99 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know

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99 words every high school graduate should know

abjure lugubrious
abrogate metamorphosis
abstemious mitosis
acumen moiety
antebellum nanotechnology
auspicious nihilism
belie nomenclature
bellicose nonsectarian
bowdlerize notarize
chicanery obsequious
chromosome oligarchy
churlish omnipotent
circumlocution orthography
circumnavigate oxidize
deciduous parabola
deleterious paradigm
diffident parameter
enervate pecuniary
enfranchise photosynthesis
epiphany plagiarize
equinox plasma
euro polymer
evanescent precipitous
expurgate quasar
facetious quotidian
fatuous recapitulate
feckless reciprocal
fiduciary reparation
filibuster respiration
gamete sanguine
gauche soliloquy
hegemony subjugate
hemoglobin suffragist
homogeneous supercilious
hubris tautology
hypotenuse taxonomy
impeach tectonic
incognito tempestuous
incontrovertible thermodynamics
inculcate totalitarian
infrastructure unctuous
interpolate usurp
irony vacuous
jejune vehement
kinetic vortex
kowtow winnow
laissez faire wrought
lexicon xenophobe
loquacious yeoman
1. Abjure:
(Verb) To state publicly that you no longer agree with a belief or way of behaving
2. Abrogate:
(Verb) To end a law, agreement or custom formally
3. Abstemious:
(Adjective) Not doing things which give you pleasure, especially not eating good food or drinking
4. Acumen:
(Noun) skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject, such as business or
5. Antebellum:
(Adjective) relating to the time before a war, especially the American Civil War
6. Auspicious:
(Adjective) suggesting a positive and successful future

7. Belie:
(verb) to show something to be false, or to hide something such as an emotion
8. Bellicose:
(adjective) wishing to fight or start a war
9. Bowdlerize:
(verb) to remove words or parts from a book, play or film that are considered to be unsuitable or

10. Chicanery:
(noun) clever, dishonest talk or behaviour which is used to deceive people
11. Chromosome:
(noun) any of the rod-like structures found in all living cells, containing the chemical patterns
which control what an animal or plant is like
12. Churlish:
(adjective) rude, unfriendly and unpleasant
13. Circumlocution:
(noun) (an example of) an indirect way of saying something, especially something unpleasant
14. Circumnavigate:
(verb) to move around something in order to avoid hitting it
15. Deciduous:
(adjective) A deciduous tree loses its leaves in autumn and grows new ones in the spring.
16. Deleterious:
(adjective) harmful
17. Diffident:
(adjective) shy and not confident of your abilities
18. Enervate:
(verb) to make you feel tired and weak
19. Enfranchise:
(verb) to give a person or group of people the right to vote in elections
20. Epiphany:
(noun) when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something
that is very important to you or a powerful religious experience
21. Equinox:
(noun) either of the two occasions in the year when day and night are of equal length
22. Euro:
 relating to the European Union
 relating to Europe
23. Evanescent:
(adjective) lasting for only a short time, then disappearing quickly and being forgotten
24. Expurgate:
(verb) to remove parts of a piece of writing that are considered likely to cause offence
25. Facetious:
(adjective) not serious about a serious subject, in an attempt to be funny or to appear clever
26. Fatuous:
(adjective) stupid, not correct, or not carefully thought about
27. Feckless:
(adjective) describes people or behavior with no energy and enthusiasm
28. Fiduciary:
(adjective) relating to the responsibility to look after someone else's money in a correct way
29. Filibuster:
(verb) to make a long speech in order to delay or prevent a new law being made

30. Gamete:
(noun) a cell connected with sexual reproduction, which is either a male sperm or a female egg
31. Gauche:
(adjective) awkward and uncomfortable with other people, especially because young and without

32. Hegemony:
(noun) (especially of countries) the position of being the strongest and most powerful and
therefore able to control others
33. Hemoglobin:
(noun) a substance in red blood cells which combines with and carries oxygen around the body,
and gives blood its red color
34. Homogeneous:
(adjective) consisting of parts or people which are similar to each other or are of the same type
35. Hubris:
36. Hypotenuse:

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