Applied Energy: K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta

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Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

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Kinetics of synergistic effects in co-pyrolysis of biomass with plastic wastes T

K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA


• Examined co-pyrolysis of
propylene, polyester and poly-

carbonate with biomass.

• Co-pyrolysis synergistically lowered
char yield in TGA.
• Distributed activation energy model
was used to convert DTG to E based a
• Polyester and polypropylene synergy
proposed to be via physical interac-
• Polycarbonate proposed to chemically
interact with biomass lowering Ea.


Keywords: Co-pyrolysis of pinewood and different kinds of plastic wastes in different mass fractions using polypropylene
Lignocellulose (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PETE), and polycarbonate (BPC) were investigated. The results compared with
Polycarbonate the pyrolysis of individual components revealed non-additive synergistic effects from co-pyrolysis. Differential
Polyethylene terephthalate thermography (DTG) results showed enhanced decomposition peaks of biomass along with longer evolution of
syngas and decreased peak of plastic polymers using BPC or PETE. Char residue was non-additively reduced by
Distributed activation energy model (DAEM)
some 5% (dry wt. basis) using PP and BPC, and by 2–3% using PETE when pyrolyzed with biomass. This suggests
Synergistic co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastics
increased carbon conversion efficiency and volatiles yield during co-pyrolysis compared to individual compo-
nent pyrolysis. First order distributed activation energy modeling (DAEM) with 5 pseudo-components revealed
that the synergistic effects of biomass with PP or PETE were mainly due to physical nature of the polymers as
observed from increased activation energy bandwidth of biomass decomposition. BPC and pinewood mixtures
showed an overlap in their activation energy distribution between 100 and 150 kJ/mol. This overlap caused the
set of reaction with similar energetics to mutually interact chemically and enhance the composite mixture
pyrolysis. Activation energy of BPC in the presence of pinewood was reduced by some 50 kJ/mol compared to
individually examined polymer decomposition. The observed quantitative synergistic kinetics results in co-
pyrolysis of biomass-plastic wastes mixtures as compared to individual component pyrolysis provide vital in-
formation towards the development of feed-flexible, clean pyrolysis and gasification system for efficient fuels

1. Introduction and enhanced lifestyles means sole dependence on fossil fuels alone are
not sustainable as these resources are limited and also cause anthro-
Continuously increasing energy demands due to growing population pogenic global warming [1]. Increase in solid wastes generation, a

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.K. Gupta).
Received 31 October 2017; Received in revised form 13 February 2018; Accepted 27 March 2018
Available online 30 March 2018
0306-2619/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

result of growing population and enhancing lifestyle, provide carbon propylene pyrolysis [12–14]. Synergistic effects resulting in non-ad-
negative or neutral hydrocarbon energy resources that can be converted ditive increase in syngas and H2 yields were also observed from co-
to energy to help address issues on both energy needs and waste dis- gasification of pinewood with different types of plastics including
posal. Of the total plastic resin produced in the USA, 85% (50 mil- polyethylene, polypropylene, PETE, polycarbonate [15–17]. Enhanced
lion tons) is from thermoplastic polymer production and 15% from syngas and hydrogen yields from steam gasification and bio-oil yields
thermoset polymer production [2]. Major thermoplastics includes from fast pyrolysis of biomass-plastic blends were demonstrated in
polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), fluidized bed and fixed bed reactors [18–26]. Investigations into the
polystyrene (PS) and others such as polyethylene terephthalate (PETE), influence of synergistic effects of co-pyrolysis on the pathway, the ki-
and nylons. The thermosets include polyurethanes, epoxy and other netics of conversion and products evolution along with intermediates
thermosets. Plastics are used mostly in packaging. Approximately, speciation are essential to further our knowledge on understanding the
municipal solid wastes contribute to 33 million tons of plastic wastes exclusive pyrolysis of biomass (lignocellulose) and plastic materials.
generation and collection. Plastic in the municipal solid waste is only TGA conversion of lignocellulosic materials was modeled by dif-
about 13%. 75% of that plastic waste generated end up in landfills. The ferent types of models, of which, distributed activation energy model
rest is either recycled or combusted for energy recovery [3]. These (DAEM) stands out due to its ability to consider the effect of varying
plastic wastes are rapidly filling up landfills since they are not biode- activation energy distribution, depending on the types of bonds present
gradable. They possess heterogeneity, which lead to low degree of re- in the feedstock [4,27,28]. While DAEM is a parallel reactions model,
cycling value, low economic value, and pose challenges in their se- other models which consider an aggregate of sequential and parallel
paration from the other waste stream. Estimating in terms of energy degradation pathways such as Broido-Schafizadeh scheme, were also
units, assuming waste plastic heating value to be that of PETE, 2.8 investigated in the literature [29]. A comparison of different reaction
quads of energy equivalent is being dumped to landfills. This means pathway models and fitting using genetic optimization algorithm, using
significant portion of fossil fuel energy, such as, natural gas and cellulose was discussed in Ref. [29]. A derivation of DAEM (formulation
naphtha, used for synthetic polymer production, are dumped to land- given in Section 2) is used in this paper to represent the contribution of
fills as plastic wastes. This causes unsustainable imbalance in the pro- individual components in both naturally mixed materials of only lig-
duction-disposal cycle considering continuously increasing plastic de- nocellulose materials and also artificial blends of biomass-plastic mix-
mands. This can be circumvented if these landfill-destined plastic tures. This will help provide quantitative differences in gasification of
wastes (no net economic value in recycling) can be converted to energy individual components compared to biomass-plastic blends [30]. This
or fuels or to some intermediates such as syngas for their use in che- has motivated us to use DAEM for all mixtures but with a higher
micals and petrochemicals. Due to the ease in generation and short number of pseudo-components.
carbon cycle, biomass and other lignocellulosic wastes (such as agri- This paper examines kinetics of co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastic
cultural wastes, paper wastes and yard wastes) are sustainable and also wastes using different types of plastics. Pinewood was chosen here as
carbon neutral/negative sources which along with plastic wastes can be the lignocellulosic biomass material. Recycled polymer pellets of black
converted to sustainable clean syngas energy [4]. polycarbonate (BPC), polyethylene terephthalate (PETE), and poly-
Thermochemical conversion techniques such as pyrolysis and gasi- propylene (PP) were chosen for the plastics since they vary in their
fication can provide an ideal pathway for fuels production from the monomeric O/C content, energy content, and the linking bonds. While
biomass and plastic wastes. They involve thermal decomposition of BPC and PETE contain aromatic content, they vary in the polymer
solid carbonaceous materials to form gases with medium to high linkage but PP is significantly different from these two as it has no
heating value. Depending on the temperatures chosen, the gaseous aromatic content and the polymeric linkage is between CeC bonds.
products (also referred to as syngas) that evolve include H2, CO, CO2, Investigations were carried out using TGA to understand the influence
CH4, C2H6 and trace amounts of other higher series of hydrocarbons. of heating rates, composition of plastics in the mixture on the activation
Kinetics of biomass decomposition was examined using thermogravi- energy, reaction rates and contributions of individual components. The
metric analysis (TGA) and pathways using micro-pyrolyzer. The de- goal was to help assist in determining the importance of blending
composition products were analyzed using mass spectroscopy (TGA- biomass with plastics in terms of the enhanced carbon conversion,
MS), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), gas-chromato- volatiles yield, and increased reaction rate which are important for the
graphy (TGA-GC or TGA-GC/MS) [4–6]. Syngas or liquid yields ob- development of energy efficient large scale, feedstock flexible pyrolysis
tained using fixed bed, and fluidized bed or lab scale semi batch re- and gasification reactors for continuous operation irrespective of the
actors provided quantify the product syngas yield for different feedstock composition. These studies are aimed at fostering energy
feedstocks and operational conditions [7–9]. sustainability in the energy future from increased use of waste plastics
In-situ FTIR studies of lignocellulosic wastes revealed that at initial and municipal solid wastes.
temperatures between 473 and 673 K, the peaks of OeH, CeOH, CeH,
and C]O increased, but as the temperature increased, C]O and CeH 2. Methods and materials
decreased to form CO and CO2, while CeC decreased to form CH4 and
CeH decomposed to form H2 [3–8]. In the case of plastic wastes, the 2.1. Experimental method and materials
composition of product yield depends significantly on the monomeric
structure of these plastics – straight chains yielded H2 and hydrocarbons Exclusive and co-pyrolysis of pinewood with BPC, PETE and PP was
[10], while aromatic and CeOeC linked polymers yielded CO, CO2 and examined using TGA (TA Instruments SDT Q600) with horizontal bal-
char so that aromatics were involved in decarboxylation, dehydration ance, which was equipped for simultaneous thermogravimetric analysis
along with rearrangement reactions. Molecular pathway modeled for and differential scanning calorimetry (TGA-DSC). See Fig. S1, for
decomposition of different types of plastics is given [11]. schematic of the equipment. For all the investigations 10 mg of sample
Interest in co-pyrolysis and co-gasification of different types of was used. The sample was dried at isothermal conditions of 383 K for
biomass and plastic wastes has increased due to common availability of 10 min in the TGA before ramping to higher temperatures. Chemically
these feedstocks in wastes. Co-pyrolysis of cellulose and polypropylene pure argon at 100 sccm flowrate was used as the purge gas for all the
showed activation energy reduction and revealed lowered char yield experiments. Experiments were conducted in an alumina pan, wherein
from co-pyrolysis compared to individual pyrolysis. This was attributed a thin layer of the sample was laid for even reaction kinetics. In all the
to H-abstraction in polypropylene leading to radical formation from experiments, different blends of biomass and plastic mixtures were
cellulose and OH from cellulose reacting with polypropylene oligomer heated from 383 K to 1273 K at constant heating rates of 10 K min−1. In
radicals to form long chain alcohols along with biomass char catalyzed order to understand the influence of ramp rate, pyrolysis of individual

K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

components at different heating rates of 10 K min−1, 20 K min−1, and m (T )−m (To)

α (T ) =
30 K min−1 were also conducted. Pinewood samples were crushed to m (Tf )−m (To) (1)
sizes < 100 µm, while PP, and PETE were crushed to sizes < 400 µm.
BPC was sliced into very thin pieces. Multiple runs were carried out by ∞ T ki E∗
αi (T|ki,Fi (E )) = 1− ∫0 exp ⎜⎛− ∫T exp ⎛− ⎞ dt ⎟⎞ Fi (E ∗) dE ∗
changing the way of mixing biomass with plastics to eliminate the in- ⎝ o β ⎝ Rt ⎠ ⎠ (2)
fluence of mixing on the co-pyrolysis kinetics. Since the biomass par-
ticle size was less than 100 µm, the effect of size and diffusion limita- dαi (T|ki,Fi (E )) ∞ ki E∗ T ki E∗
= ∫0 exp ⎛⎜− − ∫T exp ⎛− ⎞ dt ⎞⎟ Fi (E ∗) dE ∗
tions on the kinetics were negligible so that the measured kinetics dT β ⎝ RT o β ⎝ Rt ⎠ ⎠
corresponded to the actual chemical kinetics. Effect of mixing was (3)
neither expected nor observed as the polymers investigated were n
thermoplastics and melted before initiation of biomass decomposition dαsample (T ) dαi (T )
= ∑ wi
making the size of plastics used as insignificant. Biomass-plastics mix- i=1 (4)
tures with plastic content of ∼25%, ∼50% and ∼75% (with respect to
dry initial weight), after the isothermal drying at 383 K for 10 min, were 1 (E −Eoi )2 ⎞
Fi (E|Eoi,σi ) = exp ⎜⎛− ⎟
investigated to understand the effect of plastic content on the sy- 2π σi ⎝ 2σi2 ⎠ (5)
nergistic effects. n
∑ wi = 1
i=1 (6)
2.2. Distributed activation energy model (DAEM)

This model is a lumped kinetic model, which was formulated as dT


dα (T | k ,E ,σ )
∑pp= 1 ⎡ i dTi oi i − ( dT )
dαi (T )

ex ⎦
Obj (ki,Eoi,σi ) = 100 ⎛ ⎞
decomposition via large number of parallel and mutually exclusive ⎝ dα ⎠m np (7)
reactions represented by a continuous distribution of activation energy
To evaluate the experimental dα/dT ((dα/dT)ex), m(Tf) was chosen
and same frequency factor for each set of reactions. Conversion (α), in
to be the mass at 1173 K from the TGA results while m(To) was chosen
Eq. (1), can be represented by the aggregate from the set of parallel
to be the mass of sample after drying for 10 min at 383 K. To obtain the
reactions in Eq. (2), whose activation energy distribution is F(E); R
corresponding parameters for a 5 component DAEM at each of the ex-
being universal gas constant, ko – frequency factor, T – temperature, β –
amined conditions, the objective parameter as in Eq. (7) was mini-
heating rate, and E – activation energy. In this paper, we fit the ex-
mized. The complexity of this objective function due to its discrete and
perimental DTG (differential thermogravimetry), or the rate of con-
non-linear nature requires an efficient minimization algorithm for this
version with temperature (dα/dT) represented in Eq. (3) which is ap-
single objective, and single constraint problem. In this paper, non-
propriate for the representation of characteristics of feedstock
dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) was used for this con-
decomposition. Eqs. (2) and (3) correspond to the assumption of 1st
strained minimization [31]. Bounds of the model parameters were set
order reactions which is appropriate for the materials used in this
to Eoi ∊ [100, 400] kJ/mol, σi ∊ [0,50] kJ/mol, and ko ∊ [1010, 1020] s−1
paper. Generic nth order formulation of DAEM can be found in Ref.
and wi ∊ [0,1] along with constraint as in Eq. (6). Maximum population
[30]. DAEM based DTG as in Eq. (3) represents set of reactions for
of 700 and generations of 400 were required in certain cases to mini-
decomposition of single component i. In the literature, lignocellulosic
mize the objective function below 4%. The parameters obtained cor-
biomass is represented by the weighted sum of three sets of reactions
responded to normalized objective function minimized to less than 4%.
(n = 3) each of whom is governed by its own frequency factor ki, and
Since this function also represents the average deviation of the model
activation energy distribution Fi(E) weighed by wi as in Eq. (4), but for
from experimental values as used in Ref. [32], the max. error from these
plastic waste pyrolysis, a maximum of two components are sufficient
model parameters was less than 4%.
for accurate representation. So, for the blends of biomass and plastic
wastes in this paper, each of the tests are fit to a five component model
3. Results and discussion
with each component represented by a Gaussian distribution for acti-
vation energy controlled by two parameters Eoi and σi, and frequency
3.1. Individual pyrolysis of plastics and biomass
factor ki as in Eq. (5). As in Eq. (4), for a five component model, n = 5
and weights wi (i = 1,2, …, 5). These weights are normalized so that
TGA evaluation of the three different plastic polymers used were
the constraint in Eq. (6) is valid to maintain that the five components
first conducted in solo (individually without any blends with the bio-
add up to the total/ feedstock decomposition.
mass). In this section, we focus on gaining insight into pyrolysis of

Fig. 1. Progress of (Left) conversion (α), and (Right) the rate of conversion (dα/dT) in polypropylene pyrolysis at different heating rates (β).

K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

different types of polymers, their transition peaks and rate of decom- occurs in parallel with breaking of the aromatic structure to release H2
position. and lower molecular weight hydrocarbons. The char formed by the end
The pyrolysis of polypropylene decomposition is reported first. of PETE pyrolysis is high, around 15% of the dry initial weight, com-
Fig. 1(a) shows non-isothermal conversion of PP pyrolysis as in Eq. (1) pared to PP. Cyclization followed by dehydrogenation is favored due to
with temperature while Fig. 1(b) reveals the rate of conversion with the presence of benzyl intermediates, which due to their relatively
temperature at different heating rates. From these figures, one can see higher stability, increases the favorability of this pathway causing
that the contribution of PP to pyrolysis reaction starts at around 700 K eventually larger amounts of char formed.
and peaks at 730 K for β = 10 K min−1. The peak in Fig. 1(b) is ap- The evolution of BPC pyrolysis characteristics from the TGA ex-
parent to be symmetric, which signifies that PP pyrolysis can be con- periments, for the conditions as given above, are presented in Fig. 3(a,
structed by a narrow range of reactions. This is expected because of PP’s b). The peak of BPC pyrolysis varied from 761 K to 804 K by varying β
relatively simple monomeric structure, which means a less variety in from 10 K min−1 to 30 K min−1 while the height stayed at 0.022 K−1.
the type of bonds present. Almost all of the synthetic polymers were Unlike PP and PETE pyrolysis characteristics, the start of BPC decom-
proposed to decompose via radical mechanism. CeH bonds of primary, position was gradual, as shown in Fig. 3(a), while the end of BPC
secondary and tertiary C atoms, and CeC σ are the only bonds present pyrolysis, similar to PETE pyrolysis, was gradual. The presence of
that makes probability distribution in bond selection for radical for- benzyl groups in BPC backbone structure makes the latter part of BPC
mation or breakage. Since the char formed from polypropylene pyr- pyrolysis similar to PETE pyrolysis causing benzyl radical driven sta-
olysis is very low (∼2% of the dry initial weight), this means that its bility and its associated pathway for charring along with a later peak of
radical mechanism is very rapid and the formation of lower hydro- pyrolysis as compared to PP and PETE. From Fig. 3(b), we can also see
carbons is favored by more breaking of CeC bonds than the breaking of that the initial portion of BPC pyrolysis starts slowly reaching a local
CeH bond. The invariance in the shape and height of the peaks in the plateau in dα/dT for β = 10 K min−1 at around 700 K. This means in-
rate of pyrolysis with respect to heating rate also supports the absence itially the ester portions of the chains break to form oligomers followed
of structural and shape effects of the sample chosen. The peaks, al- by the decarboxylation and dehydration to release CO and CO2 starting
though were invariant in shape and height maintained at 0.026 K−1, from its earlier phase [34]. This continues gradually, owing to re-
shifted by a well-known phenomenon of temperature lag that is caused arrangements and decarbonylation along with carboxylation. This leads
by material decomposition in the TGA at high heating rates. The peak to the formation alcohols and phenols from the loss of CO as seen by
temperature moved from T = 730 K to 746 K as the heating rate (β) evolved gas analysis [34], followed by the parallel pathways of aro-
moved from 10 K min−1 to 30 K min−1. These results were used further matics breaking to form hydrocarbons and H2 along with char forma-
to investigate the effect of lignocellulosic content on polypropylene tion from cyclization and aromatization.
pyrolysis. Exclusive pyrolysis of pinewood for different heating rates is shown
Pyrolysis of PETE under similar conditions was also conducted to in Fig. 4(a, b). The complex aggregate of hemicellulose, cellulose and
obtain the pyrolytic characteristics of pure synthetic polymers before lignin present in pinewood makes the pyrolysis more distributed
mixing with any lignocellulosic material. Fig. 2(a, b) shows the evolu- starting at 500 K and continuing until 670 K. The decomposition peak
tion of PETE pyrolysis conversion and its rate with temperature at shifts from 634 K to 650 K with increase in heating rate from
different heating rates. The temperature of peak height varied from 10 K min−1 to 30 K min−1. Initial decomposition starts with dehydra-
697 K to 716 K with increase in β from 10 K min−1 to 30 K min−1. The tion, followed by decarboxylation and decarbonylation. This evolves
peak height was maintained at 0.024 K−1 with no significant effects of H2O, CO, and CO2 starting the pyrolysis of pinewood. Decomposition of
increase in heating rate. Although the start of conversion in Fig. 2(a) anhydride saccharides is a complex process evolving methane and other
was sharp from around 650 K, the end had a gradual path to reach hydrocarbons. Apparent lignin decomposition starts later than cellulose
complete conversion that ranged from 710 K to 850 K. This asymmetry and hemicellulose contributions and continues until the end of pine-
can be explained from a much wider variety of bonds present for radical wood pyrolysis. Lignin consisting of phenyl ether bonds break to release
formation unlike PP. Literature reveals that as the conversion of PETE phenols and benzyl compounds with carboxylic acid functional groups.
progresses, the net aromaticity of the sample increases from the loss of These phenols can cause heavy molecular weight molecules to form due
less strong aliphatic bonds [33]. The breaking of ester functional groups to stability of the phenolic intermediates. Detailed pathways of lig-
attached to benzyl portion will lead to the decomposition of polymer nocellulosic materials is not the focus of this paper and can be found in
core and release of CO2 via decarboxylation. In parallel with ester re- detailed reviews [4,35].
arrangements, the broken linkages form carbonyl groups, which de-
composes to release CO. This is followed in parallel by cyclization and
aromatization via H abstraction leading to char formation, which

Fig. 2. Progress of (Left) conversion (α), and (Right) the rate of conversion (dα/dT) in polyethylene terephthalate pyrolysis at different heating rates (β).

K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

Fig. 3. Progress of (Left) conversion (α), and (Right) the rate of conversion (dα/dT) in polycarbonate pyrolysis at different heating rates (β).

3.2. Co-pyrolysis of plastics with biomass found to increase the stability of the composite due to diffusional lim-
itations [14]. This reveals that the presence of aliphatic hydrocarbon
Co-pyrolysis of biomass (pinewood) with different kinds of plastics based synthetic polymers, although can enhance the product quality
and different compositions of the blends were used to understand the when co-pyrolyzed with biomass due to their role as H-donor, it cannot
mutual synergistic interaction and its effect on the pyrolytic behavior of necessarily be observed with all kinds of lignocellulosic materials.
the ensemble sample. Different types of plastics were mixed with Comparison between charcoal-PP and wood-PP blends, similar to the
pinewood in different mass ratios. The plastic content in these blends observations here, showed significant enhancement in PP pyrolysis in
were 25%, 50% or 75% with respect to the total dry mass of the sample. the presence of charcoal but since formation of char from the wood was
Since all the synthetic polymers chosen in this study were thermo- delayed and overlapped insignificantly on the PP pyrolysis peak, such
plastic, they melt without change in the composition before significant effect was not profound with the wood-PP composites [13]. So, sy-
decomposition characteristics occurs. This makes these pyrolysis results nergistic effects from the addition of PP to lignocellulosic content were
invariant with respect to the method of mixing biomass with each of the mainly catalytic and the interactive effects cannot be observed from
plastics as the melted polymer will evenly mix with the biomass sample. DTG comparisons.
The DTG (dα/dT) of co-pyrolysis results were compared with the Fig. 6(a) shows a comparison of char residue formed from co-pyr-
weighted addition of DTG of the individual components when pyr- olysis of PP with pinewood as well as weighted aggregate of the char
olyzed separately. The weights for this will be their respective initial residue formed from the pyrolysis of individual components. The
mass content in the initial dry sample. This comparison will reveal the weights of this aggregate were chosen to be their respective initial mass
presence of mutual interaction on a heterogeneous scale involving the content in the dry composite sample. The results reveal that even
solid sample in the holder with its components and also the evolved though the comparison of the rates of pyrolysis showed no synergistic
volatiles so that the results will signify the importance of co-pyrolysis as effects, the net carbon conversion to gases/vapors or the formation of
compared to individual component pyrolysis. char residue was significantly affected compared to individual compo-
Co-pyrolysis DTG of PP with pinewood along with the DTG com- nent pyrolysis. PP pyrolysis provided relatively low char residue com-
puted from the weighted aggregate of DTGs of individual component pared to biomass pyrolysis. But when combined, this PP addition en-
pyrolysis is presented in Fig. 5(a–c). PP pyrolysis with biomass reveals hanced the biomass pyrolysis causing an increase in the net carbon
that such mutual interaction was not significant from these experi- conversion of the biomass to volatiles and gases, thus lowering the net
ments. The enhancement of co-pyrolysis of PP with wood derived ma- char residue. The explanation showing increased stability of PP/wood
terials was mainly attributed to char formed from the wood mixed [18]. composites as discussed above supports the rationale here. The PP melt
As the char formed from the wood based materials was before the start that forms at biomass pyrolysis temperature range, before PP pyrolysis
of PP pyrolysis, it acted as a catalyst in the enhancement of PP cracking peak, provided an ideal H-donor rich phase/platform for the decom-
[13]. Under certain ratios, addition of wood based materials to PP was position of biomass. This was not observed in DTG because the

Fig. 4. Progress of (Left) conversion (α), and (Right) the rate of conversion (dα/dT) in pinewood pyrolysis at different heating rates (β).

K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

Fig. 5. DTG of co-pyrolysis of PP with pinewood for plastic content of (by dry initial wt) (Left) 25.5%, (Middle) 53.3%, and (Right) 77.1%.

interaction between biomass and PP did not increase the net evolution decreasing the plastic polymer peak and increasing the biomass de-
rate of volatiles from biomass. Instead it provided a platform which composition peak. BPC flows above 420 K, and mixes evenly with the
enhanced volatiles formation but they did not escape the PP melt and biomass before start of the biomass decomposition. Such a fluidic phase
instead stayed in the sample holder and reacted with the PP to help enhances biomass decomposition especially the cellulose and lignin
decompose. The radicals stabilizing them with the oxygenates from the contributions. BPC decomposition tends to produce more phenols via
biomass formed long chain alcohols when PP acted as H-donor to en- removal of CO and CO2. Favorability of such a pathway can be en-
hance hydrogenation of biomass volatiles [14]. hanced in the presence of biomass by forming stable phenolic inter-
The DTG of co-pyrolysis of PETE synthetic polymer with biomass, mediates with the lignin portion that also mutually enhances biomass
for different plastic content conditions, is presented in Fig. 7(a–c), along conversion and breakdown to form low molecular weight aromatics
with the DTGs of individual component. Influence of synergistic effects which can form as volatiles thus aiding in avoiding or decreasing char
was apparent using PETE and it can easily be seen in Fig. 7(a, b), unlike formation. This is apparent from Fig. 6(c) that shows lowered char
PP. Addition of PETE to biomass increased the rate of volatile evolution formation via co-pyrolysis with most synergy corresponding to plastic
during biomass decomposition and lowered the peak corresponding to content of 55.1% by wt. causing reduction in char by some 10%. Cel-
PETE pyrolysis compared to the weighted DTG. Lignin contribution lulose dehydration can also be enhanced in the presence of BPC via
from the biomass spread over wide range of temperatures and its radical stabilization which favors functional groups leaving easier to
phenolic ether content can interact with the benzyl ester intermediates form low molecular weight aromatics, hydrocarbons and stable gases,
formed from PETE polymer de-linkage. These intermediates can react to such as CO, H2O and CO2. Future studies using in-situ FTIR along with
form more stable intermediates, thus improving the energetics and evolved gas analysis are needed to provide more insights into such
enhance the probability of proceeding in such a pathway. Also, the proposed mechanism on the synergistic effects during co-pyrolysis of
carboxylic acid and ester intermediates from PETE can also stabilize by BPC with pinewood.
interacting with the carbonyl groups which tend to form from cellulose
and hemicellulose dehydration. It is conjectured that the pyrolysis of
PETE occurs via anhydride formation. Such an anhydride can easily 3.3. Co-pyrolysis kinetics of biomass and plastics: distributed activation
form in the presence of biomass leading to increased overlap region and energy model (DAEM)
lowered peak region. Detailed pathway design for such synergy needs
further investigations to further enhance our knowledge on the reasons Distributed activation energy model (DAEM) was used for fitting the
or pathways for enhanced biomass decomposition. Residues from co- DTGs of pyrolysis of biomass and plastics and compared with the fitting
pyrolysis of PETE with pinewood shown in Fig. 6(b) also reveal the parameters when fitted to co-pyrolysis of biomass with different plas-
presence of synergistic effects, which enhance the net carbon conver- tics. This modeling analysis can be represented as the transformation of
sion and lower the char formation compared to the char yield from the DTGs (dα/dT vs. T) into an activation energy plane where the
individual component pyrolysis. pyrolysis is represented by the distribution of activation energies of
Co-pyrolysis of BPC and pinewood was conducted, similar to the reactions required to recreate such a DTG evolution. Such analysis
other polymers. The obtained DTGs results shown in Fig. 8(a–c) are for provides valuable insight into the pyrolysis kinetics of different mate-
different plastic contents. Synergistic effects appear to provide similar rials revealing the number of lumped sets of reactions that are involved
effect as for PETE but more significantly using BPC in terms of by the number of pseudo-component contributions required, as well as
the activation energies of these reactions. The number of pseudo

Fig. 6. Comparison of char residue from the co-pyrolysis of pinewood and (Left) PP, (Middle) PETE, (Right) BPC with weighted aggregate residue of individual
component pyrolysis.

K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

Fig. 7. DTG of co-pyrolysis of PETE with pinewood for plastic content of (by dry initial wt) (Left) 25.6%, (Middle) 55.1%, and (Right) 75.9%.

component contribution also points to the direction of providing insight pseudo component reaction sets that each material’s DTGs can be de-
into possible variation in the reaction mechanism by co-pyrolysis or the constructed into. Lignocellulosic content usually needs three compo-
presence of additional sets of intermediates changing the reaction nents, but here only 2 components contributed to major dimensionality
pathway. Such analysis can be done by comparison of the product of the of pinewood decomposition. PETE pyrolysis was unquestionably re-
weighted coefficient (wi) and the activation energy distribution (Fi(E)) presented by only one pseudo component, while PP pyrolysis needed
of that component. In this paper, all the conditions were modeled with two, and BPC pyrolysis needed three. The requirement of two compo-
a 5 pseudo-components DAEM model formulated for 1st order reactions nents for PP pyrolysis means that the pathway of PP involves two kinds
as given in Section 2.2. of parallel reactions, which may be depolymerization of straight chains,
Initially, the DAEM was fit to the DTGs of individual component and decomposition of cyclic oligomers formed via rearrangement. Only
pyrolysis of pinewood, PP, PETE, BPC. Then, the DAEM was fit to co- one component for PETE may mean that its pyrolysis was pre-
pyrolysis of biomass with plastics for PP, PETE and BPC but for only one dominantly depolymerization along with dehydration and decarbox-
condition of plastic content (∼50%) which is representative of most of ylation and the reverse reaction of char formation reactions and de-
the observed synergy. The objective function, which is also the average composition of char precursors was negligible. Three components
deviation function, was minimized to below ∼3% for optimal fitting of required for BPC could mean three important degrees of BPC decom-
the model to the experimental results. An ensemble of the comparison position pathways. The chemistry based evidence and detailed insight
of experimental and DAEM fits for DTGs of individual component need further spectroscopic analysis of the intermediate formation, but
pyrolysis is given in Fig. S2 and that of co-pyrolysis in Fig. S3. The fits mathematically, these number of pseudo-components are sufficient to
seem good along with minimized error function. This model fitting represent their individual component pyrolysis.
provides 19 independent parameters: 5 average activation energies, 5 An examination can be made with similar plots for weighted dis-
standard deviations of activation energies, 5 frequency factors, and 4 wt tribution of activation energy for co-pyrolysis of pinewood with plastics
coefficients (5 parameters-1 constraint) for each of these conditions. All (PP, PETE, and BPC) with plastic content maintained at ∼50% (by wt).
parameters obtained from these fits for all the conditions examined here Comparing these distribution plots for co-pyrolysis with individual
are given in Table 1. In comparison with the literature for pinewood component pyrolysis showed significant change in the dimensionality
parameters, the activation energy obtained here was lower (around of the progress of pyrolysis.
∼115 kJ/mol). This was due to the multi-component analysis including Considering the co-pyrolysis PP with pinewood, major contributors
5 components unlike contemporary DAEM that has 3 components along to individual component pyrolysis in PP were sharp peaks at ∼150 kJ/
with higher pre-exponential factor compared to that reported in the mol and ∼290 kJ/mol while for pinewood the sharp peak was at
literature [30]. 120 kJ/mol. But, co-pyrolysis of PP with pinewood yields the dis-
To obtain further insights into capturing the synergistic effects tribution plot to have only one relatively sharp peak and the rest were
through modeling using DAEM, weighted activation energy distribution four broadband peaks. The sharp peak of component 5, in PP co-pyr-
plots were obtained which showed qualitative contributions of each of olysis in Fig. 10, was the same as the contribution from individual
the pseudo components to the total reaction, as well as their activation component pyrolysis of PP. But, increase in the bandwidth of the peaks
energy distribution. This provided an ease of comparison between the near 120 kJ/mol, that corresponded to pinewood pyrolysis (hemi-
individual and co-pyrolysis in a better way. Fig. 9 shows the weighted cellulose and cellulose contributions), with co-pyrolysis with PP is at-
activation energy distribution for individual component pyrolysis of PP, tributed to diffusion limitation caused by melted PP on the pyrolysis of
PETE, BPC and pinewood. From these results one can see the number of biomass. Such melt layer may make it harder for the volatiles to escape,

Fig. 8. DTG of co-pyrolysis of BPC with pinewood for plastic content of (by dry initial wt) (Left) 25.8%, (Middle) 52.7%, and (Right) 76%.

K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

Table 1
The model parameters of fitting 5 component DAEM to different test conditions.
Conditions/parameters PP PETE BPC Pinewood PP + pinewood (PC = 53.5%) PETE + pinewood (PC = 55.1%) BPC + pinewood (PC = 52.7%)

w1 0.278479 0.886518 0.494847 0.115383 0.686518 0.495137 0.31513

log10(k1) 19.62178 19.78553 19.74798 19.13028 19.71414 19.80857 19.5538
Eo,1(kJ/mol) 294.6186 283.9846 106.7707 249.6783 115.2244 104.1409 256.8524
σo,1(kJ/mol) 0.260168 0.464766 5.78994 31.81549 9.19728 11.03705 0.728195

w2 0.620726 0.001089 0.234733 0.055094 0.041583 0.174444 0.069354

log10(k2) 19.75968 19.98671 19.79914 19.70685 19.62004 19.36958 19.46091
Eo,2(kJ/mol) 144.5534 225.749 308.9391 259.7614 230.2309 282.0462 295.1342
σo,2(kJ/mol) 1.579064 14.92504 0.944787 3.309829 13.09986 2.069264 10.59886

w3 0.004595 0.042311 0.202258 0.174004 0.060238 0.149033 0.402197

log10(k3) 19.02551 19.87671 19.61238 19.87366 19.61032 19.48113 19.99216
Eo,3(kJ/mol) 254.0624 296.7188 101.2259 114.7557 253.3057 102.4293 105.1171
σo,3(kJ/mol) 1.079549 1.974273 3.23945 0.113522 8.532685 16.42085 1.334832

w4 0.07959 0.054975 0.048899 0.098707 0.135762 0.045478 0.155127

log10(k4) 18.41941 18.8941 19.62783 19.50846 19.73246 19.85004 18.86997
Eo,4(kJ/mol) 106.7109 101.4071 281.1065 240.7975 132.4266 253.3976 259.7742
σo,4(kJ/mol) 10.85662 1.258487 6.48519 13.20037 7.95762 1.229381 28.1447

w5 0.01661 0.015107 0.019263 0.556812 0.075898 0.135907 0.058192

log10(k5) 19.83368 19.76509 19.99989 19.67842 19.43628 19.8137 19.63283
Eo,5(kJ/mol) 100.4273 347.9207 278.1216 112.5191 295.1534 262.7415 264.88
σo,5(kJ/mol) 6.037555 22.26847 8.045865 0.804945 0.644517 30.9098 30.8388

Obj (%) 2.9 2.5 3.01 2.1 2.18 3.28 3.48

Fig. 9. Weighted activation energy distribution from DAEM of individual component pyrolysis at 10 K min−1. Legend represents the pseudo component. Top left: PP,
Top right: PETE, Bottom left: BPC, and Bottom right: Pinewood.

K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

Fig. 10. Weighted activation energy distribution from DAEM of co-pyrolysis at 10 K min−1. Legend represents the pseudo component. Top left: PP, Top right: PETE,
Bottom: BPC.

as proposed in [14], and thus increasing their residence times and in- with that of pinewood decomposition peaks. This leads to variation in
teraction with the solid/melt phase components in the sample holder. significant mutually reacting pyrolysis that enhance the reaction rates
This limitation also enhanced the contribution from the decomposition by narrowing of the distribution peaks. Also from Figs. 5–7, BPC co-
of lignin, which may be represented by either component 2 or 3. The pyrolysis with biomass showed significant enhancement in the pyrolytic
significant mathematical insights gained from these plots enables one to behavior compared to other plastic-biomass blends. This provides an
hypothesize the synergistic reaction pathways that helps to improve important conclusion that the overlap of temperatures in decomposi-
understanding of the chemistry from intermediates/radicals detection. tion of biomass and plastic is not sufficient to have profound synergistic
Comparison of PETE co-pyrolysis distribution results in Fig. 10 with pyrolysis, but overlap of distribution peaks in activation energy plane
individual component results in Fig. 9, reveals broadening of the bio- for the plastic and biomass are necessary for such chemically interactive
mass peaks, similar to that observed in PP co-pyrolysis. The explanation synergistic effects.
for broadening is similar to that of PP pyrolysis, which is from the PETE The above results signify the important advantages of co-pyrolysis
melt causing diffusion difficulties for the volatiles formed to escape and of biomass with plastic wastes. The kinetics study adds to the existing
thus enhance their reactivity and PETE radicals formed earlier. A pe- literature on the conversion of individual components for fuel and en-
culiar sharp and significant peak corresponding to component 4 and an ergy production. The synergistic enhancement in both the efficiency of
enhanced broadband peak of component 5 refers to increase in the carbon conversion due to mutual interaction between biomass and
dimensionality of PETE pyrolysis when mixed with biomass. This sharp plastic wastes was observed and quantified using DAEM. The DAEM
peak can be from the decomposition of intermediate radicals that form proved to be an effective mathematical tool in transformation of TGA
by volatiles interacting with PETE oligomers. On a chemistry scale, the data into an activation energy distribution plane, which provided better
complexity of PETE and biomass pyrolysis increased non-additively insights into the pyrolytic behavior than direct comparison of mass loss
compared to when pyrolyzed separately and the increased set of reac- or conversion along with providing mathematical deconvolution of
tions are of decomposition of strong intermediates corresponding to the synergistic behavior. Transformation of the DTG data of biomass and
component 5 broadband, and a decomposition of highly reactive in- plastic pyrolysis into a distributed activation energy plane showed that
termediates corresponding to component 4. interaction between PETE and biomass, and PP and biomass is majorly
Co-pyrolysis of BPC with pinewood changed the distribution plot in due to physical nature of the polymer and not from diffusion limitation.
a different way compared to PP or PETE with pinewood. Unlike the Co-pyrolysis with polycarbonate showed that such physical phenom-
previous plastics, BPC co-pyrolysis did not significantly broaden the enon was not the only way for the synergistic effects. Activation energy
peak bandwidths. Instead, the peaks of 100–150 kJ/mol narrowed from distribution of polycarbonate and biomass individual component pyr-
BPC individual component pyrolysis shown in Fig. 10 and interacted olysis overlapped so that when they were co-pyrolyzed, similar en-
with the peaks from biomass pyrolysis to collapse into a single sharp ergetic sets of reactions interacted chemically and mutually to enhance
peak. Along with this, the sharp peak of BPC at 310 kJ/mol shifted to their reaction. The enhanced kinetics due to synergistic behavior makes
significantly lower activation energy of ∼260 kJ/mol when co-pyr- co-pyrolysis an effective pathway for thermochemical conversion of
olyzed with pinewood. Of the tested plastics, only BPC’s individual biomass and plastic wastes for the production of clean energy. The
component distribution plot, shown in Fig. 9, has peaks that overlap degree of synergistic influence can be directly seen from the enhanced

K.G. Burra, A.K. Gupta Applied Energy 220 (2018) 408–418

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