Tentative Promotional Panel of C&V To TGT (A) 2018-Upload by Vijay Kumar Heer

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EDN-H(2)B(2)1/2018- Pro-C&V(TET)-Arts
Directorate of Elementary Education
Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-1
Dated: Shimla-1 the 24th May, 2018
All the Deputy Directors of Elementary Education,
Himachal Pradesh.
All the Principals/Headmasters of GSSS/GHS Himachal Pradesh.

Subject:- Tentative promotion panel of TET pass in-service C&V teachers to be

considered for promotion to the post of TGT (Arts) against 10% quota as on
As per principle laid down by the Hon’ble High Court of HP in CWP No.
1436/2014 titled as Jai Singh & others V/s State of HP which envisaged as “Old Vacancy Old
Rules, New Vacancy New Rules”. A tentative panel of TET pass in-service C&V teachers
possessing the requisite qualification of TGT (Arts) has been prepared strictly on the basis of
date of appointment/promotion as C&V teacher.
You are, therefore, directed to bring it to the notice of all the concerned and
other C&V teachers appointed in the previous/same year and possessing the requisite
qualification of TGT (Art). Objection if any from the individual will be entertained in this
Directorate up to 10.06.2018 and thereafter no objections shall be entertained.

The tentative panel has been uploaded on the departmental website of this
Directorate i.e. himachal.nic.in/eleedu. Objections will also be received through Fax on
telephone numbers 0177-2656184 and 2812464, E-mail eleeduhp@rediffmail.com/
branchestablishment2@gmail.com or by hand besides registered post etc.

Note:- All the Dy. DEE, Principal/Headmaster & Individual concerned is

directed to download the same from the departmental website of this Directorate. No hard
copy is being supplied to anyone.

Endst. No. As even, Dated: Shimla-1 the 24th May, 2018
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Secretary (Edu.) to the Govt. of HP for favour of his kind information please.
2. The In-Charge IT Cell (Internal) with the direction to upload the same on the
departmental website of this Directorate.
3. The Individual concerned with the direction to submit their requisite documents required
in column No. 6 to this Directorate on or before 10.06.2018 failing which it shall be
presumed that they do not fulfill the requisite qualification or are not interested for
promotion and further action will be initiated accordingly.
4. Guard file.
Tentative promotional panel of TET pass in-service C&V Teachers to be considered for
promotion to the post of TGT (Arts) as on 30.04.2018.

Sr. Name of Teacher with present D.O.B. D.O.A. / D.O.P. Categ Requirement
No. place of posting as C&V ory

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Dev Raj Sana, Drawing Master, 05.01.78 16.02.2k ST

GBSSS Solan, HP.

2 Surat Singh, Language Teacher, 15.06.78 31.12.11 ST ACR 2016-17 &

GSSS Bhaloo, Distt. Shimla 2017-18 Required

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