121 Pilmico-Mauri Foods Corp Vs CIR

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175651, September 14, 2016


Pilmico-Mauri Foods Corp (PMFC) is a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines, with
principal place of business at Aboitiz Corporate Center, Banilad, Cebu City.

The books of accounts of PMFC pertaining to 1996 were examined by the CIR for deficiency income, value-added [tax]
(VAT) and withholding tax liabilities.

PMFC filed a protest letter against the aforementioned deficiency tax assessments amounting to P9,761,750.02.

In a final decision of the CIR on the disputed assessments. the deficiency tax liabilities of PMFC were reduced from
P9,761,750.02 to P3,020,259.30. On the basis of the foregoing facts, PMFC filed its Petition for Review

After trial on the merits, the CTA rendered the assailed Decision affirming the assessments but in the reduced amount
of P2,804,920.36 (inclusive of surcharge and deficiency interest) representing PMFC’s Income, VAT and Withholding
Tax deficiencies for the taxable year 1996 plus 20% delinquency interest per annum until fully paid. The CTA ruled that
the contention of PMFC that the NIRC of 1977 did not impose substantiation requirements on deductions from gross
income is bereft of merit. Section 238 of the 1977 Tax Code provides:

SEC. 238. xxx The original of each receipt or invoice shall be issued to the purchaser, customer or client at the time the
transaction is effected, who, if engaged in business or in the exercise of profession, shall keep and preserve the same
in his place of business for a period of three (3) years from the close of the taxable year in which such invoice or receipt
was issued, while the duplicate shall be kept and preserved by the issuer, also in his place of business for a like period.

The rationale behind the latter requirement is the duty of the taxpayer to keep adequate records of each and every
transaction entered into in the conduct of its business. So that when their books of accounts are subjected to a tax audit
examination, all entries therein, could be shown as adequately supported and proven as legitimate business
transactions. Hence, PMFC’s claim that the NIRC of 1977 did not require substantiation requirements is erroneous.

From the total purchases of P5,893,694.64 which have been disallowed, it seems that a portion thereof amounting to
P1,280,268.19 (729,663.64 + 550,604.55) has no supporting sales invoices because of PMFC’s failure to present said
invoices. A scrutiny of the invoices supporting the remaining balance of P4,613,426.45 (P5,893,694.64 less
P1,280,268.19) revealed that the other sales invoices contain alterations particularly in the name of the purchaser
giving rise to serious doubts regarding their authenticity and if they were really issued to PMFC. Exhibit B-11 does not
even have any date indicated therein, which is a clear violation of Section 238 of the NIRC of 1977 which required that
the official receipts must show the date of the transaction.

Likewise, the official receipts presented by PMFC, cannot be considered as valid proof of PMFC claimed deduction for
raw materials purchases. The said receipts did not conform to the requirements provided for under Section 238 of the
NIRC of 1977, as amended

First the official receipts were not in the name of PMFC but in the name of Golden Restaurant. And second, these
receipts were issued by PFC and not the alleged seller, JTE. Likewise, PMFC’s allegations regarding the offsetting of
accounts between PMFC, PFC and JTE is untenable. Considering that the official receipts and sales invoices
presented by PMFC failed to comply with the requirements of Section 238 of the NIRC of 1977, the disallowance by the
CIR of the claimed deduction for raw materials is proper.


1. Whether the CTA erred in rendering the assailed decision since the legal basis cited by the CTA supporting the
validity of the assessment was never raised bu the CIR, thus depriving PMFC its constitutional right to be apprised of
the legal basis of the assessment

2. Whether Section 29 of the 1977 NIRC or Sec. 238 of the 1977 NIRC shall be applicable

1. On the procedural issues raised by PMFC

In the petition for review filed by PMFC before the CTA, it was the former's burden to properly invoke the applicable
legal provisions in pursuit of its goal to reduce its tax liabilities. The CTA, on the other hand, is not bound to rule solely
on the basis of the laws cited by the CIR. Were it otherwise, the tax court's appellate power of review shall be rendered
useless. An absurd situation would arise leaving the CTA with only two options, to wit: (a) affirming the CIR's legal
findings; or (b) altogether absolving the taxpayer from liability if the CIR relied on misplaced legal provisions. The
foregoing is not what the law intends.

2. Whether Section 29 of the 1977 NIRC shall apply

However, while the CTA ruled on the basis of Section 238 of the 1977 NIRC, PMFC now insists that Section 29 of the
same code should be applied instead. PMFC argues that Section 29 imposes less stringent requirements and the
presentation of official receipts as evidence of the claimed deductions dispensable.

The Court ruled that in statutory construction every part of the statute must be considered together with the other parts,
and kept subservient to the general intent of the whole enactment. The law must not be read in truncated parts, its
provisions must be read in relation to the whole law. The law, thus, intends for Sections 29 and 238 of the 1977 NIRC to
be read together, and not for one provision to be accorded preference over the other.

It is undisputed that among the evidence adduced by PMFC on it behalf are the official receipts of alleged purchases of
raw materials. Thus, the CTA cannot be faulted for making references to the same, and for applying Section 238 of the
1977 NIRC in rendering its judgment. Required or not, the official receipts were submitted by PMFC as evidence.
Inevitably, the said receipts were subjected to scrutiny, and the CTA exhaustively explained why it had found them

PMFC contended that the statutory test, as provided in Section 29 of the 1977 NIRC, is sufficient to allow the
deductibility of a business expense from the gross income. As long as the expense is: (a) both ordinary and necessary;
(b) incurred in carrying a business or trade; and (c) paid or incurred within the taxable year, then, it shall be allowed as
a deduction from the gross income.32chanrobleslaw

However, the Court declared that not only must the taxpayer meet the business test, he must substantially prove by
evidence or records the deductions claimed under the law, otherwise, the same will be disallowed. The mere allegation
of the taxpayer that an item of expense is ordinary and necessary does not justify its deduction.

It is, thus, clear that Section 29 of the 1977 NIRC does not exempt the taxpayer from substantiating claims for
deductions. While official receipts are not the only pieces of evidence which can prove deductible expenses, if
presented, they shall be subjected to examination. PMFC submitted official receipts as among its evidence, and the
CTA doubted their veracity. PMFC was, however, unable to persuasively explain and prove through other documents
the discrepancies in the said receipts. Consequently, the CTA disallowed the deductions claimed, and in its ruling,
invoked Section 238 of the 1977 NIRC considering that official receipts are matters provided for in the said section.

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