Publication 10 11891 250 UV-Vis2
Publication 10 11891 250 UV-Vis2
Publication 10 11891 250 UV-Vis2
In this experiment, we will use photometry to determine the concentration of an unknown solution (of
food coloring). In order to accomplish this goal, we must first determine what wavelength of light the
solution best absorbs (the wavelength of maximum absorbance). Then we will prepare solutions of
known concentration, measure their absorbances, and create a calibration plot. We can then use
information from that plot to determine the concentration of our unknown.
Spectrophotometry is the study of light as a function of its wavelength. Light is energy, in the form of
electromagnetic radiation. That light has the capability to do work. Plastic left out in the sun degrades
and becomes brittle. If you put a bleaching agent in your hair and go sit in the sun, sunlight causes your
hair to bleach. Solar cells change light energy into electricity.
We can understand the energy contained in light by understanding the light wave. If we look at the wave,
we can define the length of the repeat units (wavelength), how many waves repeat per second (frequency)
and the height of the wave (amplitude). We can relate frequency and wavelength for an electromagnetic
wave by: c = λ • υ, or the speed of light is equal to the frequency of the wave times the wavelength. This
equation works for the whole electromagnetic wave series. Refer to your textbook for a more complete
description. We are looking at a small portion of this spectrum, between the ultra violet and infrared
sections, which we call visible light. We see visible light. We can feel infrared radiation as heat. We
cannot visually see ultraviolet light but we feel the sunburn caused by overexposure to UV light. Violet
light, at a wavelength of about 400 nm has higher energy than red light, at about 700 nm.
This visible light can cause chemical changes or reactions in compounds. The compounds absorb specific
wavelengths of light. These reactions can be permanent or reversible. Different molecules absorb
different wavelengths of light. The color of an object is due to the combination of those wavelengths that
an object did not absorb. Plants appear green because they absorb the wavelengths in the blue and red
regions, leaving the greens, to be seen. The absorbed light energy is used in photosynthesis, the
conversion of CO2 and water into sugars and carbohydrates.
We can differentiate compounds based on their light absorption. We can look at blue or green mineral
samples and predict that there are copper compounds present. Dark red/orange rocks often have iron
compounds. A red ruby can be identified as chromium doped alumina. We can more precisely
understand these compounds by burning a small amount and examining the light spectra given off by the
flame. This is called flame emission spectroscopy. This information is tabulated into tables. You can
estimate the wavelength of the color absorbed visually by samples by use of the following table.
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Table 1: Absorbed & Perceived Colors
Wavelength absorbed (nm) Color absorbed Approximate color observed
410 violet green-yellow
430 violet-blue yellow
480 blue orange
500 blue-green Red
530 green purple
560 green-yellow violet
580 yellow violet-blue
610 orange blue
680 red blue-green
720 purple-red green
Spectrophotometric Analysis:
A UV-Visible spectrum can be used to characterize or to determine the identity of a compound or by its
absorption spectrum. We can make a plot of light absorbance vs. wavelength for a sample being tested.
A sample with 100% absorption at all wavelengths would appear black. A colorless sample would
demonstrate 0% absorption. Colored compounds will demonstrate absorption at some wavelengths, but
not others.
Once we plot absorbance vs. wavelength, we can determine which wavelength demonstrates the strongest
absorbance. We call this the peak of maximum absorbance. This is the wavelength we use in the
photometry experiment to determine the concentration of the unknown. By using the wavelength of
maximum absorbance, we will get the best resolution between solutions of similar concentration.
Observe the two different absorption charts below. Notice that light is absorbed at all wavelengths, but
you see the color where the absorbance is the weakest. The height of the peaks in an absorption
spectrum is related to the concentration of the species in question – the higher the concentration, the
greater the absorbance for the entire absorption spectrum.
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Photometric Analysis:
Absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration of the solution. The method of photometric
analysis uses absorbance at a specific wavelength to determine concentration.
Absorbance = εbC where C is the concentration of the absorbing species, b is the path length through the
sample containing the species, and ε is called the molar extinction coefficient or molar absorptivity.
Note: ε has units of liters/mole• cm. As “b” has units of cm and “C” has units of moles/liter. “A” has no units
(they cancel).
A= bC
We will make use of a photometer to measure light absorption. We will work with a fixed cell width and
a constant wavelength, making both b and ε constant. Absorbance is then directly proportional to the
concentration of the species in question. A plot of Absorbance as a function of concentration is linear
under most conditions. This linear relationship is known formally as Beer’s Law. We want to work at
the wavelength which shows the greatest absorbance, so that we can work with the largest possible signal.
We will express Beer’s law in the form: A=kC, or A=k[KMnO4].
Before we can use the Beer’s law relationship to determine the concentration of an unknown solution, we
must first determine the value of k for our solution at the wavelength of maximum absorbance. If we
make up a series of samples of known concentration, we can make a plot of absorbance vs. concentration.
The value of k in Beer’s law will be the slope of the line. Then, when we measure the absorbance of an
unknown concentration, we can simply refer to our plot. We can then determine the concentration
graphically, or by a calculation with Beer’s law (both should give the same result).
The solution that we measure contains our substance that we want to measure, along with solvents. These
solvents may absorb light as well. However, we do not want the absorbance by the solvent to affect our
results. To prevent this, we use a blank sample to “zero” the spectrophotometer at each wavelength
where we take measurements. The blank solution should contain all the components of the solution
except for the material we are interested in knowing the absorbance of. This essentially allows us to
correct for the background absorbance by comparing our sample to the blank.
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1. Plug in and turn on a spectrophotometer. Allow it to warm up and go through it’s automated
2. Fill one cuvette approximately half-full with deionized water (blank). Fill a second cuvette
approximately half-full with the stock solution (sample). Record the concentration of this stock
solution (from the label) in your lab notebook. Wipe both cuvettes clean with a Kimwipe tissue.
3. Load the samples:
• Be sure the smooth (clear) sides of the cuvettes are on the same sides as the holes in the slots.
This is where the light passes through! If you are not sure, ask your instructor.
• Load the BLANK into slot ”B”.
• Load STOCK solution sample into slot “1”.
• Close the cover.
6. Repeat steps 5-7 for each wavelength to be measured – every 20 nm wavelength increment up to 680
nm (eg. 480, 500, 520, …). Be sure to zero for each wavelength!
7. Once you find your wavelength of maximum absorbance, record the absorbance at 10 nm above and
below this wavelength to better determine the maximum.
8. Remove your cuvettes, dump your sample, and clean the cuvettes.
Data Analysis:
9. Plot the wavelength (x-axis) versus absorbance in your notebook. Use greater than half a page to do
this. Follow the guidelines for good graphing.
10. From your graph, determine and clearly label the wavelength of maximum absorbance. Show the
graph to your instructor for approval before proceeding.
11. Obtain a labeled unknown and record its number in your lab notebook.
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Part C: Standards and Unknown Solution
Obtain photometric data for the calibration plot and unknown solutions
17. Load the samples:
• Be sure the smooth (clear) sides of the cuvettes are on the same sides as the holes in the slots.
This is where the light passes through! If you are not sure, ask your instructor.
• Load the BLANK into slot ”B”.
• Load the solution sample into slots “1” – “5”.
Important: Make all concentration vs. absorbance measurements together, at one time. The
lamp intensity fluctuates with time and house voltage. We want to avoid this source of error.
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Data Analysis:
21. Plot your calibration data, [conc] (on the x-axis) vs. Absorbance in your lab notebook. Use
nearly a full page to do this. Follow the guidelines for good graphing, including drawing a best
fit line.
22. Calculate the slope (k) by choosing the two points from your plot that would best estimate the
slope of your best fit line and plug them into the slope equation.
23. Express the relationship in Beer’s law form, substituting your slope for k.
24. Add your unknown data point to the best fit line based on its absorbance and clearly label it.
Drop a dotted line to the concentration axis to estimate the concentration of your unknown.
25. Use the Beer’s law equation to calculate the concentration of your unknown. It should be close to
the estimate in the step above.
26. Follow your instructor’s directions. Food color can go down the drain.
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Error Analysis Questions for Photometry Experiment
1. In preparation for constructing a calibration curve, a student consistently adds too much water and
overshoots the marking on the volumetric flask while diluting the stock solution of potassium
permanganate. Given this systematic error, would the determination of the unknown concentration be
overestimated, underestimated or remain unaffected? Explain your reasoning.
2. When transferring the unknown solution from a test tube to the cuvette used in the
spectrophotometer, a student spills some of the liquid out of the cuvette. Would this result in the unknown
concentration being overestimated, underestimated or remain unaffected? Explain your reasoning.
3. Imagine the unknown solution was transferred into a cuvette that wasn’t dry and contained
droplets of deionized water. Would this result in the unknown concentration being overestimated,
underestimated or remain unaffected? Explain your reasoning.
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Photometry Experiment • Assignment & Report Guidelines
• Title of experiment, your name, the date.
• Briefly, but specifically explain the purpose of the experiment.
General Strategy
• Summarize the procedure of the experiment, and explain how you will use the data you measure
to determine the quantities you want to find. Showing the important equations can be helpful.
Data Table
• On a NEW page, prepare a table for each part of the experiment that includes space for recording
each quantity you will measure in the lab. (Do not turn in with the prelab.)
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• Answer the questions on the PRE-LAB Questions Handout.
• Title of experiment, your name, the names of lab partners, and the dates of the experiment.
This section REPLACES the Conclusions section in the lab manual. Your conclusion should
• The wavelength of maximum absorbance for KMnO4.
• The Beer’s law expression for you calibration plot.
(A=kC, with the appropriate value and units substituted for k)
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• Your unknown number.
• [KMnO4] for your unknown.
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Photometry Experiment
1. What color of visible light is not absorbed by chlorophyll (the dye in plants that aids in
3. A greenhouse is made out of high-grade green glass that allows only green wavelengths of light to
pass through. Will the plants inside grow well or poorly? Explain.
4. Oz recorded a value of 22.8% transmittance for his unknown. What is his absorbance?
6. If the chemical species we wish to investigate were dissolved in a mixture of 80% ethanol, 10% acetic
acid, and 10% water, what solution would we use in the blank (for calibrating the Specs 21)?
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