Call For Book Chapters
Call For Book Chapters
Call For Book Chapters
Extended Proposal Submission Deadline: June 30, 2017
The proliferation of mobile ad hoc and sensor network has promoted the development of the
concepts of autonomous computing with a potentially large range of applications. However,
the inherent vulnerability of these autonomous networks introduces new security challenges.
Security Solutions in Smart Networks (WSN, WBAN, 6loWPAN ...) is a pivotal reference
source for the latest research on the development of smart Sensors technology and best
practices of utilization. Smart Networks represents a new generation of ubiquitous computing
that can be found anywhere and everywhere. This book is ideally designed for students,
researchers, academicians, and professionals who are looking for current research on how to
implement Smart Sensor Networks, covering a range of perspectives and relevant topics, such
as threat and attacks detection, Lightweight Crypto and security solutions, authentication and
intrusion detection.
Target Audience
This book is ideally designed for policy makers, students, researchers, academicians, and
professionals who are looking for current research that are interested in exploring and
implementing on Smart Sensor Networks and related technologies.
Topics of Interest
This book will include (but will not be limited to) the following topics. Any other related topics
in the area of smart sensor networks are also welcome:
Mobile and wireless security
Wireless Body Network Security
Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security
Internet of Things Security
6loWPAN Security
End to end Security
Access control, Anonymity, Audit and & Authentication and authorization
Applied cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Digital Signatures
Biometric security
Boundary control devices
Data and system integrity, Database security
Defensive information warfare
Denial of service protection, Intrusion Detection, Anti-malware
Distributed systems security
Electronic commerce
E-mail security, Spam, Phishing, E-mail fraud, Virus, worms, Trojan Protection
Information hiding and watermarking & Information survivability
Key management and key recovery
Monitoring and surveillance
Multimedia security, Operating system security, Peer-to-peer security
Performance Evaluations of Protocols & Security Application
Privacy and data protection
Product evaluation criteria and compliance
Risk evaluation and security certification
Risk/vulnerability assessment
Security & Network Management
Security and Assurance in Operational, Technological, commercial Area
Security Engineering and Its Application
Security Models & protocols
Security threats like DDoS, MiM, Session Hijacking & countermeasures
Trusted computing
Ubiquitous Computing Security
Virtualization security, VoIP security, Web security
Cloud security
Embedded systems security
Security design and verification tools
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their chapter proposals on or before May
30, 2017, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or
her proposed chapter. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.
Authors of accepted proposals will be notified about the status of their proposals and sent
chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by September 15, 2017. All
submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be
requested to serve as reviewers for this project. Chapters with multiple authors are welcome,
even encouraged.
Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book
publication, Trust in Knowledge Management and Systems in Organizations. All manuscripts
are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.
All proposals should be submitted through the E-Editorial DiscoveryTM online submission
manager here.
* If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Yassine Maleh.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of
the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information
Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference"
imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit
This publication is anticipated to be released in 2018.
Important Dates
June 30, 2017: Proposal Submission Deadline (Extended)
July 15, 2015: Notification of Acceptance
September 30, 2017: Full Chapter Submission Deadline
November 30, 2016: Review Results Returned
December 15, 2017: Final Chapter Submission
January 31, 2017: Final Acceptance Notification
February 15, 2017: Final Chapter Submission
Manuscript Submission:
A chapter is recommended to have about 30 double-spaced A4 pages with 1” margins (longer or
shorter chapters are also fine). Chapters should be proofread, polished and formatted according to
the publisher's instructions before submission. We will deliver camera-ready chapters of the book
to the publisher. Author’s guidelines and chapter template can be found on here.
Dr. Yassine Maleh, (primary contact) LAVETE Laboratory, Faculty of Science and
Technology, University Hassan 1st, Settat, Morocco, [email protected]
Prof. Abdellah Ezzati, LAVETE Laboratory, Faculty of Science, University hassan
1st, Settat, Morocco, [email protected]
Prof. Mustapha Belaissaoui, SIAD Laboratory, ENCG, University Hassan I, Settat,
Morocco, [email protected]