Women Safety Device and application-FEMME: Indian Journal of Science and Technology March 2016

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Women safety device and application-FEMME

Article  in  Indian Journal of Science and Technology · March 2016

DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i10/88898

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4 authors, including:

Pavithra Gunasekaran Dr.Subhashini Radhakrishnan

Riga Technical University Sathyabama University


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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(10), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i10/88898, March 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Women Safety Device and Application-FEMME

D. G. Monisha1*, M. Monisha1, G. Pavithra2 and R. Subhashini3
Department of Information Technology, Sathyabama University, Chennai - 600119,
Tamil Nadu, India; [email protected], [email protected]
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai - 600119,
Tamil Nadu, India; [email protected]
Faculty of Computing, Sathyabama University, Chennai - 600119, Tamil Nadu, India; [email protected]

Objectives: In our Country, even though it has super power and an economic development, but still there are many crimes
against women. The atrocities against the women can be brought to an end with the help of our product “FEMME”. This
device is a security system, specially designed for women in distress. Method/Analysis: Using ARM controller for the
hardware device is the most efficient and it consumes less power. We use radio frequency signal detector to detect hidden
cameras. Findings: We analysed that there are no security device for our total safety. The user has to carry multiple
devices. We found an ALL-IN-ONE security device which has all the features in one click. Applications/Improvements: In
this paper we used ARM controller and android application in which both the device and the smart phone are synchronized
using Bluetooth, hence both can be triggered independently. We can record audio for further investigation and can give an
alert call and message to the pre-set contacts with the instant location every 2 minutes and can be tracked live using our
application. Hidden camera detector is also a distinct feature using which we can ensure our privacy.

Keywords: Application, Emergency, GPS Tracker and Bluetooth Access, Security, Sensors, Etc.

1. Introduction location and a distress message to the cops and the pre-
set numbers, so that unfortunate incident can be averted
Introduction of our “FEMME” is a security device spe- and to provide real time evidence for the action against
cially designed for women in emergency and in distress. the perpetrators of crime against women1. his device
It is simple and easy to use and carry with various func- can also be miniaturized in future and can be embedded
tionalities. he numbers of smart phone users are turning in jewelleries, mobile phones etc., in order to make this
into greater in amount all over the world. A smart phone device handy2. his can also help police department to
has many applications which is useful to people in which reduce the crimes, which are against women and the evi-
our “FEMME” will become one of those. It is a personal dence can be used to trace the crime.
safety product designed to keep you and your friends safe “FEMME” is a guide, which aids people to take pre-
24/7. It is packed with features for both everyday safety ventive measures as soon as possible during:
and real emergencies, making it an ultimate tool for all.
his user-friendly application can be accessed by anyone • Being stalked while walking.
who has installed it in their smart phones as well as who • Attempted physical or sexual assault.
has our device. Our intention is to provide you with fast- • Unsafe neighbours.
est and simplest way to contact your nearest help. he • Domestic violence.
basic approach (single click) is to intimidate the instant • Hidden camera detector.

*Author for correspondence

Women Safety Device and Application-FEMME

2. Methodology to help our privacy. he hidden camera detector works

with the help of RF signal interface. When the RF signal is
interrupted, camera can be detected. We can also connect
2.1. Hardware Device the device with our mobile (through Bluetooth HC05), to
Figure 1 represents the methodology used in our paper. ind our location even if our mobile is lost which can be
he device can be activated by just merely pressing the activated by clicking tracking your mobile button5 and the
emergency button once. his device gets activated and location of the mobile is sent to the pre-set number.
sends instant location with a distress message to the police
pre-set numbers through a GSM module3. Figure 4 shows 2.2. Android Application
the triggering button and how the device looks like and Figure 2 represents the general methodology of the appli-
when the emergency button is double clicked, the device cation. When you click on the application, there is a thread
sends both the distress message with instant location and and then it leads title main page, which consists of sim-
records the audio of the incident. When the same button is ple user interface. Depending upon the problem, we can
long pressed it activated call to the police and sends mes- choose the icon, which will guide the user during emergen-
sage to the police instant location. he location is located cies6. When you click on the following icons the following
using GPS (UBLOX). he audio is recorded using audio pages like hidden camera detector, women Security, SOS
recorder and call is made from GSM modem respectively. message, video recorder pages will be opened.
his GSM Modem (sim 900) can accept any GSM network In our application, the user gives the input either
operator SIM card and act just like a mobile phone with its manually or by the volume button. First the user starts
own unique phone number. he plus point of using this the application by going inside it by clicking on the appli-
modem will be that you can use its RS232 port to com- cation icon. hen a thread of 2 seconds is rendered which
municate and develop embedded applications. It can be displays the name of the application. hen ater this pro-
used to send and receive SMS4 or make/receive voice calls. cess ends, the user interface where the user can interact
he hidden camera detector can be used anytime to ind with the application is displayed. his page lets the user
whether there is any hidden camera in the surrounding interact with our application. When the user clicks on the

Figure 1. Structure of the device..

2 Vol 9 (10) | March 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
D. G. Monisha, M. Monisha, G. Pavithra and R. Subhashini

3.3. Video Recorder
he video recorder is activated when “FEMME” (applica-
Volume & SOS
power Button
tion) is activated and records the whole incident and it is
(Android app
is activated)
useful for the police to ind the crime investigation8.
3.4. Audio Recorder:
GPS Send

Location is
tracked and
Location is
added with
SMS to
the pre set he audio recorder is in the hardware device, when acti-
user click converted
into Google
every vated records audio and sends to the police for further
URL 2mins.
button Audio Records Audio
recorder is and also sends
activated Message
4. Existing System
haardware It calls to the
device Long
preset contact
number In the existing system there is no monitoring system for
Hidden Its triggered
Camera is Police/parents
girls, it should create many problems for them and the no
Camera by clicking on
Detector the button
detected. helpline safety mechanism to protect the girls from the misbehav-
iour activities. In addition, in the existing system there is
Figure 2. General methodology of the device and the no alert mechanism for the girl’s safety, it should be done
application. by manually only.

4.1. Disadvantages
each icon, it leads to that respective page . he 4 diferent
icons used in our application is the woman safety, SOS • All the existing systems must be connected to the
message, video recorder, hidden camera. GPRS service to work properly, hence cannot be used
When you click on the emergency button (volume during emergency if there is no internet connectivity.
key+ power button), the application gets opened auto- • here is no hidden camera detector which is portable
matically then sends an emergency message and audio is to ensure our privacy.
recorded and sent to the pre-set contacts. • Monitoring was tedious.
• Mischance in arriving rate.
3. Internal Working
5. Proposed System
3.1. SOS Message
his emergency message consist of our current location Figure 3 represents the circuit diagram of the device which
tracked by Global Positioning System (UBLOX) and sent we proposed in this paper. Using the ARM controller the
to GSM module in which our location and our default device is designed in which the GSM, GPS, Bluetooth and
emergency message is sent to our pre-stored contacts for RF detector is connected. he whole device just runs with
every two minutes and a call is connected to the police total of 12v in which 5v is enough for the ARM to process.
with a recorded voice to seek help. Figure 4 represents the prototype of the device which
we initially made and can be miniaturized in future for
real time use.
3.2. Hidden Camera
In this system, an Android Application is used to ind
Hidden camera detector is a radio frequency receiver, the location and send the location to the group of people
which picks up electromagnetic signals that are broad- stored in the phone, SOS Message, Track your phone and
casted from electronic device such as spy camera. By additionally we used a technique of clicking the volume
moving this detector, we are able to alert the user about button, if the button is pressed on time then message
the hidden camera. It lights up when it receives a strong alert, second if button is pressed two times then message
frequency. and audio and third if the button is pressed long time then

Vol 9 (10) | March 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Women Safety Device and Application-FEMME

Figure 3. Complete circuit diagram.

Figure 4. Complete prototype.

4 Vol 9 (10) | March 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
D. G. Monisha, M. Monisha, G. Pavithra and R. Subhashini

calls to police, message and Audio. We implement the

same part in the hardware side if the person use in case
of hardware he/she can user hardware or if he/she want to
use sotware use sotware.

5.1. Advantages of the Proposed System

• It is an all-in-one system. Hence no need to carry mul-

tiple devices.
• GPS tracking feature tracks the user lively when you
are the move ater triggering the emergency button.
• It records audio, which can be used for further inves-
• When the battery is running low, it automatically
sends the location the pre-stored contacts.
• he second distinct feature is, it also detects the hid-
den cameras which help in our privacy.
• his device works without internet connectivity.

6. Materials Required
Figure 5. Output – message alert from the device when
Hardware Sotware Speciication
the pre-set contacts. Long press will send emergency call
Hardware Hardware Sotware
with alert message to the pre-set contacts.
Requirements Requirements Requirements
GPS module(GY- Processor: Platform:
GPS6MV2) Pentium IV  Windows XP  7.2. Hardware
GSM (SIM9OO) RAM: 512 MB  Front End: Java Figure 6 and Figure 7 also represents the “latitude and lon-
ARM 7 board HDD: 80 GB JDK1.5 gitude”, which will be sent from device with alert message
with controller Back End: MS
(LPC2129) SQL server
to the pre-set contacts for every 2 two minutes in single
Bluetooth Embedded Kit, click, whereas in double click audio will be recorded and
Microphone Android Phone alert message will be sent to the pre-set contacts. Long
Voice recorder press will send emergency call with alert message to the
Other components pre-set contact. Hidden camera detector will be triggered
PCB design
from the device and a message is sent to the phone from
hardware. Whereas even in the device using LED light its
shows the range of the detected hidden camera.
7. Results Overall both can act separately and also acts in syn-
chronized way.

7.1. Sotware
8. Conclusion
Figure 5 represents the “latitude and longitude” location
will be sent with an alert message to the pre-set contacts Our primary goal of this project is to ensure every
for every 2 two minutes in single click. Double click, woman in our society to feel safe and secured. According to
audio will be recorded and alert message will be sent to the survey in India 53% of working women are not feeling

Vol 9 (10) | March 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Women Safety Device and Application-FEMME

safe - Women is working in night shit (Bangalore-56%,

Chennai-28%, Hyderabad-35%, Mumbai-26%). In
Overall 86% of working women in India, women facing
hurdles are high in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata
and Pune comparatively to other places. FEMME can play
a major role by providing women a safe environment in all
situations for example (detecting hidden camera, physi-
cal threatened, harassed, robbery, stalked). Implementing
real time application and a device, we can solve the prob-
lems to an extent. With further research and innovation,
this project is used as a small wearable device like watch,
pendent etc.

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