Workout Plan

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Gimnasio Horizontes

Workout plan

Tenth Grade

Physical Education


Erick Abadía


Simón Cardona Orozco

Objective of the plan

The workout plan is made for developing the muscles in the body performing exercises.
Making use just of a mat and a fixed. This in goal to carry out isometric and isotonic
exercises. These would help to form the muscles and keep them in the same way being a
plan perfecto for all ages. Since people of 13 years old.
The demand of the plan is adjustable increasing or decreasing the series according to the
muscle development they want, but in the plan there is a standard.

Structure of the plan

The plan consists in 3 sessions of 5 series that can be developed in a single day, even though
it requires a lot of energy to developed these the same day.
The plan starts with a short heating, and stretching. Then it will continue with the session
of arms and chest, the session of core, and finally the session of legs. In all the sessions there
are exercises where there is need of other parts of the body not necessary in their session.

Heating and stretching

In a small space of 15 meters long this can be done. First you are going to start jogging from
side to side 4 times then you will go jumping feet together from one side to the other and
the other running side to side twice then jogging again 2 times the jumping one and running
3. As well as you feel hard the breathing you could start stretching.
For stretching, if you are making all three sessions you should make all stretching. Is if it not
you will have to make more emphasis in the ones you are doing.
First you will open both legs until you can’t more. And you will go down and touch each
ankle with their correspondent hand, this exercise as each one is done for 20 seconds, the
next one in the same position is going to each ankle 20 seconds with both hands, the next
one is flexing one knee and putting the body into that side keeping the other leg extended
with the sole in the floor, this to both sides. Then putting the feet together with the legs
extended and try to touch the floor. The next one with each leg you will grab your ankle by
you back with the opposite hand and pull the leg back with the knee folded. The you will
grab your elbow from the other arm and extend that arm and with the hand you are
grabbing the elbow pull the other arm and try to put the elbow in the other shoulder, With
both arms. Then raise one elbow and beside the head grab the elbow and try to make that
shoulder fold inside. This with each arm. Then raise the hands the much possible and get
up as possible. Then put the hands in front extended and try to rotate the torso backwards
without lifting the feet, keeping this form going in to both directions.

First session

As all sessions are going to be done of 5 series the reps can variate according the one that
is realizing the plan.
At first you are going to make 12 pull ups each 12 supine grip and another 12 in prone grip.
Then you are doing 10 push-ups kneel down and clapping up as 1 push up, 1 clap; 2 push-
ups, 2 claps; and then until reaching 10. Next 10 movements that consists in the position
down in the push up and moving the chest to both sides and up. And moving in a space of
15 meters using the hands and the elbows folded looking down going and coming back 4
Like this are all the sessions just using all the body. Here the muscles that we use are, chest,
biceps, triceps, trapeze, arm extensor and flexor, and deltoids. The reps and the series are
not fixed for each plan, it depends as well how you want to develop your muscles, in the
plan is made for people who want to keep their muscles the same but more resistant.

Exercise Reps Series

Pull ups Prone 12 5
Pull ups Supine 12 5
Kneel progressive push ups 10 5
Push-ups movement 10 each side 5
Movement 4 Times come and go 5

Second session

This session is planned specially for the core and based in resistance with the same 5 series.
In this session we are going to use the mat. At first we are going to make 20 abs lay down
with feet together with the knees and the hip folded 90 degrees, next another 20 abs
making bicycle, continue 40 dorsal folding looking to the floor and finally 1 minute in Planck
and then a little rest, another time 1 and half minute and each 15 seconds changing the
position pulling up the core making like a triangle, changing this position until the time is
done. Tis exercises will help to form trapeze, abs, quadriceps, gluteus, lumbar, and dorsal,
Exercise Reps Series
Abs 90° 20 5

Abs Bicycle 20 5
Dorsal folding 40 5
Planck 1 minute 5
Planck Folding 1:30 minute changing each 5
15 seconds
Third session

This session would use upper core and down core mixing the in different jobs.
At first we are going to make progression burpees that are: 1 push up, 1 jump; 2 push-ups,
2 jumps. Until reaching 10. Next in the fixed bar you are going to grab and keeping your
body up you will lift 20 times your legs with the knees extended, then you will release your
feet and up again in the bar and lift your legs, feet together, bringing the knees to your chest
20 times. Then in the mat laid down looking up you will first raise your legs 30 degree and
open then and closing them 30 times, next without touching the floor you will lift your legs
extended 30 time until 70 degrees. Finally, you will make 30 sit ups with jump.
In these exercises there are many muscles applied like, chest, biceps, triceps, abs, gluteus,
lumbar, dorsal, quadriceps, and calf.

Exercise Reps Series

Progressive Burpees 10 5
Lifting feet extended (Fixed 20 5
Lifting feet folding knee 20 5
(Fixed Bar)
Open and closing legs lay 30 5
Lift legs lay down 30 5
Sit ups with jump 30

After the exercise is very important to stretch again very hard to avoid any kind of injuries.

With this workout plan the results are going to appear as you demand during the exercises
and how the reps are distributed.

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