Grade 11 Thesis

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The difference between

intellectually rich student and

intellectually poor student
and How they socialize.
This study present by:
Cruz, Francene Marie

De Guzman, Sebastian

Hoshino, Emika

Samson, Joaquin Paulo

Tabiolo, Mechaela Marie O

Submitted by:
Mrs. Jelrein Ebio- Naval

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1.1 Background of the study

Each and every has their own capabilities and limits. According to Thomson Gale (2008)
that intellectual activities are institutionalized because many individuals who do not have
strong or intense intellectual interests of their own need the results of such interests, either to
satisfy the necessities of their own mental and physical constitution or because they believe
intellectual products to be necessary for the effective functioning of institutions and of
society as a whole. Students with high intellect are capable to do things that they want , need
or will do without even breaking a sweat, but the students with low intellect including those
with intellectual disabilities have a hard time in doing some tasks because of their cognitive
limitation. But being intellectually rich does not mean that you can do anything and
everything without having any weaknesses, an intellectually rich student might be poor in
some aspects. People have their own limits when it comes to learning, having their own
strength and weakness. Intellectually poor students might have several weaknesses but might
be excellent aspects. Students are not all the same people can’t do that can make others
believe, but intellect isn’t only measured in academics and IQ test, after all the intellect isn’t
only about how good you are in studying and answering question. It can also be shown when
they socialize and if they can portray respect and kindness to others. Being student is not just
about learning, it is also about how you build your character.

Therefore, this study will show the different knowledge and intellectual ability of the
students that might affect their relationship in the society.

1.2 Statement of the problem

This statement is serve the purpose why the student’s having different socializing
according to ther intellect and we conduct the research to help the students’s become
competitive in their intellectual ability and social life.

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1.How may the profile of the students respondents be described in terms of:
2. Did the student consider their selve as high intellect or low intellect person?
3. What is your standard regarding this issue?
4. How student socialize base on their intellectual ability?
5. How the students interact in the state of having high intellect and low intellect?

1.3 Significance of the study

This generalization of this research has great contribution to their knowledge in

intellectual ability and social lives. It can be significance and benificial specially to the

This research might guide the students that every knowledge have limitations and
that can encourage others who have high intellect to help dealing with this problem. They
will not judged easily those student with low intellect instead they will be a good
fellowship to other students.
This research might guide the teachers must encourage the students to pursue in
studying and socializing. That they also shall know that every student have limitations in
their intellectual so, they can do the easiest way of teaching and use instructional methods
related to students strengths and interest.
This research might guide the parents that they should not pressure their children
because they have their own capabilities in their intellect. Instead they support and guide
their children. They can tutor their children to feel their love and support.

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1.4 Assumption of the Study.
The expected outcome of this research is that every knowledge has a limitation, that can
lessen the discrimination for having a rich and poor intellect. This will affect the perception
of society to accept the students who has a poor intellectual because they are rich in other
aspects like sport activities, culinary etc.. This research also encourage each individual to
improve their academics and vocational course that will improve their social skill in
communicating. Another outcome of this research to overlook regarding the causatio of their
problem is whether a “bully” or a victim, who is rooted from different underlying patterns of
psychopathology. This will state that sometimes students has their difficulty not only in
academic but also in their social lives.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the study

This study will focus on the knowledge about mental ability of Grade 11 STEM students
of STI College Sta. Maria, Bulacan, on how they interact and react will be examined towards
in intellectually rich and poor students.

All grade 11 STEM student on year 2017-2018 are only the respondents and the ABM,
GAS and other strands in STI even the students in other school is not included on this study, also
the teacher of STI College of Sta. Maria is not involve on the respondents for this study.

1.6 Definition of terms.

Cognitive – It is Concerned with the act or process of knowing, percieving.

Competitive – It is having a strong desire to win or be the best at something.

Intellectual – It is appealing to or engaging the intellect.

Knowledge - It is Familiarity, understanding or gained by study or exprience.

Outcome – It is Final product or end result.

Psychopathology – It is study of mental disorders.

Study – It is Application of the mind to the acquistion of knowledge.

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Foreign Literature

Primary Characteristics of the students with Intellectual Disabilities

According to M.S Rosenberg, D.L Westling, J. McLeskey (2013) The students that are
intellectual disabled are delayed in development of academic, social and adaptive. They
state the different characteristics of the students who has identified with Intellectual

 Academic Performance
In academic performance student that has a intellectual disabilities are delayed
development of academic and they are probably deferral in learning in reading,
basic mathematic and language development. This result a negative impact to
their academic achievements. Therefore, teachers must provide some instruction
to the students to improve their skills.

 Cognitive Performance
Student that are identified as intellectual disabled are characterized by general
cognitive development that influence by the obtaining of academic skills and they
are slow learning than the normal students. There are three important cognitive
skills that are defiency of the student who has intellectual disabilities that need to

1. Attention

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There is different attention that is needed to improve and maintain of
the student who has intellectual disabilities. The First, the Orienting
to task that are looking for direction. The Second, the Selective
attention it allow the student to remove the unimportant details and
focused on what really important.
2. Memory
The student are intellectua disabled are difficult in remembering
details and information and in memorization set aside the
unimportant details and focused the attention in the important
3. Generalization
It’s difficult to the student who has intellectual disabled to relates
generalization of information to another material. Teaching strategies
will be helpful to the students to relate the generalize information to
other material or setting and teaching information to a multiple

 Social skills
Many of the student who has intellectual disabilities are difficult in interacting
in social. A low level of development of cognitive and delayed language
improvement will cause a poor social skills. It is difficult to the student to attend
and remembered the social aspect of interactions. .

Peers- Enriching the social life of your Gifted Child

According to Celi Trepanier that children and adult are need and want true friendship but
for a gifted child, finding a friend that has same intellectual ability is difficult and relate
to the malalim na usapan. Among the school seperate the student into grade levels by
their ages and their ability but the gifted child who is intellectual ahead of his/her same
age classmates can struggle the social life to find a true intellectual peer. In joining in

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different clubs, groups, classes activities and teams that focus on his/her passion and
strengths are the better opportunities that he/she will meet a true and lasting friend.

There is two advice when searching for an activity and opportunity for social interaction
for Gifted Child.
 Be prepared for what can seem like a never ending and search with some
opportunities not working out as hoped.
 If you can’t find what you need, you are free to create your own.

Local Literature

Smart-shaming and our Pinoy culture of anti-intellectualism

According to Julia Jasmine Madrazo- Sta. Romana; everyone believe that knowledge is power
yet there are still some who are proud they are dumb.

In other words, why there are seem to be a culture of anti-intellectualism in the Philippines?
Isaac Asimov explained the anti-intellectualism at an interview around 1980’s. “There is a cult of
ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has
been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the
false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge,” he
said. Asimov also explained that his statement was born out of frustrations together with ignorant
views that some Americans had on science education and evidence based-learning. But for Asia,
this is not the problem. It’s the opposite. The Asians are more dominant to the culture of
intelligence where education, intellectual awareness, and the pursuit of knowledge is encouraged.
Filipinos is like afraid or even ashamed of being too intelligent. Going back to 2015, the top 10
highes paying jobs are almost in the IT industry. The government also implied the k-12 program
and increase the salary of the public school teachers and so this shows that the government is
serious change the educational system. It is say that the Philippines is the biggest social media
user of the world and this shows that Filipinos are not intimidated at all by the modern

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The culture of Filipinos are tend to see that having high intellect is a negative trait. The best
example for this is the Philippines politics. Staring at the later end of the 20th century, Filipinos
start seeing the word “intellectual” as an insult. This shows that it’s really in the culture. Some
people were criticized on being “too intellectual”. Going back to Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s
political career, most Filipinos criticized her as smart yet a corrupt leader

The former President Erap Estrada celebrate the fact that he was kicked out of school. In the
other side, some Filipinos are somewhat proud of being dumb. Filipinos are also found of insult
and make fun of each other. “They playfully shame people when they’s “too smart” for our
common tastes”, Julia Jasmine Madrazo- Sta. Romana stated. And Filipinos also have a movies
that displays the degree of intelligence are either smart-shamed or portrayed as villains.

It’s More Dumb in the Philippines

According to Jemy Gatdula (2012) The Philippines has a National average IQ score of 86,
which is pretty daffy when it comes to the Binet Intelligence Scale. Hong Kong got the highest
average score (107), followed by South Korea (106) and Japan (105), countries with the lowest
scores are Ethiopia (63), Somalia (68), and Angola (69). Then we have with us our company
countries Libya (84), Lebanon (86), and Burma (86).The data was from Dr. Richard Lynn and
Dr. TatuVanhanen’s IQ and the Wealth of the Nations (2002). They also released another one of
their work entitled IQ and Global Inequality (2006), which states the conclusion: differences in
national income are related to differences in average national intelligence. National income and
national intelligence both comprise a single thing, the people in the country, for they are the ones
who constitute these two concepts. While IQ isn’t the only deciding factor when it comes to
individual fame, it is not to be set aside nor revoked. According to Garett Jones’ National IQ and
National Productivity: The Hive Mind Across Asia (2011) “National Average IQ has a strong
positive correlation with gross domestic product per worker across Asian countries.” Jones also
thinks that intelligence matters more for nations than for individuals. For example, the person’s
reservation of capital which tests patience, and the person’s ability to be productive, all rely on
the person’s intelligence or IQ. John Nye states that the more intelligent the country people are,
the more trusting it is, after all; who wouldn’t trust a highly intelligent person? Now off to the

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main question of the study, why does the population of the Philippines have subsided IQ scores?
One physical evidence is the exposure to lead as stated by Jones as he roamed around Visayas.
One microgram lead per liter of blood results to 2.5 point reduction in verbal IQ in older
children, and a 3.3 point reduction in the IQ of the younger generation. In their sample of
children, the average levels of lead in the blood reached to a whopping 7.1 micrograms per liter,
this could be in average a 15 IQ points reduction. So whether it be the lead content in water, the
mercury levels in fish, the media, the parents, or the education, is making the country’s
intelligence go rock-bottom.

Foreign Studies

Reasons why highly intelligent people have poor social skills

Students with high intellect has their own reason why their social’s skill are weak ( 2017)

1. They tend to over think their responses.

They place more importance in choosing words, once you think too much; it gets more
difficult to speak and turns awkward.
2. They get easily bored with ordinary topics
They can’t cope up the interest to join in the conversation
3. It’s hard for them to find common group with people
A highly intelligent people have a limited interest to those who have an average
intelligence means that the topics are off bounds because they might be able to relate
4. Self-conscious
They have a higher degree of mindfulness of their self and conduct in social interfaces
5. More conscious of you too
They are extremely aware of other people’s point of view
6. They are anxious
Anxiety is a major cause of poor social communicating. It gives them fear and

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7. Uncomfortable in revealing personal info
Higher the intelligence, the less comfortable they have them fear for the other people
don’t know well to use the personal info
8. Hiding their vulnerability
This kind of self-protective behavior may be learnt rather than innate in intelligent
people, but they are more likely to learn from their mistakes and change their action
9. Their heated responses about intellectual matters can disaffect them
They enjoy a debate and aren’t easily offended, nonetheless other make mistake
impassioned responses for fierceness and take offense easily
10. It’s hard for them to avoid conflict at some point
It’s difficult for them offhand remarks about things to pass, they are highly aware of the
importance of ideas and how bad idea can have terrible consequences for the human race.

Is An IQ Test An Accurate Way To Measure Intelligence

According to Dana Dovey (2014) that many believe that intelligence measurement
exams should take other skills such as creativity into context.

Intelligence quotient or known as IQ, this is an exam that most of us are familiar. It was
originally designed by the French psychologist Alfred Binet in the early 1900’s. But do
we still consider that the IQ test still the best means of measuring intelligence? General
consensus states that the answer is “no”.

It measures a person’s perceptive ability compared to the population at large. The average
IQ is 100, anything above 130 is measured exceptionally smart while a score under 70 is
characterized as developmental delays related to intelligence.

IQ test may give a hint of general intelligence; it can’t measure the complete difficulty of
the human thought. There are some things that an IQ can measure, for example:
creativity, emotional sensitivity, social understanding and some skills such as art of

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music. IQ doesn’t define how smart you really are.

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