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Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar (M.P.) INDIA: (A Central University)

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Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar (M.P.

(A Central University)
Website : www.dhsgsu.ac.in

Advt. No. R/A-NT/2019/003 Dated: 20 /08/2019

The applications in the prescribed form are invited from the eligible candidates who are working as Daily wages/Muster/Temporary
in the Vishwavidyalaya, for the following Non-Teaching Positions to be filled up on regular basis:

Details of Non-teaching Positions:

Sl. Name of the post(s) Group No. of Vacancies Pay Scale(s)
1. Semi Professional Assistant C - - 01 - 01 02 - Level 5 – 29200-92300
2. Electrician C - - - - 02 02 - Level 4 – 25500-81100
3. Laboratory Assistant C 01 01 04 06 Level 4 – 25500-81100
4. Library Assistant C 01 - 03 04 - Level 3 – 19900-63200
5. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) C 05 01 07 02 11 26 01* Level 2 – 19900-63200
6. Plumber C - - - - 01 01 - Level 2 – 19900-63200
7. Library Attendant C 02 - 02 04 - Level 1 – 18000-56900
8. Laboratory Attendant C 02 01 06 01 08 18 01** Level 1 – 18000-56900
TOTAL 63 02
Relaxation in age would be admissible as per Recruitment Rules of the Vishwavidyalaya 2018 and as per extent Govt. of India
instructions. Further, as per decision taken by the Executive Council in its 23 rd meeting dated 24/01/2019, the persons working as
Daily wagers /Muster Roll/Temporary Employees in this Vishwavidyalaya will be given relaxation in upper age limit to the extent of
period of service rendered by them in the Vishwavidyalaya to enable them to appear along with other candidates in the regular
examinations conducted by the Vishwavidyalaya for recruitment to Group C posts.

Posts Reserved for PWD:

* Loco Motor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack victims and Muscular Dystrophy.
** Blindness & Low Vision

1. The eligible and interested candidates may download the Application Form from the University website
www.dhsgsu.ac.in and apply in the same format. Applicants are required to submit the duly prescribed filled in Application
Form in prescribed format along the requisite Fee, Self Attested copies of the Mark-Sheets and Certificates of Educational
Qualifications, Date of Birth, Experience, Category (SC/ST/OBC Non Creamy Layer), EWS, PWD Certificate etc. to Registrar,
Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, 470 003 (M P), positively by 09 September 2019 by Speed Post / Registered
Post only.

2. Application Fee is Rs 1000/- for General Category Candidates including EWS and OBC candidates and Rs 500/- for
SC/ST/PwD Candidates.

3. The candidates applying under the EWS category must submit Income and Assets Certificate in the prescribed format
available on the Vishwavidyalya Website www.dhsgsu.ac.in. The crucial Date for submitting Income and Asset Certificate
by the candidate may be treated as the closing date for filling up of the application form for the post.

4. Last date of submission of Applications: 09 September 2019


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Non–Teaching Post
Post Post Semi Professional Assistant – 02 (UR)
NT/001 Pay Scale Level 5 – 29200-92300
Age Limit 32 Years
Qualification Essential :
and Master’s Degree in Library Science and Information Science from any recognized University/Institution
Experience OR
Bachelor’s Degree in Library/ Library and Information Science from a recognized Institute/ University with two
years relevant experience in a University/ Research Establishment / Central / State Govt./ PSU Autonomous

PG Diploma in Library Automation and Networking or PGDCA.

Post Post Electrician – 02 (UR)

NT/002 Pay Scale Level 4 – 25500-81100
Age Limit 32 Years
Qualification (i) Matriculate or equivalent pass from a recognized Board
and (ii) Certificate in Electrician Trade from a recognized Industrial Training Institute or equivalent
Experience or National Trade Certificate or National Apprenticeship Certificate in Electrician Trade
(issued by NCVT)

(iii) Three years’ experience as Electrician in Industry / Educational Institutions /Reputed


Post Post Laboratory Assistant – 06

NT/003 Pay Scale Level 3 – 19900-63200
Age Limit 30 Years
Qualification Essential:
Experience i. Laboratory Asstt (Physical/ Chemical Science):
Bachelor’s degree in Physics/ Chemistry with at least 55% of marks from a recognized University with two years
of working experience in a Research Laboratory in a University/ National Level R&D Laboratory.

ii. Laboratory Asstt (Biological Science):

Bachelor's degree in Botany/Zoology/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Environmental Science with at
least 55% of marks from a recognized University with two years of working experience in a Research Laboratory
in a University/ National Level R&D Laboratory.

iii. Laboratory Asstt (Pharmaceutical Science):

Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy with at least 55% of marks from a recognized University with two years of working
experience in a Research Laboratory in a University/ National Level R&D Laboratory.

iv. Laboratory Asstt. (Applied Sciences):

Bachelor's degree in Forensic Science/ Geology/ Anthropology with at least 55% of marks from a recognized
University with two years of working experience in a Research Laboratory in a University/ National Level R&D

v. Laboratory Asstt. (Humanities/Social Sciences ):

Bachelor's degree in Psychology/ Education with at least 55% of marks from a recognized University with two
years of working experience in a Research Laboratory in a University/ National Level R&D Laboratory.

vi Laboratory Asstt. (Criminology & Forensic Science):

Bachelor's degree in Criminology/Forensic Science with at least 55% of marks from a recognized University with
two years of working experience in a Research Laboratory in a University/ National Level R&D Laboratory.

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Post Post Library Assistant – 03 (01 OBC & 02 UR)
NT/004 Pay Scale Level 4 – 25500-81100
Age Limit 30 Years
Qualification Essential:
and i) Bachelor’s Degree in Library & Information Science or equivalent from a recognized
Experience University.

ii) Typing speed of 30 words per minute in English.

iii) Knowledge of Computer Applications.

Post Post Lower Division Clerk (LDC) – 26 (04 SC, 02 ST, 07 OBC, 10 UR, 03 EWS & 01 for PWD - for Loco Motor
Code Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack victims and Muscular
NT/005 Pay Scale Level 2 – 19900-63200
Age Limit 30 Years
Qualification Essential :
and (i) 10+2 from a recognized Board.
Experience (ii) English Typing @ 35 wpm or Hindi Typing @ 30 wpm
(35wpm and 30wpm correspond to 10500KDPH/ 9000KDPH on an average of 5 Key depressions for
each work)
(iii) Proficiency in Computer Operations.

Post Post Plumber – 01 (UR)

NT/006 Pay Scale Level 2 – 19900-63200
Age Limit 32 Years
Qualification ITI Certificate or equivalent qualification in the Trade with two years relevant experience; subject
and to qualifying the Trade Test.

Post Post Library Attendant – 02 (01 OBC & 01 UR)

NT/007 Pay Scale Level 1 – 18000-56900
Age Limit 30 Years
Qualification Essential:
and 10+2 or its equivalent Examination from a recognized Board.
ii) Certificate Course in Library Science from a recognized Institution.

i) Two years of experience in a University/ College/ Educational Institution Library.

ii) Basic knowledge of computer applications.

Post Post Laboratory Attendant – 18 (02 SC, 01 ST, 06 OBC, 01 EWS, 08 UR & 01 PWD- for Blindness & Low
Code Vision)
NT/008 Pay Scale Level 1 – 18000-56900
Age Limit 30 Years
Qualification Essential:
and 10+2 or its equivalent examination with Science subjects from a recognized Board.
One year relevant experience in Laboratories of Academic/ Research institutions.

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General Conditions & Essential Information

1. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to assess his/her own eligibility for the post for
which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed Qualifications, Experience, etc., and submit
his Application duly filled-in, along with the desired information and documents as per the
Advertisement. Suppression of factual information, supply of fake documents, providing false or
misleading information or canvassing in any manner on the part of the Candidates shall lead to his/her
disqualification. In case, it is detected at any point of time in future, even after appointment, that the
candidate was not eligible, his/her appointment shall be liable to be terminated forthwith as per this
clause. This must be mentioned in the letter of offer and Appointment clearly. In case of any ambiguity
in the Recruitment Rules (RRs) in general and Eligibility in particular for any post, the decision of the
Executive Council (EC) shall be final.

2. Acceptance of documents submitted by an Applicant shall be subject to verification by the

Competent Authority at any point of time even after joining the employment. If any document is found
to be false / fake / incorrect either before or after the appointment, the document shall be summarily
rejected or action may be initiated against the Candidate which shall lead to cancellation of his
Appointment, as the case may be.

3. The person appointed against any post shall be governed by the Act/ Statutes/ Ordinances/
Rules of the University and also the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, CCS (CCA) Rule,1965 or any other Rules
of the Government of India, as amended from time to time and any other Rule/ Resolution prescribed
specifically for maintaining the conduct of the employees by the Executive Council of the University.

4. The Appointment of a candidate shall be subject to verification of character and antecedents by

the Competent Authority. Until the verification of character and antecedents reports are received, the
Appointment shall be treated as Provisional. In case the report/s with regard to his conduct, character,
antecedents, etc., is found to be unsatisfactory, the Appointment shall be Cancelled / Terminated

5. Canvassing in any form on behalf of any candidate shall be treated as a disqualification which
shall lead to cancellation of candidature.

6. In pursuance of the Letter No. 19-50/2015-Desk-U, dated 22.12.2015, of the MHRD, there shall
be no interview for appointment to the Group ‘C’ and ‘B’ posts. Accordingly, no interview shall be held
for appointment to the Group ‘C’ posts.

7. The selected candidate shall produce a Medical Fitness Certificate issued by a Govt Hospital / or
Govt./CGHS empanelled Hospital duly countersigned by the concerned civil surgeon or the Medical
Superintendent/ Director of the concerned hospital for Group B and C post and certificate from the
Medical Boar disused by a Govt Hospital / or Govt/CGHS empanelled Hospital for Group A post as the
case may be prior to his joining.In cases where a person has already been examined by a Medical Board
in respect of his previous appointment and if standard of medical examination prescribed for the new
post is the same, then he need not be required to undergo a fresh examination. For this purpose, he
has to submit a copy of the Medical Certificate duly countersigned by the designated officer of the

8. The Terms and Conditions of Appointment shall be communicated to the Candidate in the form
of ‘Offer of Appointment’ to the selected candidates. If the candidate does not accept the Terms and
Conditions mentioned in the Offer of Appointment within the stipulated time, the offer shall be treated
as cancelled.

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9. The selected candidates shall be required to perform duties as per the Rules of the University, as
amended from time to time. The University shall be free to assign any duty as per the exigency of the
situation at any time even during non-working hours / holidays, which the employee shall have to
perform without fail to avoid any disciplinary action.

10. The selected candidate shall be liable to serve anywhere within the jurisdiction of the University.

11. The minimum Educational Qualification and Experience, Constitution of Selection Committee,
Prescribed Quota, Method of Recruitment or any other Eligibility Criteria, etc. for Direct Recruitment or
Promotion/under Career Progression Scheme, wherever applicable on the posts of Registrar, Finance
Officer, Librarian, Assistant Registrar etc and equivalent posts shall be governed strictly as per the UGC's
Guidelines/Regulations. Any amendment to the Notification/Regulations/Guidelines of the UGC/Govt of
India in future shall be deemed to have been adopted by the University for Implementation in
supersession of the existing Provisions already adopted and incorporated in these Rules.

12. At the time of Recruitment, a ‘Service Agreement’ shall be executed between the University and
the employee concerned and a copy of the same shall be kept with the Registrar. Such Service
Sgreement shall be duly stamped as per the rates applicable.

13. The candidate shall bring all Original Certificates relating to his Age, Qualifications, Experience,
etc at the time of tests, wherever applicable. In case the candidate fails to submit the original
documents for verification of the certified photocopies of the enclosures to his application, he will not
be allowed to appear at the tests and his candidature may be treated as cancelled without any further
communication in this regard.

14. (a)The details of the vacancies shall be mentioned in the Advertisement. The University may also
include the details with regard to anticipated vacancies arising due to retirement of employee(s)
of that particular year, which shall be filled through the instant Advertisement. The University
reserves the right to fill or not to fill up the posts advertised for any reasons, whatsoever.
However, the number of posts filled up shall not exceed the number of posts advertised
including anticipated vacancies.

(b)The University may draw a panel in the form of a Waiting List to fill up a post. In case a
candidate on higher merit regrets to join within a period of one year or resigns/dies after joining,
within a period of one year, the offer shall be made to the next candidate on the merit, if
otherwise in order, to reduce the delay in filling up of the vacancies. Such a vacancy should not
be treated as fresh vacancy.

(Reference :DoPT OM No.41010/18/97-Estt(B) dated 13 th June, 2000)

(c)The University reserves the right to withdraw an advertisement, either partly or wholly, at
any time without assigning any reason.

(d) If any advertisement for any post is withdrawn by the University, the Application Fee
collected from the candidates shall be refunded.

(e)Qualifications/Experiences/Age etc as on closing date of advertisement will only be taken into


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15. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection detected at any stage even after
issue of the Appointment Letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any
communication made to the candidates.

16. No interim correspondence shall be entertained.

17. In case of any Dispute, Suit or Legal Proceedings against the University, the jurisdiction shall be
restricted to the Hon'ble High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Jabalpur.

18. Amendments/changes, if any, in the Advertisement shall be published only on the University
website www.dhsgsu.ac.in


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