Design and Implementation of A Computer Based System
Design and Implementation of A Computer Based System
Design and Implementation of A Computer Based System
remarkably acute observations concerning the weather, along with some significant
errors. And his four–volume text was considered by many to be the authority of
weather theory for almost 200 years. Although many of Aristotle’s claims were
erroneous, it was not until about 17th century that many of his ideas were
overthrown. Throughout the centuries, attempts have been made in Imo Airport to
produce a computer based system on weather forecasts.
However, by the end of the Renaissance, it had become increasingly evident
that the speculations of the natural philosophers were inadequate and that greater
knowledge of the necessary to further our understanding of the atmosphere
(Wilson, 2007). In order to do these instruments were needed to measure the
properties. The atmosphere, such as moisture, temperature, and pressure. The first
known design in western civilization for a hygrometer an instrument to measure
the humidity of air was described by Nicholas Cusa (C.1401 – 1464, German) in
the mid fifteenth century. Galileo Galilsi (1564 – 1642, Italian) invented an early
thermometer in 1592 or shortly thereafter, and Evangelista Torricelli (1608 – 1647,
Italian invented the barometer for measuring atmospheric pressure in 1643.
While these meteorological instruments were being refined during the
seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, other related observational theoretical
and the technological developments also contributed to our knowledge of the
atmosphere, and individuals at scattered locations began to make and record
atmospheric measurements. The invention of the telegraph and the emergence of
telegraph networks in the mid nineteenth century allowed the routine transmission
of weather observations to and from observers and compilers. Using these data,
crude weather maps were drawn and surface wind patterns and storm systems
could be identified and studied. Weather observing stations began appearing all
across the globe, eventually spawning the birth of synoptic weather forecasting,
based on the compilation and analysis many observations taken simultaneously
over a wide area, in the 1860s.
With the formation of regional and global metrological observation networks
in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, more data were becoming available for
observation based weather forecasting. A great stride in monitoring weather at high
at altitudes was made in the 1920s with the invention of the radiosonde. Small light
weight boxes equipped with weather instruments and a radio transmitter,
radiosondes are carried high into the atmosphere by a hydrogen or helium –
filled balloon that ascends to an altitude of about 30 kilometers before bursting
(Gaffen, 2008). During the ascent, these instruments transmit temperature
moisture, and pressure data (Called soundings) back to ground station. Three, the
data are processed and made available for constructing weather maps or insertion
into computer models for weather prediction. Today, radiosondes are launched
every twelve (12) hours from hundreds of ground stations all over the world.
METEOROLOGY: The study of the phenomena of the atmosphere and all
the processes that take place in the atmosphere and the relationships with
processes at the surface of the earth.
RADIOSONDE: A balloon carrying instruments for measuring conditions
in the upper atmosphere.
RAIN: A type of precipitation that is in the form of water droplets larger
than 0.5mm.
SNOW: Precipitation composed of white or translucent ice crystals. Snow
forms in cold clouds by the direct transfer of water vapor to ice
TAUNDERSTORM (or thundershower) - A local storm, produced by a
cumulonimbus cloud, and accompanied by thunder and lightning.
WEATHER: State of the atmosphere with respect to heat or cold wetness or
dryness, clam or storm, clearness or cloudiness. Also weather is the
meteorological day today variations of the atmosphere and their effects on
life and human activity. It includes temperature, pressure, humidity clouds,
wind, precipitation and fog.
Aviation weather reports, usually in plain language, observed and disseminated via
local circuits at the aerodrome, contain the following elements which can affect
aircraft operations:
The effect of surface wind on take-off and landing performance varies with
different aircraft types. All other factors being equal, surface headwinds will allow
a greater weight to be lifted on take-off. In contrast, a tailwind results in reduction
of the maximum permissible take-off weight. Aircraft are also subject to crosswind
limits for landing and take-off which vary depending on the aircraft type and
runway state.
Low cloud limits the usable airspace where visual navigation with reference to the
ground may take place. This is particularly important in the case of general
aviation where the flight is to be conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR). For
more sophisticated aircraft, low cloud is most significant in the landing phase,
when the height of the base can determine the category of landing. When
cumulonimbus is present, there is always the possibility of convective turbulence,
wind shear, hail and lightning, all of which require the issue of a warning.
useful at aerodromes. Current observational techniques and practices for particular
meteorological elements will be discussed in a nutshell;
i. Clouds
Cloud amount expressed as FEW (1 or 2 oktas), SCT (3 or four oktas), BKN (5, 6
or 7 oktas) or OVC (8/8), cloudtype (included only if towering cumulus or
cumulonimbus), and height of cloud base above aerodrome elevation are reported
in that order. If no clouds are present, the term SKC (sky clear) is used. When the
sky is obscured, vertical visibility shall be reported.
ii. Pressure
iii. Temperature
Aviation is interested primarily in the temperature at engine intake levels above the
runway but it is impossible to make regular temperature observations at such
locations. It is thus important that the site of the temperature screen is chosen so
that temperature observations approximate as closely as possible those required.
Temperature readings are generally only required in whole degrees Celsius;
corrections are applied before the readings are rounded off.
iv. Humidity
v. Wind
The activity of operating and flying aircraft is interested in direction (true) from
which the surface wind is blowing, in degrees rounded off to the nearest 10°. The
units used for wind speed are either knots (kt) or kilometres per hour (km/h) and
are always indicated in the reports.
Wind direction, speed and gustiness are best measured by instruments, but when
instrument determination is not practicable, e.g. during a period of instrument
failure, the parameters may be estimated. For synoptic and aerodrome weather
observations disseminated beyond the aerodrome in which the mean wind direction
over a 10-minute period is required, a recording anemometer is desirable, so that
the observer can estimate the mean wind direction. This will also pennit the
estimation of two-minute means which are required for reports for landing and
vi. Precipitation
The most significant runway states in this respect are when the runway is wet,
particularly with areas of standing water, and when it is covered with ice or snow.
The depth of ice or snow on the runway is normally measured by airport personnel;
Integrated automatic observing systems.
These are increasingly being used for the instrumental parts of the observation in
Imo airport. Automatic systems will relieve the observer of most of the time-
consuming, routine portions of making an observation but add the responsibility of
monitoring the performance of the automatic system. When operated in the
attended mode, the system incorporates the observer's more sophisticated abilities
to discriminate and classify certain weather phenomena such as present weather
and cloud type. Data are automatically collected, checked, formatted, displayed
and transmitted. The system monitors continuously the measurable elements and
the observer has only to check for unusual conditions to determine if the need
exists to edit the automatically prepared observation. In general, automated routine
functions reduce interruptions by the observer in the monitoring of aerodrome
meteorological conditions. The fully automated mode will perform the same
operations as the basic computer based system but will incorporate additional
sensors to identify and report on selected present weather elements, although the
requirement for aerodrome meteorological reports cannot yet be met completely
without human intervention.
a. The sitting and exposure of sensors are the best possible, in the light of
the requirement for representativeness;
b. The computer based systems are will designed and are of approved
pattern, in good order and verified against standards when necessary;
c. Instruments are operated in accordance with the international regulations
regarding the methods of observation and the procedure for reduction of
d. The observers are competent to carry out their duties.
Meteorological reports are used by aeronautical users in connection with the most
critical phases of the flight, namely take-off and landing. The safety of the
operation often depends directly on the timeliness and accuracy of the reports
received. Hundreds of crucial decisions based on these reports are also made daily
for pre-flight and in-flight planning purposes and are of vital importance to the
economy and efficiency of aircraft operations. The reports are also used by
meteorologists as a basis for routine forecasting and the preparation of aeronautical
climatologically statistics for aerodromes.
Before being assigned to observing duties at Imo Airport , an observer should have
received appropriate training and qualifications. These will normally be prescribed
by the national Meteorological Authority, based on the relevant WMO training
Guides. The observer should also have worked under the supervision of an
experienced observer at the aerodrome concerned for a period long enough to have
become familiar with all the weather conditions normally affecting this aerodrome.
After this, a special test of competence should have been passed. Tests of
competence should be carried out by a senior staff member familiar with
procedures for observing at aerodromes, and may be based either on the basis of
ongoing assessment or on an ad hoc examination. These tests should determine,
inter alia, whether the observer has:
(b) Knowledge of points of reference for determining visibility, their bearing and
(c) The ability to estimate cloud height and to recognize cloud type;
(e) The ability to make correct barometer readings and apply corrections as
(f) The ability to make minor adjustments and repairs to the basic meteorological
instruments and equipment, and to change recording charts.
This chapter presents the research methodology and system analysis, research
The system analysis and research methodology used to analyze the system is
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM). OOADM applies
object orientation in the analysis and design as a software engineering approach
that models a system as a group of interacting objects. Object oriented analysis and
design is the analysis and design of a system from the object point of view. The
data used for the development of the research was gotten from the internet,
textbooks and articles. The contributions of other researchers on the subject were
examined so as to gather relevant information. The case study also provided useful
information for the development of the system.
The questions were brief and direct; also they were framed in such a way that it
relevant the information.
For a research work to be efficient, the instrument to be used for the collection of
data must be reliable and valid in its nature.
The validity and reliability was established through the test re-test method. After
two weeks of questionnaires administration a second test was re-administered to
the same group. This is to ascertain the consistency in the first and second
responses. However, there was consistency in the second responses provided by
the respondents.
Based on these plotted graphs the current system recognizes the trend of
the weather. By applying various methods like regression and other methods
weather prediction is done.
The current system used for plotting the graphs based on the collected information
is sequential. Sequential method of graph plotting takes time to plot. All the
collected data is stored in the single file. But when we are plotting a graph we need
the data of specific two or three parameters only. But then also we need to process
the data file completely. This processing of complete data file sequentially takes
more time. So, this sequential processing time can be reduced by applying
High performance techniques. These techniques include parallel processing,
distributed processing etc
This proposed system is simple to design. Here, are three different sensors are used
which are temperature & humidity sensor (DHT11), pressure sensor (BMP085)
and Accelerometer (ADXL-335). The data processing unit is an Arduino
Uno which is a low cost embedded system platform. The data can be recorded and
analyzed in a personal computer or in a simple android based mobile phone with
Arduino application installed. To transmit the data, the cube-sat to the monitoring
device, a transmitter and receiver module is used. An RF module of 433 MHz is
used for this data transmission. A gas balloon has been used to hold & carry the
Cube satellite.
This chapter focuses on the system design and implementation. System design
describes the input and output speculation of the system and the program flow
chart. While implementation presents the system design diagram, justification of
programming language, system requirements, system testing and system
Forecast System
Software Modeling (output)
Aviation Forecast
Input Speculation
Fig. 4.2 Concepts operations for Clarus Nationwide surface input speculation
Fig. 4.3 Weather forecasting using ANN error Back propagation input speculation
Fig. 4.4 Introduction of Airport metrological equipment system input speculation
Process speculation
Fig. 4.6: Simple weather forecast Process speculation
Output Speculation
Software modeling flowchart
The programming language used in this research was visual basic 6.0. The
graphical user interface, and also gave the resultant effect of design and
5. Radar-based system
In this phase all the systems are integrated and the system is tested to identify and
Firm Winter weather impacts our runways and taxiways very differently than it
Accurate, real-time weather monitoring of the runways and taxiways is one of the
most cost-effective ways to ensure safe, continuous airport operations. The Vaisala
with critical information to make informed decisions about treating, clearing, and
weather forecasting. Weather forecasts are critical to the commercial and private
and internationally. Airlines, for example rely on short term forecasts to best
position their aircraft and adjust flight routes in Imo Airport. It also aims to help
daily basis of aircraft landing, aircraft take-off, making decisions on route changes
and inconveniences; and Discomfort arising from altitudinal changes in flight. The
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM) were gotten from
the internet, textbooks and articles. The problems of the existing system are:
information on computer graph based system approaches which are not accurately
plotted in 2D or 3D. The system requirements are based on the systems used
in weather forecasting. The system is integrated and tested to identify and remove
upgrade the system used for weather forecasting consistently. This will enable the
Weather forecasting record keeping is very important. It will help the management
The following recommendations are offered based on the findings of the research
11, Part 11, Attachment B). Regular evaluation of the quality of aerodrome
2. Evaluation of the forecasts should be conducted in a systematic and
consistent manner to assess trends in forecasting skill and reveal areas where
3. Forecasts for a particular flight must contain all the necessary information
for the pilot to plan and conduct the flight safely and assess alternative
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