rates for the fifth consecutive year.
Tourism sector had a direct impact of 3.7% of GDP, and the estimates and prognoses maintain
the growing tendency. The direct impact of the tourism sector was estimated to grow by 3.8% in 2016,
and by 4% in 2026.
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By direct contribution, tourism sector created 1,791,000 workplaces on the territory of the UK,
which means 5.3% of the total. For the following ten years, the prognoses lead towards a positive
direct impact on the labor market of 6%.
UK takes the tenth place in WTTC hierarchy from the point of view of the impact over the labor
market. Directly, tourism created 1,791,200 workplaces in 2015. By comparison, in USA the same
sector contributed to the creation of 5,633,200 workplaces (3rd place), and in Germany (6th place) to
the creation of 3,010,600 workplaces. The number of workplaces created by the tourism sector in the
UK was 2.1 times higher than the global average, and 5.9 times higher than the European average.
From the point of view of the direct contribution to GDP, in 2015 the UK took the 5th place in
WTTC hierarchy, with 103.7 billion dollars. By comparison, USA was on the first place (488 billion
dollars), Germany was on the 3rd place (130.7 billion dollars), Japan on the 4th place (106.7 billion
dollars). The direct contribution to GDP of UK tourism sector was 5.6 times higher than the global
average, and 6.9 times higher than the European one.
Total contribution of the tourism sector to GDP was 11% in 2015. In 2016, it was estimated to grow
by 4%, and in 2026 it was estimated to grow by 3%. Cumulatively, the direct and indirect total impact
of the tourism sector on the labor market was 12.7% in 2015, the equivalent of 4,293,000 workplaces.
The estimates foresee a growth by 2.2% of tourism total contribution on the labor market for 2016,
and the estimates for the next decade show a growth by 1.3%.
Considering the total impact of the tourism sector on UK labor market, the country is in the 11th
place in WTTC hierarchy, with 4,293,200 workplaces created in 2015. In USA, 14,247,900 workplaces
were created by tourism, consequently it is in the 3rd place; in Germany, there were 5,234,600
workplaces, placing it on the 9th position; followed by Japan, where tourism determined the creation
of 4,722,300 new workplaces. The total contribution of tourism on the labor market in the case of the
UK was two times higher than the world average, and 5.6 times higher than the European one.
The total contribution of tourism sector to the GDP of the UK is 3 times higher than the direct
one, which shows that the direct, indirect, and induced effects of tourist activity on UK economy are
substantial: 32.9% direct effects, 20.3% induced effects, and 46.8% indirect effects.
From the point of view of the total contribution to GDP, the UK is placed on the 4th position
in WTTC hierarchy, with 315.6 billion dollars, while USA takes the first place (1469.8 billion dollars),
and Japan takes the 3rd place (326.1 billion dollars). The total contribution of the tourism sector to GDP was,
in the case of the UK, 5.6 times higher than the global average, and 7.8 times higher than the European one.
In 2015, the tourism sector participated with 4.4% in the total investments of the UK.
Tourism investments will continue, so their growth was estimated by 5.6% from the total investments
in 2016, and the estimates show an increase of investments by 3% in 2026.
The analysis of the investments performed by tourism industry places the UK in the 8th place
in WTTC hierarchy in 2015, with 21.5 billion dollars. USA is in the first place, in this country the
tourism sector made investments of 148.8 billion dollars; France is in the 4th place, with investments
of 33 billion dollars; followed by Japan with 32.8 billion dollars; and Germany with investments of
27.8 billion dollars. The investments made by the tourism sector in the UK are 5 times higher than the
world average, and 5.3 times higher than the European one.
In WTTC hierarchy, from the point of view of the contribution of tourism to GDP, in absolute
terms the UK takes the 4th place, and in relative terms it takes the 70th place. From the point of view
of the estimates of growth in 2016, it is in the 58th place, and from the point of view of the estimates of
growth on long term, i.e., 2016–2026, it is in the 152nd place.
The expenses which local and foreign tourists made on the territory of the UK for recreational
activities (leisure travel spending) were 60.5% of the direct contribution of the tourism sector to GDP
in 2015, while the expenses of the visitors who travelled for business were 39.5%. The estimates
and prognoses illustrate a maintenance of the growing tendency of tourists’ expenses, regardless of
the origin or of the purpose of tourist activities. Local tourists made 80.6% of the tourist expenses,
while foreign visitors spent on the territory of the UK 19.4% of the total. Tourists’ expenses will increase.
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The estimates for 2016 show a growth by 3.2% of local tourists’ expenses, and by 2.6% of the expenses
made by foreign tourists, and the prognoses for 2026 show a growth of local tourists’ expenses by 3.9%,
and a growth by 4.6% of foreign tourists’ expenses.
Tourism statistical picture of the UK presents the country as one of the most important world
destinations, with development perspectives in the following decade.

3.2. Tourist Activity and Its Specific Importance, with Focus on Rural Tourism
History and culture of the UK, well spread in the whole world by English language and
colonialism, make it a very popular tourist destination, especially for its capital, London.
Based on the statistical data provided by Eurostat, we estimate that the number of tourists grew
by 120% as compared to 1979, however their expenses for British services remained at an almost
similar level. The average of expenses for each tourist arrived in England decreased from 1076 euro to
684 euro [23]. At the same time, the number of visitors who intended to spend their holidays with
their families grew by 250% as compared to the same year of reference, 1979, their number being of
approximately eight million. In 1979, the internal income from tourism was higher with almost three
billion euro than the British’ expenses abroad. Today the report is reversed, the British spend twice as
much in external locations than the tourists who come to England [24].
In 2015, the top seven most important visited cities in the UK were London, Edinburgh,
Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool and Oxford [25]. Regarding the visitors’ country
of origin, the top three places of those who chose to visit London tourist destination between 2010 and
2015 are taken by France, USA and Germany.
Most of the time, in tourism, it may be very difficult to establish with precision the number of
visitors for tourist attractions in general, because some companies in this field of activity or sites may
have a different purpose in processing such information. Nevertheless, in the UK, over 5000 attractions
are estimated for tourists who intend to visit these places [26].
Regarding the rural tourism, VisitEngland Report with the title Domestic Rural Tourism in 2014 for
England [27] presents a series of statistical information for the UK. In 2014, the holidays in rural areas
attracted approximately 9.21 million visitors, of which East Midlands Region attracted 1.12 million
visitors, followed by East of England with 0.95 million visitors. In total, 3.57 million visitors preferred
open air activities, including long walks; 2.77 million people visited important rural tourist objectives;
and 2.14 million people preferred to visit historical and heritage rural sites.
Though the number of travels from the rural environment decreased in 2014 compared to the
period 2009–2013, it still registers an increase compared to 2008 (year of reference), with an annual
average growth rate almost equal to the national average.
Rural destinations of the UK are considered safe, welcoming, and comfortable—they are very
attractive compared to other types of holidays. This makes the rural destinations preferred for
relaxation, walking, and visiting parks and gardens, which are also a great joy for the visitors.
The owners of rural businesses make big investments, rural attractions offering several facilities and
services—especially shops and catering systems—in compliance with the type of tourist destination
and with visitors’ consumption needs. Furthermore, rural attractions are more susceptible by
comparison to other types of tourist attractions, and the personnel employed is trained and motivated
to maintain the highest standards for the visitors.

3.3. An Economic Perspective over Sustainable Rural Tourism in the UK

Tourism industry, at a global level, contributes 10% to GDP [28]. Though mass tourism continues
to dominate on an international level, alternative or sustainable tourism is also present among the
types of tourism.
The concept of sustainable tourism comes from sustainable development. The latter became
known in 1987, at the same time with the publication of the famous Brundtland Report (Our Common
Future), which stated that the satisfaction of present needs is performed without affecting the capacity
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of future generations to satisfy their own needs, i.e., by sustainable development. In 1992, at Rio de
Janeiro, at the famous Earth Summit, Agenda 21 refers to tourism as a potential remedy to social
and environmental problems, favoring the appearance of the concept of sustainable tourism. In 2003,
the European Commission adopted formal measures to support sustainable tourism.
Sustainable tourism is a form of tourism with low negative impact over the environment and
local culture, generating income, workplaces, preserving the fauna, flora and ecosystem of the area,
responsibly correcting the economic activity. The role of sustainable tourism is to reduce negative
externalities associated to tourist activity.
The reasons for which the entire tourist activity should become sustainable are due to its main
components [29]: responsibility towards the environment (ecological sustainability), local economy
vitality (economic sustainability), cultural diversity (socio-cultural sustainability), and accumulation
of experiences. Sustainable tourism is a relation among tourist destinations, tourist industry,
inhabitants of local communities, and visitors [30]. In the past, this relation was dominated by tourist
industry, but sustainability eliminates the tension among the three sides of the triangle, and maintains
the balance in the long term.
Any tourist destination, and any form of tourism will last in time only if sustainability principles
are applied. Ignoring them would reduce the degree of competitiveness of the tourist destination, due to
major visual modifications, and others. A destination attracts tourists by itself, because it is notorious and
indirectly promoted, if it already observes the principles of sustainability, or if there are efforts to attract
tourists by actions which will change the image of the place, and not only by marketing strategies.
Overpopulation of the big cities and excessive pollution due to tourist activities lead to
unfavorable consequences which will affect the economy and the society directly and indirectly
in time. Without the application of the principles of sustainability, tourism risks to become an income
generating activity, whose level will not compensate the associated costs.
Tourism in the UK needs to be circumscribed to the principles of sustainability. In the future, the
potential of development of this activity in the UK is high [31], because communication and transport
technologies and infrastructure develop continuously, opening the possibility of physical and financial
access to various destinations, the life standard grows everywhere in the world, so people from developing
countries can have the possibility to travel (most certainly, the emerging states will shortly become
important markets emitting tourists), investments are increased, and promotion campaigns are intensified.
Risks correlated with tourist sustainability in the UK appear from the excess capacity of
tourism industry, which confer to the visitor the power to decide what can to buy [32]. In the
UK, cultural tourism enjoys a real success, proved by millions de visitors who choose this form
of tourism every year, and who place the United Kingdom, by their interest for museums and culture,
in the group of the most important destinations in the world. Overpopulation of some destinations,
which are already overpopulated, is opposed to the principles of sustainability; consequently, it is
necessary to manage the tourist activity adequately to balance the relationship among tourism-daily
activities-improvement of living conditions (pollution control, traffic fluidization, and lowering of
social risks such as threats to people’s safety, or acts of violence).
An overview of the level of development of the UK requires an analysis of Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) presented on the Economic Development Regions, an important indicator for the category of
structural transformations and macroeconomic balances (Table 1).
Gross Domestic Product directly from Tourism is the part of GDP directly attributed to internal
tourism consumption as part of added value (at basic prices), generated by all the industries as an
answer to the internal tourism consumption, to which it is added the sum of net taxes on production
and imports included at acquisition costs. This part of GDP is called Gross Domestic Product directly
from Tourism (GDPT is the part of GDP generated by all the industries as an answer to the internal
tourist consumption, to which it is added the sum of net taxes on production and imports included at
purchase prices.). For the 12 Economic Development Regions of the UK, GDPT generated an average
contribution of 3.67% of GDP corresponding to the period between 2005 and 2014 [33].
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Table 1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) according to the standard of purchasing power (SPP),
in relationship with the average of EU-28 level, by regions at NUTS 2 level, 2014 (percent of the
average of EU-28 level, EU-28 = 100) (EUR/inhabitant).

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
England 32,126 33,937 35,752 31,447 27,585 30,087 30,928 34,212 34,072 37,721
North East England 24,219 25,672 26,390 23,056 20,037 21,601 22,150 24,237 23,867 26,094
Yorkshire and Humber 26,731 28,206 29,906 25,875 22,893 24,340 24,773 27,019 26,569 29,052
East Midlands 26,429 28,044 29,459 25,756 22,238 24,622 25,289 27,686 27,767 30,575
East of England 30,415 32,425 33,562 29,831 25,789 27,994 28,455 31,290 30,987 34,549
London 50,565 53,028 57,144 50,721 45,011 49,081 52,261 57,987 58,008 65,616
South East
33,925 35,740 37,551 33,230 29,075 32,072 32,832 36,819 36,683 40,295
(excluding London)
South West England 28,754 30,186 32,015 28,162 24,910 27,382 27,454 30,192 30,089 33,137
West Midlands 26,803 28,236 29,137 25,276 21,687 23,851 24,557 27,209 27,069 29,525
North West England 27,394 29,371 30,577 26,636 23,555 25,398 25,201 27,889 27,846 30,410
Scotland 29,396 31,405 32,878 28,925 25,834 26,968 27,534 30,051 30,126 33,357
Wales 23,101 24,438 25,487 21,675 19,454 20,630 21,530 23,712 23,491 25,467
North of Ireland 25,510 27,477 29,495 25,096 21,663 23,164 23,520 25,843 25,337 27,504
Total per country 31,263 33,073 34,826 30,573 26,869 29,161 29,968 33,105 32,969 36,458
Source: [33].

4. The UK—Comparative Study of β and σ Convergence

4.1. Conceptual Approaches and Empirical Results of β and σ Convergence

Gap analysis is a preoccupation in economic and social research starting with Solow’s
neoclassical theory, which inspired growth and development analyses, improved by new methods
and methodologies. Several research studies have been performed by β and σ convergence. A great
interest was granted to convergence in the states or regions of the United States of America (USA),
and in the member countries or regions of the European Union (EU).
USA registered a convergence conditioned by income along the 20th century, possible in
conditions of mobility and absence of commercial barriers [34]. β convergence was a necessary
but not sufficient condition for σ convergence in the case of the American economy between 1970 and
1998. Most American states are homogenous, β convergence and σ convergence showing that the
growth rates were balanced for richer states, and higher than those registered by poor states [32].
In the EU, there is a process of real, slow, and fluctuant convergence. The 1980s represented
a period when the European process of convergence was lower. Convergence was slightly faster
before the 1980s and after, at the same time, with the development of the interest for social cohesion,
without denying the manifestation of divergences, slower in certain European member countries
or regions, and visibly faster in others, EU being by definition characterized by economic, social,
and geographical discrepancies [35].
The analysis of GDP/inhabitant in the EU regions at NUTS 2 level with the help of β and σ
convergence is a highly complex process. Real beta-convergence manifested within the perimeter
of EU 15 and EU 27, without following a constant tendency in time [36]. β and σ convergence leads
to similar conclusions as in other analyses. The 1980s marked a period of decrease of European
convergence compared to previous and subsequent time intervals, the degree of manifestation being
different in countries and regions.
The analysis of integration of financial markets for seven EU member countries with the help
of β and σ convergence illustrated that the financial market efficiency did not support a process of
convergence, though after the introduction of unique currency, signs of the process visibly started to
manifest [37].
The analysis of convergence hypotheses, conducted by Marquez and Soukiazis on a group of 12
European states for the time interval 1975–1995, divided in two subperiods, 1975–1984, and 1985–1995,
respectively, and of the estimates of the convergence model for 175 regions at NUTS 2 level for the
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years 1987–1995, divided in three groups (regions with income/inhabitant under 75% of the EU
average, with income/inhabitant lower than the EU average, and income/inhabitant higher than
the EU average), draws interesting conclusions. Between 1975 and 1995, there was a moderate σ
divergence, showing the growth of income/inhabitant dispersion. In absolute terms, the subperiods of
1975–1982 and 1986–1991 were marked by convergence, while 1983–1985 and 1991–1995 were marked
by divergence. In contrast to σ convergence, β convergence reached different conclusions. The entire
period analyzed was marked by a faster convergence in the interval 1985–1995, and by a slower
convergence in the interval 1975–1984. The different results of β convergence and σ convergence
show that β convergence rate is not sufficient to approximate the income/inhabitant. In absolute
terms, the analysis of the regions at NUTS 2 level with the help of σ convergence illustrates an
insignificant decrease of income/inhabitant dispersion like in the 1990s, with a clearly divergent
tendency. β convergence showed, for the same period, that the poor regions registered higher growths
than the rich ones. Considering the low convergence rate, the result may be similar to the one obtained
by σ-convergence. Poor regions, with income/inhabitant under 75% of the EU average, show a strong
σ and β convergence, the ones slightly under the average register lower rates, while the regions
with income/inhabitant over the average do not support a convergence process. The results of this
research suggest that in the long term, convergence is not assured, but the poor regions become more
homogenous from the point of view of the standard of living as compared to the rest, being capable to
progress without reaching the level of income/inhabitant specific to the rich regions [38].
Soukiazis (2017) ascertains that theoretical analyses support unconditional convergence of the
European states, while the empirical models like β and σ convergence demonstrate the manifestation of
a convergence conditioned by the manifestation of structural factors like human capital, accumulation
of capital, investment process, institutional factors, certain conditions specific to the market,
political factors, and macro-stability. Both theoretical and empirical models have weaknesses,
but together they complete one another, emphasizing convergences and divergences as close to
reality as possible [39].
Simionescu [40] analyzed the degree of convergence in the case of EU28 between 2000 and
2012, concluding that the divergence process decreased; however, there was no manifestation of an
acceptable degree of convergence.
An analysis of GDP/inhabitant by the methods of β and σ convergence for all the 28 European
states between 2001 and 2012, period including the economic crisis, concludes by σ convergence
that poor states register higher growth rates than rich ones, conclusion validated by the method of β
convergence. The latter distributes the results for the periods before and after the crisis. In the period
before the crisis, β convergence shows heterogeneity for the European states, later the differences start
to diminish, without manifesting the clear tendency of gap reduction in the economic performance of
EU member states [41].
Dzenita (2015) studied the convergence of GDP/inhabitant in EU28, with the help of β and σ
convergence methods for the years 1995–2013, subdivided in the intervals: pre-extension (1995–2003),
post-extension (2004–2013), pre-crisis (2004–2008), and post-crisis (2009–2013). The results are similar
to other research studies on EU countries: the growth potential of poor states is higher than the
one of developed states; the results of σ convergence are in agreement with those of β convergence.
The crisis slowed down the convergence process, with substantial differences from one country to the
other. The highest convergence rate was registered in the post-extension period, 2004–2008, reflecting
the efficiency of enlarging the Union, and the convergence was slower in the pre-adhesion period,
and faster after that, even during the crisis [42].
The fact that the convergence process continued during the crisis in the EU in a lower rhythm
was validated by the results of other research studies analyzing GDP/inhabitant with the help of β
and σ convergence, with the amendment that, unlike the whole EU territory, within the perimeter of
EU14, especially in the euro area, the crisis blocked the convergence process, manifesting elements of
divergence [43].
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The agreements South–South, such as ASEAN, MERCOSUR, Central and West Africa, and the
process of their integration were analyzed using the methods of σ and β convergence starting from
the income dynamics, leading to the conclusion that the disparities among incomes are not reduced,
though there were elements of σ convergence in relation with β convergence [44].
The analyses of β and σ convergence generally reach congruent and complementary conclusions.
The methods polarize countries and regions into poor and rich, they accept a relatively high degree
of homogeneity among USA states and regions, and a real, slow, and fluctuant convergence in the
European ones.
The results obtained determine us to credit these empirical methods, and to extend their areal of
use towards other fields of research.

4.2. Materials and Methods

The methods applied involve the use of descriptive, empirical, qualitative, and quantitative
instruments. The argumentation, inductive and deductive, is the result of the analysis of scientific
papers, reports and statistical data illustrating and explaining the subject under research.
The quantitative method used, β and σ convergence, is an additional instrument which helped us
draw the best conclusions, infirming or confirming the theoretical conclusions we reached by analysis,
synthesis, argumentation, and inductive and deductive discovery.
Most frequently, the empirical studies of convergence use GDP in real terms, in conversion
per capita (of inhabitant or worker). The economies of the regions with a lower GDP per capita
grow faster compared to the economies of the developed regions with a higher GDP per capita.
Considering this principle, a condition of homogeneity for the economies of the regions analyzed is
recommended, otherwise the measurement of convergence is not possible. The sources of theoretical
documentation are observational studies (e.g., case studies, description-argumentative studies),
correlational (reports, statistics, comparative studies), which, together with the qualitative research,
offer internal, external, and general validity to the research. In agreement with Dvoroková [19],
in general poorer regions register a more dynamic growth. β convergence is characterized by a
negative slope of the linear function when GDP per capita grows (GDP is an indicator depending
negatively on the initial economic level). For σ convergence, we analyzed the studies conducted by
Marques and Soukiazis [45], Baumol [46], Young et al. [47], and Dvoroková [19]. The conclusions of the
studies show that all the regions converge towards the same level of development, with the purpose to
obtain the same result (for example the growth of economic production). Therefore, σ convergence can
be defined as a lowering of the variation of real GDP indicator per capita among the economies of the
regions analyzed in a certain time interval.
In the present research, in agreement with Dvoroková [19], the methodology for β convergence
was at the basis of the studies performed by William Baumol in 1986, when he studied real
convergence among economies. In sustainable rural tourism, we can measure β convergence based on
GDPT/inhabitant, using the equation proposed by Baumol as calculation method for β convergence:

ln(yi,T ) − ln yi. t0 = α + β ln yi,t0 + ε t (1)

• T is the time interval;

• y T is the real GDPT per worker at the end of the period of time;
• t0 is the initial period of time;
• yt0 is the real GDPT per worker at the beginning of the period of time;
• β is the slope parameter; and ε is the statistical error.

The equation proposed by Baumol in 1986 suffered some modifications, and Dvoroková [19] used
the following model:
Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 10 of 22

1 yi,T
ln = α + β ln(yi,0 ) + ε i (2)
T yi,0
where α is a constant level.
σ convergence highlights the dispersion of the phenomenon compared to the average, or the
gradual lowering of the differences among two or more chronological series.
In agreement with Iancu [48], σ convergence uses as indicator the coefficient of variation of GDPT
level per inhabitant, calculated according to the formula:
u ∑[ln(yi,t ) − ln(yt )]2
t i
σt = (3)
( N − 1)

where N represents the number of regions. Sala-i-Martin uses for the first time the term σ convergence
in association with β convergence.
This model is used for the analysis of convergence level by the measurement of the dispersion of
GDPT per inhabitant on a period of one year, using the transversal series (in this research, the Economic
Development Regions of the UK are considered transversal series). The convergence indicator is
relevant when analysis includes comparisons between certain Economic Development Regions. For this
purpose, we use chronological series (a discrete time interval, t and t + T) to characterize convergence
evolution (tendency). If the dispersion of the phenomenon registers a decrease in a certain time interval
(i.e., the value of the indicator decreases in time), it means that the convergence phenomenon takes
place, σt + T < σt, and when the dispersion is growing, it means that the divergence phenomenon
takes place, σt + T > σt.

4.2.1. The Sample Analyzed

In this analysis, we used the statistical data offered by Eurostat for the values of GDP per capita
in the Economic Development Regions of the UK. GDPT was calculated using the average percentage
of tourism contribution to total GDP, which was obtained from the reports of the World Tourism
Organisation, World Travel & Tourism Council, Eurostat, and Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) of
the UK. The value of GDPT as average for the period 2005–2014 represents 3.67% of total GDP
(Appendixs A–C) (Table 2).

Table 2. Gross Domestic Product from Tourism (GDPT) per capita per regions (euro/inhabitant).

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
England 1179 1246 1312 1154 1012 1104 1135 1256 1250 1384
North East England 889 942 969 846 735 793 813 890 876 958
Yorkshire and Humber 981 1035 1098 950 840 893 909 992 975 1066
East Midlands 970 1029 1081 945 816 904 928 1016 1019 1122
East of England 1116 1190 1232 1095 946 1027 1044 1148 1137 1268
London 1856 1946 2097 1861 1652 1801 1918 2128 2129 2408
South East (excluding London) 1245 1312 1378 1220 1067 1177 1205 1351 1346 1479
South West England 1055 1108 1175 1034 914 1005 1008 1108 1104 1216
West Midlands 984 1036 1069 928 796 875 901 999 993 1084
North West England 1005 1078 1122 978 864 932 925 1024 1022 1116
Scotland 1079 1153 1207 1062 948 990 1010 1103 1106 1224
Wales 848 897 935 795 714 757 790 870 862 935
North of Ireland 936 1008 1082 921 795 850 863 948 930 1009
Total per country 1147 1214 1278 1122 986 1070 1100 1215 1210 1338
Source: Data processed from bibliographical sources.

For this analysis, we chose the period between 2005 and 2014, because Eurostat database offered
us information regarding GDP only for this time interval. Therefore, at the end of the period
analyzed, we followed the reduction of the existing gap between the most developed region and
Sustainability 2017,
Sustainability 2017, 9,
9, 525
525 11 of 22

paper proposed by Dvoroková [19]. For each region, we calculated ln( ) , which is (ln , )
the less developed region of the UK. The data were organized and processed numerically with Excel
and ln( ), which is ln , . The time interval T is 10 years for the period analyzed,
programs. For the specific research,, we analyzed 12 Economic Development Regions of the UK. For the
2005–2014. of
evaluation Forβ convergence
σ convergence, weweusedused
the the coefficient
equation of variation
proposed by Baumol of GDPT level perininhabitant,
[46], modified the paper
noted withbyσ.Dvoroková
proposed According to thisFor
each it was necessary
region, we to calculate
calculated ln ( GDPTln yt
2005 ,
) ,and N
which took
is the
(ln ( value
yi,0 of
)) and
GDPT2014 yi,T
12,( GDPT
ln corresponding
), whichtoisthelnnumber
yi,0 .of regions.
The time interval T is 10 years for the period analyzed, 2005–2014.
For σ convergence, we used the coefficient of variation of GDPT level per inhabitant, noted with σ.
4.2.2. β Convergence
According anditσwas
to this model, Convergence—Estimation
necessary to calculate lnof (ytEconometric
), and N tookModel
the value andofInterpretation
12, corresponding
of the
to Results
number of regions.
Mathematically, the indicator for β convergence can be written using the following model:
4.2.2. β Convergence and σ Convergence—Estimation of Econometric Model and Interpretation of Results
ln for β convergence
Mathematically, the indicator = + can ln(be written) using
+ the following model: (4)
where α is a constant, β is1 the slope, is the error, and T is the number of years for the interval
ln = α + β ln( GDPT2005 ) + ε i (4)
between 2005 and 2014. T GDPT2005
The results of the calculations are synthetically presented in Table 3 for GDPT values
where α is a constant, β is the slope, ε is the error, and T is the number of years for the interval between
corresponding to the period between 2005 and 2014, for the 12 Economic Development Regions of
2005 and 2014.
the UK.
The results of the calculations are synthetically presented in Table 3 for GDPT values
corresponding to the periodTablebetween 2005
3. Values for theand 2014, for
calculation the 12logarithms.
of natural Economic Development Regions
of the UK.
( )
Table 3. Values for the calculation of natural logarithms.
North East England 6.789902317 0.007457169
Yorkshire and Humber 6.888599171 0.008325370
1 GDPT2014
ln(GDPT2005 ) 10 ln GDPT2005
East Midlands 6.877234688 0.014572669
East East England
of England 6.789902317
7.017701781 0.007457169
Yorkshire and Humber 6.888599171 0.008325370
London 7.526040219 0.026055319
East Midlands 6.877234688 0.014572669
South East
of EnglandLondon) 7.126932903
7.017701781 0.017206939
South London
West England 7.526040219
6.961546059 0.026055319
South East (excluding
West Midlands London) 7.126932903
6.891276978 0.017206939
South West England 6.961546059 0.014189017
WestWest England
Midlands 6.913099464
6.891276978 0.010446114
West England 6.983633586
6.913099464 0.012639849
Wales 6.983633586
6.742644945 0.012639849
Wales 6.742644945 0.009752913
North of Ireland 6.841844189 0.007524780
North of Ireland 6.841844189 0.007524780
Source:calculations performedbyby
calculations performed the
the authors.

As we can see in Figure 1, the

the linear
linear equation
equation with
with the
the form
−0.152+ 0.023x and
+ 0.023x R2
= 20.863.
R In Table
= 0.863. 4, we
In Table present
4, we thethe
present estimative values
estimative forfor
values constant α and
constant slope
α and β.
slope β.

Figure 1. Linear correlation for the values calculated in the table.

Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 12 of 22

Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 12 of 22

Table 4. The estimative values for constant α and slope β.
Table 4. The estimative values for constant α and slope β.
Period α β
Period α β
2005–2014 − 0.152
2005–2014 −0.152 0.023

The mathematical
The mathematical model
model can
can be
be written
written as
as follows:
1 1  GDPT2014 
ln ln ==−0.152
−0.152 ++ 0.023
0.023 ln(ln(
GDPT2005 ) ) (5)
10 10 GDPT2005
Due to
Due to the
the positive
positive value
value of
of slope
slope ββ (+0.023),
(+0.023), we
we can
can see
see that
that between
between 2005
2005 and
and 2014,
2014, in the 12
in the 12
Economic Development Regions, from a tourism point of view, β convergence
Economic Development Regions, from a tourism point of view, β convergence becomes β divergence. becomes β
divergence. the
Specifically, Specifically,
model of the model of β can
β convergence convergence can retroactively
be used only be used only(i.e.,
retroactively (i.e.,
in the past) in the past)
to analyze the
to analyze the development of the level of economies from tourism, without including
development of the level of economies from tourism, without including explicative future values for explicative
future (Figure
GDPT values for2). GDPT (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Graphical
Figure 2. Graphical representation
representation ofof the
the 12
12 Economic
Economic Development
Development Regions
Regions of
of the
the UK
UK according
according to
the value of each point (Source: calculated by the authors).
the value of each point (Source: calculated by the authors).

The positions
The positions of
of certain
certain regions
regions onon the
the graph
graph shows
shows thatthat East
East Midlands,
Midlands, SouthSouth East
East (excluding
London), South
London), South West England, and
West England, and Wales
Wales register
register an
an upward convergence, since the values of the
  upward convergence, since the values of the
points corresponding
corresponding to to the model 1 ln
the model GDPT2014 are over the curve corresponding to the linear
10 ln GDPT2005 are over the curve corresponding
correlation. The
The points
correspond to to
regions North
regions NorthEastEast
England, Yorkshire
England, and
and Humber,EastEast
of England,
of England,West Midlands,
West Midlands, North
Scotlandand andNorth
North of Ireland,
which register
register aa downward
convergence.As Asexpected,
a muchhigher
developmentthan thanthetheother
the period
period between
between 2005 and
2014, the results obtained generally indicate a β divergence, for future periods, a growth of GDPT
could determine the modification of β convergence model. Therefore, Therefore, in in Table 5, we analyze GDPT
values for the 12 Economic Development
Development Regions
Regions ofof the
the UK.
In the following,
following, we
using the coefficient
the of variation
coefficient of variation
which will will
σt, which indicate the convergence
indicate level by
the convergence measuring
by measuring dispersion (the Gross
dispersion (theDomestic Product
Gross Domestic
Product from Tourism
directly is the partisof
from Tourism GDP
the partattributed directly todirectly
of GDP attributed the intern tourist).
to the intern tourist).
Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 13 of 22

Table 5. Estimation for α and β.

(Euro/Inhabitant) (Euro/Inhabitant) Modification Convergence
2005 2014
North East England 889 958 69 Downward convergence
Yorkshire and Humber 981 1066 85 Downward convergence
East Midlands 970 1122 152 Upward convergence
East of England 1116 1268 152 Downward convergence
London 1856 2408 552 Divergence
South East
1245 1479 234 Upward convergence
(excluding London)
South West England 1055 1216 161 Upward convergence
West Midlands 984 1084 100 Downward convergence
North West England 1005 1116 111 Downward convergence
Scotland 1079 1224 145 Downward convergence
Wales 848 935 87 Upward convergence
North of Ireland 936 1009 73 Downward convergence
Source: Calculations performed by the authors.

The mathematical model can be written as follows:

u ∑[ln( GDPT2014) − ln(yt )]2
t i
σt = (6)
(12 − 1)

Table 6 presents the estimative values for yt , ln(yt ), [ln( GDPT2014) − ln(yt )]2 and σt.

Table 6. Estimated values for σt.

ln(yt ) [ln(GDPT2014) − ln(yt )]2 σt
y = 0.023x − 0.152
North East England 0.004167753 −5.480378169 161.6295035 4.0203172
Yorkshire and Humber 0.006437781 −5.045571375 141.8491811 3.7662870
East Midlands 0.006176398 −5.087020054 145.4164161 3.8133504
East of England 0.009407141 −4.666286202 136.6385090 3.6964646
London 0.021098925 −3.858533186 121.0811819 3.4796721
South East
0.011919457 −4.429583192 149.2349708 3.8630942
(excluding London)
South West England 0.008115559 −4.813972153 146.7241500 3.8304588
West Midlands 0.006499371 −5.036049952 147.3671247 3.8388426
North West England 0.007001288 −4.961661194 142.7950527 3.7788233
Scotland 0.008623572 −4.753255840 138.5521197 3.7222590
Wales 0.003080834 −5.782555027 166.2188021 4.0769940
North of Ireland 0.005362416 −5.228340594 145.6490463 3.8163994
Source: Calculations performed by the authors.

The high value obtained for sigma convergence shows that for the period between 2005 and
2014, in the Economic Development Regions of the UK there was a high degree of spreading of GDPT
dispersion. In these conditions, it is necessary to perform a much more detailed analysis, with the
purpose to measure the convergence process or the divergence process, according to the values
obtained for σt, calculated this time for the following pairs of time intervals: 2005–2006; 2006–2007;
2007–2008; 2008–2009; 2009–2010; 2010–2011; 2011–2012; 2012–2013; 2013–2014; and 2005–2014.
In Table 7, we present the estimated values for σt, for the 10 time intervals.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 14 of 22

Table 7. Estimated values for σt.

σt σt σt σt σt σt σt σt σt σt
2005–2006 2006–2007 2007–2008 2008–2009 2009–2010 2010–2011 2011–2012 2012–2013 2013–2014 2005–2014
North East England 3.8802034 3.8104523 3.7847051 3.9648528 4.7939640 4.1594840 4.0666046 3.8790988 3.9021691 4.0203172
Yorkshire and Humber 3.7739161 3.7354002 3.7027871 3.8027256 3.9800506 3.8731838 3.8501556 3.7654282 3.7789240 3.7662870
East Midlands 3.7834295 3.7390649 3.7104064 3.8072041 4.0545417 3.8578457 3.8261939 3.7476584 3.7456549 3.8133504
East of England 3.6948014 3.6690699 3.6577229 3.7040166 3.8059517 3.7402358 3.7299357 3.6825646 3.6865971 3.6964646
London 3.6001182 3.5991740 3.5992167 3.6000324 3.6062147 3.6011373 3.5993780 3.5994245 3.5994305 3.4796721
South East
3.6544913 3.6406716 3.6300198 3.6608356 3.7174608 3.6730085 3.6647835 3.6339981 3.6347852 3.8630942
(excluding London)
South West England 3.7237458 3.6983066 3.6736713 3.7363733 3.8434521 3.7554399 3.7535595 3.6982180 3.6998388 3.8304588
West Midlands 3.7717519 3.7347223 3.7162749 3.8267418 4.1424521 3.9032731 3.8612734 3.7601164 3.7639894 3.8388426
North West England 3.7551290 3.7119701 3.6924004 3.7768366 3.9240870 3.8215388 3.8300625 3.7427184 3.7437539 3.7788233
Scotland 3.7115303 3.6810860 3.6643102 3.7203396 3.8042281 3.7668786 3.7515008 3.7004384 3.6992485 3.7222590
Wales 3.9608160 3.8677055 3.8178596 4.1447659 4.3062235 4.5135725 4.1745037 3.9127367 3.9288803 4.0769940
North of Ireland 3.8169276 3.7529661 3.7097713 3.8347710 4.1470590 3.9553056 3.9266875 3.8039122 3.8241569 3.8163994
45.1268606 44.6405894 44.3591457 45.5794951 48.1256852 46.6209036 46.0346386 44.9263127 45.0074287 45.7029629
Source: Calculations performed by the authors.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 15 of 22
Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 15 of 22

As we
As wecancanseesee
in in Table
Table 7 and
7 and FigureFigure
3, the3,values
the values
obtainedobtained for σt between
for σt between 2005 and20052007 and 2007
register a
slight a slightfollowed
decrease, decrease, followed
by an increasebyin an
theincrease in the interval
interval between 2008 andbetween
2009. The 2008 and 2010–2014
interval 2009. The
is 2010–2014
also marked is alsodecrease,
by a slight marked which
by a slight
leads usdecrease, which leads
to the conclusion thatusthe
the conclusion
2005–2014 that the
be 2005–2014
divided could be divided
in two important in two
periods from animportant
point offrom
view.anIt economic point
refers to the of view.
pre-crisis andIt
refers to the
post-crisis pre-crisis
periods. and post-crisis
Therefore, 2009 isperiods.
the yearTherefore,
when the 2009 is the
highest yearfor
value when the registered.
σt was highest value for
σt was
we registered.
consider that it wasThus, we considerprocess
a convergence that itforwas a convergence
the Economic process Regions
Development for the of Economic
the UK
between Regions
2005 and 2014,ofcontradicting
the UK between 2005 and
the value 2014, contradicting
β = (+0.023), the value
which indicates β =the
that in (+0.023), which
same period
indicates that in the same period of time it was a divergence process. Consequently,
of time it was a divergence process. Consequently, we will analyze σt on time intervals. In this we will analyze
σt on time
context, weintervals.
can see In this
that context,2005
between we can
andsee thatthere
2007 between
was 2005 and 2007 there
a convergence wasdue
process a convergence
to the fact
that due
σ2005 < to the <
σ2006 fact that σ2005
σ2007, between< σ2006
2008 and< σ2007,
2009 between
there was 2008 and 2009 there
a divergence processwasduea divergence
to the fact
process due to the fact that σ2009 > σ2008, between 20010 and 2012 there
that σ2009 > σ2008, between 20010 and 2012 there was a convergence process due to the fact was a convergence process
due to<the
σ2010 fact<that
σ2011 σ2010
σ2012, < σ2011
between < σ2012,
2013 and 2014between
there 2013
was and 2014 there
a divergence was a due
process divergence process
to the fact that
due to>the
σ2014 factIn
σ2013. that σ2014 > σ2013.
conclusion, we can In conclusion,
state that GDPT weper
can state thatinGDPT
inhabitant per inhabitant
the Economic in the
Regions Development
of the UK influences Regions of the
in a slight measureUK theinfluences
a slight measure the economic
of the country, and the
convergence of the country,
could takeandplace
the convergence
very slowly. process could take place very slowly.

Figure 3. Graphical representation of

of the
the values
values obtained
obtained for
for σt
σt “2005–2014”.

5. Discussion
5. Discussion

Rural Tourism
5.1. The Specific Model of Rural Tourismfor
UK, the
In the UK, the offer
offer for
for rural
rural tourism
tourism is is distinctive
distinctive and
and diverse,
diverse, including
including a wide range of
products and services: walking, adventure sports, horse riding,
products and services: walking, adventure sports, horse riding, fishing, boat riding, fishing, boat cultural
riding, festivals,
bird bird watching,
watching, preservation preservation activities,
activities, business businessand
meetings meetings and team
team building. building.
Rural areas, Rural
where areas,
where these
activities take activities take diverse,
place, are also place, are and also diverse,farms,
they include and they includerural
waterways, farms, waterways,
seashore, rural
rural towns,
villages, rural historical
towns, villages,
cottages, pubs,
and historical cottages,
archaeological sites,and archaeological
gardens, sites, mountains
lakes, forests, gardens, lakes,
forests, mountains
landscapes, nationaland parkslandscapes,
and areas national parks and
with remarkable areasbeauties.
natural with remarkable
Tourism in natural beauties.
the rural areas
of the UKincreates
the rural areas ofand
workplaces the business
UK creates workplaceswhen
opportunities and business opportunities
other opportunities canwhen other
be limited,
also maintains and can protects
be limited, also workplaces
the existing maintains inand protects the and
micro-companies existing
companies workplaces
developing in
independent andincompanies
activities developing
rural environment. independent
In Yorkshire, activitiestheinactivities
for example, rural environment.
from rural areas In
represent for example,
of the totaltheworkplaces
activities from
of therural areas represent
economy 39% and
in the region, of the
37% total workplaces
of the of the
total economy
of the UK.inRural
the region,
tourismand 37%the
offers of the total economy
possibility of the UK.
to supplement theRural
of income offers
of thethecompanies
to supplement
operating theareas,
in rural flowsand of income
a goodof the companies
example could beoperating
the activity in developed
rural areas,atand the afarms.
good This
help be the activity developedand
the environment at the farms. This
landscape can help
qualities, whichmaintain the environment
are evaluated and landscape
by both visitors and rural
qualities, which
communities and are evaluated by
companies. bothtourism
Rural visitorssupports
and ruraleconomic
communities and companies.
viability of communities Ruralfrom
supports economic viability of communities from the UK. Services and local facilities,
UK. Services and local facilities, such as shops, pubs, restaurants, transport, and postal services are such as shops,
pubs, restaurants,
supported completelytransport, and postal
by the visitors services
of rural areasare supported
[49,50]. Rural completely
tourism of the by UK
the has
visitors of rural
the capacity
to [49,50].toRural
contribute tourism of and
the preservation the UK has the capacity
capitalization to contribute
of the natural environmentto thebypreservation
developing new and
capitalization of the natural environment by developing new businesses, and by increasing the
number of visitors who benefit and who are based on this type of activities developed in the rural
Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 16 of 22

businesses, and by increasing the number of visitors who benefit and who are based on this type
of activities developed in the rural environment. This is not always a direct contribution, but it is
admitted by those who invest in this field of activity (Strategic Plan 2010–2020).

5.2. Challenges and Opportunities of Rural Tourism in the UK

The diversity of the offer of rural tourism for the UK differs from one area to the other.
In different rural areas, tourism can lead, dominate, or support the economy of the UK. Nevertheless,
businesses must be managed carefully to avoid the negative effects over the environment, economy and
local communities. Holidays in rural environment are more susceptible for business purposes.
To assure rural tourism development, destinations must develop tourist products and experiences
appealing to the visitors all year long, less prone to possible climatic changes. Rural tourism offers an
escape for urban population, and a series of specific activities for spending leisure time. Holidays in
rural environment offer rest and quietness, and combine the beauty of the natural landscape with
local architecture, food specific to the area, culture and community. This aspect represents a challenge
for the developers who wish to propose businesses in the rural environment. Consumers in general
are increasingly demanding, and they emphasize the development of technology to have access
to rural environment information, since rural tourist products can be advertised with the help of
new advertisement techniques. In the UK, the iPhone application called National Trust from the
series walks and travels, and Geocaching, which was tested by several sites, are successfully used.
However, the lack of connection in several rural areas may be a barrier for the users. UK Government
proposed the increase of investments in rural areas for this type of projects. Since the number of
companies in the field is relatively small, there is the risk that the information regarding rural tourism
does not reach potential consumers at the right time, by the right means, with optimal results and
satisfaction [26,51]. Rural tourism in the UK succeeded to differentiate from rural tourism of other
European countries by the food specific to rural areas, products and landscapes. Therefore, it was
modeled by generations, offering the opportunity to create authentic attractive experiences for visitors,
making local communities proud of their history and culture. Consequently, it is very important for
local communities to understand their implication in the development of rural tourism of United
Kingdom, including also the benefits they can get from it.

5.3. Discussion about Future Research Directions

The research is inspirational for the theoreticians and practitioners in the field of tourism,
especially rural tourism. From a normative point of view, the paper offers statistical information,
and explains the frame and the presentation of tourist activity in UK rural area, offering coagulated
information to those interested in this subject. In addition, β and σ convergence may be used to
analyze comparatively, per regions or countries, several other aspects specific to the economic activity
in general, and to the tourist activity in particular, because the convergent development is preferable to
the divergent development. Consequently, there is an interest to find the regions with predisposition
to develop convergently, and activities where convergence is possible. The method helps us delimitate
theoretically the compatibility among regions, countries, and activities. Starting from rural tourism,
the research may be extended to other activities, countries or regions than those we referred to in the
present article.
From a practical point of view, the research offers information to the active economic agents in
the tourist sector. By mentioning the opportunities, the convergence and divergence, the economic
agents can see the favorable and unfavorable directions according to their preoccupations. The results
obtained by β and σ convergence can help the economic agents in their investments, in the correct
choice of the area for their activities, while the theoretical aspects of the research inform about the
possibilities, places and development of their activities in UK rural area.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 17 of 22

6. Conclusions
This paper approaches an essential subject for the economic development: sustainable rural
tourism. The country analyzed is UK, the comparison being made among its Development Regions.
We did not focus on tourism in general, but on a specific form of this activity, i.e., rural tourism,
because it is best suited to the concept of sustainability.
We started from the idea that the interest for rural environment increased significantly, due to
the decisions of Governmental authorities of the UK, and to the changes performed by agricultural
policies of the European Commission in the 1980s. Statistical data confirm these affirmations regarding
tourist development, which is extremely important due to increased travel opportunities in the world.
Approximately 10% of the global GDP is due to tourist activity, and 1 of 11 workplaces is created
by tourism.
The paper is structured in two parts, a theoretical one, and an empirical one. We described the
importance of rural tourism for UK economy, and the previous contributions to the scientific research
in the field, without pretending to include and synthesize the entire literature. We also considered
important to present UK tourist activity from a statistical point of view to illustrate the importance, the
dimensions, and the future perspectives of development.
UK is one of the main tourist destinations in the world with high potential of development,
including the rural environment. The estimates and prognoses converge towards an increase of
tourist activity. The tourist activity should observe the principles of sustainability, first in the rural
environment associated especially to ecotourism and agritourism. In general, regardless of the form of
tourism and area, sustainability requires the use of friendly concepts of environment and transport.
Regarding the transport, the negative impact of product pollution should be reduced, and these
characteristics are observed in British economy. Sustainable rural tourism takes into account the
direct impact over the cultural inheritance and traditional activities. This is based especially on the
traditional activities of each community, area identity, culture, and local preoccupations. It is developed
in such a manner that the local communities get the benefits, it stimulates local economy, it creates
workplaces, it gives a character of ecological sustainability, it uses local resources, including local food
products and traditional production techniques, it observes traditional culture and lifestyle of the area.
Any decision made for the development of sustainable tourism contributes to the improvement of life
quality, and positively influences cultural identity. The great advantage of rural tourism is that it can
relatively develop without depending on firms or big companies from outside the local communities,
or on their decisions. Compared to other activities, tourism development in rural environment is not
very expensive, which is an encouragement for the rural environment. However, it is well known that
tourism and its associated activities are not isolated from the rest of local community activities. There is
interdependence between tourism and different sectors and actors involved, since businessmen from
the rural environment do not have resources to promote themselves. These are aspects leading to
further costs and to the creation of networks and agreements of cooperation offering support and
contributing to the better understanding of the businesses and marketing in rural environment.
The existing articles on sustainable rural tourism in UK illustrate an interest already manifested
for this economic activity, which encouraged us to approach it from other perspective, and using other
methods of analysis.
The theoretical analysis is completed by an empirical one, which explains more accurately the
convergences and divergences among UK Development Regions, seen from the perspective of a niche,
like rural tourism performed in the conditions of responsibility towards the environment. The empirical
analysis involved the use of β and σ convergence. We considered that the most relevant indicators for
our study were GDP and GDPT, taken from Eurostat statistics, specific to the Development Regions
of Great Britain. We applied β and σ convergence method, but first we also analyzed other subjects
researched with the help of this method. Initially, we ascertained the manifestation of a high degree
of dispersion of GDPT, and we considered it was necessary to measure convergence and divergence
in detail.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 18 of 22

For the 12 regions of the UK, GDPT contributed by 3.67% to GDP between 2005 and 2014.
Consequently, GDPT per capita influences very little UK economic development, and the convergence
among the Development Regions is very slow.
The importance of this activity oriented us to the use of β and σ convergence to analyze
convergences and divergences among tourist regions of the UK, concluding that convergent and
divergent aspects are manifested on a fluctuant tendency. β and σ convergence method, applied with
the help of an indicator specific to rural tourist activity, is relatively new. The knowledge of convergence
and divergence in UK rural regions is important for making decisions regarding tourist politics, and for
applying development strategies. Convergence proves the capacity to find similarities among regions,
while divergence proves the manifestation of gaps, which require a different approach of the measures
of tourist development.

7. Some Future Directions about Research of β and σ Convergence

In addition, we found that β and σ convergence method allows the comparative analysis of
sustainable rural tourism by UK Development Regions, with the possibility to extend the analysis,
e.g., by a comparison among countries. The conclusions may influence the decision makers in the
future measures of tourist politics; the tour-operators in conceiving tourist packages according to
convergence and divergence among regions; and the potential tourists in choosing their destinations.
β and σ convergence is a method which can be used in the comparative analysis of any other economic
activities, processes, or phenomena among regions or countries, without being restrictive.
The results validate the fact that rural tourism is an activity with potential of development in UK,
even if it develops disproportionately among the Development Regions of the country. This paper
opens the perspective of future research, e.g., convergence and divergence among regions in relation
to rural tourism and other upstream and downstream activities.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and
suggestions to improve the quality of the paper.
Author Contributions: The authors’ contributions were equal. Gina Ionela Butnaru designed the research;
its reasoning; collected, analyzed the data and discussed the data; and performed the paper editing.
Alina Petronela Haller did the literature review, the discussed data, drew conclusions and performed the paper
editing. Both authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices by NUTS 2 regions, Million euro.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
England 1,640,840 1,733,378 1,826,037 1,606,162 1,408,900 1,536,700 1,579,661 1,747,405 1,740,261 1,926,600
North East England 61,907 65,622 67,457 58,934 51,218 55,216 56,619 61,955 61,009 66,700
Yorkshire and
136,977 144,533 153,246 132,589 117,310 124,725 126,943 138,452 136,149 148,869
East Midlands 115,037 122,069 128,226 112,108 96,794 107,172 110,076 120,508 120,862 133,084
East of England 170,856 182,147 188,537 167,579 144,870 157,258 159,850 175,773 174,073 194,081
London 392,558 411,676 443,630 393,767 349,441 381,038 405,724 450,177 450,341 509,402
South East
282,179 297,273 312,336 276,398 241,835 266,765 273,083 306,253 305,120 335,161
(excluding London)
South West England 146,894 154,210 163,552 143,872 127,257 139,887 140,253 154,239 153,713 169,288
West Midlands 145,661 153,450 158,350 137,367 117,861 129,619 133,456 147,867 147,111 160,458
North West England 188,771 202,398 210,703 183,548 162,314 175,020 173,657 192,181 191,883 209,557
Scotland 152,233 162,636 170,266 149,796 133,789 139,661 142,588 155,625 156,013 172,744
Wales 68,916 72,905 76,035 64,663 58,038 61,545 64,229 70,740 70,079 75,976
North of Ireland 44,593 48,031 51,559 43,869 37,869 40,492 41,114 45,175 44,290 48,078
Total per country 1,906,582 2,016,950 2,123,897 1,864,490 1,638,596 1,778,398 1,827,592 2,018,945 2,010,643 2,223,398
Source: [33].
Sustainability 2017, 9, 525 19 of 22

Appendix B

Table A2. Gross domestic product in tourism (GDPT) at current market prices by NUTS 2 regions,
Million euro.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
England 60,219 63,615 67,016 58,946 51,707 56,397 57,974 64,130 63,868 70,706
North East England 2272 2408 2476 2163 1880 2026 2078 2274 2239 2448
Yorkshire and
5027 5304 5624 4866 4305 4577 4659 5081 4997 5463
East Midlands 4222 4480 4706 4114 3552 3933 4040 4423 4436 4884
East of England 6270 6685 6919 6150 5317 5771 5866 6451 6388 7123
London 14,407 15,109 16,281 14,451 12,824 13,984 14,890 16,521 16,528 18,695
South East
10,356 10,910 11,463 10,144 8,875 9,790 10,022 11,239 11,198 12,300
(excluding London)
South West England 5391 5660 6002 5280 4670 5134 5147 5661 5641 6213
West Midlands 5346 5632 5811 5041 4325 4757 4898 5427 5399 5889
North West England 6928 7428 7733 6736 5957 6423 6373 7053 7042 7691
Scotland 5587 5969 6249 5498 4910 5126 5233 5711 5726 6340
Wales 2529 2676 2790 2373 2130 2259 2357 2596 2572 2788
North of Ireland 1637 1763 1892 1610 1390 1486 1509 1658 1625 1764
Total per country 69,972 74,022 77,947 68,427 60,136 65,267 67,073 74,095 73,791 81,599
Source: calculated by the authors.

Appendix C

Table A3. Population.

2001 2011 2015 Population Average (2001 + 2011)/2

England 49,138,831 53,012,456 54,786,327 51,075,644
North East England 2,515,442 2,596,886 2,624,621 2,556,164
Yorkshire and Humber 4,964,833 5,283,733 5,390,576 5,124,283
East Midlands 4,172,174 4,533,222 4,677,038 4,352,698
East of England 5,388,140 5,846,965 6,076,451 5,617,553
London 7,322,400 8,204,407 8,538,689 7,763,404
South East
8,000,645 8,634,750 8,947,913 8,317,698
(excluding London)
South West England 4,928,434 5,288,935 5,471,180 5,108,685
West Midlands 5,267,308 5,601,847 5,751,000 5,434,578
North West England 6,729,764 7,052,177 7,173,835 6,890,971
Scotland 5,062,011 5,295,403 5,373,000 5,178,707
Wales 2,903,085 3,063,456 3,099,086 2,983,271
North of Ireland 1,685,267 1,810,863 1,851,621 1,748,065
Total per country 58,789,194 63,182,178 65,110,034 60,985,686
Source: [21,22,52–64].

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