Defining Hydraulic Fracturing

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Elements of Hydraulic Fracturing

Richard Nolen-Hoeksema

A well’s ability to produce hydrocarbons or receive injection fluids is limited

by the reservoir’s natural permeability and near-wellbore changes resulting
from drilling or other operations. Hydraulic fracturing, also known as
hydraulic stimulation, improves hydrocarbon flow by creating fractures in
the formation that connect the reservoir and wellbore.
A hydraulic fracture is a pressure-induced fracture caused by injecting
fluid into a target rock formation. Fluid is pumped into the formation at
pressures that exceed the fracture pressure—the pressure at which rocks
break. To access a zone for stimulation, engineers perforate the casing
across the interval and use retrievable plugs to isolate the interval from
other open zones. This interval is then pressurized to the formation break-
down pressure, or fracture initiation pressure, the point at which the rock
> Fracture pressures. During a stimulation treatment,
breaks and a fracture is created.
engineers pump fluid into the targeted stimulation
zone at a prescribed rate (blue polygons), and
The Physics of Fracturing pressure (red line) builds to a peak at the breakdown
The size and orientation of a fracture, and the magnitude of the pres- pressure, then it drops, indicating the rock around
sure needed to create it, are dictated by the formation’s in situ stress the well has failed. Pumping stops and pressure
decreases to below the closure pressure. During a
field. This stress field may be defined by three principal compressive second pumping cycle, the fracture opens again at
stresses, which are oriented perpendicular to each other (below). The its reopening pressure, which is higher than the
magnitudes and orientations of these three principal stresses are deter- closure pressure. After pumping, the fracture closes
and the pressure subsides. The initial pore pressure
mined by the tectonic regime in the region and by depth, pore pressure
is the ambient pressure in the reservoir zone.
and rock properties, which determine how stress is transmitted and dis-
tributed among formations.
In situ stresses control the orientation and propagation direction of pressive stress is the overburden stress, then the fractures are vertical,
hydraulic fractures. Hydraulic fractures are tensile fractures, and they propagating parallel to the maximum horizontal stress when the fractur-
open in the direction of least resistance. If the maximum principal com- ing pressure exceeds the minimum horizontal stress.
The three principal stresses increase with depth. The rate of increase
with depth defines the vertical gradient. The principal vertical stress,
commonly called the overburden stress, is caused by the weight of rock
overlying a measurement point. Its vertical gradient is known as the litho-
static gradient. The minimum and maximum horizontal stresses are the
other two principal stresses. Their vertical gradients, which vary widely by
basin and lithology, are controlled by local and regional stresses, mainly
through tectonics.
The weight of the fluid above a measurement point in normally pres-
sured basins creates in situ pore pressure. The vertical gradient of pore
pressure is the hydrostatic gradient. However, pore pressures within a
basin may be less than or greater than normal pressures and are designated
as underpressured or overpressured, respectively.

Beyond Fracture Initiation

> In situ stresses and hydraulic fracture propagation. At the surface, a sudden drop in pressure indicates fracture initiation, as
The three principal compressive stresses (red arrows) the fluid flows into the fractured formation. To break the rock in the target
are a vertical stress (σV) and a maximum and interval, the fracture initiation pressure must exceed the sum of the mini-
minimum horizontal stress (σHmax and σHmin). Hydraulic mum principal stress plus the tensile strength of the rock. To find the frac-
fractures open in the direction of the least principal
stress and propagate in the plane of the greatest and ture closure pressure, engineers allow the pressure to subside until it
intermediate stresses. indicates that the fracture has closed again (above). Engineers find the
fracture reopening pressure by pressurizing the zone until a leveling of
Oilfield Review Summer 2013: 25, no. 2.
pressure indicates the fracture has reopened. The closure and reopening
Copyright © 2013 Schlumberger.
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Jerome Maniere, Mexico City. pressures are controlled by the minimum principal compressive stress.

Therefore, induced downhole pressures must exceed the minimum princi-

pal stress to extend fracture length.
After performing fracture initiation, engineers pressurize the zone for
the planned stimulation treatment. During this treatment, the zone is pres-
surized to the fracture propagation pressure, which is greater than the
fracture closure pressure. Their difference is the net pressure, which repre-
sents the sum of the frictional pressure drop and the fracture-tip resistance
to propagation.

Keeping Fractures Open

The net pressure drives fracture growth and forces the walls of the fracture
apart, creating a width sufficient to allow the entry of the fracturing slurry
composed of fluid and proppant—solids that hold the fracture open after
pumping stops.
Once the pumping is halted, the pressures inside a fracture subside as
the fluids either flow back into the well or leak away into the reservoir
> Microseismic monitoring of multiple-stage hydraulic stimulation.
rock. This drop in pressure allows the fracture to close again. To ensure
Analysis of microseismic data provides operators with information about
that fractures stay open, engineers inject additional materials, depending the effectiveness of hydraulic stimulation treatments. In this example,
on lithology. In sandstone or shale formations, they inject proppant— five fracturing stages were pumped into the treating well (red line) while
sand or specially engineered particles—to hold fractures open (below). being monitored from a second well (green line with location of
In carbonate formations, they pump acid into the fractures to etch the geophones shown as green disks). Microseismic events during stages 1
through 5 are indicated by the yellow, blue, red, cyan and magenta dots,
formation, creating artificial roughness. respectively. Real-time microseismic monitoring may allow completion
The stimulation treatment ends when the engineers have completed engineers to adjust operations during execution to improve the
their planned pumping schedule or when a sudden rise in pressure indi- effectiveness of the treatment.
cates that a screenout has taken place. A screenout is a blockage caused by
bridging—accumulation, clumping or lodging—of the proppant across the
fracture width that restricts fluid flow into the hydraulic fracture.
When designing a hydraulic fracture treatment, engineers must estab-
Controlling Hydraulic Stimulation lish the leakoff rate and volume of the pad in relation to the timing of
Stimulation engineers maintain a constant rate of fluid injection. The slurry and proppant injection so that when the fracture reaches its
volume injected includes the additional volume created during fractur- designed length, height and width, the first particle of proppant reaches
ing and the fluid loss to the formation from leakoff through the perme- the fracture tip. To design a hydraulic fracturing job, engineers must
able wall of the fracture. However, the rate of fluid loss at the growing understand how pumping rate and stimulation fluid properties affect
fracture tip is extremely high. Therefore, it is not possible to initiate a hydraulic fracture geometry and propagation within the in situ stress field
fracture with proppant in the fracturing fluid because the high fluid loss to achieve a targeted propped fracture length.
would cause the proppant at the fracture tip to reach the consistency of Operators design stimulation treatments to control fracture propagation
a dry solid, causing bridging and screenout conditions. Consequently, and to ensure that the hydraulic fracture stays within the reservoir and does
some volume of clean fluid—a pad—must be pumped before any prop- not grow into the adjacent formation. To reduce this risk, operators monitor
pant is pumped. fracture growth. As fracturing fluid forces the rock to crack and fractures
grow, small fragments of rock break, causing tiny seismic emissions, called
microseisms. Geophysicists are able to locate these microseisms in the sub-
surface (above). Laboratory and field data have shown that these micro-
seisms track growing fractures. Armed with the knowledge of the direction
of fracture growth, engineers may be able to take action to steer the frac-
ture into preferred zones or to halt the treatment before the fracture grows
out of the intended zone.
The propagation of hydraulic fractures obeys the laws of physics. In
> Proppant. Several proppant types, including high-strength bauxite
situ stresses control the pressure and direction of fracture initiation and
(left), resin-coated silica (middle) and lightweight ceramic (right), are growth. Engineers carefully monitor the stimulation process to ensure it
pumped into fractures to maintain open fractures for enhanced goes safely and as planned.
hydrocarbon production.

Oilfield Review

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