Big Data Analytics For Grid Modernization

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5, SEPTEMBER 2016 2395

Guest Editorial
Big Data Analytics for Grid Modernization

DVANCED analytics plays a vital role in the era of Gadde et al. propose a generalized compression technique
A big data, such as managing smart cities, predicting
crime activities, optimizing medicine formula based on genetic
that utilizes both spatial and temporal redundancies exhibited
in the synchrophasor data.
defects, detecting financial frauds, and personalizing marketing Tong et al. propose the general extreme value distribution
campaigns. Information extracted from the big data benefits characteristic for household load data and then utilize it to
many industries in their day-to-day operations. The deploy- identify load features including load states and load events.
ment of phasor measurement units (PMUs), smart meters and In this work, a highly efficient data compression format is
other smart devices has offered engineers the access to a large designed to store key information of load features.
variety of data at an unprecedented granularity and volume. Vasilakos and Hu present a literature survey on big energy
However, the old data management systems and applications data analytics and security. The authors propose several tax-
are not designed to handle the big data. Therefore, how to onomies to express the intriguing relationships of various
extract actionable information and values out of the big data variables in the field.
and how to integrate the information into grid operations and
planning to ensure the secure, reliable and economical supply
of electricity are becoming increasingly critical. Meter-Level Demand Clustering and Forecasting
This special section aims to publish original research Y. Wang et al. propose an approach to clustering electricity
papers and visionary reviews on the technologies, algorithms consumption behavior dynamics, where “dynamics” refer to
and case studies that are associated with big data analytics for transitions and relations between consumption behaviors, or
modernizing the electric power grid. The key word “big data” rather consumption levels, in adjacent periods.
for this special section can be interpreted from the following Ben Taieb et al. address the need within the energy industry
four aspects: data, problem, methodology, and technology. for probabilistic forecasts of household electricity consump-
Firstly, the data involved in the analysis is big in at least one tion. Those forecasts are necessary to quantify the uncertainty
of its three defining dimensions: volume, variety or velocity. of future electricity demand in order to undertake appropriate
The big data used in the utility industry includes but is not planning of generation and distribution.
limited to smart meter data, phasor measurement unit data,
weather data, and social media data. Secondly, the problem
under investigation is to prepare for analyzing the big data, Renewable Integration
such as data compression and data security issues. Thirdly, Shaker et al. contribute two papers to this special sec-
the methodology requires customized modeling of individual tion. The first paper establishes the problem of estimating the
components of a system, or leads to in-depth understanding aggregated power generation of behind-the-meter solar pan-
of the individual components. For instance, estimating the els. Those panels are not monitored and thus are “invisible”
invisible solar generation belongs to this category. Last but to power system operators. The authors discuss several funda-
not least, the technology can be used to help reach the mental issues arising from inviable solar systems and establish
answer faster, or answer the questions otherwise difficult to a base line model for estimating the aggregated output energy
answer. For example, a distributed platform can be used to of a large number of invisible solar systems. In the second
speed up the analytic tasks. paper, the authors propose models and methods to practically
estimate the aggregated solar power generation of a large num-
After a careful peer review process, 17 papers are col- ber of invisible, small solar panels that are distributed in a large
lected in this special section. Most of them cover multiple geographical area.
aspects from the aforementioned list. Based on the smart grid Zhang and Grijalva propose a data-driven approach for the
applications, they are categorized into five groups. detection, verification, and estimation of residential PV sys-
tem installations to allow utilities to detect and monitor PV
Preparing for Big Data Analytics installations in their network for maintain grid reliability and
Zhou et al. propose a distributed data analytics platform safety.
that is suitable for large volume of streaming data such as Wang and Huang propose a theoretical framework for the
synchrophasor. cooperative planning of renewable generations in a system
of interconnected microgrids. Simulations based on realistic
Date of current version August 19, 2016. data demonstrate that all microgrids benefit through the coop-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2016.2593358 eration in the proposed framework, and the overall system cost
1949-3053 c 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

is reduced by 35.9% compared to the non-cooperative planning problem as a two-class classification problem, the authors
benchmark. propose to solve the problem using a novel data mining
algorithm, the core vector machine. As long as online PMU
Power System Modeling big data are received, TSA can be done simultaneously.
Peppanen et al. present a computationally efficient distri-
The guest editorial board solicited a long list of research
bution system parameter estimation algorithm to leverage the
topics, of which many have appeared in this special section.
data collected by smart meters and photovoltaic (PV) micro
We hope that these exemplary papers contributed from indus-
inverters to calibrate the model parameters of distribution
try and academia can offer the readers some state-of-the-art
case studies. One the other hand, we hope that the read-
Chen et al. present a measurement-based method to use
ers can also recognize the research opportunities from those
high-speed synchronized voltage and current phasor data col-
important topics not addressed in this special section, such
lected from PMUs for computing Jacobian matrix. This
as data visualization, data-driven dynamic pricing, predictive
method can be used for near real-time system topology estima-
asset management, and customer analytics.
tion, because it readily adapts to changes in system operating
points and topology.
Event Detection and Analysis The Guest Editorial Board would like to thank the authors
Sun et al. propose a novel method to detect and locate power for their contributions to this special section, and the reviewers
outages based on the information collected from the social for their timely and valuable comments during the peer review
media. In particular, the authors design a probabilistic frame- process. Special thanks to Dr. Mohammad Shahidehpour, the
work to integrate the textual, temporal, and spatial information past Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Jianhui Wang, the Editor-in-Chief of
to identify the events. the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON S MART G RID, and the staff of
H. Jiang et al. investigate big data characterization for the journal editorial office for their timely advice and support.
smart grids and its applications in fault detection, identifi- TAO H ONG, Guest Editor-in-Chief
cation and causal impact analysis. The spatial-domain and University of North Carolina at Charlotte
temporal-domain characterizations are combined to reduce the Charlotte, NC, USA
volume of the big data substantially while preserving the
comprehensive information in the data. C HEN C HEN
Rafferty et al. propose a real-time detection and classifi- Argonne National Laboratory
cation algorithm that applies the moving window principal Lemont, IL, USA
component analysis (PCA) to frequency measurements. J IANWEI H UANG
T. Jiang et al. propose a new method to estimate the dom- The Chinese University of Hong Kong
inant modes by monitoring the inter-area oscillations in the Hong Kong, China
China Southern power grid using PMU data under both the N ING L U
ringdown and ambient conditions. The state space model is North Carolina State University
identified by the data driven stochastic subspace identifica- Raleigh, NC, USA
tion algorithm. To accurately identify the dominant modes,
repetitive results are calculated with model order variation. L E X IE
Clustering analysis and stepwise refinement are then applied Texas A&M University
to discriminate the dominant modes from trivial ones for College Station, TX, USA
improving the estimation accuracy. H AMIDREZA Z AREIPOUR
B. Wang et al. present a PMU data application. By mapping University of Calgary
an online power system Transient Stability Assessment (TSA) Calgary, AB, Canada

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