Ahearne, Mathieu, & Rapp (2005)

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Journal of Applied Psychology Copyright 2005 by the American Psychological Association

2005, Vol. 90, No. 5, 945–955 0021-9010/05/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.90.5.945

To Empower or Not to Empower Your Sales Force? An Empirical

Examination of the Influence of Leadership Empowerment Behavior on
Customer Satisfaction and Performance

Michael Ahearne John Mathieu and Adam Rapp

University of Houston University of Connecticut

This research focuses on the impact of leadership empowerment behavior (LEB) on customer service
satisfaction and sales performance, as mediated by salespeople’s self-efficacy and adaptability. More-
over, the authors propose an interactive relationship whereby LEB will be differentially effective as a
function of employees’ empowerment readiness. The authors’ hypotheses are tested using survey data
from a sample of 231 salespeople in the pharmaceutical field, along with external ratings of satisfaction
from 864 customers and archival sales performance information. Results indicated that contrary to
popular belief, employees with low levels of product/industry knowledge and low experience benefit the
most from leadership behaviors that are empowering, whereas high-knowledge and experienced em-
ployees reap no clear benefit. The authors conclude with directions for future research and application.

Keywords: empowerment, experience, salespeople, self-efficacy, job performance

As the 21st century began, the organizational landscape was vital salesperson characteristics are self-efficacy and adaptability.
transformed. Advances in technology, a global marketplace, Past research demonstrated that high levels of self-efficacy (Che-
NAFTA, the European Union, a sagging economy, and many other bat & Kollias, 2000; Hartline & Ferrell, 1996; Krishnan, Netem-
factors demanded that organizations get leaner, make practices eyer, & Boles, 2002) and adaptability (Chebat & Kollias, 2000;
more cost-effective, move closer to their customers, and otherwise Hartline & Ferrell, 1996; Weitz, Sujan, & Sujan, 1986) are asso-
become more efficient. A key ingredient in this transformation has ciated with greater customer satisfaction and sales performance.
been the empowerment of employees (Forrester, 2000). Empow- Accordingly, this research focuses on the impact of LEB on
ered employees have greater authority and responsibility for their customer-service satisfaction and sales performance, as mediated
work than they would in more traditionally designed organizations by salespeople’s self-efficacy and adaptability. Moreover, we pro-
(Conger & Kanungo, 1988). pose an interactive relationship in which different leader behaviors
Nowhere is this truer than in sales environments, where sales- will be effective for different people, as a function of employees’
people work at the outer boundary of the organization—at the empowerment readiness.
interface with customers. Empowerment is thought to unleash Below, we first sculpt a theoretical model encompassing these
employees’ potential, enhance their motivation, allow them to be variables and advance specific linear and interactive hypotheses as
more adaptive and receptive to their environment, and minimize summarized in Figure 1. Next, we test our hypotheses using survey
bureaucratic hurdles that slow responsiveness (Forrester, 2000; data from a sample of salespeople in the pharmaceutical field,
Spreitzer, 1995, 1996). Unfortunately, the benefits of empower- along with external customer ratings of satisfaction and archival
ment are not always realized, and the inhibiting factors appear to sales performance criteria. We conclude with a discussion of
be more attributable to failures of implementation than to design directions for future research and application.
(Ford & Fottler, 1995). Perhaps the biggest challenge to success-
fully empowering employees lies in the role of external manage-
Leading Empowered Employees
ment (Druskat & Wheeler, 2003).
The primary goal of this study was to examine the impact of The concept of empowerment has been developed and advanced
leaders’ empowering styles of behavior (leadership empowerment by several researchers (Chebat & Kollias, 2000; Conger, 1989;
behavior [LEB]) in a sales environment. Perhaps two of the most Conger & Kanungo, 1988; Hartline & Ferrell, 1996; Hui, 1994;
Spreitzer, 1995, 1996; Thomas & Velthouse, 1990). Previous
research demonstrated that empowerment is an important driver of
organizational effectiveness, and practitioners and researchers
Michael Ahearne, Department of Marketing, Bauer College of Business,
alike have identified it as a construct warranting further inquiry
University of Houston; John Mathieu, Department of Management, Uni-
versity of Connecticut; Adam Rapp, Department of Marketing, University
(Kanter, 1989; Spreitzer, 1995; Thomas & Velthouse, 1990). Two
of Connecticut. conceptions of empowerment exist in the literature. One approach
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Michael roots empowerment in the organizational context and defines it in
Ahearne, University of Houston, Bauer College of Business, 334 Melcher terms of “a practice, or set of practices involving the delegation of
Hall, Houston, TX 77204-6021. E-mail: [email protected] responsibility down the hierarchy so as to give employees in-


Figure 1. Hypothesized relationships. H ⫽ Hypothesis.

creased decision-making authority in respect to the execution of with others. Below, we detail some of the mediating mechanisms
their primary work tasks” (Leach, Wall, & Jackson, 2003, p. 28). linking LEB to employee performance, and we examine how
A second approach considers empowerment as a four-dimensional employees’ empowerment readiness serves as a moderating factor.
psychological state based on employees’ perceptions of (a) mean-
ingfulness, (b) competence, (c) self-determination, and (d) impact Mediating Effects of Self-Efficacy
(Conger & Kanungo, 1988; Spreitzer, 1995, 1996; Thomas &
Velthouse, 1990). Leach et al. (2003) aptly distinguished the two Bandura (1986) defined self-efficacy as the “belief in one’s
approaches and argued that the second approach represents a capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required
consequence and necessary adjunct to situational empowerment to produce given attainments” (p. 3). The higher one’s self-
(Liden & Tewksbury, 1995). Leach et al. (2003) examined how efficacy, the more likely he or she is to engage and persist in
aspects of the situational view of empowerment, in combination task-related behavior (Bandura, 1997; Gist & Mitchell, 1992).
with other variables, influence employee outcomes as mediated by Bandura (1986) submitted that self-efficacy can be influenced
the “central aspect of psychological empowerment . . . namely through positive emotional support, words of encouragement and
self-efficacy” (p. 28). We adopt a similar approach in this study positive persuasion, models of success with whom people identify,
and examine how LEB influences employee effectiveness, as and experience mastering a task (Arnold et al., 2000; Conger,
mediated by self-efficacy and by employees’ adaptability. 1989). In terms of Bandura’s model, LEB should enhance employ-
Arnold, Arad, Rhoades, and Drasgow (2000) submitted that ees’ sense of efficacy. Given the boundary-spanning roles of sales
LEB involves the process of implementing conditions that increase representatives in the current context, such leader–member ex-
employees’ feelings of self-efficacy and control (e.g., participative changes are likely to be more dyadic in nature than uniform across
decision making), removing conditions that foster a sense of pow- representatives. Nevertheless, to the extent that leaders exhibit
erlessness (e.g., bureaucracy), and allowing them the freedom to empowering behaviors, employees should feel more efficacious
be as flexible as circumstances warrant. More specifically, follow- and freer to adapt their performance strategies as circumstances
ing the work of Conger and Kanungo (1988) and Hui (1994), we warrant.
argue that LEB involves leader behaviors aligned with the four Bateson (1985) argued that boundary-spanning employees are
components outlined above. better able to satisfy customers, thereby increasing performance,
With the recent movement toward more empowering and flex- when they have control over their service encounters. Anglin,
ible organizational designs, it is fair to say that “leaders appear to Stohlman, and Gentry (1990) noted that the likelihood salespeople
be a forgotten group” (Druskat & Wheeler, 2003). Yet, effective will adapt their sales behaviors during or across customer interac-
leadership is an important driver of the success of empowered tions depends not only on their selling abilities and motives, but
organizations (Druskat & Wheeler, 2003; Sims & Manz, 1984). also on the guidance provided by their managers. Empowered
The key point is that the nature of effective leadership is different salespeople have more flexibility and can more readily adapt their
in empowered settings than it is in more traditional designs. selling strategies in real time as circumstances warrant than can
Moreover, LEB may resonate better with some employees than nonempowered salespeople (Scott & Bruce, 1994). This empower-

ment–adaptability relationship has received tentative empirical might be especially important for managers to allow salespeople
support with respect to autonomy and decision making (Niehoff, more latitude in their decision making when the sales task requires
Enz, & Grover, 1990; Scott & Bruce, 1994) and specific empirical adaptive selling behaviors. This latitude or empowerment removes
support with respect to empowerment (Chebat & Kollias, 2000). the restrictions placed on these employees and provides them with
Spiro and Weitz (1990) also found empirical support for a positive room to maneuver as they serve customer needs.
relationship between tolerance of freedom and encouragement Research supports the premise that salespeople who adapt their
on adaptive selling. Accordingly, we advanced the following behaviors during customer interactions, as circumstances warrant,
hypotheses. are more likely to fulfill the needs and requests of their customers
and to thereby increase perceptions of service quality (Bitner,
Hypothesis 1: LEB will exhibit a significant positive relation- Booms, & Mohr, 1994; Humphrey & Ashforth, 1994; Reid, Pul-
ship with salespeople’s self-efficacy. lins, & Plank, 2002). Moreover, significant positive correlations
have been found between self-efficacy and adaptability (Jones,
Hypothesis 2: LEB will exhibit a significant positive relation-
1986). Therefore, we anticipate that more efficacious salespeople
ship with salespeople’s adaptability.
will be more capable and more willing to engage in adaptive
selling, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction, than will less
Self-Efficacy 3 Effectiveness Mechanisms efficacious people. Accordingly, we formulated the following
The importance of self-efficacy lies in its ability to increase
employee performance as employees exert more effort, become Hypothesis 5: Self-efficacy will exhibit a significant positive
more persistent, and learn how to cope with task-related obstacles relationship with salespeople’s adaptability.
(Chebat & Kollias, 2000). Similarly, self-efficacious employees
should be able to perform better when demanding situations arise Hypothesis 6: Salesperson adaptability will exhibit a signifi-
during an employee– customer encounter. Indeed, both theoretical cant positive relationship with customer-service satisfaction.
arguments (Bandura & Locke, 2003) and meta-analyses (Stajkovic
& Luthans, 1998) have confirmed that self-efficacy exhibits robust Given the conceptualization of adaptive selling, positive rela-
correlations with subsequent performance across a wide variety of tionships between salesperson adaptability and sales performance
settings, including sales (Brown, Cron, & Slocum, 1998; Renn & would be expected (Gengler, Howard, & Zolner, 1995; McIntyre,
Fedor, 2001; Sujan, Weitz, & Kumar, 1994; Wang & Netemeyer, Claxton, Anselmi, & Wheatley, 2000; Porter, Wiener, & Frank-
2002). Therefore, we advanced the following hypothesis. wick, 2003; Weitz et al., 1986). In fact, salespeople’s adaptability
has been positively associated with self-assessed sales perfor-
Hypothesis 3: Self-efficacy will exhibit a significant positive mance (Boorom, Goolsby, & Ramsey, 1998; Spiro & Weitz,
relationship with subsequent salesperson job performance. 1990). However, adaptability was not significantly correlated with
The effects of self-efficacy on performance may be mediated by managers’ ratings of sales performance in the Spiro and Weitz
other variables in the selling context, such as individuals’ adapt- (1990) study. Given that both self- and manager ratings of perfor-
ability and customer reactions or satisfaction. Boundary-spanning mance are susceptible to a variety of rating biases, we sought to
employees’ self-efficacy should play an important role in devel- examine this relationship using archival indices of sale perfor-
oping customers’ perceptions of service satisfaction. Because mance. Following the theoretical foundation outlined above, we
highly efficacious salespeople tend to work harder and exert more formulated the following hypothesis.
effort (Sujan et al., 1994), it is expected that they will create more
Hypothesis 7: Salesperson adaptability will exhibit a signifi-
positive service encounters than will less efficacious employees.
cant positive relationship with sales performance.
When customers are served by employees who believe strongly in
their own capabilities, they are likely to receive high-quality ser- Cultivating customer satisfaction with services is fundamental
vice (Hartline & Ferrell, 1996). Qualitative studies by Bitner to a firm’s success. Customers typically will spend more money
(1990) and by Bitner and Tetreault (1990) demonstrated that
with firms and salespeople with whom they are satisfied, relative
customers are typically more satisfied with the service encounter
to alternatives. Such satisfaction determines whether customers
when the employee possesses the ability, willingness, and compe-
make repeat purchases or recommend the product and company to
tence to solve problems. On the basis of this reasoning, we for-
others (Grewal & Sharma, 1991). Customer-relationship theory
mulated the following hypothesis.
suggests that companies should enhance customer satisfaction
Hypothesis 4: Self-efficacy will exhibit a significant positive levels and then target satisfied customers with cross-selling and
relationship with customer-service satisfaction. up-selling strategies. Customers will likely buy more from, and
spend a higher percentage of their resources with, companies with
Previous research (Hartline & Ferrell, 1996; McDonald & Sie- whom they are more satisfied (Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser, &
gall, 1992) has suggested that self-efficacy will also exhibit a Schlesinger, 1994; Jones & Sasser, 1995). Satisfaction with a
positive relationship with salespeople’s adaptability. Hartline and service or product also leads to increased positive word-of-mouth
Ferrell (1996) defined adaptability as the ability of customer- publicity (Maxham, 2001; Maxham & Netemeyer, 2003), which is
contact employees to adjust their behaviors to the interpersonal an important source of information for buyers and has been shown
demands of the service encounter. DelVecchio (1998) stated that it to have a major purchasing influence (Grewal & Sharma, 1991;

Soderlund, 2002). Following this logic, we advanced the following derstanding the moderating effect of employee readiness. The
hypothesis. literature suggests that certain conditions, such as highly routinized
work or professional standards, may serve as substitutes for social
Hypothesis 8: Service satisfaction will exhibit a significant sources of leadership (Pearce & Sims, 2002). Manz and Sims
positive relationship with salesperson job performance. (1980) advanced a similar argument and suggested that individuals
manage their own behaviors, on the basis of self-evaluations, by
The Role of Employee Readiness setting their own standards, by evaluating their personal perfor-
mance, and by self-administering consequences.
Up until this point, we have implied that empowerment will be
In their best-selling book on situational leadership, Hersey and
beneficial for all. Yet a number of researchers have argued that
Blanchard (1982) contended that not all employees should be
efforts to empower employees do not always yield positive divi-
managed the same way. Blanchard (1985) concurred and argued
dends and, in fact, can even be detrimental (Forrester, 2000;
that those who are at lower “development levels” should be man-
Randolph & Sashkin, 2002). At issue, then, is the question of
aged with “directed” and “coached” behaviors, whereas those at
“Who benefits from empowerment?” We submit that the extent to
higher levels should be managed with “supported” and “delegated”
which employees are ready to embrace and use the freedoms
behaviors. According to these authors, the situation (i.e., the ex-
afforded by empowerment will act as an important moderator of
perience of the employee) should impact the management style,
the effects of leader behaviors. Following the conceptions of
and the manager should behave much like a professional sports
experience advanced by several authors (Quinones, Ford, &
coach, who must assess each player separately and determine how
Teachout, 1995; Tesluk & Jacobs, 1998), we consider employee
each should be coached. In effect, Hersey and Blanchard argued
readiness as a multidimensional composite variable—what Ed-
that less experienced and less knowledgeable employees may be
wards (2001) referred to as an aggregate multidimensional con-
less prepared to “take the ball and run with it” when the manager
struct— emerging from the confluence of salespeople’s product
uses an empowering style of management.
knowledge, their tenure in the field, and their tenure with the
Accordingly, on the basis of the conceptions outlined above and
current employer. The logic is that to the extent employees possess
on our experience working with sales forces, we anticipated a pair
an array of attributes that enable them to be successful in an
of interactions between LEB and employee readiness as related to
empowered environment, they will respond more positively to
salespeople’s self-efficacy and adaptability. More specifically, we
LEB. Accordingly, we define employee empowerment readiness as
advanced the following hypotheses.
the extent to which employees possess an array of task-relevant
knowledge and experience that will enable them to benefit from, Hypothesis 11: The relationship between LEB and self-
and to be successful in, an empowered environment. efficacy will be more positive for employees who report
Individuals who have a wealth of previous related work expe- greater empowerment readiness, as compared with those who
riences will likely possess higher levels of self-efficacy than will report less empowerment readiness.
those with less relevant experience (Bandura, 1997; Chen & Kli-
moski, 2003; Gist & Mitchell, 1992). Individuals who possess Hypothesis 12: The relationship between LEB and adaptabil-
higher levels of relevant knowledge will also have more to draw on ity will be more positive for employees who report greater
and report higher levels of efficacy (Phillips & Gully, 1997). In a empowerment readiness, as compared with those who report
similar vein, individuals’ performance adaptability has been asso- less empowerment readiness.
ciated positively with greater amounts of relevant work experience
(Pulakos, Arad, Donovan, & Plamondon, 2000) and knowledge
(Leach et al., 2003; LePine, Colquitt, & Erez, 2000). Conse-
quently, we advanced the following two hypotheses. Sample/Setting
Hypothesis 9: Employee empowerment readiness will ex- Data were collected from three separate sources: (a) written salesperson
hibit a significant positive relationship with salespeople’s surveys, (b) written customer surveys, and (c) archival job-performance
self-efficacy. data from company records. Our sample was drawn from the female health
care segment of a medium-sized pharmaceutical company. The sales rep-
Hypothesis 10: Employee empowerment readiness will ex- resentatives were responsible for marketing directly to physicians, rather
hibit a significant positive relationship with salespeople’s than managed-care organizations, government organizations, or hospitals.
adaptability. Each sales representative was responsible for a specific geographical area
and six products, including an estrogen replacement drug and several types
Although the above two hypotheses pertain to linear relation- of female contraceptives. All sales representatives completed training for
ships, clearly, our primary focus here is on interactions. The notion each of these product lines and received support from top management. On
that situational variables and/or follower attributes moderate rela- average, about 85% of sales representatives’ compensation derived from
their salary; the remaining 15% came from commissions based on indi-
tionships between leader behaviors and subordinate criterion be-
vidual performance.
havior has been a fundamental part of many approaches to lead- All 254 sales representatives of the female health care division of the
ership for over 30 years (Evans, 1970; Fiedler, 1967; Podsakoff, company were contacted for this study, and usable survey responses were
MacKenzie, Ahearne, & Bommer, 1995). The literature addressing obtained from 231 (91%). All of the respondents completed and returned
substitutes for leadership (Kerr & Jermier, 1978; Podsakoff et al., a copy of a questionnaire mailed directly to them by the researchers. A
1995; Yukl, 1998) provides us with a useful framework for un- strong management endorsement of questionnaire completion via e-mail

and telephone, coupled with two waves of mailings, led to the high tively, and (c) the actual adaptive behavior of salespeople. From Spiro and
response rate. This sample was 40% male, 91% reported their ethnicity as Weitz’s (1990) original 16-item scale, we selected 7 items specifically
White, and they had an average age of 36.1 years (SD ⫽ 8.6). On average, applicable to our research sample (␣ ⫽ .77; example item: “When I feel
they had previously worked for 2.9 (SD ⫽ 3.6) other firms, had 12.3 (SD ⫽ that my approach is not working, I can always change to another
7.8) years of business experience, and 9.7 (SD ⫽ 7.6) years of experience approach”).
in sales. They reported an average tenure with this organization of 6.8 Employee empowerment readiness was operationalized as a multidimen-
(SD ⫽ 7.0) years. Eighty percent of the sample had a bachelor’s degree, sional composite measure of salespeople’s knowledge and experience.
and the remaining 20% held an advanced degree. Sales knowledge was assessed using five items that referred to knowledge
about the company and its products (␣ ⫽ .65). Experience was assessed
with three items about (a) length of company employment, (b) total years
Qualitative Grounding of Measures in sales, and (c) total years of business experience (␣ ⫽ .92). Using the two
We began our study with an extensive literature review, combined with internal consistencies noted above along with the variances of the two
an exploratory qualitative grounding of our measures. Data were collected indices and their composite, we calculated the reliability of the readiness
by means of 10 in-depth interviews with sales representatives, conducted composite to be rxx ⫽ .80 (Edwards, 2001; Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994).
during several field sales trips, and 10 one-on-one interviews with sales Sales service satisfaction. Customer satisfaction surveys were col-
managers. The field sales trips lasted an entire day and represented a sales lected by an external market research firm and made available to us. The
representative’s typical day. All discussions were taped and transcribed, original purpose of this survey was to assess, for training purposes, the
and the content was analyzed using established qualitative data analysis overall customer satisfaction with company sales representatives. The
techniques (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The overarching objective of this survey included two primary competitors and was blinded so that custom-
preliminary phase was to identify construct domains, generate sample ers were unaware of the sponsoring company, in order to prevent respon-
items for new measures, check the face validity of existing measures in a dent bias. A total of 864 customers completed ratings (M ⫽ 3.8 per sales
sales setting, and assess the nomological “sense” of our conceptual model representative). Sales service satisfaction was operationalized as the aver-
(Churchill, 1979). The scale development then progressed through two age response to the following question: “Overall, I am currently satisfied
stages. First, existing scales were adapted and extended, to ensure that they with this company’s sales consultants.” On the basis of the average
were applicable to a pharmaceutical sales representative setting. Second, a variance across customers per salesperson and using the rectangular re-
draft questionnaire was constructed and pretested with six company man- sponse comparison base, we calculated an agreement index of rwg ⫽ .72 for
agers and representatives, as well as with two industry experts, and minor these ratings (James, Demaree, & Wolf, 1984). We also calculated intra-
wording adjustments were made to ensure applicability. class correlations (ICCs) that represent the average reliability of individual
customer ratings (ICC1) and their average (ICC2; see Bliese, 2000). Our
results suggested that the average customer ratings were sufficiently reli-
Measures able to be used in the structural model (ICC1 ⫽ .47; ICC2 ⫽ .77).
The terminal criterion variable used in the present study (i.e., sales
Measures regarding the LEB of sales managers, their self-efficacy, representative performance) was obtained from company records. The
adaptability, and knowledge and experience were all administered directly measure used was the percentage of sales quotas achieved across products
to sales representatives, as detailed below. in the female health care division. Percentage of quota, or total sales
Leadership empowerment behavior. LEB was assessed using four divided by expected sales target, is a strong measure of sales representative
multi-item subscales that focused on (a) enhancing the meaningfulness of performance because it controls for potential contaminating factors such as
work (three items, ␣ ⫽ .76; example item: “My manager helps me territory size (Churchill, 1979). Sales representatives’ quotas are annually
understand how my objectives and goals relate to that of the Company”), set by a consulting company, in conjunction with corporate sales manage-
(b) fostering participation in decision making (two items, ␣ ⫽ .92; example ment, and are based on market information and company records. Quotas
item: “My manager makes many decisions together with me”), (c) express- are discussed with sales representatives, to ensure that the representative
ing confidence in high performance (two items, ␣ ⫽ .90; example item: understands the methods used to set his or her annual quota.
“My manager believes that I can handle demanding tasks”), and (d)
providing autonomy from bureaucratic constraints (three items, ␣ ⫽ .86;
Analytical Procedures
example item: “My manager allows me to do my job my way”). These
scales were developed on the basis of the conceptual work of Conger and For use in the structural model tests, each of the constructs was repre-
Kanungo (1988) and the empirical work of Hui (1994) and Thomas and sented by a single factor score. This strategy acts to minimize the number
Tymon (1994). The scales were adapted to a pharmaceutical sales context of parameters that need to be estimated in the structural models and
with item stems referring to managers’ behavior toward a sales represen- simplifies the examination of interactive effects (see details below). Using
tative. An unrestricted maximum-likelihood factor analysis of these sub- AMOS (Version 4.02), we first fit a linear effects model, which amounts
scales revealed a single underlying dimension of empowering behaviors. to the hypothesized model depicted in Figure 1 minus the two interactions
Therefore, we averaged the four scale scores to create a single composite (i.e., Hypotheses [Hs] 11 and 12). This model was fit in order to test the
score that exhibited an alpha of .88. linear relationships between LEB and self-efficacy (H1) and adaptability
Self-efficacy was measured using an eight-item scale developed by Jones (H2) as well as between employee empowerment readiness and self-
(1986). Items focused on the extent to which employees felt confident efficacy (H11) and adaptability (H12).
about their job skills and capabilities (␣ ⫽ .63; example item: “My job is To test the interaction effects, we mean-centered both LEB and em-
within the scope of my abilities”). ployee readiness (by virtue of using factor scores) so as to reduce effects
Adaptability was measured using a shortened version of the adaptive of multicollinearity. We then calculated a multiplicative interactive term
selling scale originally developed by Spiro and Weitz (1990). Weitz et al. between the two variables and fit a second model that included this product
(1986) defined adaptive selling as “the altering of sales behaviors during a as an antecedent of both self-efficacy and adaptability. Because the linear
customer interaction or across customer interactions based on perceived effects model is nested in the hypothesized model, a significant chi-square
information about the nature of the selling situation” (p. 175) and as change between them indicates that one or both of the interactions are
consisting of three components: (a) the motivation and confidence to significant (Cortina, Chen, & Dunlap, 2001; Mathieu, Tannenbaum, &
practice adaptive selling, (b) the ability to practice adaptive selling effec- Salas, 1992; for details about this procedure).

Table 1
Means, Standard Deviations, Reliabilities, and Correlations

Construct M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Leadership empowerment behavior 6.06 1.32 .88

2. Employee readiness 0.00 0.76 .01 .80
3. Interaction term 0.00 1.00 ⫺.01 ⫺.06 .70
4. Self-efficacy 5.59 0.63 .17 .32 ⫺.19 .63
5. Adaptability 5.66 0.48 .22 .09 ⫺.28 .39 .77
6. Sales service quality 5.51 0.99 .01 .04 .11 .07 .15 1.00
7. Performance 91.70 54.59 .06 .04 .04 .21 .21 .27 1.00

Note. Reliabilities for each measure are on the diagonal. N ⫽ 231. For correlations ⱖ兩.13兩, p ⬍ .05; for correlations ⱖ兩.17兩, p ⬍ .01.

Finally, we considered potential model revisions by following the pro- dropping the self-efficacy 3 customer satisfaction and adaptabil-
cedure prescribed by Perdue and Summers (1991). Specifically, we first ity 3 job performance paths from the model, none of the direct
removed nonsignificant relationships from the hypothesized model. Next, effects from LEB or employee empowerment readiness to either
we relaxed each omitted structural path, one at a time, to test whether any job performance or customer satisfaction were significant.
significant direct effects from either LEB or employee empowerment
To interpret the nature of the two interactions, we plotted them
readiness on either job performance or customer service satisfaction were
using standard practices for moderated regression analyses (Aiken
evident. To gauge model fit, we report the comparative fit index (CFI;
Bentler, 1990) and the root-mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA; & West, 1991). Specifically, using the information from the hy-
Steiger, 1990). The CFI values greater than or equal to .90 have been pothesized model analyses, we plotted the relationship between
considered indicative of good fit (Medsker, Williams, & Holahan, 1994), LEB that correspond to the average, low (1 standard deviation
whereas RMSEA is a measure of the average standardized residual per below the mean), and high (1 standard deviation above the mean)
degree of freedom, with values less than or equal to .08 considered a values of the employee empowerment readiness moderator. The
“relatively good fit for the model,” and values less than or equal to .10 results using self-efficacy as a dependent variable appear in Figure
considered “fair” (Browne & Cudeck, 1989). We also report chi-square 3, whereas the results using adaptability as the outcome variable
values that provide a statistical basis for comparing the relative fit of nested appear in Figure 4. Contrary to our expectations, in both instances
the positive slope for LEB was steepest for the low readiness
employees and was flat (for efficacy) and slightly negative (for
Results adaptability) for the high readiness employees. Notably, however,
Table 1 contains correlations and descriptive statistics for all the intercepts and average values of both outcomes were substan-
study variables. The linear effects model exhibited a poor fit, tially higher for the high readiness employees as compared with
␹2(8) ⫽ 28.63, p ⬍ .001 (CFI ⫽ .83, RMSEA ⫽ .11). Notably, average or low readiness employees.
however, the linear effects of LEB on self-efficacy (H1; ␤ ⫽ .169,
p ⬍ .05) and adaptability (H2; ␤ ⫽ .168, p ⬍ .05) were both Discussion
significant and in the hypothesized direction. The linear effect of
employee empowerment readiness on self-efficacy was also sig- The topic of leader empowerment has received and continues to
nificant, as hypothesized (H9; ␤ ⫽ .318, p ⬍ .05), although its receive considerable attention in both the academic and popular
relationship with adaptability was not significant (H10; ␤ ⫽ press. One issue that has been discussed theoretically, but until
⫺.028, ns). now has remained largely untested, is whether to apply empow-
As depicted in Figure 2, the hypothesized model fit the data erment uniformly or differentially across employees. Our research
quite well, ␹2(6) ⫽ 8.18, ns (CFI ⫽ .98; RMSEA ⫽ .04), and was sought to address this question by examining the role of employee
a significant improvement over the linear effects model, ⌬␹2(2) ⫽ readiness and its impact on the influence of LEB. To our knowl-
20.45, p ⬍ .001. Notably, the interaction related significantly to edge, this research is the first to examine the role of salespeople’s
both self-efficacy (H11; ␤ ⫽ ⫺.161, p ⬍ .05) and to adaptability knowledge and experience in the form of employee empowerment
(H12; ␤ ⫽ ⫺.222, p ⬍ .05).1 Moreover, the relationship of readiness as a moderator of LEB. As hypothesized, an interaction
self-efficacy with adaptability (H5; ␤ ⫽ .339, p ⬍ .01) and with between employees’ readiness and LEB was found using both
job performance (H3; ␤ ⫽ .160, p ⬍ .05) were both significant and self-efficacy and adaptability as dependent variables. However, the
in the hypothesized direction. Alternatively, self-efficacy evi- nature of the underlying relationships was opposite of what we
denced no significant unique relationship with customer service
satisfaction (H4; ␤ ⫽ .014, ns). As hypothesized, salespeople’s 1
Note that if one decomposes the employee readiness index into sepa-
adaptability exhibited a significant relationship with customer sat-
rate knowledge and experience variables, the interaction of knowledge is
isfaction (H6; ␤ ⫽ .147, p ⬍ .05) yet not with job performance significant for both self-efficacy and adaptability ( p ⬍ .01), and the
(H7; ␤ ⫽ .115, ns). Finally, as hypothesized, customer satisfaction interaction of experience is significant for adaptability ( p ⬍ .01) but not
evidenced a significant positive influence on job performance (H8; self-efficacy, although the latter is in the same direction. The forms of the
␤ ⫽ .241, p ⬍ .05). In sum, as shown in Figure 2, 7 of the 10 linear individual interactions parallel those reported here for the composite index.
hypotheses were supported. As for any model revisions, even after Further details are available from the authors.

Figure 2. Results of hypothesized model. N ⫽ 231. aValues from the linear effects model. *p ⬍ .05.

anticipated. Our expectations were (as consistent with popular Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effective-
belief) that more ready individuals (i.e., those with higher levels of ness Through Situational Leadership, in which these authors reit-
job knowledge and experience) would be better suited to be erate that claim. The present research suggests that, in fact, those
empowered by a sales manager than would less ready salespeople. at lower rather than higher levels of development are those best
It is surprising that our findings actually demonstrate that LEB suited to benefit from leader empowerment. This contradiction has
exercises a greater effect on employees with lower knowledge and many obvious implications given that most textbooks in the areas
experience. of both sales management as well as human resources present this
As seen in Figures 3 and 4, it is evident that LEB enhances proposed model as fact.
self-efficacy and adaptability in salespeople with low readiness, There are several possible explanations for this finding. For
whereas there was no effect on salespeople with high levels of example, salespeople with greater experience and knowledge may
readiness. From the standpoint of a sales manager, it appears as already be set in their ways—for example, routinized in their
though there is relatively little to gain by empowering salespeople schedules and workplace behaviors; empowering them may thus
with high levels of experience and knowledge. It may well be that have little or only marginal benefit. Alternatively, those with less
these people have enacted an effective role and will gain little from experience and knowledge may be seeking inspiration from their
leader efforts. Alternatively, perhaps LEB may serve a developmental leaders, and LEB may embolden them, encourage them, and make
function for less experienced and knowledgeable salespeople. Koz- them feel as if their new managers trust their ability to get things
lowski, Gully, Salas, & Canon-Bowers (1996) have argued that func- done their way.
tional leader behaviors are most critical for individuals, or teams, who
These outcomes lead to an increase in sales service satisfaction
are still developing their roles in the organization. Therefore, although
and increased job performance. Hartline and Ferrell (1996) re-
we had approached this work as though LEB would be perceived
ported similar findings and speculated that as boundary-spanning
more as liberating than developmental, perhaps these actions serve a
employees become more confident in their abilities to serve cus-
wider purpose than initially believed. Certainly, this remains a ques-
tomers, they become more proactive and persistent. Sujan et al.
tion for future research to explore.
(1994) reported that individuals with higher levels of self-efficacy
will put forth greater effort. As a result of this, highly self-
Managerial Implications efficacious individuals may be better able to handle the difficulties
Our findings contradict theoretical work by Hersey and Blan- inherent in their jobs, thereby leading to greater job performance.
chard (1982), in which they suggested that employees at high Our study also demonstrates that self-efficacy increases adapt-
developmental stages are the ones most likely to respond favorably ability above and beyond the direct effects of leader empower-
to empowerment-like management. More recently, over 10 million ment. Some general explanations for this finding are that sales-
customers purchased Blanchard, Zigarmi, and Zigarmi’s (1999) people often find themselves in selling situations that are specific

tomer satisfaction and sales performance were measured from

separate sources, suggests that our primary findings are not overly
susceptible to method effects.
Another limitation relates to additional potential mediators of
the self-efficacy influences. Whereas we found support for adapt-
ability as a mediator of the influence of self-efficacy on customer
satisfaction, and thereby on job performance, most certainly, other
intervening variables are operative as well. In other words, the
direct effect of self-efficacy on job performance is likely to be
mediated by factors such as the amount of effort expended by
salespeople as well as their persistence in the face of challenges.
Although the exclusion of such variables is not likely to confound
our present findings, including them in future research would help
to illuminate the underlying processes linking self-efficacy with
Figure 3. Moderating effect of employee readiness on self-efficacy. Ave. important job outcomes. Given the critical linking role that self-
⫽ average. efficacy plays in our leader empowerment by employee readiness
interaction, this looks to be a ripe area for future research. We
should add that our efficacy measure was less reliable than we
to the customer. An increase in a salesperson’s self-efficacy in- would have preferred, and some scale development work in this
creases his or her belief in being successful within the selling area is warranted as well.
situation. This feeling of success allows the salesperson to be more This work suggests several other potentially fruitful directions
comfortable and to use selling techniques that may not be typically for future research. For example, our model is not exhaustive in
used. In short, confident salespeople will be more willing to considering all of the possible antecedents for self-efficacy and
innovate and try different approaches on the fly than will less adaptability. Future research may further expand the scope of
confident people. This adaptability in the selling approach will potential antecedents such as the influence of teammates, technol-
then provide the customer with a greater level of satisfaction ogy, the competitive sales environment, and so forth. Also, our
because sales become more tailored and aligned with the custom- study should be replicated within other industries and organiza-
er’s particular needs and wants. tions, in order to further examine the generalizability of our results.
Finally, the results of our study demonstrate the importance of Further, our findings focused on the role of dyadic leader–member
sales service satisfaction and its effect on job performance—an relationships. Whether these findings hold for average leader-
area that has received much discussion but has previously been behavior–member-reactions relationships is an open question. Fi-
underresearched. Companies and sales managers must be commit- nally, any additional research that helps to develop employee
ted to engaging in activities that will increase customers’ sales readiness and to examine its effects on other constructs would be
satisfaction level. LEB is one avenue that sales managers need to worthwhile. For example, we suspect that there are important
consider, given the potential for improving sales service personality attributes, such as one’s openness to experience, that
satisfaction. may predispose people to welcome empowerment. One’s cognitive
ability may well play a role in terms of enabling sales represen-
tatives to thrive in an empowered setting (Dunning, Johnson,
Limitations and Future Research
Ehrlinger, & Kruger, 2003). Moreover, research that examines
Although the data used here were from multiple sources and, as whether the employee readiness construct has similar interactions
such, overcome many of the biases found in single-source studies,
there are several limitations that should be noted. First, having
salespeople self-report on LEB raises a general concern that those
salespeople with little experience may not fully understand
whether a sales manager’s current behaviors are empowering. It is
also possible that salespeople with longer experience, who have
developed leadership substitutes, may not fully realize when a
manager is empowering them. Second, the fact that the perceptions
of LEB, self-efficacy, and adaptability all came from salespeople
naturally raises concerns about the influence of method bias in our
results (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, & Podsakoff, 2003). Whereas
method bias may have inflated the magnitudes of the linear effects
that were observed, our primary hypotheses focused on the inter-
active effects. Evans (1985) conducted an extensive Monte Carlo
study regarding whether method variance might generate artifac-
tual interactions and concluded that “the results are clear-cut.
Artifactual interactions cannot be created; true interactions can be Figure 4. Moderating effect of employee readiness on adaptability. Ave.
attenuated” (p. 305). This, in combination with the fact that cus- ⫽ average.

with employee training as it does with LEB would be a strong social exchanges, and empowerment. Academy of Management Journal,
contribution to the literature. We hope that our research provides 46, 591– 607.
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address these issues. keting constructs. Journal of Marketing Research, 16, 64 –73.
Conger, J. A. (1989). Leadership: The art of empowering others. Academy
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